whosplayerthree · 4 months
Creature guy in cartoons being paired off with a clone of himself that just has eyelashes and maybe boobs slapped on his design, so they'll have a (hetero) love interest: [happens]
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Creature guy in cartoons being paired off with a creature gal of the same species, but her design is far more humanoid and curvy/skinny, and her eyes are bigger and nose and mouth is smaller, and if the guy didn't have hair she sure does: [Happens
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depthnessingsweet · 2 years
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onryou-onryou · 5 months
Inrain - Grow
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freelancerwork90 · 1 year
Stormwater recharge and management are crucial strategies to address urban flooding and water scarcity. These practices involve collecting and directing excess rainwater to recharge aquifers, preventing runoff, and mitigating flooding. Proper management systems ensure sustainable water resources, environmental protection, and resilient urban planning in the face of climate change.
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inrainsblog · 1 year
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ hey, that’s not fair! i’m this close to beating your highscore, and i know you’re just trying to distract me now by bringing up threesomes,” the werewolf growls, agile fingers rapidly pressing the buttons of his nes game controller. “ i mean, come on, there’s no way you’d actually do that.”  // @inrains​ 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“It’s so dumb.” Leon groaned a bit, laying down on one of the padded benches at the back of Euan’s boat. Thankfully they were docked somewhere that seemed to be completely empty. This was probably the best way both Euan and Leon had to get out of town for when they needed a break. Especially when both of them had their secrets they kept from pretty much everyone. “I just... told him. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now that I have though.” The alpha let out a heavy sigh, turning his head to look at Euan. “So, we both know we like each other, leaving me with three options. I could find my own place and tell my parents the complete truth. I could try and ask him to keep it a secret for awhile. Or, I don’t do either and I just keep being a dumbass.” The alpha raised a brow at Euan. “Any suggestions?”
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hydrangca · 3 years
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“Are you that shocked I’m not coming in order to buy?” There was a moment of silence following Eva’s question, before the dark haired beta let out a giggle. “Ah, I know, I’m hilarious.” She grinned, her tone a teasing one as she went to sit next to Sehun. “Anyways, how have things been lately? I heard you got yourself a boyfriend.”
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disfunctionaltm · 3 years
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    “iris, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for for a while. at least when it comes to me.” dakota took a deep breath. "i kinda want to get a make over. i managed to save up enough money for at least two outfits from here. nothing too drastic though, please. baby steps."    / @inrains​
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ofwolfandmuse · 3 years
Closed Starter for @inrains​
After receiving a very cryptic message on their answering machine at their home, Bo knew that they had to meet Sehun whenever they could. Sure, they knew that the guy didn’t have to be as cryptic with his message as he had been - their moms knew very well about their extracurricular activities (and they may or may not grew more than just fruits on their farm) - but they understood why he did. Couldn’t be too careful, right? Still, the second that they understood what it was he was trying to say, they were quick to drive the beat-up pick-up to Sehun’s place.
“So, you have some new stuff?” they asked once they were inside, hands in their pockets before they turned to look at the male with an arched brow.
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acallosity · 3 years
@inrains​ || knox & daphne
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“It was more of an educational tour so I didn’t get to hunt around very long,” Knox explains as he hands over the one shell he’d deemed worthy enough to bring back to the she-wolf; a hawkwing conch. “I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten you one of these before but it was in too good of a condition to pass up. The color’s different anyway.”
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cfmoonlvght · 4 years
&&. Callum + Iris ( @inrains )
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“Come on, Thor. It is way too early for your dramatics,” Callum huffed out as he peered down at where his dog had stubbornly flopped down, refusing to move another step. It never failed; the lanky german shepherd and boxer mix always tried to tap out just minutes into their morning run. “The faster we make it back home, the faster I can make us some breakfast.” At the mention of food, the pup’s ears twitched, but he made no move to stand until a figure approached. Unabashedly eager to great the other and distract Cal in the process. The Alpha turned to see who had snatched Thor’s attention and smiled sheepishly at the other wolf. “He really knows how to work his angles, doesn’t he?”
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freelancerwork90 · 1 year
Rainwater harvesting vendors in Delhi and Gurgaon play a vital role in water sustainability. These experts offer services to capture, store, and manage rainwater efficiently. From system installation to maintenance, they contribute to water conservation, reducing the burden on traditional water sources and promoting environmental responsibility
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ wait, winter is pregnant?? that’s... that’s wow. are you like, totally sure about that?” riley gasps, puppy eyes wide as saucers, completely taken aback by the news. “ well, um, congrats? or... or not? sorry, sorry, i’m not sure what to say to that! i mean, how do you feel about it?” // @inrains​ 
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rcsemallow · 4 years
@inrains​ ( sora )
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“Sora, you’re staring.” Rae looked back at the other, her hands lifted to her ears to change out her earrings. “Do you feel okay?” The beta couldn’t help but ask the other woman, raising a brow as she carefully pushed her dark hair back behind her ears. The tight dress that Mirae wore clung to her as she walked towards the other and sat down. “I know it was last minute about borrowing some jewelry for that work party. I just wanted to look half decent. I’m just glad it’s over.” Admittedly she might have also wanted to show off the tight dress to the other, hoping to get some sort of reaction from her. “I think the dress was a bit much though.” Rae let out a soft laugh, brown eyes focused on the omega.
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