rcsemallow · 3 years
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Becky G
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“this is what sexy is” – jaemin
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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murky galaxy 같은 내 맘이
wind blows ♡ 210218 ♡ gahyeon
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“The Rainbow Lounge?” Indigo asks curious, “I haven’t been there, alright - sounds decent enough. I’ll buy the first round if you tell me what’s gotten in you mood to drink?”
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“Hm...” Katsuo takes a moment to think about the offer of the first round being paid for. “Well, I can’t turn down a free round.” The omega mused, chuckling softly before letting out a small sigh. “It’s just work. Like, as hot as my new boss is, he’s so uptight.” He explained, a small frown on his face. “How about you? Anything to drink about? Or are you just coming along to drink because you can?” 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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       “i’m stella, by the way,” the beta replies, her smile growing a bit as she notes the flush on the other wolf’s cheeks. “wanna go get something to eat and get to know eachother better? my treat, of course.”
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Her blush grew even more at the offer from the other, swallowing hard before giving a small nod. “Yeah, sure! Sorry, I’m just a little surprised since I don’t think I’ve seen you around town before. Then again, I guess I don’t go out as often as a fair amount of people.” She admitted with a soft giggle, biting at her lip right after. “Did you have anywhere in mind?”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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       “the title of my new series is called ‘phantom touch’,” andrew answers, focusing his gaze on the female sitting in front of him with his head cocked slightly. this woman is very bold and he can’t decide if he likes that. “it’s about someone longing for their passed on lover and imagining their touch all over their body.”
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Luciana nodded her head gently, a look of thought on her face. “That sounds pretty sensual. Not that it’s a bad thing.” The beta replied, adjusting herself on the seat she was in. “I guess I can see how that would work. The lingering touches and things like that. Are you just looking for one person, or two people for the photos? Just asking out of curiosity.” 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
Leon knew he was probably rambling, though he only stopped speaking once he felt Ellis press their finger to his lips. Admittedly, his eyes grew a bit wider for a split second, his mind going blank except for his thoughts about Ellis’ body. Giving a very small nod, he didn’t say anything as Ellis gently pushed him to lay back. The moment he felt the other kiss him, his worries were quickly replaced with lust, kissing the other eagerly in return. The tone of the younger’s voice was one Leon had been dying to hear since he realized how he felt about Ellis. 
“Fuck...” Leon groaned against the beta’s lips, hands moving to grip Ellis’ waist firmly. He trusted Ellis, and Ellis trusted him. There was no reason for Leon to keep trying to filter himself. “Some of the time. I’ve thought of plenty of other things I’ve wanted to do with you.” He replied, a hint of a smirk on his face. Leon’s cock was already hard due to his rut, though the feeling of Ellis on top of him only aided in that. “I’ve thought about fucking you, and about you fucking me. Fuck, Ellis.” He growled, a hand leaving the other’s hip to grab at the beta’s hair, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“is a drive home bad? no, not unless you count the time and gas wasted after closing. he could’ve at least asked you before, so you wouldn’t be guilted into taking him home,” deva remarks, an iced coffee in hand. “but  —  you’re telling me about it.” she narrows her eyes, “so something must not have felt right. otherwise, it would’ve just been annoying, not memorable.”
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“It really isn’t anything.” Mirae quickly replied, though that gave away how something actually might have happened. Realizing that, the pink haired omega let out a small sigh, shaking her head. "Nothing happened. It was just that he had some kind of... weird vibes? Kind of creepy vibes, if I’m being honest. He just asked stuff about if I had a partner and some questions about my past relationships.” She admitted, blushing a bright red. “Like I said though, it really isn’t important.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“ uhuh, the truth usually is,” beau responds, once again rolling his eyes at the bad theater happening in front of him. this receptionist is quite a character, not exactly someone he would have hired personally. “ and maybe you just need to learn to mind your own business, if you want to keep your job. as far as i can see, you’re quite replaceable, so i suggest you stop pushing my buttons,” beau scrunches up his features in disgust at the sexual remarks. it’s not like he’s a prude, by any means, but his sex life, or lack there of, isn’t something he feels comfortable talking about, especially with one of his employees. “ besides, i feel like you might be projecting there. unlike you, i’m not a slave to my urges, omega,” beau remarks, folding his arms across his chest. “ ah, so that’s the reason why we haven’t had many guests lately. are you as ‘personable’ with them as you are with me, katsuo?” 
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There was a soft exhale from the omega as it hid a chuckle, finding himself biting at his bottom lip to keep from responding automatically. Raising a brow at the man, Katsu folded his arms over his chest. “No offense, but I don’t think I’ve very replaceable when you can barely keep employees paid. No one new would work here knowing what’s going on. You have to know that much, at the very least.” He pointed out. Katsu was never one to be ashamed of his sex life, though, the words from Beau admittedly irritated him. It was easy to keep the sly smirk on his face though, giving no indication of his distaste. “Actually, I’m not. A lot of people have come here since I got hired and actually like me because I’m nice to them. Not because I sleep with them. I’ve actually never slept with a guest either, because I prefer to have a job.” The omega shrugged his shoulders before walking back behind the desk. “Also, I think you’re the one projecting if you’re going to blame me for the lack of guests.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“And where exactly are we going?” Indigo asks, after a beat of consideration - he wasn’t exactly in a position to turn his nose up at any offer of distraction. “I hope it’s not Vinny’s.”
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“Vinny’s isn’t exactly the place I’d go just for drinks.” Katsu pointed out, humming softly to himself in thought. “I haven’t gotten to the Rainbow Lounge very often. We can get some drinks there?” The omega looked over, raising a brow at Indigo. “Unless you have somewhere better in mind, that is.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“ these…? are you out of your mind, katsuo?” puppy eyes widen as they catch a glimpse of the provocative black lace, leaving very little to the imagination. “ this is overdoing it, don’t you think? i… i don’t even know if daniel is into that sort of thing. he’s…” vesper hesitates, heat flushing into their cheeks. “ impatient. very much so. clothes normally don’t stay on for long, ” they sigh, shaking their head as the other presses the items to their chest. “ besides, i thought we were shopping for you? why don’t you try it on instead, mhm? it will look a lot better on you, i’m sure.”  
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Katsu rolled his eyes at the response from Vesper, just before shaking his head gently. “Vesper, aren’t you the engaged one here? Don’t you want to celebrate that with Daniel? You only need to get one set.” When the other mentioned their experience with Daniel, Katsu frowned a bit. “Okay, okay, no need to rub it in you’re getting laid more than I am right now.” He huffed, pushing Vesper closer to the changing rooms. “If you don’t want to try it on, then you have to at least let me measure you so I can make sure you have the right size.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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julian gaped at the stranger, momentarily feeling like a deer caught in headlights at the mention of vesper’s name. “i’d like to think i’m a pretty cool dude,” he answered, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. “our parents are pretty shitty, though, vesper’s right about that. but i’m currently living with them and daniel. so i guess that must indicate we’re on good terms.” julian felt his shoulders relax as he explained himself, feeling oddly comfortable with the omega. if vesper trusted him enough to open up about their family, he could too. “nice to meet you, my name’s julian — i’m vesper’s little brother. i don’t think he has mentioned you yet, though. but then again i haven’t asked them about their friends either.” 
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Katsu gave a nod as the younger explained they were staying with Vesper and Daniel, a small smile appearing on his lips. At least Vesper had one member of his family he could talk to. “I’m pretty sure it does. If Vesper wasn’t fine with it, I doubt Daniel would be okay with you being there.” He explained, trying to reassure them a bit. Though, hearing Vesper hadn’t mentioned him to their brother made Katsu frown a bit. “Ah, well, hopefully you two will get to talk and catch up about things.” He let his frown fade back to a smile, tilting his head slightly in the direction behind him. “Do you like coffee or tea? Since you’re new, you’ll have to find a favorite place to get food or drinks. It’ll be my treat.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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It was both a good and bad habit to go to the art gallery and look at all the pieces that were displayed. In a way, they made her want to work towards getting better so her own art could be shown at galleries. However, they also discouraged her in some ways, making her feel her art would never get to that level. There had been small whispers in the gallery about the artist of a couple pieces was there, which helped catch Rae’s curiosity. She took advantage of seeing someone talking to the man who had to be the artist, deciding to make her way over once that person left. “Hi!” Mirae smiled at the man, glancing towards the wall and back to him. “Aarav Jani, right? You made these?” She pointed a bit to the wall of art. “They’re all really nice. Especially the color scheme on the middle one.” She mused, just before realizing she hadn’t introduced herself. “Sorry, I should have introduced myself first. I’m Mirae. I just tend to come here a lot.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
@rcsemallow​ / andrew & luciana.
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       “if i heard right - you want to be my model for my next series of works? you are aware that i paint erotic art.. correct?”
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Unable to help it, Luci let out a soft giggle before nodding her head. “I’m aware. I work at the gentlemen’s club in town, meaning I’m far from shy about erotic photos.” She explained, a smirk on her lips before she hummed in thought. “So, I didn’t see what the new series is supposed to be about. I’m curious as to what it is though.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
@rcsemallow​ / stella & mirae.
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       “this might be weird to hear from a stranger but you’re really pretty and your outfit is super cute.”
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“Oh!” Mirae looked down at her outfit, hardly remembering what she put on after what felt like a ridiculously long day. Looking back up at the other woman, she smiled warmly. “Thank you! That’s sweet of you to say. You’re very pretty too.” The omega felt how her cheeks heated as she blushed softly. 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
@inrains​ // deva
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“Don’t give me that look!” Mirae pouted as she whined at Deva, brown eyes focused on the other intently. “I was just trying to be nice. He just started at the lounge, so I felt bad he couldn’t call a taxi to go home. Is it that bad I offered drive him home?” The pink haired omega slowly let her gaze drift from Deva, looking down at her half empty cup of tea on the coffee table before her. “He didn’t even flirt with me or anything.” Then again, Deva would be one of the ones to know how bad Rae was at being able to tell someone was flirting with her. She really didn’t think the co-worker she helped out was though. “It might have been a bit out of the way, but it’s not a big deal.”
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