#(   𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼  )   /   *   katsuo   .
rcsemallow · 3 years
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“I’m just saying, it’s pretty ridiculous. There’s no way that frog would make it across that highway.” Katsu had the day off, which usually meant he needed to amuse himself before he could go to a bar to get a drink or some company for the night. He was watching one of the other patrons play Frogger as he leaned against the prize counter with Opal. “Like, that frog is screwed.” 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
@pcmegranate​ // beau​
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“Lucky for you, I didn’t have plans for once.” Katsu was still in a navy colored suit, leaning against the registration desk as he spoke to Beau. Normally there weren’t many receptionists during the night, however, one of the two had called out sick. Thankfully, Katsu had his night free and offered to help. Plus, the paycheck would look a lot nicer from helping overtime. The omega let out a soft sigh to himself before looking up towards the clock. “You should be asleep. You shouldn’t have to stay awake to call your boyfriend because of timezones.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
@pcmegranate​ // vesper
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“Now go back there and try them on!” As much as Katsu tried to make his words a whisper, they didn’t seem to come out as quietly as they could’ve. He nudged Vesper forward to the dressing rooms, pressing some of the items he picked out to the other’s chest. However, the items were ones that mainly only Daniel would see. “Relax, I’m not going to go in with you either. Also, I’m buying them, so no one will be curious. Not the first time I’ve bought that kind of stuff from here.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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"I’m just saying, we both seem to need a drink and I know where we can get some alcohol in our systems.” Katsu explained, running a hand through his blond locks. “I mean, I’m going regardless. So, are you coming with me?”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“Why are you smiling like you just got laid?” Katsu raised a brow, going silent for a moment before groaning in annoyance. “I called you two hours ago. How the hell is that even possible? Are they still at your place? Or are you just relying on quickies?” 
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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"... Wait a minute. You're Vesper's brother?" Katsu raised a brow, looking the younger up and down in slight disbelief. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to like you or not. Vesper made it seem like their family was awful to them. Though, I guess that could mainly mean parents." The omega bit at his bottom lip, thinking back if Vesper ever mentioned their brother. "Sorry, I'm sort of thinking out loud." Katsuo let out a small, almost nervous chuckle. "I'm Katsu. I'm a friend of Vesper's."
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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“So, you and Vesper are actually getting married.” It was a bit strange to think of, honestly. It wasn’t anything about the two wolves. It was mostly Katsu not understanding why someone would commit to a relationship. Either way, he was still happy for his best friend. “Do you two have a time frame of when you want to get married?”
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