#( ╳┊❝ Photo: Alfred of Wessex ❞. )
lordxbebbanburg · 1 year
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Introducing Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Dane | Lord of Bebbanburg | Warrior |  Married to Alfred of Wessex
( ╳┊❝ Int: Uhtred of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Photo: Uhtred of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Musing: Uhtred of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Headcanon: Uhtred of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ About: Uhtred of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtred & Alfred ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtred & Sihtric ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtred & Leofric ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtred & Finan ❞. )
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ancestorsalive · 3 days
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Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, who passed away in 918. Her nephew Aethelstan, future king of all England, looks up at her.
"Aethelflaed was one of three daughters of Alfred the Great, and her name meant "noble beauty". She married Aethelraed of Mercia at some point during the 880s and while this union meant a strong alliance between Wessex and Mercia the pair embarked on a "Mercian revival" with the city of Worcester at its centre.
When Aethelraed died in 911 after years of ill-health Aethelflaed remained as Lady of Mercia and held this position until her death, making her the only female ruler of a kingdom during the entire Anglo-Saxon era. The only compromise she made was to agree to her brother Edward, now king of Wessex, taking some of Mercia's southern lands under his control.
Their father Alfred the Great had fortified dozens of Wessex towns as "burhs" and Edward continued this work, connecting his burhs with those in Mercia to represent a united front against viking incursions, and it wasn't long before this was put to the test.
A force of vikings, pushed out of Ireland, landed in the mouth of the Dee after unsuccessfully trying to take land in Wales, and asked Aethelflaed if they could settle for a time outside the old Roman walled town of Chester. Permission was granted but the Norsemen raided and robbed the area at will so Aethelflaed led a force to shut them down. She had Chester fortified and waited for the inevitable viking attack, it came and was repulsed, the Scandinavian chancers sent packing in complete disarray.
This same Norse army was brought to battle at Tettenhall near Wolverhampton where Aethelflaed's forces destroyed them. The writing was now on the wall - the vikings had to go. Together with Edward she raided deep into Danelaw territory on a mission to rescue the bones of St Oswald - who had been killed and ritually dismembered by the pagan king of Mercia Penda - from a church in Lincolnshire then brought the relics down to Gloucestershire where a new church was built to house them...more on that presently.
The burhs continued to be built, and the Dane strongholds fell as Aethelflaed campaigned hard against them. Her forces defeated three Norse armies before finally taking the city of Derby, then Leicester, before the Danes of York came to her to pledge their loyalty. The vikings in Anglia capitulated to Edward and so all of England south of Northumbria was now back under Anglo-Saxon rule.
Aethelflaed died at Tamworth in 918 and so will be forever associated with the town, but she was carried down to Gloucestershire to be buried in the church she had built for St Oswald. Unfortunately the monastery there fell into decline over the centuries, was dissolved in 1536, then almost completely destroyed during the English Civil War. Nobody knows where Aethelflaed's resting place is now, but the ruins of St Oswalds are as good a place as any as a pilgrimage destination for those wishing to follow in the footsteps of the Lady of Mercia." - Source: Hugh Williams via Medieval England on FB.
Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed and Aethelstan at Tamworth Castle, by EG Bramwell, unveiled in 1913.
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
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Ok, i’m in love with this <333
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aelfred · 4 years
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ferdiawalshpeelo: Vikings 6B hitting your screens later this  year. Be prepared for the wrath of Alfred 2.0! Photo brought to you by the legend @alexhoeghandersen
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therealcalicali · 6 years
King Alfred
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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Introduccing Alfredito of Wessex.
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Christian | Saxon | King of Wessex
( ╳┊❝ Int: Alfred of Wessex ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Photo: Alfred of Wessex ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Musing: Alfred of Wessex ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Paring: Alfred & Katia ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Paring: Alfred &  Athelstan ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Paring: Alfred & Daenerys ❞. )
( ╳┊❝ Paring: Alfred & Uhtred ❞. )
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tsukkinami · 4 years
TLK No-Canon November Prompt List
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Hey everyone! I want to first thank everybody who has made TLKtober content using this prompt generator. You are all amazing and I am delighted and overwhelmed by the feedback and the amazing work you’ve all done! Thank you so much!
I am coming back at you with another prompt generator for the month of November, the ideas for which came with help from the lovely For Wessex discord server. The theme for this month will be, as the title suggests, all about Alternate Universes! The dice have changed a bit since last time, which I’m hopeful will offer some more variety in terms of combinations!
How it works: Use a die with the appropriate number of sides or a random number generator online to determine your 1. Character, 2. Universe they are set in, 3. Theme of the piece, and 4. Vibe or mood of the piece (Ex. I rolled a 9 for my Character, an 11 for my Universe, a 4 for my Theme, and a 3 for my Vibe, so I would make content for Hild in a Detective/Criminal Universe in a domestic moment with a haunting vibe)
Like before, all forms of content are acceptable for this prompt list! This includes art, writing, moodboards, drabbles, photo/video edits, etc.! The more content the better. Please tag all content made with both #tlk nov AND #tlk monthly if you use it! 
@maggiescarborough @minimartian @lauwrite1225 @poguesmaybank @cocchamscrew @seaberrycloudberry @queerbroceliande @crubdraws @othermoony @bird-on-a-wire20 @sihtric @hislivinglegacy @finantheagile @bobbibirdofafeather @raincityruckus @for-bebbanburg​ @whenimaunicorn​ @aadmelioraa​ @volvaaslaug​ @nxrdist​ @emberoflife​ @rileybots​
[Photo ID under the cut]
[Start ID: An image titled “TLK Monthly Prompt Generator: No Canon November
d20 - Characters
1. Uhtred 2. Aelswith 3. Sigtryggr 4. Stiorra 5. Skade 6. Thyra 7. Aethelflaed 8. Leofric 9. Hild 10. Osferth 11. Sihtric 12. Alfred 13. Aldhelm 14. Finan 15. Aethelstan 16. Iseult 17. Edward 18. Ragnar 19. Beocca 20. Steapa
d12 - Universes
1. Modern 2. Fantasy 3. Pirate 4. Vampire 5. Sci-fi 6. Roleswap
7. Soulmate 8. Period Drama 9. ABO 10. Bodyswap* 11. Detective/Criminal 12. Canon Divergent
d8 - Theme
1. Secrets 2. Magic 3. Enemy 4. Domestic 5. Drama 6. Slice-of-Life 7. Reflection 8. The End
d6 - Vibe
1. Powerful 2. Intimate 3. Haunting 4. Calm 5. Hostile 6. Sweet
End ID]
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the-romantic-lady · 4 years
Favorite English Royal Dynasties
Ok, everyone. Time to rank your favorite dynasties in British royal history. I am focusing more on England as that is my expertise. Feel free to include Scottish, Welsh or Irish dynasties of which I need to learn more about!!!
1- Plantagenets
My absolute favorites. Drama, intrigue, love, passion, hatred. Even with hundreds of years between us and them, they manage to have such interesting stories. Amazing characters all of them. One day I hope to make a Manga based on them. Still under works though lol. Their men and women were all just so unbelievable but real at the same time. I like to think they were all an extreme of human emotions. Just fascinating. Also just my opinion but they were the hottest dynasty too.
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2-House of Windsor
Ok, I know they are technically Hanovers but women don't matter so here we are. I think the Windsors are a nice balance. We have had drama but with respect to the people ya know? No bloodshed or sieges but still that nice dose. Also, it is a produced people like George VI, Lizzie, Hottie Wills, and the amazing Cambridge children.
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3-House of Wessex
I must admit, I only know the most basic info on these guys but boy was I intrigued. I mean one of them literally slept with a mother and daughter in a three some whilst his coronation banquet was going on. And Alfred the Great is just so *chef's kiss". And don't even get me started on their remarkable women. Just an amazing dynasty all over. They would be no.2 once I read more about them.
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Another intriguing dynasty. The Windsors are part of this which makes them better. I think though less interesting than the Plantagenets, they made a lot of change. They essentially formed modern Britain and with some of the most intriguing stories. Also love how they seemed to have such amazing members and then some really shitty ones. A lot variety compared to the Plans(can't keep spelling it sorry) who were all pretty much shitty 🤣
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5-The Stuarts
Here is the first one that I am not a huge fan of. I have a mega crush on James II but that's about it. I mean there are some awesome stories but the characters themselves are sooo...bland. they aren't as crazy as the ones above you know. They just had terrible luck.
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6- Normans
Ok I have nothing against these guys except that they didn't last long enough for them to be interesting? Like William I, II and Henry were all so mediocre. No major characters whose stories shock you. I guess Papa William was something but eh
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Last....drumrolls....No points for guessing this one.
7-The Tudours
I really don't like them. To my surprise they are the most popular dynasty in terms of historical interest. I mean I can see why. It seems to have the factor. But for me, they are not "human" enough. They really thought of themselves as God's representatives or something. That is my problem with the Stuart's too. The other three had this sense of human emotions that these two just don't. Things got a lot more political and the monarchs themselves seemed to be living in their bubble.
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This is all just my opinion. What is yours??? I really want to know so please answer. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! To anyone who read this long post, you are true friend!
Also, I had more photos but Tumblr only allows 10 on the app so I had to make do 🙃
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theempireroyals · 4 years
King Edward And Queen Emma Spent Their Glamorous Sulia Holiday At An Exclusive Villa
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King Edward and Queen Emma spared no expense on their latest family getaway.
The King and Queen of Merrimont have arrived back in Merrimont following their two week family holiday in Sulia, and they truly went all out this year. King Edward and Queen Emma typically take Princess Grace, Princess Emilia and Prince Alfred to the exclusive Simibbean destination around this time each year for a summer vacation, and this time around they opted for new accommodations.
The Wessexs jetted off to an exclusive villa, according to the Moonlight Newspaper. It’s a new five bedroom holiday home on the isle, and costs around $27,000 a week during the summer, though it can go for up to $46,500 in the high season. For King Edward and Queen Emma two-week retreat, it would cost a hefty $54,000 total.
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Prince Alfred was spotted on the royal family yacht being held by his mother while pointing and playing with his sister, the Princess of Farlea.
The single-story, five-bedroom contemporary villa was built recently, and comes with a full staff including a butler, chef, housekeeper and gardener. Prince Alfred reportedly wants to spend his next birthday in Sulia, and he reportedly loved the bedroom furnished with two bunk beds, which also has an en suite indoor outdoor shower as well as a private garden.
There’s a great room with a full drinks bar, an open dining pavilion and a media room or study, though al fresco dining looks to be the move here. Outside, there’s an infinity pool with a jacuzzi, plus lots of lounging areas for peak tanning time.
The King and Queen of Merrimont have been traveling to Sulia for years, it’s super secluded and private, and it’s a no-fly zone. They’re also friends of the owners of the island, so that must be a plus.
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The Merrimont royal family known for their modern views and attitudes shared an photograph to their official Simsagram of King Edward and Prince Alfred posing for the photo with the stunning views behind them.
The family is back at Brindleton Bay Palace in Merrimont now. No doubt feeling the holidays blues now that their back in rainy Merrimont.
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On This Day In History - 31 December 870
The Battle of Englefield
⚔ The Battle of Englefield was a West Saxon victory against a Danish Viking army on about 31 December 870 at Englefield, near Reading in Berkshire. It was the first of a series of battles that took place following an invasion of Wessex by the Danish army in December 870.
By 870, the Vikings had conquered two of the four Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, Northumbria & East Anglia. At the end of 870 they launched an attempt to conquer Wessex & marched from East Anglia to Reading, arriving on about 28 December. Three days later they sent out a large party under two earls to forage & reconnoitre, & it was met at Englefield by an army of local levies under the command of Æthelwulf, Ealdorman of Berkshire. After one of the earls was killed & a large part of the Danish army was overthrown the Viking force broke & ran.
The victory was short lived. Four days later, the main West Saxon army, led by King Ethelred & his brother, the future King Alfred the Great attacked the main Danish encampment at Reading & were bloodily repulsed in the Battle of Reading. Among the many dead of both sides was Æthelwulf. Further battles followed, including the Battle of Ashdown, a West Saxon victory, & the Battle of Meretun, when the Danes prevailed. Soon after Easter, which fell on 15 April in that year, Æthelred died & was succeeded by Alfred.
The Battle of Englefield can be dated because Bishop Heahmund of Sherborne died in the Battle of Meretun, & it is known that he died on 22 March 871. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that the Battle of Basing was two months earlier, dating it to 22 January, Ashdown fourteen days before that on 8 January, Reading four days earlier on 4 January, Englefield another four days earlier on 31 December 870 & the arrival of the Vikings in Reading three days earlier on 28 December. However, as the two month interval between Meretun & Basing is probably not exact, the earlier dates are approximate.
📸 Photos from the TV Series Vikings & a page from the C manuscript of the en: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It shows the entry for the year 871. British Library Cotton Tiberius B i.
Those familiar with the TV series The Vikings will recognise these pictures of the Battle of Mereton (22.3.871) with Bishop Heahmund portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
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lordxbebbanburg · 1 year
Introducing  Uhtreda of Bebbanburg
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Danish | Legitimate Lady of Bebbanburg  | Warrior |  Alfred's of Wessex future wife
( ╳┊❝ Int: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Photo: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Musing: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Headcanon: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Crush: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ About: Uhtreda of Bebbanburg ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtreda & Alfred ❞. ) ( ╳┊❝ Pairing: Uhtreda & Sihtric ❞. )
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ancestorsalive · 5 months
In early 878, Guthrum and his vikings ambush Alfred of Wessex, who flees for his life into the Somerset Levels …
“In this year in midwinter after Twelfth Night (ie after 5/6 January) the enemy army came stealthily to Chippenham,and occupied the land of the West Saxons and settled there, and drove a great part of the people across the sea, and conquered most of the others ; and the people submitted to them, except King Alfred. He journeyed in difficulties through the woods and fen-fastnesses with a small force …” (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
The photo shows Alfred in his darkest hour … it’s the original 1950s artwork by John Kenney for the Ladybird book, with another book next to it for scale.
The artwork is kept today in the University of Reading Art Collections.
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
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ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴄʜᴏᴏꜱᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ ᴏʀ ᴠɪᴋɪɴɢꜱ  © © ©
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ball-of-wool · 5 years
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Destiny is all ⚔️ King of Wessex & Lady of Mercia 👑 I’d been wanting to do a @thelastkingdom cosplay for the longest time but didn’t know where to start... I’m no skilled seamstress but decided to just go for it! Almost everything here was made from scratch and I’m quite pleased and proud with how it all turned out. I think we may even be the first ones to cosplay Alfred & Aethelflaed? My two favourite characters from my favourite show, hope I did them justice! Swipe till the end to see how hard it actually it for @spaggyb & I to keep a straight face in photos 😂 (at Wessex) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oxkDch5TY/?igshid=fvof9xg2yli6
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fellandfaironline · 7 years
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“A sea-folk blinder than the sea Broke all about his land, But Alfred up against them bare And gripped the ground and grasped the air, Staggered, and strove to stand. He bent them back with spear and spade, With desperate dyke and wall, With foemen leaning on his shield And roaring on him when he reeled; And no help came at all.” ~ G.K. Chesterton Help may not have come to King Alfred, but it came to the #FellCompany! We have emerged from an amazing week of adventures with many more stories to tell! Our Rangers and Sword-Thanes are returning home to heal their wounds and sharpen their swords for next time! Photos by the ever amazing @nicolasbruno (at Wessex)
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crowsandmurder · 5 years
Prince Aethelred Tags
Prince Aethelred  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Prince Aethelred ✖ (Thoughts)
Prince Aethelred ✖ (Character Development)
Prince Aethelred ✖ (Crack)
Prince Aethelred  ✖ (Headcanons)
Prince Aethelred  ✖ (Photos)
Prince Aethelred  ✖ (Starter Call)
V: Eldest Son of Prince Aethelwulf [Child to End of 5B] -  Aethelred is the eldest son of Prince / King Aethelwulf and Princess / Queen Judith. This timeline is him growing up in the Royal Villa, the swamps, and dealing with coming back to Wessex, up until his father’s death. 
V: The Prince who should be King [Aethelred after his father’s death] - Aethelred is the rightful next King of Wessex but his mother has manipulated, and he did what she wanted: he nominated his brother, Alfred instead.  But, it is not so easy for him to accept it and loyalties are tested. 
V: Finding his place [Divergent after 5x16] - Not everything ends the way Michael Hirst writes it, thankfully.  Sometimes, characters don’t die. Sometimes, they survive.  Aethered survives his mother’s attack, and his loyalty to his brother continues. 
V: A Different Story [Historical Aethelred] - History and various sources detail the reign of King Aethelred.  This is the verse for that. 
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