#( * — △ ❛    * ・i wanna be a real fake. 「 isms 」)
incarnateirony · 2 years
Honestly some of the hate anons I get are so telling, like when they start yelling my history can't be real because I'm Fat, or White, or Poor, or whatever they're saying.
Like, wow, thanks for the casual various -isms in there, but like. The White part jumps out.
You guys know black people aren't mythical creatures, right? Like, they're not the drow living in the underdark. And if you're not raging entitled cunts, they'll talk to you? Like, if you're not insufferably white, and you help them fight their fight, they know who's in their corner and who's performing. Most assholes online are just performing. But when you go down getting put in a cop car and questioned (and released, cuz white) while everyone gets off over the Horrible Crime of Smoking Weed, listen, they know who's in their fuckin corner, alright? Honestly they love having a token white bitch for just this. While I can't pull off Girl anymore, Dumb White Girl is the best cover. Throw it out in any situation. Cops? Dumb white girl. Gang hit? Dumb white girl. It's a lucky charm.
I know it just. It blows your brains up. That you, in your privileged little bubbles, do not have worlds of experience. It can even be quite horrifying and humiliating to realize how LOW your life experience is due to that privilege. But people have other lives than you, man. If I wanted to at any point I could make more money in a month than you would in your life but eh, it's a trade I don't want to get into for personal reasons. But like. These things are there. They're real, whether you can emotionally process my life and its potential ramifications on yours, or not.
And sometimes they're wild. Sometimes it involves being shoved in a train and hauled out of state and traded around and locked up as a teenager, sometimes it involves escaping in the woods and fighting for your life, sometimes it involves stumbling into a city knowing no one, sometimes hell even a gang might adopt you. If you're super lucky and treat everyone around you well, you may even accidentally help Secretly Famous People, and they like you, and they see your spark and what you got and you become their own.
Like listen guys. Nobody's road is straightforward but some of us got strapped into a roller coaster against our wills. Your insufferable dedication to alternate realities where the TV is gonna do what you want it to (spoiler: it's not), isn't gonna delete someone else's real life. I've been very clear about the course of my life, even ditching my work in Atlanta to survive and hitchhiking out of texas and the following years to where I am now. That doesn't just. Go away because you don't like it.
It's time to start coping yall cuz the real world is coming for your asses.
You wanna know how you get a motherfucker like me that doesn't scare from your keyboard warrioring, and invites bitches making threats to come say them to me like I do? It's this shit. Somehow in your heads because you're all dishonest bluffing bastards you seem to think this attitude is just, some 6 year stunt of fakeness with a premeditative lie of all those years aligned to just perfectly sync with all of you getting buttfucked by production, networks and syndicates right now. OK. If that makes you feel better with all your other fanfiction or rewrites but it's not gonna change the end results guys. You gotta start facing those.
You know that saying, treat strangers well because you may be entertaining angels unawares? Yeah that's cuz angels seem like harmless whatever until it burns down your town. And the same goes for online man. Be careful how you treat Icons because you may be entertaining the little sibling of a blackballing gulf producer unawares.
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bodyhallowed-blog · 5 years
          tag drop
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estcfania · 6 years
tag dump !!
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spiritsfly · 4 years
every blog gets a different tagging system and thats just how it is
✕ *    stealin’ my heart.    ——    draculaura : main verse.
✕ *    pull your halo down around your neck.    ——    draculaura : twst verse.
✕ *    if you hide it doesn’t go away.    ——    draculaura : musings.
✕ *    find me standing all alone‚ eyes open.    ——    draculaura : aesthetic.
✕ *    fangtastic!    ——    draculaura : crack.
✕ *    my little dark age.    ——    draculaura : likeness.
✕ *    blood bound.    ——    draculaura : bonds.
✕ *    i’m softer than a daisy.    ——    draculaura : isms.
✕ *    so beguile.    ——    cleo : main verse.
✕ *    give the people what they want.    ——    cleo : musings.
✕ *    the art of loving yourself so no one else has to.    ——    cleo : aesthetic.
✕ *    i wanna be a real fake.    ——    cleo : crack.
✕ *    all i ever wanted was … the world.    ——    cleo : likeness.
✕ *    you’re lovable‚ so lovable, but you’re troubled.    ——    cleo : bonds.
✕ *    teen idle.    ——    cleo : isms.
✕ *    you & i are meant to be as one.    ——    cleo : & deuce.
✕ *    open.
✕ *    prompts.
✕ *    answered.
✕ *    audio.
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jaegersol · 2 years
@playkinshara asked: 🍈🥜🚜🤴  for the character development meme 
🍈 What’s something that others consider unusual about them?
Grimmjow is a hollow, with means he undoubtedly has some unusual -isms and habits going on. Like. A lot. I don’t know if I could ID which of them are actually even unusual anymore (I’ve been writing them for so long!)
It’s very obvious that Grimmjow is not a human when placed next to one. The way he responds to stimuli, the way he communicates, the assumptions and conclusions he makes. All have an inherently alien quality to them that comes from a world view so vastly separate from the Shinigami.
While, Grimmjow is generally good at playing pretend – mimicking the behaviors of others around him – the fact that he doesn’t or can’t understand the underlying motive for a particular action becomes apparent rather quickly. Just about every basic human concept has a different meaning for Grimmjow. While he might come from human stock and know, intellectually, of a human social construct, this doesn’t mean it withstood the test of Hueco Mundo.
From a meta perspective – this is a pain in the ass to write. One, cuz it’s hard to remember and keep track of. I need to consciously check my own assumptions. And two, sometimes its super inconvenient to mention, even tho its relevant for the character, it’s not relevant for the plot.So it gets edited out even though it’s truer to his character to keep it.
  🥜 If they could have dinner with any person, alive or dead, whom would they choose?
“You mean: have for dinner. Right?”
[I have neeeeeever thought about this before. This feel like a job interview question not a Grimmjow question. I don’t think he even gets the concept of ‘have dinner with’. He doesn’t care about celebrities or role models or anything like that. I don’t even think he knows that many PEOPLE.
I’m not writing this out IC only bc I think the concept is almost too foreign for him to even begin to grasp.
Some options of invitations that would actually mean a lot for him would be from Starrk, Ichigo, the Urahara Household, Harribel’s or Nelliel’s Pack.
He feels very isolated after his pack died and with the dissolution of the Esapda. Naturally, he is gravitating towards people with stable packs that could… be willing to accommodate or tolerate his presence on occasion. It’s daunting to try build his own pack from the ground up, and though he is trying with Kurosaki – it’ll be a while before it reaches anything close to stable.]
  🚜 How good is their sense of time?
Poor. Really, really poor. As in. He needs to actively count the seconds in order to keep track.
Hueco Mundo has no concept of day and night. The moon doesn’t rise and it doesn’t set. For decades his only metric of time was the constantly ticking hourglass that counted down to his immanent regression back to gillian and was only staved off by his most recent meal. Anything beyond that wasn’t worth wasting the time on.
Ummmmmmm. I do imagine this has gotten him in trouble from time to time. Like the 2 year timeskip. There’s actually one specific line that implies to me that Grimmjow either 1) canonically can’t keep track of time or (my personal preference) 2) that time travels differently in Hueco Mundo. ( I have a very long and extensive hc about this but no real use of it *yet* hit me up @chimaericrealities @anacondasacrimony​ if u ever wanna talk HM timeline).
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(Like babe, its not even been 2 years....)
🤴 What do they do to get ready for a night out?
I think the answer to this depends on how someone defines a ‘night out’ to him. Lets go with the following: A competition where everyone competes to have the most fun and to be considered the most attractive.
“Just as is.” He’s confident he’s strong enough without needing to fake it like some peacock.
[I for one, would like to actually do his make up, put him in in either a little black dress or a cute lil croptop to reveal the forbidden bellybutton (gigai presumed). What can I say. Im a simple person. I have simple needs.]
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femmesandhoney · 3 years
i found you through the melanie martinez tag and at first i was like ‘oh great a radfem likes mel’ and then i went through your blog and i agree with pretty much everything. everyone always says that radfems are evil and every -ist and -ism in the book but everything your posting is, or at least should be, just plain common sense. everyone makes you guys out to be horrible but you’re making solid points. i can’t believe i listened to everyone when they said that radfems were the yucky bad feminists.
i used to also think terfs and radfems were like super horrible people too. i’ve only studied and educated myself on radical feminism for like three months now? i was very liberal socially especially on twitter for the longest time until a few of my own mutuals on tumblr started reblogging radfem takes and i looked at more blogs and my eyes were opened after that. seeing the actual evidence that tras tried to shove under the carpet was shocking. it’s really easy to just accept what your friends are saying in real life or online because you don’t wanna be rejected by people you care about or respect. maybe you don’t wanna look like an asshole or afraid of getting hate. lots of libfems and tras, especially on twt, rely on that fear to make you side with them and decide the “enemies” are women who just want rights and liberation. 
this prevents you for actually educating yourself on what radfems believe. and the point isn’t that you have to actually agree with us after you learn about radical feminism, but that libfems and tras try to prevent you all together from even seeing or reading what we have to say. coming from both sides, i would often ignore a radfems take just because someone would call them a “terf” and i recognized “terfs” as someone i couldn’t be seen associating with in any way, so i would block and “stay safe”.
radfems are genuinely nice people and pretty welcoming, sure there’s always bad apples in a bunch, but there’s so much fake info and false ideas about radfem ideology and what we believe that it’s funny at this point.
also any and all mel fans are welcome on this blog 💛
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
Hey hawk, did you observe a pattern among people who participate in Woke-ism culture, they seem to have similar "traits" and "personality"? Dislike the "straight" orientation (usually identify themselves as gay/lesbian/bi and brags they are LGBT every second), they seem to think gender identity is a personality trait etc therefore "I'm holier than thou because I list myself as she/he/they/it". I bet they are gonna scream at me for being whatever "phobic" just because of this post lol
*clears throat* yeah they gonna scream at you but they can’t scream at me because it’s been a year that I am in an lgbt relationship soooo xD
Ofc I noticed this kind of behavior, these woke ppl really like be ‘different’ and tbh the thing I find more irritating is when they define themselves ‘autistic’ or ‘asperger’ or ‘adhd’ whathever other mental illness/condition, because these are serious things that should be diagnosed by a specialist and not an online tests, and usually ppl who have a real problem are not so incredibly vocal about it. Sure they don’t brag with it....”but I don’t have money to take a test and my parents don’t let me!” they say? yeah. could be. but it also could be that you just wanna look special and since you’re socially anxious or shy or just a b*tch, you like to play rude and then justify yourself with those labels, and if someone dares tell you you’re a piece of shit you can call them ableist lol
Same for race or country. Not taking anything away from populations/countries/cultures/religions that have been oppressed, but sometimes I cringe cause some ppl try so hard to fit in this. Like, at some point 99% of populations were invaded by others and oppressed, and I’m sorry for welsh ppl, to just name one (no offense it’s the first that came to my mind cause I read a post recently lol) but if this continues we’re gonna have to seek justice for the victims of the vikings’ raids lolol
Anyway, back to what you were saying. I partly get that lgbt ppl are vocal about what they are bc maybe they can’t tell their families or friends, and they use social media as outlets. but like you said, your personality is not defined by who you f*ck and/or love (It’s not even defined by the fiction you like, actually, but they think so). So while I understand ppl describe themselves in their profile and specify their gender identity and sexuality, for me it’s cringey when they take it too far. Like when they start with all the labels ever, or they make combinations...demisexual panromantic/asexual demiromantic/trans nonbinary aroace spectrum...sounds like a competition of who’s less ordinary. Bonus points if they also add race and illness. Bonus points if they pretend they’re experts and activist and they shit on ppl who ship something or speak of top/bottom bc they’re fetishizing gay mlm/wlw and how dare they, dirty cishets (cause Anon, straight is a too banal word lol).
(also...not to offend ‘aroace’ ppl out there but...when someone is like 12...couldn’t it be that they’re just...too young for caring about sex/love? asking for a friend lolol)
I mean, tumblr has a lot of lgbt ppl and it’s cool, and I know it’s hard to live as an lgbt person cause you can’t do what het ppl do normally, like kissing in public or holding hands or writing cute posts on fb bc someone might bitch or be even worse, so this creates a bitterness and aggressiveness on social media I guess, especially here where minorities are the majority lol. And I too, on my personal blog, occasionally ranted about things like internalized homophobia and queerbaiting, but only very rarely lol and no one paid attention to me, guess I am not lgbt enough hahahah
But, it’s stupid to use sexuality labels as a shield to shit on ppl and then call them --phobic when they react. It actually happened to me a couple of years ago, I wrote something about bottom Sasuke and this self defined aromantic+asexual+autistic+gay american dude attacked me for fetishizing gays. Back then I was in a relationship with a guy so for him I was only a boring straight person I guess, a gross fujoshi who dared like mlm haha. fuck him. If I were the same type of person as him I would have pulled the oppressed card, I could have attacked him reminding him that his country treated italian immigrants like animals, and that they had this veeeery big problem of being unsure about our ‘race’ so in their papers they often wrote ? cause they couldn’t understand if we were poc or not...but it would have been kinda off topic and I cartainly don’t waste time talking about me to ppl I don’t even trust to be what they say.
Also because I was raised by parents who were very politically involved, so I remember them doing activism, like, getting out of the house, going to protests, doing volunteering, even taking me along when I was little. So even tho now everything happens online first, and even tho posts can spread awareness and change ppl’s minds, I still don’t trust when I see those blogs full of angry woke activism, because they seem fake and even those ppl seem fake. It’s easy to scream for justice from a keyboard, in a comfortable house. It’s less easy to protest in the cold, risking to have problems with the police, the government, the pandemic, whatever else.
It’s irritating that wokies want to take the right to like smth in the right way or whatever, telling everyone else who don’t fit in the minority group that they can’t like the thing. Idk, I just wish ppl were like in Eastern Asian fandoms, not making everything about themselves, being open minded enough for whatever ‘different’ thing whether they are into it or not, and if they’re not ignoring it only.
And I do get wanting to fit the minority, as a teenager I was veery punk/gothic, depending on the moment, and I never fit in the majority opinions or habits anyway. And I was kind of fluid with my identity and sexuality, but silly me, I kept it for myself, even tho I discussed with those who insulted lgbt ppl and I wrote stuff where everyone is bisexual by default, thinking that it was how people were born before society conditioned them...I could have bragged but I had no idea about ‘fluid’ or ‘pan’, silly me.
I am so irritated at everything, like the words they use, even the english language that is not mine, is getting on my nerves because it’s the vehicle for their crap, but these periodically trending words are disgusting like these ppl to me.
I migth have gone out of topic again lol.
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adclinw · 6 years
tag drop !!
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Quit Playin
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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II x Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Smut that makes you go huh?
This is my submission to @sonofnjobu WIP Fic Fest.  It’s been sitting in my drafts for a little over a minute and I just hope it comes across as entertaining for you!  Its setup is Yahya having the game from his Black Mirror episode and the things that occur because of it.
"It's not like that, i swear!"  Yahya exclaims with a laugh he tries but cannot mask..
"Then what is it like!”  You screech at him, wiping your face of the stray tear you hate.  You aren’t gonna cry about this shit, you swear.  But stress makes you teary regardless.  “Cuz it seems like you don’t wanna be bothered with a damn thing about me!”
Yahya stares at you for a beat, leaning against the countertop in his relaxed olive green collared shirt tucked into his dark khaki slacks.  With his little TWA, he looks like a vintage ad for Fridgaire appliances, square in the middle of a Sears Roebuck catalogue.
“I don’t NOT want you…”  He says slowly with too much emphasis on the ‘not’.  This revs you up more.
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?  You out here doing shoots and shit all day everyday, no you’re back it’s like you on a whole other planet!  Is it Nicole Beharie?  Cuz I don’t blame you, I would even go after that but fucking tell me!”
Yahya purses his lips together, silently cupping his hands in front of them.  He stands up straight and meanders over to you, kissing the top of your forehead.
Your palms smack his biceps, pushing him back off of you.  “You not about to distract me, I’m serious!”
Yahya scoffs, rubbing his tender arms.  “I see, ok!  What else are you planning on doing to me to get my attention?”
You let out an exasperated yell.  “Oh, nigga if you only knew what the fuck was going on in my head, you wouldn’t be tempting me.”
Yayha claps his hands twice, firmly planting his feet where he stands and bends over so his torso is almost parallel to the ground, facing you with his arms behind his back.  
“Go ahead.”
You put your hands on your hips, pacing the floor.  “Don’t fuck with me right now.”
“You have my full and undivided attention.  And a face free for you to smack, and you talking yourself down?  That’s disappointing, I gotta say.”
“But to what extent do I gotta go to get you here?  How long have I asked you for this time?  And now I’m angry, so this time is fucking worthless to me. I wanna chill with you, see shit, do new shit, not sit and the house and argue over you and your video games!  Fucking hate whoever let you take that from the set.”
Yahya straightens up again, giving his lower back a little rub.  “You wanna play me?”
You turn on him quicker than a blink.  “You know I don’t give a damn about video games!  If I wanted to play a game, I’d say ‘Yah, lemme play real quick.  They got 2 player?’  But I haven’t!  You know why?  Cuz they dumb, repetitive and too complicated for me to find time learning worth it!”
Yayha walks down to the living room, like you haven’t said anything, toward the TV cabinet.  “Oh, I see the problem.”
Walking over to the plush sectional, you plop down feeling imminent defeat.  “You’re not listening to me at all, I can’t understand you.”
Yahya pulls out a small box, closing the cabinet and turning on the TV.  “You just have to see me play, one time.”
He sits next to you, pulling out two clear dots from their container.  “Here.”  
He holds one in each of his hands out in front of him, eyes wide in expectation of you.  If he was wearing black glasses and a trench coat, you’d think he was practicing for a Matrix reboot.  You stare from his long hands to him, and back again, feeling yourself begin to soften.  Maybe you could try bonding his way, just this one time.
You snatch one out his hands.  “Gimme this shit.  You stick em on your forehead or what?”
Yahya chuckles as you gets his pair out and puts them on.  “You know I don’t have a damn dot on my forehead when I do this.  Put it on the side of your face, in line with your eye kind of.”
Once you have the dot placed he takes his controller and pushes a few buttons to navigate to the Start screen.
“Now when I hit Start, we bout to be in the game for real.”  Yahya looks over at you all wide eyed like he’s teaching a toddler how to hold their breath underwater.
“...nigga just push the damn button.  I don’t get why you makin such a hu-”
You don’t get to finish you sentence before your mind begins to be sucked into a vortex that leaves you catatonic, body falling limply backward against the couch alongside of Yahya’s.
Before you know it, your eyes become accustomed to your surroundings.  Looking around, you see many trees, vibrantly green and full of cherry blossoms blowing in the wind.  The nearby waterfall fills your ears as your mind races to make sense of things.
“What th-”
“Hey!  Whatchu think?!”  A voice behind you yells.  Your head whips around to see a woman in a blonde wig and an outfit that looked cute but avant garde enough to make you question your safety regarding their mental state.  
You swallow hard.  “I-I don’t know, I’m just tryna find my man.”
She huffs, working her hands in a circle creating a ball of energy before squatting in a fighting stance.  “You’re the only man I see around here.”
You scoff.  “I am NOT a man, girl, get your eyes corrected.”  You go to do a hair flip for emphasis and find none on your shoulder.  You feel the top of your head, expecting to find your wig gone, but you feel neither cap nor curl, only some bone straight short cut you have never had.  When your hand shoots to your mouth in shock, the color makes you snatch it back again as it was not your shade of skin.  Your hand looked meaty and was wrapped in tape.  Your eyes travel to look down at your biceps, hulking and veiny.  Strips of cloth hang of your broad shoulders and where titties once were, are now ample pectorals.
“Wh-what the fuck??  Who am I??”
The woman in front of you laughs.  “You should see what you look like right now.  Scared of your own body...when you should be scared of me.”
Without warning, she sails her energy orb at you, making you put your hands up without thinking.  The force of her blow pushes you back making your feet slide against the rocky walkway you stand on.  Your eyes slowly open as your heart pounds from the excitement.
The woman laughs, placing her hand on her hip in casual amazement.  “Huh!  I thought you didn’t pay attention when I played this game.”
You furrow your brow in confusion.  “Wait…”
She nods, holding her arms out in a flourish.  “Isn’t this cool!?  We in the game baby!  You see why I can’t stay out of it?”  
She smiles widely, running towards you, quicker than humanly possible and takes your hand.  “We can walk around and everything.  Check this water out.  It’s wet AND cold.”  She dips down to wave her fingers in the nearby resevoir.
You still standby in amazement, slowly becoming accustomed to the situation.  “Yahya?”
She looks back at you giving a nod that despite the racial and gendered differences, really reminded you of him.  “It’s me baby. Come feel this water, ain’t it nice?”
You put your hands up.  “No way.  This is some Harry Potter/Neo bullshit that my Christian ass ain’t here for.  Put me back in real life right now!”
Yahya’s character stands up, wiping their hands off on their costume before popping their knuckles.  “What if this was my plan all along?  Get you in here, and just...stay?  Forever?”
You tighten your jaw, balling up your fists.  “No way in hell would you do that.”
Yahya looks at you stone faced and still.  “Well…”
“YAHYA!”  You shout at him, losing every ounce of patience.
Finally they laugh, holding their stomach for emphasis.  Another Yahya-ism.  “I’m playing babe, you cute when you mad but it’s ridiculous as a dude.  We not stuck here forever, I promise.  You just gotta say the magic words and we out.  Simple.”
You nod fiercely.  “Ok, and?  What are they?”
Biting their lip, Yahya says, “I’ll tell you...but you gotta fight me for it.”
“Pssh, boy come on and quit playing I’m ready to be done and here you go.  I ain’t fighting.”
“You sure?”  They shrug, walking towards you to poke your arm.  “I mean, you could probably beat me easily.  You a big strong dude. I’m the female here, so you got advantage.”
You swipe at them.  “I’m not falling for that.  You know how to play this game, that’s the problem!”
They reach out to ruffle up your hair.  “You beat my ass mashing buttons before, just do that.”
You whip your head back, stepping away with your hands up defensively.  “Aight, I’m sick of you pissing me off lately anyway.  Come on with it, BITCH.”
The venom in your curse makes Yahya character smile as their hands swirl in a creating an energy orb.  You run up on them, sailing through the air with a kick that travels their torso to their face, causing them to stumble.  
You feel pretty good until you hear that damn laugh.  
“Go off, baby!  That was cute!”  Yahya bites their lip,  stomping the ground that loosens a rock in the pavement right under your feet, knocking you off balance.  As you fall through the air, Yahya, sends fists and feet under your back 3, 4, 5, and 6 times until you fall down, clutching your back in pain.  
“Fuck!  What the hell you do all that for?  I knew your bitch ass wouldn’t fight fair.”  You curse as the pain begins to subside.
Yahya walks over shaking their head as the blonde hair falls on their face.  “It doesn’t last, the pain.  I could literally break all your shit, and never have to worry cuz it mends in like three seconds.”  They hold their hand out to you to help you up.  “You oughta feel fine now.  I’ll leave you be if you done though, my bad.”
You sit up and take a deep breath.  Just like he said, you feel brand new before you even exhale.  You look up at them in their outfit: waist snatched, thighs strong and wrapped in elaborate garters, titties sitting high in their corset leather one piece.  
“So now you kicking my ass, and you pick a character finer than me?”
They chuckle, squatting over you.  “No way in hell do any fake shit come close to you baby.  For all it’s worth, I’m glad I got you here to experience this with me.  Complaining be damned.”
Having caught your breath, you feel this pull inside of you that brings your heart to a racing pace.  A tug from within you never felt before but it made you ravenous for mischief.  As you grabbed their hand, you in turn flipped into a somersault carrying them through the air onto the stone path beneath you both.  Yahya gasps, having the wind knocked out of them but you don’t ease up.  Before Yahya could get to standing, you straddle them using your newly acquired man weight to pin them down and send a fury of fists into their face.  You feel like you’re watching a movie instead of experiencing it firsthand, but the comical pace of blows as Yahya’s character head bops back and forth like a speed bag made this whole experience worth it.  That is until a pair of knees hit your back.
As you fly forward, you land face first and before their strong thighs come around your waist and an arm around your neck.
You feel your consciousness beginning to fade.  “Yah….”  
They breathe heavy in your ear.  “Say Uncle.”
You raise your hand off the ground but it feels like a 100 lb weight.  “I can’t-”
“Nah actually, say Daddy.”  Even as a woman, his chuckle rang true, making you livid.  You gather as much strength as you can muster to bring yourself to all fours, in a kind of parasitic piggyback ride.  Their grip tightens as you move, but suddenly a force fills you.  You grip the ground underneath you, clawing your nails into the stone as the energy boils. 
“Come on, say-”  Before Yahya could answer your back arches as a howl comes from deep within and your eyesight turns white.  You hear a wretched thud behind you and use it to follow your prey.  Yahya’s character sits limply against a boulder as you bound toward them lifting their head to make room for your hand against their throat.   They feel weightless in your hand as you raise them up higher and higher as their feet hovers above the ground.  Yahya’s character opens their eyes and you step closer to them, nose to nose as you grip their neck.
“How’s that feel now, Daddy?”  You say, hearing yourself with a manly tone of voice sent shivers down your spine as you held control.  Your muscles flex under your authoritative hold, arousing your interest at its highest point since you got in the game
Yahya’s hands grip your bicep as they wrap their legs around your waist tightly.  “It feels...alright,”  he chokes out with a small grin.
You snort as you study the face of his character: cheekbones riper than autumn apples, flush from the fight.  They keep licking their lips and stroking your bicep before you notice the slow grind against your pelvis.
Yahya continues.  “You wanna beat me up some more?”  
Your grip weakens when a new sensation crops up between you two.  It’s not like anything you’ve known before.  Your mind kept getting distracted from the task at hand.
“Is the fight...over?  Did you hit pause or- something?”  You stutter as your hips move before your can think about it, making a gasp slip from your mouth.  The soft warmth that rubbed against your groin was so tempting.
Your hand comes off their neck and rests against the rock you had Yahya’s character pinned against.
“It ain’t over until we say it is.”  The character’s voice is raspier, breathy.  You run your nose and lips across their clavicle.  Their hand reaches for the sash keeping your pants up.  
You wince as the fabric feels tighter in front.  “I don’t feel so good.  It’s like I’m cramping up or something.”
Yahya’s character bites their lip, shaking their head.  “You ok, that’s just how it is for guys.  Getting hard is fucking torture til you find something to do with it.”
As their hand reaches for it, you feel a sharp shock to your nerve endings, making you seize up and grip their thighs hard.
“Ohhh shit, why’d you do that?”  You wail.
Their grip tightens as their hand runs the length of your shaft.  “It’s ok, I swear it’s gonna feel nice.”
“It’s not that, I just...I don’t wanna wait no more.”  You growl primitively as you find the garments between their legs and rip it apart, exposing herself to you.
“Fuck, babe, slow down!”  Yahya’s character exclaims, grabbing onto your shoulder in surprise.  
The whole lead up is a blur.  You couldn’t think about what you were doing as a guy figure about to manhandle a woman who also happens to be your boyfriend because nothing would satisfy you more than diving into that pussy at that moment.  You pull you character’s dick out with ease, lining up your head to their opening.  
“Shit, Yahya.  You better breathe bitch.”  You scoff holding onto your member to ready yourself.  Yahya’s characters breathing and moans in anticipation stoked your fire, making you way less patient for foreplay.  Soon as you felt wetness, X marked the spot.  
When you began to enter them, you swore your mind just went to another dimension besides the one you currently were in.  You felt like you just flew into the center of a hot honey butter roll on Thanksgiving night while sopping up the leftover gravy.  The warmth around you followed by the heartbeat of the pussy around your dick sent your knees to buckle.
“Fuuuck.”  Yahya’s character exclaims as you push into them every inch you can must before hitting a barrier, making Yahya’s character tense up.
“It’s ok, go ahead.”  He reassures you, kissing your neck and jaw while rubbing your back.  
You needed no other encouragement as you pulled your hips back and began to swim.  The sounds of you churning them out became your applause, goading you.
“You feel...like a fucking payday...a day early…”  You gasp as your senses reach their peak.  It felt so good, but you still didn’t feel peace.  If anything, the more you stroked, the more erratic you became.  You searched the rock for a grippable surface and when none was found you turned to their character instead.  You wrapped your arms around their back, putting them into a bear hug as you bounced them off your thighs, gaining deeper access.  
Yahya’s character is a blubbering mess, beggin you to go harder, deeper, faster, and that was a challenge you refused to back away from.  You wanted them to feel you entirely, smacking their ass when they got too quiet, pulling their hair when they seemed too tired, picking up the pace when they were becoming too dominant.  Nothing was going to keep you from waxing the whole level with their ass.
As any superhero, you began to grow weary.  The ferocity that consumed you began to falter as a wave of pressure built in you, making you nervous.
“Yah, I’m feeling something different.”  You moan as your stomach tightens up, feeling a throbbing pressure.
Character hair in disarray, Yahya pushes it back, speaking between gasps.  “You about to cum, babe?”
You shake your head.  “I don’t know, I don’t usually feel like this when I do.”
“It’s different as a guy....don’t fight it.  That will hurt, promise you.”
You nod as you close your eyes, feeling them tighten around you even more.
“You feel so good in me baby, let me have all of you.   I want it all baby, fill my pussy up baby.”  Yahya kept giving you erotic Hallmark message to let you know just how they needed it.  The pressure became overwhelming and like a lightning striking a tree, the roll of thunder barreling from your balls up your shaft and out left you stiff as a board.  Your toes curled as you felt yourself being pumped dry as Yahya’s character squealed in satisfaction, hugging you tightly.  You felt yourself move, but no more than a snail’s pace, out of fear you may fall over from weakness.  Your sensitivity heightened you didn’t dare try to continue, opting to pull out once you felt yourself finish, putting Yahya’s character down before falling to your knees.  Yahya’s character laid out right next to you, smiling joyfully.
“And THAT’s why I can’t get enough of this game.  You experience shit you can’t in the real world.  I never thought I’d get you to do that.”
You huff looking over at them.  “That was so damn different...YOu never let me lead like that before...And you were so….vocal.”
They shrug.  “I can’t help it when I’m like this.  Female orgasms are damn drugs.  My whole body lights up, and I don’t feel like vampire just took my soul after.  Without a doubt good shit.”
You put your stuff back in your pants in awe of what just happened.  “And I never knew I could take over you like that.  Like...I was you just now.  And you were me.”
Yahya smirks.  “Exit game,” disappearing.
You look around in a panic.  “Uh, EXIT GAME!”
Your body lurches forward as you catch your breath, feeling Yahya rubbing you back.
“You alright?  It’s over I promise.”  He says with concern.  “I didn’t mean to shake you up like that.”
You feel relief hearing his real voice turning to give him a big hug, almost knocking him backwards.
Yahya’s laughs muffle into your shoulder.  “Damn baby.  Some of the game ain’t left you.”
You lean back and peer into his face.  “I don’t want that part to leave me just yet.”
Yahya blinks in amazement as he grips your waist.  “That didn’t turn you off from me?  With the characters and me being a girl in there and-”
You shake your head.  “It just showed me how much I can do to you and how good you can make me feel in a way I could’ve never asked you to show me.”
He licks his lips nodding slowly.  “No limits to that.”
You smile, fitting yourself over his lap.  “So we can fall off a mountain while I fuck falling to the ground?  Or fuck you thru a glass window and roll you over in the shards and-”
Yahya quirks an eyebrow up.  “I’m returning that thing tomorrow!”
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blairwaldxrfs-blog · 7 years
tag drop.
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I will be using tags with  ★彡 Follow the leader. Follow this blog ❰Promotion // self Promos❱ as a format. I can use prokeys to help me so hopefully my ocd isn’t a bitch over this.
Old tags that will no longer be in use aside from the url and tw ones. 
★·.·´ ❪ Interactions ❫  🎔  ❝Pretty words all strung together.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Replies ❫  🎔  ❝ A collection of writing that is magic. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Out Of Character ❫  🎔  ❝Signs her letters with x’s and o’s.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Undecided ❫ 🎔  ❝ Not sure where she belongs in this world beside team other. ❞ ❰Undecided❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Wishlist Plots ❫  🎔  ❝When you wish upon a star and hope for the best. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Ask Meme ❫  🎔  ❝I know how to play this game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Just a Marshall ❫  🎔  ❝She was never meant to be a girl that followed the crowd.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Other Promo❫  🎔 ❝Amazing blogs full of beautiful writing.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Danielle Rose Russell ❫  🎔  ❝ Clever as the devil and twice as pretty.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // All ❫  🎔  ❝A collection of things that I have done over time.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Musing ❫  🎔  ❝ She could set the world on fire and call it rain.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Answered Asks ❫  🎔 ❝ A collection of writing that is like a book just begging to be read. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // About ❫  🎔  ❝She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows.❞
★·.·´ ❪ IC Answered ❫  🎔  ❝ She is going to prove you all wrong.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Headcanon ❫ 🎔  ❝ The truth hurts but secrets kill.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Pretend to be human  ❫  🎔  ❝Don’t let them look behind the curtain. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Hope Mikaelson not found  ❫ She jumped into the pit to save the world one final time  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Wardrobe ❫  🎔  ❝Just another dressed up heartbreak.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Next on Nashville ❫  🎔  ❝Without Music this life would be a mistake.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Isms ❫  🎔  ❝.Turn the pain into power.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Landon Kirby ❫  🎔  ❝ Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Self Promo ❫  🎔  ❝A little self love never hurt anyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Verse // Marshall Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝A family built from pain and death. Like a phoenix they rise up.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Aesthetic ❫  🎔  ❝She doesn’t give a damn about her bad reputation.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Desires ❫  🎔  ❝You can touch me with slow hands. Turn it up and make me sweat.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Videos ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes you just wanna watch a show.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Static ❫  🎔  ❝Just a wonderful edit.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Ipod ❫  🎔   ❝Just listen to this music and let your hair down.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Screencap ❫  🎔  ❝Quickly snap a picture because it will last longer.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Klaus Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝He wasn’t just the greatest evil. He was my father.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Saved // Positivity ❫  🎔  ❝Your message has made my day that much brighter.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Motherhood ❫  🎔  ❝In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Welcome to my youtube channel  ❫  🎔  ❝everyone loves a girl like her. Painting pretty pictures in a flowered dress.❞ ❰Alternative U
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Answered ❫  🎔  ❝Wears a smile to cover up everything else.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Guest Muse: Hayley ❫  🎔  ❝It’s time to fight little wolf.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hayley Marshall ❫  🎔   ❝She’s somebody’s hero. A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee. A little kiss is all she needs. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mikaelson Boarding School ❫  🎔  ❝My father wanted me to have a place to be myself so he built this school.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Powers ❫  🎔  ❝They used to burn witches at the stake. They can’t burn me for I am the most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Graphics made by friends ❫  🎔  ❝These are so pretty I wanna keep it forever.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses ❫  🎔  ❝ Her vision of the world under the water represented a beautiful stillness. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Rising Children ❫ 🎔  ❝Just two woman raising witches together.❞ ❰Private with abrokenwitch❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Summer Fontana ❫  🎔  ❝ It’s not my fault I have my father’s eyes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses Information Drop ❫  🎔 ❝ Learn more about the wonderful verses of this blog. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Superstar ❫  🎔  ❝she belongs on the big screen and that is where she is now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // tutorials ❫  🎔  ❝Step by Step instructions made by me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Adopted We Hope  ❫  🎔  ❝We had to do what was right for you even if it hurt like hell at the time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Legacies Season One ❫  🎔  ❝A school for the young and the gifted.❞ ❰Canon❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Tag Drop ❫  🎔  ❝ Just a drop for all the things that need to be dropped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hidden Away ❫  🎔  ❝I just want to see the world. Feel the sun on my skin and sand between my toes.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // PSD ❫  🎔  ❝A special coloring here and there for everyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Josie Saltzman ❫  🎔  ❝You are the selfless siphoner that did black magic with me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Haylope ❫  🎔   ❝Everything I do is for her. You are your mother’s daughter. Because the very best of me is in you. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Grimoire ❫  🎔  ❝The most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If your a multi muse tell me who you want the starter to be thrown at. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Actress ❫ 🎔  ❝Lights. Camera. Action. Fake it until you make it.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // GIFs ❫  🎔  ❝Almost like a short little video but not.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Raised by Aunt Bex ❫  🎔  ❝Andrea Jones was a high school cheerleader. Hope Mikaelson was a princess❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Bow down to them  ❫  🎔  ❝My god have mercy on her enemies because she surely won’t.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Sophie Turner ❫  🎔  ❝I’ll survive because somehow I always do.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Icons ❫  🎔  ❝feel free to use these when you rp.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Credits ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have things that aren’t ours so shout out to these people that helped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Dual Promo  ❫  🎔  ❝ You have me all heart eyes. ❞
death threat tw
★·.·´ ❪ Rich Kids ❫ 🎔  ❝Dripping in diamonds trying to kill their feelings.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Reference ❫  🎔  ❝ Might need this someday so going to reblog it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Reblog ❫  🎔 ❝Reblogging this in case someone missed it or I have updated it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Introduction of Jennifer ❫  🎔  ❝ Hello and welcome to my blog! Learn more about me here! ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Faceless ❫ 🎔  ❝ She doesn’t need a hero because she is the hero.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Single Mom ❫  🎔  ❝She didn’t have time. She coulda cried but she didn’t have time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Marcel Gerard ❫  🎔  ❝He is my brother and my friend.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dahlia raised  ❫  🎔  ❝do not weep because weapons do not cry ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Elena Satine ❫  🎔  ❝The devil has nothing on me.❞
★彡 She is more than just a copy of her twin ❰Verse // Parent Trap❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Blog Masterlist ❫  🎔  ❝Making a list and checking it twice.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Rules ❫  🎔  ❝Everyone has a set of laws they follow inside of them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Happily Ever After  ❫  🎔  ❝the way things should have gone.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drabble ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I write things just to write them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Map ❫ 🎔  ❝ She traveled the world looking for the beauty without stopping to see that she was what she was looking for
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Watch Me Edit ❫  🎔  ❝Watch me edit and have fun.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Dash Games ❫  🎔  ❝Just going to play a little game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Fanfiction ❫  🎔  ❝We write to fill a hole in our hearts.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drawings ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I like to get a piece of paper out and draw.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Stats ❫  🎔  ❝ There was once a girl who would die to protect others.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Where to find me ❫  🎔  ❝I have a lot of places that I might be. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Giveaway ❫  🎔  ❝Here is a chance to win.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Graphic Starter Call ❫🎔 ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. Or just comment on this post if it is easier.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Polarr ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes making a free coloring is worth it.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Romantic Ship Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a lot of loving from the one bad ass tribrid. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Alexandra Daddario ❫  🎔  ❝ Live fast. Die Young. Bad girls do it well.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Magic Bound ❫  🎔  ❝Witches are in fairytales not real life up until now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Adventures in iconic Editing ❫  🎔  ❝Look at this. Jennifer is playing in photoshop again.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Queue ❫  🎔  ❝When the lights go out in New Orleans.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Giveaways ❫  🎔  ❝Amazing People that do giveaways.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If you are a multi muse please comment on who you want the starter for. ❞
0 notes
Let’s get to know you.
Let's play a game together. A role-play kind of thing. I'll give you some 'character traits' and you'll try your best to really channel this person. At the end of this little game I'll ask you a question. If you really channeled the character you'll know the answer by heart. This won't take long, I promise. Probably about 10 Minutes, depending on how fast you read. Are you ready? ...Okay. Let's start:
A quick outline of your appearance: You're an adolescent boy, probably around 18-20. Brown hair, green-brown eyes and absurdly white teeth. Your height is average (1,76m-ish/roughly 5'9), slim figure, slight tan. You got that? Nice.
Now on to your personality: You're funny, you're smart, you're charming. You have cool interests (comics, video games, skating, music... etc.) and you can get very passionate when talking about them. Especially when it comes to comic lore. You're not afraid to share your feelings with people you're close with, you're not even afraid to cry in front of them. You like to help your friends and you expect nothing in return. You're reliable. A good friend. People like you. Awesome! ...
But that's just the surface. Everyone has layers. I won't be Mary Sue-ing you. You ain't one-dimensional and you sure as hell aren't perfect. No one is. We're going to dig deep and try to find the skeletons in your closet. Though we first have to have an idea of your personality. We're going from neutral to bad. The good stuff is mentioned above. You still with me? Then let's continue.
First layer: You're an introvert.
Let me outline your very basic introvert a little: Introverts appear to be shy at first, but that is slightly inaccurate. They just have a hard time socializing, it often drains their energy to a point where they are just exhausted. That's why introverts rarely take the initiative when meeting someone new. That often leads to them having a small circle of friends, which they're totally fine with. They like their 'alone time'. They sometimes need a lot of space. Once they trust you, they will eventually start sharing their opinions and feelings more frequently and they can even overstep their own boundaries.
You're no exception from this general pattern and you're okay with that although you sometimes wish for it to be different. But hey, that's alright, everyone struggles with their specific "-ism". Nobody judges you. Holy shit, even extroverts struggle with their personality from time to time. Cool? Cool.
Second layer: You have very poor social/verbal skills.
Being an introvert does NOT mean being awful at expressing yourself verbally. That isn't an excuse and actually insulting for all the eloquent introverts out there.
Like the introvert one, this is not a bad trait. The difference is that being an introvert is a real part of your personality whereas your ability to talk is a trait of choice. Atleast in your case. You don't have a disorder. You just chose to not work on that properly resulting in misunderstandings with basically everybody around you.
Third layer: You're not exactly the most honest person.
Let me give you an example: You have the attention span of a fly. When someone notices you weren't listening or paying any attention, you tend to lie yourself 'out of the situation', hoping the other person won't notice. But you're a bad liar. You need to acquire a certain level of social skill to have success with that tactic. Too bad you haven't reached it yet. You would sacrifice every inch of trust that was given to you in order to not embarrass yourself.
Many people are like that. It's an annoying (and again: optional) trait, since you always have the option to just ask people what they're were talking about or what just happened (or what happened in general), but I guess that'd be way too easy. Again, many people share this trait with you, so it's no biggie.
Fourth layer: You're obsessive.
Now this is something way more unpleasant. Imagine being so insecure about yourself that you feel the constant need to be upset about your friends being with their other friends and not with you. That you used to TEXT them all night while they were chilling at someone elses place. Furiously. In tears. That you STILL feel the need let your 'friend' feel bad about hanging around with their friends. You're not even disguising it. You want THEM to feel bad. And because you're almost at a sociopathic level of being obsessive you actually go the biggest lengths to get back at them. With no sense of remorse whatsoever.
So, what is the best way to get back at them? You meet up with someone else too. What, that sounds like a healthy way to deal with the situation? If you'd just crave company that keeps your mind busy, then yes. But that isn't the exact motive, is it? No. It really isn't. If you'd only look for company you'd choose anyone from your small but fine variety of friends. But you aren't lonely. You're bitter. You wanna have some sweet revenge, because your friend makes you feel bad by not hanging around with you.
AN: Now I want you to think of the most pathetic person you've ever met. And they used to be as obsessed with you as you are with that friend I mentioned above nowadays. Imagine kicking U.P. (unpleasant person) out of your life not just once, but three times.
Despite you kicking them out of your life that many times you still consider them 'important'. ...Or do you really? I wonder.
In the back of your head something else rings: The friend you're obsessed with right now also had unpleasant encounters with that 'important' person you want to meet again. Your friend really doesn't like them. And the U.P. used to love YOU. I'll leave it at that. You can figure the reasoning behind your actions out yourself.
Fifth layer: If it's hurting/bothering you, everyone around you should be hurt/bothered too.
This is strongly tied with #4. And we're slowly getting to the point where it's just uncomfortable to read further.
If you aren't happy, then your close friends shouldn't be happy as well. For you, it's as simple as that. You continue whining and muttering until everyone has a bad time. And that doesn't even happen on a verbal level, no, your passive-aggressive ass is sending out subliminal messages. Is it that hard to talk about your problems? But don't worry, the majority of your friends just accept the fact that you're having a bad day. But the inner-circle (1-2 people approx. in your case) knows you're passive-aggressive on a daily basis.
How does that make you feel? Does it feel nice to ruin your friends moods? Dragging them down? You don't need to answer that. Just let it sink in.
AN: I hope you already cringe.
Sixth layer: You're manipulative and a guilt-tripper. And you play the victim card way too often.
Scenario time!
Let's say, you were totally wasted a while ago and tried to jump out of the window to kill yourself. You're not even suicidal, you just wanted to prove a point. And some attention. Hey, everybody makes mistakes, this is still acceptable, don't wet yourself. Consider me your friend. I am your friend. I wanna help you.
I try to talk to you about your problems, but, big surprise, it backfires. You get all whiney, shedding the biggest crocodile tears known to mankind. It annoys me. I get loud. I get angry. You cry. You cry me a river. Two rivers. You lock yourself in the bathroom, you smash windows, you verbally abuse yourself.
And then, when I get irrational and start to behave like a mental moron your inner hypocrite starts showing- Telling me I need to change.
Action/Reaction principle. The chicken or the egg causality dilemma. Who started it?
The case is clear. Crystal clear. You're the victim. You'll always be the victim. Why? Because tears beat violence. Yes? Right? Rock beats scissors. Always. The world is black and white. There's only the obvious right and the obvious wrong. My anger is worse than your fake tears. Your emotional manipulative, guilt-tripping tears. No doubt.
Knowing about my anger issues and provoking them until you have something to hold against me isn't you being an aggressor. You playing the small little victim card, guilt tripping my ass to the moon isn't manipulative.
We're both victims, both aggressors. The difference between you and me is that I am not actively trying to provoke your tears or all of the bullshit that comes with it.
Seventh layer: You deny any of your bad traits, because you don't want to admit that you haven't changed a bit over the last couple of years AKA You're absolutely delusional.
The worst trait is not acknowledging all the mayhem you cause all the time. IGNORING IT. You won't admit to your sociopathic, manipulative behaviour and you never question the motives behind your actions. You're delusion goes beyond everything I've ever known. And the worst part is: You're still blaming this on me. Saying I haven't grown up and matured. Telling me, you've change so much while repeating this neverending nightmarish cycle of emotional torture and treating me like I am the only one to blame.
Atleast I know I am an asshole too. Atleast I try to wear my heart on my sleeve. But this isn't about me. _______________________________
You get your question in a bit. Just a quick conclusion.
Remember my words from the beginning? That this wouldn't take long? It actually takes a long ass time make yourself look this pathetic. Especially when you started out as a nice person. A decent one. You see, when you make a friend you usually like them. You want them to be a part of your life.
No exception here. I really liked you. And I trusted you. From day one. You progressively destroyed this friendship.
And in the end I started participating. I feel bad about myself.
But you never even bothered to try to explain yourself properly, did yo? You know, all I heard was bullshit over bullshit.
Now I know that the average innocent reader doesn't really know much about my history with you. But I still dare to ask this question:
If this was really you, on a scale of 1 to 10, how disgusted would you be with yourself?
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