#( * reply / michelle )
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“Am I a mess?” | Ted Lasso 3x04
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solomons-poison · 10 months
What about 1 or 6 with Chev? I'm interested to know how you'd think he'd react!
OOoh this was hard to decide on, I do love both ideas..... There's been posts going around about Clavis with scars, so I think Chev with scars would be a good match (and maybe I'll do the checking for temperature separately if I feel up to it cause thats really cute)
Chevalier x GN!reader
♡ kissing their scars
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Chevalier still saw himself as a beast most days. Of course, since he took you on as his lover, his human side emerged more and more every day, always surprising him and the way you coaxed it out of him and discovered his true self buried deep beneath. But regardless of unearthing his human side, he continued to be a force to be reckoned with, dominating the battlefield and fiercely protecting his kingdom from those that would attempt to harm it.
His skill on the battlefield was nothing to sneeze at, he knew what he was good at and how to strategize to reduce the risk to himself and his troops. But his skills weren't just God-gifted; they were hard-earned. It took years of practice, of studying, learning the art of war from a young age and dealing with his mistakes, rare though they were. At the time, he had accumulated a small number of scars, and as the years passed and his skills grew, they happened less and less.
But glancing in the mirror as he readied himself each morning, he could still see the faint shimmery glimmer of the marks he'd picked up over time. He never gave them thought anymore, simply a facet of his being that existed but made no influence on him, at least until you spotted them one evening while bathing together. You knew better than to vocalize your concerns, knowing what his scars were likely from and that there was no risk of danger. But it didn't stop you from glancing at them or running your fingers over them lightly when you two were undressed.
Over time, it evolved into soft kisses pressed to the marred skin. Not that it bothered him particularly, but your actions often confused him more than anything. It was unnecessary, wasn't it? When asked why you would do that, you could only respond that it was your way of being grateful he was alive, that he was healthy. And no matter the amount of marks he accumulated, he was still human and beautiful and loved. It felt silly saying it out loud, of course, especially with the way your lover's icy blue eyes gazed down at you as you answered. But surprisingly, he didn't fight it, simply let you continue as you wished.
Chevalier could never quite understand it, this need to fuss over something that no longer affected him or hurt him. But then again, you were always much more human than he ever expected he could be, and it brought an unfamiliar flutter to his heart whenever this happened. It became routine, taking a long bath together and checking him for any new marks after trips to the border and handling any sort of skirmish or uprising, covering him in your kisses again and again. Although he'd insist it wasn't needed, he never fought you on it, and he'd never know the soft smile it brought to his face afterwards.
Send me a type of kiss and a character!
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tailoredshirt · 6 days
Nice ask week ghost here 👻
what's one big splurge you plan to make this year?
Hi! <3
I need a new laptop so bad. Mine is from 2012 and it's so slow, especially if I open Photoshop or Sony Vegas (vidding). I am not in a position to purchase one right now, but I hope to do so in 2024!
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nosensedit · 1 year
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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poppysplace-edits · 2 years
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rainbow costume and decor bandori icons with a white background, ftu with credit <3
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dxmichelle · 26 days
CHARACTER BINGGGOOOOOO...I feel like we have not had one single discussion about Bakura and I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR BAKURA THOUGHTS ARE. 👀
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Oh Ryou Bakura, I wish the series didn’t do you so dirty.
This poor awkward boy, bouncing from place to place just trying to form connections and play tabletop games with his friends.
I probably project a little of my shy awkward geekiness onto him. He just wants to have a good time but alas we’re usually the ones overlooked and forgotten by our peers.
Like…didn’t he go from unconscious to straight up vanishing on the Battle City blimp? Everyone freaked the heck out about Mai and Rishid and Jonouchi, but Bakura? Nah - he’s probably fine.
And then, in DSOD the gang literally sits down and everyone gets a chance to say what their post-school plans are - except him. No one cares I guess. It’s a mystery. Maybe it’s still a mystery to him too….would be nice to have that admittance though. Not everyone has to have that kind of determination on what they want to do with their life at 18, but I digress.
Ryou is one of those characters that I think is universally treated the same across the fandom. He’s quiet, polite, and helpful. But then he’s also the punching bag of the whole series. Getting saddled with the Millennium Ring and inheriting literal Evil Incarnate is the rawest deal and he deserved better than being just the vessel for Yami Bakura’s slowburn acts of villainy.
Someone give this poor kid a hug.
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sandboxer · 11 months
posting a DNI in the slack channel
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pleasetakethis · 7 months
Feeling Good
Written for the 2023 Marvel Femslash Drabble Exchange. I think these two are just neat. XD Aroace Yelena in the background because why not?
Pairing: Kate Bishop/Michelle Jones Rating: Gen Word Count: 900 words Tags: Getting Together, First Dates, First Kiss, Triple Drabble, Drabble Sequence, Fluff
Summary: Kate slips the barista her number on the back of her receipt and she's pleasantly surprised when the decision works out in her favor.
Read @ AO3
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jameszmaguire · 5 months
either stop stealing my wife or join the couple, lizzie dear
Now I am being propositioned via Tumblr inbox, this is most unorthodox! @cate-dunlap look at this!!
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nooradeservedbetter · 11 months
Ma tu che opinione ti sei fatta della scelta di zerocalcare di non dire fascisti, ma nazisti. Con lo spiegone almeno ho capito le sue intenzioni, ma fino a quel momento ero molto in dubbio. Vista la caratterizzazione dei fascisti secondo me avrebbe avuto senso chiamarli così e basta, alla fine si rifanno principalmente a quello e il loro comportamento nella serie è in linea con quello che il fascismo è stato ed è. Non c'era pericolo che la gente pensasse "vabbè son fascisti, nulla di che" e quindi anche irl il ragionamento che ne sarebbe scaturito è che se uno è fascio non ci sono scusanti, è una merda e basta.
Ciao anon!
Mah ti dico, ne ho preso atto senza pensare a molto altro; è una scelta ponderata che ha abbastanza senso secondo me, considerato chi è al governo in questo momento e considerato che anche al di là dei fasci al governo, l'opinione generale è sempre stata che "apperò ha fatto anche cose buone".
Alla fine, Predappio è una meta turistica con il PD (credo ancora) all'amministrazione che lascia fare perché sossoldi: non so se hai letto Predappio Toxic Waste Blues dei Wu Ming ai tempi, se non l'hai fatto te lo consiglio vivamente, sono tre articoli lunghetti ma un'analisi lucidissima sulla situazione italiana sia a Predappio che con il fascismo in generale. La maggioranza dei votanti ha votato Giorgia Meloni, che ok magari istituzionalmente non dice più "sono fascista", ma è un messaggio che arriva forte e chiaro a chi la vota e dice (come Cesare) che ha bisogno di una mano forte e di più regole.
Il rischio più che altro mi sembra la separazione tra chi sta al governo e chi sta nelle strade. Non parliamo di GM (che ci sta visto che è stato scritto/pensato prima che salisse in carica eh) ma solo dei picchiatori, senza pensare che sono due facce della stessa medaglia, e senza il fascismo degli antifascisti (E QUI STO USANDO IL CONTESTO CORRETTO PER QUELLA CITAZIONE DI ME) che c'è stato prima di lei, non ci sarebbe lei e non ci sarebbero i picchiatori nelle strade.
Alla fine, noialtri che guardiamo zerocalcare dalla nostra bolla di politica bene o male di sx sappiamo perfettamente di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di fascismo, nazismo, o, cazzo ne so. Imperialismo fase suprema del capitalismo. È anche molto semplice (e qui parlo per me) dire a Michele che le sue opinioni politiche estere fanno abbastanza cacare, e dirglielo da sinistra.
Però la serie è una serie Netflix che si rivolge un po' a tutti. Certo, nei tutti non sono considerati quelli che fanno il corteo in memoria di Ramelli ogni aprile a Milano, però sono considerate quelle persone che magari pensano che Renzi non sia poi così malvagio, e che Minniti ha fatto bene a fare quello che ha fatto perché lo ha fatto col beneplacito dei famosi antifascisti :)
Quindi tutto sommato lo capisco quando li chiama nazisti. È un termine che ancora fa paura, anche ai fasci che "l'unico errore di Mussolini è stato allearsi con Hitler."
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solomons-poison · 2 months
I don't know much about Chev but after a quick glance... maybe a rare book appraiser/curator?
Oooooh yes.... yes I like this. Maybe combined with some thoughts a couple others said about him being like the son of a CEO or something !!
Like he expects to likely inherit the company but when he's not attending meetings with the company or something, he works with books and maybe even translating old works :o
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robodog77 · 8 months
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stingray blast
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breitzbachbea · 9 months
Have we considered an AU with a Dullahan-like Harry figure, who has a blossoming romance with the recently departed Michele. And when Michele utters his desire and wish for love, Harry becomes so embarassed, he takes off his head and hides it behind his back to not have to face him. And Michele, undeterred, takes the head, with a determined and stubborn smile on his face, and gentle kisses his darling on the lips. Have we considered this yet.
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heartstringsduet · 6 months
finally started a Tk turning 30 thingy that I'm not sure many will like but feels very cathartic to write and I know I will love and be proud of. And isn't that the best feeling you could have for writing?
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alfea · 7 months
i still think it’s hilarious that for the spirit room’s 20th anniversary we got a rerecording of the whole album, new merch, and a virtual acoustic concert but for hotel paper’s 20th anniversary we got an instagram story
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dxmichelle · 26 days
PEGS for character bingo. [Insert Peggy emoji here🍷]
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I have mixed feelings about Pegasus. On the surface he’s my favorite troll in the series (at least in anime canon…since he dies after Duelist Kingdom in the manga, yes? I can’t remember, it’s been a while 🫠). My FAVORITE things as a writer are smooshing him into a room with Kaiba and/or Isono and see how much willpower they have to not kill him.
(So far no reported murders! ✅)
When you dig deeper there there are some layers to explore that really don’t get touched on. He’s rich and probably never had any real worry in the world, marries his childhood sweetheart, and lives the dream. Up until now he’s not an awful person.
Then he’s swallowed by grief, makes some rather questionable decisions and sometime after getting the Millennium Eye this new devious and sinister personality comes out. Was this fueled by the Eye or was he secretly always this way? Who knows! How much of a shift does he make, if any, after losing the Eye? Is he still an awful person? Does he, or would he, try to make amends with the people he wronged when he had the Eye?
These are the important questions! It’s great that we the audience, through Yugi and co, were told why he did the things he did. But that’s not really an apology. And what about Mr. Muto? Or the Kaiba brothers? There’s that missing sense of closure.
Everything post Duelist Kingdom with him is filler, but I’m really curious to how he went from this smooth manipulator that was easily capable of causing so much grief to this helpful(ish) ally who still seems to get a kick out of getting under people’s skin, even if he’s not dangerous anymore.
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