brokeassgoing Β· 9 months
"Good Things Never Come In Twos (But Bad Things Do)"
You would think after narrowly running into something that he didn't spot with his own eye, that Badou would be smart and not return to the bottom of the mall.
But we know better. The only one who doesn't appear to know better is the info broker himself. Maybe it's some sort of ancestral instincts, the same ones that made people hunt down Bigfoot thanks to grainy photos and a rubber foot. Either way, he's back again, flashlight ready, a knife or two stowed on his person.
Sorely wishing he had his gun, but we can't have everything. He's also brought along a marker he can mark the walls or floor with, ensuring he won't get lost. Hopefully.
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He'd made it into the employee-only section quicker than last time, and the eerie feeling he can brush away for the most part.
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magnusmodig Β· 6 months
❝ 𝐈 π’π‡πŽπ”π‹πƒ π‡πŽππ„ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 my brother has not brought you any cause for discomfort, ❞ thor was saying. ❝ he can be something of a handful upon occasion. ❞ it was with this sentiment that thor allowed his attentions to go to the whiskey in his hand. long gone were the days when loki had hardly been the sort to cause a scene. a mischievous child he had been , then β€” so had they both been β€” but lately.... it was difficult to say whether or not he meant any harm by it.
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❝ ... but i am sure you can handle yourself well. ❞
@epilvgue / semi-plotted starter !
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angelictragedy Β· 10 months
Ice and Booze (Thank you Brother) ||@epilvgue||
The snow seemed to appear overnight. The water turning rapidly to ice which had Knives out early in the morning, alone. He couldn't sleep, much as he wanted to remain with Legato, he had one goal in mind whilst he slept;
Learn to ice skate.
He'd gotten two pairs of his size, knowing eventually his attempts would land him breaking something, but as he strapped them in, he paused. He looked to the red pair they had had left, his blue ones on his feet and smiled, a softness to his features.
Pulling out the phone, he dragged up his brother's contact.
Text: Vash. Meet me by the pond in the garden we'd met at. Please?
No, he wasn't going to tell his brother what he had planned, he had hoped to have a little bit of a surprise, finding his footing he tentatively slipped out onto the ice.
His stance is terrible, arms hovering as he tries first just to focus on balance and staying upright, even as he tentatively slid forward. He waddled a moment, grumbling to himself before his body jerked involuntarily. Upon trying to correct, he over corrected and found himself suddenly staring at the sky.
This was going to be far harder than Rem made it seem.
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mischiefmodig Β· 10 months
The entire notion of this place was completely and utterly detestable to the man. Loki was pulled from the thralls of his world and was stranded with cheap toys and worse - stripped of his defenses as if he was unworthy of his own achievements.
He needed time. There was too much to consider, too much to think about ( Thor blurred his judgments )
He needed to be alone.
The key he had been given was simple enough. Though he scoffed at the scale of these establishments, he supposed it would have to suffice.
The key fit in the door and into the villa he entered. Minimally furnished and of a mix of blues and browns. Not to his taste in the slightest - how did Midgardians live in such suffocating spaces.
He opened and entered...
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❝  ... ❞A tall man too tall in red clothes, grandiose hair, and strange glasses. Loki's mood worsened.
❝ What is the meaning of this? ❞
@epilvgue \ / Roommates
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drunkelreporter Β· 10 months
It's late by the time Roberto makes it home, or at least to what's meant to be his new home here. The place is too empty and quiet for him after so long cooped up with his kids. Dealing with Vash and Wolfwood picking at each other and pretending they're not making eyes every time the other looks away, with Wolfwood harassing Meryl over every and anything, and Meryl screeching at the both of them had left him used to the chaos and noise. Now it's just... empty.
Lonely even.
He could only hope they all got out of JuLai, even if he didn't.
The old reporter heads up to the rooftop, pulling out the pack of smokes he'd bought earlier and his new lighter. Pain in the ass that he had to spend money for new ones but, well. He'll deal. Leaning against the short wall around the roof he breathes in smoke and breathes out a cloud, letting the lingering buzz of alcohol and the curl of nicotine soothe him while his thoughts drift.
Something catches his attention though, out of the corner of his eye. Next door neighbor moving around on his own roof, red coat like blood in the moonlight. Red coat? His attention drawn, Roberto looks over-
And drops his lighter from nerveless fingers. It plumets from the roof and bounces somewhere in the carpet of green below.
"Aw fucking-" He barks a curse and cuts himself off, leans over to look down, distracted and maybe a little shaken. That was Vash, but nothing like Vash. The coat was similar, the hair was spiked up and black, the glasses were similar. He carried himself in a way that was familiar and Roberto did not know what to do with that.
"Uh... Evening neighbor. Sorry, dropped my lighter." He'd go down and look for it but... He almost doesn't want to take his eyes off of this Vash-not-Vash.
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bluestringpuppeteer Β· 10 months
These streets are unfamiliar to him but his phone has a map. He's vaguely aware that he shouldn't be able to remember how to use one so well, that he shouldn't remember anything at all, but he's grateful that he does. He's had opportunity to grow and change and frankly he'd rather not have to go through the things that had changed him again. This place is new and different and nearly all the important pieces of his life before are gone but... He can make due. He'll just have to.
There are others making their way down the streets, fumbling their phones and looking around in bewilderment. It's oddly nostalgic to see them, strangely enough. He doesn't know what to do with this feeling and there's something more interesting then examining it walking down the street away from him so he tucks the feeling away for later and lengthens his stride.
The red coat is always the same, the ends long and tattered. The hair is black and Legato sighs to himself a little. It would be easier to have a conversation with Stampede if he didn't have to deal with a likely breakdown.
"Stampede," he calls as he closes the distance, sounding blase. "Fancy meeting you here. I don't suppose you remember anything from another world before this so we can save ourselves a few steps and effort?"
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unluckyuncle Β· 3 months
Sunflower Starter π“…­π“…­π“…­π“…­ @epilvgue
It was nice to do something relaxing for a change. Sitting at one of the benches with a handful of beads and string, Donald had been working diligently at making some bracelets. Unfortunately, he was not only unlucky but not very artistic either.
He held up one of his creations to look at. Somehow it'd turned into an insanely chaotic mess of materials in the shape of a circle. Donald frowned but still turned to show his table partner.
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[ Whaddya think of this, Vash? ] He was asking for honest feedback, trying to catch a glimpse of what he might have been working on. But it only took one quick breeze from the wind to break the whole bracelet, beads fell onto the table in a loud series of pitter patters, scattering everywhere.
[ ... Whoops. ] Donald looked at the mess he made, before sighing. [ Guess I'm starting over. How's yours coming along? ]
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fellstcr Β· 6 months
βš”οΈ // petal nooks was becoming something of a second home , of sorts. it was a comforting place. one that she felt comfortable allowing cucumber to spend time in. and more than that : it reminded byleth of the officer's academy's greenhouse. large windows framed the walls , allowing sunlight to filter inside for the plants that lined them. hydroponics and grow lights kept the other plants alive and well. it was lush and green with plenty of colors to go around. the staff were friendly , and so were the customers who came and went here.
you never really knew who you might meet , or the stories that their plants told. byleth found that it was a way to better understand the people around her. there was a lot she could make out just from the type of plant a person was drawn to. rounding the corner to find the spring seeds ( hoping to find blue iris ) , she caught wind of a rather tall man , and in his hands was quite the PERTURBING SIGHT.
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". . . your friend doesn't seem to be doing so well."
@epilvgue / semi-plotted !
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millionsnife Β· 1 year
@epilvgue || you have found a creechur
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He's suspicious of this new creature; it's not Vash. Or at least not Vash as he knows him.
Unless his brother has gotten both larger and fatter since they were separated. And if it is his brother, how did he even escape? No way he fit in the vents like this.
A slow, cautious lean forward.
And then a bap at the face.
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fatedsinners Β· 1 year
Sinfully Undead \\@epilvgue Sinday Meme BS\\
The undead really did try to ignore what was happening, had turned to sharpening his knife despite the grating sound making his teeth grind. But hearing the sound of a body hitting the floor had him looking up. He sighed heavily, standing from where he'd been settled, rubbing at his face until the sound of something else crashing down and no 'I'm okay' being cried out had him climbing the stairs quietly. If the other was having some sort of fit, he wasn't going to let the Plant hide it from him this time. He'd already had the horrific realization that the other was dying. What he didn't expect when throwing open the door, knife in hand just in case there was a threat, was to see what he was shown. The man practically naked, prone with the bare ass in the air. The feathers weren't new, he's seen them countless times during high stress events. So his eyes cast around, before he dared to stab his weapon into the wall, closing and locking the door as he tried to understand what was happening. His nose flared, drinking in the scent before a brow crawled up his forehead to meet his hairline. "I could hear ya from downstairs." it's drawled out, that lazy tint of his Latino accent finding home on his tongue as arms crossed. "Something tells me this ain't the usual call of nature, else I don't think you'd have been so loud... Or destructive." he steps further into the room, nudging a few long feathers with his booted foot, grunting when he nearly tripped over one slithering around. "Geez, Needle-Noggin'! What, are you in heat or somethin'?" the words come when he's forced to stop nearing the other, too much movement around him for him to feel he could approach without stepping on a feather. "Need, like.... A hand or somethin'?" To what he was offering the vampire had no clue, unsure if he was offering sex, companionship, cleaning or assistance to the bathroom. Truthfully, all of the above would be completely fine for the dead man walking.
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kaibacorpbros Β· 1 year
|| @epilvgue
Wormholes. Sure, why not. Traveling through different dimensions wasn't enough, rips in space decided to spring up too. Truthfully, Kaiba hadn't done much with the Space Station in a few years. It's purpose had mostly been completed after all. But he wasn't one for waste, so he rented out most of it to scientists as well as for it to be used in educational programs to get children interested in astrology, aerodynamics, physics, and the like. But space was a smaller interest of his and he was always kept in the know about what research was being conducted and what discovers were made.
And apparently this time they had found a wormhole. He was expecting it to be some big tear in the fabric of reality, a gaping hole with a void of nothingness... but no it looked more like a little scratch in the night sky. So of course lent his intellect in the crusade to figure out what was on the other side.
"If this thing doesn't come back well... that's a few hundred thousand yen down the drain."
A drone, specifically built for this voyage, was released from the station and was piloted remotely by Seto into the wormhole. As a pleasant surprise, very little damage was inflicted upon the robot on its trip through. The live camera feed revealed on the other side of the wormhole was--a desert? It sure didn't look like another planet. More like a desert on Earth.
A long bout of silence washed over the research team as they weren't sure if they should consider this groundbreaking or disappointing.
Interrupting it all was what looked like a humanoid figure down closer to the surface. Promptly Kaiba directed the drone to get closer. And it was just... a guy?
Maybe this wormhole didn't lead to a new, undiscovered area of space and just. Back to Earth. That was the only thing that could make sense, right? There was no way a person was on some faraway planet in space out in the middle of a desert. Right?
Well, no way of knowing but by asking the guy. With a few more key inputs the drone's speakers chimed "Hello" in several of the most common languages at the strange person in red.
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nicholas-wolfwood Β· 1 year
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magnusmodig Β· 10 months
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 π’πŽπŒπ„π“π‡πˆππ† π“πŽ 𝐁𝐄 π’π€πˆπƒ about mortals and their propensity towards the excessive. his years spent with jane foster , though few , had forewarned him of such matters. particularly in the veins of shopping plazas. jane was a humble woman , and so on the few spare times he had coaxed her from her work ( fearing she would burn herself out should she burn too brightly ) , it was in the name of simple things: groceries or equipment to return to her craft. a bookstore or a furnishings for the home they had called theirs.
humans enjoyed variety , and thor could not begrudge them that. but mimsi's department store was VAST even to thor's opinion. the shop boasted three floors with many rooms hosting wares of many times and places. shelves near burst with small antique decor and 'knick-knacks' could be found hidden tucked away in various small corners. truly a more massive establishment β€” and far more cluttered than the royal palace of valaskjalf.
but there was something in the store for everyone. and for thor , he found himself stalling as he carefully edged his way through a corridor of shelves , attention caught by the familiar shape of astronomy binoculars. struck by memories of four mortal years time ( and perhaps , as well , a masochistic compulsion towards regret ) thor reached for the binoculars and found the hardware solid beneath his fingers. carefully , he procured it from the shelf whence it had been tucked away β€” only to not notice how its strap had curled itself around the base of a porcelain vase.
as the binoculars were secured , the vase came loose , and with toppled the floor of the small row with an resoundingly loud CRASH. the pieces scattered across the dappled grey tile. for a moment , all was still. . .
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. . . then thor cursed in asgardian.
@epilvgue / starter call !
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mischiefmodig Β· 9 months
@epilvgue \ / Hearths Rising Starter
He was growing restless. Answers were coming no faster to him in his own research than in any other subject he had studied in the past. He knew the legends of this place almost for heart by this point, but everything was as infuriatingly vague as it was back on Asgard.
Further still, he'd become distracted by the dawning of another evil that watched him from afar.
Dwyrnokk. A familiar creature of his own world though not identical ( he recognized the name as soon as he eyes fell upon it. ) A terror had taken through him when he remembered the way it stared upon him. He was a master of lies, a trickster, of course it was after him. He had too many secrets he needed to bear.
He would certainly not be forced into participating in this world's frivolous activities. He simply would not allow it. And now that he had made up his mind, he had plunged himself into his work.
For days...
He'd lost track of them, searching for answers to escape. To have power restored, anything to make it make sense to him. He was so caught up in his studies at the Archives, he failed to notice a familiar figure approach him.
A tap upon his shoulder brought him out of his stupor, a hand reaching for the nearest book to become his weapon. Only to recognize the man who approached. The person he was forced to share a roof with.
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❝ What are you doing here? ❞ He asked curtly, though perhaps for Vash's benefit, he was rather more exhausted than usual. He hadn't been to the Villa in a few days ( curse this mortal body. )
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adventures-written Β· 1 year
A birthday punch in the face for Nai. With zero love, @epilvgue and @indevendent
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The blades emerge quickly as the two land their blows to his face. This was unexpected. He hadn't thought the two weaker versions of he and his brother would make an appearance. Nor did he expect any sort of attack from them. Blades shifted from his back to strike out at the two, especially the half-dead Independent that was supposed to be some version of him.
This may be their birthday, but it would also be their death day.
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bluestringpuppeteer Β· 8 months
He hovered over Legato when the man woke up from sleeping on the couch. Blue eyes were aglow behind tinted glasses, the ribbons of his coat splayed over the living room floor as though he had simply grown forth from it. - They appeared almost too long, like blood red tendrils.
Somehow he seemed even taller than usual, almost malformedly so. Imposing, cutting a silhouette that was impossible to ignore, impossible to pass around. A blockade in and of himself. The blue moonlight passing through the window glinted off the Peacemaker at his hip.
A cool metal hand touched Legato's cheek, those vibrant blue's almost overflowing with pity.
And then his other hand came around to cup the psychic's face with both. It was a soft motion for such a terrible-looking figure - for the Diablo himself - and he leaned down. Far down until he was so close that Legato might see his own reflection in Vash's eyes.
Fingers abruptly dug into the skin of Legato's face.
"How could a human compare to me?" His voice was surprisingly, achingly, soft. // [Hallucination]
Legato has been tired, exhausted really, and napping on the couch has become commonplace for him quickly. He'd doze for minutes or hours and wake feeling just as tired as he had when he'd fallen asleep. Nothing touched the ache behind his eyes, nor the visions that swam past when he was unconscious.
Nightmares were not unfamiliar at least. He didn't usually wake screaming anymore.
Waking hallucinations were stranger, harder to spot, more likely to merge with the world around him in ways that made it difficult to pick them out.
When he wakes from yet another impromptu nap, he's startled to find Vash there, hovering over him like some specter. He's not awake enough, not aware enough, to pick out that he's seeing that which isn't there, even with all the oddities about him. All the things that were exaggerated and drawn out to make the usually kind and playful man seem... Other. Ominous. Alien and strange and terrifying.
"St-Stampede...?" Legato's gold eyes slowly grew wide and terrified as he was crowded back against the couch without Vash so much as moving. His gaze was drawn to the glint of the gun at his side, the weapon that would one day end his life. One bullet, that's all it took with a gun that size. He knew, his arm still tingled with the kick of it.
A soft, shuddering breath is pulled from him, Legato trying to shy away from the reaching hand but he can't move, can't resist the touch though he flinches. Pity, overwhelming and choking, the kind that would drown him in despair, flows over him. He wants to demand Vash leave, that he stop touching him, to stop, go away, no no no no-! Pinned between that soft, terrible gaze, the back of the couch, those careful, gentle hands, all he can do is stare wide eyed and shake. Instead of a demand for distance, all that makes it out of his throat is a small, terrified, whine.
He can see himself, mirrored in those blue, blue eyes. Blue hair vanishes into the depths of them, like Vash is absorbing him entirely. The image flickers, switches between himself and Him, that mad animal with violence and glee in his eye and a bloody hole in his head.
Those fingers tightened, squeezed his face hard enough to ache, hard enough to bruise, just like they would to remind him how he was less then them, less then dirt, how he was n o t h i n g.
And how could he? How could he compare to Vash, to a brother, to a Plant? Human and the lowest of low among them at that, the very definition of less then garbage. He deserved what he was: N o t h i n g.
Gold locked on blue, unable to move, unable to tear his gaze away, unable to do anything but feel the pain of the iron grip digging into his skin and jaw and hear the reverberating word over and over in his head. Hot tears spilled over his cheeks but did not so much as blur the image of the pitying Angel looking down to put him in the place he belonged, consuming him and burning him alive as he ought to be.
A cry rose in his throat and suddenly he was on the ground, tangled in red, strangling, being devoured-
Tangled in the blankets he'd wrapped himself in, fallen from the couch in a panicked flail. He curled into a ball and heaved great sobbing breathes, hiding his face and head while Vash's words reverberated in his skull.
'How could a human compare to me?'
A dream. Just a dream. It's not... He wouldn't...
Would he?
N o t h i n g.
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