destage · 2 years
no bestie the way this is so sexy of you, i love the new look, the vibes, the everything.
i just think that kenna hot pink era was a bit inevitably really. like feels good feels right feels complete.
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destage-arch · 2 years
just dropping by with a lil reminder that ilu and think the world of you. your talent and skill are unparalleled, i love reading everything you write, every muse is just perfection. you are so creative and kind and compassionate and i very much value getting to chat and plot and throw shenanigans at each other every day. thank you sm for being my friend! <3
I HAVE HAD THIS FOR A MONTH AND I DO NOT THINK I HAD READ IT UNTIL NOW. (which says a lot about the time i spend in my askbox haha) but hello my sweet, this is the kindest thing ever and to think this was a month ago??? to think that we have a whole extra month on this. you have become such an important part of my life and i am so, so grateful that i have you in it and that i get to talk to you every day. i am so proud of you as a person and so blessed to call you my friend. you're the most talented ever and i love you so so much <3
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firebucks · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
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you can't make me cry on my first day at a new blog, blythe ! :(
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herhaunt-a2 · 3 years
as a certified eleanor crain expert , i feel like i'm qualified to tell you about your portrayal. it is as if you have managed to crawl inside of nell's head and absorb every aspect of her character , then bring it to life in your writing. you understand the character on such a deep level like it actually amazes me. putting aside how beautifully you write in general , with nell you nail the mannerisms , the speech , the thought process and it is so easy to picture her doing the things you write. not only that but your exploration outside of interactions floors me , the detail you go into when discussing her is outstanding and the themes you explore open my eyes to things i would never have even thought about but make so much sense. in short , your portrayal is wonderful and you're doing a great job. and i promise i'm not biased because you're my pal.
you are the actual love of my life and this means so much because you wrote nell so well back when you had her and i honestly feel like you’re passing a metaphorical sad girl mantle to me. i adore you so much. and this is just ??? such a blessing i do not even know what to say.
hows my portrayal ?      @anghr
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: How you met them at a young age and how things are in high school with them
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’m sorry for all my Kuroo content sheinckwnf but thank you guys for all the love recently & my requests are open! I hope you guys are doing good I love y’all KITHES ❤️
Extra A/N: SURPRISE!!! I just hit 50 followers so this is my third post for today as a thank you for all the love 🥺 (Ik it’s not a lot but it’s still a milestone)
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• You two met when you were in the same class in middle school
• He was so happy when you sat next to him in class so he introduced himself
• You introduced yourself back and from then on would do your work together, eat lunch together, and tell each other funny stories
“Oikawa how do you get your hand stuck in a candy jar?”
“It was traumatizing we don’t talk about it y/n!”
• You, him and Iwaizumi would hang out at after their volleyball practice
• You often scolded him for being rude to Kageyama - he wouldn’t ever stop sadly and you had to hit a volleyball to his head
• You picked up some volleyball skills while spending so much time with him and he would make you do extra practice with him
“Oikawa I wanna go home!”
“Five more minutes!”
• It was never just five more minutes
• Anytime you hung out with Kageyama and helped him practice his serves Oikawa wouldn’t talk to you for a few hours
• Until he realized you weren’t going to bother to apologize and he said sorry for over reacting
• He did have a crush on you and you had one back but you always ignored it for the sake of your friendship
• High School rolled around and your friendship remained the same, but his popularity grew along with your feelings after many summers together
• Of course he liked you back but he never caught on much to your dismay and would constantly be a play boy
Iwa: Another crying girl shittykawa?
Y/n: you’re a pig, Oinkawa
Oikawa: Y/N? IWA? 😔
• You forced him to apologize to the girls he’s hurt in the last, and one went as far as slapping him
“You deserved that oinkawa.”
“Y/n-Chan I did not 🥺.”
• You still pressed a cold water bottle to his cheek and laughed
• He complained about it not being funny and kept being dramatic about the whole thing
• He shut up when you gave him a kiss on his his red cheek
“Oh? What has you so quiet now?”
• You began to regret your words as you noticed a smirk starting to grow on his face
“Y/n-Chan, my lips hurt too.”
• You scowled at him and shoved the water bottle at his puckered lips
“S-shut up shittykawa!”
“What has Iwa-Chan done to you?”
• you slowly took the water bottle back and closed your eyes and kissed him holding his face in your hands
• His shock was obvious but nevertheless he pulled you closer and kissed you back
• Your attempt to pull away didn’t work, he had waited for this moment for so long you weren’t going away so easily
• After you laughed and punched his chest he pulled away
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
“Then why didn’t you do it sooner loserkawa?”
• Needless to say, he dropped the whole playboy act but it didn’t mean his fan girls went away
• Iwa spiking a ball at the back of Oikawa’s head if he talks to them too long
“I love y/n i was just being nice!”
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• You were Kenna’s gaming buddy and when Kuroo met you he thought you were so pretty
• didn’t mean he wasn’t a lil shit tho
“You can’t play with us today! Kenma is helping me with volleyball!”
“Oh...I can help too?”
• Kuroo was so excited to have another player and while you guys played volleyball a lot you still got them to play other games
• Kuroo liked to pretend you were a princess and save you all the time 🥺
• But you’d ruin his ideas by saving yourself because you had an independent woman mindset
• Please his poor little kid heart couldn’t handle it
• When you guys grew up you decided to not play Volleyball but rather be their manager!
• Coach allowed you to play with them when they needed an extra player and you and Kuroo always went head to head
“Y/n won’t be able to do anything without me as middle blocker!”
“I have Kenma as my setter lick my foot Kuroo!”
• Yaku and you were the unstoppable moms of the team
• Lev had tried to hit in you resulting in a Kick from Kuroo AND Yaku
“Captain Kuroo more like LOSER Kuroo!”
“Y/n I’ll fire you as manager.”
“Coach likes me too much to let me go!”
• Everytime you two bickered Kenma always got you two to be quiet by mentioning something about you two’s feelings or saying “if you wanna kiss then kiss already”
• One particular day you were walking to practice earlier to sort through some stuff for Coach and were stopped by a few boys who were skipping class and roaming the hallways
“I’m sorry I have to get to the gym.”
“You would have so much more fun hanging out with us though, no?”
“No, I’d rather not.”
• Kuroo having seen this while heading back from the bathroom came to your rescue
“I think you guys should go.”
• Kuroo’s towering figure was enough to make the boys scramble off
“Thanks for that rooster head.”
“Of course, now little me got to fulfill his dream of saving a princess.”
• Your face turned a bright red before he realized what he said
“I mean- uh- well it’s like- hmph I just-“
• You cut him off and kissed his cheek making his face even more red as he rubbed the back of his head
• He went back to class blushing and practice was a whole different thing because Kuroo got shy around you CDHWINFOW
• Kenma already knew because you spilled the beans to him hehe
“Kuroo if you don’t stop simping you’ll creep y/n out and she won’t like you anymore.”
“She won’t wHAT?”
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• You met him and Yamaguchi when he helped you get back at the kid who kicked your sand castle
• Since then you two have been connected by the hip and everyone knew that
• You two would walk home together hand in hand, he would tease you about your height, he would also hold you back from throwing hands
• You were a rowdy kid honestly and he was the calm one, maybe that’s why you two were so close since opposites attract
• With both of your aggressive natures you two often argued and that lead to Yamaguchi having to help you two make up
“I don’t wanna make up with four eyes.”
“I don’t wanna make up with a little boy.”
• You two really were a handful for the shy boy
“Yamaguchi wouldn’t wanna go with a meanie like you Tsukishima!”
“I’m nicer to him than you are!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
“Guys 🥺”
• You two would forget about it later in or would apologize by buying each other a snack
• When you guys went to high school and they tried out for the volleyball team no one really knew about you
• Until you showed up at a game cheering like a psycho for Tsukishima and Yamaguchi
• He sent you a glare for that last one and you looked off acting like you didn’t just say that
• His team teased him for your cheering and he just brushed it off saying you were just his friend
• After his first game you walked up to him only for him to put a towel over you head and dragging you away talking about how embarrassing you are
“You love me Tsukki.”
“....You wish y/n.”
• He was glad the towel over your head didn’t allow you to see him because he was blushing hahcjwijfie
• You took the towel off and kissed his cheek
“You played well and I know you have more potential.”
• He kept his normal grumpy face
“You grimlin do you not smile?!”
• He laughed lightly making you smile and hook arms with him making him walk with you as you talked about the game
• The team was minding their own business but Yamaguchi didn’t go without noticing his best friends small smile
• everyones heads snapped from Tanaka’s pointing finger and looked at Tsukki’s red face
• Suga scolded Tanka and yelled at him for pointing
• Tsukki then walked home with you after the game but not before he stopped you
“Thanks. For coming today.”
• You raised your eyebrow at him, smiling
“I wouldn’t have missed your first high school game”
• He rubbed the back of his head looking off hoping you wouldn’t see his deep red cheeks for the hundredth time today wondering, what was wrong with him today?
• You made him look at you before standing on your tippy does and planting a kiss on his lips
• Good job y/n you broke him 😾 you noticed his frozen form and waved a hand in front of his face and then giggled walking into your house before he quickly began heading home
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destage-arch · 2 years
hey kenna, friendly reminder that 1) i adore you with my whole heart and 2) your writing is so beautiful and so fun to read and i genuinely love following along with all of your threads that pop up on my dash because you are so damn talented xo
my love !!! i sort of forgot i had this but i'm not mad about it because i really needed it today. you're such a sweetheart for thinking of me and i am so blessed to have you. i know i say im crying a lot but this 100% brought some sniffles to me. you are the sweetest ever ily <3
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destage · 2 years
eyes eyes, baby.
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destage-arch · 2 years
kenna how does it feel to be so completely and utterly talented? like to hold all that talent at the tips of your fingers? please lmk and share some 🤍
cherry my love, my life. you are so kind and so talented and this message is just so cute. i love you x one million, but it's actually true that you are the greatest talent ever and i adore you so much <3
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destage · 2 years
so many of you call me wife and i love this so much, i am the whole dash's wife now.
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destage · 2 years
the way i love this and i love you
mmmm stop you're so cute ilu <3
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destage · 2 years
stunning , beautiful and !!! the new vibes are 🔥 love u sm my lovely and talented wife.
i put my best hot pink outfit on just for you baby <3
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destage-arch · 2 years
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i saw these past couple of days have been a bit rough for you and we simply cannot have that so i am here to remind you that you are amazing and so loved and to say i hope the new week treats you better since you deserve the world. ilysm 💛
excuse me, you're legally going to have to take this back because i will actually cry (jokes on, i'm already crying.) but you are the sweetest and i am just so blessed to have you and i am overwhelmingly grateful for your care and affection. ilysm<3
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destage-arch · 2 years
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hi did you know you're the best person and i adore you
actually i have it on really good authority that you are the best person ever. my sources are: me and my brain, a very legitimate academic source. so actually i love you.
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destage-arch · 2 years
also gonna pop in and remind you that your presence is invaluable. your writing is exquisite, your kindness pours through your words and into real life and affects people in a positive way. you're making a positive impact with all you do and all you are and you matter in this community and everywhere else ♡ ily kenna!
no actually stop we can't do this because i am feeling really ... fragile and over tired and over emotional today and this genuinely made me tear up. my whole heart for you. like you are such a blessing and you really bring so much joy to all the people around here and i am so blessed to have you <3
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destage · 2 years
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destage · 2 years
i.     general      ‚
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