#( Dorian being no good is all that i know lol )
orcelito · 2 years
Remembering my MASSIVE dragon age phase from 2016 is kinda wild. Like that shit took over my LIFE for a solid half year, yet in the time since then things have been a lot more mundane
But I still do have a plant named Merrill (who's been alive for over 6 years now). Maybe someday I really will revisit the games. I guess if the 4th game ever comes out lol
#speculation nation#im pretty big into fantasy aka why i was obsessed with dragon age but never even touched mass effect#& idk maybe it'd be good for me to return to Adult Media sometime lol#like as much as i love persona series it really is a game about a bunch of teenagers#which like. limits the kinds of engagement i can have with the game.#sometimes i wanna b thoroughly in love with a character & wanna romance them and i just cant do that in p5#bc the Reasonable romance options r all teens. aka no one i would personally be interested in.#OR the bs adult options which for ME . fuck id love to romance Takemi. shes super fucking hot#but playing as akira??? never in a million fucking years.#so maybe i want to go back in and romance zevran and fenris and merrill and dorian and josephine again#maybe i want to start my 8 billionth dai game so i can do the same damn things i did last time and also go dragon hunting (again)#and. hoooo boy. i was INCREDIBLY into fenhawke. which im sure i would fall RIGHT back into that if i were to replay it#maybe someday. my commitment to my writing restricts my willingness to participate in stuff i Know would take me by the throat#im only just getting back in the groove (again). im not gonna sabotage that with replaying an old fav#but. Someday. i will go back to it. someday...#and then i'll b one of those ANNOYING motherfuckers nitpicking this game's horrendous attempts of being 'morally grey'#a mountain of complaints just waiting to be let loose. all in due time...
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thegainingdesk · 6 months
The Grommr Profile of Dorian Grey
Dorian finished the last chicken wing, delicately wiping his hands with a napkin, before dabbing at the sides of his mouth. “And one hundred!” He beamed at the camera, and rubbed his middle, not-so-subtly lifting his t-shirt to reveal taut, flat six-pack abs. “Guess that will sort me until dinner,” he said with a wink to his audience.
He looked at the comments on his livestream. Most were in awe, as usual, at how much he could eat while maintaining his stick-thin figure and classically handsome good looks. Others, frustratingly, accused him of being a fake - of using some contraption or camera trickery to make the food disappear, of editing in CGI food, of bullimia. He'd done live shows, week-long streams, streams in nothing but his boxers, but nothing would ever convince some of his viewers.
One in particular caught his attention: lol, why are you all commenting like he'll respond? everyone knows he films these over like a week and then edits it together after
Dorian gritted his teeth. “Actually, user WelcomeToMyFistedMind, comment at fifteen thirty-two and eighteen seconds, this is very much live. And actually, I don't think I am done quite yet.” He stood and walked to the kitchen, coming back with a box of two dozen donuts he'd bought for tomorrow's stream. He sat back down and pushed the first one into his mouth, grinning around the custard that oozed out.
Forty-five minutes and twenty-four donuts later, Dorian flashed one last smug grin at the camera and closed twitch. He leant back, lifted up his t-shirt and ran his fingers lazily up and down his treasure-trail, following the center line between his abdominals. Despite the literal pounds of food he'd eaten in the last couple of hours, his stomach was as flat as ever, his twinkish frame showing none of the effects of the food he ate day in, day out.
His channel, MukbangBangYoureDead, had exploded in viewers ever since he started it a few years ago, until he was now one of the most famous mukbangers on the internet. He could not only eat more than all of his competitors, he made it look easy, and all without gaining a pound.
Of course, he had something that they didn't - the deal. He'd been hesitant at first, didn't believe the strange visitor that had come to him one night could or would deliver on its promises. But here he was, years later, making tens of thousands of pounds a month, all without consequence.
Thinking about the deal, he opened Grommr on his phone and brought up his profile. He whistled as he saw the updated weight - 576 pounds. He'd been flirting with 570 for a while now, and was pleased to see how far he'd stepped over that threshold. Time, he thought, for an update for his loyal fans on that platform too.
He pulled his trousers off and threw them to the side, leaving his t-shirt on. He walked to the mirror and admired his toned, pencil-like legs, his lightly muscled arms, the way his t-shirt draped from broad shoulders and tight pecs over his narrow waist, and his large bulge constrained by a designer jock-strap in bright yellow. He raised his phone up and took a picture, and proceeded to take his shirt off. He raised one hand to a lightly-haired pec and gave it a squeeze as he took a second picture. Finally, he lay down on his bed, snaked some long-slender fingers into his waistband, and raised his phone to take another photo from above.
He uploaded the pictures to Grommr without even looking at them - he knew there'd be no point, that they'd look completely different in just a moment or two. They appeared one by one as they uploaded.
Each showed a behemoth of a man. In the first the man stood in a mirror, wearing a t-shirt that cut into fat hanging from his sides and strained to cover large, pendulous breasts. His gut hung out and down, covering his genitals - a small pop of yellow beneath his love handles was the only hint that he was wearing any underwear. The man's face was huge and round, his features almost amorphous. Small, piggy eyes sat above bulbous cheeks, which merged into a ring of fat around his head, his chin a mere dimple in the fat around his neck. Even in the still image, it was clear that the man's arm was straining against its own weight to hold the phone up.
The next photo was much the same. The same morbidly obese figure stood in the same mirror. This time, the pitifully small t-shirt had been discarded to reveal cascading flesh hanging to the side, lying on the mountainous belly. One hand grasped one of the tits, bloated fingers digging into the soft flesh.
In the next, the figure was laid prone. Gravity had pulled down on the soft flesh and caused it to drop down and pool around the figure. The moobs lifted up towards the man's non-existant neck and chin, his gut spread out, his face expanded in all directions. New rolls and folds had formed - where arm met shoulder, where joints bent, or where his gut bunched up against itself. In the brighter lighting, painfully red stretch marks bloomed across the man's skin, circling his thighs, his love handles like loaves, across his dropping breasts. The man's left hand struggled to reach around his gut to grasp at the waistband of a straining jock strap, within which a small bump suggested some long-forgotten nub of a cock, sunk deep within the fat that spilled out around the underwear’s pouch. The man’s face was red, and seemed to strain as he struggled to maneuver his own flesh.
Dorian watched on in boredom as the first few comments rolled in. The usual adoring fans, begging to know the secrets to his titanic weight, proclaiming they’d soon look the same, asking to meet up. He would wait until a few of his regulars sent their customary tips, then go on with the rest of his day. In the meantime, a couple of the comments caused a smile to spread across his angular face.
MayContainDonuts: MealWithTheDevil looking great as ever! I don't know what it is, but he always looks so much like that one mukbang guy? Obviously fatter, but just the eyes and nose and stuff? I wonder if they're related?
BloatGoat: Do you mean MukbangBangYoureDead? If you can find some of his old photos the resemblance is uncanny. People used to think they were the same person but obviously not. Definitely could be related!
Dorian smirked and went to close the app, stopping only to check a small notification that popped up at the top of his screen. There would be routine server maintenance the next day, and the site would be down for around eight hours, starting mid-morning for the UK.
Dorian sighed. He hated server shutdowns, and this would be the longest he'd experienced yet. Still, he had a while to prepare. He'd have to cancel some lunch plans, but he could make up some lie about being ill. He got dressed, stood up and left to go buy enough food for tomorrow.
Dorian paced around his flat nervously the next morning. He checked his watch - 10:01. He quickly tried to bring up Grommr - sure enough, he was met with an error message about the server being down. It would start soon enough.
The first sign of it was his t-shirt. Previously loose, after about five minutes he found he was having to fuss with it to get it to sit right. another five minutes and it had begun riding up around puffy lovehandles and a firm paunch, while his sweatpants were starting to slip down an expanding rear. Another ten minutes and he took the t-shirt off, freeing a large beer gut that bounced when he walked. His sweatpants had grown almost skin tight around hefty thighs and would soon be too tight for comfort. He knew that this was only the start.
The hunger started then; sickly, stabbing pains in his newly expanded gut. He put two pizzas in the oven and sat with a donuts while he waited, knowing that soon his body, and his appetite along with it, would soon be able to accommodate all the food.
Just under thirty minutes in, Dorian's gut started to rest on his lap when he sat. He leant back, the swollen sack of fat at his middle dragging along his lap as he did so, and his cock began to harden. He reached a hand up to scratch the pink stretch marks beginning to form below his budding moobs.
While stuffed to the point of breathlessness just five minutes before, his stomach was still expanding, and he could feel the gnawing hunger begin to creep back in. He belched and stood, tottering slightly at the near-total shift in center of gravity since he’d sat down. He peeled off his sweatpants, struggling past his wide arse and flabby thighs, then gathered as much food as he could in his arms, using the top of his gut as a shelf and cautiously made his way back to his sofa, where he collapsed down, put on a trashy movie, and continued to eat.
Dorian continued to grow as his pile of junk food diminished. He savoured the feeling of soft, supple skin sliding past skin as he swelled - his growing tits pouring out onto his behemoth gut, his underbelly coursing forwards across rotund thighs dimpled with cellulite, his fat pad oozing around his perpetually hard dick. He knew to wait though; the bigger he was, the hotter his eventual orgasm would be.
Dorian looked down and surveyed himself. His body was beginning to be defined by rolls upons rolls. He estimated himself to be around the size he reached last time there was some server downtime; his profile had put on at least a hundred pounds since then. He lifted a heavy arm and used a hand to probe his plush flesh, sighing at the way his newly chubby fingers sank into the fat.
Still, the hunger increased. Dorian tried to lean forward to grab his phone, but found his own sheer bulk resisted him, pushing him back. He spread his legs and allowed his gut to fall down between them, the shift pulling his body forward in his seat and causing a dull ache in his lower back. He picked up his phone and with clumsy sausage-like fingers brought up a delivery app. He allowed instinct and hunger to take over - spring rolls, beef, chilli beef, sweet and sour chicken, duck pancakes, chilli chips, everything he saw he was ravenous for. He'd not been this big before and the hunger was deep. He pressed order, only briefly worrying about how he'd answer the door when he had no clothes that could hope to fit him.
Dorian’s body continued to expand. There was an alienness to his new size; his thighs had to splay around his hanging gut, his arms sat uncomfortably on top of thick pillows of fat at his sides, each joint filled with lard, and most of all was the awareness of gravity, how it pulled at his body and how his body answered in kind by dropping down and down.
Half an hour of nagging hunger later, his doorbell rang. He threw himself forward, but fell back to the sofa. Even that unsuccessful effort left him winded. He rolled to the side, fat cascading over fat as he did so, and staggered to stand sideways, his arms shaking as he heaved with all his might against the sofa. He grabbed a blanket and draped it over him; it barely covered his torso, but it was the best he could do.
How had he never realised how easy walking was before? Now, every step needed to be purposeful and required a conscious effort to propel his weight forwards. He had to wheel each thigh out and around past the other, each one a lead weight to be lifted. Dorian reached the door panting and sweaty, his hips burning with the beginnings of pain. The delivery driver looked on in shock, and then in slow horror. Dorian didn't care, he just grabbed his bags and slammed the door, before making his slow way back to his seat.
As he fell back, the sofa made a loud crunching sound and he felt himself sink deep into the cushions. He shuffled over the other side as best he could, each movement sending shockwaves across his body. He piled his bags into the crater left on the other side of the sofa and ate directly out of them, the table now wholly unreachable.
Dorian suspected he stopped growing around the time that he'd finished his food. If nothing else, the hunger had stopped. His torso had become a series of rolls, each one wrapped around his entire body and piled on top of the next. His limbs had become huge sacks of flesh, spreading out beneath him, the only evidence of his joints small, soft dimples in the thick casing of his body.
Dorian knew he'd waited long enough now. He pushed a stubby paw into the deep fold underneath his gut, reaching for the hard nub of his cock not yet swallowed by his fat pad. It was no use however, the heavy weight of his belly pressing down and closing off his own groin from himself. He leant to the side and spread his thighs, freeing up access and shifting his weight off from his lap, but still his fingers had to squirm past sweaty flesh into the small crevice left of his crotch. He grasped at the hard head of his cock, finding it in a shallow depression of flab nestled in dense pubes. With two fingers he did his best to jerk himself off, but to no avail - there was simply not enough cock left and not enough space to handle it in. Desperate for release he began to thrust, rocking his pelvis back and forth, so that the thick shaft of his penis slid within his own blubber, fucking his own body. He closed his eyes and ignored the tortured groans of the sofa below him as his pleasure grew. It only took a few minutes for him to cum, semen coating his fat pad and thighs as he yelled out.
Dorian slumped back, gasping for air, and exhausted, drifted off into a sleep.
When he woke up, it was dark. He could still feel the weight of his body pulling down. This wasn't right. As slow as it took for the weight to pile on, usually it melted away in seconds once the servers were back online, which should have happened hours ago. He checked the time - 23:24. Had something gone wrong?
He checked Grommr - the site was back up. He tried to log in - nothing. App - no. Browser - no. He tried to type his password in again, fat fingers mashing against the keyboard so that he had to try again slowly, deliberately. Nothing worked. He felt his heart pounding somewhere beneath his bosom.
Finally, he noticed an email in his inbox.
Grommr admin team - lost profile
During our recent scheduled server update, a small number of user profiles were unfortunately lost. We are sorry to tell you that your profile was one of those that we have not been able to recover. We are doing everything we can to recover lost profiles, but we are sadly not…
Dorian stopped reading. He looked down at the acres of flesh that were now his body. He lifted an arm up and let it fall, watching it shake and wobble in the dim light. What would he tell his family? His friends? His fans? This couldn't be happening.
Through his panicked breathing and heavy heartbeat, another feeling began to grow - Dorian Grey was beginning to feel hungry.
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azsazz · 5 months
Little off topic but which sjm character do you think is best in bed?
Hm, this is a great question but also a very difficult one because i think that each character can be so different...
apparently i've decided to make a comprehensive list of all of their sex lives so enjoy lol. it's long as fuck. I tried to put them in order of personally who i think would be the best to the "worst" (this is just my opinion its cool if your roster differs):
i'm getting the vibes that rowan might be the most well rounded in a bedroom scenario. he can definitely be dominating if you've had a busy day and just need to be fucked. he can manhandle you into any position he wants, whisper filthy things in your ear while he fucks you deep. you're a sopping wet mess for him, cunt clenching and back arched when he commands you to cum. like i can't picture, say, dorian or chaol doing this kind of thing...personally. but i also think he's so sweet that he would be the aftercare king. there's also instances where i can see him being so kind and gentle, or if you're wanting to give him a ride or try something new, he's the best person for that.
az is also high up on the list because obviously. i think he can both be dominating and gentle, adventurous and soft. he knows exactly what you need when you need it, not because he's so attuned to your bond, but also because of his shadows. you're having a bad day? let him fuck it out of you. you're angry? he'll let you tear his skin with your nails, bite him, ride him to expel all of that negative energy on his cock. then you'll be all pliant and soft again while he cradles you to his chest. feel like you're two seconds from bursting into tears? he'll go nice and slow, wiping the tears that escape your eyes while you're overwhelmed with emotions and stuffed full with his cock.he knows your limits and he might tease that line sometimes, but he wouldn't ever cross it because your safety comes first.
let's see...sex with cassian is always a good time. he's so confident that it makes you squirm. and he's not afraid to try new places. you won't even make it to your room at the end of the date, cassian's pressing you up against the foyer wall and lifting your skirt to shove his cock into you because you've been teasing him all night with that fucking dress. i think he's so confident that he'll let you do anything, try anything. you want to peg him? he's already on his knees for you. you want to add a third? he's already calling out to azriel or nesta or anyone who has your attention. you're not afraid to tell him anything, ask him anything in regards to the bedroom because he's that caring.
rhysand, well, we all know what he's all about. they don't call him high lord for nothing. and those fuckin mind powers can drive you nuts, though, i know rhysand doesn't like to use them all of the time, because he's worried if he does it too much it will skew your reality and memories, and fuck, he needs you to remember the way he's fucking into you the way you're screaming for him. he often allows you into his own head, to share what he's feeling. it's almost like you know what it feels like to be dipping your hot cock into your own cunt, and down that open a realm of possibilities in the bedroom. also, that silver tongue we know so well does an excellent job against your clit, whispering encouraging words as you reach your crest. rhys has moves that no other character has and that puts him pretty high on the list.
eris i think can be a really soft lover that can fucking go for days. he's addicted to you in every meaning of the word. he could eat you out all night, fuck you until you're a weeping mess for him. but he hates seeing you cry, yet that raw feeling deep down in his chest has him torn, because he never wants to stop. he's soft because no one has ever been soft on him, except you. on the other hand, eris has a temper. we know this. when he's in a mood, he will not hesitate to go rough on you, bending you over his desk, the war plans covered by your body as he fucks you and fucks you hard. had a run in with his father that put him in a shit mood? he's taking it out on your pussy. had to go meet with the night court and cassain made a snarky comment that hit a little too close to home? he's fucking you so hard you don't have the breath to question why he's in such a mood.
lorcan my hate-fucking king. he's grumpy as fuck, knows what he wants. gives me major ghost vibes (iykyk). he'll take what he wants from you whenever he wants but he won't leave you without a few orgasms yourself. he's not as vocal, grunting and using his large hands to move you how he likes, guide your hips while you're riding his cock, a palm flat across your back that he presses into to make you arch for him more. gods, the way he fucking manhandles you because who can compare to this mans sheer size? he's hung as fuck, and he spends a lot of time stretching your cunt for him. it's not often that he forgets, but if he does it feels like you're being split in fucking half on his cock. you may have suffered some internal bleeding somewhere down the line because he went a little too hard with a little less prep than you were used to.
ruhn is another confident male who knows exactly what he's doing in bed. he's a player, cocky, arrogant, thinks he has you wrapped around his little finger but it's quite the opposite. he's the one that's had to chase you, and oh wow, was that fun. when you finally reach the point where he can show you what he's got, there's no going back. he's all over you from that point on. you're walking across town? he's right next to you. you're at one of his parties and didn't tell him you were coming? well, you little tease, he's just going to have to punish you for that, pulling you into a closet or bathroom for a quickie even though his bedroom is literally right upstairs. he's always got his hands on you, ready to spread your legs and feat or dunk his cock into you like some horny teenager whenever he wants. he's always hard for you.
lucien is hard for me to figure out, and i'm not really sure where he'd fall on the list because i don't think i have his personality down. i love that he would be so sarcastic and snarky, making little quips to both annoy you and turn you on. he's knows what he's doing, letting those long fingers brush across your exposed skin. he's teasing you the entire way through it; a brush of a knuckle against your swollen clit, a tease of his tongue in the same manner. just the head of his cock resting at the very opening of your cunt, hot and needy for you. it's torture for him too, but to see you squirming like this, gods, he'll hold off his own orgasm for ages to see you like this.
aedion i bet would be killer in bed. he gives me lucien vibes a bit, with the sexy comments that brush across your skin like his skilled tongue. i feel like he's really open with his sex life, not in the sense where he's telling everyone what noises you make in bed or how when he lifts your leg at a certain angle, you scream so much louder for him, but he makes it clear when he's hungry for you. at dinner, he openly looks at you through lowered, lazy lids. the lust oozes from him and everyone at the table knows that he's going to be taking you back to his bed as soon as that last bite leaves your plate.
hunt is just a good man. kinda makes me want to cry a little bit. he's definitely a giver, isn't worried at all about himself until he's thoroughly taken care of you. uses his wings to his advantage, letting the soft feathers brush across your hard nipples. his hands are strong, calloused from wars, but the way that they're gentle, scraping across your skin has you in a frenzy. i know hunt has the best thighs (besides cassian), and his ass is amazing too.
fenrys. my mans. he loves anything wild and free, so i have the feeling that sex with him would be much the same. i think that he's been through some horrible things, torturous things, so he'd never tease you to the point of tears, because that's just not him. sex with fen is fun, easygoing. you don't have to think hard about anything because it's naturally good.
dorian i gotta say is not super high on my list either. for the phantom hands alone he'd be a great lay. it might be a little overwhelming, but they definitely come in handy (haha). i can see him being a little arrogant, though he sees it as confidence. he's a prince, gets what he wants when he wants and that's no different with you. oh, how he loves how obedient you are for him, those pretty lips wrapped around his cock while he lies back, watching you with those sapphire eyes. but when you're really in a mood not to listen, gods, it makes him harder than a rock. when you're being a little bratty, he loves fucking that out of you until you're clinging to him again, begging him to let you cum.
tharion im not too sure about either. i like how funny he seems to be, and he also seems really open about his sexual prowess. i think he knows his way around a pussy and a cock, he's open to trying anything. he also seems like a giver...like i can picture you down by the marina hiding between boats, your ass perched precariously on the edge of the dock while he eats you out from the water. anyone can see, but tharion is just that convincing, needing to taste you right then or there, not caring that he could easily drag you down into the waters below. he likes the thought of someone finding you like this, all whiny and messy from his tongue.
chaol's probably further down the list. he is a man of order, he follows the rules to a t. you know what you're getting when you take him to bed, but that doesn't mean it isn't good sex. that's why you've chosen him. he knows what he's doing, and although he might not be as adventurous as some of the other characters, he knows his way around your body so that you're never dissatisfied.
ithan...i'm sorry, i just really can't picture him that well. i know that i wrote a breeding kink for him but the entire time i was like "this isn't him this isn't him." i can't help but to think of ithan as like a 19 year old lol (ik, he's 22). i don't think it would be awkward sex, but i do think that he has the potential to be a soft lover. he gives me the vibes of cocky college students but sweet on his girl.
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shiori42art · 9 months
Royalty AU! AU summary below! ✨
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(Royalty AU + Omegaverse + a bit Furry)
Mondstadt. Kingdom of crops, large meadows and good wine. Most of its inhabitants are winged beings (For example Jean is an eagle, Kaeya a peacock. But there are other animals like Diluc who is a lion or Klee a bunny!)
It is ruled by Decarabian (Alpha, bluish black wings) and his wife Istaroth (Omega, white wings) Their heirs are the Bard (Who I call Dorian in my AUs until Mihoyo gives me his damn name) (Beta, tan wings) and Venti (Omega, white wings with turquoise accents) they are twins!
Decarabian was unfaithful, her lover was Amos which caused Istaroth to execute her and leave the kingdom, leaving Deca as a single father, LOL. He totally invested in his little children. Super protective father.
Dorian being the oldest for a few minutes and a Beta was chosen to occupy the throne when Decarabian passes the command or is no longer there. He was raised to be the next king, although he hates the word "rule" he prefers to say that he took care of Mondstadt.
But two years ago Dorian contracted the terrible disease of eleazar, he was on the verge of death then but he survived. He now has to rest a lot, suffers from fatigue and muscle pain, sometimes black scales grow on his body causing numbness.
Decarabian searched for the best doctor specialized in the disease, who turned out to be the Fenec Tighnari (Omega) of Sumeru, where this disease is somewhat more common there. Tighnari travels from time to time to treat Dorian.
When the scales cover a certain amount of his body they must be removed, this is very painful and Dorian spends a lot of time in bed, although when he feels better he usually plays music in the garden.
His personal guard the Red Knight (A lion Alpha, I called him Brend because I don't have his name either) has been in charge of his care since he contracted the disease and spending so much time together sparked the spark of love!!
A secret love, of course, only Venti and some gossips like Kaeya (Omega, Captain of the cavalry and Venti's best friend) know about it.
All this made Dorian unable to govern properly, there is no cure for his disease and they know that if it worsens he will not live much longer. So Decarabian, much to his regret, had to pass on to his second son, Venti.
But since we're in a dumb old monarchy, an omega can't rule by itself! So Deca must make an arranged marriage for his precious omega son (Imagine Decarabian raging here, no one touches his child)
And of the 6 kingdoms that remain, what better than to ally with the beautiful neighboring kingdom? Liyue! A huge kingdom, full of mountains and a booming economy with its huge port. The Liyue royals have money, trade, good relations with the other kingdoms, they are perfect.
Liyue is ruled under the harsh dynasty of Osial (Alpha Blue Dragon) his wife Beisht (Quillin Omega) his eldest son and heir Zhongli (Alpha Dragon-Quilin) his middle sister Ninnguang (Alpha white and gold Dragon) and little sister Ganyu ( Quilin Omega)
Zhongli has a complex because he is the only one who is a mix, he is embarrassed by the soft golden hair on his tail, and his father does not hide his disgust.
So Osial does not hesitate to accept the neighboring kingdom's offer, it is his chance to gain territory and get his son out of sight, leaving his favorite daughter Ningguang in control of the port.
In order not to look bad in front of the other nations, Decarabian throws one of his famous parties, this time with the theme of courting his son. Although he has a contract prepared for Liyue.
At the party Venti is very upset to find out about this whole thing, but he meets Zhongli and they hit it off right away! Despite being a dragon he is not scary like the Kitsune that Ianzuma rules (Ei is here, sent by Makoto, her courtship fails even though she was not interested lol)
Still things are awkward and embarrassing between them! They dance, and Venti is fascinated by the sparkling jewels that decorate Zhongli's horns (He likes things that sparkle, he's a bird) Zhongli gives him one of his chains, making a small bracelet as a courtship gift.
They are cute! Meanwhile Osial only examines Venti with disgust, but approves of his wide hips which will be useful for egg-laying, the contract calls for an heir after all.
After the dance, the next day it is announced that Zhongli was the winner of the courtship and the arranged marriage is official!
Venti wants to run away from all this, and refuse marriage, at least leave it for a few years to really meet Zhongli. But Osial threatens that if they don't get married now, Dorian will have to marry Ganyu.
Zhongli is horrified because his sister is still very young, and Venti does not intend to destroy the life of his brother who is in love with his knight, besides that stress could worsen his illness.
So Venti accepts the marriage.
There is a lot of drama and many more characters here! But maybe one day I'll be encouraged to write fic! For the moment I will continue roleplaying happily with my homie and making silly drawings of this
Thank you for reading!
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grigori77 · 17 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 96
Ah, I see, so THIS is why Liam looks like a cute beatnik from a 50s jazz club ... oh boy ... he's brought back the German accent BIG TIME and it's giving me massive Caleb vibes ... meanwhile Tal's clearly having EVEN MORE fun with this ... oh my gods ... wow ... that's a DOOZY, definitely ...
Marisha (cracking up): "It sounded like there was more!" Travis: "I know!"
So ... yeah ... it was all SO HEAVY when we ended it last week ... the group is WELL on the way to imploding under the weight of what just happened in the night ... can they come back from this? This is SO WORRYING ...
Oh boy ... RIGHT BACK where we were at the end ... wow ... so it's just the two of them again ... O.O
Fuck ... now even LAUDNA can feel Delilah's starting to take over ... that's not good at all ...
This is starting to sound SO MUCH like Laudna knows she's not going to be around when this is all done ... oh man ... AND she's starting to think maybe that's A GOOD THING? Fuck ... no, really, NO ...
Imogen's trying SO HARD to keep this all together for BOTH OF THEM but I can feel her breaking too ...
Come on, Imogen, that's it, bring her back from the brink ... LISTEN TO HER, Laudna. She's the best thing in your life, and she feels the same way about you, luv. You need to buck up ...
Imogen: "I'm gonna miss our little cottage." Oh fuck ...
Ah shit ... the tissues ... yeah, that's how it is with ALL OF US right now ...
Crap ... that's right, Dorian's missed A WHOLE LOT, he doesn't KNOW about Delilah, not really ... oh, and also about IMODNA ... XD ... AND Chetney's threesome with Fearne and his ex ...
Oh yeah ... Bordor ... that was a whole bunch of wrong ... that took a whole lot out of ALL OF 'em ...
Ashton being all philosphical again abdout villains trying NOT TO BE ... yeah ... he's pretty spot on ...
Dorian: "CAN she be trusted?" Oof ...
Ashton: "You okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "SHE okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "Okay."
Laudna's just been having a good powerful MOPE while all of this has been going on ... yeah, of course she has ... oh FUCK OFF, Delilah. You're not welcome right now ... oh yeah, Fearne, great timing, snap her out of it!
Orym: "Are you all right? I didn't hurt you too terribly did I?" Laudna: "Oh, I think I can see a few ribs ..."
Yes ... please, come on you too, make up. You're FRIENDS, you mean so much to each other. MAKE UP. Yeah. That's it. Exactly that.
Yeah, exactly. Fuck Delilah, we just want our LAUDNA.
This is exactly it, yeah ... she's not alone, they're ALL carrying their own big mistake baggage, she's not alone in that ...
Awwwww ... Ashton's BIG SISTER Laudna ... I love it ... :3
Wow ... yeah, it may be a joke, but Chetney DOES have a point there ... Dorian's the one true innocent in the group now ... you poor sweet summer chaild ...
Nice move, Chet. Yeah, that works.
Oh, that's interesting ... yeah ... that pipe ... yeah ... that could be REALLY GOOD for Laudna right now ... go on, girl, take a puff ...don't be afraid, this can only HELP ...
And then Dorian comes in with the sweetest cap for all that ... awwww ... :3
AAAAAAND just like that Chetney's OUT. XD ... of course he is.
Spin the bottle? REALLY?!!! LOL ...
Wow ... not they're just getting ridiculous ... XD ... "Hammer time?" Yeah, that's the worst one yet ... "Chetney needs sleep"? Slightly better, maybe ...
More rest, at least ... which is needed ...
Liam'#s giving Orym a point of exhaustion for NECESSITIES ... of course he is ... wee selfless lad ... we love him but he does punish himself sometimes ...
THAT'S what the Gambler's Blade does? DORIAN!!! O.O
Essek is a bit ... MOODY this morning ... hmmmm ...
"I like pulp!" XD
Ah, so everything's ready for them ,then? Sweet ... cue gearing up montage ... LOL ... oh, and descriptions too ...
Hot Shots: Part Deux for Chetney ... XD
Oh shit ... that's right ... they're back from the Moon ... IS Orym a little different? And our boy's a bit toussled now ... yeah, that's CUTE, I'm sure ...
Imogen's wearing PANTS now? Okay ...
Dorian's wearing "THE SLUTTIEST SHIRT"! Cute ...
Nipple talk ... oh dear ... XD
Oh wow ... Laudna's kind of giving me some subtle Harrow the Ninth vibes right now ...with a touch of DELILAH too, which is ... worrying, just a little ... O.O
Ashley's alwasy SO GOOD at weaving a beautiful picture, she really is ... and a utility belt. Yeah ... :3
Ashton's rocking a CROPTOP right now? Awwwwww ... and a spike trade with Fearne, too ... cute ... ooooooh ... and "Smiley Day" ... oh man ... I love it ...
Matt makes a rather pointed "prepare your spells" statement that everybody IMMEDIATELY takes as SUSPICIOUS and I'm right along with them. What are you planning, Mercer?
Yeah ... that fucking bloody apron's just gonna leave a trail behind them THE WHOLE WAY ...
Divvying up stuff ... here we go, ten minutes of inventory bookkeeping while we wait for the game itself to start up again ... XD
Ah ... sucking up one Ring of Protection with the harness ... hmmm ...
Imogen's jealous of Essek's floating thing ... not surprising ...
Ooooh ... ExU: Calamity recap ... cute ...
A FEW tries? Oh, I don't like the sound of that ...
Wow ... they're all REALLY crossing their fingers ... XD
Rolling a D100? Oh fuck ... 14? Hmmmmm ... ouch ... oh, that didn't go well ... they went NOWHERE and took 11 points of Force damage each ... bugger ...
Second try ... ANOTHER roll ... 45? Okay ... SEEMS like the right place ... an abandoned encampment? Interesting ... oh, sounds like it's NOT where they should be, then ...
Lyrengorm? Where?
He can only do it ONCE MORE for the day? Bollocks ...
A final roll ... 61 ... MORE snow ... much colder ... Orym's ENTIRELY BURIED ... a particularly AGGRESSIVE mountain range this time ... some kind of VERY fancy castle ... oh, so we ARE in Eisselcross ... but we're not sure WHERE ... oof ...
Crap ... they've been spotted ... by SOMEBODY ... big lumbering somebodies ...
Undead ice giants? Yeesh ... yeah, better hide ... argh ...
Matt: "There's a reason you took a BOAT to Esselcross last time!"
And now it's time for a break ...
Do they run? Do they fly? WHAT DO THEY DO?!!! Hiding's obviously out of the question ... eep ...
A DISTANT Command on one of them? Risky, Imogen ... "HALT!!!" Oh, it doesn't work on undead? BALLS ...
And now one of them flung a rock ... BAIT & SWITCH!!! Nice save, Orym! Crunch ... STILL 26 points of damage ... ow ...
There's a whole BUNCH of 'em coming now ... AAAAAAAH!!!
Essek's trying a HIGHER level Teleport ... okay ... one more roll ... 48? Oh bollocks, Laura! This is so bad ...
DO NOT give Mercer ideas, Ashley! O.O
More snow ... elsewhere ... hmmmm ... Essek has no idea where they are ... great ...
Yes. Sniff the wind, Chetney ... the air is THINNER ... oh, they're AT ALTITUDE right now ... cute ... on a mountain, then ... that's just PEACHY ...
Oh, if they had something FROM Aeor? I mean THEY COULD just use a piece of FCG ...
Looking into Essek's memories, then ... O.O ... and a glimpse of Aeor ... it's all VERY dramatic ...
Aha, a specific anchoring point ... good idea ...
Laura: "Guidance? Will that help?" Matt: "No, but it's nice to have." XD
So, the Staff ... oh boy ... this could go SO BAD .... she rolls 99 for it ... well, that's ... potentially good?
A frozen woodland glade ... Huh?
Don't shoot the rabbits with your harp, Chetney. They'll only explode and that's not what ANYONE wants ...
An amber coloured dome of energy over them? Oh, yeah, that definitely rings a bell ... XD
At least it's nice and warm in here ... although they are in danger of getting buried under the snow before morning ...
Essek's just IMMEDIATELY going to sleep, then ...
Fearne, you're adorable ... :3
Chetney's going hunting. WITH THE HARP. Oh boy ...
And he shoots a boar? Oh, okay, I suppose that's too big to just blow up ... food!
There's a huge city out there? Hmmmm ... no chance that's Vasselheim, maybe?
Time for food, then ...
Another try at Teleporting, then ... roll AGAIN ... 53? Fuck ...
They land ON THE SLOPE of a mountain ... AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Another jump ... another roll ... 46? No, NINETY-six ... somewhere icy and cold ... oh, that's it, then. They made it ... phew ...
Yup, they're here. On the VERY EDGE of the ruins, then ...
Time for Stealth, then ... group check time ... oh boy ... fucking hell, Travis ... 41?!!! How the FUCK did you do THAT?!!!
Shit ... are those more of theose undead ice giants? Oh no ... gods, bo what to know WHAT these things are ... eep ... O.O
Going down into the gloomy underground darkness ...
ICE TROLLS?!!! Lovely ... yeah, just GO QUIETLY, please ...
It's getting STUPID tight in here ... this is NOT GOOD ... Chetney's going ahead to check the route ...
Oh, that's a DROP. Great ... now what?
So they have to climb down with the rope ... great ... oh, Chet wonders if he could ICE-CLIMB down? I really don't know about that ... oh, the Immovable Rod, that shoudl be helpful ...
Yeah, this couldn't possibly go wrong ... O.O
A ruined courtyard? Fascinating ... smelling for anything alive down here ... a clean must? Strange ...
So he's climbing down, then ... okay ... the others getting down will be ... INTERESTING ...
Oh yeah, some light might be helpful now ...
Bones? Frozen into the ice underfoot? Hmmm ... that could be ... problematic ... and some bodies too ... oh lovely ... there's SOMETHING unpleasant down here, clearly ...
Wait ... WHO is this? Oh ... FUCK ... shit! Oh, that is SWEET!!! Nice callback ... O.O
So, going EAST then ...
The Praesidis Ward? Hmmm ...
A giant cavern that was once a city ... weird ...
It's getting WARMER? Hmmm ...
Fearne has a point ... this DOES look like that weird ruined city in the cavern on Ruidus ...
Wait ... there's SCARY things down here to be on the lookout for? Way to bury the lead there, Essek ...
Yeah, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, people ...
He became a FISH. Really? Fascinating ...
Another Group Stealth check ... generally good rolls once more ...
Skeletons? Lots of them? Great ... this place is like a necromancer's wet dream ... I really hope this isn't where Mercer's heading with this ...
Grim Psychometry? IN HERE?!!! Whoa, Chet ...
That is ... troubling and not terribly infomrative, really ...
Crap ... was that a troll?
Moving on, then ...
Weird creepy corpse ... which wasn't there LAST TIME Essek passed through ... charming ... it IS moving, but, like, RIDICULOUSLY slow? Oh, that's unnerving ...
Imogen, AGAIN, don't touch ...
Oh, this seems like a nice, fancy place ... but Essek's not taking any chances with it, clearly ... and somebody's been through here, too ... hmmm ...
HE did this? Interesting ... well, at least he hasn't lost his sense of humour ...
Another cavern ... more industrial environs this time ... fascinating ... and it's curving UPWARDS as it goes ...
The Genesis Ward ...
It just smells of metal and water ... okay ...
So we have a specific destination now, then ...
What, try to home in on Ludinus' Harness? Could that work?
Oh, so there really ARE other things moving around in here besides the group ... that's disconcerting ...
A tent? Really? Well THAT is a pretty major sign of life ... I think they may have found what they're looking for ...
Arcane Eye? Cool ...
Oh, so something happened here ... something VIOLENT, according to the blood ... and CORPSES ... Ruby Vanguard? Oh wow ... THAT'S interesting ... this was ... relatively recent, looks like ...
More of an eagele's eye view of the cavern now ... a big jagged hole in the floor, off in the distance ... great ...
Heading in to take a look at the tent, then ...
So the deaths happened within a space of DAYS, then ... it looks like they all killed EACH OTHER?!!! O.O ... whoever did this was ENJOYING themselves? Charming ... and one of them killed HIMSELF ... and apparently was very HAPPY when he did it ... that's just LOVELY ...
It's a pretty nondescript knife, Imogen ...
Grim Psychometry again, then ... oh boy ...
Oh, so the elf was the one who killed them all ... really violently, with SIGNIFICANT manic strength ... carves soemthing into his chest ... and then kills himself too ... wow ...
Chetney DRAMATICALLY unveils the elf's chest ... a sigil ... what is it, then? Ask Essek ... he doesn;t recognise it ... Laudna casts Eyes of the Rune Keeper ... no joy, it seems ... hmmmmm ...
Oh ... Laudna asks DELILAH if she recognises it ... great ... she doesn't either ... great ...
Don't take a pee on the arcane time dome, Orym ...
Something's grinding out there ... stone on stone ...
A group stelth check, but grading everyone individually as they hide? Oh boy ...
Two groups, then ... roill well, guys ...
It's VERY TALL ... oh boy ... that is DISTURBING ... that's like ... it's a hood, but it DOESN'T actually have a head? Ye gods ... and it has a VERY BIG HAMMER it's gragging behind it ... and there's LOTS of teeth in a maw in its belly ... well THAT noise was just unsettling, Matthew ...
Fuck ... a whole bunch of creepy translucent scorpion-like creatures seem to crawl OUT OF IT ... charming ... and they're searching the area ...
Laudna just gave herself away ... and they're all going RIGHT FOR HER now ... oh fuck ...
And THIS is where Matt chooses to end it ... but not before he gives us a look at the Battlemap for next session ... and it's MASSIVE ...
Oh, this is gonna be a SCARY encounter to start things off next time ... But it's the end of the month, so that's gonna be a FORTNIGHT'S wait ...
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aria-ashryver · 1 month
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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fanderstuckin2018 · 4 months
Ok this has been sitting in my mind for literally five years, so…
A PsychoAnalysis of Roman Sanders’ Playlist
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It has two distinct vibes which I think encapsulates Roman PERFECTLY. Especially considering that he is a representative of Thomas’s theatre (🎭) profession.
Category one: flamboyant primadonna (did u see what I did there? Hehehe) Examples are
Flamboyant, Dorian Electra
Primadonna, Marina and the Diamonds
Holdin Out for a Hero, Bonnie Tyler
Etc. All of these songs are very upbeat, feel-good songs. They boost the ego in a sense, and give a very badass kind of energy. A “no one can touch me” sort of vibe. It’s what I believe represents Roman’s “mask” of being theatrical, stubborn and prideful. What he puts up to make it seem like nothing is wrong, so no one has to worry over him and discover his “flaws.”
Second category: I believe in you (please believe in me) Fanfic ass title but ykw it captures the vibe
These are songs like
Broadway Here I Come!
Dreamer, LaPeer
Paving the Runway, JJ Heller
Go, Keith Tutt Ii
These all have a very melancholy, longing feeling to them. A theme through each of them is not being good enough, trying to reach your dreams despite being put down constantly, and having to do things on your own to achieve greatness. This is representative of his true feelings beneath that mask. The fact that he’s not being listened to by the rest of the Sides and is essentially made the butt of the joke is proof that being reduced to such is hurting him.
When I was listening to this category of songs, I was taken aback how much I felt loved hearing them. It was such a 360, from Primadonna to something like Paving the Runway. It truly feels like you are being hugged by these songs. (Maybe the last three more so than the first.)
The last three are important. They are the last three songs on Roman’s playlist, which I assume to be the most recently added ones. Which means that his feelings of depression and loneliness have only been growing worse.
Anyways, this is just an analysis of Roman’s playlist. Maybe I’ll analyze the others lol. I listen to Virgil’s on a weekly basis, so if anything, he’d be up next. I hope this guy gets some attention soon, bc lord knows he’s been screaming for it for five years now LMAO.
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sarahnotjmaas · 9 months
Okay I did it Here are my notes for the tandem read:
Tandem Read
Empire of Storms:
Manon’s crown helmet sounds really cool
These mother fuckers don’t wanna recognize her as queen!?!? She literally can and will protect you from EVERYTHING. I hate men lol
No they cannot kill Asterin. It’s too early in the book I can’t take that
The way she burned that soldier from the inside out with just one little blow of breath was so cool
Omg Manon attacking her grandma!!!
I cannot belief Rowan told Gavriel about Aedion like that!!!! There were much more sensitive ways he coulda said that shit
So Aedion meeting his dad went well😂 “I didn’t expect to say any of that” lol Aedion and Aelin are really the same person huh
Okay Manon and Dorian is way hotter than Aelin and Rowan I don’t even care. Fight me.
Also I feel like if Aedion and Lysandra got more attention they could’ve been *chefs kiss but we get Elide and Lorcan instead. Don’t get me wrong there okay but I think would’ve preferred more focus on Aedion and Lysandra….
Okay I lied about that^
The liken?? Crazy! Aelins power goes stupid hard! I love how SJM describes her power and how she burrows down into it!!
Ansel is back and remind me why we trust her. She’s a known traitor…..
Excuse me??? Dorian or Aelin have to give their life!?!? No. NO!!!! IF SJM KILLS DORIAN!!!!!!!!!
THAT FUCKING BITCH MAEVE!! THEYRE MATES!! I knew it! I didn’t know how but I knew it! This also only gives me more hope for Azriel and Elaine in ACOTAR.
They’re married 😭😭
Tower of Dawn:
So Chaol is acting a little ableist and I low key hopes he learns to be a warrior from a wheelchair. I don’t see that happening but…..
So he’s gonna walk but what are the dynamics here I’m confused
The healer from the womb being found dead in the library is low key scary. I’m glad I didn’t read that at night hahaha
I stand by my statement from the last book that I don’t like Chaol and Nesryn together. They don’t spark anything in me but Nesry and Sartaq, Chaol and Yrene?? Now that intrigues me.
The acolytes gushing over Chaol, CUUUUUTEEE!!!
Him telling Yrene, ‘I didn’t want you to show them’ made me tear up
Ooooooo laying in that bed with her made his toes curl, me too Chaol
Damn Nesryns note was kinda cold. Her and Sartaq are kinda cute though. And like it do be an adventure lol
Chaol and Yrene one a date 🥹🫠
I don’t care about Nesryn lol. Hope she gets the bird people to fight in the war but 🥱
CHAOL IS WALKING my heart is soaring!! I loved everything about that. Yrene tugging him into a corner to make out! Yes!!!! She better get some dick on her birthday! That better be Chaols gift
Okay so the locket was precious but the birthday sex was better hahaha
When is Yrene gone meet Aelin!?!?
Omg SARTAQ!!! I fucking hate spiders wtf
Does Rowan know?? How could he not?
Yrene said “I thought the sex was good before but now that he’s fully healed !!!!” Good for you sis
It’s wife right. Her place is his wife. I stg
So while all his friends are facing war and death, Chaols falling in love and getting sloppy toppy lol good for him
Duva is the valg??? Didn’t see that coming
NOOOO CHAOLS BACK! My man got to walk fully healed for like a day! He only ran once
Aww him and Yrene are bonded like Rhys and Feyre!
Sartaq!!!! Omg Nesryn and Sartaq! That was so hot “never from you” 🫠
Chaol and Yrene are married 😭LADY WESTFALL 10/10
Unpopular opinion: tower of Dawn might be my favorite book in the series lol
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scenetocause · 3 months
hiii i was just wondering if it was you that wrote the max/ lando/ luisa fic where they changed genders? and max like stays a girl? i’ve been back reading nortrell and absolutely loved reading this one the first time. i can’t find the fic anymore and if it was you that wrote it, did you delete it?
it was me! it is here. also your other ask led to me looking at it and being like on what planet did i rate this mature it's got like, several dp scenes haha what.
for something that was pure whimsy cus someone on a discord server was like lol there should be mandinha sex swap fic it's one of my favourites. in retrospect it probably should have been clearer to me that i am not at all cis earlier on lol.
here's a little drabble to make up for making my own fic completely fucking unsearchable with my bizarro rating assessments. ("nsfw i guess" there)
It's not exactly news that Lando likes tits. Especially Max's. So she could've thought through wearing a bikini a bit more thoroughly but Lando's been away for weeks and Luisa's been on Strictly or whatever and there frankly hasn't been nearly enough attention on her from either of them.
And it's the first sunny day in London for ages. She'd definitely have her top off if she was a boy right now, so she can lie on the sofa in a sunbeam soaking up the warmth if she wants.
Until Lando's blocking the light, anyway, eyes crinkled with glee. "Maxy, oh my god."
"What? Get out of the sunbeam, mate, you're in the way."
Lando ignores her but does at least crouch down so he can trail his hand up Max's waist, cup his stupidly massive palm over her tit. "You're so hot."
"I'm fucking freezing actually, it was nice in the sun but some bloke's fucked that up."
Lando just rolls his eyes, picks Max up off the sofa with an ease she's still not sure if she's jealous of or can't help enjoying. It takes her breath away a little bit, sometimes, that the guy so tiny he had to be velcro-ed into a fucking kart could throw her around, now.
Even if the way her body changed was different (sudden, all at once, no years of carving muscle in the gym) it's crazy to think how much they've grown, still with each other. Makes her a bit soppy about it, maybe, so she has to hide her face in Lando's hoodie while he's putting her down on the bed and then tucking her in.
"Warm now?" He's a fucking weapon, this guy. Lying on top of the duvet, on Max, so she's basically pinned down.
"Be warmer if you got in, Bob." She's missed him. Got to into her own head while he was off driving laps of Bahrain and making heart-eyes at a more successful ex-Renault junior.
Lando relents easily because she's going to let him fuck her. Might even be up for anal, if he wants that. Sometimes they like it, as a throwback to how they used to fuck and Lando's dick feels pretty good anywhere.
Under the duvet his hands get everywhere, undoing the ties on Max's (well, Luisa's) bikini and slipping it off her, down into the foot of the bed somewhere.
"God. Your tits are so great." Lando's doing something with his mouth, between them, that's really not very far off motorboating and Max would object but it's the weird attention she's been craving. All Lando shit, unfocussed and a bit mental.
"D'you think you could do F1 Academy?" Obviously that's the kind of mad thing Lando asks when they're about to fuck.
"Bob, no. I don't know? Maybe." Callum could probably ask. She might, just to race again. Maybe. Maybe she could actually take a fight to Doriane. Or, mortifyingly, find herself massively off the pace. It's a big gamble.
"Could be the Silverstone wildcard. Be all sexy, we can both win." Alright, Mr confidence.
"Don't think they're racing there." Max kisses him, tries to get Lando's brain back on the job at hand by stroking his dick through his joggers. "C'mon, make me come and then I'll show you what Connor's done to his hair."
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azrielhours · 11 months
What about virgin Cass and Rhys the absolute menaces 😂 I wonder how that would go.
Omg thank you for asking!! Let’s explore this can of worms 🥴😈
Rhys is the first to lose his virginity because he’s the High Lords son. He’s flirtatious and smooth. He’s like Dorian at the beginning of tog, sweet and chivalrous but a horn dog with many lovers. He used to flirt with the daughters of nobility who were older than him and he loved making them blush.
Women have always found him beautiful and he could tell bc of how they reacted but also bc of his daemati powers. So Rhys has quite the ego even before he’s ever bedded a female. He’s considerate and attentive but keeps his emotions to himself and doesn’t get attached.
His first time is with a Lord’s daughter from his father’s court. He absolutely kept it to himself that it was his first time lmao. He’s very exploratory and isn’t shy about it. Obviously he’s not as good at it as he becomes later, but his curiosity alone helps him satisfy the girl bc he wants to try so much, even if he’s already finished.
Like not to get too explicit but even if he got his, he’d be eager to do a lot of other things literally out of curiosity and that gets the job done for the girl. Rhys tells Cassian all about it after. Cassian listens carefully and wants to bed a woman at that point.
So Cass was the second. Less confident than Rhys but a gentle giant even as a young man. I see him being super into girls and flirting openly, talking himself up and when he actually manages to talk a girl into taking him home, he’s more in over his head than he anticipated. His sweetness makes up for the fact that he didn’t make the girl finish. Months later when he gets good at it, he goes back to her to satisfy her properly.
I can see Cass getting slightly emotionally attached to the girl he loses his virginity to, but he gets over it eventually. Cass goes back to the same lovers more frequently than Rhys does, and we know canonically that he’s the only one that’s had a serious relationship before.
Cassian and Rhys have an easier time showing their sweeter side to women in bed compared to Az, especially if they’re softer or shyer girls. Cassian would be more sweetness and Rhys is more charm, if that discernment makes sense. Cassian would be keenly aware of his hulking frame and try very hard to make it comfortable.
His and Azriel’s first times were at Windhaven with the girls at the camp. There was probably a lot of unabashed talk amongst the other young Illyrians at the camp about fucking women, and that’s where the guys learn about sex, so when they finally do it, they have a rough idea of what’s expected.
Though I feel like I did Az justice in my fic, I think it would likely be a little clumsier irl unless he lucked out and did it w a girl who knew what she was doing. I think he’d be eager to please and do it relatively well, but his more reserved nature would prevent much communication, and he’d be nervous for sure. He’d want to be gentle but wouldn’t quite know the words to say, but the intention is certainly there.
The main thing I tried showing in the fic is that he’s literally never known intimacy or gentleness, like he went from his prison cell to war camp. So when it comes to bedding a woman, he’s gonna be really taken aback by how soft it can be. He’d learn through practice over the years that there is gentleness to be found in intimacy.
I don’t see him being in literally any relationship outside of hookups bc he’s been in love w Mor for centuries, so a lot of his experiences with women and femininity comes from sex. He learns about being a gentleman from that. So sex becomes highly exploratory for him. That’s when he starts getting a little wilder lol but that comes a whileeee later.
He's very attentive and notices every detail and gets good at it pretty fast even if he doesn’t talk about it as freely as Cass or Rhys do. I see him using his shadows to help determine if the girl is enjoying herself.
Cassian tells feyre literally the day they meet her that he, Rhys, and Az all love fucking so this is absolutely an area Azriel let’s himself indulge in, especially bc he knows such little intimacy in his life outside sex.
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charee · 13 days
hey i love love ypur art and your ocs so much they’re all so cute and i followed ur project from your twitter days, and i follow their spotify playlists! i am their boggest fan haha.. can you tell a little bit more about the worldbuilding your characters lice in, cause i remember you talking about their world surrounding different music concepts?
again i love your ocs and i cannot wait to see how your project grows to be!!
OMG i’m glad you've followed me and my ocs this far ;;
i can't share a lot about them since i'm still working on them, but i’ll share what i have so far. keep in mind that the information might change
all of my characters are from sona, a music-based planet. there are a total of 7 subspecies of sonancians, and they're named after the music modes and are also based off of musical instruments
ionians of iona are the vocal-based sonancians. not only are they known for their singing, but they are also good at mimicking voices and other sounds, echolocation, and their keen listening (thanks to their big ears)
there are two types of ionians, and that’s:
land ionians,
live in caverns, coves, beaches, rainforests- generally tropical/wet climates
very social
cannot survive in water
and sea-ionians
live in bodies of water, like oceans, lakes, etc
a bit less social
used to be unable to survive outside of water, but now can in modern day
are more likely to have “air asthma”; carries around water inhaler
they are considered “children of sirens” because they easily lure other types of sonancians with their beautiful voices- like the siren animal that’s native to iona
contrary to common myths about sirens, most of them don't lure people in bad faith. they are soothsayers that predict events depending on what sirens sing. they and ionians get bad rep due to other sonancians believing that they CAUSE bad happenings, when in reality the sirens just foresee the future
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dym (left) is a sea-ionian and a soprano. dia’s (right) a land-ionian and a contralto (and those are pretty rare!!)
random facts:
ionians like shiny stuff like jewelry. this is because they believe that it can extend their lifespan
they have a lot of medicines, but a common one that they're known for is the ones that help with healing voices
next up are dorians of doro! dorians are the dancers of sonancians, and are known for introducing makeup, masks, and sign language, as they use them to make their dances more interesting. dorians are within the top 3 strongest sonancians since their strength comes from dancing, but they are very protective about their beauty, so they try not to beat people up lol
i’m working on their culture at the moment, but if there was a way to describe it- their culture is full of celebrations/holidays, and festivales
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mai is one of the few types of dorian. not exactly sure what type yet, but just know she is idol + gyaru themed and does not wear masks, more of just makeup
random facts:
dorians gift others face masks or any piece of their dancing outfit to show that they love them, platonically or romantically
dorians are more likely to have dancing stims that are uncontrollable. it’s very acceptable to them but to other sonancians it might be odd unfortunately
they do not eat meat!
phrygians of phrygia are the percussion-based type of sonancians! the membranophone type of phrygians especially are within the top 3 strongest sonancians. i don't have their culture down yet, but just know that they have a lot of pride in themselves for their strength, bravery, and stubbornness. they live in hotter climates, like deserts, and HATE being in cold ones. they also like spicy foods!
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rocky (left) is a membranophone type phrygian and kodus (right) is an idiophone type phrygian. both are cousins btw. fun fact, rocky, despite being fire-themed, does NOT like some spicy foods, and prefers salty/savory ones. they only eat extremely spicy stuff when they're stressed out though
random facts:
some phrygians break their horns intentionally and wrap them with colored bandages. they are seen as delinquents
they wear piercings and tattoos for competitions they've won in sports, groups they are apart of, and close ones they’ve lost
idiophones have these long tails that are similar to rattlesnakes. it usually rattles in different speeds and rhythms depending on how they feel. rocky used to have this but i've changed it since they're not an idiophone
membranophones shed their skin like lizards
lydians are string-based and are known to be the tallest type of sonancians- and also the most gentle. lydians are primarily known for their fast growing hair; they also use said hair as strings for their instruments. in modern times, some lydians use serums meant to stop hair growth because of how tedious it is to take care of long hair
random facts:
has whiskers, like cats
lives in the forest, inside trees
some lydians have wings! they're kinda like bugs
lydians do not have fingers, but they can still do stuff like strumming instruments. i don't know how to explain this logic
can have multiple eyes and arms
does not have ears or noses
known for their fantastic agriculture and rare, tasty delicacies
like dorians, they do not eat meat. their diet consists of mostly fruit, but they also have vegetables too
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soun (left) is half lydian (guitar type lydian but without the tall height lol). octavia (right) is a cello type lydian- one of the tallest type of lydian- and is 8’8
this one is personally one of my favorites. aeolians are woodwind sonancians that mostly live on the clouds of aeolys, but some can live in colder climates, too. they have thick wool, like sheep, to keep themselves warm. because of this, they do not want to be in hotter climates.
you're probably wondering- charee, if aeolians live on clouds, how do they travel from the ground to their homes if they don't have wings? well, aeolians can fly using their horns, made out of special “windwood”. they can also control the weather with those horns as well. think of it as like unicorns- but they don't make things appear or any magical stuff. there are fairytales and myths surrounding the theory of their horns being able to make magic happen though!
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fantayza’s some type of aeolian. i think an ocarina, or a panflute
random facts:
aeolians have fluffy eyelashes
in aeolys, time passes by faster
their eyes and horn glow depending on their mood
this is also one of my favorites and probably the type of sonancian i would be if i were one
locrians are the brass type of sonancians, where their horns and nails are made out of brass and they make honking sounds. they are in the top 3 strongest sonancians from mining a lot, and are pretty stubborn, like phrygians. they are also known to craft things out of gems, stones, crystals etc, as locri is rich in those types of materials. cool thing about them is they live underground, and their home looks medieval themed
random facts:
their bodies are very flexible. they can extend, twist and turn, and stretch themselves out, inspired by how tubas and stuff look. it almost feels like they don't have bones at all
ionians have a good relationship with locrians for their materials
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this is an outdated design; gio is some type of locrian. i have no clue yet but i'm thinking bugle horn right now
mixolydians are powered by energy; they're constantly around light and don't necessarily sleep unless there isn't enough light. they're kinda like moths with lights. mixolydians cannot touch water, and produce tears and saliva because it can cause excruciating pain for them. if you're a mix of a mixolydian, the pain is minimal… but you do get hungry easily
speaking of appetite- mixolydians cannot eat regular food. they only eat digital foods converted from energy, so like photosynthesis. as far as the overtourism is concerned, that's the only big “issue” that drives people away. and to be honest, that's great news because… they need to stay away 🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️
random facts:
when they cry, they glitch
they can change colors on command. usually used to indicate moods or for camouflaging
their voices are naturally autotuned
their tails have stingers, and it can go from minimal pain to LOTS of pain, depending on their mood. don't anger them
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Z (pictured above) is a full mixolydian, and soun is half. as i mentioned before, soun gets the guitar part from lydians, so the other half of him is a sampler. overall, he's electric guitar themed! Z is just synthesizer themed
i hope that explains what i have so far! if you have any other questions about sonancians (or my ocs in general), just ask me :] i might not have the right answers rn or can't share too much info but i'll answer regardless hehe
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theheraldsrest · 9 months
Hello! First of all, I'd like to say I love your writing and the blog/posts organization is just so neat.
I wanted to know if you write things with trans characters? If not that's completely fine too.
If yes, here's my request: how about the Inquisitor coming out as a trans man? As in, he already passes as a man, but somehow the companions learn about it, like them seeing surgery scars and the Inquisitor coming out or something similar.
The characters I'd really like to see would be Dorian, Cullen, Solas.
If it helps, my Inquisitor is Lavellan and mage.
This is a pretty self indulgent request lol but feel free to change anything in the it if it helps in the writing!
“Companions react to Mage!Lavellan!Inquisitor coming out as Trans(Male)”
Got a bad joke for yall. “What did Andraste keep losing at her wedding? The Veil, it kept Fading away.” Not sorry.
-Lord Lex
-Panics over your scars because WHAT KIND OF CREATURE WOULD CAUSE THAT SORT OF TEARING?! After a a quick explanation, he is a little embarrased but respects that. Will still call you sir and what not. What? He respects anyone who wants to fight, no matter who they are. He’ll defend your honor and stand by you if someone tries to pry or make comments on it, no matter what
-Concerned and asks if the scars were meant to be there or if something happened. Coming out to her, you just get a “Oh! Understandable,” and goes about her day. She won’t say anything more about it but, if she does have one or two questions, she might ask privately and if you’re alright with answering. Wants to make sure you’re alright.
-First thought was that someone tortured you and that she needs to go out for blood. Telling her, she’ll calm down and go about her business. She’s very neutral about it. Doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, if you can stab something, you’re good.
-Oh, congrats darling! She thinks you look perfect but does excuse herself since you didn’t have the chance to tell her how you wanted to. Is curious on who did it for you because it is some exceptional work.
-Already respected you but it’s a new found respect. Good for you for being who you want to be. Knows a few people who’ve been through the same, some with similar stories and some with different. Well, some don’t get as easy a chance but that’s why he’s happy for you. You made it so far.
-He knows. I mean, he’s always known like everybody else, right? You became yourself a long time ago. What people see is you but they don’t know that there was another you. The one that you had to be, not wanted to be. There are scars there, to prove it, but they don’t see the ones that he does. The painful ones, the hardened ones, the once-loved ones. He sees you.
-Huh. Interesting. Solas will then excuse himself for intruding on you. What? That’s your business. What you care to share with him is up to you. He can only choose how he responds and he responds by complimenting you on this change. Though he is a little curious on what others might think, he’ll be there if you need someone. Or even taking it to the grave. He’s a very good liar, trust me.
(Personal headcanon: I think elves just don't care. I don't mean that in a rude aspect. I mean they'll respect you for your choices and how you treat your people and others.)
-Has to pause for a solid minute to comprehend. She’ll be very flustered and a little red in the face as she looks away to give you privacy but she will also have you be very exact on how she should address you. It’s not hard for her to remember, but she just wants to make sure she hasn’t been fucking up this entire time and calling you something you rather not be called.
The Iron Bull
-...Was…was he not supposed to know? If this had been his first time witnessing this sort of thing, he might have made even less of a deal about it. Bull’s from the Qun, after all. They don’t care about that. But having known someone who’s had to go through something similar, he treats it with caution and makes sure to know what you’re ok with. It’s important to know who’s on your side and how they see you, to know you got people in your corner who will respect you even when you share something like this.
-Fuck yeah! Good for you! Good on you for being who you want to be and not letting some arse holes choose for you! This calls for drinks! Kidding, but he will pretend he doesn’t know so that you can come out on your own terms to him. And then you’ll get drinks. Gods help the poor fool who tries to make a rude comment on it or just be a complete buffoon when addressing you. You both still laugh about the one noble’s butt catching fire.
-It quite surprises her. At first, she thought it was some sort of joke tattoo about boobs. Until you tell her what they really are. Perplexed and a little fascinated, she just starts bombarding you with a bunch of questions. If you don’t want her to ask much about it, she’ll stop and respect your space. She’s a heathen so she knows when to step over some lines, but she also knows when to draw the line.
-Oh, nice scars. He’s got a few on his chest as well. There’s this one from a battle a few years ago, there’s this one from a misunderstanding, there’s- Wait, what. You come out to him and he sits there for a tic, processing. But you’re male right? Yes, you tell him, but you weren’t always. But you are now? Then that’s what matters. He’ll still call you sir and such because that’s who you are.
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Hey friends, happy Wednesday! To kick off the month of May, we have seven fics set in or that otherwise have the vibes of spring! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
i’ll illuminate you by orphan_account (539 words, Teen) Pairing: Fresh Cut Grass/FRIDA (Loveletters) Warnings: None
FCG and FRIDA visit Zephrah for Orym and Dorian's wedding. Flower crown adorableness ensues.
Reccer Says: One of the cutest fics I have ever read. The phrase "aeormapartner" is goofy and so fucking adorable.
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a star fell from your heart and into my eyes by glossolali (1,959 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowmauk) Warnings: None
It's Molly's birthday and all he wants is to flirt with Essek and sweep him off his feet. Little does he know that Essek has a terribly romantic surprise of his own in store for Molly.
Reccer Says: It is so so cute, with an excellent Molly POV (seriously, his inner monologue is adorable and feels So Right) and the sweetest ending. Essek's gifts to Molly are the most romantic things ever and I'm obsessed with it. Also celebrating Molly's birthday on the day after Cognouza's defeat when he woke up in the Grove is perfect and I love it!!! ALSO druid Essek beloved!!!!
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We should just kiss, like real people do by CupOTeaHatter (910 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Veth and Caleb, apart and unable to sleep, muse on the rain and could-have-beens.
Reccer Says: The angst and yearning is delicious
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Sunflower by ShadowCrw (1,264 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot/Vex'ahlia Warnings: None
Post-canon, Vex and Pike garden while Keyleth recovers from an injury.
Reccer Says: Nice post-canon slice of life! The shenanigans towards the end with Trinket and the water are especially cute.
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she wore flowers like a crown by orphan_account (896 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Yasha Nydoorin (Yashter) Warnings: None
Jester makes Yasha a flower crown. Yasha has emotions about it.
Reccer Says: Yashter is such an underrated pairing and this fic is a lovely little microcosm of them <3
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after the storm by allmadeofstardust (2,352 words, General) Pairing: Orym/Will Warnings: Survivors Guilt
Three times Orym is caught in a rainstorm, each with a different person.
Reccer Says: Only the first third of the fic is Orym and Will but that section is so lovely! As is the rest of the fic, I love Orym and Imogen’s friendship and Orym’s guilt and grief over Laudna’s death so much.
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Air Ashari Floral & Ink by SociallyAwkwardFox (12,563 words, Teen) Pairing: Orym/Dorian Storm/Will (Dorymwill) Warnings: None
A series of vignettes as Dorian falls in love with and begins a relationship with the owners for Air Ashari Floral & Ink, Orym and Will.
Reccer Says: It’s very sweet!! The relationship is so cute and they really do just Fit together. It also kinda has the vibe of a non-linear narrative despite being linear, which I think is neat, probably a side effect of the vignettes in a fun way! Takes place over a span of time, not just spring (the only mentioned point in time is actually Winter’s Crest lol) but with all the flowers it’s got real springy vibes throughout.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Jester Rarepairs. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Alternate Universes and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Hurt/Comfort and PC x NPC! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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greypetrel · 5 months
HI ARJA I’m so curious about your moby dick AU lol you always have the best AUs
HI ROWAN I'm glad you asked! :D It's gonna be a big ass rant, so it's under the cut. I'm very excited about this AU, it tackles some things I love and have first-hand experience of, so yeah, I'll be chatty about it ahahahah.
I've posted a chapter at random on AO3 and you can find some snippets in the whale au tag!
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So, it's "Zoologist Aisling who thinks whales are the best thing after sliced bread saves Cullen, who happens to have survived a shipwreck caused by a whale". Shenanigans happen.
It was an idea of @shivunin (thank you again) and I'm currently trying to give it a little outline not to go totally at random. I am thinking about characters background, it's a non-magical AU and so stuff needs to be adapted. The title of the WIP is old, I realised after that... You know, it's a Moby Dick INSPIRED thing. The first idea was having Aisling as Melville and Cullen as Ishmael teaming up to write Moby Dick. Cullen has the sailing parts, Aisling filling in with conspiracy theories about whalers and spite over naturalists. And both of them inserting a gay relationship because I'm still a big part of the Bi!Cullen agenda, and that book is terribly gay.
I did realise later on that there's a limit to the horrors I'm willing to put characters through and write, and cannibalism is really NOT one. I also moved it to another period and to the 1900s because I already did research for another original project and I'm more familiar with it.
The title of the file will change when I'll have a better one for this AU.
For now I do have a background for Aisling, what she's in Nantucket to do, and I'm so happy to say @melisusthewee jumped on the bandwagon aboard with Quinn and Horatio, but I'm letting her introduce you to them in this. I'll just say that Aisling refers to Quinn as "Mr Arch-Nemesis".
She's in Nantucket for a research over sperm whales behaviour, restore her family's name (dad was a scholar too, but alas, he was caught being a member of the Fenian society and giving money to the Irish revolutionaries... She's the Royal Society's favourite person, yes) and hopefully put a brake on whale hunting (the 1900s saw the peak of killed whales, you can bet miss "I'd adopt a dragon if Bull didn't constantly prevent me to try and befriend one" won't be ok with it). Dorian and Josephine -whom I couldn't fathom being there with her, seriously I can't picture Dorian on a ship if not in first class, unless he was beaten unconscious before boarding and dragged on. Josie finances ships, sure... but being on board of one and working? A whole different thing. So, they're Aisling friends, but they stayed in London to get her fundings.
Cullen needs to find reason to get to the sea again, he was a harpooner and worked on ships all his life... After being the sole survivor, he needs to find his centre back and get on with it. The crazy whale fangirl may or may not help him on this.
And there was only one bed, of course. (have I already said that Moby Dick is VERY gay?) (I had a blast reading it, thank you so much @salsedinepicta for making me curious about it! <3 Also if you want to throw your characters in this GO ON.)
I thiiiink I may change names and design and also do something fully original. I'm particularly enthusiastic about it because it allows me to tackle stuff I experienced in my life (I did some sailing! Very little and purely recreational, but still) and to re-use some research I already did for another original project which I love dearly, but it's definitely more than I can chew on my own. If I don't chicken out because the place is linked to some trauma, I maaaaay add a part in the seaside town I spent a lot of time growing up.
But again, let's see how it goes, researching on Italy isn't the easiest thing ever if you're not aiming at Rome or the Renaissance, and we're talking about a pretty regional side of Italy. I have good hopes because the people are very very very much into their own history and claiming it back, so I may find some good infos without spitting too much blood.
it's a work in progress, but there's gonna be more about this!
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 94
One Shot Wonders? This should be interesting ... oh ... right, Robbie being RIGHT THERE is ... interesting ... we know full well what a chaos gremlin he is, we have been missing that ... and then there's Laura who can't even BEGIN to hold it together long enough to become a problem ... XD ... that was ... a STRANGE skit, to be honest ... but interesting ...
Wow ... that was the most thinly-veiled dig at Youtube I've EVER HEARD, Travis ...
Bells Hells live show? Intriguing ...
I swear, though, seeing FCG on the title sequence is ... INTENSE. We miss you already, Letters ...
It already feels SO GOOD that we got Dorian back, though ... and I mean it, I love having Robbie back at the table ...
Given the mood, I can't even get enthusiastic about any possibility for Ashton x Fearne stuff ...
Laudna: "What's harder? Expecting the worst, or being surprised?" Dorian: "Good question." Oof ...
Ahston (to Fearne): "Dou you want some company tonight?" HOLY FUCK ... I'm Travis right now ... he's all of us ... oh yeah, ANYTHING is good with these too, I'll take the crumbs ... and it's sweet. It really is ...
Oh yeah, so Orym TOTALLY heard all of that ... XD
LONG REST!!! LONG REST!!! Gods, they need this SO BAD ...
Travis rolls AGAIN ... oh shit, how do I keep forgetting about that? Is Chetney dead?
How is Fearne arranged wit Ashton in theit sleep? Why is this a WORRYING question right now, MATTHEW?!!! O.O
Okay ... what the hell is THIS thing? Why is this more creepy than cute right now? I don't trust this shit ... be careful, Fearne, please ...
33 Passive Perception ... fucking hell, Orym ...
How DOES she squeeze through that? Wildshape? A cockatiel with a peach plume? Awwwwww ... Ashley doing the wobbly birdwalk ... :3 ... oh wait ... so it's leading her AWAY? Yeah, I really DON'T trust this shit right now ...
Yes. Keep following her, Orym ... do not lose that bird ...
She's going to continue following this INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS critter becausde it's cute ... yeah, classic Fearne ... I just can't with her ...
Floating IN THE AIR? How the fuck? Yeah, that definitely can't be a good sign. A DARK ARMOURED GAUNTLET? Fuck's sake ... damn it, it's FUCKING Zathuda. FEARNE!!! Gods damn-it!
She's just PANIC FLAPPING. Of course she is ...
The whole time Ma\tt does this character I'm just seeing Sean Connery in Highlander ... it really doesn't help to create the menace due the moment ...
Crap ... he intends to use Fearne to unlock Predathos' prison ... yeah, that's not much of a surprise ...
Yeah, there's NO WAY she's gonna come with you, you Scottish CREEP ... but she wants his wyvern ... yeah, of course she does. LOL ... oh boy ... he's actually really taking that as encouragement, isn't he?
Yes girl. Insight check this asshat ... WHISPERS!!! Cue Beacon plug by Travis ...
"Fearne Zathuda?" Come ON, you evil fuck, don't you dare ... YES FEARNE!!! School the man ... Calloway all the way ...
A MIRROR? Oh balls ... please not THAT shit again ... last thing we need right now is Dark Fearne ...
Bollocks ... it really IS happening ... damn it, I saw that shit coming ... fuck ... fuck fuck fuck fuck ... she's loose, she's free, this is SO BAD ...
Wait ... SHE'S MULTIPLYING?!!! Fuck, that's not good ...
Orym messages Dorian through the Sending stone ... PLEASE let this work ... talk about a desperate Hail Mary ... PLEASE PICK UP, DORIAN!!! Oh thank fuck that worked ...
Laura has to roll for everyone to see if this WAS a long restor not ... YES!!! Thank fuck ... so only Fearne and Orym are still short, at least ... but that's not so good right now ... balls ...
YES!!! Chentey's nose! Sniff them out QUICK old man!
Ashton says: "Find. Them. NOW!!!" with SUCH exquisite intensity, I love it ...
Over the wall! Quickly!
No guards? No help? REALLY?!!!
Roll initiative! Uh-oh ...
Shit! A Battlemap! Bollocks ... this means he's SERIOUS ...
Yes! Orym! Bait & Switch for the win like always! Way to go, Wee Man!
Earthbind? Hmmm ... could she fuck this up for them before it even starts? That would be helpful ... yes, stay put, Fearne ... be careful ...
Boy, Faux-Fearne is SO CREEPY ... SHADOW CLAW attacks? Oh fuck ... COLD DAMAGE?!!! Ouch ... wait ... oh, so Fearne can become RESISTANT to Cold damage? Nice ... plus Psychic damage? Argh ... not so good ...
And now the extras ... I really hope they're pale imitations ... balls, looks like they might NOT be ... shit ... a NAT20?!!! Come on Mercer, PLEASE play nice ... O.O
Orym pulls another Bait & Switch ... okay ... oh, is he planning on invoking Nana Morri? Yeah, do it, any port in a storm ... meanwhile GET SWINGING, Fighter! HOLY SHIT, Liam, you are rolling ROCKS tonight! Keep THAT up, please!
Fearne activates the Spark! Yeah! She'll pay for it later, but right now ... SO BADASS, I swear ... and here comes Mister! Yay!
Oh, they take Fire damage when they hit her? Nice ... Voice Thief? What the sweet FUCK?!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh ... 17 poijnts of damage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ... it cuts her throat, with no blood ... BUT HER VOICE IS JUST GONE ... fucking hell ... oh fucking fuck ... she is just getting SO MESSED UP right now, I hate this ...
Come on, Orym, fuck these bitches UP!!! Nice! Nat20! But it's A SHIT damage dict roll ... balls ... Second Wind! Yeah, right now he really needs it ... yeah, he's done what he can ...
All that Fearne has left is VERBAL spells ... fuck ... Mister takes some shots with his flaming shit gun instead ... she's going to DROP her flaming form? REALLY?!!! That was the ONLY ADVANTAGE she had right now ... but it does cause a big BOOM so maybe it'll work ... yeah, at least it gets TWO of 'em ... 41 points of damage! YEAH!!! Wow, and she just TAKES THOSE TWO OUT entirely ... yes! And now she's at FOUR POINTS OF EXHAUSTION ... oof ...
Dark Fearne jumps up on one of the rocks ... what's THIS SHIT?!!! Oh nice ... BOTH HITS MISS ENTIRELY?!!! Sweet ... but the third hits ... 6 points ... AND SHE'S DOWN?!!! FUCK!!! Another hit while she's DOWN? Fuck!! Autocrit means TWO FAILED DEATH SAVES!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Orym pours a healiong potion down Fearne's throat for 17 HP back, then crouches over her to protect her, shield up and ready ... ORYM!!! Sweet ...
At least Fearne's got her voice back ... SCORCHING RAY!!! GO QUEEN!!! Four attacks ... roll good, Ash! 2 hit, but she rolls BALLS on the damage ...
But it was JUST enough to finally take out Dark Fearne? Oh thank the fucking GODS ...
Mister shoots more flaming shit at thew remaining copy ... and hits it! OKay ... come on, you sweet flaming monkey ... meanwhile Ashley gets stuck reading rules and Laura gets REALLY upset with her about it ... NERVES, PEOPLE!!! And it WORKS!!! That last bitch is DEAD!!! Thank fuck ...
Is it over? Thank fuck ... oh for ... NOW what? Gloamglut? Fucking ZATHUDA!!! You fucking ASSHAT!!! Just piss off already!
The NEXT LESSON? Oh, I hate him so much ...
NOW the alarm's raised? As he's already leaving? IS HE leaving? What's happening?
Thank fuck that's over with ... yeah, NO MORE solo nighttime excurstions, ANY OF YOU ... you're making me go grey here ...
Cure Wounds? Yes. Thank you, Dorian. Heal Fearne ...
Yes. Seriously, Fearne, NO MORE FOLLOWING CUTE CREATURES ... I agree, take a buddy next time! Smarter, at least ...
Ah, yes ... because Dorian REALLY DOESN'T know a whole lot right now, this is true ... seriously, time to fill our poor boy in!
And now for a break ... yeah ...
Creeeeepy Beacon ad ... hmmm ...
An uneasy morning, clearly ... salvaging what's left of the mirror ... is that really a good idea?
Yes, indeed ... what ARE WE going to do now? What's the plan? Decisions need to be made ...
Kayleth first ... yeah, smart.
Okay, big meeting. Time to unload all the information ...
Oh, is Fearne going to fill them in on the WHY that all just kicked off? This should be interesting ...
So ... the Hallowed Cage rings a bell? Interesting ...
Yes, I figured Evoroa would be a valuable teaching resource for this lot ...
Growing discord from Ludinus' propaganda across Exandria? Great. Just what we need right now ...
Oh yeah, the machinery ... the piece of Malleus Key tech ... okay ... so it's definitely Arcanum era technology ... all of it keeps pointing back to Aeor ...
Someone who knows Aeor? Who's that, then? They're on a mission? Hmmm ...
A mission for US, then? Okay ... so they're going to meet with this individual? And potentially stop Ludinus, if he IS out there too? Sounds smart ...
Yeah, I mean Dorian does have a particularly fresh and unique perspective on this right now that's bound to be useful ...
"Scrappy fuck-ups"? I mean, he ain't wrong, but ...
Whoa, Chetney ... O.O ... HEAVY WORDS, man ... careful ...
Laudna: "He was just a snow Ludinus!" Um ... yeah ...
Chetney's like a "fart in the wind" ... XD ... cute ...
Imogen tries to show them what the Five Minds looked like ... okay ... yeah, Chetney's right, there's definitely some serious POWER in their Psychic game compared to ours ...
Weeks? I really doubt we actually HAVE that much time ...
Sent by a WIDOGAST? What?
Seth Domade? An archivist of the Cobalt Soul? Interesting ... so he's one of the Aeor experts? Cool. He's actually BEEN THERE? Even cooler ...
The furniture? What? Chetney ...
Finding an individual? WHO?!!! He'll tell them on the way? Damn it ...
The globe! Cool ... XD Keyleth finds it somewhat terrifying. As she should ...
Laudna's fetuses in jars ... yeah ... calm down, Dead Girl!
So, off to find this mysterious Assembly member first, then ... yeah ... and they're going to be using Domade as the means of transport? Teleportation? Hmmmm ...
Imahara Joe? Yeah ... he really should know what happened to FCG ... best to wait until they can tell him themselves, then. Yeah ...
So, to Zadash first, then ... oh, war chest funds? Yeah, that'd be really helpful too ... 10,000 gold pieces? REALLY?!!! Wow ... that's ... IMPRESSIVE ...
Yes. Ashton's giant magic Hole ... oh yeah, Dorian's not seen that yet ... Chetney: "Are you turned off by our dep dark Hole?" Well I mean it does STINK or rotting corpses right now ... oh, they're just cleaning all the nasty stuff out of it RIGHT NOW? Holy fuck ... LOL
Wow ... this conversation just became surreal and oddly unpleasant ...
Domade is intrigued by his first impression of this group and I don't blame him in the slightest ...
Yes. Fearne IS exhausted. FOUR TIMES right now ... yes, Keyleth PLEASE help her right now ...
She took away TWO WHOLE POINTS of Exhaustion? Cool ...
The Champion of Asmodeus? Oh boy ... O.O
Yeah, Keyleth continues to be awesome, like always ...
Wise words from Orym, yes ... and some advice from her to him, too ... oh boy ...
Dorian likes the Mythtaker. Yeah ... :3
Okay, heading out with Seth, then. Introductions all round first, though. Yeah ...
Oh right ... this looks like a SERIOUS Teleportation spell ...
Yeah, Liliana was able to STOP TIME. It was very intimidating.
Ah, so where ARE THEY then, Matthew? The Sprawl in Zadash. Okay ... interesting, it seems that something has been amiss recently ... oh, recent BATTLE? Hmmm ...
So Chetney's been here before, long ago ...
Ah, the Tri-Spires, yeah ...
Invisibility? Yeah, that's viable for some ... yea, timely indeed since they're being followed ... yeah! Do it now ...
Oh, so they're gonna BLUFF IT, are they? Group Stealth check ... great ... NAT1?!!! Ashley NO!!!
Smells like deer shit ... XD
Dodge the guards? ANOTHER Stealth check? Oof ... oh, yeah, MUCH better ...
Walk with confindence ... Chetney just starts Connor McGregor-swaggering ... LOL
The Gilded Willows? Nice ...
"Do not panic"? So that's the keyword to GRAB ... okay ...
Chastity's Nook? REALLY?!!!
Oh boy ... this is gonna be WILD, I can already tell ... yeah, Dorian finally gets it ... XD ...
Iva: "How can I help you?" Imogen: "Oh, we're here for the ... uh ... PORN."
Ah yes ... ye olde sex shoppe ... LOL
Erma? ERMA?!!! SHE'S the target? Really?
Blood Cursxe of Binding? Wow ... straight to it ... meanwhile Imogen casts Command and tells her to: "Freeze!"
Oh, nice grapple, Ashton ... if he pulls this off it's gonna be SWEET ... 23? NICE ...
Laudna Counterspells before Erma can work her magic ... 21? YES!!! Nice one! Success! Unsettling Presence ... YEAH!!!
Dorian puffs Ruby Dust in her fast and casts a 7th Level Forcecage on her ... WHAT?!!! Holy fuck, bard! She tries to Counterspell it ... and it works? BALLS ...
Orym glues her hand to the wall with Sedling's Grasping Vine ... meanwhile Ashton just grabs her arm ... and Imogen tries to hold her in place with her mind ...
Seth pulls something that just deadens LL MAGIC IN THE ROOM ... oh, nice, I see what he did there! Yes, sweet move, Cobalt Soul! That';s perfect. Time to just dogpile her, then ...
Wait ... no more illusion for Seth, then ... HOLDY FUCK!!! YES!!! I KNEW IT!!! Essek fucking Thelyss! YAY!!!
She's fucking ASTRID?!!! Seriously?
And THAT'S where we're calling it? I mean FUCK but also NICE! I mean it's kinda perfect, really. MY BOY IS HERE!!! YES!!!
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azsazz · 11 months
Queen of Shadows
Omg I just finished queen of shadows...wowza. Spoilers below!!
I'll get back to writing someday 😅
Rowan/Sam, Chaol/Dorian/Aedion, Lorcan
on god I still love Chaol high key. but omg Dorian finally being free 🥹 and all three of my babies getting a moment together again 😩😭 i need that. they needed that.
Rowannnnnnn i don't think i even need to say anything about this hunk of a man. He's so yummy.
Aedion tho 👀 the one thing that I don't get is the fanart of him makes him look so skinny when he's legit almost the same size as rowan?! she literally mentioned it like 50 times how huge he was lol
Lysandra grew on me, I'll admit it. And Manon too, she has a heart! Good for her and Asterin and I hate her grandmother. Poor Elide, she deserves so much more.
Lorcan bro, c'mon man. How sjm going to tell us he and rowan have bedded women together but make them butt heads...not cool.
Also, I realized that sjm either uses the same names in multiple series or she's alluding to something? like Cormac? and the Ruhnn mountains? sussy
onto the tandem read...
Previous thoughts:
TOG: Chaol/Sam, Dorian
COM: so my roster is still Chaol/Sam, Dorian (I should put Nox in here too but idk enough about him I don't think)
HOF: Rowan, Chaol/Sam, Dorian/Aedion
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