#( Sorry for the wait on this! )
yuckydraws · 1 year
To Undertale, underswap and Underfell pap!
What is your 'special attack' and is there anything else you guys can do with your magic you guys are pretty great with it! :3
All of these guys have different sets of magical abilities. Some are shared, seeing as they are different versions of the same person, but they have abilities and weapons they can summon unique to them as well! All of their "special attacks" would technically be their Gaster Blasters, though each of their blasters are a reflection of them, their magic and their fighting styles!
So, with that background covered, now to answer your question!
- Gravity Manipulation (on himself & others) - Enhanced Stamina - Special Ability: Bullet Hell. He can summon endless waves of bone attacks - though, he's trained hard to have careful control over this, seeing as he doesn't actually want to hurt anyone. - Special attack: Gaster Blaster - They're more on the slender side, reflecting his stature, and while bigger than Sans', they aren't huge. He can summon around 8 at a time, and their blasts can be described more like a laser (which is ironic, given his hate of laser puzzles in Hotland). - Special Weapon: Shield
- Teleportation - Gravity Manipulation - Judgement abilities - Special Ability: Lie Detecting - Special Attack: Gaster Blaster - He can summon around 3 at a time. They're slender and the smallest of the Papyri blasters, reflecting his status as the smallest Papyrus. They have a powerful, laser-like beam. - Special Weapon: Bow & Arrow - though, he rarely summons it.
- Gravity manipulation (on himself & others) - Enhanced Stamina - Special Ability: Enhanced healing. He has a higher capacity for healing and can heal much quicker than the others. It's not something he talks about or shows off, though, seeing as kindness was a weakness in his underground. - Special Attack: Gaster Blaster - Slender, but on the larger side. He can summon around 4 at a time, however he tends to only summon one or two in battle -giving up numbers in lieu of having better control over their blasts. They're blasts are laser-like, but can have multiple beams per blast with a scary accuracy. - Special Weapon: Halberd
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( from x with @anorlondoarcheryclub )
"If I was still burning myself at this point I think the old frog that taught me would emerge from his grave," Laurentius chuckles, turning the meat over in one hand, "to set me alight himself."
It's odd, discussing his pyromancy outright - he's so used to keeping it to himself that sharing the heresy feels...well, heretical in that vague, distant sense that the worst heresies often evoke.
Shouting in a quiet church. Muttering a curse amid a prayer. That sort of thing.
But Ifsahan seems polite enough about it - even pleasantly interested. Lordran will do that to you, Laurentius supposes. Once you're here, all the faith in the world won't stop you from going hollow.
Do what you can, with what you have, then.
"Is it a particular someone down there?" Laurentius asks. He suspects the person he's looking for is elsewhere - be a bit odd to find another pyromancer down in the watery dark, after all.
You'd have to be in real trouble, to be a drowned pyromancer.
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uncxntrxllable · 5 months
@shchvnts liked for a little starter and got nelly! ♥
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❝ Listen — I'm not the one you want, I haven't been dropping any bodies. I don't do that. ❞ She prefers not to, it isn't all too often that she will even take blood from the vein even if she leaves the person alive. She keeps a steady supply of blood bags at home and that's enough for her. Whatever vampire is out there dropping bodies, it isn't her. ❝ I'd rather not fight you... You can't kill me with that, anyway, so just put it down. This doesn't have to get ugly. ❞
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
-ˋˏ ◡  AND THERE WAS NO ONE LEFT / @lgchayoung
Leave it to Lee Hyunsoo to lose track of time. One by one, the other trainees in his group dissipated from the room, wandering toward the door with an exhausted gait. He recalled one calling back to him, checking if he would be leaving as well. Just a bit longer, he urged quietly. He was rather insistent on getting the choreography just right. Again, again. Until he grew tired of seeing his own reflection in the mirror ( and what he felt were painfully awkward movements ).
He cradled the tablet against his wrist, carefully performing the next move while he double checked his execution in comparison to the one on screen. Displeased, his head tilted to the side with irritation. "That's not it..." He muttered to himself, closing his eyes to collect his own thoughts of frustration and attempt to pour them back into the trash. When he opened them, the lights to the room had been completely shut off. That's right... even the company has to turn in for the night.
With a heavy sigh, Hyunsoo retreated to the corner of the room to gather his belongings. It was his resignation to the company rules that made him move with such urgency. He did not want to find himself in trouble for staying too long ( regardless of his intention to perfect his skills ). The moment he peeked his head into the hallway, he caught a flash of a familiar face in the dim lights.
Hyunsoo immediately bowed to his friend ㅡ albeit one full of uncertainty. "Hayoung," He called out in a hushed whisper, glancing behind her, then his own shoulder. Darkness in either direction. "Did you stay here late to practice, too? I suppose we both let the time get away from us. I didn't think they just turned all the lights off like that, though. It's kind of creepy." There was a sliver of suspicion in his tone, as if questioning whether or not this scenario was correct. It certainly felt off.
"It's a bit chilly in here, too, right now... don't you think?" Given their mutual history of interest in paranormal events, Hyunsoo knew Hayoung could grasp his subtle hint without having to admit his true suspicions aloud.
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khaenriahn · 1 year
AN ICE-COLORED EYE LOOKS OUT, careful in how it observes the decrepit ruins which layer with those of moss and creeping vines that came to be known as yesteryear. for a moment, it seems rather peaceful -- some distant reminder of how were humans were to cease how swift nature itself may reclaim where they had once built their cities and, even more, kingdoms. time waits for none, he thinks, no matter the outcome one may desire.
and when the sound of desolate footsteps can be heard, he is swift to turn his gaze toward the newfound company to see a complete stranger. truthfully, it wasn't far-fetched to expect others to wander out here; no surprise mars his face this time, instead offering his usual smile her way.
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❝ Oh? A fellow explorer in this place? It's rather large, so it isn't too surprising why we have yet to cross paths until now. ❞ even if it was a small island, the more places which became available, the less they would find others brought here, just like them. ❝ Kaeya. Kaeya Alberich. I had planned to travel down today, actually. Would you care to join me on this occasion? ❞
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miloxhughes · 1 year
continued from here / @hxnkbrxmson
Milo could understand how someone could take the question he asked as suggestive. Based off Hank's vibe, he wasn't expecting a flirtatious answer. He was gearing up for the book lover to tell him about his other interests, but the conversation quickly veered off into a different direction. A more personal one. Milo shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his hand rubbing against the back of his neck. "Look, man, I was trying to get to know you a little. If you're not feeling that, it's cool to say so. I can kindly fuck off and leave you be. My feelings aren't gonna be hurt. You think you're the first person to turn me down?" Milo chuckled lightly. "I took a swing and it was a miss. No harm, no foul."
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
"I thought scarecrows were supposed to scare crows…not people."(kimikomasuda)
"Well, this one looks like me, so apparently it's for both." @kimikomasuda
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many-sparrows · 2 months
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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nipuni · 9 months
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the snake of eden 🥰
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hellspawnmotel · 3 months
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madoka rewatch
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the-haunted-office · 1 month
🎥 ( september)
Send 🎥 for a random scene of my muse’s life
She is nervous as she's led into a lavish, well-furnished office, lined with bookshelves. The walls are a rich, dark green and decorated with carefully picked artwork, although she thinks some of it is strange. There's one with a panda and someone is holding a gun to its head.
She doesn't indicate this feeling of strangeness in any way, though, and she tries her best not to gawk too much at her surroundings. She's not here for gawking, after all.
The one who she assumes will be her boss, should she get the job, motions for her to sit in the much smaller chair sitting directly across from the - quite frankly - ridiculously enormous wooden desk. The desk itself is full of important-looking files and paperwork, pens and pencils and calculators and other office things.
She sits down where she was instructed. The boss sits down on the other side of the desk.
"Vincent, yes, so happy to have you here at ABC Corp. We just have some questions to go over before you get started - that is, assuming you do want the position," the boss says.
She blinks, stunned, not sure she's heard correctly.
Before she gets started...? Isn't this the interview?
"I'm- sorry. Ms. Stephens," she says, trying and failing not to stammer as she sits on the edge of her seat. "Get started- You mean I'll be starting today?"
Ms. Stephens, the boss, smiles. It's not exactly a friendly smile. More so one that's deliberately patient. "Yes. Well, there's the interview, of course. A few questions, none too difficult, to be sure, but the position is entry level, after all. And then you may start today, if that works for you."
She could feel her head swimming. This seemed too good to be true. An entry level position, that started same day, with the starting pay at it was, with the benefits being offered, in the job economy the way it was? How could they do this?
Something about the look on her face must have given her away, because the boss spoke again. "We're very well off, Vincent. And I assure you that if you've made it this far in the hiring process, we want you on our team. We wouldn't have invited you into the building if we didn't think you were worth our time."
She's still reeling from the whole thing, barely able to believe she's here at all. All she can do is nod and agree to go along. This is a dream come true for her. She can easily admit to herself that she would have taken this job even if it had paid peanuts and had no benefits. Getting away was most important of all.
"Okay," she says, managing a smile, however confused it is. "Okay, I'm ready. Sorry about that, I was just a little- taken by surprise, that's all."
"No problem, Vincent. We're happy to answer questions you have for us too. We're here to support each other, as business operation and employee," says the boss. And the interview commences.
Nine years later, sitting in front of a pencil sharpener with no pencils to sharpen, she still can't make sense of it. Nothing ever made any sense. There were never any pencils.
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itscuriosu · 2 months
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my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕
sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️
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bookshelfpassageway · 1 month
yknow i dont go here but sometimes i gotta go: seriously respect clowns. they have the worst pop culture representation in the world and also the best most thorough honor code. they're just here to be silly little guys who bring joy and are very conscientious about doing so responsibly. let them to their merriment in peace you dont hafta take potshots. i dont go here but like maybe i should, you all seem super chill
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maridise · 4 months
(ooc. For Gepard) "You need to be a lot quicker if you're going to catch me, Captain."
Ah, but who says the Captain wants to catch him? There are plenty of advantages to having a distraction like Koski running around, particularly so since he is far from the biggest fish in the pond. Their frequent cat-and-mouse game has the additional benefit of humanizing Gepard in the eyes of the people; so, really, who's on the losing side here? Belebog's impenetrable shield can't be too perfect, after all.
"It's not speed I lack," says Gepard, unbothered by the quip directed his way. He'll get Koski when he needs to and not a second before. / @maskednihilism
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grntaire · 11 months
“their miracle was so big bc crowley used to be an archangel” have u considered that aziraphale and crowley love each other so much that their love alone could move the tides just by staring at the ocean for too long. have u considered that they did the miracle not really to protect gabriel but to protect what they had, what they’d built with each other. and that was them barely even trying
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