#please. please watch the REAL version of this film. it means a lot to me ok
daincrediblegg · 10 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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Superpham AU (part 7)
A short one today, but I thought this section was funny (until it got sad again).
It’s a quiet evening in the Lane-Kent household: Lois is trying to turn her notes into an article, Clark is going over Jon’s math homework, and Jon is watching a show Lois is only half-following.  It features lots of gunfire and explosions, though Lois’s— unfortunately extensive— experience with witnessing real violence makes the version on TV look cartoonish.  She suspects that is part of the show’s appeal.
Danny is paying about as much attention to the TV as Lois is, engrossed in something on his phone.  At least he’s in the same room as the rest of them, instead of sequestering himself away.
“Hey Lois?” Danny suddenly asks.
Lois looks up from her work.  “What’s up?”
“Did you know the internet thinks you’re Superman’s girlfriend?”
Lois knows that if she looks at Clark, he’ll be turning red, the way he always does whenever this particular subject comes up.  Lois herself is barely holding back a laugh.  Jon’s wrinkling his nose, looking thoroughly embarrassed by his parents.
“Well, I am,” she says, barely keeping herself composed.
“No, I mean—” Danny begins.
“You mean people say that I’m dating Superman and married to Clark?”  Lois glances at Clark, who is now hiding his face in his hands.  “Someone forgot to check for cameras after rescuing me a few years back, and we got caught kissing on film.  It was let people think Superman is a homewrecker or let them think I’m in a polyamorous relationship with my husband and his alter ego.”  
“That’s… really weird.”  Danny is giving her the kind of judgmental look only teenagers can give.  
Lois does laugh at that.  “It is, a bit.  But it helps protect Clark’s secret identity, so I don’t mind.”
“Don’t listen to her,” Clark finally says.  “There were other ways to handle that situation; she just thinks this is funny.”
“Even your parents think it’s funny,” Lois says.  Clark just sighs, faux-aggrieved.  
“It’s not even the weirdest thing on the internet about Superman,” Danny says.  “It’s just the weirdest thing everyone agrees is true.”
“Please do not tell me what else you’ve found,” Clark says.  
“You can tell me,” Lois says.  “We can just make Clark leave for a bit.”  Reading conspiracy theories about Superman is her guilty pleasure, though if anyone asks, she does it to keep tabs on anyone who might have a viable way of hurting him.  
Danny just laughs, and something in Lois’s chest seizes up.  Is this the first time she’s heard him laugh since he came back?  She thinks it might be.
She doesn’t want to call attention to it; like as not, that would just make him pull away again.  Instead she says, “Superman doesn’t even get the best conspiracy theories.  Those are all Batman.”  That’s because Bruce purposefully cultivates them, of course, but that’s not important.
“Which one is he, again?” Danny asks.  
It’s not that Lois ever forgets that Danny has spent most of his life in another dimension.  But little offhand comments like that… they really drive it home.  There are plenty of superheroes, even Justice League members, that most of the general public has never heard of— but Batman is not one of them.
She's saved from answering by Clark.
"You'll meet him eventually," Clark says.  "He's a good friend of mine.  And Jon and Kon are close to his two youngest sons, Robin and Red Robin."
Danny nods thoughtfully.  "Right.  I think Red Robin's in the group chat Kon added me to."
Lois reminds herself to thank Kon next time she sees him.  He and Danny seem to have connected, and Kon seems to have made it his personal mission to keep Danny from slipping too far into one of his funks again.
"Speaking of Kon," Clark begins.  "Ma and Pa want to know when we'll be able to make it to Smallville to visit."
They've been trying not to overwhelm Danny by introducing him to too many new people at once, but maybe that was the wrong choice.  Maybe they should be pushing him to get out more, to connect with this dimension.  Besides, Kon spends most of his time in Smallville, and they already know that he and Danny get along.
Lois re-evaluates the article she’s been working on.  Perry would probably appreciate it sooner rather than later, but if she turns in a smaller article this week, she can probably swing a weekend off.  If not, she can always work on it from Kansas.
“This weekend should work,” Lois says.  “If that’s alright with you, Danny.”
Danny looks a little surprised to be consulted.  “I— yeah, that works.  Not like I have anywhere else to be.”  He laughs a little, but the joke falls flat, and Lois resolves to double down on helping Danny connect with more people here in this dimension.
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
I feel like we should have an actor au for the pet series where like the vees actors comfort the actor (who is the reader) after really distressing scenes I just like imagine vals actor being so sweet after the scene where val locked pet in a room with him to make her panic idk just a thought I would love to see because even though I luv the story line it always kills me when there is no comfort after things that happen even though sometimes they do comfort her it just makes me feel so icky and I feel like having an actor au will help people like me so that we can still enjoy it, with the reminder in the back of our heads that it is not real because even though its not real it still kinda feels real if you know what i mean because I get really immersed in x reader stories. I know this is a lot but just a suggestion no pressure I will still read and love it either way
I actually think this is a fun way to comfort the readers without straying from canon, I think I’ll probably do one for each of the characters each
Also they all have the same names as their characters :)
Vs pet actor au (Valentino version)
Warnings: val is worried, pet acts panicked, crying, non canon events,
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“Come here princesa” val coos in his characters voice to your character as you act out a fake shiver of fear
You act out the scene of abuse with fake tears streaming down your face. The scene was one that you had been nervous about for weeks, having known that it was a disturbing scene to watch and film.
In the scene, vals character had locked your character in a room with him to imply that he would possibly assault her like he had done to angels character to cause her to panic and breakdown.
You and val had gone over lines together in your trailer and lamented about how it would be a rough filming day for the two of you, considering you had the punishment scene to film just after.
But you put on a brave face as you acted out your scene with minimal distraction. You followed the script and your weeping character sat beside Val on the soft couch as the camera did a close up on your face to ensure they captured the panic in your eyes and the quiver in your bitten lips.
as it came time for val’s character Valentino to touch your thigh in a menacing implication, he did so and you felt a shiver uncomfortably run through you.
You suddenly became hyper aware of the people behind the cameras who had their eyes peeled on you, and how the pink lighting shined so brightly on you.
As your cue came to jump into val’s arms, you froze completely with your face lowered to your thigh and tears running down your cheeks.
“Cut” the director called out and it broke you out your frozen daydream
“Everything okay kid?” Val whispers with a concerned look as he removes his hand from your thigh
“I don’t think I can do it” you whisper back through tears as you face your back to the cameras
“Everything okay up there guys?” The director called out with a concerned expression
Val uses his wings to hide your face and tucked you against his chest before he answered, making sure to spare you any embarrassment.
“We’re gonna need a 15 minute break” val called back politely “private please”
The director nodded with an understanding look before calling most of the set to go on a break away from the filming Scene.
Val turned to you and put a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you okay kid?” Val asks with a worried look as he pulls you away from his chest to observe your expression
“Yeah” you say with a shaky inhale as you wipe your tearful eyes with your palm “it all got a bit much for me”
“I get it kid, it’s a hard scene to film for everyone” val says with a nod and a soothing tone “that’s why I tried to put it off for as long as possible”
“I’m just not used to doing scenes like this guess” you say with a sigh “I had the same problem with Vox during our panic scene, I think it just gets too much for me”
“Your playing a very difficult role honey, it’s understandable that you’ll get a bit freaked out during your scenes” val says gently
“I can’t believe I made them stop shooting, I bet they’re all so mad at me now” you say with an embarrassed groan “I should have just continued”
“Hey, hey, no one is mad at you” val says with a reassuring tone “your having to put yourself in very disturbing scenarios, you have every right to stop filming when you feel uncomfortable and anyone who tells you otherwise hasn’t got a clue about how much work these scenes take”
You nod with a frown, still embarrassed about your freak out, Val notices and wraps his arm around your shoulder
“How about we go get some water and then go talk to the intimacy coordinator about how we can make it feel less overwhelming” val suggests with a smile “or we can try and ask if we could use your body double for the scenes where my hand is physically touching you”
“Yeah” you say with a small nod and a smile “let’s go talk to the intimacy coordinator please”
“Of course sweetheart” val says with a gentle smile as he wraps his hand and wing around your shoulders and begins to guide you to the door.
You managed to work out a way to make the scene to work after a few different attempts and you captured your best shots before retreating to your trailer with Val in tow as you both celebrated a successful scene by eating food while you had your wigs, makeup and costumes removed.
After that day, Val made it a point to always be present during your harder scenes and was always checking in on you during the breaks between takes. He also made sure to update the intimacy coordination on your preferences so they could be added to your filming contract.
You were the youngest of the actors he was working with, and he wanted to make sure you were completely protected while on set.
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Should I do more?
Sorry it’s so short 😭
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@the-faceless-bride @idontreallyexistyet @ivebeenthearchersstuff @hazbinhotelxreader @fandomaddict505 @corvid007 @buttercupfangirl @lilyalone @rerarlo @perkypeony @sparkleyfishies @repostingmyfavs
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pharawee · 4 months
I just finished watching Love Syndrome: The Beginning and... I actually really liked what they did with the source material. It's interesting that this and the series are by the same production company and director but other than the choice of skinny jeans (someone must have been a big fan lmao) and Tuss reprising his role as Neil, the movie has a very different vibe imo.
It's also unfinished, meaning it ends on a cliffhanger with a big 'to be continued' - which probably isn't intentional seeing as they were originally aiming for a cinematic release (not to mention the sudden passing of the producer/director). I can't blame them either because I think they made the deliberate decision to mostly leave this as is to honour the director's final work:
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As it is, I think the movie is a very solid piece of entertainment with some really nice acting, especially by Bix Tagon as Itt.
I've read most of the novels in the Love Syndrome universe and they're actually very same-y with the same non-con kink repeated throughout pretty much every couple's story (and there's A LOT of couples). This is why Day and Itt were never my faves (especially since the tropes really be troping with these two) and tbh I wasn't really into Long and Frank's version of them either (which isn't their fault at all - I just don't think Frank was a good fit for Itt), but Nef and Bix really make them work for me this time.
For one, there's zero romanticisation. Day is positively unhinged and there's zero doubt that Itt is the victim here. The scenes between them are incredibly brutal to watch but at the same time there's this almost stageplay-like feeling to them - as if every little piece of dialogue and acting has its place and nothing is drawn out or glossed over. I really appreciated that (as difficult as their scenes were to watch). I don't think that's easy to accomplish. I saw in some of the bts that they worked closely with either an acting coach or an intimacy coordinator (or both) throughout the filming of Day and Itt's scenes and imo it really shows. As bad as it sounds because Day is such a horrible person and Itt is straightup going through hell, theirs really were the most interesting scenes in the movie for me.
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According to MDL Nef and Bix are rookie actors too so kudos to them for doing an incredible job. I hope we get to see more of them especially since Day and Itt's story is far from finished and I'd really like to see if they can pull off the transition from toxic hate to toxic love (imo it didn't work at all in the series, mostly because it started with book 3).
As for Gear and Night, they chose to almost completely sanitise their story (except for the initial bet itself) which imo was a good choice because in the novel reading about the same trope over and over again got tired real fast. Night takes Gear back relatively quickly and then they just pick up where they left off (but with Night more or less in control now).
Plus, Tiger Tanawat (who btw is a Change 2561 artist) as Night is such a mood:
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I already loved Rossi as Night but dang (also, I need that shirt). 🫠
There's also some cute Four and Gus moments that unfortunately (or fortunately - seeing as how the writer of the novel also seems to have an age gap kink that's better left unmentioned 😬) gloss over most of their story. Knot, Fu and Neil kind of appear but that's about it.
I wonder - providing we ever get to see the second part of this movie - if they'll scrap the horrible Neil as the villain side plot or not because I could totally do without that. 😬😬
That being said, if you thought The Effect was difficult to stomach then you probably shouldn't watch this. Love Syndrome never hides the fact what it is about but it unfortunately doesn't offer any content warnings. Its SA scenes are explicit and realistic so if that's upsetting to you please please don't watch this. 🙏
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carateum3 · 2 years
Treasure as tropes REMASTERED VERSION, OT12
Just treasure as really cliché tropes + mini scenarios but version 2023 because I changed my writing a lot and it was crap.
Warning : grammatical errors sorry English is still not my mother tongue , really cheesy and cliché...Well that's the whole point. Sorry if its not good, its been a while...
최 현석 • Choi Hyunsuk
Co-Worker to lover - Hyunsuk was a famous producer, always praised by everyone, especially your other co-workers. You were also a producer but more on the discreet and shy side. You obviously knew Hyunsuk I mean who didn't ? He was the best producer of the agency ! One day, your manager asked the two of you to work together on a song. Honestly, you never felt this anxious before. Not only because Hyunsuk was a really good producer and a very attractive man but also because you started to develop a crush on the latter. Writing and composing the song together was the best experience ever, you got along very well and Hyunsuk felt home. Within only few days, you composed an amazing song, yet you couldn't help but feel sad ; if the song is finished, it means you won't work with Hyunsuk anymore. But Hyunsuk wasn't ready to let you go so the last day, he gathered his courage and asked you out on a date, only the two of you at the café near the studio. You smiled wildly, laughed loud, blushed like crazy during the whole date and you probably looked like a dummy but you liked this feelings, the butterflies in your stomach. Hyunsuk was cheerful, cuddly, kind a cute and at this time, for the first time in your life, you knew that you were in love.
And it was seemingly reciprocated. You'll always remember the words Hyunsuk told you that day "Y/N... I think I love you. Will you let me take you on other dates ? As your boyfriend ?"
Other members under the cut
박 지훈 • Park Jihoon
Fake bf to lover -
"Please please, pretty please Jihoon be my fake boyfriend. I beg you !" you pleaded your friend, Jihoon , the plan was to make you ex-boyfriend jealous and ,being the playful as always, the boy accepted. It was just an act after all, none of you will catch feelings... Right ?
At first it was just in public ,you two were a bit touchy yet you never kissed or anything else ,just little hugs here and there and that was it and to be honest...you almost forget your ex, everything with Jihoon felt so real and nice.
Then, one day ,when you saw your ex step in while you were with Jihoon, the boy grabbed your waist tightly and, as if it was nothing important, he kissed you ,like if he wanted to claim that you were his and only his. It took you long to realize but you liked it, the kiss, it felt incredible and you felt things that you never felt with your ex.
Since the kiss ,the two of your became close even when it was only you and him alone. You liked to cuddle together while watching films, send cute texts to each other all day long, bake together cookies that you accidentally burnt , Jihoon even kissed you once when you two were watching a cute silly movie. Afterwards, everything just happened so naturally, the kiss were more and more frequent and one day, Jihoon couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore. So he talked to you, assuming his feelings for you and waiting to be rejected. But it obviously didn't happen ; you just pecked his lips and whispered how much you loved him too.
요시 • Yoshi
Childhood friend to lover -
Yoshi is a sweetheart since ...forever. When you two were still little kids, he was the greatest and loveliest best friend alive ,the most caring little thing that could exist.
Still, years passed and unfortunately, the two of you lost contact ,high school naturally separated the both of you, as if it was your fate to be far away from each other. Yoshi was the popular type, handsome, loved by absolutely everyone and every girls had a crush on him while you...You were here and that's already enough. You always wandered around with your little and cozy friend group.
But you'll always remember that day, when you saw him at the art club. At first, you were too shy to even talk to him but when he approached you, you just couldn't help speaking a lot,remembering the good times together and Yoshi listened to you with sparkling eyes, those eyes you adored. And it suddenly hit you... you missed him more than you would ever admit, you felt like a part of your heart was gone all this years, like something was missing and you found it... It was Yoshi. Yoshi just brought half of your heart back.
김 준규 • Kim Junkyu
Stanger to lover/love at first sight -
It was just something about the way his big and smiley eyes smiled at you, something about his rosy and puffy cheeks when you two had an eye contact. You didn't know him and even if you didn't believe in love at first sight now you did ,he was just a random guy at the amusement park with two of his friends yet he just hit different. He was breathtaking he had longs legs ,small face, the cutest smile you'd ever seen, he was perfect. Actually, he was more than perfect.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't noticed how his two friend were shamelessly teasing him because he was staring at you while smiling like an idiot. He just got lost in your beautiful sparkly eyes, as if they were reflecting all the stars and other celestial bodies that were decorating the sky. Junkyu just knew he fell in love.
And you knew it you, however, you just couldn't make a move, you were a way too shy to do it. But Junkyu couldn't let you go that easily, as you were about to disappear of his sight, he ran after you then, with the cutest smile on his face, he asked for your number.
That's how a wonderful romance started.
마시호 • Mashiho
Brother's bestfriend to lover -
Mashiho was the best friend of your brother and ,and since you were around 10 years old ,you grew used to see him practically everyday at your place, sometimes playing basketball, some other times dancing with your brother. And you genuinely enjoyed to watch him because he was surely the best at the two sports. Actually, Mashiho was good at everything.
Being younger than him, you knew that you should look at the boys of your age but Mashiho was just different, always happy with a smile on his face and you loved him for that... Yes you loved him. You had feelings for him. Sometimes, the older even cooked you some dishes when your parents weren't here ; the boy seemed to have a soft spot for you.
He just felt the need to constantly look after you, he needed to take care of you because his love for you was on an other level. Yes, he was also in love with you. So where's the problem you might ask. Your brother was kinda...protective.
Yet, one day, Mashiho eventually found the courage to talk about his huge crush on you with your brother when they were only the two of them ,playing random games at your house "If you break their heart I break every single bones you have in that body of yours. Do you hear me ?" Your brother warned and Mashiho promised to never hurt you. And he never broke that promise.
윤 재혁 • Yoon Jaehyuk
Confidant to lover -
Jaehyuk, your human-secret diary, you trusted him more than anyone. He was always the first to know your secrets, when someone broke your heart he was the first to know, when you had problems with your family you talked with him or when you had a new crush you always told him before anyone. Well it was like that until you realized something.... This time you had a crush on him. Obviously, you never told him that, what if he rejected you ?
However, Jaehyuk was a sweetheart and the poor boy loved you his whole life but was a way too respectful to tell you his feelings while you were in love with an other boy. Actually, he was also too scared of rejection.
But one day, the feelings grew too much and you couldn't contain yourself, you loved his puppy-like personality and the way he always cared about you so much so, after many conversation with you, yourself and the reflect in your mirror, you finally decided to confess.
"Jaehyuk ,you know what, I'm in love with someone" you told him one day when you two were hanging out "Oh...Really ?" He whispered, kinda sad because he obviously thought that, as always, you liked an other boy and not him. "Yeah and I'll prove him my feelings right now" you muttered before pressing your lips against his soft ones.
아사히 • Asahi
Friend's friend to lover (?) -
The first time you saw Asahi was when you friend ,Mashiho introduced him to you while you were hanging at the dorm with the older of the two. Asahi, Mashiho's roommate, walked in the living room as you were cuddling with the said boy and let a little "Oh-" escaping from his mouth when he saw you, your arms around his friend's torso as you were snuggling your friend. Thereafter, the poor boy just ran aways, suddenly feeling shy and embarassed, he locked himself in his room, leaving you and Mashiho confused "Yeah it's Asahi... one of my roommates." Your friend chuckled.
But your face stayed in Asahi's mind and, haunting his dreams and invading his thoughts. Asahi, when he saw you with his japanese friend thought you were the said boy s/o so, the evening ,when you were finally gone, Asahi decided to ask his friend directly "You know the person who was here this afternoon...are they your s/o ?" He asked with a quiet and breathy voice making Mashiho laugh loudly "Y/n ? No, absolutely not they're my friend. Why ? Are you jealous?" The older boy teased the younger boy "Yes." Asahi shamelessly replied ,being a way too serious about you.
Then Mashiho understood that his roommate had a crush on you. Actually, everyone understood it because the boy always talked about you. And Mashiho being the good friend and wing man that he is, eventually introduced Asahi to you properly and the two of you became really close fastly, you were the only one who knew all his secrets, the only he really trusted . You were his favorite friend and he was yours and maybe... you were more than just friends ?
방 예담 • Bang Yedam
Soulmate au -
Since you were a kid, everyone around you repeated you that the sentence written on your wrist will be the first words your soulmate will tell you. Yours was "That's a great book" which honestly surprised you because you were never the type to read in public, actually you never went in a library and only bought the books you red online. Well that was before one of your best friends forced you to come to the library with her.
Without thinking at your soulmate, who you actually kind of forgot, you were looking at some random book while your best friend was paying hers when you suddenly heard an unknown voice behind you "That's a great book. You should really read it". At first, you just thought it was a weird guy then you remembered it ; the sentence on your wrist... was it him ?
"Wait ...hum excuse me but who are you?" You exclaimed, turning around to see an handsome boy looking right through your eyes. The unknown boy also seemed as surprised as you as he looked at his own wrist "C-Can you show me your wrist ?" He mumbled, visibly awkward. Then you did it, the both of you flustered as you understood, yes, it was him.
김 도영 • Kim Doyoung
Barista and customer to lover -
Doyoung was a good barista, ok ....maybe he sometimes forgot some customer's orders and he set the kitchen in fire but for his defense, it happened only once ! But except that one accident, we can say that Doyoung was the perfect barista. And one day, when he saw an unknown and beautiful person walking in the café, he felt his heart being heavy and his stomach uncomfortably twist.
" Hum ,Hi can I take your order ?" The handsome boy asked, looking into your eyes. "Hmm a Frappuccino please" you answered, politely smiling at the barista. "Everything for a princess like you" he smirked, giving you a wink and then, he ran to the kitchen as fast as he physically could, leaving you confused and blushing.
Then, Doyoung, being the little flirty as always, had written his number on a napkin and gave it to you before you could step out the café . To be honest, at first you were too shy to contact him but, with your friend's help, you finally sent him a text
And that's how a wonderful relationship started...
하루토 • Haruto
Secret admirer -
Haruto was though and scary to everyone's eyes but actually, the boy was a literal softie and he always has something for you yet, even if he liked to show his confident side, he was too scared to talk to you. Then, being tired of their friend being a coward, Haruto's friend advised him to write you notes and put them in your locker. Haruto loved the idea and agreed at one condition : keeping the notes anonymous.
On your side, you loved your secret admirer's notes, they were always so comforting and the person writing it was always praising you. However, you never tried to know who sent you that though, just because you didn't felt the need to.
Still, after months and months sending you those notes, Haruto finally decided to tell you who he was, one day, he just gave you the note in person, revealing to you his charming smile. Honestly you were surprised when you saw Ruto, he looked like a mean guy always so full of himself but you were wrong, he was a soft and gentle boy.
Then, the said boy confessed his feelings for you ,facing you and holding your hands and before you even noticed it, you fell for him and his perfect smile.
박 정우 • Park Jeongwoo
Secret crush to lover -
Jeongwoo was your crush... How could he not be when he is handsome, funny, attentive and loving ? Nevertheless, you never told anyone, not even your best friend and you truthfully never thought Jeongwoo will ever notice you. He was a popular boy, the funny and outgoing boy of your class, always making every students and professor laugh especially when they were feeling down and you, you were the nerd one and obviously not Jeongwoo type.
Well... that was only what you thought because Jeongwoo was crazy over you, behind his popular image, Jeongwoo hide a sensitive and delicate side deeply in him and because of this side ,he couldn't approach you or just tell the feelings he had for you ; he was a way too scared.
But one day, when you two were paired for a school work, it was getting impossible for you to hide your feelings so you decided to confess, even if Jeongwoo will probably reject you. And, what you didn't know was that Jeongwoo also planned to confess the same day, that's how your lovely romance took place.
소 정환 • So Junghwan
Bestfriend to lover -
Junghwan was the best friend you ever had ,you trusted him with your whole heart but there actually one thing you hide to him... The deep feelings you had for him. And you promised to yourself to never tell him because your friendship was more important than anything for you. You just couldn't let your silly feelings break everything because Junghwan was your whole world.
Junghwan wasn't like you though, he was scared to break your friendship indeed but he wanted to tell you that he love you more than only a "best friend" , he wanted a cuddle date, good night kisses, comforting hugs which ends with one sleeping on one other shoulder ; he wanted all of that and more importantly : he wanted you as his significant other.
"We need to talk" Junghwan said when you both were at his dorm, you'd planned to watch a movie together. You anxiously hummed as an answer "I like you, I really do Y/n, more than friends and I understand If the feelings are not reciprocated, I just wanted you to know it" he sweetly spoke, his hands holding yours tightly.
"Junghwan are you kidding me ? Tell me it's not a joke" you questioned, picking your nails. " No, of course not ! I love you Y/N !" he almost yelled, trying to prove his feelings. "I think I love you too Junghwan" You whispered so quietly that the said boy hardly heard it as your heart was racing in your chest.
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pinksirensong · 11 months
I JUST CAME BACK FROM WATCHING IT!! While writing I kept imagining Morpheus at the movie theater waiting on the line for the movie with Y/N and she's SO 1989's era and he's like... reputation with a mix of folklore??? ANYWAAAAAAY, hope you liked it 🩵 thank u so much for the ask 🩵
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People around them always asked themselves how they could work, Y/N and Morpheus couldn't be more different if they tried to and yet they were a match made in heaven. He was very temperamental and with a lot of trust issues while she was a sunshine that always saw good anywhere she went. So people wondered…
They didn't know them though, there were a lot of concessions between them…especially from Dream's side. What Y/N wanted she would get, no matter what sacrifice he had to do, even if he thought it was crazy…like suddenly asking to break up for a few hours. Morpheus was ready to cry and ask what did he do to make her ask for this (because honestly this time he was so sure everything was fine) but then she explained that RED Taylor's Version would come out and she wanted to really experience it.
He didn't understand it, but fearing she would actually break up with him it felt like it was better letting her have that moment. Not even twenty-four hours later he found her crying on the floor while All Too Well (10 minutes version) Taylor's Version played very loudly. Morpheus loved every form of art but not even him could understand how someone could feel so much from just listing a song.
That day was supposed to be the strangest day…until now.
— I do not understand.
— We are going to The Eras Tour. I mean, not really, it's the film and I bought us tickets, surprise! - of course Y/N knew her boyfriend wasn't a swiftie like her, but this was a very important moment in her life and she really wanted to share it with him. — I didn't had the money to go see the actual show but since I took so many extra hours at work I was able to get a free day today to go see it with you! You're not mad at me, right, kitten?
— I would never be angry with you, my love. - especially when she looked at him like that. — I see no point in it. I am the Lord of the Dreaming, surely I could make your dream of watching this come true.
— But it wouldn't be the real thing. I really want to see the whole experience, even if it was just watching a movie, and…and I want to sing her songs with other fans…and most of all: I really want to share this moment with you. Please, Morpheus, say yes…
And that's how Dream of the Endless ended up in the middle of a movie theater full of unknown people beside his girlfriend. Y/N was dressed with the cheerleader outfit from Shake it off and while he didn't understand the reason behind it all he did was make sure no one would make her feel uncomfortable. There was no denying he was a bit jealous and the way people looked at her didn't help it but Dream knew he couldn't go back to his old ways.
"Alright, Los Angeles, we have arrived at the very first bridge of the evening. Now, I have a question. Does anyone here know the lyrics to this bridge? Prove it!"
— I'M DRUNK IN THE BACK OF THE CAR AND I CRIED LIKE A BABY COMING HOME FROM A BAR OHHH SAID I'M FINE BUT IT WASN'T TRUE I DON'T WANNA KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU AND I SNUCK IN THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE EVERY NIGHT THAT SUMMER JUST TO SEAL MY FATE OHHH AND I SCREAM FOR WHATEVER IS WORTH I LOVE YOU AIN'T THAT THE WORST THING YOU EVER HEARD? - and there he was completely enchanted by Y/N's. She was singing the loudest she could and he doubted tomorrow she would have the voice to say anything, but today…in this moment she was completely happy. And Y/N was sharing it with him. At the moment it was just her there with him, it was like every other person in the movie theater was just gone.
In that moment he knew that he was truthfully completely and irrevocably in love with Y/N.
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saltylemonade13 · 1 year
Edit: I am afraid that I may have spread some misinformation, and a lot of the information in this post is technically wrong now. So please PLEASE check the comments! someone left a link to a post on twitter explaining how Hobie’s age is up to opinion, and I think everyone should look at that first. I will still be keeping this post up to to provide a link to the interview if you want to watch it yourself, and I also want to see what other peoples opinions are on the subject! (Please keep it friendly) However, if you are curious to read the psa, go ahead, but keep in mind that it isn’t exactly accurate anymore.
Yall I think we messed up. Hobie could be an adult and we all were wrong about him being 16. My evidence comes from an interview with co-director Kemp Powers. In the interview we get a short mention on Hobie Brown, and that includes his age. [Timestamp: 1:02:21]
And the quote is as following: “… We need to make that character look like a dork. And the character that makes that character look like a dork is Spider Punk. Y’know he’s- he’s nineteen- twenty, six foot three inches tall real thin…”
As far as I am aware this is the best conformation of his age that I have found. HOWEVER this could possibly be referring to the comic version of Hobie, and how the directors found him and all of COMIC Hobie’s details, as we know that in the comics- he’s an adult. But its important to not this because, on every other site I check- they say he’s around 16, and maybe a little older than Gwen. But I’m hesitant because all of those sites have little to no confirmation, and aren’t a stable source of evidence.
ALSO if Hobie really is 19-20 that makes the whole “love triangle” thing with Gwen REALLY weird. I’ve seen a lot of people say that the love triangle was a joke and wasn’t a serious plot point, but again, the interview says other wise.
“ …but wonderfully as we were working on the film he became integral to the plot. And I think that’s-that’s really whats key. ‘Cause it starts with like- well this is kind of a cool character this idea of you know Mile’s starting to have feelings for Gwen and being uncertain about this other boy so punk like immediately filled in that slot. ” [Time stamp: 1:01:40]He then goes on to talk about how over time punk’s character develops more past that and blah blah blah.
The genuine idea of Mile’s being jealous about Hobie and Gwen seems weird to me if Hobie really is an adult, but that fact that he is mentioned to be 19-20 scares me. Powers never mentioned if he was talking about comic or movie Hobie or if they even are different, but it’s very possible Hobie is an adult in the movie.
I could definitely be looking into it WAY to much and if thats true I apologize, but for all my Punk-flower fans out there, maybe it’s best if we hold off on the ship until someone gives out an official age? Or we should at least be careful. I am aware that some of my information and opinions here aren’t clear and I am so sorry for that. And I am also aware that most sites say that Hobie is around 16 but unless we can confirm that, better safe than sorry y’know?
This does not mean any punk flower enjoyers are now like pr0shipers or something- especially because we don’t really know much, and I don’t intend to make anyone feel bad, I only intend to inform everyone on how punk-flower could very possibly be an accidental pr0ship- and if it is we should take it down as quickly as possible. BUT TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.
Have a nice day, and I love you all 🫶
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negative-speedforce · 6 months
OC Fandom Asks! For Kayla and Siv please
1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 19, and 29?
1: Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
Kayla is loosely based on the ORIGINAL-original version of Siv, the one from 14-year-old me's DC/Marvel/Percy Jackson/Star Wars crossover. I had some really cool concepts for the later chapters of that one, and I decided to recycle them into a whole new character.
Siv is quite literally the product of a dream I had when I was 13, but overall, while I mostly base my characters' stories and personalities off their playlists, her personality has been influenced by a whole lot of characters. They were influenced by Cassandra from Tangled: The Series, Natasha Romanoff, Reva from Kenobi, Adrien from Miraculous, and a whole lot of other characters from fandoms I've been into over the 7+ years I've had them.
3: What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
Kayla would absolutely SUCK in a rom-com. First of all, she aroace-spec, second of all, she does not know how to talk to girls- at all. It would low-key be pretty funny to watch her fumble around like that.
Siv would loathe being in a Regency period drama. All those rules and restrictions for how you have to be- she wouldn't be able to stand it. She'd probably end up going apeshit and destroying the castle.
7: If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
Kayla normally isn't the cosplaying type, but I think she'd have a lot of fun dressed up as Sam from Totally Spies.
Siv would probably dress up as some kind of creature from Star Trek. I'm not sure what, but they'd pull it off really well nonetheless.
10: How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played?
Oooh I watched Birds of Prey yesterday with my Grandma (it is her favorite movie) so this will be fun-
Kayla absolutely slays. She's got that vaguely morally gray component to her character that means that she'll probably get along with most of the main cast. Though Harley's personality would probably give her a headache.
I'm actually planning an arc where Siv has to team up with Harley and the Birds of Prey for... plot reasons! I feel like she'd get along best with Dinah and Helena for obvious reasons, but ngl I'm mostly planning this arc because I have the idea of Siv snapping at Harley and telling her to shut up/stop being annoying/etc, and Harley goes all psychiatrist on her.
15: How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie?
Kayla, being a secret agent, would fare pretty well. Her skills in recognizing patterns and taking down supervillains would be invaluable in a slasher film.
Siv, if they weren't the slasher themself, would definitely make it to the end, and probably end up slashing the slasher.
19: If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet?
Kayla, being a biomedical engineer in real life, would probably be either the chief medical officer or an engineer in Starfleet.
Siv would get thrown out of Starfleet for starting too many fights and overwhelming her ship's medical supplies with all the injuries she's caused.
29: Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
I don't even know if Kayla really knows what a fursona is, but if she had to chose, I think she'd go with some kind of bird. Like maybe a blue jay or some other kind of corvid?
Siv isn't a furry, but she made up a fursona as a joke with her friends in high school. It's a lynx that wields a giant battle axe.
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portmantaur · 2 months
because I am a Very Normal person who does Extremely Normal and Understandable Things
I finally watched the Amazing Maurice animated movie and had a little cry near the end. it was so clear that at least a few key people on the art team had an intense love for the source material - a reverence, even. I mean, there’s even a reference to Dibbler’s invented toilet dragon as the fountain in the town square, which is such a throwaway line that I can’t actually remember which discworld book it’s from without looking it up (but I -think- it might be a Watch book). The Morpork owls as a recurring motif. Twurp’s Peerage and the bat-embroidery on the chair in almost all of the scenes from which Malicia is narrating. Obviously the bust of Pratchett in the mayor’s office. There were so many visual references to the whole body of work, not just the exact source material, that I can’t even remember them all. I could feel the love coming from the art/design team.
And then the script itself betrayed so much of the original narrative’s purpose that I ended up crying a little (you can’t judge me, remember we already established I am Incredibly Normal and thusly Not Weirdly Emotional About Inconsequential Things). It did not strike me as a movie that would have survived into being made had Pratchett been alive - which is not surprising, he pretty famously rejected scripts, especially regarding Tiffany Aching. But I also remember the animated versions of Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music, and how utterly tickled Pratchett was in interviews regarding them — I especially remember how twinkly and pleased he was with some of the artistic direction taken with Cliff, particularly his voice direction and the sound effects used for his movement. So while Pratchett did have a reputation for rejecting film adaptations of his work, he clearly wasn’t impossible to please. I just, in my bones, in a totally Normal And Not Weirdly Sentimentally-Driven Way, do not believe he would have approved the final version of -this- script.
Primarily because it was a children’s book on purpose, and the book spends a lot of time respecting its intended young audience by posing a lot of questions without bothering to provide definitive answers. And so when there is one theme/moral that feels very deliberate and intentionally blatant within the novel, that feels incredibly important to me. To wit: This book makes a very clear statement about how evil is a creation, an action; evil is something concocted by people and put into the world. It is not an accident, it is not happenstance, and most uncomfortably, it can thusly usually not be entirely undone. In my opinion, Spider/The Rat King could not be a clearer way to communicate this concept.
Yes, Spider is evil, and yes in typical Pratchett fashion he indicates that evil is a bit of an expansive concept that cannot be contained within the simplified notion of “doing bad things,” and he very poignantly wraps this into the concept of creating/exploiting fear. But as a rat king, Spider’s existence is intentional and unnatural. Rat kings are a real, “historical” concept insofar as they have existed as a myth for a very long time. I remember reading about them in my wee years, when rats and rat-keeping became admittedly a special interest of mine. The concept of them in Pratchett’s book mirrors almost exactly their concept in real life: They are a human invention, and the only “evidence” of them has always just been evidence of the extent of human cruelty, largely in service of making a buck. Pickled rat kings were a common sight in early sideshow exhibitions, and you’ll even still find some modern references to or models of them in similar settings today. But they are simply an impossible concept when considering them as “natural” phenomenons — The Amazing Maurice (the book) explains that petty well via Keith’s knowledge of rats and their habits, but even that leaves out the obvious explanation of the fact that rat tails are bony structures that simply do not have the ability to bend into any conceivable knot-shape without being intentionally broken for that purpose. For a book that doesn’t shy away from the carnage and cruelty humans otherwise enact on rats historically, I have to wonder if that was simply the point at which Pratchett himself shared his much-written sentiment of “not wanting to draw you a picture.” Either way, readers of course find out that Spider in particular was created as a “masterpiece” by one of the resident rat-catchers in order to secure entry into the local rat-catching guild. As a result, Spider is both creation and burden to the rat-catchers.
But this entire discussion of rat kings as evidence of cruelty, this whole allusion to evil being a human-made thing, is mostly thrown away in the film. The film takes away both Keith and Malicia’s knowledge of rat kings (the practicality of them and the mythical reputation of them respectively), instead gives both halves of the knowledge to Maurice, and then claims that the rat catchers did not intentionally create the rat king. Rather, while carelessly storing rats they had caught, the two men simply tossed a few rats temporarily into a pot, and upon later lifting the lid to retrieve them, discovered a rat king had been formed — conceding every possible falsehood about rats, their anatomy, and the history of rat kings that Pratchett spent the bulk of a chapter meticulously refuting.
And I, as the Incredibly Normal And Not At All Weird Person we have already established that I am, had a good cry. I was so sad that whoever was in charge of these changes to the script simply did not respect their child audience the way Pratchett himself did. How can you claim to honor or even love his work if your retooling of it is so fearful, so dishonest? The message of “evil is something you put into the world, not something natural to be observed” is such an important concept for children of all ages to be exposed to, and it’s such a narratively satisfying climax to reach after the buildup of sympathy for this rough and tough rat colony who already navigate the casual and perhaps even somewhat “justifiable” cruelty foisted upon them merely for existing in the shapes they have. And while there are a lot of changes in the script that I found disappointing or un-artfully implemented, this particular change felt utterly cowardly. Of course, if as an executive or screenwriter in charge of what gets finalized in a script, your goal is rooted in creating something to mass-produce and sell, then I understand why arming an audience of children with the idea that evil is an action and not a circumstance would frighten you to your boots. But then I have to wonder: Why take this work to adapt? It's not as if it's incredibly well known outside of a somewhat niche and probably slightly older audience. What was there to be gained by taking such a lovingly crafted, respectful narrative aimed at younger people, only to dismantle and subvert the very clear message it contained? By review standards, this film was kind of a flop. So what was the point?
Mostly, again because of how Deeply Normal I am (such that it obviously doesn’t even bear repeating), I felt a lot of sadness for the art team. At least a handful of people in charge of the artistic direction of the film had a deep connection to the Discworld series, and I have to wonder if any of them felt disrespected or otherwise unhappy with the final product they ended up being party to, especially with the love and dedication to visually crafting this story being so apparent on screen. And while I feel personally that there are valid and constructive criticisms to be made about Pratchett’s work, and perhaps more largely about the specific perspective from which he wrote, something that has always struck me about his novels aimed at young readers is the sheer amount of respect he always had for them. This movie carrying a weirdly clear bias of believing that children would only be -seeing- the movie, engaging with it on a strictly visual level, while adults would be the only ones actually -listening-, felt like such an absolute disregard for the love Pratchett clearly had for young readers that it actually made me angry.
There’s not really a larger point to this essay on something as inconsequential as an animated rat movie, but I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I can’t help but cling to the idea that I’m not the only Really Very Ordinary And Not At All Strange person who had this sort of emotional reaction to this piece of media. Somewhere out there in the wild world of tumblr, someone else might see this and go “yeah…yeah!!!” To which I want to answer, in total commiseration, “yeah :(”
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ragnarokhound · 1 year
your tags on that post you just rb’d (about dc being inconsistent and thus more open to fan interpretation) are so real that’s exactly how i feel about it
haven’t been reading the comics/watching the various animations + films for long but i have noted how differently characters and dynamics are portrayed per source
some of the writers (comics not fanfiction) can be a bit annoying when it’s clear that they don’t like the character they’re writing and it’s directly affecting how they write the character but for the most part it’s honestly kinda refreshing imo that dc has this yesterday does not reflect today sorta vibe when it comes to characterization and how the characters interact
like yeah let them be insane in different but complementary ways throughout the various forms of media <3 it’s a treat
they seem to do this especially with jason todd and like i’m all for it bc it opens up so many different ways fans can interpret his character in fanwork
there’s not really a right or wrong way to go about interpreting dc characters bc chances are, the source material has already portrayed them in that manner years back before scrapping it for a slightly different characterization (that still maintains a few core personality traits that act as the character’s signature)
kinda pick your own adventure in the sense that you can choose which canon version of the character/plot you like the most
(I got excited, wall of text incoming lmao)
Yes!! Exactly, yes - the funniest thing to me about writing fic for comics is that I'm p sure the Official comic artists and writers basically get a set of golden rules on the characters they're going to be writing for (batman must be x, dick grayson cannot do y, gotham must be grungy) but a lot of things are up to them.
While their stuff goes through edits and vets to make sure it will fit the canon...the canon is already one big, ongoing game of telephone. It's why we can sort comics ala the "golden age" vs the "silver age" and why these tonal shifts happen. So when you write fic, you're basically hitching a ride on this grand tradition lol you just don't have any industry standards you have to follow or edits that you have to make
And oh god, yeah, it can be very annoying when you figure out that a writer simply...does not like a character lol. Like, excuse me, DC, could you tag this for character bashing please
But I 100% agree, and i love that way you put it, that 'yesterday does not reflect today' - absolutely the vibe. The desire to be evergreen in comics means that they Will scrap things at a certain point to reintroduce a character so that they can tell a different story with them - which is fun! And very, very close to the nature of reading fanworks!
Every time I open a new fic, I have to reset the characters in my brain because a different author is writing them and will cherrypick the things they like about canon and about the characters. It's like a faster, rawer, and generally hornier version of picking up new source material lol (with many caveats about accuracy, something something industry standards something something "i know them best" but i digress)
"like yeah let them be insane in different but complementary ways throughout the various forms of media <3 it’s a treat" - points at this. yes. YES. YEESSSSS
And Jason. Ough. Jason is such a fascinating character to me, not just because of the whole black sheep of the batfam thing he has going, but because of the absolutely divisive nature of him. (I still reel over the whole 'do you HATE this child? Would you like us to KILL HIM FOR YOU? Vote now and we'll brutally murder a teenager!' thing. Like what!! That happened!!)
You can't get away from how brutal he is (cool backstory, still murder) but there is a wiiiiide range of sympathy to play from. You can figure out a lot about how a person feels about the death penalty based on how they treat Jason Todd lol
But yeah, I kind of love the modular nature of comics - from a writer's standpoint it makes it so much easier to relax about getting it "right" because like. There is no right way and also a hundred right ways, and you're doing fine sweetie <3
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mk-wizard · 2 years
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol: How to do “child friendly” RIGHT
Hello, fans. I know we’re two months long overdue, but because of what has been going on in my life, I finally got around to watching Netlfix’s take on a beloved Christmas classic with a good feeling after seeing Netflix’s Pinocchio which was a masterpiece and keeping in mind that not too long ago, Netflix made another Christmas movie that the world fell in love with being Klaus. And you know what? I was absolutely NOT disappointed. In fact, I was very pleased and impressed. I will be the first to admit Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (which I will simply call Scrooge throughout this review) is not the most sophisticated adaptation of the book, but out of all the animated versions, this is the best and so far, the only adaptation that is child friendly the right way since Disney’s Mickey’s Christmas Carol. Just to give you an idea of how well done it was: I am an adult and I loved it. I’ll even go that extra mile by saying this film is criminally misjudged, underrated and was treated rather biasedly.
Be warned that there are spoilers ahead.
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Number one, the animation style is CGI yet cartoony. Visually, out of all the animated adaptations of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is the most beautiful visually and has the best animation. You can tell that a lot of love was put into art because each character is emotive, unique, alive and entertaining while the animation is as smooth as silk with perfect textures. Unlike most CGI that tries to be realistic and in doing so, winds up looking creepy, unnatural and ugly, Scrooge embraces that it is all fantasy lovingly, so the characters are designed to be whimsical which is absolutely perfect for the fantastical elements like the magical sequences, the three spirits and the ghost of Jacob Marley. Because of this, they stay with you.
Number two, the music is catchy and lively. I know that a lot of people deem the music as not being good, but I have to say it, folks, I couldn’t not disagree more. I think the music is absolutely wonderful and the performances feel like something out of Broadway. Just the opening number “I love Christmas” immediately draws you in and already gives you an idea of what kind film you’re going to be watching: it’s a film people made for fun and you’re having fun with them. Plus, the songs themselves are memorable and you will find yourself listening to them again and again. I mean, I can’t get over how sad yet beautiful “Later Never Comes” is and I even find myself rewatching this movie just to listen to the music. Now I know a lot of people out there do not have the same opinion as I do, but here is a case where I have to come to the film’s defense simply because you cannot fault it for being a musical since that’s what it is. Nobody complained when the Muppet Christmas Carol had people singing at random times. Heck, even things, animals and food would sing. I think it’s pretty unfair to say characters singing is out of place because no one does it real life when that is the point of the musical genre.
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Number three, the characters are nuanced. While I cannot say these characters are an extreme departure from their original versions, I can definitely say that they are more multi-dimensional than most versions I have seen. Right off of the bat, we get a hint that Ebenezer is not just some old grumpy miser nor is he completely without heart considering he has a pet dog he takes good care of and a watch that is hinted to have emotional meaning. He does have a heart, but he hides it kind of like the Beast did in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Even his introduction song “Tell Me” is actually (and ironically) telling the audience that he is not happy and has his reasons for being so bitter. In most versions, he is just a big callous bully and his heart often feels like it was pulled out of nowhere. Instead, we catch glimpses of the old grump having one and we’re learning why he just puts up defenses in the form of cruelty. And it’s not just Ebenezer. His nephew Fred is nuanced too. For once, he is refreshingly shown to be much more aware of his actions rather than just being a cheery buffoon for the sake of contrasting his uncle. Fred is cheerful, kind and hopeful because he actively wants to be the best version of himself to honour his late mother, his uncle’s dear sister, and his uncle is all he has left on her side of the family, so he constantly reaches out to him. I also appreciate that unlike most versions, he doesn’t mock his uncle Ebenezer. He toasts him and even stood up for him which shows that he is also much more mature than he lets on.
Number four, the pacing is just right. A common problem I find in most adaptations of A Christmas Carol is that it tends to be too short or drag on for too long. I recall one version that was so long that is was actually a mini-series not a movie though in its defense, it was the exception. Anyway, Scrooge doesn’t feel like a drag or like it came and went at all. It has good pacing that will keep the attention of children and keep the adults entertained. It uses every single second that is necessary to tell a good story and get the main message across. Plus, it tells us several other ones that are food for thought like making use of your time and not taking your negative experiences for granted.
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Number five, it respects the intelligence of the audience. You can tell that this film is meant to be enjoyed by children, but it doesn’t hold their hands nor does it shy away from being able to be serious. It doesn’t just play with the children. It educates them by having themes of death, sickness, regret, egoism and how severely our actions can impact those around us. I can tell you this now as a parent that I really happy to see kid’s medias like this make a comeback. The film is a lesson in how greed and callousness can literally kill. I mean, Ebenezer openly accepts that he has been a jerk who is not worthy of mercy, but asks to be spared because in doing so, Tim Cratchit who does deserve mercy gets spared too. THAT is what I find missing in a lot adaptations of Charles Dickens’ famous tale. Yes, Christmas should be appreciated, but the real point of the story is to see how destructive greed and ego can be. In other words, you could teach the same lesson using any holiday or special day which focuses on generosity and kindness. And when I say that out loud, it would be kind of fun if someone adapted A Christmas Carol with a twist where the holiday was not Christmas for a change yet still captured the same deep message, but I digress. The point is that Ebenezer does indeed stay true to honouring Christmas in his heart, but more importantly, he finally gets that he has been egotistical and cruel.
I give this movie an 9/10. It’s not perfect, but it sure is close to it as far as kid-friendly versions go. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest watching it. And if you have yet don’t think much of it, watch it again and this time, please take a really good look at it because I think you may have misjudged it. I know I have made that mistake too and it took taking a second look to see how wrong I was about something.
Have a great night, everyone. And stay safe.
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jemmo · 1 year
I’ve always loved reality TV and I don’t tend to judge people based on what’s shown on reality television because it’s a stressful environment, with lots of editing and often production interference into interpersonal drama. That said, I do like discussing what I see as well (I just don’t see it as a be all end all of someone’s personality). I’ve seen some hate for Seonwoo on other social media platforms and it’s making me sad! I do think he’s frustrating, but tbh I’m enjoying watching him as a reality-TV lover lol. I don’t particularly think he’s malicious or manipulative, I think he’s mostly just very insecure and so deep in his people pleasing ways it’s hard for him to snap out of it even if that’s what would be best. If he does like Sungho I do want him to go for it! I’m rooting for the roommates, but on a dating show anyone is fair game. That said, I think based on what he’s says on the show he’s still figuring himself out. He says he only started coming out a week before filming, which means he spent 30+ years hiding a big part of himself. Korea is obviously a homophobic country and he probably struggled a lot with his identity. He said he feels uncomfortable watching queer movies, which could be for a lot of reasons but could also be more evidence of his insecurity. I don’t think he’s a bad person, but I think he probably grew up with a big fear that people finding out about his sexuality would make them not like him, and he really wants to be liked and that seems to carry over to the way he’s approaching romantic relationships. I’m not sure he’s intentionally leading people on in a mean way as much as he’s just like desperate to please people and to not have anyone dislike him and he’s afraid if he straight up rejects someone they will dislike him. It’s endlessly frustrating as a viewer but as a person I kinda just want to give him a hug lol.
thank you so much for this anon it’s literally like you read into the crevices of my mind. when i started watching this show with my mom and sisters (yes it’s a whole family affair now) and they turned against seonwoo quickly, this is the narrative i also gave them as a counter to their arguments. and i do largely agree with it, and agree that it explains to some extent his behaviour on the show. fundamentally, he is a people pleaser. i thought that from the moment he walked in, that smiley disposition and how chatty he was, how easily he could interact and tease people, it just all fed in to that typical image of a ‘nice guy’. but then he also has his gayness, which clashes with his need to please people and have them like him bc he’s in a society where the prevailing opinion is still that gayness is not a norm, so him being gay stops him from pleasing people, stops people from liking him, which would only exacerbate his behaviour bc he feels like he has to cover or make up for that part of himself by being that much more nice and likeable. and even now he’s on a show where that isn’t a problem, he can’t get out of this headspace he’s been in the majority of his life where being himself and those inner, core things about him, his real thoughts and feelings, are unlikeable, so it only makes sense that he needs time to adjust after coming out, and we’re seeing him right at the start of that journey so of course he still has a ways to go.
having said that, I don’t think he is completely innocent, which is not anything against him bc this is still a game, even putting aside the show even just the love triangle or dating itself is somewhat of a game. when you go out on dates or interact with people with the goal to form a relationship, people generally arent always themselves, be it wanting to be their best version or not wanting to give away all of themselves until a deeper connection forms. there’s many ways to go about forming a relationship and I don’t think relationships inherently have more merit just bc both parties were entirely themselves from day one. it’s all to say I don’t inherently dislike seonwoo bc he isn’t being 100% honest, and if anything him not behaving this way would be more dishonest if this is just part of who he is. but I do believe that he is aware of his behaviour, aware of how he’s trying to control and lead certain relationships, bc there is intent there. thinking off the top of my head, when he slid the mission card for junsung to read about picking dates, knowing he was going on a date with sungho and junsung missed out, there was intent behind that to be smug, at least that’s how I saw it. or when, after a talk with hyungjin where hyungjin said he didn’t like his personality, he kept going to feed him, there’s intent behind that to mend that relationship and gain back some favour bc he doesn’t want someone to dislike him. and right there you have an example of him just doing something that I saw as bad intent and something that I saw as good intent, which is to say I don’t think he is malicious or bad as a person, but that he does undeniably display some of those behaviours sometimes. there is only so far you can take reasons and explanations for behaviours until everything is written off, which is why for me with seonwoo I have this threshold almost, of what I can see is this complex he has manifesting, and what despite all that has ill intent.
and just like you said anon, it’s all to say that this is me taking the bare bones of a person and what is presented of them in a show and creating my idea of that person that i see when I watch it. that’s what people do, and I can’t help but get annoyed when people try to criticise having and developing an opinion of someone on tv like you’re supposed to just be totally separate to and subjective of everything you watch. yes, I might handle things with more care and understanding and nuance when it’s reality tv bc the bare bones of these people are real, but just as you expand and form canon around characters, I do that with these people too, and if I have enough mental understanding to know that the idea of someone I have in my head is different from who that person actually is, bc that is someone I can never and will never know fully, then just like… leave me to have my fun pls. bc it is all fun. I have never one said and would outright reject the idea that seonwoo is not fantastic tv, and the season would not be able to carry these storylines without him. you can hate the villain for what they do to the heroes, and for all their bad qualities, but still love what they bring to the story, and even revel in those bad qualities bc they are so fun to watch. when im yelling at seonwoo to stop being a gossip or holding onto sungho or leading on yonghee, im having the best time. and when he takes someone to the side for a private conversation, I can’t lie, I have the biggest evil grin on my face thinking yes what mess do we have in store this time. seonwoo is just that person, you want to hate him, you want to comfort him, and you just can’t look away while he creates chaos.
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cchapsticck · 1 year
15 questions. Stuff bout me! Thanks for tagging me @greenlikethesea!
1. are you named after anyone?
Okay kind of a funny story. When it comes to my deadname the story goes my parents were so sick of fighting over what to call me that that name was like a hands in the air okay fine concession between the two of them and neither of them actually liked it all that much. The name (and variations on it) I go by these days I am, without meaning to, named after two people. I share a deadname with one of my closest and oldest friends, and a mutual friend of ours has a condition that makes it difficult for him to distinguish faces - and we both have a similar vocal quality so we were particularly difficult for him to distinguish without someone having identified who was who in conversation. So he started calling her "Senior" and me "Junior" because calling us by the same name was just an additional complication for him keeping us distinctive and Junior stuck hard. My father's middle name is just the letter J, which someone at work started calling me and now everyone does. And I work a lot. So I am called it a lot. So that happened on accident.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I think it was before I had surgery, which was. Two months ago? Three? I forget how time works. I was scaredexcited. I'm not really a big crier, but I definitely have watershed moments of "cry a lot now" a couple times a year.
3. do you have kids?
I do not and I don't think that I will. I have a lot of respect for people who have and raise children, I just don't think I'm well suited to be a parent for a real smorgasbord of reasons. I like kids just fine though! My friend's kids are super cool and I always enjoy my time with them.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I guess occasionally? I think when I do its this very intentionally hyperbolic version of it so as to not be misconstrued when I'm joking. If I'm ever going to be sassy about something I think I'd say my "style" in that arena is a bit more deadpan, but still very unserious. I tend to be a very earnest person so things like sarcasm are pretty much always employed as a joke.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
/john mayer voice My Body Is A Garbage Can 🎶 my ramshackle horrible body is not cut out for sports, but in my youth I played hockey and figure skated. (midwest baybeeeee) I skipped out on my physical education requirement in high school by being in marching band for 4 years.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
So I am deaf and I spend a lot of time looking at people's mouths, I read lips to fill in some lost information that my hearing aids don't reliably provide me with so it usually takes me a few encounters with a person before I start to notice other details about them beyond the lower third of their face. Sometimes I'll notice people's eyebrows, or if they have glasses or freckles but the specifics of their features don't always sink in right away.
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
For my own personal enjoyment? Always always always a scary movie. I love a scary movie. Good, bad, doesn't matter, I want to watch it. A friend of mine and I spend entire weekends just watching the Shudder back catalogue and we've found some incredible films. (Please watch Death Spa I'm so not even kidding) I am a whole sucker for a practical effect. I also love a scary movie with a happy ending!
9. any special talents?
I always know where the car is parked.
10. where were you born?
American Midwest. Round the lakes. Y'know. The big ones.
11. what are your hobbies?
I'm one of those suckers who made their hobby their job so I genuinely enjoy garment construction and costume crafts. I also like to write and garden and live music.
12. do you have pets?
No not anymore. I had cats in high school (I am so deeply allergic) and we have had to put two of them down over the last few years and our last remaining guy lives with my mom. My partner and I raise carnivorous plants though and we've named all of them and talk about them like they're essentially pets.
13. how tall are you?
14. favourite subject at school?
I always loved my English classes, far and away the classes I put the most work into and excelled at. I also took a radical dramaturgy class in grad school that changed the way my brain functions. Which is probably an extension of an English class tbh. While not a favorite: I'm good at math, but I don't actually like math. I often joke that I'm good at math against my will - I had a lot of math tutoring as a kid so now I can like. Do long division in my head and shit.
15. dream job?
Y'know, I'm not sure I have a dream job. I really like what I do, I work in the arts - live theater and I wear a lot of hats at the regional theater I spend most of my time at. I've put a lot of time and effort and lost sleep into trying to make a living doing something that feels worthwhile to me personally as an artist and important to the community I'm in and making that art accessible to that community but I'm also happy to go home at the end of the day, its easy for me not to think about work when I'm not at work.
So I think the dream is more to have a job that I like, that I want to be at most days, that feels worthwhile, but also to have a healthy work/life balance with that job. Y'know?
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! I'm participating in the ship game again, because it's an addiction.
So could I please have a male ship from Buffy, Twilight and the walking dead or merlin, whichever you prefer
I'm about 5 foot (if that) in height, I have long brown hair, quite pale skin with pretty prominent freckles, blue/grey eyes and a sort of curvy build. MBTI is INFP, Hogwarts house is a gryffindor and I go by she/her pronouns.
I'm the mum friend in my group, my bag is filled with everything someone might need of a day. Hand sanitizer, hand cream, lip balm, hairbands, pens, tissues, you name it I probably have it. I like to take care of people and when the people I love are happy, I am too. That also extends into buying gifts, christmas is a busy time because I spend so much time finding perfect gifts.
My dream is to be a novelist but I would also love to be a costume designer. I just love being creative. I'd love to have a place which is mine, with comfy chairs and shelves full of books and dvds. I love watching films, especially horrors and the like.
I am pretty shy at first and I'm not too rebellious, which means for some reason my brain comes hardwired to be attracted to every bad boy on the planet at any given moment. It's a real issue.
Some more miscellaneous information about me. My favourite animals are lemurs or red pandas, my favourite colours are pale yellow and turquoise, my favourite flower is a water lily, my birthstone is a ruby and my favourite food is a dominos pizza.
Thank you!!
Thanks for participating! 
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Angel! His character is actually so much better in his tv series, so the Buffy version is ... kinda flat. But his character is very caring, protective and introverted. I can see you guys sitting on the couch, both reading, enjoying one another's company.
・Calls you 'honey'. He's not overly into the pet name thing, but with you he made an exception
・Likes when you suggest dates and new things for you guys to do. Maybe he’s done them a million times, but he’s not done them with you
・Loves when you run your fingers through his hair. He often rests his head on your lap and listens to your heart beat
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Style by Ryan Adams
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
↬Tall Grumpy (Angel) x Short Unbothered Sunshine (You)
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves your caring nature. Someone who cares just as much as others as he does, it takes the brunt of the effort off of him
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Willow! I think she would love to be mummed by you - telling her to drink more water and always putting on her bandaids
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I ship you with Jacob Black! I think he would really appreciate your togetherness, and caring nature. In return, he would protect you with everything he has, no matter the cost.
・Tried to keep his secret from you for the longest time. But your curiosity got the best of you, and you couldn’t help but snoop. You actually accidentally found out about the pack one night, and from then, you were the only stranger to see the wolves. (Well, human stranger...besides Bella.)
・He gives the warmest hugs, and he’s constantly warm. Cuddling next to him, especially in the winter, is the epitome of perfect
・Likes to hound you when you’re reading or writing or doing work. He loves having your attention
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ The Train by James Newton Howard
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves that you dream of being a novelist. Well, he loves your dreams in general. And that a lot of them include him.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Alice Cullen, I think she would be such a fun friend. And you wouldn’t judge her like a lot of people do. Literally, anyone who comes in contact with her judges her a little, but not you
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I ship you with Gawaine or is it Gwaine? Either way, I ship you with him. I think you would be instantly attracted to him. And your relationship would follow the plot line of ‘you fell first but he fell harder.”
・Calls you every single pet name. ‘Sweetheart,’ ‘love,’ ‘darling,’ ‘my love,’ ‘my world.’
・ He loves getting a rise out of you. Doing stupid things to make you worried about him. But then you show him that you’d care about him even if he didn’t do the most ridiculous things
・Always brings you a flower every time you see each other
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Flying with Mother by John Powell
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
↬ Dumbass x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves that you truly care about his well-being. He’s been alone by himself for so long, and so reliant on only him, that having someone who wonders about him is overwhelming
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Merlin! I think you guys would have so much banter and share so many sarcastic remarks. 
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chaotic-solutions · 1 year
can you please tell me about trigun? all of your posts have me intrigued
god this is a crazy late response, sorry anon, but if you're still interested at all:
trigun is a sci-fi western action series by yasuhiro nightow! it has three distinct versions: the manga (also often referred to as trigun maximum), the anime (also often referred to by its release year, 1998) and trigun stampede (a cgi animated prequel retelling, released in 2023). the story follows vash the stampede, a legendary outlaw with a sixty-billion double dollar bounty on his head that causes trouble wherever he goes. double dollars are just their currency don't worry about it. it's kind of hard to explain the plot of trigun- a lot happens all at once, but it largely consists of steadily escalating fights with mild western film sensibilities, comedic moments to break tension, and downtime between battles that flesh out the cast just as much as the fights.
thematically, trigun spends a lot of time dealing with the weight of a life, the nature of humanity, what it means to be good, and the value of love. vash is a staunch pacifist despite being faced with constant violence, and absolutely refuses to kill anyone, and is very clearly masking a lot of history and pain behind a charming, silly persona. a lot of the series rides on the strength of his character. he also runs on cartoon logic. it's great. the rest of the cast is also wonderful (notably two insurance agents assigned to tail vash because the situations he keeps causing are a real hassle for them, and a strange priest carrying a huge cross who is far more willing to get violent than vash) and the aesthetic charm of the setting does a lot for me.
if you want to get into trigun, i would personally recommend watching the 1998 version first! it only covers the first few volumes of the manga but has a lot of time to build out its version of the cast as a result, and still carries the spirit of trigun. i think it gives you both a good jumping off point, and will probably give you an idea of if the series for you, although '98 is a little more comedically inclined than the other two. i've not covered everything here, and i'd really recommend seeking out content warnings if you do decide to get into it- trigun touches on a lot of intense subjects. thanks for the ask!
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chungwoohell · 5 months
ep: 463
RTD arc part 3
-Please, please tell me the route to putting Lee Sejin in a straitjacket. It was in the music video or something, Please I don’t know how.
-The comedy ending where Cha Eugene escapes alone is so funny, I laughed out loud while filming Chakitty
-Wow, when Baese got his wallet stolen on the way to work, it was actually Chungwoo who stole it Lol the scene is shown in the jailer version!! (gameplay recording)
Good content after content and more content.
Originally, after the music video was released during the comeback, there was a gap of a few days between the appearance on music broadcast.
Usually, this period was spent in anticipation, looking at social media news, previews, and small content. Or watching the music video over and over again while anxiously waiting for the broadcast to air…
-Ahhhh, Eugene finally put on the guard uniform ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ wtf I’m so happy, I can barely breathe. Wear your uniform loosely, my baby.
It’s completely changed.
The fan community and SNS were flooded with all kinds of spoilers, strategies, videos, and screenshots, it was truly a celebration.
(t/n: “it was truly a celebration”: I didn’t know whether to change it to “it felt like Christmas” because in this context it felt like fans were getting so much content/fanservice similar to the feeling of getting lots of gifts on Christmas.)
TeSTAR placed a lenient rule that the ‘normal ending’ and ‘bad ending can only be streamed.
The reason for such an unconventional attempt in the first place was to spread the word of mouth and because it’s a promotional opportunity that couldn’t be missed.
Besides, if you wanted to experience it for yourself, you have to buy the album anyway.
The ‘code’ on the photocard, which opens the locked door at the ending, belongs to one account, so pirates couldn’t see the ending!
-LOL you’re a bitch.
-But I’m worried that it’ll be pirated soon because they’re good at making all kinds of cracks ㅠㅠㅠ
-However, it seems like the sales are doing okay since it’s released. Oh, it’s great that the USB is counted by album sales.
-it’s really a new worldview, fun fun
In addition, the lyrics, music, and concept photos that can be downloaded from the game title received favorable reviews for the unique emotions they provide when looking back after playing the game.
-The game deepens the narrative of the album… Fuck I hated the worldview so much. I can’t believe they made me say that.
Overall, it was a unique attempt.
And it was completely unexpected.
First of all, it means that aggro was drawn properly.
[TeSTAR put a real game in the album]
[<127 Section> Ruined Factory production team releases new work: Testa Album (no joke)]
[TeSTAR’s crazy live-action gameplay status haha]
The astonishment of fans who had no idea that the MV expansion version was actually a game spread everywhere, and naturally, Internet users came across the news.
-The MV was an introduction to the game.
-What’s going on lol
-TeSTAR, you really do everything. I really respect you. From a magical boy to the one road of Otaku
-I want to try this too. What's going on with the quality? Can I just buy the album? What should I buy?
On WeTube, several gamer streamers who couldn’t miss this piece of gold were already playing it.
It was because of Lee Sejin’s shocking prologue that it was easy to get reactions and the WeTube scene came out well, so it was a win-win.
Of course, there were fights and noises as tastes and evaluations went back and forth, but even that was a hot topic.
It was a promotion that I couldn’t ask for.
-If I order now from the official website, will it arrive tomorrow?? I took the bus to the store, and it was sold out.
-What version should I start with?
-TeSTAR, this title game is an OST? Hey?? Why is everyone so upset?
Thanks to this, album sales were soaring tremendously. Simple components such as a USB, recycled paper box, and photocard, lower the barrier to entry by allowing users to purchase the album without burden.
This was just the beginning of all this typhoon-like activity.
Homma was playing the game like crazy.
The balance of thrill with a cinematic live-action structure, interactive choices, and luck elements that do not require much control… It did a great job appealing to the people.
Thanks to this, she was devoting all her free time to playing.
“The scene of Moondae is really pretty…”
Currently, I was replaying the VER 2 album, which mainly features Prisoner Moondae. When playing as a prisoner through the VER 2 USB album, the chapter started from the past perspective of Park Moondae and Cha Eugene.
-Oh, the two of them are having a heated argument in the lab, but I’m scared of them all.
ㄴ?? Wasn’t it very sad and pitiful?
ㄴ?? What choice did you have?
ㄴ Exactly your choice.
Also, in the latter half of the episode, there was an event where the thieves wore prison uniforms when they were caught, and an event where they overpowered the guards and made them wear prison uniforms.
-Moondae throwing his prison uniform at Keunse seems to have personal feelings, but it’s not acting, it’s like they’re really friends.
During the playthrough, I was able to find out a little bit about the identity of the experiments the prisoners were being subjected to.
[⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛  10ml administration: Detect objects 100m away
-Complaints of dizziness, hallucinations, and headaches.]
'Hmm, psychic? Is this an experiment to create something similar?'
For some reason, it felt like an American sensibility... It was definitely a bit weird and creepy that way.
Anyway, Cha Eugene seemed to have an extraordinary mind and a very developed sixth sense, and Moondae seemed to be able to use telekinesis!
‘……Although he vomited blood.’
After recreating the scene in the music video where the surveillance camera explodes and seeing the bad ending where the gate collapses, she sealed away her telekinetic powers.......
Album VER 2's prisoner POV playthrough felt like that.
A story similar to the Phantom Thieves POV, but more desolate and focused on facilities.
However, the VER 3 album was a little different.
In the case of this camp of guards, we took a slightly special structure....
It was a play that started from Lee Sejin's perspective and cooperated with the phantom thieves.
-Be quiet and follow me.
It’s like he’s sick of the facility and pretend not to show it… It seemed like he was a guard on our side. Of course, the truth is, I was planning to catch them all at last minute, so they don’t steal them.
Is what Lee Sejin said while humming to himself.
-It’s nice~ They come on their own and break the rules…
VER 1, the first experience with the intensity of the prologue made it powerful!
Thanks to this, VER 3 has a strange structure which made the players dizzy wondering when they will get back stabbed.
‘Hmm, was this because I played as a Phantom Thief first?’
“Uh, wait. Come to think of it.”
Was the order really intentional?
Homma suddenly have an idea.
They key shape in the music video… it’s the same of the USB in the VER 1 album.
The other two look slightly different from the music video.
When selling, it was shown on the product page. People who were only going to buy one album would obviously buy VER 1.
Before that, I bought the album reservation without any information knowing that it would come in a set.
‘And those who bought all 3 must’ve played VER 1 first since it was in the music video.’
Don’t you think it was strange?
That means that the players will experience playing as phantom thieves before exploring the story of the prisoners and camp guard.
After experiencing the first version, you can continue discovering new things while maintaining the thrill in the other versions.
Homma gapped.
She was unable to process the detailed structured to prevent multiple playthroughs being boring. Even if she didn’t know the game well, it was very touching.
‘Oh my god,’
Anyways, let’s talk about it.
In VER 3, the phantom thieves were able to accompany Lee Sejin and wore blue navy unforms!
There was no longer an option to hide from the guards.
Instead, an event occurs where you can access the facility's documents or find more information.
-Keep It Safe, hence 'KIS'.... What do you mean by “keeping safe”?
-Um, the people outside?
-…From what?
-From all danger? Hey, I don't know either~ How would the employees know that?
Fortunately, Lee Sejin's values become slightly shaken when the phantom thieves cooperate with the prisoners and build some friendships with them.
This is because we learn that the two prisoners were imprisoned even though they had not broken any rules.
-I was kidnapped.
-Me too.
And through various events, he comes to accept Ryu Chungwoo's proposal to join as a phantom thief.
-Is that so?
-It’s almost time for me to change jobs since my annual leave is coming to an end.
“Oh oh!
This way, he was succeeded in seducing many TeSTARs, including the guard, Lee Sejin…
She watched only the normal ending to the end.
Although I was exposed to spoilers for Moondae’s syringe options, I made the right choice and saw the phantom thief’s uniform… It was in the normal ending back then too.
About Ahyeon… Is It because you’re so scared that you couldn’t approach Ahyeon or seduce him.
[We left this damn facility.]
It’s like this every time and the ending credits roll with after content!
Anyways, all that’s left is Park Moondae’s amazing thighs… That’s it.
So, this time she was really prepared.
“Let’s do this…”
Homma looked up a strategy while avoiding spoilers as much as possible and sat down in front of the computer again, clenching both hands.
Found it! The True Ending conditions!
‘First if all, you have to play VER 1 first…’
She clicked on the game icon and quicky played through it.
Now for the strategy.
-No matter which faction you are in, make everyone except Seon Ahyeon your comrades and then meet Ahyeon in front of the final gate!
‘I guess the dice came up when I was hiding was a hint!’
That wasn’t entirely the ‘right’ option.
If you meet without recruiting all your friends, it’s game over, but if you meet with all your friends, a true ending event will occur!
Then the fateful moment.
-If you just turn there…
Homma closed her eyes tightly and ignored the ‘hide’ option.
Tap, tap.
Bae Sejin, who had put the key in the lock pad, flinched and looked back.
From around the corner, a blonde guard in a navy-blue uniform came out, starting with military boots.
The screen froze.
Homma clenched her fists and…
The background music flowed into emptiness.
Seon Ahyeon stared at the key Bae Sejin was holding.
Next, he glances at the six people standing around, dressed in the same style.
After alternating shots and breathtaking close-up scenes…
The guard opened his mouth.
-There it is.
-The jewel.
Homma covered her mouth.
A gem that the phantom thieves tried to find, but ultimately concluded it was false information spread by this facility to capture test subjects.
Tutaculum really exists… Seon Ahyeon informed me.
Then, he turned around and started walking away again without shaking.
Tap, tap.
On the screen, Bae Sejin swallowed his saliva.
-…What should I do?
[Follow. -Trust]
[Ignore.  -Disbelief]
This is unconditional.
If you follow along and fail here, there's no way you'll get the true ending!
Homma quickly clicked 'Follow', and naturally the characters on the screen followed Seon Ahyeon.
Seon Ahyeon passed the outskirts of the complex facility several times, moving at a speed that was not very considerate.
Down, down.
Overcome a couple of light dice decisions....
We arrived in front of a small iron gate.
Next to it is a locking pad like the entrance.
With modern organ BGM playing, Seon Ahyeon stood next to the iron gate.
The six members with the keys approached the lock pad.
Only then did the blonde guard open his mouth.
'... obverse?'
Homma was embarrassed.
I'm entering the code and suddenly what does the front side mean?
'Is there anything on the front of the photocard?'
However, no matter how much I looked, there was no hint in the photo of Kim Raebin with the awl in his mouth.
'On the back is this....'
This code.
Just as she was about to panic, fortunately Bae Sejin's narration came out.
-The code is... Among the dummy data in the key, it was written on the back of the man's photo. It's not facing the front.
'I know yeah!'
-But facing front? Why are you saying the opposite?
-……Wait, the opposite?
At that moment, Homma also realized.
If you think of the letters on the back as being viewed from the front.
'... It looks backwards, in the opposite direction!'
If so, the code is....
She started tapping on the keyboard.
Then it should be like this!
The moment you press enter,
With a bright light, the iron door began to open.
My toes felt tingly.
And after the light subsides.
In the screen, in the very center of a small room with iron walls on all sides.
Inside the hexagonal glass tube was a beautiful, green-colored gem.
An ecstatic BGM was played.
'The props are really cool...’
The camera slowly approached the jewel....
A gloved hand reached out. and....
[Catch the jewel.]
[Ask a question.]
A choice appeared.
Homma crossed her arms.
This game had no save and load feature.
It is possible to skip events that have already been seen, but this means that once a choice has been made, it’s impossible to go back to the previous moment.
‘…The truth must be revealed.’
My friends on social media said that’s the meaning of the true ending!
Feeling like a detective, Homma swallowed and pressed down.
[Ask a question.]
On the screen, Bae Sejin withdrew his hand. Then he turned his head to Seon Ahyeon.
-…Why did you bring us here?
-What is your purpose? Why are you giving us the jewel, the Tutaculum?
It was then.
-…! Wait for a sec,
Someone intervened.
…Prisoner Park Moondae, who was dressed in a phantom thief-style leather suit, asked quickly in a low voice.
-What do you mean “Tutaculum”?
Bae Sejin responded.
-This gem is the Tutaculum.
Park Moondae’s face turned pale.
-No, that’s… This is the drug administered to the prisoners managed here.
-It’s not a gem. Tutaculum is… Here, it’s a code word meaning drug.
Wow, crazy.
‘The drug that creates superpowers…’
No, now that I think about it, it seemed like it was green too. Homma covered her mouth again and stared at the screen with a twist.
The camera slowly turns.
Ryu Chungwoo asked while looking at the blonde guard.
-What is this gem?
That moment.
The screen turned off.
Only then did Seon Ahyeon’s voice rang softly from the black screen.
- The guard mysterious and scary with the black baton did not open his mouth.
-But at the end of that gaze... There was a prisoner.
With calm BGM, the screen became bright again.
And what is revealed... It was an attic.
TeSTAR sat on the floor between the warm lamp light and a board game in the middle.
That scene from the teaser.
Homma is in confusion!
However, Sun Ahyeon’s calm voice continued.
-It’s the players’ turn.
Cha Eugene and Park Moondae, who were sitting comfortably, twitched their eyebrows at the same time. They were two people who played the role of prisoners.
Ryu Chungwoo, who was resting his chin, spoke thoughtfully.
-You said you saw the prisoner. Did he want to give the jewel to the prisoner? As Compensation?
-There’s no psychopath, so it's probably like that.
After Cha Eugene grumbled, Park Moondae opened his mouth, rubbing his chin.
-…Well, if a hacker is able convince several people to the same side in such a short period of time, it seems like he will become a threat in the future. Isn’t he trying to give me the real jewels and send them back? It’s cheating.
-Ah~ Don’t have any regrets.
Lee Sejin nodded and smiled cheerfully.
-Good! Then I will say this.
Then, the screen was sucked in, the background returned to the secret facility.
In that scene, Lee Sejin, dressed as a phantom thief, spoke.
-I also have a question~
-“Keep It Safe”. Speaking of the slogan… Actually, it’s not “Safe”, it’s Sacrifice, right? Chief jailer. What are we keeping safe?
-I thought there were rules, but now I see that they don’t really follow them~
After that, a truth battle continues using the secrets of the facility discovered while playing the game.
And the conclusion is…
-It’s not a prison… It was a research institute.
This facility was an institution conducting research to completely control Tutaculum, a drug that gives strange abilities!
It was quite exciting to see the information collected so far being connected.
I still don't know why the scenery returns to the attic as if I'm being sucked in again.
It was nice to hear Seon Ahyeon’s soft voice.
-But the blonde guard was neither agitated nor answered.
-Should we fight?
-Let’s fight, I’ll roll the dice.
In response to the combative members’ reactions, Seon Ahyeon, who was holding a book, smiled and nodded.
-Yes, then… Who will fight?
-Of course, the strongest person should do it, right?
Raebin Kim clicked his tongue and held up the dice as if he didn't feel like it and Seon Ahyeon also picked up the dice.
-I'm going to roll a cube. The maximum number is 6. Players are left with a dodecahedron, with a maximum number of 10. That's a big difference.
-Still, if the player's dodecahedron number is smaller, the player can defeat the warden.
Some might jeer at this as it is a ridiculous scam, but everyone is just nodding their heads as if they are very immersed in it.
Homma did the same, but soon realized the reality.
'Uh oh, can I really do it?'
And that premonition was correct.
As the dice appeared on the screen, Homma was almost screaming internally as she calculated the odds... Finally, I put my hand on the mouse again.
And pressed,
The ten-sided dice rolls... Rolling... The numbers....
‘…Oh, no.'
It’s too big!
Homma felt her blood run cold and swallowed her saliva without realizing it as she looked at the screen.
The game was in progress.
Sun Ahyeon was throwing the dice inside his book, so the numbers were not visible.
Over Seon Ahyeon's face, an expressionless guard in a navy-blue uniform briefly overlaps.
But after a while.
Seon Ahyeon smiled brightly and put the book away.
The number shown by the black die is....
-I was defeated.
-Oh my God!
Cheers erupt.
-So, you guys…
Seon Ahyeon smiled and closed the book.
-You obtained the jewel and successfully escaped from ‘KIS’ foundation.
-I was your game master.
Applause erupted.
-Ah~ It was fun!
-Thank you for calling me. It was fun to try.
-Oh, no…
Seon Ahyeon smiled softly and put the paper book he was holding. As he said before, he seems to be in charge of hosting this board game.
‘Oh, I think I saw something like this on TV?’
It came out like this because it was an American teen concept!
Homma nodded.
‘Ahyeon played a key role!’
Still, Ahyeon's fans may be a bit disappointed that the amount of content he has is small. That thought passed by without me thinking, but anyway, I was absorbed in the cute appearance and development of TeSTAR on the screen.
-You seem like a nerd, you made a fuss about not liking it, but surprisingly you enjoyed it~?
-I know that if anyone talks about what happened today at school, I won't leave them alone.
-Look at this guy!
While Cha Eugene and Lee Sejin are grumbling, Kim Raebin is rubbing his chin. A rather violent silver accessory was shaking.
-The setting was 2025. They say the world will fall in 1999, but in a later era, I will have a stronger role.......
-You're better than me, who was a kidnapped test subject.
-Being a test subject would be better.
Kim Raebin responded grimly, but Park Moondae just chuckled and Seon Ahyeon also laughed when he saw that.
In that wholesome scene, Bae Sejin smiled and put down his dice.
The narration continued.
-Secret confinement facilities, experiments with psychics, hackers and phantom thieves, and even a thrilling escape. It was a great journey.
In the board game, jewel tokens were shown close-up on the screen.
-The secret we discovered was surprising, but there may be another story hidden there.
-No, I think it would be fun to tell the same story again.
The camera show TeSTAR in the attic, bathed in soft lamp light.
-…I hope to come back to play again someday.
The camera moves up to capture a harmonious image of TeSTAR sitting in a circle.
Along with the gently arranged sub-songs of this album, a subtitle came to mind.
[True Ending]
~In the tutáculum. (은신처에서)
(t/n: 은신처에서/in the hiding place, it’s in parentheses for the ones who don’t know English.)
It was the true ending.
She leaned back in her chair.
So, this game is like the American teen TeSTAR from the 80s playing a board game... That was the concept.
'So, repackage album........'
It was all connected....
Homma felt an indescribable overwhelming emotion and watched the ending credits roll again.
The scenes I had seen so far passed through my mind, the scenes in the attic, and the character details.
The dopamine was constantly increasing.
(t/n: homma said some slang word for a dr*g LMAO but there’s no way she actually did them…)
I was very curious about the stage, but I still had to wait to see the stage.
So that was why.
‘I’ll play again!’
After taking care of the urgent matters, she clicked the icon again and reconnected to the game.
This time it was a different version.
‘The warden!'
The main subject of Moondae was postponed for the grand finale!
In order to see the true ending one more time, I continued pressing the skip button.
'Ah, this is really fun.'
My heart was pounding. What new things will be shown in this version?
When the TeSTARs wearing guard uniforms side by side finally reached the point where they pressed the code!
And that was the moment I pressed enter.
'Now the door opens and the jewel....'
It definitely had to be that way.
The blonde guard looked back at the camera.
Seon Ahyeon.
-I pressed the wrong button.
-It's a different version of the code.
Seon Ahyeon, who is in uniform in the game, smiled. It was his first time smiling as a jailer.
-You’re okay.
-But... I made a mistake with this.
Cotton gloves grabbed the camera.
-It means you played a lot.
Just now... “Play”?
-Correct? So, by chance, you ended up making a mistake by writing the code written on the card, not exactly as it was, but in the opposite direction... It means you did a lot.
The BGM has disappeared.
No, before I knew it... The angle of the screen also changed.
In the game world, were the other members were invisible, only Seon Ahyeon was visible.
That moment.
-Let's keep playing.
The hidden route has begun.
0 notes