#( That and I need to figure out the birb's name too but yeah lol )
azurexalacrity · 5 years
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( So, after discussing with a friend last night, I have decided to do something I’ve been planning to do for a while now. And it’s not going to be a big thing that’ll twist and shape my main universe/lore for this blog, but it’ll be enough of a small change that can warranty some nice interactions.
The idea I’ll be sharing about is branched off of this ask prompt. The idea entails of a small, young bluebird (which is also known as a Flicky in Sonic’s universe) gets unfortunately injured after a recent Badnik attack. With the good heart that Sonic has, he’s determined to get this bird get some proper care and treatment so that she doesn’t have to suffer from any injuries that might cost her life.
And yet, after she gets taken care of, she finds comfort into Sonic’s care, and refuses to leave his side. Sonic, at first, wanted to take her back to the fields, but he thought of why not taking care of her for a while. Or, at least, until she’s ready to return back to her natural habitat.
I’ll be writing a small little IC Update-like drabbles explaining this in full detail. Not right now though, but you’ll find out where this will go from here on out lol. )
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damnzawa · 4 years
Hello!! My first time requesting and I was wondering if you were willing to do a Hades! Tokoyami x Fem! Persephone! Reader of the Afterlife AU. Like what happened in the Greek story with Persephone; Reader getting used to living with Tokoyami in the Underworld (fluff). Bonus points if Dark Shadow is a huge birb and is taking the role of Cerberus.
Note(s): Am I soft for this birb boy ?? HELL YEAH. This one melted my heart and I enjoyed writing it a lot! Thanks for requesting, I hope I did this right lol. Requests are open (yes even the AU! Fest)!
Warning(s): None. Just fluff.
In all the years Tokoyami ruled over the underworld, he had never felt this way before. Only you brought this feeling out of him. Only you made him feel things that are foreign.
Only you.
Despite having power and the beauty truly fit for a God, loneliness always stuck to him. It was the only one who never left his side at all. It was weird for someone like him—since his brothers have been known to have multiple affairs—to be lonely. But then again, who would want to be with the King of the Underworld, right?
No one.
Until you came around.
Wandering the halls, Tokoyami recalled the first time he met you.
He was wandering about in a meadow. Finally taking his brother's advice and taking a relaxing vacation of some sorts. In all honesty, Tokoyami was starting to regret his decision. He should've stayed in the Underworld. Who knows what chaos would ensue without him there?
"Stop being a workaholic." His brother's voice played inside his head. Well somebody has to be one out of them three.
Suddenly, Tokoyami stopped. What was that? What was that beautiful harmony he heard? As if the humming lured him in, Tokoyami found himself staring at a young woman.
The woman seemed happy, caring for and picking some of the flowers in the meadow. The sight was breathtaking, beautiful. So much that Tokoyami couldn't look away. How can someone look so ethereal while doing such a task? Effortlessly too. How can someone take his breath away with just a simple look?
Is this what mortals call 'love at first sight'?
It might be too soon but Tokoyami was so sure of it. It must be love. It was love. One look at your figure, his frozen heart began to thaw. He felt his heart beat and beat and beat as he watched you from afar.
Moments pass by and his eyes meet yours. Those eyes were so innocent, so pure. Tokoyami couldn't help but drown in genuinity of them. Before Tokoyami could even register it, he found himself walking towards you. The woman who somehow caught his eye and his affections.
On the other hand, your eyes widened at the sight of the ruler of the Underworld approaching you. You felt his presence, his stare that held a thousand emotions earlier but decided not to say anything. You heard about him. People say he was cold, bad. Some even paint him to be a villain. But now, you were starting to doubt their words. The man approaching you looked soft, sad, lonely. It was nowhere near cold at all.
Once he was infront of you, you greeted him with a bow, not knowing what to do. Should you kneel? Should you be casual with him?
Clearly, you lack skills in the social department.
Not to worry though, Tokoyami lacked them too.
He cleared his throat, Tokoyami didn't know what to say. And in his panic, all he could muster to say was, "Hi."
You held back a giggle at his awkward stance and greeting. "Hello." You flashed him a small smile.
"May I know your name?"
"Ah, of course. I am Persephone. It is nice to meet you, Your Higness."
"Please, no need for formalities." Tokoyami stated as he gave you a rare smile. "You can call me Hades."
You didn't know it yet by then but love immediately blossomed between the two of you. The meadow no longer was just a place where you can admire the beauty nature has to offer, no. The meadow became a place where you also admire the beauty the Underworld had as well.
He hated to admit it but he would have to thank his brother's pestering for this. So thank you Zeus—or Kaminari—for forcing him out of the blues in the Underworld.
Tokoyami's once dull life, brightened as you came along. Just the sight of you in the meadow brought out the colors of his monochrome world. You brought him happiness. Something that was rare to find, especially in the place he rules over.
Back to the present time, Tokoyami felt the corner of his lips twitch upwards at the sight of you and the three-headed bird that the souls in the Underworld fear. The bird that guards the Underworld, Dark Shadow. The fearsome bird who was being clingy and putty in your hands.
"I'm afraid Dark Shadow favors me over you now." You spoke up once you felt the presence of your warm lover approaching. Your tone was smug and playful, shoving the fact that the bird does love you a lot more now in his face. Your words made Tokoyami roll his eyes.
"That's because you're giving him treats behind my back." You and Dark Shadow gasped at that, offended at the claims. Tokoyami let his smile grow wider as you and Dark Shadow shot him a glare.
"Your Highness! We would never!" You feigned hurt. "Do you not trust us at all?"
"How could I not trust my Queen?" Dark Shadow took that as a sign to leave the two alone. Once Dark Shadow left, Tokoyami pulled you in an embrace.
This felt good. Too good to be real. It felt like a fever dream that he never wanted to wake up from.
As if reading his thoughts, you placed your arms around his midsection, letting him know that you were in fact real and you were here, in his arms, ruling the Underworld together.
"Fumikage." You called him by his real name. Hearing you call him was heavenly, his real name adding an extra kick to the attack.
"Yes, my Queen?"
"Although it made you take drastic measures, I'm glad I'm here. With you."
"I'm glad as well." Tokoyami replied as you broke free from the hug and stared up at him with those pure eyes he fell in love with. It was true, he was glad. You were the missing piece in his life he never knew he needed. The missing piece that made his life complete. "Do you regret it? Leaving your home, I mean."
"I will never." You cupped his face with your hands while his hands found their place on your waist. "If it meant being with you then I'll never regret a thing." Your eyes and your words spoke the truth. He felt his heart burst from the overflowing emotions he had in it.
Slowly leaning his head down to yours, you closed your eyes and savored the moment his lips met yours. Tokoyami brought you closer and closer until your bodies touched. No gap between the two of you at all.
Pulling apart to breathe, you smiled at the man infront of you whom you called your lover. "I love you, Fumi." The words came out easily as you looked at him, your eyes full of nothing but love and admiration for the man.
"I love you too, Y/n." As long as you're with him, Tokoyami felt complete.
"So, wanna pull a prank on Kaminari?" Yes, he was complete indeed.
"What a mad banquet of darkness you have in you, my Queen." He replied. "But yes. Let's go."
"Dramatic as ever, Fumi."
"I do not know what you're talking about, Y/n."
"Sure, sure."
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gothamiteneko · 6 years
I watched the fifth season's premiere of Gotham some days ago and since then, there have been running some comments about what happened, but i'm not talking about everything about it, i mean, not like general impressions or something like that (it was such a great and exciting episode, btw, i still can't get over with it, omg... But that's another story, lol), but especifically about that scene with Oswald and Tabitha and the whole drama around it... that also has it's own issues for the way the show decided to go with it, but yeah, is not the main discussion here.
My point to walk out of my usual silence, is cuz one dear friend of mine said something like "Robin has tweeted that all of Oswald's humanity will be gone. This hurts me so much" and as much as i love Robin (just like everyone else does, i'm sure), since my friend said that and apparently is not the only one feeling like this, i felt the necessity to share MY POINT OF VIEW of what i think (and told my friend) about this particular topic, so, here we go (this will be long and i'm not that bad with english, but is not my mother language either, so i apologize for the mistakes, hope it can make some sense anyway xD)...
So, about what Robin tweeted... I wouldn't worry that much x) he said the same thing when he realized about Butch's death in the script xD but what happened? nothing, in fact we all celebrated that finally Ozzy had revenge for his mother's death (i mean, c'mon, Tabitha really deserved it, she deeply dug her own grave, literally and figuratively).
If with "Oswald will becomes a monster" Robin means that he will suffer again another lose of a very important person for him (aka Martin) so he will lose his temper and will go berserk seeking revenge against whoever dared to do such a thing (probably will be Barbara... Or maybe Mother?) and when he found them, he will kill each one of them slowly, painfully and without any remorse seen on his face, then will be the same thing like when Butch or Tabitha died, cuz it was something they forced him to do, i mean, even when Butch or Barbara, or Ed or Jim (or in whoever you like to think... Except Tabitha or Theo, of course xD) betrayed him the way they did, Oswald forgave them and tried to pass through it in order to stay at peace with himself and cuz, as he always says -referring here especifically to people with who he is fond of in some way- "for the old times", so if he will "become a monster" then he will REALLY need a HUGE reason to become the cold-hearted and ruthless villain that Robin asures he will become, and even then, i doubt it, because of how the series (forget the comics, let's treat this like the legit AU from the DC world it is) had portrayed -till now- Ozzy's behaviour and development as a character:
Oswald doesn't kill without a reason if it is possible, he almost always needs a motivation to do it (like that time when he killed a man for a tuna sandwich... that could count as self-preservation... In a slightly creepy way but still, lol. Or when after that, he killed that guy in the car that insulted him calling him "penguin", i mean, if the guy would have kept his mouth shut, nothing would had happen to him cuz Oswald was supposed to stay lowkey since that moment), and loves to have the control over any situation, so he usually needs to know that those murders have a purpose (even the most tiny one) in his elaborated plans or to know/be sure that he won't need that person once again (then he will prefer to keep them alive for a while... if they don't cause him any other problem first). But even if he starts killing without feeling nothing while doing it on this season, that wouldn't be new cuz he was already like that too, just right in the first season! i mean, c'mon! he killed a man for a tuna sandwich, he killed one of Maroni's employees just to get his boots, he sat down waiting patiently and smiling while watched how those foolish robbers died for the poisoned cannoli and then he just left with the money as fresh and calm as if nothing would have ever happened, he stabbed a man right in the front door of HIS MOM'S HOUSE... and i could keep going and going with examples just for the S1. So he is not an innocent creature, he can be a very dangerous man despite his short height and general physical appereance, and is very visceral when he is blinded by rage and fear (like when he killed Tarquin using just his hands and a statue that the poor man had on his desk, cuz Oswald thought that he took his father's remains off of his grave to make Os fell in some kind of trap for an unknown reason or just to make him go crazy, ruin his reputation and make him seem weak in front of his enemies), so is not a surprise if he now seems to be absolutely heartless and behaves like an unpredictable and capricious dictator with the people at his service or with anyone in general. In fact, i personally find that change very suitable for him after all the physical and emotional damage he has been receiving all his life, after all those betrayals he had to endure from those who were supposed to be his friends and in who Oswald trusted. So, in contrary, i love how he now says "enough!" and closes his heart to everyone, cuz he is done of being him the one who always gives several opportunities and/or warnings; or the one who always trusts, loves and shares but despite any good intention he could have with anyone, he always continues being underestimated, hurt, humiliated, called names and judged by his acts and thoughts as if they really knew him or like if Oswald was the only one who is being selfish or like if he was the only one to blame for everything cuz he is the only "monster" and psychopath in the room, but not. Also i love how he is absolutely conscious of the enormous power and influence he has now, cuz he earned it all by himself, from the very ashes, from the very beginning all over again, and overall now, in the middle of the worst crisis the city had ever experienced, he is rising and climbing higher than ever before, he is swimming in familiar waters and as everyone very well know, penguins can perfectly fly in the water; so the cold behaviour he has now is not just very well justified but it is also more than necessary for him to embrace it fully, because he is surrounded by a very hostile environment, so then he knows that the desperation and the general knowledge about how he has every resource he could ask (guns, rounds, food, water, territory, minions, "muscle", etc) will make everyone to try to steal anything from him, at least once, and he obviously won't let that happen. He has always been a survivor and he knows with what kind of enemies and obstacles he is dealing with.
Now, if the writers, producers and Robin himself (and i say this with all my love and respect for Robin) want to think and believe that we fans will hate Ozzy because his behaviour "took us all by surprise" and "did a so unexpected 180° turn without any kind of warning", just cuz he is now acting like the villain he has always been, i think they will be the ones that will be surprised when they find out that nothing has really changed about the love of the fandom for our dear angry and murderous birb (is not like if he really suddenly would had went from a tender and sweet boy that we learnt to love from S1 to S4, to a cold-hearted murderer for the sake of "YOLO, haters gonna hate" in S5, pleeeease).
I think that Gotham's version in particular, of Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot, has a place very well earned in our hearts thanks to Robin's interpretation (he really embraced the character and brought him to life) and all the other people involved in the character's development,who have give him a complexity, a charisma, a background, etc. so well established and explored until now, that he is more than just another villain (not just in the series but into any kind of media -even written-, including other versions and portrayals of this same character, where his personality and story is not really taken more seriously, or is being exaggerated or being taken out of context or is simply not known enough by the general audience -besides comics' readers or the DC fans, especially if they actually take a moment to try to understand the characters- to make them have sympathy and a deeper and better conection with him, so he would be more loved and popular by who he is, as it happens with other characters/villains, like the Joker's case, for example); now "The Penguin" has become one villain that is also very relatable cuz now we can be first-line witnesses, so we have the opportunity to take a closer and better look into a ONE (1) more tangible POINT OF VIEW (i want to be very clear with this, cuz is Gotham's version, is Gotham's point of view) of his tragic story (his childhood as a bullied kid, his relationship with his mom and his dad including their deaths, all the very few people he once really trusted and/or loved and betrayed him or instead, in some cases, were taken away from him -permanently or temporary- to hurt him), his motivations (he does it cuz he wants recognition because he is ambicious and has always been invisible, outcasted, underestimated; but also cuz he wants a better life for him and his mom, for example; to protect and give her everything they lacked for years, aka, he does a lot of things for LOVE -an irony, considering that this is precisely the main point of his whole tragedy in almost any version of his character, i mean, the lack or absence of it for real in his life-. He is mainly driven by his emotions/his heart, doesn't matter if he is cautious and afraid at first, but after some time he opens his heart and gives it to someone in who he really wants to believe that is a person worth of take care of it... or if he now prefers to hide it to don't get hurt again) his actions and decisions (he is evil, cunning, intelligent, etc. but he is not undefeatable, he is human too, he has his flaws and can do mistakes as everyone else) that now is almost impossible to try to convince us that he is the embodiment of the worst atrocity ever created, doesn't matter how he looks or what he does, even if he never will be redeemed, cuz we all know why he is how he is and why he behaves like that (as i said, he is a very relatable character).
In conclusion, i'm sure Ozzy will always be our fav if they keep his development as solid and well constructed as it has been all this time, i mean, if they keep him in character, if they remain loyal to the story they have been telling us about him along these years (i mean, have been FIVE years, that must mean something for them, some effort and non sleep-time at least) and don't suddenly go 100% OoC just cuz they are forcing the plot to justify his villainy to the point of finally make him "become a monster" (like in "see what he did??? *insert a forced series of absurd and unbelievable nonsense for the sake of it* he is a monster! He is a horrible person who doesn't deserve any kindness or love in his life!") like SERIOUSLY? Are you really throwing to the trash the complex character that Oswald is, just for THIS? *points to the absurd and nonsense plot they throw at us*, are you despising one of the best and well written characters in the show just cuz you are hurry to end the series and you can't go before make your point very clear at all costs, of how you were always right about why we shouldn't like Ozzy so much if he is who he is, and then shove it in our faces? Well, news flash! we already knew it, we know who he is and we still love him and will always do. If we have forgiven (or at least i'm at peace with that) the poor plots involving our dear birb (like the Nygmob cockblock cuz Kristen 2.0, the stupid ending of his friendship with Ivy, the not permanent death of Sofia or the whole absurd drama and betrayal of Ed and Lee or *insert your fav poor birb-related plot's issue here*), i think is safe enough to say that we will be ok with whatever can come to us now and we will remain loving Ozzy to the very end... as long as they don't destroy what they had reached with Oswald as a character after all this time (again, FIVE years), just to try to change our minds and hearts at the last moment, cuz it was already too late for that since years ago.
P.d. Also, there always will exist the fandom to adopt this character (or any other fav you want, depending of the fandom we are talking about) and give him a better treatment cuz that's how should happen, aka, "fix what canon ruined", so the fandom will make our dreams come true xD whichever they are xD and we will be able to happily ignore or change the canon at any point, to give that place to our own versions of the facts instead xD
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