#( aight find me and eli over there now!! )
rikalovesrice · 3 years
Trollhunters : Rise of The Titans [Rika’s Version!]
The movie starts a year after Wizards. We see Douxie, Archie, and Nari all settled in Metro City. Douxie managed to get a dinky little apartment and works two jobs. He comes home after a long day to Nari and Archie.
Maybe Nari’s running around chasing after Archie. Maybe the two of them are curled up on the couch and snoozing. Douxie smiles softly, petting Archie’s head and gently brushes Nari’s hair out of her face. Maybe Nari was singing to one of her plants and just beams when Douxie walks through the door. Just Magical Siblings and Their Therapy Cat fluff.
But that night, Douxie wakes up. Something feels very, very wrong. Nari feels it, too. 
Cut to the door to their apartment being busted right through, flames quickly consuming the threshold. To Douxie’s horror, it’s the Arcane Order and he immediately goes on the offensive. This is the first display in the movie of Douxie’s strength as a Master Wizard, his proficiency and skill with his magic as he holds his own against Bellroc and Skrael as he did in Wizards. He tells Archie to take Nari and run but neither of them want to leave him behind. Archie instead fights beside Douxie, urging for Nari to escape while she can. Nari’s reluctant because Douxie and Archie have become so precious to her.
When it looks like they’re about to be done in, Archie wills himself to transform into a huge dragon, taking Douxie and Nari into his claws and flying out of there, busting straight out of the apartment. But not before giving Bellroc and Skrael a thrashing with his tail. They manage to give the Order the slip. For now.
Archie quickly loses steam from holding such a form and crashes on the outskirts of the city, transforming back into a cat. Douxie cradles him in his arms. Nari tends to their wounds with her magic, looking forlorn. 
Douxie frantically dials a number on his phone. 
“Claire? Claire it’s me...” A column of fire erupts in the distance. A shot of Douxie, Archie, and Nari huddled close. “They found us.”
Trollhunters : Rise of the Titans Title Screen
The scene fades in on the new and improved Camelot, where the Lakes are staying. We see Jim spending time with his mother and Walter and it’s lovely. We see a hint of Jim’s trauma when he’s cooking and looks at his reflection in a spatula. He flinches away. He doesn’t want to look at himself. Barbara comforts him, a tender heartfelt moment between them.
Claire then emerges from a shadow portal with grim news : The Arcane Order have found Douxie and Nari.
Jim gathers his friends. Claire shadow portals them all to Douxie, who’s found shelter in a hut Nari made from tree roots. Douxie’s cast a barrier to hide their presence, though it won’t last long. 
It’s a really sweet and awesome reunion. Douxie gives Claire and Steve big hugs. Nari bounds up to Toby and holds his hand. Jim, Krel, and Douxie have a “good to see you again, bro” moment between them. Aaarrgh licks his lips at the sight of Archie.
It’s here that Douxie gives the deets on what’s happened. As they begin to figure out a way to keep Nari safe and away from the Order, Nari suddenly says, “No.”
After almost losing Douxie and Archie, her new family, Nari decides enough is enough. She wants to face her corrupted siblings head-on. To not only protect the world, but her newfound friends. 
Douxie understandably protests. But Nari, gentle but resolute, tells him she’s made up her mind. No more running.
And so, Douxie acquiesces. 
Cue the sequence/fight scene on the train!
Nari realizes what Douxie’s doing when it’s too late. They switch bodies and Douxie’s taken away by the Order. 
“Douxie, I’m so sorry...I couldn’t save her,” Claire laments.
Nari, in Douxie’s body, “N-no...No, I am fine. But Douxie...Douxie!”
Everyone’s like, “Oh no” but then oof, they all get arrested.
The police department scene! With Krel and the Blanks busting everyone out.
Now, we find ourselves back on Camelot where Jim’s being attended to by Walter and Barbara after waking up from a nightmare. Bellroc’s words torment him : “Without your Amulet, you are nothing but a frightened! Little!! BOY!!!”
Walter suggests Jim should lay low, let his friends handle things. Jim reaches a real low point here. Claire provides some comfort. Hand in hand, they make their way to the Round Table, where everyone’s licking their wounds. 
Blinky explains to them that the Order wants to awaken the Titans and need all three members of the Order to do so. While everyone’s relieved that Nari’s safe, Douxie’s now in the Order’s clutches and they want to figure out a way to save him.
Nari, sad and grim, says that Douxie’s spell will eventually wear off.
“He is, as humans say, buying us time...”
Cut to Douxie (in Nari’s body) with the Order. Douxie doesn’t make a sound, not wanting to give anything away. They try the ritual and when it fails, Bellroc and Skrael quickly suspect foul play. They realize that Nari isn’t Nari and proceed to forcefully, painfully, undo Douxie’s spell.
Douxie wakes up, back in his own body. He’s swarmed by his friends, all overcome with relief that he’s alright, but it’s short-lived. The Order has Nari. 
Douxie manages to recall where the Order took him. Before they head out, a downtrodden Jim says he should stay behind, going back to the bed chamber. Claire goes to talk to him, but Douxie stops her.
“Let’s give him some space,” Douxie says gently, though he looks just as concerned for Jim. “In the meantime,” he summons his staff, “we’ll hunt the Order down, put a stop to their schemes, and bring Nari home.”
Everyone heads to the warehouse-train track place (I forgot what it was called rip). Just then, Aja comes flying in, having been contacted by Krel. The Tarron siblings have a sweet, wholesome, long-awaited reunion. Also Staja and Creepslayerz reunited!
Aja cautions Steve about the whole seventh kiss-pregnancy thing and he quickly decides that, yeah no, he’s not quite ready for that. His Alien Queen Muffin (or whatever the heck he called her) is back and that’s all that matters to him. Also wtf Eli’s hot and taller than him now.
There’s a cute moment of Douxie and Aja really meeting for the first time. Aja recognizes him.
“Oh! You were the hand-reading waiter boy!”
Upon hearing she’s a Queen, Douxie’s Medieval chivalry kicks in and he bows at the waist.
“The name’s Hisirdoux, Your Majesty.” After Aja butchers his name, he says “Douxie” will do just fine. 
Nomura abruptly reminds them they don’t have time for pleasantries. They get to it. Douxie figures out the sigil and the illusion fades, revealing the Order performing their ritual with a brainwashed Nari. They’re unable to stop it and the Order members teleport away to join with their respective Titans. We see each of the Titans rising.
The Arcadia Gang regroups back on Camelot to form a plan. Jim, discouraged and deeply troubled, is leaning over a rail, head in his hands. Douxie comes up beside him, silent.
Jim eventually asks how things went. When Douxie tells him they failed and the Titans have risen, Jim feels even more powerless and guilt-ridden.
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry, I couldn’t...I can’t do anything. Without the Amulet I’m not the Trollhunter anymore and I’m just...useless--”
Douxie cuts him off, putting a hand on Jim’s shoulder. 
“Jim. That’s not true. Do you remember what I told you? That our strength doesn’t come from special trinkets. Our strength...” Douxie finally gets Jim to look at him, “comes from our friends. From each other. All of us together. That includes you.”
“But...without my Amulet how can I do anything--”
Douxie smiles gently. “By being true to yourself, Jim. As we, your friends, are true to you.”
Just then, Claire joins them and asks if Jim’s okay. Jim smiles as Douxie ruffles his hair.
“I will be. Thanks.”
Jim, Claire, and Douxie find everyone arguing at the Round Table. Aja is wanting to evacuate everyone off of Earth, to which Blinky protests. Everyone just keeps going back and forth until Jim yells for them to stop.
Time to divide and conquer, cutting back and forth between each battle with the Titans.
Aja, Krel, Steve, and Eli tackle the Fire Titan.
Blinky, Toby, and Nomura handle the Ice Titan, with Walter and Barbara steering Camelot.
Jim, Claire, Douxie, and Aaarrgh go for the Earth Titan. Douxie’s hoping to get through to Nari and break her free from the Order’s control.
Aja and Krel fight the Fire Titan side by side on their hoverboard. Steve and Eli help civilians off the bridge and keep them safe. 
Varvatos Vex in his giant robo mech incoming, along with a handful of Akiridion warships.
The Fire Titan proves to be too powerful and defeats Varvatos’ robot, melting down the Akiridion troops in the process. Aja and Krel are knocked down from their hoverboard. They and Varvatos retreat as the Fire Titan continues to burn a path towards its destination.
Toby and Nomura attempt to zipline their way to the Ice Titan to take down Skrael with Akiridion bombs. When the rope fails, Walter extends his wings to save them, but his wings quickly freeze. 
Nomura grabs the bombs and sacrifices herself, bidding a heartwrenching farewell to Toby and her longtime friend, thanking them both. She asks Toby to tell Jim she said goodbye. Ever agile, Nomura scales the Ice Titan and detonates the bombs.
But to everyone’s horror, the Ice Titan only puts itself back together. Walter sinks to his knees. Toby throws down his helmet. Their friend sacrificed herself for nothing.
Aaarrgh is charging after the Earth Titan, Douxie, Jim, and Claire hanging onto his back. Claire shadow portals the three of them onto the Titan’s back. Douxie begins to plead with Nari, even as she constricts him with vines.
Douxie manages to grab her hand. He begins to break the mind-control with his magic, still calling out to Nari as he’s losing the ability to breathe. 
Douxie’s voice reaches her and she breaks free. Nari frantically asks where she is, if she hurt him or his friends. Douxie, overcome with relief, just embraces her.
“You’re here with us, Nari...You’re here with us.”
Nari assures them they have a Titan on their side now. They receive communication from the Tarrons, who warn them that the Ice Titan is getting close to Arcadia.
No time to wonder why Skrael’s headed there. Claire makes a massive shadow portal to Arcadia (the field trip scene!), taking Nari’s Titan with them. Nari tries to reason with Skrael, but he’s having none of it.
The Tarrons and Creepslayerz arrive on scene. Douxie boards Aja’s hoverboard and together they fire lazers and magic at the Ice Titan. Varvatos dashes and slashes his way up the Titan. Claire, Jim, Krel, Steve, and Eli work to rescue the school bus from getting crushed.
Well, it does get crushed but thankfully everyone made it off. Then, Archie comes flying in with his father, Charlemagne. Charlie flies all the students and Coach to safety. Archie joins Douxie in the air, blasting Skrael with fire.
“C’mon and face the music, Skrael!!!” Douxie summons Spellcaster and starts shredding.
Enraged, Skrael releases a devastating burst of magic that knocks Douxie, Aja, and Varvatos away. Nari seizes the opportunity to impale Skrael’s Titan, but not before Nari’s fatally wounded by him in return. Both Titans collapse.
Douxie runs to Nari, desperately calling her name. She’s on the ground, dying. Everyone gathers around, devastated. Douxie holds Nari in his arms. Archie nuzzles Nari’s arm, tears forming in his eyes. Douxie’s already crying.
“No..No, no, Nari, please...” Douxie holds her hand. “Nari, don’t go, please...!”
“It is okay, Douxie...Do not be sad...”
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry, I said I would protect you...” Douxie leans down, almost touching his forehead to hers (it’s Harry and Dobby y’all). His tears fall onto her face. “I said I would protect you...!”
“You did something greater, Douxie...” Nari squeezes his hand. Tears of her own roll down her cheeks. “You gave me a home. And many, many friends....” Douxie sobs harder, holding her close. “You saved me, Douxie...” She’s beginning to fade. She smiles, her eyes closing. “Thank you...Thank...”
Nari fades, wisps of magic and flower petals slipping through Douxie’s fingers. Douxie wails, Archie pressing close. Jim and Claire lay their hands on his shoulders. Claire hugs him.
Krel is then alerted that the Fire Titan is also on the move towards Arcadia.
Everyone reconvenes on Camelot. They all mourn the deaths of Nomura and Nari. 
They learn that Bellroc is headed towards Arcadia, the center of the universe, because that’s where the last Heartstone is. If at least one Titan reaches the Heartstone, the world will be wiped clean.
Before they head out, Douxie and the Tarrons present Jim with a brand new Amulet, forged from magic and Akiridion technology. That, and the stone in which Excaliber lodged itself. Douxie encourages Jim to try once more. 
Jim steps up on the stone, gazing fondly at his friends around him. They all place their hands on the stone in support. Jim pulls Excaliber from the stone. Everyone cheers for him.
Douxie’s seen texting someone.
Bellroc is seen making their way towards the Heartstone. But what stands between them and the prize is the Guardians of Arcadia. 
Charlemagne, Archie, and Walter soar above. Blinky and Aaarrgh lead an army of trolls. More Akiridion fleets arrive, Aja and Krel at the helm. Varvatos has a brand new robo, too.
Bellroc sneers at their defiance and summons an army of their own : hundreds of big rocky lava monsters.
Trolls are punching, Akiridions are blasting, magicians are casting.
Douxie conjures up a spell to send that boy flying onto that Fire Titan.
Toby and Aaarrgh slam and hammer their way through fiery goons. Claire and Aja team up to take down the opposition, noting they should get lunch together sometime. Charlemagne tears through the enemies with his claws and wings. Krel and the Creepslayerz flail about and kick tail anyway. 
Our heroes all cover one another and play off of each other’s strengths and it’s beautiful.
When Douxie’s about to get smothered by lava fists, there’s a flash of lightening and the monsters vaporize. 
Douxie turns to see Zoe with a brigade of hedge wizards. Douxie’s immediately bowled over, smitten.
“About time you showed up...,” Douxie says, in a daze cause wow Zoe’s so pretty.
“Oh, you’ve got a lot of nerve --” Explosions. More lava monsters. Zoe sighs and pats Douxie’s cheek. “Ugh, focus, you big sap!”
The pair are unstoppable together, mowing down the lava monsters in powerful bursts of blue and pink.
And well, Douxie can’t help himself and gives Zoe a good long smooch after they’ve destroyed half of Bellroc’s army.
Toby in the distance : HOW LONG HAS THAT BEEN A THING?????
Archie just groans.
And meanwhile, Jim’s finally facing off with Bellroc. After having one of the most badass fights in the franchise, Jim comes out on top, skewering Bellroc in the stomach with Excaliber.
....But not without great cost.
Toby’s been mortally wounded, crushed by the falling pieces of the Fire Titan. There’s the tearful, heartbreaking moment Jim has to say goodbye to his best friend, the one who was there with him through it all.
“We did it, Jimbo...We did it...”
Jim holds Toby in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Claire holds Jim and weeps beside him. Aaarrgh is in hysterics but is calmed to pained whimpers by Blinky. The Arcadia Gang grieves, feeling the painful weight of losing the friends they held so dear....Nomura, Nari, and now Toby.
Time Skip/Montage
Douxie found a proper apartment in Arcadia. He keeps a potted plant with those distinct pink flowers, the flowers Nari loved, on his windowsill. Smiles softly at them every time. 
Scenes of Mary with Darci as she mourns. Steve and Eli hanging out. Douxie and Krel jamming, Krel creating beats and Douxie riffing on his guitar. Aja and Claire going on that lunch date. Archie taking a nap on top of Aaarrgh. Walter playing classical music.
It’s taken a while, but Jim’s starting to feel a little bit better. Douxie, Krel, Steve, and Eli came over for some bro time. Seeing the pain in his eyes, Douxie gives Jim a hug.
The final scene is a picnic at everyone’s favorite spot in Arcadia with a single bench and an awesome view of the town.
Aja and Steve are cuddling. Krel and Eli play with a frisbee. Blinky, Aaarrgh, and Varvatos laugh around a table. Douxie and Zoe, holding hands, are having a lively chat with Claire. Jim serves up a huge plate of enchiladas.
Walter and Barbara announce their engagement. Everyone celebrates. 
Aja, Varvatos, and Eli depart back to Akiridion-5. Steve honks into a tissue. Krel pats him on the back as he waves to his sister.
Barbara kisses Jim on the forehead before going home with Walter.
Zoe kisses Douxie on the cheek and heads off. 
Steve and Krel are the next to go.
Douxie, Archie around his shoulders, pulls both Jim and Claire into a hug before leaving.
Blinky gives Jim a hug. Aaarrgh nuzzle him, looking sad. 
Jim and Claire hold hands and sit on the bench, gazing out at the town.
The End.
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iamknicole · 3 years
Family Ties AU
Four days later Mason still wasn't back home with Haleigh and they were both missing each other terribly. After a day at her parents house, Haleigh went back to her own and her best friends, her cousin in laws and Ardian all took turns keeping her company. She kept herself in a good mood for them but at times during the day she snuck off to herself for a cry break. Over at the Reigns house, they were working hard to find Mason and Messiah's whereabouts.
"What he say when you talked to em?" Jimmy asked his son.
Eli rolled his eyes. "Same stupid shit. He found out we wasn't really friends with his ass. We was playin nice for baby cuz. And talkin out the side of his neck like he don't know how we are."
"Same shit he did with me. That's a dead fucker when I get my hands on em."
Roman gripped his son's shoulders gathering his attention. "Dont waste your anger right now, Ko. Save it for when we find him."
Ardian sat on the floor of Roman's mancave glancing between his girlfriend's male relatives then his own uncles and father. Although he knew he couldn't have Messiah all to himself when they found him, he able least wanted a small piece. He would save the big pieces for her family as they've been waiting the longest and put up with more of his crap than Ardian could have imagined.
"Anywhere that yall remember him talking about taking Mason before?" Rezar asked the younger boys.
Milo shook his head, "We usually tune his ass out. Nobody listens to him, not even when we were all still cool."
They all started to talk, thinking of ways to find Messiah and occasionally the younger Fatus and younger Reigns boys drifted into what to do when they found him. Fifteen minutes into their conversation, Jey's phone rung interrupting them.
"Oh this bruh in law," Jey announced puttingnit on speaker phone, "What's up, Rich? Everybody can hear you."
"What's going on, everybody? How's niece doing? She aight?" He asked never raising his voice from his usual cool, calm tone.
Jey scratched his beard shrugging, "As okay as can be expected. You know how the women in this family are, like to keep a brave face."
"Say, Unc, you found em?" Eli asked ducking his father's hit.
Rich chuckled. "You know me, nephew. Of course I did. Margaritaville Resort in Biloxi."
Jey frowned in confusion, "You mean in Mississippi? That's a odd ass place."
"Who the hell chooses to go to Mississippi? Of all places." Eli asked with disgust all over his face.
Ardian cleared his throat. "Uuh, my grandparents live there still. My mom and uncles were raised there. It's actually not that bad."
Eli's eyes went to Tyrell and Ray and he smiled. "See ... I didn't even mean it like that. What I was saying was more about Noodle Head and less about Mississippi which I'm sure is amazing. Uuuh, Uncle Rich, you uh you were gonna say something else?"
Rich chuckled, "Yeah, nephew. I got the room information and all. Only problem I'm running into is getting in there cause he got them on radio silence about him being in there. But I got a old friend I can call. We ain't talk too much since we both got straight but I'm sure he'd help."
"Preciate that, Uce. Call us back when you know."
They hung up and Jimmy hit his son this time before he could duck.
"I'm sorry about my son. He ... he's his mother's child."
Tyrell laughed. "We not offended, we understand."
"I'm your son too. At least that's what Ma Dukes says before she throws her show at me," Eli shrugged.
Ray pulled his ringing phone from his pocket and stared at the screen for a moment chuckling. The chuckling caught them off guard. This man had barely cracked a smile this whole time and here he was chuckling. He answered the phone on speaker after posting his brother's face away from his phone.
"What's going on man?" Ray chuckled.
"Long time, no hear. I wish I was calling on a happier note but I need a favor and if I recall you still owe me two."
Koda squinted, "Aye, that sound like Uncle Rich. You know our uncle?"
"Apparently so," Ray laughed, "Okay and it feels like you about to burn through them both."
"Wait, you ain't got no kids so it must be ya roadrunner nephew dating my niece." Rich laughed loudly into the phone. "Small ass world, I swear. I remember when he was like four at that fair and took off twice. Had ya lil brother and brother in law running up out they damn shows after him."
Ray laughed ignoring his brothers' glares. "Yeah man I remember that. But I'm assuming you need my connections."
"If you would lend your expertise for my favorite niece I would greatly appreciate it."
"I got you, man. No problem. Anything for our niece."
"Right, my bad. Our." He laughed. "Tell our nephew take care of our niece."
Ray glanced at Ardian and chuckled. "He heard you and trust me he know."
They spoke a little longer before disconnecting. Ray looked up from his phone when he felt eyes on him.
"It's too many secrets going on. If we gon be family, we gotta stop the secrets," Eli demanded ducking another hit.
After Ray did what he needed to do, the men let their other halves know that they were taking a road trip then sent them to Haleigh's house. Except for Ardian. They decided that they would surprise her and they didn't eat her to get her hopes up and some kind of way Messiah left before they got to him. Instead Ardian went to check on his girlfriend. He stayed with her until she fell asleep then let her best friends and in laws know that he'd be back soon.
Without a thought, they all made the drive from Florida to Mississippi. When they arrived it was going on midnight but that didn't deter them. Ray's connections got them into the resort without an issue or being detected as well as a key to the room he was staying in. They entered the room quietly just in case Mason was sleeping they didn't want to startle him. Tyrell pointed Roman to the kids room he'd found so he could get Mason. The other men waited in the living room.
Going into the bedroom, a smile momentarily graced his face laying eyes on his grandson. He knelt down to the side of the bed and shook him gently. Mason slowly opened his eyes and started to react loudly but stopped seeing Roman's finger go to his lips.
"Hey, buddy. I missed you," Roman whispered.
Mason threw his arms around his Papa's neck and whispered. "Me miss you too, Papa. Me wanna go home please."
"Papa's gonna take you home but first I gotta talk to your dad. So do me a favor and pack your toys then wait on me to come back to get you. Can you do that?"
"Yeah sir. Me can."
"That's my boy." Roman praised kissing his head. "Go on and do that. I'll be back."
Roman made sure all of his bags were in teach before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. His smile was replaced with anger. No words were exchange as he crossed the suite with the other men behind him. Getting to the master bedroom, Roman flipped the lights on then roughly snatched Messiah up from the bed.
"What the fuck?" Messiah yelled trying to get himself together. "How the fuck?"
"You had to know that you couldn't hide from us." Roman laughed dropping him. "You thought you could get away with taking my grandson?"
Messiah groaned getting off the floor. "Yo get the hell outta here with that. He's my seed and I-."
Roman cut him off with a hard backhand. "Didn't I tell you about that shit? Huh? I think you playing with me but before I beat the dog shit outta you, I'm gonna let my new son in law have his turn. I'm gonna let him go first so while the rest of us beat your ass he can go keep my grandson company."
After Ardian got the his in he wanted he left the other males to it and went to Mason's room. He slipped in and closed the door while Mason had his back turned. He knelt down to his height wanting to surprise the little boy.
"I been missing my best friend."
Mason jumped and turned around giggling. "Me best friend! Me missed you! Daddy say Me not ca' see you, Mr. Ardi."
"Yeah well I'm here, right? Can I have a hug?"
Mason jumped into his arms hugging him tight. The two of them talked while Ardian helped him pack his things. Every now and then things breaking and Messiah's yells and groans and could be heard but Ardian redirect Mason's attention each time until it was over.
At seven the next morning, the males crept inside Haleigh's house not wanting to wake anyone up yet. Roman carried Mason upstairs having Ardian to follow him, they went to Haleigh's room. When Roman opened the door she was still sleeping so he webby to the side of her bed placing Mason on it. Mason looked back at Roman, who nodded, before shaking his mother. Ardian stood back watching.
"Mommy, me home! Wake up!" Her face frowned up a little but she didn't open her eyes. Main shook her again, this time harder. "Mommy, wake up, wake up!"
Haleigh's eyes popped opened taking a second to adjust. She gasped loudly pushing her covers back and sitting up in her bed then pulled Mason into her arms hugging him tight.
"My baby! Mommy's baby! I missed you, baby!" She said happily kissing his face making him giggle. Stopping for a moment, she looked to her father. "Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, thank you."
"Don't thank me, Princess. I told you he'd be home." Roman smiled speaking softly. "Mase, let's go wake your Mama up so she can make breakfast."
Mason giggled kissing Haleigh's face one more time then went back to Roman. "Me be back, Mommy!"
"Okay, baby. I'm not going anywhere."
"Don't be shy, Ardian. Get over here and talk to my princess," Roman chuckled. "Princess, be nice to my new son-in-law. I like him."
Roman left the room with Mason closing the door behind him. Ardian made his way to the bed chuckling when Haleigh pulled him down onto the bed. She wrapped her legs and arms around him hugging him tight.
"Thank you, Ardi. I don't know how to thank you well .... I don't know how to thank you while we have company," she joked still hugging him.
"A thank you is just for, Hae. Had to bring my best friend back home."
Haleigh kissed him. "I just don't have the words right now but I'll show you. I can't believe my baby's back home. I'm so thankful."
Ardian cleared his throat staring at her, "He home and everything's aight for now. You know what you need to do."
"Yeah," she moved staring back, "I know, baby."
He patted her thigh. "That's my girl. And I'll be there for whatever you need."
"Well, except one thing," she joked.
Ardian laughed knowing what she was hinting at. It meant she was back to herself and he couldn't have been any happier. While he was more than happy that Mason was back where he belongs, Ardian knew this wasn't the end. Just the beginning of a long road of paperless and court for Haleigh but he was prepared to be by her side.
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Thanks for replying! Could you possibly link the rp blog? I love your headcanons! What do the Cobras and Miyagi-Dos think of them? I like to think one of the characters in canon came up with their ship name, who do you think it was?- Cherry
But of course, Cherry!!! Those headcanons were so fun to write :D It’s honestly one of my favorite headcanon/ask posts that I’ve done, I think. I love thinking about how Johnny would react to Hawk and Demetri dating XD And writing that paragraph about how I think Demetri and Eli met was honestly the most fun ride haha
@sipping--snowflakes runs a Demetri RPG blog I think, it’s @binarybrother1! Idk if it’s still active, you’ll have to hit them up about that. I also think @hawkxatxheart​ RPs as Hawk and ships the binary boyfriends, if you want to hit them up too!
Aight screw it, Imma do the most complete analysis I can XD
Miguel ships it SO hard XD Like Miguel is a very smart and intuitive person who seems pretty good at picking up on emotions and such (he was able to almost instantly call bullshit on Kreese’s war stories, IIRC), so I’m almost certain that he picked up that there were Some Kinda Vibes going on with those two from day fucking one. But obviously he doesn’t wanna outright say anything, especially not at a school where kids will get bullied for literally ANYTHING and something like kids being gay for each other could legit put a target on both their backs if it got out. So he lets these boys figure shit out on their own time but is also like “...yeah, they’ll realize it eventually, I’m sure.” XD And you dun best believe he just went “ohhhhh my godddddd” when they fell out and developed a super intense rivalry because he’s like guys??? Do you NOT realize being that obsessed with fucking with each other...kinda means you’re obsessed WITH each other??? Even though you both have other friends now??? Doesn’t seem like normal best friend behavior :/ But of course our boy doesn’t want to interfere unless it gets really bad--and he’s got his own issues to deal with, anyhow. I imagine after the dojos join and Demetri and Eli start dating after a while, Miguel is just like “FUCKING FINALLY!!! Sam pay up, you owe me 20 bucks!!!” He’s so happy they finally dragged their heads out of their asses and realized they loved each other, because man, you can bet your ass Miguel knew they did from the get-go.
Sam I think I’ve touched on a fair bit in my other posts so I won’t get into a whole big long thing, but she’s...certainly leery of them dating at first, mainly because she remembers Demetri’s issues with Eli are what pushed him to join Miyagi-Do in the first place, and she witnessed him breaking Dem’s arm so she’s pretty...not crazy about Eli XD But Miguel and Demetri both vouch for Eli a LOT, and reassure Sam over and over that he’s a good guy at heart and just let Kreese get in his head and fell victim to his brainwashing for a while. Sam comes around to the idea after a while, and she can see how happy he makes Demetri and ultimately trusts Demetri to be smart enough to not date someone who’s going to treat him badly. Then eventually she and Eli bond over what a fuck Kyler is (he bullied Sam too, don’t forget!!! And they DATED, so the thing he did with the blowjob rumors was a HUGE violation of the pretty intimate trust you have with a partner) and after that she is VERY on board with him and Demetri dating XD
Chris is...Not A Fan, to put it lightly XD Like he saw firsthand how much of a fuck Hawk was to him and Mitch when they first joined Cobra Kai and how he basically hazed them both for funsies because he let the tournament win get to his head. And hell, HE was one of the ones who got sicced on Demetri in the mall and tried to get Hawk to back down, and SAW that he wouldn’t. And when Hawk was about to go after Demetri at Moon’s party, Chris was the first Miyagi-Do to step in and protect him. And, of course, he saw Hawk break Demetri’s arm, too. So he’s no stranger to the antagonism Hawk has always had for Demetri in particular, and doesn’t trust that it’s completely gone. However, Chris is a pretty down-to-earth and reasonable dude, so with a LOT of vouching from Demetri, I can see him coming around eventually. Also if he was willing to give Mitch a second chance, ain’t no reason he can’t do the same for Hawk. And Mitch would probably vouch for Hawk too, after he and Chris became friends again--after all, Mitch DID end up becoming pretty good friends with Hawk after all the hazing stuff. So ultimately Chris ends up being at least civil with Hawk, but he sometimes glares at him when no one’s looking like “I’ve got my eye on you, you’d better not hurt my bro or there’s gonna be hell to pay”
Mitch is fairly indifferent, I think, although he DOES find the irony of Hawk now being head-over-heels smitten with the same dude he sent him to beat up in the mall and the same dude who told everyone Hawk wets the bed to be IMMENSELY hilarious. He loves to tease Hawk about it, like “Man, what would you have done a year ago if you’d known you’re now regularly making out with that shrimpy little nerd???” and Hawk is like “oh my god shut UP” but then he turns away and smirks because the joke is on Mitch--he TOTALLY still liked Demetri through All That Mess Last Year, he just...had a very poor way of processing it XD
I imagine Bert kinda looks up to Hawk as an older brother figure (there’s a snippet I’ve seen some gifs of of Hawk teaching him how to block and it’s actually really cute--huge Big Bro/Little Bro Energy) and probably also admires Demetri quite a bit for trying to protect him and Nate during the Christmas party fight, so he’s definitely on board!!! His two honorary big brothers dating--he’s thrilled!!! Nate not so much, since you dun best believe he still remembers Hawk and his goons “kicking the fucking shit out of him” XD Nonetheless, Nate probably also has a soft spot for Demetri for trying to protect him, so with lots of vouching from Demetri (and Bert too, once he and Nate are friends again), he eventually comes around to the idea of Hawk and Demetri dating.
I actually think Aisha is the one who comes up with their ship name!!! XD Allow me to elaborate--so at some point Aisha comes back (because fuck it, I miss her), either to join the new merged dojo or just to visit, because ain’t no one telling me she didn’t keep in touch with at least SAM and visit occasionally if she was still in the city or general area. So she walks into the dojo to go see Sam and her other friends and start catching up with everyone, and--oh, Sam and Miguel are in the same weird, combined karate dojo now that isn’t Miyagi-Do OR Cobra Kai??? Super wack, but okay. Then she sees Demetri and Hawk holding hands and her eyes get really wide and she’s like “Wait, you two are DATING now??? That’s...kind of gross :/”
And Demetri and Hawk just freeze up for a hot sec because is Aisha of all people about to be judgmental??? But then she immediately follows up with “Well, aren’t you the binary brothers? I don’t know if I can get behind incest, guys.” And Hawk just breaks out snickering and is like “Shit, man, she’s right. We should probably update that.” And Demetri’s like “NO WAIT I GOT THIS” and then he just goes “dEmEtRi aNd eLi, BiNaRy BoYfRiEnDs” complete with the super cringey robot arm and Eli is like “Oh my GOD I am GOING to kill you” as the entire dojo proceeds to Lose Their Shit.
Also you dun best believe that literally every picture Aisha takes with Hawk and Demetri after they all start hanging out again (because I WANT THEM TO, FIGHT ME) is captioned things like “Chillin’ with the binary boyfriends!” “Eating tacos with the binary boyfriends!” “Doing karate with the binary boyfriends!” and before too long she refuses to refer to Demetri and Eli as anything else XD
Also yes I know Moon was also there during the Binary Brothers scene but she most likely wouldn’t be cheeky and tease them about it later. Aisha absolutely WOULD.
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yeetussfetus · 4 years
aight this one is kinda silly, i like it but then i dont ya know anyway the way i got this idea is really weird imma explain it at the end and uh yeah enjoy
words: 2341
warnings: cursing, alcohol, fighting (implied)
Pryce walked down the long hallways with her coffee, along with her many files about the latest rebel activity. To be honest, she was extremely proud of how it turned out. She had worked hard on this particular file the night before, also why this was her 5th cup of coffee that morning. However, she was sure that when high command read the file, it would all be worth it. Of course, considering this was the Empire, she also had low expectations, but no matter what they had to say, she was sure that this was going to be good.
But she was so in thought of her little project that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. And in result, she bumped into you. Fortunately she didn’t spill her coffee, but she did drop her files, which was technically a datapad. You reached down to pick it up, and seeing that it was already turned on you read a little bit of the file. Pryce did not stop you, as she wanted to see what you would say about her hard work. 
You smiled politely while reading it, “Wow, Pryce, this is really good. I’m sure high command will agree.'' Pryce's pride shot through the roof, but it immediately died out when your smile dropped. “Oh, you have a typo here. It’s supposed to be ‘their’ not ‘they’re’.”
Handing it back to Pryce, you started to walk towards your destination. You turned back to give her a comforting smile. “I’m sure the high command won’t notice, though. See you around!”
Watching you walk off, she gripped the datapad with unknown force. “I fucking hate my job.” 
Deciding that the high command could go fuck themselves, she headed towards the bridge where they would be waiting for her work.
Eli was actually surprised with how well Pryce’s work was. Not saying that she was terrible at her job, but this was extremely well put. Besides a few typos, but if the rest of the officers wanted to bitch they could bitch.
Thrawn was certainly impressed, and even though it might’ve been hard to read it, it was obvious that he was from his almost non existent facial expressions. He turned to look towards you to see if you were the same way, but he didn’t see you at all. He looked around the bridge, only to see that you weren’t there. Were you late? No, if you were, you would’ve been here by now. 
Thrawn seemed to see how confused Eli was, and leaned towards him. “If you’re wondering what they mean by the attacks on naboo, they mean the ones that happened last week.” Eli turned to him, a little offended that he thought Eli didn’t understand what they were talking about. “Yeah, I got that, I’m trying to look for _____, have you seen her?”
Thrawn straightened himself, before replying, “Last I heard, she was heading to Tarkin's fleet for a meeting. She will be back by tonight, so do not worry.” Eli felt a little hurt that you wouldn’t tell him, but then again, Tarkin liked to pull you from Thrawn's fleet for random meetings, probably just shit talking sessions, so he didn’t hold it against you.
They all turned their heads towards the intercoms when they heard the long ‘beep’ that played out when something long was about to be announced. Eli sighed and waited for a few seconds. But nothing played. Confused, he looked around the room to see if everyone else had heard it. They did, and they were all looking confused as well. Then, there was the faintest sound of audio being picked up, before it seemed to be… playing a recording.
Before anyone was able to ask what was going on, strange music started to play through the halls, and then Eli realized that the song that was playing was the “Coconut Mall” theme from Mario Kart. It got a little louder, then a little  lower, before it stopped being adjusted. 
Everyone in the room just stood there, listening to the theme song, wondering what the hell was happening. Finally, after almost 2 minutes, the song ended. Thrawn stared at the intercoms with a slight glare, but he turned back to the group to talk about Pryce’s excellent work  but got interrupted when something else started to play. This time it was caramelldansen, out of all the songs. 
Eli turned to his datapad and opened a new browser and looked at the security cameras, where he then went to the area where they would play the weekly announcements or just emergency alerts. However, the place was in shambles, with the people who were supposed to be controlling the comms were all trying to stop whoever was messing with them. Eli tapped thrawn on the shoulder and showed him the camera footage. Thrawn stared at the panicking staff, before he pulled out his own comm, which could technically be broadcasted to the entire ship and walked over to one of the control panels and inserted it into the panel. 
After a bit of typing, he was pleased with what he could do, and pushed a button that would technically override the comms, but before he even spoke, the control panel beeped, before a error message played out on the screen, reading, “CANNOT OVERRIDE EMERGENCY COMM”. Thrawn seemed to be even more confused, and continued to type away at the panel, but the same error just appeared on the screen. The typing started to become louder and louder almost as if he was trying to drown out the song that was playing overhead, but it was no use. 
Whoever planned this was extremely smart in making sure that they wouldn’t be able to get the comms fixed. Finally, in an act of frustration, Thrawn just raised his fist and banged it onto the screen panel. However, the spinning wheel of death came to a halt, revealing the words, “CANNOT OVERRIDE EMERGENCY COMM”. With this, thrawn took out his comm, and then tried to broadcast his own voice, but the same message played. By this point, the song was almost over, and everyone thought that this would be it. Whoever was playing this prank was sure that they were going to be caught.
But unfortunately, it didn’t.
After a few seconds, a new song played. All Star by Smash Mouth. 
By this point many of the technicians were heading towards the intercom area, to see what the hell was going on. Most of the crew on the bridge were impatiently waiting for the speakers to be fixed and so that they could find whoever was playing the songs. Pryce looked like she wanted to murder someone for ruining her presentation, and Thrawn had a resting bitch face, which eli was able to tell from the way he would galre at anything and anyone. 
The first time the song ended, everyone was waiting for which new weird song would play. But the same song repeated itself. Which was weird, considering the fact that they had played a different song each time. But Thrawn didn’t seem to care, simply talking over the song telling people to resume their normal duties and that the song should be down by the end of the day. How wrong he was.
The song played for a third time, and at this point Eli was starting to focus more on the song then his work. Whoever is doing this is gonna wish that they were hiding…
Then, a fourth time. Pryce came into Thrawn's office where Eli resided with Thrawn, because, well, Thrawn had his room soundproof, so that he could scream in peace when the Empire was complete bullshit. Since the speakers in his room were designed to be quieter so he could work in peace, it was a godsend for Eli, especially now. 
The fifth time it played, it almost seemed as if the quiet speakers were useless. Eli was starting to get the song stuck in his head and it was bothering the hell out of him. Pryce was trying to revise her presentation in case she missed something, but everytime she went to edit it, her brain tried to write the words she was hearing. Thrawn was just about ready to reveal a flask filled with alcohol if the song didn’t stop.
The sixth time was when shit hit the fan. In the middle of the song, Eli heard running from outside the door, and he then heard, “WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKS ARE DOING THIS, I’M GONNA BEAT YOU ALL TO-” and then the sound of people fighting each other. Someone probably got tackled to the ground. Eli didn’t even want to go outside to see what was happening.
The seventh time was complete insanity, Eli was able to hear the screaming and fighting outside. He had no idea how this would have happened on the ship, but it was absolute chaos. Looking at the security footage, there were at least 6 different viewpoints with multiple fights. He was just about to call a goddamn containment breach.
Then, out of nowhere, a new song started to play. It was Wii music. He was almost able to hear the cries of relief from the crew, and as it played he tried to fall asleep to drown out his problems. He listened to the calming music of the speakers that brought peace to his mind, and he was about to fall asleep, when.
Screams could be heard from across the ship as the eight time, and people started up their fights again. Eli saw from the corner of his eye Thrawn pulling out a datapad and he started to type to someone. This continued for a minute before he pulled out a holopad and turned it on. He pulled out your contact and called you. When you answered you were sitting down somewhere, holding a random datapad probably from Tarkin.
“Thrawn? Are you good?” Thrawn seemed almost to cry in relief when you answered his call. “No, my dear, I am not.” He then went on to explain the situation, before he hung his head low, almost wanting to die having to explain this to you of all people. You stared at him for a moment, before reassuring him, “Don’t worry, I’ll get them to send someone with experience to help you out. They’ll be there in about half an hour.”
Well. Could be worse. Eli found two pillows and stuck them on his ears trying to drown out the song.
The ships came earlier than expected. Then again, the place where Tarkin usually resided wasn’t too far from their post, but he wasn’t expecting Tarkin to bring about 4 ISD to the scene. 
However, it became apparent why when Tarkin stepped off the smaller ship that had been sent out. Along with you. The song had still been playing, the goddamn tone was getting to Eli so much. 
Walking through the halls was a mess in itself. People were trying to restrain others, they were fighting each other, it reminded you of the time the whole Life Day incident happened. But this wasn’t the same. 
When the two of you finally reached Thrawn's office, the place had been put on lockdown, still the damn song playing. You did have to admit it was starting to get annoying having to hear it on repeat. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like for an hour.
Walking into Thrawn's office, you saw Eli in the corner, on the floor, with two pillows held up against his ears, Pryce sitting on one of the chairs with her elbows on her knees, head down, and her hands covering her ears, and Thrawn had a tipped over flask on his desk. Overall? A fucking mess.
However, before anyone could explain anything, the music stopped mid play. It was a relief to everyone. Pryce lifted her head like she was seeing an angel for the first time. Thrawn looked almost the same, but his eyes held relief. Eli didn’t hear it stop because the pillows were so good as sound blockers that he didn’t have to worry. 
Tarkin gave a smirk, before asking, “So, you needed help with what exactly?”
That same day Thrawn held a bounty to whoever could find out who did the prank. A lesser reward for whoever had any info on them, but it was all the same. The ship had to be cleaned up from the whole ordeal. Multiple cleaning crews from other ships had to be requested. Even the Emperor got attention for what happened and had a good laugh (in private). 
Vader was supposed to appear for a meeting the next day, but it had to be postponed from the damage.
You, Thrawn and Eli had a secondary, more private meeting in Thrawn's office, where Eli explained what happened. You had to hide your laugh as a cough, which worked better than expected.
After the mini meeting was over, Thrawn left, but you asked Eli to stay for details on what happened that you knew Thrawn wouldn’t want to remember. Eli begrudgingly agreed and told you what happened in detail. You had a good laugh, and Eli did as well, long forgetting his anger towards the situation. After a bit of laughs, you gathered your things, telling Eli that you would be getting on with the report you had to give to Tarkin about the situation.
However, before you left, you turned back to face him. “You know, I’m surprised that those emergency comms had that much range. I was expecting it to die out, you know? But I guess they’re called emergency comms for something.”
Eli stopped, dead in his tracks, and turned back to face you. You gave an innocent smile, before saying, “Hope you didn’t mind. See you around, Eli.”
Eli was left with a feeling of betrayal from one of his closest friends, and a feeling of emptiness.
did it. ok so the way how i got this was that i was scrolling through someones blog and i found a funny video about john mulaney and that whats new pussycat and i was like oh hey didnt something happen to my brother and so i asked him about it and long story short in highschool someone had played pumped up kicks like 3 times i think and there was a fight somehow that ended up with someone going to the hospital so yeah. also i havent edited this much so pls tell me of any mistakes lmao anyway heres the guys who imma tag:
@theninjahobbit666 @danger-xylophones @justalittlecloud @queenie-chi-cosplay @ssevent33n @fallenrepublick
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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naromoreau · 5 years
Hooked on you
Pairing: Sharky Boshaw x F! Dep
Rating:Nsfw, angst and fluff and smut
I'm dedicating this to the absolutely awesome @leavenopathuntaken for encouraging me with her amazing art and words.
Thanks to @absurdwanderlust and @deputyshitlordsantana for encouraging this shit.
Well fuck. Of course all had ended tits up. Not that he’d other expectations, ‘cuz when it came to consider a scenario involving him and a chick like Dep, things just-- just didn’t work out. And it hurt. Worst than the well known kick in the nuts. Hell, he’d take an extra ration of those just so, so- Fuck. Just to get out of that emotional dry spell.
He ain't an idiot. There’d been something bouncing back and forth. Small, real smooth hints that made his heart thud and his mind spin at night when the memories wheeled around. But outta the blue, one day she just-- slow fade him. Nothing too obvious. Just the same show he already knew, the same sad song he’d already danced. Maybe he’s just overthinking it.
No. The little voice inside his head has it right. She’d been joshing with him, that’s all. Just pure teasing between friends and he’d swallowed hook, line and sinker. Like a complete moron.
It’s a matter of time now. I mean, it may be the end of the world or whatever but-- She’s gonna find someone. ‘Cuz she’s hella pretty and, and, not that he’d check her out or nothing, but yeah. She’s gonna find someone. And the thought just tastes wrong.
Why he had to fall for her like that? He ain’t a fucking teenager to keep believing that when push came to shove, she’d stay or say what he craved to hear. And fucking Christ in heaven, this time he’d been hit hard. Shovel on the head kinda hard.
“Thanks for coming with me, man,” she says, severing his brooding thoughts.
Even looking at her is downright painful, the dimples of that smile making his stomach twist in knots, and those eyes, man. Sparkling something that Sharky is never sure to grasp entirely. “It’s ‘aight, shorty, I got you.”
“I know  you ain’t a fan of the Wolf’s Den, so I really appreciate it.”
He ain’t a fan of anyone who throws glimmering mistrust in Dep’s direction, not after watch her bleed in his arms, clumps of sweaty wayward hair sticking to dusty cheeks, as the fear rends his heart to shreds. Not when it’d been real easy for her to just kick everyone to the curb and run away. It’s rude and just outright disrespectful. “Nah, it's cool dude, I can deal with the claustrophobia for a bit,” he lies.
She chuckles with her eyes riveted on the road, but the frayed smile tells Sharky she’s far from feeling fine.
“Uh, I know it’s not my business but uh, you ok?”
White-knuckled grip at the wheel before she cracks a lopsided grin in his direction. “Sorta.”
He ain’t sure if it means he should or could pry or pester her further, or if she’s politely telling him to fuck off. So he shuts his mouth. Self-preservation at its finest.
“I mean yeah,” she continues after a few seconds, but her voice is all wavering now. It makes Sharky uneasy, “but I haven't seen Staci since I got him out of Jacob’s bunker and I don't know, I guess-- I guess I’m a little rattled to see him. It could’ve been me y’know?”
“Don’t say that, man.” Never say that, he wants to say, but his voice is harsh and--. He swallows, thick. Better to chuck that idea out the passenger window, ‘cuz thinking about a reality without Dep is just-- better not to amble in that direction.
The car skids to a stop outside Wolf’s Den, and they hop off making their way inside. He nods at Wheaty on the entrance. That guy is promising, real potential right there, and maybe he can stop by to check on his vinyl collection while Dep’s busy visiting her friend.
At his side, she fidgets, frowning and giving small exhalations as if she were preparing to run a marathon. Sharky cocks a brow. He’d never seen her looking so tense, not even after he rescued her from that flossy motherfucker’s bunker.
“Hey, chica, uh, want me to stick ‘round?” Sharky almost reaches his hand to brush the hunched line of her shoulders, closing his fist to thwart his impulse, ‘cuz touchy-feely is not a line of action he recommends to himself. Not now. Probably not later also.
“No, it’s ok. I just-- I’ll be fine.” She gives a gingerly squeeze to his arm and his brain takes it as a cue to send butterflies fluttering down in his gut. Out-and-out juvenile.
He gulpes and smiles in a silent acquiescing, trudging away from her, every line and wrinkle on his face twisting in flat-out dejection.
He doesn’t snatch his eyes away from the threshold until her footfalls fade in metallic echoes.
He does a mental inventory of all the goodies Wheaty allows him to take back to his trailer park. Lotsa fun stuff to blast while melting peggies and swaying his fuckin’ pantless ass just to show them Seeds they can’t take him down. It’s been well past an hour and he juggles with the vinyls in his arms meandering through narrow corridors, skirting piles of supplies cluttering up on the floor, trying to reach the room Eli always assigns to them when they’re in the premises.
The darkness is uninviting, scrambling his sense of direction and time. And he’s hungry and hopes Tammy doesn’t appear around a corner ‘cuz she ain’t that nice. Then a muffled sob. A strained groan. Sharky joggles to the room closer with the door ajar.  Somebody is losing their shit and he can’t blame them. He’d be close to if it wasn’t for-- Whatever. But help your neighbor and all that shit, even though he ain’t the most adequate candidate for that stuff. He’s more than aware of that. When he gets real close, he sets apart two distinct pitches, and his heart leap to his throat recognizing one as Dep’s.
He should’ve taken a step back and get the hell outta there, ‘cuz it ain’t gentlemanlike to go snooping around in other people's business but Dep is there. And he needs to know she’s fine. He peers through the slight opening watching Pratt crying all over Dep’s shoulder, hands clinging to her waist borderline hysteric. He really feels bad for the guy, having spent a good chunk of a month tucked away in Jacob Seed’s personal rendition of hell.
But in the flick of a second his breath freezes in his lungs, the buzz of his blood roaring in his ears. ‘Cuz Pratt is kissing Dep and as much as it’s gut-wrenching to see he can’t tear his eyes away. Like a fucking masochist. Every swipe of his tongue and every second of shared breath stings deeper and deeper, until it’s too much and he forces his legs to unnail and wonkily take him someplace else. Anywhere but there. An ache rises under his breastbone, eyes chockfull with tears, arms tingling and dropping his cargo with a loud clunk on the floor. Breathe. Miraculously he reaches the familiar room with bed bunks and closes the door for good measure.
What the fuck had he been hoping for, really?
Like she’d just turn and say hey man, actually I’m into you? Real fucking stellar. Of course that Pratt fella had the upper hand. He has a real job and not a shady piss business, probably not one forced check-in at County Jail and they both even click in the age department. Not that he thought of himself as old but she’s almost twelve years his junior, not that that shit matters when he’s a complete loser in every aspect of that pathetic thing he dares to call life. He climbs to the upper bunk, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand, and just maxes out in seething silence. ‘Cuz it ain’t fair to her but that jealousy thing man, it seeps and twinges and soaks him all, making him clench his jaw and grit his teeth.
Sundry feels whirl up inside him, heels diggin’ in the thin ass cot and fuck, there it is, that feeling bursting under the surface. Fuck. The need to set some shit on fire, like he usually does when he’s crashing down. Down, down.
He should’ve jumped and run away, but he’s three feet above the ground and has great value for his bone’s integrity.
“‘Sup Dep?” There’s a flickering wave in his voice. Shaky. Unwanted, definitely not convenient tears stinging his lashes. He oughta nip them right in the bud ‘fore she sees them and yeah. That’s not--
“Hey, are you ok? I just- uh, just wanted to know if you wanted to go and eat something?”
Yeah, no thanks. Just to sit there and watch them both-- His stomach rolls over, tight and heavy as lead. “I’ll pass, uh, not, not really hungry today, sh- man.”
Shorty. Sounds fucking outta place. Something born out of his shy-ass attempt to say more. Needing more but ending with less. And he’s waiting for her to jerk her hand in that particular, very Dep like way to say good riddance, you’re not worth my time. But she stays.
His stomach growls of hunger just then. Fucking traitor.
“So, uh, not hungry then?” She moves one pace closer to the bed bunk. Yeah. She's not falling into it.
And she really needs to go, and leave him alone. Gnawing his misery. Regaining his breath that now is just scorching his lungs. And he doesn't see. Eyes closed under a warm forearm.
A gentle tug at the hem of his pants, makes him groan in his raw throat. “Shark,” she says with that mellow tinge, “what’s going on? could you just--?”
She won’t let that shit fly. ‘Cuz he knows her. ‘Cuz she’s Dep and Dep is a problem solver. He bites his lip. Blinking, once, twice. A blessed drag of his hoodie over sodden eyes, and he prays. Begs. That she just won’t notice.
“Uh, I’m, I’m kinda ragged up, Dep.”
“Seriously man, what’s going on? You’re starting to freak me out-- could you just-- come down here. Please.”
Dude, it’s cruel. ‘Cuz she really cares. It’s such an earnest pleading he finds his legs moving despite his own blockade. When was the last time someone acted like he mattered? Like they actually cared?
He’s down. And she’s sitting on the bunk studiously looking at the wall. Yeah. Allowing him the courtesy of pretend it’s all normal. ‘Cuz Dep ain’t stingy.
Sharky swallows. “So uh, here I am, what, uh, what do ya need, Dep?”
“You can just sit here, y’know? I don’t bite. What’s got into you?” She scoffs.
She gives something like a general glance in his direction. And he sits. ‘Cuz not doing it is just plain giving that’s something’s off. And things would be better if he just had a beer can in his hand.
“What happened,” she asks finally looking him in the eye.
His mouth goes dry. “I uh, I hit my foot with the uh, the pole of the bed.”
She gives a soft snort and let it pass. “I talked with Staci,” she says. Sharky would’ve prefer to being hit by the bat of a grimy peggie than trekking into that direction. “He’s in really bad shape, and I just-- God, Shark, you should’ve seen him, there’s no trace of the guy who used to steal my coffee in the mornings.”
He knows he should say something. But his words are swallowed by the yawning chasm in his stomach. He hums an agreement.
“And I just-- I was thinking, y’know? I’m barely holding my sanity here and it’s all because of y’all.”
She rubs a hand across his. The column of her neck cranes, cranes ‘til those green eyes pierce into quicksilver ones and he can’t hack that shudder. A wild one. She reaches an arm and runs experienced fingers along his jaw. That warm, indistinct thing curls in his chest. Adam’s apple bobbing with a hard gulp.
He sifts her face. Pent-up reactions lingering in the moment. Hooded eyes, tugged up lips. Suspended. She takes a deep breath and is the last thing Sharky can hear before--
She plunges.
Her lips are pressed to his, his fizz of thoughts lost in one stroke. He’s not expecting it when she opens her mouth. Breath goes shallow but his tongue dips, dips up and down. Circling. Greedy. Eyes closed, it’s too perfect to last. An unwanted flash before his eyes. Black beard, tan skin. Not his. Not him. Fuck.
He pushes her off.
“What the fuck Dep?” He hates it. Hates himself. He should just take it and be happy with it. He can’t. Giveaway blur on his eyes. “Ain’t you with Pratt or somethin’?”
A sharp blow. More like a, like a real keen strike. Right to the face. But he’s right. And now he’s not sure if he should say it but he will ‘cuz Sharky’s mouth has a mind of its own.
“C’mon Dep, I uh, I saw you back there, I mean it’s cool, y’know? Don’t sweat it, but I’m uh, I’m not into steppin’ into another dude’s territory.”
He’s sure he’s doing right. Being a gentleman and all that shit. ‘Cuz he’s not that much of a fuckin’ asshole. No matter how much he wants it. Jump in and dive.
“You saw it?”
Her hand is gone. Flat, emotionless voice reverberating in the tiny space.
“And-- did you happen to hear what happened after that?”
“Uh, nope. I mean it’s not my business to be skulkin’ around to listen convos--”
“But it’s your business to take fuckin’ conclusions without all the information?”
“Uh--” Wordless, lame-ass response. Not much to say to not look like, like a goddamn idiot.
The line of her shoulders ease down, and she lets out a deep, heavy sigh. “It’s not what you think, Shark,” she says and he clings to that believe so he bites his lip, to not screw up his chances. “He was just-- It wasn’t nothing romantic y’know? I’m the first fuckin’ person he sees that actually knows him from before all this clusterfuck started.” She shakes her head, a crink around her mouth. Sad, gloomy smile. “It  wasn’t as much as a kiss, as uh, I don’t know-- cling to a lifeline I guess.”
She smiles, a hand finding his cheek again. He actually leans into it now, fears now flaky as she scoots closer. Warm thigh against his. “Y’know? There’s a-- a common practice in the department,” she says, thumb rubbing circles on his stubble, and he’s doing everything he can not to sigh like a fuckin’ damsel, “to always focus on the things you care right? Your family, your pet, whatever. You know who I think of every morning?”
He’s paying attention. For the first time he is. Brain nailed to her train of thoughts. “B-Baby Carmina?” he says, voice thick with things he doesn’t comprehend still.
She laughs. Clear, ringing bells kinda clear. “I love my goddaughter but uh, I think you’re playing dumb, dude.”
His pulse flutters. Quick. Escalating into speedily beats, palms damp. He’s all jittery and dizzy, ‘cuz she’s looking at him, sporting a vexing grin. “Uh, Dep? My chick radar is kinda rusty y’know but I’m-- I’m picking some signals here? Just uh, just tell me what to do.” The words roll in a whisper, mouth a dry mess.
“I’ll show you.”
She speaks with a sense of finality just to kiss him as soon as the last vocal fades in the air. Soft lips against his chapped ones. Soon her tongue follows, sweeping along every nook and cranny. Warm and teasing, wheedling low moans from him with every push.
He holds her. Closer. Tighter. It takes him a moment to daze off and click back. This. This right here. All he’d ever wanted. Fuck, it feels good.
He runs his hands down, fighting gravity to not fall back. ‘Cuz they’re sitting on a friggin bunk and he ain’t sure she wants to--
Fuck, she does.
Her hand slips past the waistband of his pants, under his threadbare boxers. Erection now throbbing between her fingers. He pulls her down, arms around her waist.
They fall in a panting heap. Muscles and curves pressing him right where they should be. Like a fucking puzzle. A perfect puzzle.
She slides off him for an instant, and he complains. A groan. But she smiles, shedding off her clothes and breath catches in his chest. He’s burning. Sweating like a pig in the summer. His threads are gone in a heartbeat, not thinkin’ about the beer gut he has come to terms with, or the other fuckton of things that could sour this moment.
“You sure ‘bout this, Shorty?” He asks, ‘cuz he has manners and, and not that his pulsing cock is pressing between her thighs already.
She dips down. Kisses him again. Slowly, sweetly, taking her time. “Are you?”
“You really askin’ me that question, amigo?” he says breathless, both hands making an arrow direct to his dick.
But it's not just that. He’d never wanted anyone like this. Not just a fuck. Not just the feeling of being spent but hollow. He needs the aftermath more than he needs the sex.
“Look, gotta be real honest with you, shorty ,” he says, feelings finally frothin’ out from deep-six within him, “‘cuz you uh, need to know ‘fore all gets weird. I just, I think I love you man.”
He doesn't know what he’s expecting from Dep. Cool, controlled Dep now staring at him, bare and on top of him. What a fuckin’ sight.
“I love you too Sharky.”
Certainly not that. Clean, direct answer, no shades or ifs. It feels weird. Like watching a familiar movie with a different ending.  A happy one. He smiles, white teeth through thin lips.
He shifts his body, mouth now roving over her collarbone and she arches. Soon he’s all over her nipples. Okay. He’s good at this. This is where he excels.
He sucks her breasts, touching the warmth of her skin, reaching to every place he can find. The drag of his lips is making her whimper, and his downstairs complain. Twitching. Impatient.
“Fuck, Shark,” she says dreamily, fingers squeezing his cock and lining him up to her entrance.
Slowly, she takes him in. Maddening tightness, slick and hot engulfing him one inch at a time. She eases down on his dick and he’s just about to lose his cool ‘cuz, ‘cuz he’s balls deep inside her.
“Oh, shit, shit, Dep, fuck,” he whines. He grips the side of her thighs, groaning deep at the back of his throat.
She hums, lazy smile tagging a long with a roll of her hips. Oh shit. It’s taking him a goddamn effort not to ram artlessly and let go. But he ain’t a selfish ass.
“You feel so good, Sharky,” she says, drawled words all low and throaty.
That’s his name, that’s his fuckin’ name right there. “Shit, babe, you’re the one to talk.”
Air is suddenly not reaching his lungs. He’s high of her, trying to find his pace, amidst overwhelming sensations. He rocks his hips, steady movements among the gut-twisting little moans she’s giving. At least he’s doin’ it right.
Dep’s bottom lip disappears in her mouth, and heat pools in his groin when her rhythm increases. There’s a blush spreading on her cheeks and the bridge of her nose when he thrust harder to meet her downstrokes.
“Fuck, Shark, yes!”
His fingers dig in her hips to find leverage, sinking heels on the mattress to rock faster, relishing the awe on her face and the blurry haze on her eyes. God, he loves seeing her like this. He’s not sure how long he can take it, his heart already pounding in his ears, head spinning under the delicious friction in every pounding. But sure as fuck he’ll try. She lunges forward, knees burrowed in the cot at the sides of his thighs and palms curled around his shoulders, regaining control, now actually fucking him into the mattress.
“Jesus, fuck, Dep--” he manages to stutter, “y’gonna be the death of me y’know?” He means it and it’d be a fuckin’ good way to go west.
She licks her lips, and he catches a faint smirk and pupils blow wide before he surges to meet her, hand cradling her head. Teeth clicking, tongues swirling desperately, steamy breaths puffing while he’s sure he’s about to break. His mouth trails off, going down the rim of her jaw, dappling her skin with bruises through hard sucks.
The pressure is unbearable, and he’s close, so damn close, feeling the sparks of searing hotness flaring up from his balls, fanning out ‘til his pelvis and his spine seem about to explode.
“I can’t- fuck, Dep, I can’t.”
She kisses him again as an answer, crying out the moment he angles his hips. The hug of her walls is too much, clenching around his cock, pushing him to the final inches of his climax.
“Dep, I’m ‘bout to--” He tries to pull off, but she keeps him pinned in place.
And if he needs more assurance, she roots her hips down, eyes locked on his. “It’s ok, Sharky, I want you to.”
And he loses it. Fucking Christ, he loses it.
He pulls her down, groaning, burying a final, heavy sigh against her skin. His body tenses, mind-wrecking spasms running along his dick and his balls and he’s dazzled by the popping lights under his lids. Sharky holds her, peppering her face with light kisses as the throbbing fades and the spurts stop, the buzz in his ears lowering to zero.
“That was good,” she says playing with a curl of his hair, draped on him.
“Fuckin-A, babe.” His words are still catching in his throat, a hand placed on her lower back.
He wallows in the moment. Just feeling, not thinking. Trying not to be surpassed by the little things he has never appreciated after the fact. ‘Cuz it wasn’t with her. Yeah. Soft breathing, quick heartbeat thrumming against his chest, the way her skin shines under a thin sheet of sweat. And sweet Jesus, that lavender scent.
“So uh, this means we’re like--together? As in, as in a couple kinda together?” He finally asks. He ain’t bad reading signals but now, he needs the assurance. The certainty. He needs the words leaving her mouth, one hooked to the other.
“Nah, you’re just hot and I wanted to jump your bones,” she says with a grin, “of course it means we’re together, as in a couple kinda together, you big oaf!”
Sharky finally relaxes, feeling the strain of the task and the raw emotions soaking in his bones. “Y’know shorty? Don’t get take this the wrong way but uh, I’m actually kinda beat down, so Imma take a shut eye real quick, ‘mkay?” And then he quickly adds, “please, don’t go.”
She laughs, pulling the blanket over them both and curls against him, warm and comfortable snuggled against him. “You don’t need to apologize, Shark and I’m not going anywhere”
He nuzzles the strands of hair splayed on her shoulder and dozes off to the soft rhythm of her breathing, coming to terms with the awesome reality tickling under his fingers.
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hoodmara · 6 years
Here Pt.2
Well, we out here writing this part two. The main girl’s name is Elizabeth, but she just gonna be called Eli for short. K lets just jump into this aight cool
Eli’s POV
One thing I loved about the prettymuch guys was that their parties were unforgettable. They were never overdone, only consisting of some cool lighting, Brandon’s speakers, and a bunch of half empty alcohol bottles that were saved from the last rager they threw. They would invite everyone they knew, and because of their title as epic party throwers, the house was packed.
“Are you really daydreaming right now?” Austin yelled into my ear. I jumped at the booming sound of his voice, shoving him away gently.
“You do not have to yell in my fucking ear, I’m right next to you” I yelled back. He laughed and moved to where his arm was around my shoulders.
“The music in here is loud as shit and I know that when you get lost in your own thoughts, you get stuck there, so I had to make sure that I got your attention to point out the obvious” Austin’s smirk was evident in his words as he gestured towards the scene I was trying to ignore.
After two months, Nick had finally moved on from his two year relationship with Alexys and is currently flourishing in his newfound position as the group’s hoe. His hoe phase was exactly what I expected it to be. Every weekend and bit of free time that the guys had, Nick would be out with another girl. As of now, he was grinding on some chick in a short spaghetti strap dress and a lace front that was starting to lift.
“Should I go and pull shorty’s wig down? She’s cute and I don’t want her to get caught slipping” I said, leaning into Austin’s arm. He pinched some skin on my arms and I let out a squeal of pain, slapping his chest for emphasis.
“Don’t be shady! That could be you”
“I’m not being shady, and I definitely don’t want that to be me, thanks but no thanks” I rolled my eyes at Austin’s clear attempt at trying to make me admit my feelings. He already knew what I thought about it, but he still tried his hardest to get me to tell Nick how I felt.
“Oh thank god, she fixed it. I was hoping nick wouldn’t get wild and pull on that shit or something” I said, trying to divert the attention away from me. I nodded towards Nick and the girl again, just watching them move. I could feel Austin’s eyes burning a hole in the side of my head, so i just kept looking straight.
“Alright, I’m going to get another beer, do you want anything? Alcohol? Maybe it’ll give you the courage to actually say what’s on your mind” Austin said, pulling his arm from around my shoulder. I shoved him again, and shook my head.
“I’m getting real tired of your snarky comments, but if you’re asking, i would love you if you got me a vodka cranberry” I smiled sweetly, making him roll his eyes and salute back. Austin walked away, leaving me to get lost in my thoughts again.
I kept watching nick with that girl and my blood was starting to boil. I’m not usually a jealous person, but the way he was feeling on her hips and whispering in her ear made me want to light the house on fire with everyone in it.
“Jesus Eli, get a grip” I said audibly, running my hands through my braids. I looked around for some kind of stability and saw an empty seat on the couch. I sat and let my head fall back into the cushions. I felt like I was looking up at the ceiling for days until I felt the seat next to me sink down. I looked over, surprised not to be met with Austin’s brown eyes.
“You look like you’re going through it” Edwin said, patting my knee as he leaned back too. We both let our heads hit the cushions.
“Eddie, having feelings is straight ass” I said sadly, making him laugh. I groaned and threw my hands over my face, falling into his shoulder right after.
“You’re telling me, I called Tiff six times today, because we got in a fight last night and you know how many times she picked up?”
“How many?”
“Twice. And you know what she said both times? I’m not even gonna make you guess, because the shit that she said was outlandish. She actually said to me over the phone ‘are you sorry yet? Because if you’re not sorry, stop calling me’. We got in a fight because she was wearing my clothes, Elizabeth, what the fuck do I have to be sorry about?” Edwin was so expressive with the way he spoke, for a moment I forgot about my stupid ass problems and focused on his. I laughed at his response and turned so I could face him.
“She just wants to be close to you! What was she wearing, your fendi tracksuit? Or wait, was it the Gucci shirt? Or better yet, your other Gucci shirt?” I asked jokingly, making Edwin laugh loudly.
“I get it! I’m a whore for designer clothes, but can you blame me? It’s a part of my job description to look icy at all times. But I get you, I have been gone for, like, two months. She did say she missed my scent, which kind of weirded me out, but I was also flattered”
“See? She knows you won’t always be there, so she steals some clothes. Just tell her to send you pics when she’s wearing your stuff, just so you know what she stole”
“Eh, you right. She is a thief, but she’s my little thief”
“Oh god, that was corny, just go call your girl” I cringed, shooing him away. He laughed and rose from his spot on the couch, heading towards the backyard for some silence.
I was alone again, but I was just taking in the sights and sounds of the party now. There were at least 80 people in the house, bodies were grinding everywhere. I could see in the corner that there was a dance circle going on, Brandon and my roommates, Kai and Gabi, were on the inside. That was no surprise to me, seeing as when we were all together, it was always a night to remember. Looking over the room, I noticed that Nick and his friend were nowhere to be found. It’s probably best that way, because if I saw him put his hands anywhere else on her body, I might have just ripped them off. Getting up from my spot on the couch, I smoothed down the wrinkles in my cargo pants and adjusted my crop top, so I looked put together again. I headed towards the kitchen, looking for a certain blonde haired boy. I spotted him leaning against the refrigerator talking to Zion and Diamond. He looked up from his conversation to see me enter the kitchen, smiling and signaling me to walk over to where he was. I pushed through the crowd of sweaty bodies to get there, once reaching it, I leaned up against his chest.
“I think this is a fire hazard, AP. There are too many people in this bitch” I groaned, turning my back to his chest. Austin handed me a red solo cup and placed his chin on top of my head, chuckling at my comment. I could feel the vibrations from his laugh throughout my body, which made me laugh too.
“Y’all are so cute together, I just can’t” Diamond rolled her eyes, looking between Austin and I.
“Oh girl please, this boy is a child, I don’t do babysitting” I smirked, taking a sip out of my cup. Austin wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tightly, making me squeal at the pressure.
“Girl, you couldn’t handle me, that’s the real reason” Austin replied, making me laugh loudly. I pushed his arms away and turned so I was facing him. I leaned against the counter and looked around the small kitchen, taking in it all. I had been spending so much time caught up on nick and his hoe activity, I didn’t even realize that all my closest friends were together and having a great time. At least, that’s what I was thinking about before my eyes set on what I never expected.
I saw nick, in the corner with the same girl from before. She was kissing and biting on his neck like a madwoman. But the worst thing was that nick wasn’t focused on homegirl eating his neck. His eyes were on me, and he looked pissed.
So I’m in a mood, so I’m just gonna post this and then go straight into writing part 3. I have too much that I want to write I just gotta find a way to fit it all together.
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blockmayus · 7 years
music vibes ♪♪
Tagged by  @puropolz WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME
Instructions: List ten songs you’re currently vibing on, then tag people!
Like if I had to be super honest Id just list 10 Love Live songs because Im a freak who needs to obsess over one specific source of music for months until I find a new interest so Ill take stuff from diferent parts of the year
Guilty Night Guilty Kiss - Love Live/Guilty Kiss (I mean I DO have to put some of these and Guilty Kiss is MY SHIT)
Storm in Lover - Love Live/Umi-Eli (I cant believe the most latino sounding song in my music files is japanese)
Soldier Game - Love Live /Cool Girls (The first Love Live song I ever downloaded)
Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz (It will probably never stop being my fav of them)
On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz (My current ringtone and its not changing any time soon)
Primadonna - Marina and the Diamonds ( ★★★★★ Electra Heart got me trough so many sleepless nights of Uni work and I owe Marina so much for that)
Blue - Marina and the Diamonds (Cant ignore Froot tho)
The Kill (Bury Me) - 30 Seconds to Mars (I very recently had a bit of a teenage years music binge on youtube it was magical)
Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar (If SU was airing right now this list would look so much diferent)
Snow Halation - Love Live/Muse (Also who am I kidding Im so deep in idol hell I started trying to learn it on piano today.)
@pteromyini @chimeraditto aight nerds get to it
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iamknicole · 5 years
Heartbreak Hotel Pt. 2
Bloodline Family Series
Koda needed to go home. He couldn't be in Miami right now. No matter how juvenile it sounded he wanted his parents, he wanted them to tell him it would be okay and how he could fix it so it wouldn't hurt anymore. When he got in the house Roman was running around with Messiah and Micah, laughing and smiling. Seeing it brought a small smile to his face. His little brothers noticed him and ran straight for him, attacking his legs. Koda picked them both up kissing their cheeks.
"Brody, you home!" Micah squealed happily.
"We fight?" Messiah asked.
Roman approached his boys, pulling the three year olds from Koda's arms putting them on the floor. He ignored their pouting and squatted to their level.
"It's naptime. You guys go on upstairs, get your sister and get in me and Mommy's bed. Good deal?" He asked.
"Him stay?" Messiah asked looking at Koda, who nodded.
"I'm not leavin. I'll be here a few days, SiSi." (like sigh)
Koda followed Roman to his man cave after the boys had gone upstairs. Both men sat on the large sofa.
"What's botherin you, Ko?"
Koda shook his head then rubbed at his eyes. "Nothin, I'm good."
"Come on now, son." Roman said squeezing his shoulder. "I know you better than that. Your eyes are red and misty, your face is red and your hair isn't done. So I'll ask again, what's botherin you?"
Koda opened his mouth but nothing came out. He couldn't bring himself to say it. Instead he cried, he cried like he had done the past two days whenever he was alone. He felt this pain was unbearable. Roman watched his oldest for a second, it had been a while since he'd seen him cry like this.
"What's goin on, son? What happened?" Roman asked.
"It's Parker, Pop," he explained through his sobbing.
Roman started to worry, he thought the worst.
"What about her? Is she pregnant? Did something happen to her, Ko?"He nodded, holding his head down. "What are you nodding to?"
Koda looked up at his dad trying to hold back the rest of his tears. When he opened his mouth this time, Kandice walked in. She saw him crying and rushed to sit beside him, pulling his head to her chest.
"What's wrong with my baby, Roman? What did you do?"
Laughing a little, Roman shook his head at his wife. Whenever any of their kids were crying she asked that question. It didn't matter if they both entered together she still asked. "I didn't do anything to your baby, Kandi. He was gonna tell me but he started crying."
Koda sat up, out of her hold, trying to slow down the tears. His head was starting to hurt and he didn't want to deal with that. "Friday after my game she wanted me to go to this party with her," he started slowly. "We won and I usually go to whatever after party but I played all four quarters, I was tired. But she went."
Kandice sucked her teeth at him. "Boy, you better not be crying cause she went to a party without you."
Roman glared at his wife, "Hush, Kandi. Let him finish."
"Fine, fine," she said putting her hands up. "Go head, Ko."
Koda scratched his growing beard. "She came over Sunday and I guess that's when Eli and Lo found out and showed it to me."
"Showed you what," Roman asked.Koda couldn't look at either of his parents.
"She was mad at me for not goin with her so she," he paused feeling his anger and more tears starting to rise. Kandice rubbed his back and Roman told him to go on.
"She fu- had sex with these dudes that play for Auburn on Instagram live."
"She what?" Kandice yelled making Koda jump.
"I asked her and she just kept saying she was sorry, over and over. But that don't fix this shit," he cried putting his head down.
Roman nodded his head at Kandice for her to leave them. She didn't want to go but she knew it would be better for Koda if she did. Once she was out of the room and in the kitchen, she called Apryl and Trinity to vent while Koda continued to vent to Roman.
"I treated her exactly how you taught me, Pop. I did what I was supposed to do and she did that."
"You did what you were supposed to do, Koda. You can't control what someone else does."
"I love her, she said she loved me too. I don't go to one party and that's what she does," he yelled out of frustration. "Then she came straight to the apartment after the party and kissed me in my mouth."
Roman didn't want to ask but he knew he needed to.
"Did yall have sex that night?" Koda nodded making him sigh. "You used a hat?"
"Yeah. She told me not to, we almost didn't cause she got mad about me wearing one. Now I know why." He said bitterly.
That made Roman happy. His son had listened to something.
"What about oral?"
"She did. I didn't," Koda shrugged sitting back, "It was late. I ain't want her to wake E and Lo up."
While Roman continued to calm Koda down, Kandice was trying to calm her nerves on the phone. Apryl was playing devil's advocate and Trinity was the peace maker.
"I say you grab your bat, Kandi. I'll bring my knife and Trin will bring her taser. It'll be a nice lil trip to Miami."
"No," Trinity chastised, "We're not jumping that lil girl. That's not gonna make him feel any better."
"Hell, it'll make us feel a whole lot better."
"No, Apryl."
Kandice laughed. "Where was this energy when that girl broke Eli's heart? We had to barricade you in the house tp keep you from jumping on that girl."
"I don't recall," Trinity laughed.
Roman had pretty much calmed his son down and gotten him to sit back down. He'd thrown his arm around Koda squeezing his shoulder lovingly.
"Look, I'm not gonna tell you that this hurt is gonna go away cause its not. One day it just won't hurt as bad. And I won't tell you that you'll forget about it cause you won't. But I will say," Roman spoke softly, "One day you'll think about this and be thankful. You'll realize there was a reason for this."
Koda nodded listening to his dad.
"But dont let this pain just continue to hurt you. You gotta learn from it."
"Learn what?" Koda asked looking up.
"Later on when you're thinking about this you'll remember things that happened that didn't add up, that there were red flags for you and you'll learn not to ignore those things. You'll realize what you do6nt like in a partner and what you do. Understand?"
"Yes, sir. Thanks, Pops. I love you"
Koda loved the bond he had with his dad. There was nothing else in his life like it. Eli and Milo are his best friends but his dad was his first best friend.
Roman pulled his son into a hug, squeezing him tight. He kissed his head before letting go. "I love you too, Ko. Go share some of that love with ya mama before she gets jealous."
Laughing, Koda got up to go to the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen Kandice hurried off the phone and engulfed him in a big hug when he was close enough. Even though he's a foot and some inches taller than her, she still cradled him like she did when he was a baby. She hugged him tight, holding back tears, until he pulled away.
"Aight, ma. I gotta stop or Ima cry again."
Kandice laughed a little, happy to see him in better spirits.
"I'm sorry. Yall know I don't play about my babies so I had to love on you."
"I know, Ma. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Koda?"
"Yes ma'am," he answered softly. He leaned against the island with his hands pushed into the pockets of his sweat pants.
"Don't let one person ruin your mood. You hold your head up like the man that you are. This hurts now but you'll be given something much better."
Koda nodded listening to his mama talk.
"When you get back to that campus, I want you to hold your head up, put you some clothes on and do your hair. You be the man me and your Daddy raised you to be. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am. Thank y'all. I had to come home, I couldn't stay there like this."
Kandice nodded, she understood.
"Did Milo and Eli help?"
"Yeah, they tried but this wasn't something they could really help with. I needed you and Pops."
Kandice went to Koda putting her hands on his face. Leaning up on her toes and pulling his head down she kissed his forehead and whispered a prayer over him.
"I love you, Mama." He admitted softly.
"I love you too, baby boy. Always and forever."
A few days later, Koda was back on campus. He needed the break away from everything, it did him good. By the time he got back, everyone had found out what Parker did to Koda. They were hard on her. Everyone knew how well he treated her and took care of her so they thought it was stupid of her to cheat on Koda the way she did. Girls were constantly trying to steal Koda from Parker only to find out how faithful and committed to Parker he was.
Eli and Milo had finally gotten him to come to a house party with them. He did what his mama told him to do. He got dressed, did his hair and got himself together.
As the cousins walked into the house party, a girl bumped into Koda. He caught her around her waist before she could fall to the floor. When he opened his mouth to apologize, she stopped him.
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"Don't," she smiled, "It was my fault. I'm clumsy."
"But still," Koda said still holding onto her, "You aight?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I promise."
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"Aight then, sweetheart. You be careful." He nodded letting her go
"I'll try."
She laughed as she walked off. Koda watched her until Eli smacked his arm playfully.
"My boy is back!"
The laughing cousins moved quickly through the party to the kitchen. Milo grabbed them each a beer and passed them to his cousins.
"Here, here," Milo laughed raising his beer, "To our cousin. Haven't been single but a week and half and already got girls tripping over him!"
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iamknicole · 5 years
Bloodline Family Series
The parents left their 17 year old boys in charge while they went on a mini vacation together for two weeks. Everything had been going good for them. The boys got their siblings up and ready for Sefa to take them to school then got themselves to school, homework was always done, they were clean and fed. The Reigns' house was clean, aside from a few things here and there. The boys were just awaiting the arrival of their parents so they could get their money for being responsible sitters.
"We going to Miami. Right?" Milo asked with his phone in his hand.
Eli sucked his teeth, "Yeah but Aunni can't go. Boys trip."
"You know Nola not lettin you go to Miami without her," Koda added with a snicker.
The cousins laid around the den, watching television and talking while their siblings played upstairs. Well, Haleigh was in her room on the phone.
"She don't control me. I do what I want."
"Aight, keep playin with her," Milo laughed, "You remember when you went to Tampa without her?"
Eli sucked his teeth again. "Man, she ain't trust me then."
"Oh so yall good now?" Koda asked.
Eli say quietly for a second, "Man fuck yall, I ain't scared of her. Bet I still go."
Jadyn walked quietly into the den holding a big bag of M&Ms and tapped Eli's arm.
"Can we get some?"
Eli looked to his left at his brother then at the bag. "Yeah, you don't ask Jay. You and Jalen 8, y'all don't need permission."
"Unless you at my house," Milo pointed out. "You might have to ask to breathe."
Jadyn ran off with the candy, taking them back upstairs.
"Talkin about I can't go? Bitch, you can't go. Auntie A is crazy as hell, she not lettin your bright ass go nowhere."
Milo threw his empty water bottle at Eli laughing. "Suck my dick, I'm going."
Haleigh came down to the den with the phone to her ear, waiting for them to stop talking. Koda told them to hold on and put his attention on his little sister.
"What's up, Hae?"
"I'm about to walk to Morgan's house real quick, I left some stuff there."
Koda started to get up, "I'll take you."
"No," she shook her head finally hanging up the phone, "It's literally four houses over. Plus yall might wanna go check on the boys."
"Why?" Milo asked quickly.
"When I was passing the room I heard them talking about studying something in someone's nose."
"Fuckin hell. I bet it's your demonic ass brother, Lo." Eli mumbled jumping up.
When they got up to the room Simba was lying on the floor with Jadyn and Jalyn hovering over him. Eli sucked his teeth and snatched his brother out of the way by the backs of their shirts.
"Who got something in they nose? Which one of yall is it?" He asked quickly.
"Not me," Jadyn said folding his arms.
Jalyn huffed, "Simba does."
"Watch it, Jadyn. Who put something in his nose?"
"Go head, snitch. Tell him."
Eli dropped Jadyn onto the carpeted floor, he hit the floor with a thump. "I told you, Thing One."
"We thought it'd be a cool game, we were all gonna do it but you guys came."
Milo approached his baby brother slowly. He hoped it was something he could pull out. If he couldn't, he knew Jey would whoop his ass. He sat on the floor and pulled Simba into his lap, examining his nose.
"Simba, what the hell? Why would you let them do this?" Milo asked in a panicked voice.
Simba shrugged. "Just a game, brodder."
Koda and Eli kneeled beside them.
"It's not just a game, how many of them shits you got up there?" Koda groaned.
"8," Jalyn answered for him.
Milo couldn't believe his ears. His ass was starting to hurt, he could just feel the ass whooping Jey was gonna give him.
"How the fuck we get them out? We all got fat ass fingers." EMI said looking at his hands.
"Auntie A is gon whoop our asses."
"Correction, my dad is gonna whoop our asses."
"Language. But whoop yall for what?" Kandice asked from the doorway making all six boys jump.
Eli looked straight at his youngest brother, "Don't you open your mouth, Thing Two."
"She's gonna find out anyway, E," Koda sighed. "The twins and Simba were playing a game and it went wrong."
"Went wrong how? Matter of fact," Kandice paused to laugh to herself, "Come here, Simba."
Kandice squatted so that she could look at the four year old. She immediately saw the blue m&m in his left nostril, then looked at the boys.
"Twins, did yall do this?" They both nodded. "Did Simba help?" Again they nodded. "Did your brother and cousins give yall the candy?" Silence.
"So yall don't hear ya auntie talkin to yall?" Jimmy asked stepping into the room.
They quickly confirmed.
Jimmy looked at Simba, laughed then walked out of the room.
"Come on. Let's go downstairs and show your parents," Kandice told him grabbing his hand. "Y'all come too."
The twins and Eli went to hide behind Jimmy once they got down to the living room. Koda and Eli stood as far back as possible. Roman was the first to see Simba.
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Jey, Apryl and Trinity saw his face drop and turned around. Jey rushed to pick Simba up, red in the face with anger.
"Why the hell do I see a blue m&m in my baby nose?" Jey asked angrily.
"Cause me, Jadyn aand Simba put them there."
"Snitch!" Jadyn yelled pushing his twin. Jimmy and Eli popped him.
Apryl laughed a little bit but she didn't think it was funny. With this happening the chances of alone time were slim to none.
"We left the three of yall in charge, how this happen?" Jey huffed.
All three teenagers started to talk at the same time, including Eli sucking his teeth and Koda complaining about how his sibling didn't have these problems.
"Koda," Kandice called softly.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Close your mouth, you're not helping."
"But, Mama. I..."
Roman glared at his son. "You heard your mama, close it or I will."
Koda zipped his lips and threw his hands up.
"Look, we apologize, Unc. They're kids, they learned their lesson. Its cool." Eli reasoned standing behind Jimmy.
Jey cut his eyes at his nephew. "And the three of you gon learn a lesson when I put my foot up yall asses."
"I mean, Unc, you only got two feet and it's three of us sooo."
Trinity slipped off her sandal and chucked it at her oldest. "Boy shut your ass up. If yall asses wasn't sitting in here talking about that trip, that yall asses not going on no more, y'all could've been watching them. You know they bad as hell."
Apryl rolled her eyes seeing Jey try to pull the m&ms out Simba's nose and called out to her oldest.
"Get here, NOW!"
Koda jumped then pushed his cousin towards Apryl causing him to bump her a bit.
"Your ass better hope and pray that your daddy get to you before I do," she threatened through gritted teeth, "Cause if I do your ass gon be in the emergency room right next to your demon brother."
"Nice knowing you," Eli waved them ducked Trinity's other sandal that came towards him.
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