#( and also because that psych ward wiccan article hits me like a ton of bricks so often )
chaosiica · 7 years
   Please find attached the case summery for the below client. Any and all enclosed information must adhere to strict patient confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998. 
   Dear Dr Thompson / Doctor Rodriguez
   Due to my unfortunate and abrupt leave from the practice, I have entrusted to you the case files for the above named client. Billy has attended several sessions with me in the past, both in his adolescence and currently, and has agreed to continue his treatment with yourself, as advised.
   Initially, Billy attended several appointments following the apparent death of a teammate from his former affiliation, the Young Avengers ( it is to my understanding that Billy is now an initiate of the New Avengers, and is an associate to and may be contacted through one Roberto Da Costa ). These focused primarily on working through the tremendous guilt and responsibility that stemmed from this, and processing the idea of being the result of the heroes Scarlet Witch and The Vision’s relationship, as well as being the twin brother of Speed. I have attached the relevant case files for you. These sessions were deemed concluded, and I was pleased to hear that Billy had returned to the title of Wiccan after a brief hiatus from super-heroics.
   However, I believe his current therapy sessions may require a more ❛ slow burn ❜ approach. Billy appears to be far more reluctant in attending appointments, and is often difficult to contact and arrange further time with. Despite our previous relationship in working through his sense of being, he appears to have suffered some form of psychological trauma, and has become more difficult to gauge. He has however expressed several concerns regarding his role as the foreseen ❛ Demiurge ❜, which is a topic that has become PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT in regards to his well-being. I have attempted to discuss this with him on a number of occasions, and have often been met with complete disregard, confusion, and in some cases extreme agitation. It appears to cause a great deal of stress for him and he has cut sessions short several times due to this topic. I feel it is of HIGH IMPORTANCE that Billy works towards coming to terms with his impending omnipotence, as he currently seems to reject every and all idea of it, or shows a great deal of difficulty with connecting himself to the term.
   He has also explained numerous incidents that he describes as feeling ❝ non-existent ❞ and the contrast of ❝ feeling everything at once ❞. I understand that he is likely sensitive to the subject of his impending role, and have noted that he often feels unworthy, and distrusts himself as a magical wielder, however I believe that it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE, for both his own mental health and the safety of the world he protects, that these situations are dealt with. I have yet to speak personally with him in regards to an official diagnosis, but from these occasions and feelings he has described for me ( albeit with difficulty ), I believe it may be some form of dissociative identity, or depersonalization/derealization.
   During our last appointment two months ago ( the most recent being scheduled for last week, with Billy failing to attend, with no contact as to reasons why ), we discussed identifying possible coping skills and developing these for the aforementioned situations of over-stimulation and disassociation. Despite several attempts, we have not been able to get in touch with Billy regarding this. For the time being we will continue to try and arrange another session with him, in which he will be referred to you for any further appointments.
   I have attached a more detailed case summary for each session Billy has attended with me, and I hope he is able to benefit from your time.
   If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
   Yours Sincerely,
   Psy D. Tim Stevens
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