#( antisocial darcy is still and will always be antisocial but she's like . WELL I LIKE THIS ONE SO .  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WHAT DO I DO IG )
hlcynsouls · 2 years
&  @likestvrlight​  →  JULIETTE LEMAIRE :
location :  julie’s penthouse .
DARCY USED TO LOVE  new york ;  or parts of it ,  anyways .  the  green  parts ,  mostly ,  though she could be asked to spare a thought for it’s multitude of libraries and museums .  ( and ,  on occasions ,  it’s abandoned subway stations . )  by now ,  used as she is to the safety of her  home ,  the city feels like a garish monstrosity straight out of a nightmare .  which ,  honestly ,  isn’t too far off .  so unless she absolutely  needs  to be there ,  the witch avoids it like the plague .  unfortunately ,  she  needs  to see her friend ,  because she  misses  her ,  which is such a stupidly human emotion that there’s not much to be done about it except indulge it .  yikes .  when she finally arrives at julie’s apartment ,  her patience is gone and her nerves are frayed .  mostly from the mix of suppressing her anxiety  and  looking over her shoulder the entire trip ,  but also ,  as she informs the cambion upon opening the door :  “ traffic sucked . ”  the jazz hands that accompany the statement are comically at odds with her completely dead-panned expression .  “ surprise ! ”
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I will say it once, and if I must I will say it as many times as I need to. I HATE misunderstandings.
There’s a reason I can’t stand sit-coms and rom-coms—misunderstandings are too often used as plot devices and it always involves some mess of head banging, incredibly uncomfortable, I’m-going-to-walk-through-this-wall-just-to-escape-this-hell second (and first) hand embarrassment. Whenever something like that happens in my shows I physically get up and leave until it passes, and while the situation between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy wasn’t quite so bad that I’d felt the need to do that, it was still frustrating watching dear Mr. Darcy pine for Lizzy like a schoolboy while Elizabeth was hating his guts because her crush practically told her to.
As a fellow antisocial recluse, I can’t blame Mr. Darcy for his shyer tendencies that no doubt contributed to the mess of his and Elizabeth’s relationship. There are different conclusions people have come to about his attitude—ranging from social anxiety to undiagnosed autism—which I’m hardly knowledgeable enough about either to comment on without accidently offending anyone and setting a mob with pitchforks after myself, so I won’t. As shown in the book, however, Mr. Darcy truly doesn’t like socializing—he doesn’t like dancing, doesn’t like parties, doesn’t like listening to women entertaining said parties with random concertos when he could be reading a book in a quiet corner away from the throngs of society.
Which, mood.
However, the downside of this behavior in his pursuit of romance is that you can’t cultivate said romance without interacting with the object of your affections. Although Mr. Darcy didn’t realize it (and honestly, I love the man, but how can’t you recognize a women doesn’t like you romantically when she’s literally sending death glares at your back? Couldn’t he feel it? Her killing intent??? She practically wanted him castrated and six feet under—) but Elizabeth hadn’t liked him at all since their introduction. This was due to the first impression Mr. Darcy had given her, and which was only further supported in their future interactions as Mr. Darcy kept a cold facade and put distance between them so he’d stopped being so obsessed with her. While on one side it may have looked like a man desperately trying to get over his puppy love, on the other it looked like he was a cold, supercilious, prat of a man, and unfortunately that was the side Elizabeth had only managed to see.
Darcy, you poor, idiotic moron.
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Mr. Darcy isn’t the only one to blame, however—if Elizabeth hadn’t stubbornly held to her prejudices of him and cared to 1) get to know and actually pay attention to him and 2) listen to wise big sis Jane, we could have avoided this whole goddamn mess. With as strong headed a woman as Elizabeth is, it’s understandable that she’d taken Mr. Darcy’s first impression at face value and held him to it for almost all of their relationship. Her pride had been hurt by his words and his own pride had offended her. Of course she held him in contempt.
But then Mr. Wickham happened.
Now, I actually like Mr. Wickham. He’s a lying, manipulative scumbag, but he’s smart, and his whole scheme was admittedly impressive. However that’s a ramble for another post—what I’m not impressed by was Elizabeth’s response to his manipulating. She completely, absolutely fell for it.
Elizabeth had practically fallen in love with Mr. Wickham on sight, and her affection for him clouded her judgement to truly think for herself. Mr. Wickham drove a wench between an already cracking foundation and fed on her already bad opinion of Mr. Darcy to make it even worse. If she’d cared to give it much thought initially, she could have wondered why Mr. Wickham was telling her clearly private affairs at all, and in a public space as well. Why would a handsome stranger come out of nowhere and gossip with her about Mr. Darcy, telling her things she technically should have no right to know?
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Because of both Mr. Darcy’s shy boy attitude and Elizabeth’s chomping at the bit, their relationship had gone from tense to almost hostile. Although it all does get resolved eventually, a few misunderstandings had gone and derailed an entire relationship, as well as set up the entire plot of the story. I understand why people use misunderstandings as plot devices—they’re convenient. They’re easy to use. Still.
It’s just. So. ANNOYING—
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aestheticpoems · 3 years
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“Pride & Prejudice” will always be my comfort movie of all times. The characters, cinematography, dialogues, fashion, music, and setting are flawlessly made. I always wonder if I am the only person who watches this movie countless times but still gets goosebumps. The way they capture every scene to highlight subtle gestures that imply so much is truly exceptional. It is simple yet passionate, just them looking at each other makes me believe in pure love.
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Where can I find a man like Mr. Darcy? I am not marrying anyone until they tell me I’ve bewitched their body and soul as well as they love me, most ardently. Seriously, I am in love with Mr. Darcy's character although he was mistaken as a proud, antisocial, conceited, and supercilious man. He only finds it difficult to express himself so most of the time he comes off the wrong way and he is easily misunderstood. Something I truly admire about Mr. Darcy is that he's very sincere in his feelings towards Elizabeth. I am so amazed at his heartbreaking vulnerability when it comes to her. It reflects how he is being taken down by love. Not in a negative perception of "taken down" though, it is more like he becomes the best version of himself when he falls in love with Elizabeth.
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Elizabeth Bennet is one of my favorite fictional female characters because she has immense wit, intelligence, and courage. Unlike other women, they just sit still and look pretty during those times. She is brilliantly savage and I can't help but laugh at her badass attitude. Aside from that, Elizabeth's charm arises to a great extent from her sophistication, her intellectual prowess. She is eloquent in picking out the perfect words. Most importantly, she always expresses her feelings and thoughts without any hesitation. I admire her bravery and flaming self-confidence.
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Obviously, Mr. Darcy lied.
He said that Elizabeth wasn't enough to tempt him but he would never do a double-take unless she captured his attention at very first sight. I believe he said those words in self-defense. He didn't want anyone to know that he was attracted to her. Mr. Darcy was just a shy cutie because he didn't know how to open up.
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Once Elizabeth started talking, Mr. Darcy couldn't stop staring at her. When he recognized how witty and impervious she was, he was so smitten by her undeniable charisma. The way she smiled at him deliberately as she delivered her savage lines straight to his heart was priceless. At this moment, I assumed Mr. Darcy already knew that his body and soul were no longer his but hers.
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Mr. Darcy almost forgot to stand up because he was so stunned by Elizabeth's natural beauty. Indeed, she was remarkably beautiful although her hair had been disheveled by the wind. I also considered Mr. Darcy's shyness as an attractive trait of him. I've always wanted to know Mr. Darcy's inner thoughts because it would be fantastic but also funny at the same time. As an introvert, I could relate to his character.
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The first time I saw this scene, my heart skipped a beat. Honestly, I've always stopped for a moment because of how intimate this scene was. The way they looked at each other was the pinnacle of their romance. They felt something unusual yet enchanting and that's love. Furthermore, the little hand flex of Mr. Darcy made me melt every time. I would never get tired of watching this scene in million times just to catch his subtle expressions and body language towards Elizabeth. The butterflies in my stomach are raging as always.
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The interaction between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth was so magical, especially the scene when they were the only two people dancing in the room. I speculated it was a foreshadowing of their later relationship or even simply symbolizing the intensity of the tension between them during that time. I've always loved the fact that he kept soliciting from her ways to please her.
Take note: He still remembered Elizabeth's recommendation about dancing — the best way to encourage affection.
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When Mr. Darcy confessed his love for Elizabeth and insulted her family even though he wanted to marry her, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Remarkably, it was the most hilarious proposal I've ever witnessed in my entire life. I literally screamed how he clearly wanted to kiss her so bad but he stopped himself because he just got rejected.
My favorite part in this scene was the stutter in his voice when he said "I love you, most ardently.." and it shivered down my spine.
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I've watched many romantic movies but “Pride and Prejudice” proves that a film without any sexual scenes can be so romantic and heart-fluttering. Once again, it makes me realize that Mr. Darcy's character development influences his appearance. I didn't think he was handsome enough when I first saw him. Later, he became the most handsome man I've ever encountered, simply because of his personality. I would never get tired of watching this film because I've always cherished their love story, most ardently.
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Pride and Prejudice: Modern AU Part I: the invitation
SYNOPSIS: Elisa Benet is in her second year of her master’s degree in creative writing. As a West End actor chooses to visit the university in a scouting project, Charles Bingley, she is invited to a dinner to greet him and brings along her flatmate, Jane. However, what she does not expect, is to become acquainted by F. William Darcy; writer and director of the latest West End sensation. 
Word count: 1296
“Eli, have you heard the news!” my flatmate, Lydia, chants as she enters my room. 
“Lydia its too early, its barely seven,” I complain. Doesn’t she have the slightest sense of respect for privacy? Do they not teach that in the new curriculum?
“You must remember the play we saw last time in London, the newest West End sensation?” she asks, cheerfully opening all the blinds on my room. 
“Sure I do,” I answer as I shield my eyes from the light. “What is so exiting about it?” I swear if its not important I will throw a pillow at her. 
My flatmate turns to the door, “Oh! Jane, tell her, tell her!!”
My other flatmate, Jane, stands by the door. Out of my four flatmates, she is the one I am closest to, but at the same time, she’s the shyest of the group. 
“Well,” Jane says quietly, “Charles Bingley, the main actor, is to visit our university to deliver a couple seminars, but most importantly to scout for possible talent.”
“Isn’t that so exiting!” Lydia exclaims bubbly. “To meet a proper West End actor! What if he comes to like me? Oh, the easiest way to pay the never ending student debt!”
“You’re probably not meeting him anyways,” Mary comments as she passes by the door with some laundry at hand. Typical Mary, always too pessimistic. 
As she goes by, Lydia poked out her tongue. 
“Real classy,” I jokes, “a said Charles Bingley will love it.”
I cannot deny the news are exiting, not as if I were ever going to meet that Bingley, but having a kind-of celebrity around made things more cheerful. The past months had been torture, as I prepare my final piece of work for my masters dissertation. I was study creative writing, with the hopes of having a piece published by the end of my masters, but the clock is ticking away. I have almost finished the second year of my program, as I chose part-time so I could handle my finances better. Its all for love towards art, and my favourite part is living with my flatmates. Jane, slightly older than me, graduated in classics the year before and took upon herself to still manage the university theater club, whilst she teaches in a local school and part-timing as a seamstress. We all know her real dream is to do costume design and direct, but sometimes that kind of dream needs to be sustained by connections of name and wealth. Then we have Mary, who is still in undergrad studying music. I don’t remember how we picked her up, but oddly enough, we did. A bit antisocial, and a socially awkward many, we had adopted her as our flatmate from the beginning of our career. Lydia needs no explanation. She is currently starting her new career path, having passed by engineering to then doing drama, to finally ending up doing literature, just like I did. At this point, we don’t even care about what career she ends up in, just that she commits to one before we move out. Lastly, we have Kitty, the youngest. Being our landlady’s foreign niece, her mom thought it would be great to have her move outside problematic halls, and where better to move than with the lovely girls her sister talks so much about?? It sometimes worries me how easily Lydia can influence her, both of them being completely inseparable, but Kitty is a smart girl. 
Sometimes I wish Lydia would be that too. Not that I’m ashamed of caring for her, but sometimes, its hard work. For example; waiting for me outside my tutor’s office to inquire after Charles Bingley. 
“Mr. B!” I hear her exclaim loudly as my tutor walks me out of his office, “I heard a rumor that a Charles Bingley is around school, looking for talent!”
“Ah, miss Benson! Yes indeed, Mr Bingley will be in school for a couple weeks!” my tutor answers awkwardly. To his misfortune, he happens to have also been placed as Lydia’s tutor. I cannot count how many times he has regretted so in my presence. 
“Well you have to introduce us to him!” Lydia comments shamelessly. I pinch her elbow slightly, so she knows she is being too forthcoming. 
“I don’t think it will happen miss--”
“Well DoNt YoU LoVE to TorTUre US?” Lydia interrupts dramatically, “its such a shame.”
My tutor sighs, to whatever god: grant me patience, his eyes seem to ask. 
“Miss Benson, I am not sure what you want me to do...”
Lydia and our tutor go back and forth about the matter, making me smile, as minutes before, that very same man had given me an invitation to a formal dinner arranged for Charles Bingley. Private, only handpicked students given an invitation. The best part? I was given two. One for me, and one for Jane. It was her shot. 
“Lydia is never going to forgive you, you know?” Jane comments as we walk into the building. 
“Oh I am sure she won’t,” I say with a smile, “be prepared to be questioned on all the specifics, even at what time Mr Bingley excuses himself to go to the loo.” 
We both laugh, handing our tickets to enter the ball. It takes me two seconds to spot one of my best friends chatting with some teachers, Charlotte Lucas. Charlotte and I did our undergrad in the same course, even though we parted ways for our masters degree. 
“Jane! Its been so long!,” she welcomes, “both of you are looking very good tonight!”
“Oh, this? Its a humbly made dress by none other than madam Jane Vennat,” I say proudly. 
Jane blushes, “you didn’t have to wear it, you know”
I turn towards her, “Jane, if I want to show you off, I WILL show you off.”
Before she can say anything my tutor approaches us, “Oh its so good to see you again, Miss Vennat! From what I have heard the university’s company is doing well!”
“You are very kind sir,” she replies. She stares at me awkwardly, not wanting to have to engage in conversation. I then do what I do best; ask simple things in a confusing manner. 
“Well, so has the elephant in the room actually arrived to the room?”
My tutor stares at me blankly. 
“Has Bingley arrived?” I say plainly. 
“Oh, no,” my tutor says with a smile, “it appears that he is a bit--
He stops talking as three people enter the room.
“aand now he’s here.”
I stare back at Bingley, not being discreet at all. He looks a bit different than when I saw him in West End. For starters, he is not a whole theater away, as the cheapest seats are those of the last rows. He is handsome, but with humble appearance; an odd quality for actors who have made it to where he has. 
“Who is the lady beside him?” Jane asks. 
“That would be his twin sister, Caroline,” my tutor answers. 
She looks a lot like her brother, save the humble appearance. Jane would know better, but the dress she wears is probably a designer one. What a waste of dress to wear for meeting a couple uni students. 
Beside them there is a third person. He doesn’t look like he could be another sibling-- he misses the distinguishable reddish hair. In contrast to Charles Bingley, who smiles as he greets anyone in his way, the man looks absolutely disgusted by the scene. 
“and who is their miserable friend who looks as if he just smelled the sewer?” I ask jokingly. 
“That, miss Bennet, that would be none other than the writer and director of the play you saw: F. William Darcy”
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Ship tag game
Tagged by @manirvs , being suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper antisocial these days and the people I’m texting on Tumblr keeping me alive :)
Ultimate OTP: Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy! I think those are the only two people I find unshifting faith in, and don’t ship with anyone else. It’s very odd, but I’m super flexible with shipping, so nothing really remains ultimate, but these two are my constants.
A ship you’ll always love: Like I said, Lizzie and Darcy. I don’t think I will ever stop loving them, but honestly, things do change a lot. I wouldn’t want to say forever, but I will say for a long time. 
My current obsession: Currently reading The Witcher saga and a little obsessed with the characters. Slightly disenchanted with the idea that Ciri and Geralt are being pushed romantically so frequently, but I can deal. 
A ship you never thought you’d like: Oh god... so many. But I’m going to go with Drarry. 
Listen, it’s... it’s so shippable. I didn’t even actively search for it, and I was the kind of asshole that believed that JK Rowling’s word was law. As her image has collapsed, so has my faith in her ships and this one is the biggest thing that blew my mind. I haven’t gone looking for fanfiction or anything, but I’ve started actively rooting for them in my rereads which is... something. 
A ship you liked but don’t anymore: um, well, I don’t know... I’ve never really become disenchanted with a ship as much as I become disenchanted with the fandom that surrounds it. Oh, here’s one! I used to ship Fanny Price with her Bertram because, well, it was canon, but upon consideration, I see so much more of what Henry Crawford could have been for her. 
I think a lot of this has to do with what Austen was attempting to show through Mansfield Park was unchangability. I mean, after P&P, Fanny Price seems to be a natural other side of the coin - where Lizzie was outspoken and beautiful, Fanny was quiet and plain. Lizzie was considerate and kind like Fanny, but she was guided by principles of fairness and appropriateness (a lot of people seem to forget that Lizzie did care about society a lot, because Charlotte becomes a more natural foil to Lizzie. Jane is the one who marries for love, not Lizzie). Fanny was guided by an unflinching moral compass - at least, that’s what I read. Fanny doesn’t change for the world, but neither does Henry Crawford, while Lizzie does change. She learns, she understands, she grows. Fanny grows, but her growth is in realising that she does not need to change herself to negotiate her identity with the world. 
And while that’s nice and everything, I mean... Henry Crawford doesn’t have her moral principles, but he’s her proper equal. He challenges her, looks at her and sees more than just someone to confide in and someone to give him advice. I don’t know. I think I liked Bertram because I was supposed to, and over time, I’m in a different place. 
A ship you think should be canon: So many. Sherlock and Molly. Fanny and Henry. Seamus and Dean! Drarry. Foggy and Matt, or even Foggy and Karen. BUT I HAVEN’T SEEN PUNISHER YET, so. 
A canon ship you hate: I mean. Most of the straight ships in this world are contrived, but I think the biggest offender was Dany and Jon Snow. Another huge offender was Luna Lovegood marrying off the first Scamander she could find when we all know she should have ended up with a woman, preferably the awesome Ginny Weasley or, since she was unavailable, Padma Patil. I will never stop disliking FUCKING JON SNOW AND DANAEREYS TARGAYEN. I refuse to accept that Matt and Karen happened. What the fuck was Arthur Pendragon and Guinivere all about they had no chemistry whatsoever.
A ship you’ve been shipping for years: The longest ship of my life has been Sherlock and Molly. I wish I could stop. 
A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: Back in the day, when Johnlock was the biggest thing in existence, and I was like????????????
Favorite rarepair: I still secretly ship Peggy with Thompson more than Souza a little and I know that sucks because Thompson is a terrible person but I love him and I know I shouldn’t because you get to stan one (1) white boy with vaguely sad past but here I am with my Loki and my Thompson
Tagging: @bleedingliar24 @whyimmathere aaaannndd @half-past-late
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nocllesnow · 7 years
22, 9, 3 !
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which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
probably darcy?? only because he fluctuates so much between being harsh and being awkward and being annoyed because HE doesn’t know what he’s doing, so he’s some serious mood whiplash. ithaca is a close second, though, because i’m still feeling my way around what she does and how she feels and how she acts around different people, because she’s a character whose responses 100% depend on who she’s talking to. that being said, tho, i like to think my characters are pretty in-character?? hopefully?? IDK FAM
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
this gonna be a long answer fam, u ready??
noelle: mY FIRST BAE, playing shy characters was easier for me when i entered a new group, plus shy olaf daughter?? with a dad who’s extra af?? yES PLS. ngl, i stalked the rp for like a week before joining bc i was highkey intimidated, so i feel like that showed through noelle a bit.
kai: SILVERMIST IS MY DISNEY FAIRY FAVE, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, and taehyung’s face was calling to me fam, i really wanted a fairy character and i mean, silvermist was the fave, so why not??
luna: when tasha was still around she said in the ooc that she wanted a daughter of pitch black for andy and i wAS ON THAT SHIT the muse came to me fam, and isabelle suited the character so well the rest was history.
caspia: seeing the hundred acre wood characters start to come in i was like “yO WHAT IF PIGLET HAD A REBELLIOUS AF DAUGHTER” and i also wanted a character to get drunk bc none of the aforementioned characters really got drunk, so tHERE SHE BE
ophelia: with the Mess™ that the wonderland characters at the time had going on, i ended up getting muse for a more fussy yet adventurous and curious daughter of the white rabbit, thus ophelia was born. nONE of those wonderland characters are around anymore, but she was a character who i found had to grow up a bit and idk fam i could go oN
zane: UM SHOCK LOCK AND BARREL ARE MY FAVES?? i remember EB mentioned rex being terrified of their kids and the muse continued from there tbh?? i’d wanted to use jungkook for a while and i was like oPPORTUNITY, and he was another character that grew up quite a bit when i first got him
eirella: listen............she was meant to be a daydreamer who had a bit of a temper, right?? tHEN I REALISED I LIKED IT BETTER WHEN SHE WAS ANGRY SO ANGRY SHE BECAME. i also really like dancer characters, sO
misty: there was a lot of Mess™ happening with the atlantica-olympus crew and i thought to myself “lmao what if it was flounder’s kid that has to deal with all of them” aND THUS MISTY WAS BORN, it was very quick tbh but i don’t regret it one bit
jacinta: i wanted a very whimsical and energetic character as well as a very immature one, and i thought a daughter of stitch would fit the bill tbh. i also love stitch, and with kei as her fc it just sorta fell into place tbh
talon: i wANTED MATT DADDARIO AS AN FC OK and tbh i went through a few options, but i went with tarzan and jane because the character i had in mind was one that was kinda rough and socially inept, and i figured being raised in the jungle away from humans was perfect for that
alissa: fAIRY GODMOTHER CHILD?? YES PLS. with all the crazy shit that was happening in auradon, i wanted a character like alissa who wanted to stand up for the school ( this was before we had an actual fairy godmother mind you ) and also one who wanted to grant wishes because SHE wanted to. a lot of it was based on the fairy godmother in the original descendants movie who wouldn’t let jane use magic, and so alissa would be under the same circumstances and just rebel, plain and simple
sabrina: LOOK I HAD HER IN MIND FOR MONTHS BEFORE I HAD HER I’M JUST SDKLFJSLDF with all the wreck-it-ralph characters around, i got inspired, and i was like “how WOULD turbo treat his kid??” aND THUS SHE WAS BORN AND WOULDN’T LEAVE MY MIND
xiaoli: around the time i was thinking about sabrina, i was also thinking about xiaoli. there were a few inspirations for xiaoli’s character. the whole ‘i am a tool’ line came from peko pekoyama from dangan ronpa and the writing in her sketchbook thing came from this character megumi from the anime special a and everything just sorta fell into place?? i love her so much like??
viviette: MIRACULOUS LADYBUG HYPE FAM i lowkey wanted a ML character for a while and then all this hype about queen bee was going around and it was cHLOE AND I WAS LIKE !!!!!!! and i was really drawn to the backstory riley made for cameron so it was a no-brainer whose kid i was gonna create
frederick: I WANTED A BRATTY PRINCE. THAT’S ALL I WANTED. AND NOW HERE HE IS. A MASTERPIECE OF BULLSHITERY. and now i also love when he guts flustered and blushy blushy that’s always fun
gabriel: i knew i wanted a soft, well-mannered, flower-child boy, i just didn’t know where to put him, and then i remembered how much i fUCKING LOVED THE SWAN PRINCESS AS A CHILD and it was a no-brainer, he’s just so pure, so beautiful
beatrix: sMALL FEISTY DEMON CHILD?? CHERNABOG?? LITERALLY SATAN’S DAUGHTER?? NEED I SAY MORE?? i wanted a character who was a persuasive little shit, basically. hopefully i’m doing her justice even tho i brING HER SO MUCH PAIN i basically have no issues doing anything to her bc chernabog would legit do ANYTHING bc he has no morals, like at all
roxanne: princess who’s done with her dad’s shit, basically someone who might be able to dO SOMETHING about the crazy ass shit that goes on in auradon as well as someone close to the king to actually oppose the king, and i aLSO wanted a character who had middle child syndrome so
pandora: i wanted a smol from the isle, bc i had no smols from the isle, like nO TRUE REAL 110% SMOLS and i chose pete because first of all, i love the mickey mouse original characters, but also because i thought he would be an interesting character to explore in this universe?? sO YEA
darcy: i wanted charlie heaton as an fc and i had his character of being abrupt and awkward in my mind already, but i once again had no idea where to put him?? iN THE END it was his personality that i was interested in the most. shoutout to nicole for helping me decide on aurora and phillip tho
yazmin: THIS ONE IS WINNIE’S FAULT OK i knew coranza was from elena of avalor and i was like “oh what’s that this looks cool” I FINISH ALL THE EPISODES AND I LOVED ISABEL AND I WAS ON THAT SHIT LIKE LIGHTNING OK
willow: i made the mistake of watching sofia the first, i legit remember posting ‘i have made a terrible mistake’ on the ooc blog but i just?? really wanted a spoiled princess?? aND I LOVE SOFIA THE FIRST SO LIKE ??? FAM
queenie: I WAS WATCHING THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE AND THE MUSE POPPED UP I WAS SHOOK i love detective characters and i had so many ideas?? i had a few stoic characters but none of them were as lonely as queenie really was, and she has this side to her that shows that she’s still just a teenager sO
umbra: I WANTED TO USE BONA FOR THE LONGEST TIME i just had no idea where to put her and then i watched httyd and i love that movie so much ok and i was INFIRES i also love characters who are antisocial but are 110% fine with being that way and umbra is nothing if not that so
ithaca: LI ST E N a snow white child has been in the back of my mind since forever tbh, since around october last year i think?? but there was no space. i just really loved the idea of her being interested in magic and being sorta gloomy and stuff and being this kinda?? middle ground to otto and pompeii?? like they’re both on opposite ends of things and ithaca is just kinda in the middle like “whatever fam”
helix: IT’S NO SECRET THAT I LOVE THE BELDAMS OK and once again if there had been space i probably would have created her a long time ago. i got to thinking about what would have happened to a beldam kid during the time she was alone, all these hypotheticals like “what if they didn’t know what beldams did?? what if they were really sweet and it aLL CHANGED” and thus HELIX
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emptysurface · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions on your own. 4. Tag 11 people. Tagged by the lovely @shadowblayze (I can’t believe you’re making me do one of these. :P This is all on you, just so you know!)
You find yourself in the last fictional world- game, manga, book- you last consumed.  What is it and how do you feel about it? Oh, it’s been so long since I read something other than fanfiction... um. Oh! Until Death Do Us Part. It’s an awesome manga and if you haven’t read it yet, then you definitely should check it out! ^^ I have no idea how I’d feel about it... I don’t think I’d notice all that much, because I can’t see myself moving around the same circles as either Mamoru or Haruka. If I met them, though, I’d end up dead. I’m sure of it.
What would you pick: being disgustingly wealthy but forced to be a socialite or being able to mute people in real life but still a working class individual? I’d pick the first option. Because I can still be an antisocial, reclusive socialite and I wouldn’t have to worry about money. And I already have selective hearing -it drives my mother up the wall, but hey, she’s the one I got it from- so I don’t need to get that particularly skill.
If you could time travel- only once!- when would you go, and would you stay? Hm. Difficult. Would I go back in my current form, or go back to my past self? I still think I’d stick to my own life-time. Maybe tell my mom to make sure I checked my health to catch my illness before it consumed about a decade of my life.
Favorite ice cream? Old fashioned vanilla with crushed chocolate! It’s fantastic.
Favorite ‘well, this has been a totally shit day’ routine? Um, the couch is my friend. Second only to my computer. Reading and writing is my life-line. I need it, or I’d go insane. No kidding. When I write, I write. Like, a shit-ton. @worldtravellingfly and @shadowblayze know what I’m talking about.
Winter or summer? Either. Both. I love all the seasons; I adore the change.
Cake or pie? Cake. Mostly. I mean, I’ll bake all sorts of things, and I’ve got a horrible sweet-tooth, so.
Pets? I’ve got five dogs, two cats and a horse. I love animals? I have a preference for the dogs, though. They’re just so friendly and cuddly.
You won an all-expenses paid- including shopping!- weekend!  Do you choose a Disney- any location- getaway or a New York City one? Hm. Not all that hyped about shopping. Probably the Disney location; they’ve got one in Tokyo, right? I’d go there.
Favorite part of the day? In the middle of the night, like, 3 AM. I love how quiet it is, and how it feels like I have all the time in the world. There’s no one else awake and I love it.
Song that always manages to cheer you up? It changes all the time. Right now, hmm... Goliat, by Laleh. You probably don’t know who that is, but check her out! ^^ My Questions: 1. What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child? 2. Who’s your favourite author? 3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? 4. If you could choose a fictional world to live in, which one would it be? 5. Do you have a spirit animal, and in case, which? 6. Favourite colour? 7. Which is your current favourite fandom? 8. Favourite quote? (damn, I’m starting to run out of things to ask...) 9. Preferred season? (I’m copying shadowblayze now) 10. How well would you do if you were dropped into the world of the last story you read, no preparation or warning? 11. Darcy or Steve? :) And I nominate @worldtravellingfly This is your problem now! :D
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