#( ardor armis. ardor amatori ; raum & mads )
cantuscorvi · 2 years
“I couldn’t fix him. But I could fuck him.” (mads!)
"Hey. The hell are you mumbling to yourself about? They lock people up for doing too much of that, y'know?"
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"Stop acting crazy and get your ass over here 'n help me lift this instead."
Besides, he'd argue there isn't anything here that needs fixing — other than whatever is going on Campbell's head.
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cantuscorvi · 1 year
ღ (Mads 👀)
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following: // @distopea
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
There was nothing else between them but the sounds of the mops sliding onto the dirty floor. The atmosphere was tense, Raum and Mads once again sharing a moment of distrust and profound hatred, as if everything was supposed to be electrical when they were interacting. They were bickering over the slightest thing, whether it was their way of commanding, the way they were folding their shirts, the space they would use in their tiny room. Every single word or glance could light the match of war, and suddenly, they were ready to throw hands. It was also a physical call; an urge to defend their territory and yet conquer the other one; a rooster fight in many ways. Mads hated himself for being so sensitive to Raum’s behaviors; as if, from his existence only, he had all the cards to get under his skin. 
“Oï.” Mads hissed, just because Raum had come too close from him with his mop, slightly wetting the bottom of his pants. Was it because he was exhausted or out of petty emotions, but instead of simply brushing it off, he turned around and faced him. “Can you, please, try to do a good job and keep your mop in your area?” He uttered with a growl, only to see that Raum was still wearing the same confident and cocky smirk; he had probably acted on purpose, and Mads could read it all over his face. It lightened something in him. It was strong enough for Mads to plunge his mop inside the bucket of water and soap, taking it out, and slapping it across the other one’s torso and face. 
There they were standing in silence, the perfect hair of the blond pilot ruined by a generous amount of water. Mads inhaled, preparing himself for retaliation; he also noticed the way Raum’s shirt was getting awfully transparent second after second. // he did it... he slapped Raum with a mop guysdgf
Raum stared at Mads for a second in stunned silence, mouth slightly agape. Not only was his hair now plastered to his skull, but the water invaded his clothes, dripping down his chin, and from the ends of hair and his nose. Fuck! The intense smell of the soap and dirt invaded his senses, the icy water instantly making goosebumps break out over his skin. It was disgusting! It was freezing! 
"The hell is wrong with you?" He snapped, hastily wiping the sopping hair out of his eyes. "It was an accident!" He was lying through his teeth. The little swipe he had made at the hem of the commander’s trousers was certainly on purpose. After all, they just couldn't seem to work in sync, the commander leaving footprints over his clean lines right after he had made them. But in the end, Raum wanted Mads to feel as ridiculous as he was sure he now looked, standing there like a half-drowned cat. He could see Mads eyeing him, as if assessing the damage, or whatever next move he was going to make.
Raum’s eyes narrowed, the grip on the pole of his mop tightened. He shivered, half-cold, half-anger.
“I know you’re a paranoid bastard, but not everything is a personal attack, you fucking – caveman!”
The last word was punctuated by a quick thrust of his mop at the centre of Campbell’s chest. Of course Mads was ready for it, unlike Raum, sidestepping enough so he wasn’t as badly affected. But it was enough to make him grimace, to give Raum a bit of petty satisfaction over his discomfort. 
Well, perhaps not quite enough. Because Raum went after him again. He managed to get a good hit in, this time – a mistake, he realised, when Mads grabbed the wooden pole and yanked him forward by it. Raum growled, ready to start peeling Mads off him with his fists if need be, before there was a distinct metallic clattering sound below them. Dirty water sloshed over the ground and both of their boots.
Both cursing, the two bent to rectify their mistake before it ruined their evening’s work, eyes meeting over the bucket in a glare.
“I’ll get a new one,” Raum practically snarled, lifting the bucket and marching away before he was tempted to start whacking Campbell with the mop again for being so stupid. Or worse, somehow finding a way to blame Raum for everything. He was good at that.
He was staring down into the deep metal basin while he filled the bucket, when he felt it. Campbell’s presence behind him, strangely quiet. Raum frowned and looked up, eyes behind him in the dirty mirror. The commander’s face was inscrutable, his hair was damp and beginning to curl slightly, falling in front of his eyes in a way Raum had usually never seen him. Raum tsked and glanced back down at the bucket.
“Well? You mop it up already? I don’t wanna be stuck here any longer than I have to be.” He shivered again, feeling the damp undershirt cling to his skin in a way that was unpleasant. “Christ, it’s fucking cold – thanks to you.”
Campbell said something, low and measured, and Raum could barely hear him over running the water, but it almost sounded like – 
( An apology? Yeah, right. )
“Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Commander,” he responded, deadpan. Frustrated, tired, bored of always being at each other’s throats. More than anything, he wanted to get out of here before something exploded. He wanted to actually finish this duty and go to bed before drills wiped him out tomorrow.
There was a touch at his shoulder, and Raum tensed immediately. He whirled on the spot, ready to end up in another fight somehow, like once in the past ten minutes wasn’t enough. His hand clamped around Mads’ wrist, vice-like, before he looked up. His skin was warm from exertion.
Light and dark blue collided for a moment, the sky and the ocean, and Raum’s brow furrowed. He paused, grip slackening, searching between Mads’ eyes for whatever message he was trying to convey.
Mads’ gaze was drifting downward. His hand twisted easily out of Raum’s loose grip, drifted through some moisture that had collected at the base of his collarbone. Exposed to the warmth of Mads’ hand, the odd gentleness of his touch, the heat radiating from the closeness of his body, Raum froze. His breath halted. Fingers slowly, barely, slipped under his shirt. The hairs at the back of his neck stood up, electrified. What the fuck? Raum stepped back, but bumped against the basin. Unable to move away – to avoid his own reaction to the proximity.
“Don’t,” he hissed, slapping Mads’ hand off like it burned him. He shoved the other man back a little, gratified when it surprised him, when it made that indignant flare of insult spark in his expression. His eyes tracked down to Mads’ lips, curled a little in displeasure. Raum took a step forward, followed him, unable to help it. If Campbell took an inch, Raum would take a mile. He twisted his hands in Mads’ shirt, dragged him down the scant few centimetres  between them so he could look him properly in the eye. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Raum whispered, barely any animosity in it anymore, hypnotised by the warmth of Mads’ breath.
Hypocritically, his grip tightened, and his lips just barely brushed against the other man’s, tempted, curious. They were cold, soft but chapped from the wind outside. Mads made some sort of shaky sigh against his mouth, like he was barely holding himself together, and Raum was lost to it. He was giving in far too easily, pulling him closer into a tentative kiss. Different than before, the aggression was conspicuously missing, replaced by… something exploratory. Something that made him shudder and wind his hands into Mads’ damp hair, that had him pressed harshly against the basin, until he was gasping-
“Wait– hah, fuck– Campbell, the duty–!”
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
Ⓐ !! For Mads now hehehe
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours: // @distopea
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
9)  sender sensually kisses receiver’s inner ankle to start an ascension of caresses up towards their thigh.  (Hehehehe Raum and Mads this one?)
“Jesus. I know I said to make it tight, but you’re pushing it, Campbell,” came the hissed protest of the blond, his eyes fixed on the top of Mads’ head. The short strands of his dark hair tickled Raum’s exposed calf while Mads wrapped the compression bandage around his ankle. 
It was sprained – had happened earlier in the day when the sea was choppy and the ship pitched in a sudden way that caught Raum off-guard. He still wasn’t quite able to predict how the boat would move like the navy men could, and it pissed him off to no end. His ankle was pretty bruised and swollen, the fair skin already turning purple. And although Raum had hidden his discomfort ( fairly well, he thought ) throughout the rest of the day to carry on with his duties, by the time he was back inside their cabin hours later, he was almost struggling to walk from the built up layers of pain. 
He despised admitting that he needed help. And yet here they were. There wasn’t much Raum could do to keep up his act anymore. Not when Mads had found him hunched over and cursing, struggling to pull his own damn boot off like some stupid trainee. He’d had to help him out of the boots – but not the trousers. Raum had insisted on doing that much by himself.
Mads fixed him with a look, before muttering something under his breath. Probably something about how he should be grateful he was getting any help at all, or that he was an idiot for not visiting the medic to begin with. Raum sighed heavily. He leaned back on his elbows and tilted his head back, glared irritably at the upper bunk. If anything, it was better to prevent himself from staring holes into the other man who was at his feet. 
The image of Mads’ broad shoulders fitting between his knees was a bit too striking for his comfort. Harder to look away than he anticipated – Raum would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about lording it over the disapproving commander, in more ways than one. Yet, even though Campbell was the one in the disadvantageous position – the way his hands curled around Raum’s ankle and calf, holding him in place… somehow Raum was the one left feeling exposed. The confined space of the quarters made it so there was almost nowhere else to look and nowhere to escape to, the situation becoming strangely intimate.
“Well. There isn’t anyone else to cover my team, is there?” A rhetorical question, just to fill the slightly tense, dead air between them. Truth be told, the quiet these days was beginning to feel more alive with something. And yet just like the dead, whatever it was, it was likely better off buried. Raum frowned at the train of his own thoughts. Being stuck on this stupid fucking floating coffin was rotting his brain already. 
There was a whisper of a touch at the back of his knee, soft and almost ticklish. Raum jolted slightly, holding back a shudder when the heat of Mads’ palm bloomed onto the inside of his leg and settled there. Oh, you bastard. Don’t try and pretend that was unintentional. 
“Hey. You done? Hurry up, I want a smoke.” Finally Raum glanced at Mads, somewhat startled to find him not looking down at his ankle ( already neatly tied, when? ) but up at Raum’s face. Their eyes met, quiet again, and Mads’ expression was unreadable. Slowly, he lowered his head and brushed his lips above the bandage, against Raum’s inner ankle. The touch of his lips was soft, softer than Raum expected. His breath was warm, the graze of his cheek a little prickly. And his eyes, a more stirring blue than the ocean around them, had never left Raum’s.
Frankly, for a moment of stunned silence, Raum dared not to blink. A shiver had travelled his spine, betraying goosebumps over his skin. When was the last time he’d been touched like that, even by a woman? Had he ever? 
Mads was still looking at him from beneath his brow, steadfast and silent, almost a challenge. As if to say, what now? That look was like the one he would throw when they sparred, and it lit a match somewhere in Raum’s abdomen. He lifted his ankle and hooked it over the commander’s shoulder, drawing him closer. The bunk creaked when Mads leaned into him, calloused hands sliding their way up over strong thighs. Raum was transfixed watching it happen, feeling surreal. He reached out, palms colliding with the other man’s chest –  should push him off – but he didn’t want to. Mads paused abruptly as he leaned over him, whether he was having doubts of his own or sensed Raum’s hesitation, it was hard to tell. 
His hands on Raum’s skin burned though, unmoving. Raum wanted more of that touch, arched up towards him, winding his hands over Mad’s shoulders and through his hair to pull him down. We shouldn’t be doing this, he thought he should say. 
Instead, what tumbled out of his mouth and into Mads’ was, “...Don’t stop.”
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
And I also wish to discover what Raum and Mads will offer to this world, they deserve to bring the double menace around
send me a pair and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child. @distopea
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Name: Roxanne Weiss Campbell Gender: Feminine (she/her)
General Appearance:
With charcoal coloured hair and grey-blue eyes, at a glance Roxanne falls more obviously on the side of Mads. Her skin tone is sampled directly from Raum though, an ivory hue that tends to suffer badly under the sun. Her face is more sharp and angular than soft, and the contrasting prominence of all her features gives her a striking and mysterious look. In dress, she’s on the simpler side, certainly not as feminine as expected for a girl of the period, but on the list of things she cares about, appearance is quite low. 
Sharp as a tack and serious to a fault, she inherited the strong sense of duty and rationale from both parents – despite their wishes for her to lead an easier life than theirs. Roxanne has a calm, self-assured nature that many people in their world would find off-putting for a woman to have. She figured out at a young age the expectation of society and therefore, it’s a large part of her personality that she hides under a veil of simple curiosity and innocence. She is quite good at putting on a performance and manipulating the truth.  All those questions she’s asking? Oh, it’s nothing special. She’s just interested in the way you tell the story… Can you tell it again? There’s a bit of a temper under that mask of hers though. A streak of rebellion. She’s quite sick of constantly playing the good girl in order not to offend anyone, and if you piss her off, that built up frustration can come exploding out.
Special Talents:
Analytical. A master of reading between the lines – she can play the social game with ease and is good at figuring out what you’re really trying to say. Even sometimes the things you don’t want others to know. Deceptive. A result of masking her personality to better fit in society, Roxanne is adept at blending into a crowd, making up stories, spinning lies and half truths, and essentially, playing into whatever thoughts you already have about her. Fighter. Growing up from military parents meant they both made sure she knew how to defend and take care of herself in a dangerous situation. She knows how to drive, how to shoot a gun, and if you get on her bad side, she has a nasty right hook too.
Who they like better:
It’s a struggle to choose. She feels grateful to have grown up with parents who aren’t “normal”, despite the hardship it has afforded them, because she also struggles with feeling like she doesn’t fit in. There’s a sense of solidarity between them that has only gotten stronger the older she became. On the other hand, she often feels stifled by both of them. Despite their attempts, Raum & Mads both still treat her like a young girl, or a child that they need to (over)protect. It grates on her nerves to not be taken seriously. 
Who they take after more:
In her serious demeanour, it has to be Mads. She’s often walking around with that determined expression on her face like she’s his mini-me. However, her more outspoken and performative side comes from Raum.
Personal Headcanon:
Roxanne is working as a journalist – something that she takes pride in. Although initially hired as typist, then relegated to the women’s page or lifestyle column, she started writing different articles under the name of a male colleague who was rather incompetent and had desperately asked for her help to meet a deadline. When the truth finally came to light, they had to accept that she had been writing his articles for months and give her the position – although she remains writing under his name instead of her own. She has a bit of Mads’ Scottish twang in her accent which often catches people off-guard. That, plus her appearance, often has people asking if she’s foreign or suspecting she might be some kind of European tourist. Since she knows multiple languages, she can play this off quite well to get information. She is quite obsessed with movies and musicals, and really wanted to be an actress at a young age. Although, after a while she gave up the dream after realising how strict the contracts were and how tightly the lives of the stars were controlled. Instead, in her spare time she is concocting a screenplay that she hopes will become a reality someday.
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
"Blondie." Mads seemed serious, his face expressing no emotion, while he moved closer and stopped in front of Raum. "You’re on my way." He cockily said with the ghost of a smirk. // 🥰🫣
"Listen -- this room is barely one man wide. There is no 'way'. Whether it's yours or mine, doesn't even matter."
Raum glanced at Mads when he invaded his personal space, pointed the straight razor he was holding at him when he got too close. It wasn't exactly threatening -- more just to wipe off that cocky expression on the commander's face when he had to lean back from the edge of the blade. Raum's cheeks were all foamed up for shaving, unfortunately killing the seriousness in his expression a bit.
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"If you want the sink, you've gotta wait. I'm almost done."
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
relationship tag dump so i don't forget 'em & what they mean--
( particeps criminis ; raum & lily ) - partner in crime ( dulce periculum ; raum & nezumi ) - danger is sweet ( faciam ut mei memineris ; raum & oliver ) - i'll make you remember me ( in flagrante delicto ; raum & miyasaki ) - red handed ( odi et amo ; raum & antoinette ) - hate and love ( auribus teneo lupum ; raum & raoul ) - to hold a wolf by the ears ( vivat crescat floreat ; raum & lilu ) - may it live, grow, and flourish ( suavis et utile ; raum & timantha ) - pleasant and profitable ( panem et circenses ; raum & sullivan ) - bread and circuses ( ardor armis. ardor amatori ; raum & mads ) - the heat of battle. the heat of a lover ( gutta cavat lapidem ; raum & lyric ) - a water drop hollows a stone ( gloria filiorum patres ; raum & gabriele ) - the glory of sons is their fathers
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
The alcohol was running through his blood… making his head spin, his world spin. He knew he wasn’t supposed to drink that much, but he was caught off guard, somehow, drifting into the Christmas festivities. Both the British and the American were now in a second state, giggling, arguing, babbling about their wives and their dreams, and Mads, on his side, was just standing against the wall, a bit retreated. His irises were focused on the blond who was moving among the crowd, stopping his walk here and there to catch a quick chat, but he saw it, he knew it - he was heading in his direction. A cocky smirk appeared on his lips while he swallowed the last drops of champagne from his cup, perhaps a way to hide his excitement and his fervent wish for Raum to join him. 
That was what the blond did. He came, far too close, invading his space as usual, but it felt way more erotic today. Mads could perceive the scent of his musk, the alcohol mixed when he was speaking so low. What was he saying? Mads bent down, his body unable to stop from moving closer as well. “Come again?” He asked again and bit his bottom lip, breathing harder. Shit. It was just the alcohol speaking… It was nothing else. But from that distance, he had a hard time controlling those strange urges blooming each time he could hear Raum’s low and sensual voice.
Finally they had some time to let loose. He was caught under a pleasant buzz from the alcohol they had received with their rations, feeling warm and relaxed ( and perhaps, a little off balance ) in a way that he hadn’t in months. Not at least, since he last set foot on land. He wasn’t going to allow anything to take that sentiment from him tonight, especially not those eyes he could feel burning into his back. While Raum moved among the other crewmates, joining in with the festivities, Mads loomed in the corner like a gargoyle, and the blond had felt his gaze for the past few minutes. Even though Raum didn’t look his way, the feeling didn’t let up. And though Mads might have thought himself discreet, Raum wasn’t stupid.
After slapping a fellow airman on the back in farewell, he started to make his way towards Mads. The alcohol made him less coordinated but his wits were still about him – enough to know that once he reached the other man, his little sway into Mads’ personal space was far from appropriate. Not that the others weren’t doing the same in their drunken ramblings. They were perfectly matching the scene around them.
Knees bumped together where Raum leaned his side against the wall next to Mads. He laughed when Mads couldn’t hear him, the cheap champagne in his blood making the situation amusing rather than annoying. He leaned in closer towards the other man’s ear. 
“I said…'' he began, a little louder. Raum wasn’t oblivious to the way Mads reacted. But he didn’t want to call attention to it either. There was a tenuous sort of peace between them for tonight, and he wasn’t going to break it over something… Stupid. So stupid and reckless and tempting.
“I didn’t think you were such a wallflower, Commander.” Humour was laced in his tone, yet he felt anything but that when Mads bent a little too close and Raum’s lips barely ghosted the shell of his ear. He didn’t pull away – neither of them did. Accident. It was an accident.  “What’re you doing over here by yourself?”
He barely paid attention to the response. Some excuse, probably – Raum didn’t care to hear it. It didn’t matter in the haze of the evening. What mattered was the goosebumps he could see on Mads’ neck caused by his breath. He felt emboldened, glancing down at the other man’s empty cup. 
“You know… you don’t look so good,” he murmured, making a show of tilting his head and frowning with concern. Their proximity was drifting, and he could smell the faint scent of Mads’ hair. This time, when his lips brushed the other man’s ear, it was purposeful, the warmth of his breath leaving on the exhaled words. Mads shuddered faintly and God, Raum was vulgar, for what he was thinking. For what he was hoping Mads would play along with. “How many have you had?”
Mads shook his head like he couldn’t remember, but the look in his eyes – was he really taking the bait? There was a momentary hesitation, and then Raum thought fuck it and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him, until Mads leaned his head on his shoulder. He could practically feel Mads smirk. Fucker.
“Ah… Watch out, big guy. This one’s had far too many,” he announced loudly, stumbling a little himself when he started to drag them away to the door. “Princess needs her beauty sleep.” There was a chorus of laughing and some smart-ass insults thrown their way before they were out of the room and in the clear. 
The walk back to the stateroom was a tipsy kind of blur, pulses spiking every time their arms brushed. They’d barely made it inside before Mads had shoved him towards the bunk, following hastily behind and peeling off his own shirt in the process.
Raum grinned up at him, all bravado even when his heart was hammering.
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“Merry Christmas, huh?”
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