#( ch: Aaron )
sedativeunderskins · 1 year
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i know it's hard to stay the course // when the sun seems nowhere to be found // i know you're so far from the shore // might be time to turn this ship around // now go all the way, all the way // until you've reached the point of no return //  all the way without a trace of doubt inside your mind
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💋 Aaron
The kiss was gentle at first, Wanda haven't not expected for Aaron to kiss back. She had been wanting to kiss him for a while, though she had had to build up the courage to do so. Not only that, she had been trying to figure out if the other felt the same way. After all, the last thing she ever wanted was to have misread the signals and kiss him when he didn't want it. And so, when she felt like he wasn't going to pull away, she deepened it ever so slightly, waiting to see what he might do.
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clonehub · 1 year
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the day he became uncle
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gabbagebin · 6 months
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[Hunkmas 2023] Day 1: Axel
won't you sit on the lap of this santa?
Posted using PostyBirb
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mcytblrconfessions · 9 months
mystreet season six theorizing eventually led to me gettting a girlfriend. so functionally, aaron lycan made me gay
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Impact. A Hotchniss fanfiction. Proceed with Caution.
Chapter three: Tension. wordcount: 5k. read on ao3 or fanfiction.net
Elizabeth had never wanted children.
Perhaps it's a shameful thing for a woman to admit; it certainly was in the 60s, when Elizabeth was a thriving young woman in her 20s with a successful career, on the brink of marrying the perfect man, with no notion of children in the near, or distant, future. Back then, she was Elizabeth Ford. The only daughter, only child, of Andre and Emmeline Ford. Her father, whose parents had been rich French immigrants, was an ambassador, holding the position of Ambassador to France for over a decade, and he was her inspiration. The time they spent in France was the happiest of Elizabeth's life. She grew up around culture and art and music and incredible food, and, when she came of age, met some of the most influential people of the 20th century.
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cultfic · 24 days
@muutos ♣ he's still hoping the fleeting exchange of side eyes between the two of them on the flight back wasn't obvious enough for the members of the team to notice because he's counting on keeping whatever this is as secret as possible for as long as possible ⎯ preferably forever. motion accompanies his request, lithe fingers clutching gently 'round her wrist, the squeeze meaningful enough that she'll get the meaning but he won't force her if she prefers the comfort of her own bed, of her own place. lord knows he understands the feeling yet, with her, it feels strangely okay to let himself breathe. a shy half-grin, ❝  well, neither do i.  ❞ for jack's sake as much as for his own but she was everything he may or may not have dreamed her to be .. and then some.
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sheets pool at his stomach and he feels strangely exposed, knife perforations still etched on his skin where foyet stabbed repeatedly, keeping aaron in a strange trance nearing unconsciousness. it's the first time since that day that he doesn't surrender to the urge to cover himself. ❝  i do. i'd like you to stay but you don't have to if you don't want to. it just .. feels nice wanting to have someone to share this bed with again.  ❞ save for the occasional one-night stands he escorted to the door right after, haley's side has remained desperately cold since the boston reaper's sick vengeance on aaron.
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scribare-archive · 1 year
@lovetold. starter call.
❝   i'll always come back for you.   ❞
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sedativeunderskins · 1 year
aaron woods
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parents: theo & delilah siblings: abigail
aaron is a high school art teacher and is pretty much the perfect combination of his parents. he takes after theo in looks and charm but he he’s sweet and genuine just like delilah. 
it was important for delilah to raise kids who believed in god but her and theo agreed they wouldn’t push it on them and let them both come into it on their own as well as being open and loving about everyone. because of that aaron ended up developing his own relationship with god and its something that’s very important to him.
aaron is very protective of his family. like his sister, he doesn’t know a lot of about his parents’ past but he knows that they both had tumultuous childhoods and that’s why they don’t have any kind of relationship with their grandparents. except for theo’s mother who is in a facility due to her brain damage but theo and delilah refuse to tell their kids the real reason why.
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❣ - Aaron!
"I love your smile. I love how protective you seem to be, now that we have gotten to know each other a little better. I love listening to you tell stories.."
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granitxhka · 7 months
captain hector, captain’s armband hector, i feel sick
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rachlou86 · 8 months
Taylor better drop a brand new solid red surprise song dress for Anfield lol I mean come on it could be a nod to Wrexham for Ryan too just do it Taylor you don't have any more loyalty to london its LFC time baby YNWA
You’re so right, she really should!!
I won’t forgive her if she wears the blue one lmaooo
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callusedhand · 1 year
continuing from here | @precariousfates
Aaron feels like a fool for expecting some sort of sympathy from Kevin, of all people, wondering just how his brother puts up with him on a daily basis. Maybe Aaron should start carrying knives and poking Kevin with them too. "As if you'd notice if I was even gone," he grumbles, takes one of his thinner textbooks and throws it in Kevin's direction. "Jesus Christ, Kevin, try to act human sometimes,"
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lockinspo · 2 years
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Aaron Diaz & Lola Ponce via Lola's Instagram
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illicit affairs chapter 19
Emily Prentiss is what the FBI like to call a rogue. After having her Supervisory status revoked, she’s offered a job with the BAU, her status back, and a clean slate, an offer that’s impossible to refuse. On her first day, though, she finds she’s already fairly well acquainted with her new boss.
rating: M. explicit. I don’t advise anyone underage read this story.
pairing; hotchniss.
fanfiction | ao3
Chapter 19
Life at the BAU without Gideon was…strange.
They all, to some capacity, expected he would return. Even Hotch, who had reassured Reid, expected the sullen face of his mentor to grace the round table in the days that followed. Instead, word of his resignation finally reached Hotch's desk and, that same afternoon, after taking some time to mull it over, Hotch gave word to the rest of them.
For weeks, Spencer poured over the letter. He read it at his desk, at the roundtable, on the jet. When he wasn't reading it, it was clasped tightly in his hand, his eyes vacant, his mind elsewhere. From across the bullpen, sitting at her desk, when the light hit the paper just right, Emily could see the way it was scarred with a hundred little branches of white, creased where Reid had folded and unfolded it over and over again.
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cultfic · 1 month
the whole incident had been handled terribly. and as unit chief it had fallen on him to accept and swallow the guilt but that didn't mean it ever went away. he'd simply learned to neatly file it, along with the endless piles of cases left to investigate, of potential future victims to save.
⎯ @greeneway, elle greenaway : “ oh, now you care? ”
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❝ i always cared.  ❞ a hand smoothes his tie, the other sets the glass of bourbon before him on the counter. his hair's shorter now, black spikes in a constant state of rebellion against proper military fashion but besides that he believes he hasn't changed much; wonders if she sees differences in his stature the way he does for her. she slouches more although he doubts she even realizes it. but the ordeal had taken a toll he wishes he could have helped avoid. ❝  i realize it may not have seemed so at the time, but i did wanna help you, elle. the thing is, i also had to keep the team in mind.  ❞ it's no excuse but he's getting tired of always facing the same two impossible choices: one or the team. ❝  so? how have you been?  ❞
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