#( dynamic. / && frankie and robert sullivan. )
lostsullivans · 4 years
          ROBERT’S SECRETARY COULDN’T STOP FRANKIE from storming past her desk and straight to his office, knocking loudly three times with the side of his fist before entering. “Pops... Pops, we have a bit of a situation...”
Brown eyes glanced up from the papers in his hand, scrutinizing quickly before going back to work. He turned to retake the seat he’d rose from just moments prior. “I told you to kick the habit, kid. I don’t wan---”
“I’m not high, Pops! This shit is serious.”
The elder man stopped with his back toward his grandson, paused, took a moment to himself before rounding his desk, intent on getting himself a drink from the credenza behind it. Dropping the papers, he grabbed the crystal bottle, poured himself a glass of bourbon, considered providing Frankie with one, and ultimately decided against it. Recapping the bottle, Robert finally pivoted and propped himself against the piece of furniture, drawing a long sip of the brown liquor before continuing. “What shit is serious?”
“She knows. JJ. She knows somethin’,” Frankie blurted after plopping down in a chair across from the desk.
The glass, halfway through its return to its destination, stopped and Robert’s eyes narrowed. “What does she know?”
“I don’t know! Somethin’! She was drunk as fuck the other night when I came home from the club, said she came to see you---- God knows what the fuck for. She said she overheard somethin’, that you weren’t a good man----”
Robert raised his hand, a silent demand that his grandson stop speaking. Frankie obliged. “I told you that girl was trouble, did I not?”
“Yeah, but you sa---”
“Did. I. Not?”
Frankie’s lips formed a line and he nodded, pushing out a softer yes.
“I told you that she was trouble and that she would get in the way. I warned you, but just like your idiot father and your imbecilic uncle, you didn’t listen.” He let that hang there, eyes on the younger man until he let his gaze drop to his drink. Robert took a breath in, abandoned the glass, and moved around to the front of his desk, to stand in front of Frankie. “You didn’t listen, Francis, and now we have a problem on our hands, don’t we?”
Blue eyes peered up at him, frightened, confused, whatever they were. Robert only registered how pitiful they looked, how pitiful Frankie looked.
“I can fix it. Don’t worry. I can--- I just need a coup---” Frankie stammered, trying to think fast, grasping at every possible solution that entered his mind.
“No,” his grandfather responded sharply, bending down to meet his eyes at the level they were at now. “I can’t trust you to clean up your own mess, so I’ll do it.” Just as he’d done for his own sons. Robert straightened, smoothed out his suit jacket, and waved a hand toward the door. “Go say your goodbyes, if you must. I’ll get word to you once a clean-up plan is in order. Tell not a soul or you just may find yourself in a little accident too.” His fingers wagged toward the exit, a little more impatiently this time. “Now go.”
Frankie, with his head hung, nodded, rose, and started off. He didn’t get to the door fast enough before hearing his grandfather grumble a little more about how much of a failure he’d become. “Is Pearl truly the only smart one among you?” Echoed in his ears as he left.
                                                                                                           ( @aninsomniacsocs, tagging you, bish )
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lostsullivans · 4 years
          He lights a cigarette that he doesn’t intend on finishing, just to give the illusion that he’s older, wiser, than he’s ever given credit for. All of seventeen, he’s watched out for himself for so long now that he doesn’t know what being looked after means anymore, and he knows, deep down, Bullet feels the same.
That, of course, doesn’t mean that he’ll allow them to meet at that level. The girl needs to know he still has the power. The moment that illusion’s gone, she’ll stop listening to him, and he can’t have that. She’s been an asset beyond his expectations, though he’s always treated her like a burden.
"So this… This shit with Pops… Do ya think it’s genuine?” Bullet asks as he draws from the cigarette. They’ve sat in silence long enough.
“I’d like to think so, but he’s a politician, and above that, a Sullivan. That’s two versions of a liar. Just because he’s successful, doesn’t mean he’s any different than the rest of us.”
She clams up again and looks away. He realizes then that she actually bought into the fairy tale their grandfather spun for them.
“Yeah, but… Maybe he’s finally doin’ the right thing. Maybe he’s steppin’ up where everyone else in our lives has folded.” He doesn’t like her tone and though she can’t see, he narrows his eyes at her. “We’re supposed to look out for each other, Frankie. That’s what family does.”
He exhales the smoke polluting his lungs and shakes his head. He doesn’t even have it in him to laugh at her naivety.
“Not this family.”
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lostsullivans · 4 years
connection / dynamic tags i forgot
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