#( connection. / && donny wilson. )
thelostsullivans · 1 year
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ROBERT “POPS” SULLIVAN. Luke, Bullet, Frankie, and Reggie's grandfather. City councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted Frankie and Bullet in their later teens; didn’t approve of his son Kelly’s marriage to Bullet's mother Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. Favors Frankie over Bullet ( most of the time ) and doesn't know about Luke and Reggie ( yet ).
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JOHN SULLIVAN. Frankie's father and uncle to Bullet, Reggie, and Luke. Eldest son of Robert. Fuck up, but not as big as Kelly. Currently incarcerated in New York.
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KELLY SULLIVAN. Father of Luke, Bullet, and Reggie. Only knows for certain about Bullet. General criminal, currently incarcerated in New York, but getting released soon. Asshole.
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FLORENCE ( nee DARCY ) SULLIVAN. Mother of Bullet and estranged wife of Kelly. Con artist and thief. Currently incarcerated in New Mexico. Turned Kelly in to get immunity in an unrelated case.
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RIVA DARCY. Maternal aunt of Bullet. Looks out for her when she's in town. Personal hero of the younger redhead. Hates the Sullivans. Tried to adopt Bullet when her sister was thrown in the clink until Robert got in her way.
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MICHAEL “MIKEY” SULLIVAN. Younger brother of Frankie. Perished in an auto accident. Honestly was Frankie’s heart; they loved that kid. It’s difficult for Frankie to speak of Mikey now, but if they do, it’s all glowing.
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DONNY WILSON. Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand. Had no business messing around with Bullet at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things. Bullet calls him her first love, but that ain't it.
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LILAH BECKWITH. Bullet considers her her first girlfriend, though she was Frankie's at the time. Broke Bullet's heart and really just pissed Frankie off.
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SARA JAKOB. The one who got away for Frankie. They have a tattoo of her name in a heart on their chest and they refuse to get it removed. Very, very sore subject.
------------------ ...to be continued...
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wentzsmatchacup · 2 years
omg haii what flavor are the fall out men to you?? :P OH AND what flavor are the different fob albums?? and which one is ur favorite? ^_^
thank you so so much for asking!! :]
The flavors of people change based on who they are n stuff, so like, young Pete and now Pete have different flavors!
Blondie Pete (Pete now) is a citrus seltzer and a warm oatmeal cookie with dark chocolate chunks. Younger Pete is Cola, raspberries, and a hint of something bitter, but like a deep flavor; kind of like a chocolate but saltier; it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. Patrick is like the Texas Roadhouse bread (shameful yeehaw from a Texas resident. If you’ve never had Texas Roadhouse, the bread is famously delicious and sweet and fluffy) with butter and a lavender tea. Andy is a sherbet with mint in it and a little metallic tang to it. Joe is a smokey steak, cherry juice, and carnival corndogs. Out of the boys, I’m torn between now-Pete and Joe for whose is my favorite. Pete’s reminds me of sunshine and warm spring and happy memories and just overall comfort and stuff, but Joe’s is strangely nostalgic.
As far as albums go, the different songs kinda taste different, but I can give an overall synopsis! :)
Take This to Your Grave tastes kinda like gunpowder, sweat, something lightly fragrant, like rain, bug juice (okay this sounds crazy but it’s this juice in a bottle from gas stations n stuff and it’s great, you should Google it lol), and a snickers bar. Despite those flavors sounding somewhat unpleasant, it’s oddly endearing and I love TTTYG! 6/10 flavor
From Under the Cork Tree tastes like bitter cherries, smarties, perfume, and wood. It’s probably one of the albums I have the least to say about flavor-wise, but it’s SO good and simple. This one has a more cohesive flavor pallet which makes it super pleasant to my senses. 9/10 flavor
Infinity On High tastes like dusty fabric, butter, summer rain, gummy bears, sawdust, and chicken noodle soup. Despite this being one of my favorite albums (behind Folie and SRAR) it has one of my least favorite flavor combinations. I can’t focus too hard on some of the tastes of the songs or it grosses me out, but MAN is it good to my ears. Very salty, very dingy. 4/10 flavor
Folie a Deux tastes like green tea, cleaning spray, cinnamon, honey, whiskey (only ever had it like once lmao), nachos, and dark chocolate. Don’t ask me why cleaning spray, that’s what “What a Catch, Donnie” tastes like to me :,) I LOVE YOU FOLIE!!! 7/10 flavor
Save Rock and Roll tastes like pop rocks, sand, milk, smoke, assorted fruit, wet dirt, something vaguely like nostalgic summers(?) (idk I can’t place it), beef, and sour patch kids. Weird combo, but it somehow works? It’s not quite unpleasant, but it’s not wholly enjoyable if that makes sense? Young volcanoes tastes good lol. 5/10 flavor
American Beauty/ American Psycho is one of my favorite tasting behind FUTCT. It tastes like sour punch straws, whoppers, apple juice, sweet tea, seawater, ballpark hotdogs, barbecue sauce, and blackberries. It tastes like going to a movie theatre and a cookout; it’s freakin delicious. There’s this overhang of hazy, deep flavor, while maintaining a sweet and tangy thing goin on. 9/10 flavor
MANIA tastes like dust, leather, cotton Candy, milkshake, wood, lemon seltzer water, vinegar, pistachios, and fruit snacks. It’s kinda like you dropped your food on the ground and ate it afterwards. I love MANIA, but why does it remind me of kindergarten daycare.. yuck… not a good taste, excluding Stay Frosty, Bishops Kinfe Trick, and Wilson. 2/10 flavor
I May update this post when So Much (for) Stardust is released, but as of right now, it tastes like licorice, pine, gunpowder, sprite, and cantaloupe! 5/10 flavor
I love the way that flavor connects me with things. These flavors also change from time to time, and I can’t ALWAYS taste it, but it’s kind of a neat party trick, eh? Once again, thank you so much for the question! This was really fun, and gave me a new appreciation for their music!! :)
final ranking (based on flavor)
(this does not at all relate to my opinions on the albums themselves! I Can do a separate ranking for that some other time!)
overall, my favorite song (flavor wise) is probably XO, Young Volcanoes, The Kids Aren’t Alright, and Favorite Record! :)
(Edit: I’m sorry i forgot to include EOWYG and didn’t include any of their EP’s, but I would LOVE to if anyone would like to hear it!)
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soulofkhal · 1 year
Khal is Reading: Incredible Hulk (2023) #1
So I'm officially starting to document in here and in my journey in reading comics here and what better comic to start than with the only ongoing I currently read, The Incredible Hulk! This will be a monthly review!
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Directly continuing from the previous run by Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley, Phillip Kennedy Johnson (PKJ) and Nic Klein teams up to bring horror into the Hulk lore. Not that the jade giant have shy away from horror genre before (re: Immortal Hulk and basically the entire Hulk origin took a lot of inspiration from Frankenstein's monster)
As this was my first ongoing, I was very cautious. Hulk is the (western) comic character that I've read the most of and I've grown fondness to the character. From discussions I've seen online, I assume that Hulk is one of the luckier characters in terms of the quality of his solo runs. Minus Aaron, the Ultimate universe and the recently finished Cates run, there hasn't been a lot of complaint regarding his run throughout the years and I'm hoping that this next one would not be joining this tiny list.
And while I can't promise that the quality would stay consistent throughout, this first issue for sure brings a lot of confidence.
The story begins with an exploration team exploring hidden tombs in Al-Qadissiyah, Iraq and unbeknowingly release an ancient entity (seemingly connected to the green door) and ended up being possessed by these entities. They form a cult that claims themselves to be the child of the Mother of Horror. Meanwhile, Bruce is now dealing with a very, angry Hulk after the recent events between him and the Hulk (from the Cates run). The cult believes that Hulk is necessary for the new Age of Monsters and proceed to plan to go after him.
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We also got introduce to Charlene, a teenage girl trying to escape from her abusive dad who encounters the Hulk on her run. Now, one of the things that I miss the most about the Hulk was his relationship with his sidekicks/friends. Whether it's Rick Jones or Amadeus Cho/Brawn and I'm hoping that Charlene will stay as his travelling partner for most of this run.
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As for what I think, I think this issue was amazing. Like "that's what I'm talking about" amazing. Like "Please give me the next issue asap" amazing. I was completely suprised at how much I love this first issue.
I was always worried whenever the first issue just didn't have enough "juice" on it for me to keep me interested or starts off in the middle of a story and keeps me confused and this issue have none of that. We get to see where Bruce is now at his life, the antagonist for this arc (at the very least), and his new friend and a surprising cameo 👀
Not to mention the art. The art is gorgeous and it depicts the horror and the grotesque nature of the story perfectly. All the credit goes to Nic Klein and Matt Wilson for the beautiful art.
All in all whether you were already a Hulk fan or you're a comic fan just looking for a promising action-horror comics, I think this comic fits perfectly for you.
If you have some money to spare and don't mind spending it on comics, do pre-order for the next issue if you are interested (or don't! It's up to you!)
Also great news, the first issue is currently sold-out and they're planning for a second print. Congrats to the Incredible Hulk team!
Final Rating: 9.5/10
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randomshipperhere · 6 days
Something’s Gotta Give (2003). Julian Mercer you were so good to her I wished it were me so bad! Actually he’s so good it’s almost suspicious! But then you remember it’s a romcom and forgive everything. I would never fumble a man like that (doesn’t want to ever date a doctor). Also the way people talk about him here on tumblr 😭 I know the exact fanfic series and why but broooo. The fanon is strong with that one.
The Gift (2000). The stress the second half gave me. So like, the ending tied most things up. Killer was pretty much revealed the moment she walked into that room to talk about her kid to that guy. She said Donnie wasn’t a killer despite being a wife beater so that was obvious to me. The thing I’m still not sure connected to what is the choking in her dream scene. No yeah, I was just stressed for Annie Wilson and because of her too. Glad it ended well enough. Back to Donnie, I’m sorry guys I can’t deal with his archetype. He really is the worst (evil) among Keanu’s characters that I’ve seen so far.
I think it’s funny that two films he started in the 2000s were evil characters.
Edit: I can’t believe Johnny Silverhand and Donnie Barksdale share the fact that they have a Valerie in their life. Need Johnny to shit talk that man so hard.
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demoreelrewound · 1 year
Little tweaks and big changes
To stay faithful to the spirit of the original, I will be doing the minimum amount of changes possible to the main five - Donnie, Rebecca, Tacoma, Karl and Quinn. Right off the bat here are the most noticable changes to the mains:
I've decided to give Tacoma a slightly different surname, one that still ends up being replaced with Narrows in the credits. One of my goals with this whole thing is to make the balance of comedy and drama a little more balanced, so I wanted him to have a name that could work in both contexts. His new surname is Newell.
I'm giving the previously un-surnamed Quinn the surname Mulryan because the combination of two Very Irish sounding names still has the Irish stereotype vibe to it even as I'm working to flesh out his character beyond it. (Plus the sheer Irishness of it will be coming up later in the series as a piece of irony. But more about that down the line ;-D)
Quinn and Karl will be getting the most intense treatment of expanding on character traits and backstories. They'll still be the macho badasses they are in the original, but especially with Quinn I'm adding a few more layers and chances to show a more unguarded side.
(Only small changes will be made to the main three's backstories, and it will be entirely for the sake of ironing out and enhancing what's already there.)
As for the minor characters...
Due to my personal comfort level with writing about real people, I have decided to create original characters that serve the same function as Uncle Yo and Egoraptor. Their names are Tyler Yokota (see what I did there?) and Jake(?) Easton respectively.
Related to this, I would like to rename(?) Donnie's wife from Mara to Brandy. Even though Mara Wilson isn't directly playing herself or appearing on screen, I wouldn't want to implicate her in my changes.
Instead of Fabrizio, the shady Italian tenant of next door's studio space will be one Fabrizia Armati - not only will Rebecca be able to talk to another woman at length, but Ms Armati will have a more direct connection to a character's past and a more subtle but still intimidating presence!
I've decided to give the family that hold Donnie captive in the latter portion of the series the surname Rivers because that's exactly what he was looking for, and exactly the people to spur on the final part of Donnie's character journey.
Tom Collins (main antagonist and leader of SWAG) will be getting a lot of attention from me, as a good story needs a strong antagonist to get things moving. Bearing in mind the little we know about him and the inherently petty beef SWAG has with Demo Reel, I have a lot of room to work in regarding his backstory and motivations.
Entirely new characters will be added to enhance certain plot beats or episodes, including an animal welfare consultant, an estranged sibling and... maybe someone else, not sure yet. Very minor parts anyway, one for only one episode and the other in drips throughout.
One more change I feel I really must make is to Donnie's mother - instead of being so directly based upon Elizabeth Hartman, she will be more of a general fusion of different actresses that are treated terribly by the film industry. Her new name will be Alice Harper, and she herself looks to Hartman as inspiration. More to come on her for certain...
That's all for now. Aiming to go for character profiles next, whenever I get the time.
Have a nice day ^_^
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skybirdfood · 2 years
Jay z 444
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A day later, the Charlotte Hornets drafted a 17-year-old Bryant, only to send him to Los Angeles in return for Vlade Divac. Reasonable Doubt, the corner-boy manifesto and classic hip-hop debut, arrived on June 25, 1996. But it spared JAY-Z.īryant and JAY, despite nine years separating them, came into the public’s eye together. Rap was never given the chance to heal from those wounds - Biggie, Tupac - it helped create. With his wife, Beyoncé, and his sister-in-law, Solange, using their last albums for their most personal work, it’s no surprise 4:44 unmasks itself as JAY at his emotional and creative zenith. The desire has been for him to curb the flaunting of luxuries and come with the real on what it’s like to be one of the most successful people in the world - and also one of its most haunted.īut the writing had been on the wall. It’s the project fans and critics have clamored for, for years: the authentic Jay Z. Off the rip, though, this is the greatest rapper of all time stripping himself down to essentials. Yet, where 4:44 will land in the rankings of JAY-Z’s catalog is a question better left for time. But in the end it is JAY’s inward glimpse of himself - the man he was, the man he’s become, the man he grew to partially hate - that separates this album from his previous bodies of work. Without No I.D.’s soulful backdrops (inspired by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway, Nina Simone, Kool & The Gang and more), 4:44 might lack the emotional connection it not only thrives on but quite literally survives on. No I.D.’s music is more than just “beats,” or instrumentals. Ernest “No I.D.” Wilson, who produced JAY’s 2009 “ Run This Town” and “ Death of Autotune,” as well as 2007’s “ Success,” among others, is the album’s lone producer, and he is irreplaceable. The 10-track 4:44 is the most emotionally taxing project of JAY’s ( he’s back to all caps) career. But for one night, the music universe revolved around JAY-Z, the sport’s finest elder statesman, with the release of his 13th studio album, 4:44. I am not soul purist, and I enjoy many forms of classical and popular music.These moments don’t happen. I quite frequently write and/or record feature vocals for a variety of other artists - soul, house, electro swing, pop, whatever. Plus… you would literally have to be living under a rock in the middle of the desert to have missed JAY-Z’s stuff, right? For sure, I would be happy to work with other artists. It’s not top of my listening list but it’s definitely played a part in my playlist for a long time. That was quite a day for us all! Nobody could have prepared me for that.ĭo you usually listen to rap? Even thought about recording with MCs? If so, who do you want to team up with? We all knew about the “story” at the same time the rest of the world found out on June 30. I didn’t even know it was the title track. I had literally no idea about the story behind the song or the story behind being his vehicle to write the song.
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How does it feel to be part of something like that? And of course, you play a big part of this, providing the voice that inspired him. No ID said that he did the track that way so he could box Jay into openly talking about those feelings. “4:44” not only is the best song in the album, but also one of the greatest songs by JAY-Z in his whole career. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With '4:44'
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He didn’t use the additional versions in the end which I am really pleased about as it shows that the original track totally speaks for itself. So I went straight home and called him from my tiny rented house in Winchester and… that was it. Please let me know when you are available for a quick chat.
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To my absolute shock and disbelief, I had missed calls from a U.S. We were nearly home when I thought to check my phone and let my husband know to come and pick me up. I was on a coach on the way home from the Cathedral’s Group choir festival with about 50 students from the music department I run at the University of Winchester. Z called me 48 hours later to ask if he could have the sessions from our studio recording and to re-record some alternate permutations of the chorus lyrics in case he wanted to diversify from the implied meaning in the original. I was convinced when my drummer and manager Jai called me to tell me “to expect a phone call from JAY-Z” that it was some elaborate wind-up. You had one of the greatest rappers calling you personally. Most of the time, when a big rapper wants to sample a song, the whole thing is handled by agents, managers, A&Rs, that kind of stuff. Nothing makes me want to dance more than those fast, complex polyrhythms. I have to confess that I am not enormously experienced in Brazilian music, but I do know that I love samba. Do you like anything from Brazilian music?
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lostsullivans · 4 years
connection / dynamic tags i forgot
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Chapter One. 
The leading lady will be introduced eventually but I feel like with the way this is written I need to focus on Adonis and Erik first. 
Warnings: AU!Erik, AU!Adonis, smut, bisexual, mentions of blood, threesome.
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The 2019 Comic Con at the Los Angeles Convention Center was populous to say the least. Adonis Johnson felt like he was elbow-to-elbow with the animated and roused crowd of event goers. Everyone is grouped like teenagers in those cheesy high school flicks. You have your Nerds—never worried about being challenged to prove their knowledge about the gaming character or superhero on the shirt they're wearing, yelling out quotes in a spirit of shared fandom. Then, you have your cos players—rehearsed smiles on their faces whenever they are stopped to have their picture taken, sort of deteriorating and looking less magnificent as the day goes on due to wig issues, broken weapons, or itchy and hot costumes. Then, there are those individuals like Adonis who endure the hectic universe. 
Adonis is wearing a faded orange muscle tee with a mixture of his favorite anime characters such as Saitama, Goku, Sasuke, L, Yusuke Urameshi, and Spike Spiegel. He styled the tee with a pair of Nike Dri-FIT Basketball shorts in black, black Jordan socks, and a pair of orange and black Air Jordan 1’s on his feet. He couldn’t forget his layered silver chains and finger rings to make it more stylish, or his charcoal black Coach backpack to carry his essentials like the sun screen he needed and some water from standing in that long ass line in the blazing afternoon sun. The cast of Zombieland: Double Tap will be there, and over 800 exhibitors. Adonis didn’t even know where to start or end and at first he figured the map in his hand that he grabbed at the entrance was a great idea but he tossed it in the closest receptacle. 
Adonis scratched at the steri-strip on the corner of his pouty bottom lip since the regular stitches were removed by his doctor almost 48 hours ago. Adonis earned that busted lip from a fight he triumphed in. He didn’t get that wound from the type of fights you see on paper view—he’s an Underground Boxer who participates in Street fighting. Yes, Adonis fights in ‘unlicensed’ matches. This means it operates outside the governing bodies of the sport and is susceptible to rules being broken and fights being fixed. It is illegal in many countries because it is dangerous and disruptive to daily life—running the possibility of being charged with several crimes especially. It’s Adonis’ personal fight club, a badge of honor for him. 
Adonis was introduced to the idea of a fight club by a childhood buddy of his that died five years ago. His name was Clark Wilson. Adonis and Clark used to be in Juvie together—two angry kids who used their fists because of the violence and hatred surrounding them. When Adonis’ father, famous Boxer named Apollo Creed’s wife Mary Anne came looking for Adonis while he was in Juvie, she took him in as her own son and started him out in therapy and anger management groups. For the most part, Adonis felt as if his anger was suppressed but he missed the way fighting made him feel——alive. First, Adonis had to understand the reasoning of a Fight Club. Fight Club is about releasing his anger and stress; about fighting his problems; about going against normalcy and the safe little bubble he has become accustomed to living in. 
Rules were put in place and Adonis found a private property hidden from the public eye so that the authorities can’t interfere. Adonis uses a basement of a record shop for his Fight Club location. If someone would die in Fight Club, there isn’t anything anyone could do. There has only been one case where someone died in Adonis’ Fight Club and he swore to make sure it didn’t become deadly. Brutal, yes, but no murder. Pinching the steri-strip on his lip to keep it in place, Adonis visits an exhibitor—Comic Madness. Pulling out his iPhone so he could use his Apple Pay, Adonis sifts through the comic books to find the ones he wanted. The price tag on them was a bit much but this was a once a year weekend event so he could break the bank. 
Entrepreneur of a fitness company called Elite Body Edge, Erik Stevens strolls through Comic Con after checking out the Hellboy cast members doing a Q&A. Stylish per usual, dangling gold cross earring in his right ear, yellow and black camouflage cargos on, all-white creaseless Nike Air Force 1s, and a lax graphic tee with The Lost Boys on it, Erik pans his Canon PowerShot G7X Mark lll Camera around him, Vlogging his Comic Con experience for his YouTuber’s. When he’s not recording fitness and nutrition videos, Erik is vlogging about his daily life or giving advice to the anonymous subscribers who send him emails. He wanted to edit the video to look like a VHS video for a different aesthetic. Erik strolls past a group of cos players dressed as The Avengers and stops to record them, smiling at the enthusiasm and flashing his gold canines. 
Erik sips from his souvenir cup, the straw making an annoying suctioning noise since it was nearly empty. Shaking the cup, ice chips clanking around, Erik stops to get some more footage. Just when he was about to end his vlogging, there was a rather sexy, good-looking dude with chestnut eyes, amber skin so smooth and velvety looking. The muscle tee he was sporting didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Clearly, he’s lean, and chiseled. Erik haltingly lowers his camera, his inky black eyes trailing over this mystery guys frame with enthrallment. Just when Erik thought he would be coming to Comic Con for some fanboy fun, he spotted a distraction with a nice ass. Erik is a bi-sexual man. Friends jokingly called Erik a hoe that got off on pussy or dick—a reckless hoe that played with fire. Married couples, closet homosexuals, threesomes with women, anything that caused mayhem and wreckage with relationships. Anything to get his thick dick wet. 
Erik’s Adam’s Apple bobbed in his neck and his lips parted. When the mystery guy turned around Erik grunted deeply. Lips so thick and plump. Oooh. His breath became ragged and he felt himself swelling. Why did this have to happen to him right now? Donnie must have felt Erik’s hard eyes burning into the back of his skull because he looked back over his shoulder at him with a raised brow and obvious annoyance. The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled with suspicion. Erik found it comical, giving Adonis a sly half smirk when their eyes connected. Adonis shook out his shoulders, focusing back on the stacks of comic books in front of him. Why is his heart skipping a beat and his stomach in knots? The back of his neck prickled and he glanced over at Erik again before he cocked his head to the side. The devilish smirk on Erik’s face sparked Adonis’ short temper. 
Thinking back to his anger management tips, Adonis tried to take a timeout by using “I” statements—to stay in control. Think before you speak, don’t make assumptions, calm yourself. As much as he wanted those methods to work, Erik’s smiling, smug face bothered Adonis. Who is this random ass nigga and why the fuck is he smiling like there’s a joke? Adonis started to feel more and more uneasy about Erik staring at him. Does he know about the Fight Club? That seemed to invigorate Adonis’ irritation because he began charging through a group of cos players and walked right up to Erik with his pectoral muscles puffed out and his hands in fists so tight he could feel the aftershocks from his fight almost two days ago. Erik stood his ground with a single brow raised, waiting for Adonis to cause a scene. As soon as Adonis crowded his personal space that was already so little with how many people surrounded them, Erik made it his business to allow his inky black eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch and back up swiftly. 
“The fuck is your problem staring at me, nigga?” Adonis spoke with a harsh whisper that caused his jaw muscles to clench, “You know me or something?” Adonis paused before he nodded his head slowly, “Let me guess...you wanna fight me?”
“Fight you?” Erik’s eyes become slits, “Why would I want to fight somebody I don’t even know?”
“Well, then you must have heard about me…” Adonis says with a questioning tone. Erik licks his lips and with no regard allows his piercing eyes to memorize the shape of Adonis’ mouth. Adonis couldn’t fight the urge to do the same. He’s turned on. Just as the tension between the two of them reaches a fever pitch, Adonis steps away before he could even realize what he was doing. Adonis didn’t even know he had been holding his breath until he drew in a shaky tone. He’s noticeably quieter now, his aggression tampered. He knew his bewilderment was written across his face. Adonis squared his shoulders and shook out his limbs as if Erik had a bind on him. 
“You good, fighter?” Erik asks sarcastically, “You’re a boxer? I can tell by your reflexes. For a second I thought you were gonna try and knock me out,” Erik smiled. Adonis swallows a hefty amount of spit to calm the tingling sensation in his abdomen. 
“Yeah...I box...underground,” Adonis clarified, “Been doing it for seven years now.”
“Ahh, dirty boxing, I see,” Erik strokes his goatee, “how does one get into that shit anyway? I’m interested.” 
“You don’t choose it like you choose your next meal..you gotta be initiated in...they like to weed out the weak ones…” 
“That hardcore?” Erik took a few steps towards Adonis.
“Hell yeah,” Adonis stares at Erik’s feet as if he were overstepping, “I can tell you more about it if you’re serious.” 
“As long as it’s from the pro himself I’m all ears.” 
This foreign feeling that washed over Adonis’ body was something he felt before when he questioned whether or not he wanted a man to suck his dick. He looks back at Erik just as he smiles and Adonis rolled his eyes away slightly. What the fuck is happening right now? 
“I don’t even know your name, bro,” Adonis held out his hand to give Erik dabs, “I’m Adonis.”
“Erik,” He raised his hand to shake Adonis’. He didn’t want to linger too long but the feeling of his calloused palm teased his hand and it made him want to stroke it. When Erik let go, he allowed his fingertips to brush across the center of Adonis’ palm and that little touch caused Adonis’ biceps to flex. Good to see him react. 
“you gotta be serious...this shit is...it’s rough,” Adonis cleared his throat, “Ain’t the place to really discuss this—“
“Nah, I’m cool,” Erik says with a chuckle—a teasing grin on his face and his eyes now following the definition of Adonis’ arms. Adonis didn’t like Erik staring at him so openly. Maybe Erik got the wrong vibe from Adonis—believing him to be a possible fuck he could conquer after this crowded event, “I’ll stick to boxing in my gym. This underground shit sounds like some kind of deadly contract.” 
“It’s not for everybody,” Adonis says with a smirk, “But if you change your mind, how do I reach you? I usually don’t recruit fighters out in the open like this.”
“Here you go,” Erik pulls out his black leather wallet, retrieving a business card before handing it over to Adonis. It’s a black business card with a gold metallic painted edge for his fitness club Elite Body Edge. The business card is twice as thick as standard cards, since they are printed on 32 pt. uncoated cardstock, offering a superb heft and feel everyone will notice. Erik’s contact information is at the bottom of the card. 
“I’ve heard of this fitness club, all good things too, I’ll keep in touch if you’re ever interested.”
“I’d like to come and watch the fights at least...is that cool?” 
Adonis ponders for a bit, “We have people come and watch but it’s mainly members…”
Erik notices Adonis’ hesitation, backing away a little, “Listen, you hardly know me, I don’t want to intrude on your little secret society. However, you have my card, you can stop by the gym anytime. We have boxing equipment that you can use too.”
“Aight...cool...I’ll come and check it out,” Adonis pockets the card, “Nice to meet you, Erik, sorry for the way I came off at you earlier, my anger can be a bit out of control,” Adonis lets out a nervous chuckle. 
“A bit? I get this vibe that it’s more than just a bit,” Erik turns to leave, “Don’t hesitate to stop by and get a good work out in! Enjoy the rest of your time here at Comic Con.”
“Will do,” Adonis salutes Erik before turning away and disappearing into the sea of people.
Elite Body Edge is designed with the purpose of building strong foundations by balancing flexibility, mobility, strength, conditioning and nutrition as well as giving you the perfect sculpt to turn heads; because a strong and sculpted foundation makes a power house. With an arsenal of knowledge, from competition preparation to rehabilitation to strength and conditioning, Elite Body Edge can design a program for any body habitus to achieve any fitness goal. They offer one-on-one training, group sessions and accountability programs to best fit your needs. Why train with Elite Body Edge? No contracts with affordable month-to-month membership, a safe environment to learn proper technique from experienced trainers, a flexible schedule with a variety of group classes to fit your schedule, and an encouraging atmosphere to make working out fun.
Elite Body Edge is a high-end gym experience. Some of the club amenities include, locker rooms complete with sauna and massage chairs, rooftop deck, group fitness classes, premium strength and cardio equipment including LifeFitness, HammerStrength, Precor, and Star Trac, and an amazing aquatic area for swim-fitness. Some of the classes include Restorative Yoga, H.E.A.T Camp, TRX, Feel Fit Naked, Boxing, Self defense, Spin, H.I.I.T, Yogalates, Circuit Burn, and many more. It’s located at 8053 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. It’s striking architecture was designed by National Design Award winner Ian Jackson of Studio Sofield. It’s 30-foot video wall for virtual-reality cycle classes is exceedingly popular, and it’s soaring 25-foot ceilings supported by illuminated linear columns and over 40,000 square feet of state-of-the-art equipment, Elite Body Edge is a modern-day escape straight out of a sci-fi film. 
Erik is no stranger to the gym. Over the years he has received multiple certifications in performance enhancement, TRX Suspension and is a EliteFirst Certified Level 1 trainer, which he has employed as a strength and conditioning coach for the nationally recognized Fremont High School Basketball Team which has produced multiple athletes in the NBA. He supports the youth and employs them to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. The fitness mogul himself was wrapping up a TRX tactical training course. Most of the occupants are military trained or athletes and with Erik’s skills it can keep them performing at the highest level. Sweaty, heart rate spiked, muscles fueled, and a round of applause, Erik puts up one hand with a black training glove to settle the cheers from his hard working pupils. 
“Nah, y’all should be clapping for yourselves,” Erik wipes sweat from the tip of his nose, “You guys did an amazing job today. The shit is tough but I see improvement and progress. We’ll meet at the same time next Wednesday. Remember, get some rest, stay hydrated, and eat a well balanced diet.”
Everyone gathered their things and exited the class. Erik grabs some cleaning solution and a few disposable cloths to wipe down the equipment. Gym playlist on, you wouldn’t be able to keep Erik’s energy down for one second. He’s so amped up that he could go for another training session; work on his hamstrings and calves some more. Satisfied with his cleaning, Erik exits the classroom, the double glass doors closing behind him. The energetic, hip-hop music pumped up his clients to finish their workout sessions. The air circulating the gym masked the usual odor that comes with sweating and his gym staff are very vigilant on keeping the place tidy. His staff wears black workout gear from head to toe with the gym logo on the front. 
As Erik walks through his gym, checking things out, a familiar face catches his eye. Training on an Everlast Powercore Dual bag with a speed bag attachment is the eye-candy from Comic Con just a week prior. He’s shirtless with a blue Adidas face mask on and fingerless black MMA gloves. His gym shorts hung low on his hips and his feet danced back and forth in his Speed-Flex boxing shoes in time with his fierce punches. Erik wondered when he became a member. He didn’t expect for Adonis to even take up the offer on joining the gym. Smirking, Erik strolls over towards Adonis at the same time as one of Erik’s pilates trainers, Andrea does. Andrea is wearing a black sports bra with the gym logo and black biker shorts. Her sleek platinum blonde pixie cut made her glistening peanut skin pop. Her dark brown eyes held recognition as well as lust. 
“Donnie?” Andrea says with a sultry voice, “I knew that was you,” Andrea popped her hip out, staring Adonis up and down with a big white smile, “How are you?”
Adonis takes off his face mask, those thick lips extra moist from the perspiration on his skin, “Andrea, w’sup? I’m doing good…” Adonis seemed to be thrown off by her presence. From the way he looked at her with his chocolate eyes, they must have had an interesting relationship. Erik took note of the way Adonis sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and Andrea licked her lips and touched his arm with her fingertips. 
“Why don’t you come and see me anymore? We used to have a good ass time...what happened with that? Got tired of me?” Andrea says with a single brow raised.
“I’ve been busy,” Adonis looked away awkwardly, the fresh scar above his right brow catching Andrea’s attention. 
“Busy getting into a brawl? What’s that scar about?” 
“You know me…” Adonis turned away, “Can’t pass up a good fight.”
Andrea didn’t hide her sexual appetite for Adonis from the way her eyes swept over his body, silently telling him how his ripped physique turned her on. Just when she allowed her eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch, Erik was there next to her, the form-fitting Under Armor short sleeve grey top he wore drenched and molding with his well-built curves straining against the fabric. Two sexy men with twin facial features that made her drool like a love-sick dog. 
“Didn’t think you would show up,” Erik held his hand out to shake Adonis’ hand, “How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s dope, I love the set up, I especially enjoy this boxing section...I mean, you have everything I need to help me train.” 
“Where were you training before?” Erik asked.
“Delphi Boxing Academy, but I need more free roam, too many new people to train.” Adonis replies. 
“...so, you know Andrea?” Erik looks over at her, her peanut colored skin immediately turning red and the top row of her teeth chewing on her pouty, pink bottom lip nervously. 
“Yeah, we got history,” Adonis cracks a smile, “Maybe I should catch one of your Pilates classes...watch you do that seated toe touch.” 
Erik arched a single thick brow at Adonis’ words. It wasn’t directed towards him but the seductive way he said that had a pool of desire filling the pit of his stomach. Erik knows exactly how that seated toe touch looked. Seated on the floor, knees drawn towards your chest, feet in the air and toes pointed to the sky, a complete view of a woman’s phat pussy or a man’s hefty bulge straining against the fabric of their stretchy leggings or shorts. Erik enjoys fucking a woman with a malleable body just as much as Adonis does it seems. He wouldn’t mind seeing how malleable Adonis can be.
“Let’s see if you can keep up,” Andrea gives Adonis one final look up and down before walking away, “my number is still the same.” 
Adonis watches Andrea walk away, “you got a good selection on your staff, bruh.”
“Yup,” Erik agrees, head tilted to the side, dreads shifting across his forehead before he grins, baring his teeth, “gotta have options, a pretty face brings guests, it’s all business.” 
“Well, I admire your business. The dedication and strive to pull something like this together is inspirational. I put my membership in a day ago and was trying to meet with you for a personal tour but your front desk staff said you were out for the day.” Adonis says. 
“Yeah, I’m also a Biological Science Lab Tech two days a week pulling twelve hour shifts.”
“Damn, how the hell do you function?” Adonis says with a shocked voice. 
“You gotta love what you do. You should know, with your own fight club and all, living a double life...working a regular 9-5 during the day I’m guessing?”  Erik says with curious eyes. 
“I’m a Senior Trading Analyst for Smith Boardley Financial Group so, yeah, it’s like living a double life. They don’t ask questions though, which is good.” Adonis’ face shows annoyance as if he didn’t want to talk about his job. Erik senses that maybe Adonis isn’t satisfied with his daytime life, that he feels more free at night and in the ring. He hardly even knew this guy and yet he wanted to know every little detail; ask him questions. He has so many layers to fold back, and besides his reasons behind fighting, Erik hopes to make Adonis admit to his attraction to him. Only thing is, Adonis has to believe it. He’s still uncertain and confused. 
“Why do you fight?”
Silence settles between them for a short while before Adonis finally speaks. 
“Freedom mainly. I want to stop controlling everything and just let go,” Adonis closes his eyes briefly, “if it’s not working out for me...I need to find something that doesn’t...something that doesn’t define me as this perfect dude with a perfect job, and all this fucking money. The things you own end up owning you. The people around you can drag you down. When I fight, I lose control. I’ve been taught at a very young age to bottle up my aggression but all I wanna do is use my hands and to experience some feeling in this numb world...this ‘cocooned society’.” 
“So it’s not about the violence for you? I can understand that. I guess working out is a release for me...that’s an interesting method that I support,” Erik’s eyes scan Adonis’ body, taking a step back so he can blatantly check him out, “I wanna know how this fight club operates...you think I can come watch?” 
Adonis lets go of a laugh, his dimples flashing, “Yeah, man, you can come watch. I’m gonna warn you now though, it can get pretty graphic.”
“Blood? Broken teeth? Nasty scars? That shit don’t phase me,” Erik smiles, allowing his eyes to drop over Adonis’ body. Adonis leans down to grab his water bottle, taking a sip of it and completely avoiding Erik’s unwavering eyes. Why were those eyes making Adonis’ nerves spike up with excitement. It disgruntled him and had Adonis frowning from the feeling. 
“Listen, just don’t be late,” Adonis spoke with finality, placing his face mask back on, “Can’t have people wandering in at the last minute. Come by tomorrow night around 10.” 
Adonis’ change in demeanor has Erik chuckling. He has a habit of wearing his emotions on his face. 
“Will do, bro. Catch you tomorrow...champ,” Erik jeers before leaving Adonis to his training. 
Going Underground Records was Erik’s destination for the late evening. Founded in 2001, Bakersfield's Going Underground Records is Central California's largest and longest running vinyl record store and has recently expanded with a new brick-and-mortar location in Los Angeles. They buy, sell, and trade LPs, 45s, stereo equipment, local concert promotional items (posters, flyers, one-off recordings, etc.) and more. They purchase collections of all sizes, so whether you have a handful, or thousands of records to sell, call or stop by any day of the week. They buy daily and travel to you for large collections. It seems completely deserted from the front but Erik’s instructions from Adonis’ text was to go around back through a basement door. Parking his red Audi R8 across the street, Erik puts out his weed, leaving it in his car. Opening the door, Erik’s left foot hits the wet street. 
Fully out of his car, Erik closes the door, turning to walk across the street towards the record shop. Erik is wearing a camouflage pullover hoodie with black sweats and white Jordan 1’s with a low cut style. Bringing his hood up to cover his freshly twisted locs, Erik saunters down a narrow alleyway before making a left turn ending directly behind the record shop. As soon as he approached the red stainless steel cellar doors, Erik knocks twice, stepping away just in time as a tall, carob-skinned man with a bald head and a single gold hoop earring dressed in a black bomber jacket with a dark purple T-shirt and dark blue denim jeans opens the cellar doors. He looked at Erik in an angry or threatening way, his bug-eyes practically sizing Erik up like he wasn’t welcome. Erik was expressionless, no signs of fear towards this shaq looking man whatsoever, instead, Erik pockets his hands and clears his throat to speak. 
“I’m here for rebellion.” Erik says. He was told to say this at the door from Adonis’ text after the gym yesterday. Erik stopped him before Adonis took off in his matte black Chevy corvette. They exchanged numbers so that Adonis could text him the address and password for entry into the fight club. 
“Why do you seek rebellion?” The man spoke with a voice as hard as the blade of a shovel. 
“Because of this effeminized society that forces me to live a dull and meaningless life,” Erik says with an even tone. 
“Come in, quick,” The man says, “I’m Damion, the owner of this record shop.”
“Erik,” He shook hands with the man before entering the basement of the record shop through the cellar doors. There are metal shelves filled with boxes and janitorial items. Following Damion, Erik could hear hoots and hollers growing louder and louder within the basement. A black drape ahead separated Erik and Damion from the fight club. When the drape was pulled back, the badly lit room with a boxing ring and a crowd of at least thirty people awaited Erik. The shouts and roars are angry and free in Erik’s ears. It smelled like sweat, liquor, weed, and Vaseline mixed with coagulate. 
There, in the middle of the ring with his fists tightly clenched, black boxer shorts hanging low on his hips, and left nose bleeding is Adonis himself. What would be his excuse this time when he went to work the next day? Maybe that he tripped and fell face first, bloodying up his nose. He bares his teeth that are just as bloody as his nose, punching his opponent so hard that they fall to the floor of the ring, his head pinched between the floor of the ring and Adonis’ left knee. Adonis kept slamming his fist into the bridge of his opponents nose——a beefy looking white man with ginger hair and a large leprechaun tattoo on his broad back. He did it again and again in flat hard packing sounds you could hear over all the yelling until the ginger-haired man caught enough breath and sprayed blood to say, stop. Just as those words fell from his lips with difficulty, Adonis stands to his full height, fisting the air with triumph. 
“WHO WANTS NEXT? The night is just getting started!!” Adonis yells, voice like a rising storm, “THE RING IS FREE!”
“I’ll take him on!” A random black guy wearing a FedEx uniform says, pointing to a tall blonde-haired alternative-looking white guy with arm tattoos and nails painted black, “He’s been giving me a dirty look all night, let’s see what your hands are like. I had a long fucking day too,” The FedEx worker removed his hat revealing a clean faded haircut with waves, “Lets go!!! Don’t act scared now!!”
The ginger-haired white man was pulled from the ring, a bloody trail from his face following him. Adonis slid between the ropes and hopped out of the ring, walking through the crowded room until he reached a table with a series of water bottles and towels. Adonis grabs a bottle of water to drink, his grip crushing the plastic bottle before he tosses it away. Erik’s attention was brought back to the ring when the black guy kicked the air out of the alternative white guy then landed on him pounding him limp. The white guy clawed his neck for him to stop and that’s when he backed off with a viscous laugh. The blonde took this opportunity to give him a taste of his medicine. His left fist connected with the black guy's face, spit flying from between his full lips. 
Yeah! Yeah! Kick his ass! 
It was like a raging storm in that room. Erik walks further into the room, bumping shoulders accidentally with a wild amped up Al Pacino look alike with slicked back hair and what looked to be a waiter’s uniform on. These men came all the way here from their boring jobs to relieve some tension. Erik took his spot in a corner, his commanding yet piercing eyes scanning the room. He sought out Adonis again, finding him shouting into the ring. Erik was standing under one of only several lights in the after-midnight blackness of a basement full of men. In the ring two new guys are fighting. One of the men has his opponent's arms behind his head in a full nelson and rammed his face into the ring floor until his teeth bit down on the inside of his cheek. He kept going, even when the guy yelled stop. Adonis jumped into the ring, yanking the guy away and earning a right hook to his face. Erik hisses before grabbing his own jaw as if he could feel it. 
“WHAT ARE THE FUCKING RULES, HUH?!” Adonis head butts him, knocking the guy to the floor before looking down on him with vengeful eyes, “WHEN THEY YELL STOP! YOU FUCKING STOP! Get up,” Adonis throws up his fists, “I said get the fuck up!”
Yeah Adonis! Teach him a lesson!
Body glistening from sweat and muscles perfectly sculpted as if they were carved out of limestone, Adonis beats this man down with just his fists, no special combo move like he’s some wrestler. The guy had enough, throwing his hands up in surrender. Adonis smiles with his blood stained teeth. There’s grunting and noise at fight club like at the gym, but fight club isn’t about looking good. There’s hysterical shouting in tongues like at church, except this isn’t a holy sanctuary like your grandmother would drag you to every Sunday morning to praise and worship. Erik briefly wondered who is responsible for mopping up the blood and sweat from the ring floor after all of this is over. Just standing there watching has his adrenaline spiked. Adonis raises his head towards the ceiling before opening his eyes, the low light making the blood on his face glisten. 
His chocolate eyes scanned the room and when they landed on Erik he seemed to freeze with shock but then a knowing smile appeared on his face. Erik returned the same smile bobbing his head in greeting. Adonis left the ring and squeezed through the small crowd of men before finally coming face to face with Erik. Erik’s eyes sparked as they quickly swept Adonis’ drenched body. He had to suck in a quick breath to calm the pulse coming from his dick. All this charged up, aggressive energy is what Erik craves every time he fucks a man. That fighting back before surrendering to him when all his fat dick enters them. Adonis looked like the type to fight back, Erik really wanted to see that for himself. He hoped it would be sooner rather than later. 
“Looks like underground street fights are a new favorite of mines,” Erik chuckled. 
The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled as he smiled, “Didn’t think you would really show up.”
“I’m not all bark and no bite, bruh. When I say I’m gonna be somewhere, I make it happen. Anyway, I ain’t never seen shit like this so I wasn’t about to pass that up,” Erik’s lashes fluttered and his tongue glided across his bottom lip, his gold slugs twinkling in the low light like diamonds. Adonis’ brows knitted and his eyes fell to Erik’s lips. He caught himself staring and backed away, scratching the tip of his nose and taking a deep breath, his pectorals dancing one at a time. Erik’s eyes flickered with mischief and he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I broke the code inviting you here, you know that?” Adonis looks around, “I’m surprised nobody called you out to fight them. When that happens, you have to fight. That’s the rules.” 
“I don’t abide by rules easily,” Erik’s eyes are ablaze but his voice is like melted honey, “And clearly neither do you. I do my own thing. Is there some contract you have to sign to be involved in this shit?”
“First thirty names on the list get in, if you get in, you set up your fight right away, if you want to fight. If not, there are guys that do so maybe you should stay home.” Adonis points to his left brow, “A couple of stitches fixed this, some of these guys leave here with injuries so bad they need a bed in the hospital...It ain’t for everybody.” 
“But yet here they are getting their asses handed to em’,” Erik shakes his head, “Looks like you need a drink.” 
“I do, I was actually headed to the bar around the corner after this,” Adonis lifted a single brow as his eyes peered into Erik’s, “You’re welcome to join me if you want...I can tell you more about the fight club...looks like you’re interested in joining.” 
“Maybe,” Erik surveyed Adonis’ face, “We could get to know each other a little? You know, I feel like you’re a cool dude, wouldn’t mind kickin’ it over drinks.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Adonis gives Erik a quizzical look before backing away, “Meet me at The Spare Room around the corner from here.” 
Erik chuckles as he watches Adonis back away, stroking the length of his beard while he takes in the vibe of Adonis’ body language, “Aight, I’ll be waiting for you at the bar.” 
“I ordered for you if that’s cool? Whiskey.” 
Adonis is sporting a black and grey Nike zip-up hoodie with matching track pants and black AirMax on his feet. He settles next to Erik at the bar before drumming his fingers nervously on the polished wood of the bar countertop. The bartender serves them two glass tumblers filled with whiskey and a black cocktail straw. Erik removes his straw and drinks straight from the rim of his glass. Adonis stirs the ice in his glass around before taking a hefty sip over the rim as well. 
“What are you going to tell your job tomorrow about that purple bruise under your eye and that bloody nose? You tripped and hit your face against a brick wall?” Erik cracks a smile.
“I’m off tomorrow,” Adonis touches the bruise under his eye, wincing a bit, “That punch was brutal.” 
“I felt that shit myself. Damn, he got your ass good.” 
“And I got his ass right back,” Adonis proclaimed. 
Erik finishes his drink before calling on the bartender for more.
“After a fight I usually get some pussy to calm me down but good pussy is hard to come by these days,” Adonis stretches his back, “I ain’t been in good pussy in a minute…”
Erik’s jaw clenched at the way Adonis said pussy. He glanced over at Adonis, watching him drink from his glass. 
“Shoot Andrea a text, maybe she’ll stop by and give you that pussy you’ve been craving,” Erik motions for 
Adonis to pick up his phone, “The night is still young, ain’t too late to get in that puss...ain’t never too late.”
Adonis arched a single brow at Erik, “...You fuck her?”
“She yours?” Erik twirled his glass while studying his drink.
“Nah, she’s not...but did you hit?”
Erik bites his bottom lip, “Once, around the time I first hired her. She got it.”
“I know, I been it before,” Adonis shakes his head, “You fuck all the women on your staff?” 
“Yeah, if they want this fat dick.” 
Adonis stirred in his seat, “Another round, homie.”
The bartender fills his glass, the liquid sloshing around the only sound between them until the bartender walks away. 
“You mad I dipped into Drea?” Erik asks casually.
“Can’t be mad at that. She’s not mine...remember?” 
“I got this feeling that if she was yours...you would use this bar top to crack my head open,” Erik flashes Adonis a dimpled smile, “That’s if you can though.” 
“You talk like you would want that,” Adonis squinted his eyes. 
“I like aggression,” Erik says with a hushed tone. Adonis looked away, pondering Erik’s words. He couldn’t explain it but the way he said that felt as if he were flirting with him. Adonis pulls his phone out of his pocket at that exact moment to find Andrea’s number. He shoots her a quick you up text before returning to his drink. 
“You from around here,” Adonis asked to clear the growing tension. It only worked a little. 
“South Central. You?” 
“Crenshaw up until the age of twelve, in and out of Juvie until my dad's wife found me…”
“Your mom wasn’t around?” Erik asked.
“She died when I was ten. Never knew my dad until his wife took me in...from there I moved to Tarzana to live in this mansion. My whole life changed. Found out who my pops was too. Apollo Creed.” 
“Shit...you serious?” Erik’s eyebrows disappeared behind his dreads, “Bro...that’s WILD...why didn’t you follow in your father's footsteps?”
“I didn’t want to be known as Apollo Creed’s son and expected to be the next Creed star. I wanted to do my own thing, you know? That pro boxer shit didn’t stroke my curiosity. All the fame, all the attention. Nah, underground street fighting is my thing.”
“I’m sure your old man would be proud either way though, you’re a hot head just like him.” 
Adonis smirks, “That’s what I’ve been told.” 
“I know mine would be proud of me...lost him to the streets back in 92’ when the riots were going on. He was an activist like my momma. He protected me from getting shot on my tricycle. It humbled me...Still got my momma. She moved back to New Orleans two years ago.”
“Those riots were crazy. I’m sorry about your father...shit is tough.” 
Erik sighs, “It is, but it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have him as a father. Made me the man I am today.” 
“Yeah...I got nothing but love for my dad even though I never met him. Took me a while to get here though, it wasn’t a walk in the park. Got siblings I didn’t connect with in the beginning but now we’re tight. Mary Anne...that’s my step-mom’s name, she didn’t have to raise me, could have left me in the system.”
“What was your real mom’s name?”
“Vivica. She was an aspiring model. My dad met her at some Hollywood party. They slept around for a while but then Mary Anne found out so he ended things. My mom got pregnant, kept the pregnancy a secret until she passed from a brain aneurysm. By then my pops was already gone. Mary Anne found out and raised me.”
“Man,” Erik dragged his hand down his face, “This whole conversation turned heavy so quick. Let’s fill up these glasses, we need more liquor.”
“I second that.”
The bartender gladly refilled their glasses. For a little while longer, Erik and Adonis talked, learning more about each other. They argued about their favorite Anime, the best clubs in LA, and other random shit that had them laughing. They had only met about six days ago and they talked like old friends catching up. Adonis asks for a bottle of water since he has to drive. The bartender brings him his bottle at the precise moment that his phone buzzes. Picking up his phone, Adonis unlocks it to find a text with an image attached from Andrea. Opening the text, Adonis’ eyes became stormy with lust and his bottom lip poked out with need. 
“Goddamn,” He muttered. Andrea always knew how to get him worked up. She’s on the floor naked with her legs spread wide in front of her floor mirror, peanut skin glistening from whatever body oil she used and that phat, creamy pussy with all her glistening pink spread open and freshly waxed for him to come play with. He remembers how sweet she tastes. Adonis’ tongue rolled around his teeth before forcing his eyes away, locking the phone and placing it within his pocket. He was about to be all up in that pussy. 
“Andrea?” Erik says with a sly smirk. 
“Yeah...she really miss me,” Adonis retrieves his wallet from his pocket, “I can cover the drinks—“
“It’s already on my tab, bruh. Don’t worry about it. Go ahead and handle your business.” 
“You ain’t have to do that, Erik,” Adonis stands from his stool.”
“Think of it as a victory drink for the champion of underground street fighting,” Erik held up his glass to Adonis before knocking back the rest of the contents. 
“I hope that’s your last drink, your eyes are so fucking low.” 
“It is, I gotta get home, I’m pretty tired,” Erik tells the bartender to close his tab before standing from his seat. He dabs Adonis, bringing him in for a brief bro hug, pulling away so that his cologne wouldn’t have his dick brushing up against his. He didn’t need that to happen so soon. 
“I’ll holla at you, Erik,” Adonis turns to leave the bar. 
Erik watches him exit before short, heated breaths escaped his mouth. Erik signs his receipt before leaving himself. While walking to the car, Erik pulls his phone from his hoodie pocket, scrolling through his messages, and finding the person he was looking for. 
Erik: Still on for tomorrow night with you and hubby?
Jodie: Absolutely💕 we’ll see you tomorrow night! Can’t wait 😘
Andrea has an apartment at the Madison Toluca in North Hollywood, CA. It’s a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a black, red, and white color scheme. Adonis arrived shortly after 12:30 AM and knocked on her door. Her All black Yorkipoo—-a mixed breed of a Yorkshire terrier and a poodle, named Cookie was barking at the door when he knocked. Andrea could be heard yelling at Cookie before opening her door. Andrea beamed at Adonis with her big round eyes bewitching and her smile wide and pretty. She was wearing a teal blue Nike sports bra with a pair of black high crotch panties and bare feet. Her platinum blonde pixie cut is wet and slicked back from her shower and her peanut skin still glowed from the oil on her body. 
“I didn’t get a response from you so I didn’t think you would show up,” Andrea stepped to the side to allow Adonis entry, “What made you text me tonight to see if I was up?”
“You know how I get after a fight.”
 Adonis closed the space between them and grabbed the back of Andrea’s neck, tilting her head back enough to have her back bending before his thick tongue slithered up her neck and to her lips for a kiss. Adonis always itched for sex after a fight. His dick on swole and his hands unexcused Adonis cuffed Andrea’s ass, damn near pulling her from the ground. They continued to kiss, suck, and lick all over each other’s mouth to savor the taste. 
“Damn, got my dick heavy right now, girl,” Adonis squeezes Andrea’s ass, “come on, I want that pretty pussy.” 
“Donnie,” Andrea moaned, voice as pure and sweet as if from heaven, “I miss the way you used to fuck me.” 
“Uh-huh?” Adonis lifts Andrea off her feet, wrapping her legs around him, “How I used to fuck you?” 
“So good baby,” Andrea thumbed Adonis’ pouty bottom lip before peppering light kisses along them, “I miss your lips on my pussy too.” 
“I can’t wait to taste it again, is she still nice and creamy?”
“Always, daddy,” Andrea’s body shook with anticipation in his arms, “Damn...I’m shaking.” 
“It’s because you need this just as much as I do.” 
“I miss your big dick stuffing me,” Andrea dragged her kisses down Adonis’ neck. 
“You miss the way daddy used to give it to you?”
“Ooh, yes—“ 
“I’ma tear you up, Drea.” 
Adonis brought Andrea to her bedroom, flopping down with her straddling his lap. Andrea giggles like she always does while Adonis kisses along her neck and tongues her cleavage. Andrea’s breath is coming out shallow and fast. Adonis grabbed her face, making her look at him. 
“Breathe,” Adonis pecked her nose, “This dick ain’t going nowhere,” Adonis smirked, “It’s all for you, girl.”
“This my dick?” Andrea leans back so that she could grab for Adonis’ crotch, “It’s so goddamn thick goddamn baby.”
“I’m tryna make you cream all over it.”
Adonis was in an intense tongue-lock with Andrea while she stroked him through his track pants. She broke the kiss with a trail of spit before lifting from Adonis’ lap and dropping to her knees. A constant hiss escaped her mouth as she fumbled with his track pants. Discovering his waistband, Andrea pulls his pants and briefs down and around his ankles. That fat, long, swinging dick almost hit her in the face. Andrea grabs it before putting it right in her mouth where it belongs. While Andrea Gluck-Glucked Adonis removed his hoodie and the black T-shirt beneath it. 
“I just wanna fuck your face and eat your pussy until you can’t take it anymore,” Adonis tilted his head back, “Drea, fuck.” 
Adonis curses under his breath when Andrea gave his heavy balls some attention before bringing her lips back to that fat tip. Adonis dragged his fingers through her wet, short platinum blonde strands before palming the back of her neck and forcing more dick into her mouth. The loud slurping was something Adonis missed heavily. His hips were practically off of the bed now, lip between his teeth and eyebrows knitted together. 
“I miss this fucking mouth,” Adonis fucked Andrea’s mouth, “Shit, Drea, you still got it girl, this mouth is still a beast.” 
Andrea smirked before stroking his spit covered dick while sucking the tip. She really missed his dick from the way she was eating it up. Adonis wasn’t about to stop her, he simply widened his legs and laid back on his elbows. 
“You finna have a nigga bust,” Adonis’ abdomen flexed, “I needed this so fucking bad, make me bust, girl.” 
The eye contact she was giving him had Adonis balls so full with his tasty cum. 
“Just loving on me,” He says before chewing on his bottom lip, “Mmhmmm,” his eyes closed and his brows pressed together tightly. 
Andrea planted her hands on the bed and started bobbing her head up and down his dick while moving her head in a circular motion. 
“Slow down...yes, yes, like that,” Adonis’ lips parted. 
He could literally feel the corners of the inside of Andrea’s mouth and her tight pouty lips nice and steady on his dick. She manipulated that muscular organ in her mouth to flick back and forth on the base of his dick and his balls each time she went down. 
“Love on my dick, babygirl, Drea I’m about to bust, you ready?” Adonis’ eyes squeezed shut and he completely fell back against the bed, “good girl slurp all that shit up oh my fucking God,” Adonis exploded in Andrea’s mouth damn near making her choke. 
“Get up here,” He says, picking Andrea up and bringing her on the bed. Andrea was on her knees, shaking her slim thick booty in his face, her pussy wide with anticipation. Her cream made a mess of her pussy and it was begging to be licked up. Adonis smacks each ass cheek before giving both of them a nice, appreciative kiss. His lips tickled and they felt so moist against Andrea’s skin. She widened her thighs and arched her back more, practically pushing her pussy into Adonis’ face for him. 
“You shoving this beautiful pussy in my face?”
Andrea nods her head with a bite of her lip. Adonis turns around, laying his head between Andrea’s thighs before wrapping one arm around her waist with the other hand occupied with jerking his fat pole. Andrea sat on his face fully before grinding Adonis’ lips. He leans forward to place his lips on her pussy, serving her tongue with long trails of spit. The wiggle of his wet tongue had her lifting up on her hands, thighs shaking. Adonis takes both of his thumbs, peeling her open.
His damn tongue.
“Ooh, yes, Donnie.” 
Her entire body shivered.
Adonis’ tongue was dripping with spit and warm against her inner folds. He was in the middle of spelling out his name with the tip of his tongue all up and down her slit. With the D Andrea’s body shivered. With the O she started shuddering in breaths of gasping completion. With the two N’s Andrea clawed the bed. The letter I made a shape over her clit at the right angle. After the E He sucked her pussy into his mouth. 
“When you lick me you never miss a spot,” She said with a voice like the harmony of angles. Adonis lapped at her pussy some more in response to her words, “Donnie, please don’t stop, baby...I’m gonna cum, Donnie keep doing that to me.” 
Adonis gave her sloppy suction kisses down to her entrance and back up to her clit, keeping her lips apart so he could really get inside. He repeated and repeated, slurping and sucking and licking and kissing. He went faster and faster and she bucked her hips into his mouth, cries getting louder and louder.
“Mmmm, yes, do it like that,” Andrea said with a sensual voice. 
“How bad do you want to cum?” Adonis said before he slurped on her clit and her labia at the same time, moaning himself feeling his precum wet his fingers.
 “Really bad daddy...I wanna cum so fucking bad from your dirty mouth...make me scream.”
“Fuck. You may be a sweetheart but you a freak for sure.” 
Adonis concentrates on tonguing and sucking all the spots that have Andrea’s hips bucking and her pussy smothering him. 
“Daddy...guess what?” Andrea’s eyes watered and heat crept up her body. 
“Uh-huh, I got that pussy cumming?” Adonis’ words are muffled with the way his lips trailed all over Andrea’s pussy. 
With that Andrea’s body froze as her orgasm washed over her. Remembering how good Adonis ate her pussy wasn’t enough for her. Now she was experiencing it again while sitting on his face. He was going for round two from what it felt like. He kept saying over and over how much he needed her beautiful phat pussy and how he was going to dick her down just like that with her back arched. Andrea was ready to crawl off of him when her second orgasm hit her. She squealed so loud her throat went raw. Satisfied, Adonis resurfaced, his lips and freshly shaved chin glistening from her juicy folds. 
“Come taste how sweet you are.” 
Andrea turns, wrapping her arms around Adonis’ shoulders before licking his lips. She hummed with satisfaction while pulling him down on top of her body. 
“Pussy is gushy baby,” Adonis held all his body weight up on one hand while the other played with Andrea’s folds, “That pussy just needs me in it...I could tell from how your eyes lit up when you saw me… miss the way I bust this tight kitty open...I wanna stick my dick so deep in it.”
Adonis leans down on his elbow to kiss Andrea again while he rubbed her clit. His dick is like a swinging pendulum between his legs right now, desperate and hard for Andrea’s pussy. Adonis has enough of teasing Andrea with how fast his heart beats and how painfully hard he is. Grabbing his dick, mixing the wetness on his fingers from her pussy on his pre-cum laden dick, Adonis lined up with Andrea’s pussy before thrusting in slowly, widening her thighs at the same time. Adonis groaned when he was fully inside, making sure to watch her face so that he could see all of her expressions. 
“Ahhh, yes, that’s it.” 
Adonis’ muscular body was mesmerizing from that angle. He began to roll his hips, working all that girth and length in and out of Andrea. Adonis felt Andrea’s pussy squeeze his dick and it only made him go harder. Adonis pulls Andrea’s sports bra off, her perky breasts with dark brown nipples reminding him of Hershey kisses blessing his eyes. Adonis sucked on each titty while he strokes her pussy. The double sensation has Andrea creamy and the macaroni and cheese sound of her pussy grew louder and louder between them. 
“You taking this dick just like you used to,” Adonis pushes her thighs back, “Fuck all that moaning call me daddy while I’m in it.” 
“Daddy,” Andrea whispered. 
“Look at it Drea,” Adonis whispered back. 
Andrea’s eyes traveled down the length of Adonis’ magnificent body to his long, thick dick spreading her open. She couldn’t put into words how full she felt. 
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Adonis whispered, “This how Erik fucked this pussy?”
Andrea’s eyes flicked up to Adonis’ face quickly. She went red with embarrassment, ragged gasps leaving her mouth. 
“What? Answer the question,” Adonis pushed his dick all the way in. Andrea could feel it tickle her navel. 
“Yessssssss,” Andrea answered with an uneven breath. 
“He fuck this pussy in your bed, Drea?” Adonis’ hips were smacking into the back of her thighs, “What he do, girl?”
“He-he fu-fucked me in my b-bed,” Andrea stuttered. Adonis heard himself grunt at her response. Had he ever gotten off on another man fucking the same chick as him? No. Probably wouldn’t have cared in the past but for some reason, knowing that Erik hit Drea too has him harder than he was seconds ago.
“You call him daddy?” 
“Yes!!! Donnie, baby, it’s so much dick,” Andrea’s face frowned with ecstasy.
“And this pussy is good so you’re getting all this dick, baby,” Adonis reaches up to grab onto Andrea’s headboard and she knows what that means. Andrea held onto his waist with a death grip to prepare herself. Adonis started descending his dick all at once in Andrea’s pussy. No pause, no warning, just nothing but a fat dick with all its length sinking into her drenched pussy fluently. It felt like she wasn’t in control of her body anymore. 
“Donnie, please please please,” Her mouth opened, no words escaping. 
“Did he call you his nasty little girl?” Adonis says with a voice so gruff and guttural. He looked down at his dick working the hell out of Andrea’s pussy. The muscles in his back and arms burned in a good way. He was tearing Andrea up from this angle, “Got me going crazy in this pussy...I needed this pussy.” 
“Daddy, daddy I’m gonna squirt,” Andrea’s toes curled. Her body didn’t feel like it belonged to her anymore with the way Adonis was taking her pussy. Andrea trembled while her pussy leaked it’s sweet juices all over his dick. 
“Got that pussy cumming?!! You ain’t answer my question...he calls you his nasty little girl?” 
“No,” she spoke faintly, “He called me his nasty little bitch.” 
Adonis bit down on his lip hard. He pumped her fast a few more times before withdrawing from her tightness, flipping her over and arching her back deep. 
“Nasty little bitch? Huh? You like that name?” Adonis sounded harsh, “Keep that ass up Drea, come on baby...I got something for you.” 
“DADDY!!” Andrea wasn’t prepared for that big surprise just now. Adonis has both of his large hands on her waist while he plowed her. She never had this rough amount of treatment from him. 
“Daddy, shit,” her shoulders fell forward against the bed. High-pitched moans filled the room and her cheeks smacking and ricocheting off of Adonis’ rock hard hips was stinging her flesh. He was hostile and she loved the change. Sure, Adonis’ much gentle side was always just as good but to see him use her body the way he was it had her squirting and she never experienced squirting while having sex with him. She needed more of this. 
“Throw it back, Drea, keep going, baby,” Adonis watched her struggle. It didn’t matter to him, his big dick was nice and wet. 
“Nasty little girl, huh?” 
“Yes,” Her breath was rattled. 
“Come on and make this dick cum.” Adonis grabbed her hips, forcing her back to take all his length. Andrea screamed.
“That’s how you do it, so do it, girl, I’m not showing you again,” Adonis watched her do it right this time with a smirk, “That’s my nasty little girl… take this dick...keep taking this dick.”
“Why is this lil’ pussy so fat? Damn,” Adonis felt his nut sack jump, “Look at this beautiful, fat pussy, go ahead and cum Drea, go ahead baby.” 
“Yes, daddy, Unh!!!!!” 
Andrea slows down, Adonis taking over again, giving it to her and moaning the closer he got to cumming. 
“That pretty pussy, fuck, take this nut girl,” Adonis’ words were stuck in his throat the second he let off in her pussy with his thick cum. Thank God she was taking contraceptives because she would be pregnant with all his damn babies with how thick and heavy his load is. Adonis retracted his hips, dick sliding out and his cum dripping from Andrea’s gaping entrance. His dick left a serious imprint with how much wider her slick hole is. 
“Damn,” Andrea’s body turned over, “That was some kind of fucking,” she giggles, wiping sweat from her face, “What’s gotten into you, Donnie? baby, you were wild in this pussy tonight.” 
“Lack of pussy does that to you,” Adonis stood from the bed, stretching out his back muscles. Andrea tilted her head while staring at his dick. 
“Round two?” Andrea begged. 
Adonis sighed, “I need some water first.” 
“How do you know Erik anyway?” 
Adonis shrugged, “Comic Con. It was a random situation. He gave me his business card and that’s how I ended up at his gym.” 
Andrea gave Adonis a playful smile, “Are you mad that I fucked him? It was only once, Adonis.” 
“Nah, I’m not mad,” Adonis gave Andrea a once-over with his chocolate eyes, “But you liked that I brought it up...that pussy was choking my dick.” 
“I did. Maybe we should have a threesome. I would love it if you both fucked me.” 
Adonis felt his chest grow tight from her words. His face twisted up with confusion at the feeling. Was that...anticipation? Nervous excitement? 
“Maybe, you should get on all fours again so I can come back and get some more of that pussy,” Adonis responded before leaving her room to grab them both some water. 
Parked on a hill on Valley Ridge Ave. in View Park, CA,
Erik pulled out his phone to remind himself of the address. 4515. DVSN- Still Pray for You stopped playing when Erik turned his car off. Air Jordan 3 Retro’s, Khaki cargo pants, white T-shirt, a denim jacket, and layered gold chains was Erik’s outfit for the evening. His dreads are side swept, a few of them falling in his eyes. He slouched slightly in his gait, oozing confidence. The home is an iconic 1930 Spanish Revival with stunning city views, exceptional vintage details, custom modern updates, a large beautiful private yard with a tiered flat grassy area, patio, and an herb garden. Jogging up the steps, Erik knocked on the green door, stepping back before swatting away a moth that lingered near the porch light. 
The door unlocked, Jodie standing before Erik with a glass of red wine in her hand and a long charcoal grey T-shirt dress with a high slit, coffee brown eyes fringed with false lashes and copper skin looking soft and silky. Her lush lips are glossy and her blue-black hair is in a sleek low bun. Erik’s eyes traveled from her toes that are painted a fuchsia pink up her shapely legs, over her poked out hip and up to her heart-shaped face. Sweet notes of apple and apricot wafted from her skin the closer Erik got to her. He leaned down to kiss her glossy lips delicately, his tongue tasting the gloss. Jodie’s oval-shaped pink ombré nail skimmed Erik’s jawline with fascination. 
“Hi,” Jodie said with a pleasant voice. 
“Hey,” Erik whispered back, the suave way he said it causing Jodie to nibble on her lip. 
“Do you want some wine?” Jodie offered. 
“I’ll take some wine,” Erik closes Jodie’s front door, “Where is the party?”
“For now, in the living room.” 
Jodie pointed towards the area in question before walking away with a sway of her extremely thick hips towards the kitchen. Erik found the living room, Jodie’s husband, Vance, seated on the couch, smoking some weed, denim cut-off shorts on, an olive green linen short sleeve button-down shirt with a bandanna print open and revealing his athletic body. The deep brown complexion of his skin looked satiny beneath the living room lights. His chiseled face with sharp cheekbones made him look like a male model and Erik especially loved the nose ring on his broad nose. His full lips smirked at him before taking yet another puff of weed. That fresh fade with glossy waves and perfectly groomed beard has Erik lusting even more. 
Vance spoke with a husky voice, “Erik...glad you came.” 
“Me too...let me hit that.”
Vance shared his weed with Erik. 
“Training TRX on Wednesday next week?” Vance asked. 
“I am. I’m not here to talk about my gym though, you know that,” Erik said, savoring the weed, “I ain’t know you went both ways, Vance.” 
Vance cracked a smile, “Yeah, I’m bisexual. Me and Jodie. We’ve been trying to hook up a threesome with a man for a while and then Jodie said she saw you out a few weeks ago at the Avalon with some dude tonguing him down.”
“A date I met on Tinder, fucked him good that night too,” Erik’s head relaxed against the couch, licking his lips to the memory. 
“I bet you did,” Vance passed the weed, “He takes it well too?”
“He needed to be trained, but I’m good at that..have them coming back for more in no time.” 
“Mm,” Vance’s eyes glossed down to Erik’s crotch where his dick print was visible on his left thigh. Vance shook his head as his breath rushed out. Erik was a big boy. 
“You looking for something?” Erik spoke softly, the sensation of the weed sweeping deeper, “it’s right here,” Erik squeezed his dick, the cargo pants molding around the shape of it, “You want this dick?” Erik’s eyes looked at Vance’s big lips and he just knew those juicy lips would feel fucking fantastic sucking on him. 
“I do, I want that dick.” 
“Put that weed out and come get it, that’s why I’m here right? Get the fuck over here,” Erik takes off his denim jacket, widening his thighs, “That pretty ass mouth you got...I need my dick sucked now…do it slow too.” 
Vance’s hand gripped Erik’s dick through his pants. Erik made it jump against his hand. Vance let out a groan. 
“Come on, boy, my shit is thick right now.” 
Vance went to work on Erik’s pants, pulling them down and around his ankles. He couldn’t wait to satisfy the beautiful massive dick in front of his eyes. Slide that big dick in his hungry mouth and drain his balls. Speaking of balls...they are heavy and soft to the touch. Erik slouched, pulling his T-shirt up to reveal his taut abdomen, defined pectorals, and bulging biceps. His dick was standing up and the veins looked like a work of art on his chocolate pole. 
“From the way you’re looking at it I can tell you’ve been wondering just how big this dick is...right, nigga?”
“Yeah...it’s here for you and your wife...where is wifey at anyway? Jodie!” Erik called for her.
“I’m here—Ooh,” Jodie sauntered over and placed Erik’s wine on the coffee table. She’s in her purple lace bra and panties set. Jodie dropped to her knees next to Vance. She stared at Erik’s dick in a trance. 
“Let me feel those soft ass lips, Vance,” Erik slapped Vance on the cheek, startling him, “Yeah, you taking too long, baby boy, all this fat dick in front of you. Show your wife how you suck some nut out of the dick.”
“Damn, Erik,” Jodie’s eyes are love-struck. 
Vance gripped Erik’s dick and pumped him nice and steady, making sure to squeeze a little just beneath the tip of his dick so he could watch his pre-cum spill from his slit. Spreading the pre-cum along the sides of Erik’s dick, Vance’s big lips engulfed half of Erik’s dick, bobbing his head while reaching down to gently squeeze his balls. Erik kept his gaze pointed downward, looking from his dick being sucked by Vance and Jodie watching with envious eyes. Jodie has to grab hold of something so she placed her hand over Vance’s erection, his visible erection pressed hard against his denim cut-offs. 
“Two big dicks just for me,” Jodie spoke with excitement. 
“Don’t worry, ma, you’ll have some of this dick in your mouth too, Fuckkkk...yeah, suck that shit...suck that fat dick...oooh, you really wanted this shit, hungry ass nigga...don’t get too greedy your wife need some of that too.”
“Yes I do,” Jodie has Vance’s jeans and briefs down with his dark chocolate dick in her hand, nice and warm. It’s more so long than girthy. She jerked him while watching Vance slurp up Erik. 
“Vance...baby...get that dick,” She whimpered. 
Erik will never get over how good Vance’s lips feel. He thrust his hips, forcing more girth and length into Vance’s greedy mouth. Damn, he can deep throat too. 
“Look at you deep throating this wood, boy. You miss big black dick in your mouth, yeah? Miss a nice pair of heavy balls too? I got a load waiting just for you...all you gotta do is be a good boy…”
Erik’s eyes went so low that his long lashes made them seem like they are closed. Jodie’s hand twisted Vance’s erection and each time Erik’s dick hit the back of Vance’s throat, his dick would jump in Jodie’s hand. She arched her back and brought her lips to Vance’s dick. Jodie wasted no time slurping along Vance’s dick. One look at Jodie’s ass in the air has Erik reaching down, his thick fingers clawing her lace panties and yanking them from her ass in pieces. That action made her lips tighten around Vance’s dick and Vance moaned. 
“How that dick taste Jodie?” Erik asked. 
“Delicious,” She said before slurping Vance up some more. 
“Got that phat ass in the air...I already know that pussy phat with the way it sits in your leggings at the gym…”
“Mmm,” Vance cast his eyes upwards watching as Erik’s toned abdomen is exposed, reaching up to run his hand along the deep ridges of the cut muscle, slurping along his dick. He worked more of Erik into his mouth until his nose touched his trimmed hairs, feeling his length curve down his throat as he took him all the way. 
Jodie was in the middle of gagging on Vance’s dick, her spit staining the carpet the more she tried to swallow him. She reached beneath her, hand finding her creamy pussy before spreading her folds to rub her clit in circles. Erik could hear Jodie’s pussy from his seat on the couch. He groans deep, mouth hanging open from the way Vance was sucking him. He tilts his head to watch Jodie while holding the back of Vance’s head to fuck his throat. 
“FUCK!” Erik let out the curse before gripping Vance’s throat, hips jerking from how purposefully tight Vance’s lips are as his mouth slipped off, “Let Jodie have some.” 
Jodie’s lips popped off of Vance’s dick. Erik gazed at Vance’s dark brown dick. All that dark chocolate. He’s long as fuck too. Ain’t nothing Erik can’t handle down his throat. Too bad tonight was his night to get all the work. Jodie moaned before gripping Erik’s spit covered dick. Her tongue flicked Erik’s dick before she locked eyes with him, batting her false lashes like she’s innocent with all that fat dick in her mouth. 
“Damn, girl, crazy with it,” Erik leaned forward to slap both of Jodie’s cheeks hard, “Got all this hard dick down your pretty little throat...got your Hubby taking off his clothes...you see your wife sucking my dick, Vance? She a dick hungry bitch.” 
Vance is completely naked now. He pumped his long dick while leaning over Erik’s lap to hope for Jodie’s lips to slip off so he could take over again. Jodie lets her throat get fucked, gagging only slightly before fighting it back down, eyes turned up to watch the pleasure on Erik’s face as she feels Erik’s dick stretching out her esophagus. Jodie moans around his length, reveling in the taste of Erik on her tongue.
“Jodie,” Vance calls to her while gently squeezing Erik’s balls, “put his dick in my mouth.”
“You want some more of his hard, thick dick? Here,” Jodie feeds Vance Erik’s dick, “Suck it baby…”
“Husband and wife working together...Jodie...let me see that pussy,” Erik showed her how wide his tongue is. 
Jodie climbed onto the couch, turning with her ass facing Erik before bending over on her knees. Her pussy lips are pushed between her thick thighs. Two slippery lips that he wanted to kiss. 
“Spread your cheeks so I can see all that pink pussy...mmmmm,” Erik hisses, “Pussy creamy as fuck,” Erik licks his fingers before resting them on Jodie’s protruding clit and labia. He loved how smooth and soft she is. It looked like chocolate and from the way she tasted on his fingers it was just as sweet too. 
“Come here,” Erik spoke firmly, slapping Jodie’s ass, “lay on your back and spread your thighs so I can finger fuck you.”
“I wanna feel how tight this little pussy is.” 
Vance jerks Erik’s dick before slobbering on the tip of his dick, “It’s tight...she’ll grip you.” 
“That’s what I want, right Miss Jodie?” 
“Yes, daddy,” Jodie says with a lick of her lips. 
“There you go, baby boy, suck that fucking dick up, suck daddy’s dick up,” Erik demanded. He could feel his balls grow tight and he knew what that meant. He didn’t want to cum yet, not until he had his dick in Vance’s ass and Jodie’s pussy. 
“Erik,” Jodie called to him with a melodic voice. 
Erik watched her bring her knees to her chest, that pussy wide open and her slippery hole winking at him. Erik couldn’t hold back from rubbing Jodie’s clit back and forth before slapping it, causing her to whimper. Erik smoothed his fingers down her pussy before pushing two fingers inside, biting his lip at the way Jodie gasped. 
“Tight fucking puss,” Erik strokes with a curl of his fingers, “I’m digging baby?”
“Yess,” She cries.
“I hear that pussy,” Vance says with spit hanging from his mouth. 
“Come suck her clit,” Erik commanded. Vance and Erik got down on the floor between Jodie’s thighs. Vance spreads her pussy lips so wide that her labia stretched. Erik was astounded when he saw how much cream spilled from Jodie’s pussy. Vance’s tongue curved at the tip while he teased her big clit. 
“Clit big as fuck, Vance stop playing, suck that shit up. Clit nice and phat like that you better suck it.” 
When Vance’s lips wrapped around Jodie’s clit she moaned to the ceiling. Vance reached up to pull the cups of her bra down, her big, round breasts spilling over, creating a mouthful. Erik damn near drooled. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth while his fingers played all in Jodie’s pussy. Vance was slurping loudly on her pussy and it had Erik slapping Vance’s firm ass. 
“Yeah, nigga,” Erik says, “Got the whole puss in your mouth, make this bitch cum...say, I’ma make this pretty pussy cum.” 
“I’ma make this pretty pussy cum,” Vance says before French kissing Jodie’s clit. 
“I’ma make it squirt,” Erik flicked his tongue on Jodie’s nipple before showing some attention to the other. Jodie gripped his dreads when he went back and forth with sucking her nipples. He had her thrusting her chest into his mouth. 
“Grip me like that again, go ahead, ima put my face in your pussy next,” Erik spoke roughly. 
“Eat my pussy up,” Jodie widened her legs, “There’s plenty...slurp me up daddy.” 
“Nasty bitch, I like you,” Erik was face to face with Vance, “Let me see how that clit fit in my mouth.” 
Vance chuckles before giving Erik some room to eat on Jodie. He helped him by keeping her pussy lips open. Erik was still working his fingers, practically stirring all in Jodie’s creamy cavern. Erik kisses Jodie’s clit, the pecks slowly turning into full blown French kisses that has him opening his mouth wide to wrap his lips around her. 
“Mhm,” Erik’s eyes rolled shut.
“Taste good, yeah?” Vance said while extending his neck to kiss Jodie’s lips, “That’s your pussy on my tongue.”
“Mmm, I taste lovely.” 
Erik spits on Jodie’s clit before working his tongue with so much gusto that Jodie and Vance watched with awe. 
“Ooooh, He’s stroking my pussy with those thick fingers...oooh, I’ma squirt…Vance, baby, he’s gonna make me squirt, baby,” Jodie grabbed for the back of the couch. She became spasmodic and Vance had to hold her down and kiss her lips to distract her so Erik can keep going. That bitch was leaking all in Erik’s mouth. He sucked her up again before tasting his fingers. Vance leaned over Jodie’s lap, getting some of Jodie’s pussy too. 
“Pussy is so goddamn good,” Erik gripped Jodie’s jaw, pressing his lips into hers, “I can’t wait to bust your shit wide open, let’s take this shit to the bed.”
Pulling his lips away, Vance stands with Erik, both of them picking Jodie up. She had her legs wrapped around Erik while Vance stood behind her cupping her titties. Erik bounced Jodie on him like he was fucking her standing. Vance kissed and sucked on her neck at the same time. All three of them took their fun to the bedroom. Jodie grabs some condoms from her dresser, begging to watch Erik fuck Vance first while she rode his face. Vance went to lay on the bed, his knees drawn to his chest. Erik was blessed with the sight of Vance’s tight asshole and heavy balls with his dick resting against his toned abdomen. Jodie climbed on top of Vance’s mouth, turning to give Erik the condom and lube. 
Erik spits on Vance’s asshole before sticking his finger inside. With his free hand, Erik jerks Vance’s long dick 
To keep him solid so he could have something beautiful and chocolate to look at while he banged his ass. Jodie was currently popping her pussy on Vance’s tongue, legs in a squat so her pussy could be nice and spread for him to suck up. It was a beautiful sight. Erik almost wanted to bust from that alone. Staring at Vance’s body now made him think about Adonis. He tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. Adonis. Nice big lips, sexy rock-hard body, aggressive and competitive, sexy smile, chocolate eyes all intense at one minute then gentle the next, the way he fights…
“Erik I love the way your finger feels in my ass.” 
Vance’s words broke him out of his trance.
“Yeah? Ain’t shit compared to this dick, boy,” Erik removes his finger, grabbing up the magnum to place on his dick. Rolling it over his glans all the way down to the root, Erik applies a little bit of lube for some extra slip. Bending his knees, Erik forced Vance’s thighs back before slapping the weight of his dick against his ass, sinking inside of his warm, tight ass. 
“Damn boy...damn...ass tight as fuck,” Erik started grinding his hips, “Feel all that thick dick pumping?” 
Jodie looked over her sweaty shoulder and saw Erik’s fat condom covered dick thrusting in and out of Vance’s ass. She felt chills all over her flesh and the sexy moans against her pussy and groans from Erik made her cream even more. Jodie can see Erik and Vance’s muscles ripple and flex with their movement. Jodie turned around so that she could 69 with Vance, grabbing his long dick up and going straight at it with a bob of her head. Vance clapped her cheeks before eating both of her holes. 
“Fuck, that’s what I’m talking about Jodie, eat that dick up,” Erik pushes her head down further, “There you go, deep throat that shit.”
Vance was working his hips to take all of Erik’s dick, Erik caught that, rolling his hips to meet Vance half-way so that his dick could be all up in his ass. 
“Got this nigga working his hips to get all this wood,” Erik bites his lip, “ass is creaming already too.” 
“Mmm, I wanna see,” Jodie jerks Vance’s dick while admiring her husband's creamy asshole grip Erik’s dick, “Vance...baby...he got you creamy, mmmm, Vance.
Vance moaned into Jodie’s pussy with each suck. 
“That’s it baby, make this pussy cum...oooh I feel you tugging on that clit, make me nut baby,” Jodie’s eyes almost crossed, Oh God...Oh God...fuuuuuuckkkkkkk babyyyyyyyyyyy—“
“Face hella sexy when you bust, girl,” Erik wrapped his arms around Vance’s thighs and started ramming his dick deep, big balls slapping against his ass. Vance’s core tightened and it seemed to shoot straight to his dick because now he’s cumming in Jodie’s hand. Jodie licked as much away as she could but he kept on erupting. It was Erik’s pounding deep in that ass that had him making a big mess. 
“Oh shit, Erik, fuck,” Vance stared between Jodie’s thighs at Erik, “Dick is all up my ass——“
“I’m taking this ass?” 
“Yes, daddy.”
Jodie could not stop looking at Erik’s hard dick fucking Vance so good. Erik leaned over Vance, his naked chest and those gold chains hanging over Vance’s body. His dreads hung low and he bit down on his lip, working his hips fast and skillful. Jodie needed that dick in her pussy. 
“Ima nut again,” Vance’s handsome face crumbled, “Fuck, Erik, ima bust—-“
“Yeah, nigga, I’ma make that dick cum while I beat this ass up good.” 
Jodie cupped her pussy and rubbed it up and down to the sight of Vance shooting out yet another thick load. Erik pulled out and rocked back on his heels, watching the way Vance’s ass quivered. There is a creamy puddle beneath his ass. Erik removes the condom, walking to Jodie’s dresser to grab another. Rolling it over his still hard erection, Erik walks up to Jodie picking her up and wrapping her legs around him. Erik sits back on the bed, Jodie over him with his hands cradling her ass.
“It’s time to get in you now...nothing but dick deep in your guts…”
Vance stood up from the bed and jerked his dick watching Jodie grab Erik’s dick herself, squatting over his dick before lowering her hips, that thick dick nothing but a flesh covered pole for her to fuck. Jodie was up on her feet, upper body bending over so she could bounce her hips. Her ass cheeks clapped with each bounce while she fed her pussy some dick. Vance went to lay next to Erik so that he could have a better look at his wife handling Erik’s dick. 
“You see that sexy little pussy taking all this dick?” Erik says to Vance before his eyes zeroed in on Vance’s erection, “Dick long as fuck...tear some ass up with this.” 
Erik started Jerking Vance’s dick.
“Get that dick, ma, nasty ass bitch...got my dick all in that pussy...I bet that ass looks real juicy bouncing…”
“This big ass dick.”
Jodie’s cream coated the condom.
“Good dick…” She moaned, “mmmmm, some good fucking dick...so thick...Unh, so good.”
“She’s loving that,” Vance says before grunting from Erik’s thumb stroking his tip, “I love that fat dick too.”
“I know you do, baby boy,” Erik gives Vance a sexy smirk. 
Erik liked the feel of Vance’s dick in his hand but he couldn’t stop wondering how Adonis’ would feel against his palm. Is it thick with a little bit of curve? Does it have length to it for Erik to deep throat? Is it soft to the touch yet textured from his thick veins? He couldn’t shake it. He let go of Vance’s dick and grabbed Jodie’s ankles, picking his hips off the bed and serving her more dick. He didn’t let up on his strokes, knocking the wind out of her chest and making her shout. Vance took over with jerking his dick while his eyes focused on Erik’s powerful hips. 
“Make her cum, Erik...Make that pussy cum,” Vance said.
“Ahhhhhhhhh,” Erik gritted his teeth, “cum on this dick, bitch...get you some of this dick...she about her business look at her,” Erik and Vance watched Jodie work her hips on his dick, “bounce that shit.”
“Hell yeah, I love watching that big dick pound her pussy,” Vance leans over to tongue Erik’s neck. Erik gripped his chin and flicked tongues with Vance. He broke away from him to moan out. His balls contracted rhythmically with his dick and that was a sign that he was ready to pump his fat load all over their faces. 
“Get down on your knees, both of y’all, hurry up, fuck, I gotta bust!”
Vance and Jodie are on their knees and Erik stands before them, snatching his condom off before fisting his dick. All of that cum squeezed out from his heavy sack all over Vance and Jodie’s face, mouth, and wiggling tongue. 
“Clean this dick up,” Erik spoke with a gruff tone. Both of their tongues battled for a taste. The feeling of two sets of lips on his dick made more cum dribble. Vance took over and sucked him, Erik pulling his dick from his mouth to give Jodie some. He allowed his dick to swing back and forth for them to catch and suck. 
“Y’all gon’ have me fucking again,” Erik shook his head, “Damn...y’all love this dick.”
Watching them attack his dick had Erik satisfied but there was still part of him that needed more. 
Adonis was going to be trouble...if only he would accept his attraction for Erik so he could really show him how badly he needs him. Erik wasn’t going to wait too long either. 
@tgigoldie​ @soufcakmistress​ @chefjessypooh​ @chaneajoyyy​ @pananegra​ @theblulife​ @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark  @abluesforlyssa @abeautifulmindexposed @fd-writes @chasingsunlight @sickaddiktions @munteanhorewrites @xo-goldengirl @tiava143 @33kiara@honeytoffee @asiasblackworld727 @momobaby227 @informalmelancholy @soulshinechronicles @hearteyes-for-killmonger @goddessofthundathighs @soulfxll @whazzzupmyhitta @seyven89 @lahuttor @janelledarling @shewritestheblues @fanfangal @kreolemami @thoughtsoftheantagonist @luvwitoutlimit1 @mygirlrenee @hippiesandpeacesigns @alittlejd @jaysaidhi @chaneajoyyy @walkrightuptothesun @shawnstacksss @theesotericqueen @mareethequeen @browngirldominion @ceeverse @therealmrsrhodes @sensitivelegend @cecereads209 @teheeboo @yomiloo @msreshel @bbygirrll05 @fahi0nanart @afteracouplepuffss @shaelyn102 @yaminax-kuss-a @lackbbaby @amyhennessyhouse @thattruckinwitch @dameshaemonique  @glittermakesmesmile @justgetitoverwith0  @notavintagecliche @pariahcolored @cydneyrenee4 @ajjiiaaahhhh @naeelyniecee @ambthegamer @efonteno @mikesteel20 @wisenerdcreator @draggingstxns @eevolsidog @xoxomyaah @asweet-serendipity @therealmrsmbjordan @ajspencer1892 @queengodiva619 @niqui87 @quietpoeticheart @itsjustyazz @dasia21 @woah-express @bbgiirrll @backandbetter2 @megabriahall @forbeautyandlife @queenflaws @queenbetter @yomiloo @daddys-baby-girl-t @lovinthemelanin @ladymac82 @ambitionwood @t3mporaa @toniilaney @iv0rysoap @sinfully-dope @lovehatecritique @chocolategirl605 @naysianaee @nyleveeee @erlebnissebliss @melinaasap1 @woahthatshitfat @that-chick212 @scarypumkin23 @sambuckyslayallday @vikki240401 @kuaua98 @enigmadivine @gingerylimonte @counterfeit-recherche @unholyxcumbucket @xdezaraex @missgigglesmoultrie @imrootingforeveryoneblack @dashhoney25 @oversorry @abluesforlyssa @honeybeejaes @admirehermind @wassuduoo @kaykay0829 @woahitslucyylu
354 notes · View notes
karatepewpew · 3 years
The OG List
Alright folks. Lets try this out. Below is the current list of movies/TV Shows that have been suggested by the folks of Karate Nerds Facebook group. I am trying to find out: 
which ones are good, 
which are bad and not worth watching, 
which are bad but still worth watching, which are just good craic / fun. 
If you know where I could find them, like on a specific streaming service. 
What type of martial art is featured.
If there are any good ones that have been missed!
So if you know any of the above information or think the list is missing something please let me know! 
13 assassins
14 blades
2 Champions of Shaolin
3 Evil Masters, AKA The Master
3 ninjas
36th Chamber of Shaolin
8th Diagram Pole Fighter
A Touch of Zen
Above the law (Nico). (grappling and Aikido)
All dragon dynasty franchise is good
Ame agaru
American Ninja
Armour of God
Avatar the last airbender
Batman begins
Battle creek brawl(Jackie Chan)
Battle Wizard
Best of The Best
Billy Jack
Black Belt Jones
Black eagle
Blade 1 (Wesley snipes -shotokan)
Blade 2
Blade 3
Blind fury
Blood and Bone (Michael Jai White)
Bloodfist with Don Wilson
Bulletproof Monk.
China O'Brien 1
China O'Brien 2
Chocolate (Jeeja Yanin)
Cinta negra
Circle of Iron
City Hunter (Jackie Chan)
City of Violence
Clan of the White Lotus
Come Drink With Me
Conan the barbarian
cradle 2 the grave
Crime story
Crippled Avengers
Crippled Masters
Crouching tiger, hidden dragon - sword of destiny
Dance of the Drunk Mantis
Dead or Alive
Dragon blade
Dragon fist
Dragon Gate Inn
Dragon Lord
Dragon the Bruce Lee story
Dragon Tiger Gate
Dragons forever
Drunken Master (Jackie Chan)
Drunken master 2
Drunken Tai Chi
Enter the Dragon
Enter the fat dragon
Enter the Ninja
Enter the Ninja
Executioners From Shaolin
Fighter in the wind
Fist of legend
Fist of Legend
fist of the north star
Fists of Fury
Five Deadly Venoms
Five Element Ninjas, AKA Chinese Super Ninjas
Five Fingers of Death", AKA "King Boxer" starring Lo Leih
Flash point
Fong Sai-Yuk 1-2
Foot Fist Way.
Force of one
Gorgeous (Jackie chan)
Hard target
Hard to Kill
Hero (Jet Li)
Heroes among heroes
Heroes of the East, AKA Shaolin Challenges Ninja
Heros of the East with Gordon Liu
High Kick Girl,
House of flying Daggers
Ip Man 1
Ip Man 2
Ip Man 3
Ip Man 4
IRON MONKEY (1993 w/Donnie Yen)
Iron monkey 2
Jet Li Fist of Legend
Jim Kelly
John Wick 1
John Wick 2
John Wick 3
John Wick 4
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons
Karate bomber man.
Karate Girl
Karate kid 1
Karate kid 2
Karate kid 3
Karate killer
Kata girl
Kid With the Golden Arm
Kill and Kill Again,
Kill and Kill,
Kill Bill 1
Kill Bill 2
Kill Zone - SPL
King of Kickboxers
King of the kickboxers 2: American Shaolin
Kiss of the Dragon
Kiss the dragon
Kung Fu -  starring David Carradine (old tv series)
Kung Fu cult master
Kung fu hustle
Kung Pow
Kung-fu Panda
Kung-fu pilot
Kuro-Obi (Tatsuya Naka)
Lady bloodfight
Last hero in China
Last Hurrah For Chivalry
Legacy of Rage
LEGEND OF A FIGHTER with Yasuaki Kurata
Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
Legendary Weapons of China
Love on delivery
Mad Monkey Kung Fu
Magnificent Butcher
Man of Tai Chi (Keanu Reeves/Tiger Chen)
Martial arts of Shaolin
Martial Club
Martial law
Master of the Flying Guillotine
Master with cracked fingers
Matrix Resurrections
Miami Connection
Mr. Vampire
My lucky stars
Mystery of Chessboxing, AKA Ninja Checkmate
Never back down
Never back down 2
New legend of Shaolin  aka Red Dragon with Jet Lee
Ninja (Scott Adkins -2009)
Ninja 2
Ninja 3
Ninja assasin
Ninja III: The Domination
Ninja in the dragon den
Ninja Terminator
No retreat no surrender
No retreat no surrender 2
On the strong.
Once upon a time in China 1
Once upon a time in China 2
Once upon a time in China 3
Once upon a time in China 4
Once upon a time in China 5
Once upon a time in China 6
One-armed Boxer
One-Armed Swordsman
Ong Bak 1
Ong Bak 2
Ong Bak 3
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior
Only the Strong
Painted faces (documentary)
Paper tigers
Perfect weapon.
Police Story - Jakie Chan
Pray for death
Project A
Project A part 2
Rage of honor
Rapid fire
Red Cliff
Remo Williams
Revenge of the Ninja
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky
Ring of Fire
Roaring fire.
Romeo must die - Jet Li
Rumble in the Bronx
Rurouni Kenshin
seven samurai
Seven swords
Shang chi
Shang chi and the legend of the 10 rings
Shaolin Assassin
Shaolin Soccer
Shaolin temple
Shaolin wooden men
shodown in little tokyo.
Shugun ninja
Sidekicks (Chuck Norris)
Sister Street Fighter
Snake in eagles shadow
Spiritual Kung fu
Street fighter
Surf ninjas
Sword of Doom
Sword Stained With Royal Blood
Tai chi Hero
Tai chi legend? #3 in series
TAI CHI MASTER (1993 w/jet Lee)
Tai chi zero
Tai Chi Zero
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I, II, and III
The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter
The Accountant
The armour of God
The Art of Self Defense.
The blade
The bodyguard 1
The bodyguard 2
The Brave Archer
The Bride With White Hair
The Bulletproof Monk
The Cave of Silken Web
the Chinese Boxer
The crow
The Duel
The Fighters 3: No Surrender
The Foreigner (Jackie Chan),
The incredible Kung fu master
The inspector wear skirts
The Invincible Armour
The Iron fisted monk
The Last Dragon
The last samurai
The legend of muay Thai (a Thai movie)
The legend of Zu
The man from Hong kong, Jimmy Wang Yu
The master
The night comes for us
The Octogan, Chuck Norris
The perfect weapon
The Prodigal Son
The quest
The Raid
The Raid 2
The Raid 2: Derendal
The Raid: Redemption
the Sensei
The Transporter
The Victim
The way of the dragon
The Yakuza
The young master
They still call me Bruce
Tiger and Dragon (Jet Li)
Tiger Claws with Cynthia Rothrock and
Tom-Yum-Goong, AKA The Protector
Twilight Samurai
Underdog kids
Undisputed (4 films)
Warrior (Bruce Lee idea) Series created by Justin Lin and Shannon Lee
Warriors two
Wheels on meals
Wing Chun
Winners and sinners
Wu Assassins (TV show)
Wu Dang
Wushu Warrior
Yamada: The Samurai of Ayothaya
Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain
4 notes · View notes
pearlposts · 4 years
The Best of Soft Rock: More Than A Feeling
 SONG TITLE                                ARTIST       TIME
Lowdown                                     Boz Scaggs    5:18
Whenever I Call You “Friend”  Kenny Loggins    3:18
Piano Man                                    Billy Joel         5:40
Longer                                     Dan Fogelberg    3:18
Miracles                                Jefferson Starship  3:33
Lost in Love                              Air Supply          3:55
More Than I Can Say              Leo Sayer            3:39
Rosanna                                         Toto              4:03
More Than a Feeling                  Boston              3:26
Take It on the Run               REO Speedwagon  3:37
Make Me Lose Control           Eric Carmen         4:48
Total Eclipse of the Heart       Bonnie Tyler         5:35
Living Inside Myself              Gino Vannelli          4:25
The Flame                            Cheap Trick            4:50
Sara                                        Starship               4:23
SONG TITLE                                  ARTIST                   TIME
Livin’ Thing                         Electric Light Orchestra        3:34
This Is It                                   Kenny Loggins                 3:59
Africa                                                Toto                          4:59
Eye In The Sky                      Alan Parsons Project          4:35
Look What You’ve Done to Me       Boz Scaggs                5:18
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling Daryl Hall & John Oates  4:36
All Out Of Love                              Air Supply                    4:03
Can’t Fight This Feeling           REO Speedwagon            4:55
The Search Is Over                        Survivor                       4:14
All by Myself                               Eric Carmen                    7:11
Without You                               Harry Nilsson                   3:21
Year of the Cat                           Al Stewart                        6:38
Dust in the Wind                         Kansas                            3:27
Vincent                                    Don McLean                       4:01
Please Come to Boston         David Loggins                     4:09
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                  TIME
Baby I’m-a Want You                           Bread                                   2:32
A Horse with No Name                       America                                 4:09
Diamond Girl                                    Seals & Crofts                          4:04
I Saw the Light                                 Todd Rundgren                         3:01
Blinded by the Light                Manfred Mann's Earth Band              3:51
It Might Be You                               Stephen Bishop                          4:14
She’s Gone/Sara Smile/Rich Girl        Hall & Oates                           3:29
Minute By Minute                         The Doobie Brothers                     3:28
Sentimental Lady                                Bob Welch                              3:46
How Much I Feel                                 Ambrosia                                 4:44
Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime The Korgis                               4:12
If You Leave Me Now                          Chicago                                   3:57
Sailing                                        Christopher Cross                             4:17
Waiting For A Girl Like You             Foreigner                                     4:52
Against All Odds                            Phil Collins                                    3:25
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                              TIME
Ride Like the Wind                        Christopher Cross                                  4:32
Saturday in the Park                          Chicago                                              3:57
Sister Golden Hair                              America                                              3:20
You’re So Vain                                Carly Simon                                            4:18
If                                                          Bread                                                  2:35
Ooh Baby Baby                              Linda Ronstadt                                        2:42
Him                                                Rupert Holmes                                         3:40
You Are the Woman                         Firefall                                                    2:45
All I Need                                       Jack Wagner                                             3:32
Walking In Memphis                       Marc Cohn                                                4:19
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All  Air Supply                                                5:01
I Want to Know What Love Is        Foreigner                                                   5:00
The Living Years                    Mike + the Mechanics                                       5:33
Drive                                               The Cars                                                   3:57
One More Night                           Phil Collins                                                   4:48
I’ll Be There                             The Escape Club                                             4:57
SONG TITLE                                                     ARTIST                                TIME
Summer Breeze                                           Seals & Crofts                             3:26
Key Largo                                                     Bertie Higgins                             3:19
Make It with You                                                 Bread                                    3:12
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?     Chicago                               3:22
Dream Weaver                                           Gary Wright                                  4:18
Hello It’s Me                                            Todd Rundgren                                3:52
Sara Smile                                      Daryl Hall and John Oates                       3:12
Chuck E.’s In Love                             Rickie Lee Jones                                  3:28
Black Water                                  The Doobie Brothers                                 4:16
Still the One                                             Orleans                                           3:56
Hurt So Bad                                      Linda Ronstadt                                      3:18
Cool Change                                  Little River Band                                      4:08
Biggest Part Of Me                            Ambrosia                                              5:27
Never Be the Same                    Christopher Cross                                       4:41
You Can Do Magic                           America                                                 3:57
SONG TITLE                                    ARTIST                                                TIME
The Guitar Man                                 Bread                                                   3:45
Tin Man                                           America                                                  3:27
Wildfire                               Michael Martin Murphey                                     4:50
25 or 6 to 4                                  Chicago                                                     4:52
Lotta Love                               Nicolette Larson                                             2:43
What a Fool Believes         The Doobie Brothers                                          2:27
Steal Away                              Robbie Dupree                                              3:31
You’re the Only Woman              Ambrosia                                                   4:22
Sexy Eyes                                Dr. Hook                                                       3:00
Kiss You All Over                       Exile                                                           3:30
Even the Nights Are Better   Air Supply                                                       3:59
Arthur’s Theme                  Christopher Cross                                             3:55
Dance with Me                       Orleans                                                         3:21
Beautiful in My Eyes            Joshua Kadison                                              4:10
Black Velvet                        Alannah Myles                                                 4:48
SONG TITLE                        ARTIST                                                         TIME
California Dreamin’      The Mamas & The Papas                                       2:54
Kokomo                        The Beach Boys                                                     3:36
Ventura Highway             America                                                               3:32
Listen to the Music      The Doobie Brothers                                               3:27
I Can See Clearly Now     Johnny Nash                                                     2:43
It Never Rains in Southern California  Albert Hammond                             3:38
Thank You For Being A Friend            Andrew Gold                                   4:45
Everything I Own                                    Bread                                           3:07
When Will I Be Loved                     Linda Ronstadt                                     2:10
I Keep Forgettin’                         Michael McDonald                                    3:41
Baby Come Back                               Player                                                2:16
Circle in the Sand                       Belinda Carlisle                                         4:27
Hold On                                     Wilson Phillips                                            3:41
I’ll Be Over You                              Toto                                                        3:50
Just the Way It Is, Baby          The Rembrandts                                           4:09
 SONG TITLE                            ARTIST                                                     TIME
We Don’t Talk Anymore       Cliff Richard                                                      4:13
Baker Street                       Gerry Rafferty                                                     2:13
When Your in Love with a Beautiful Woman  Dr. Hook                                  2:56
Fool (If You Think It’s Over)       Chris Rea                                                     3:33
You’re No Good                     Linda Ronstadt                                                 3:46
Reminiscing                        Little River Band                                                 3:17
The Air That I Breathe           The Hollies                                                       4:12
Sad Eyes                            Robert John                                                        1:55
I Go Crazy                          Paul Davis                                                           5:23
Hearts                                Marty Balin                                                           4:19
These Dreams                     Heart                                                                  4:17
Jessie                           Joshua Kadison                                                         4:22
Release Me                   Wilson Phillips                                                          3:54
The Doctor                 The Doobie Brothers                                                    3:45
SONG TITLE                    ARTIST                                                               TIME
Maggie May                Rod Stewart                                                               5:15
Higher and Higher      Rita Coolidge                                                             4:01
Whatcha Gonna Do?  Pablo Cruise                                                              4:15
I’m in You                   Peter Frampton                                                           4:11
Drift Away                     Dobie Gray                                                              3:56
More Love                   Kim Carnes                                                               3:37
Babe                             Styx                                                                         4:01
Into The Night        Benny Mardones                                                            4:31
It’s a Heartache       Bonnie Tyler                                                                 3:45
While You See a Chance   Steve Winwood                                                 4:06
Show Me the Way       Peter Frampton                                                        2:30
Fooled Around and Fell in Love    Elvin Bishop                                           4:37
Lonesome Loser           Little River Band                                                     3:54
I’m Not in Love                10 CC                                                                    6:07
I Just Wanna Stop         Gino Vannelli                                                           3:37
SONG TITLE                    ARTIST                                                              TIME
Daniel                          Elton John                                                                3:53
I Need You                   America                                                                    3:07
I Can Dream About You    Dan Hartman                                                       4:11
Escape                      Rupert Holmes                                                            3:54
I’d Really Love to See You Tonight  England Dan & John Ford Coley          2:38
On and On                 Stephen Bishop                                                          3:01
Tempted                        Squeeze                                                                  4:01
The Things We Do For Love   10 CC                                                           3:31
The Best of Times           Styx                                                                      4:18
Cry                       Godley and Creme                                                          3:55
Your Wildest Dreams   The Moody Blues                                                    4:51
Higher Love                 Steve Winwood                                                       5:46
More Than Words           Extreme                                                               5:36
I’d Do Anything for Love    Meat Loaf                                                          5:17
Do You Feel Like We Do      Peter Frampton                                              7:20
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                          TIME
So In to You             Atlanta Rhythm Section                                             4:23
Fly, Robin, Fly           Silver Connection                                                     3:50
Sentimental Lady        Bob Welch                                                              3:46
Show And Tell             Al Wilson                                                                 3:29
Wild Flower             The New Birth                                                             3:59
Delta Dawn             Helen Reddy                                                               3:09
American Pie          Don McLean                                                                8:35
Rock Me Gently      Andy Kim                                                                     3:29
Go All The Way      The Raspberries                                                          3:22
Mr. Big Stuff            Jean Knight                                                                 2:49
Oh Babe, What Would You Say     Hurricane Smith                                   3:26
Hooked On A Feeling     Blue Swede                                                         2:53
 Having My Baby           Paul Anka                                                             2:33
Last Song                     Edward Bear                                                          3:13
The Streak                   Ray Stevens                                                           3:18
SONG TITLE                  ARTIST                                                               TIME
Rhinestone Cowboy   Glen Campbell                                                         3:16
Too Late To Turn Back Now  Cornelius Brothers And Sister Rose             3:20
Boogie Fever             The Sylvers                                                              3:30
Reminiscing            Little River Band                                                         3:17
I Just Want To Celebrate    Rare Earth                                                      2:54
One Bad Apple           The Osmonds                                                         2:43
Have You Never Been Mellow   Olivia Newton-John                                 3:33
Magic                            Pilot                                                                      3:05
Boogie Oogie Oogie     A Taste of Honey                                                  3:38
Right Back Where We Started From   Maxine Nightingale                        3:15
Sad Eyes                        Robert John                                                        1:55
Gonna Fly Now                Bill Conti                                                            2:48
My Sharona                  The Knack                                                            4:02
You Sexy Thing          Hot Chocolate                                                        4:05
Puppy Love               Donny Osmond                                                       3:06
SONG TITLE                 ARTIST                                                              TIME
Love Train                  The O'Jays                                                              2:58
Knock Three Times     Dawn                                                                      2:55
Brandy                    Looking Glass                                                             3:04
Little Willy                  Sweet                                                                       3:12
Baby Don’t Get Hooked on Me    Mac Davis                                              3:06
Take Me Home, Country Roads    John Denver                                         3:13
It Never Rains in Southern California   Albert Hammond                           3:38
Brand New Key                Melanie                                                              2:26
Come and Get Your Love       Redbone                                                      3:32
More. More, More (Part 1)      Andrea True Connection                              3:02
I Can See Clearly Now         Johnny Nash                                                  2:43
Everybody Plays the Fool     The Main Ingredient                                       3:22
Indian Reservation             Paul Revere & The Raiders                              2:52
The Cover of “Rolling Stone”   Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show                2:55
When Will I See You Again      The Three Degrees                                     3:00
SONG TITLE                           ARTIST                                                      TIME
Rich Girl                    Daryl Hall and John Oates                                        2:23
Lady Marmalade                    LaBelle                                                         3:21
Best of My Love              The Emotions                                                      3:41
Fire                             The Pointer Sisters                                                  3:28
Miracles                        Jefferson Starship                                                 3:33
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing    Leo Sayer                                            2:51
Here You Come Again         Dolly Parton                                                   2:58
Disco Lady                        Johnnie Taylor                                                  4:25
Saturday Night                Bay City Rollers                                                  2:56
Rock On                           David Essex                                                      3:26
Wildfire                  Michael Martin Murphey                                              4:50
You Take My Breath Away   Rex Smith                                                    3:15
I Go Crazy                      Paul Davis                                                         5:23
Stumblin’ In        Suzi Quatro and Chris Norman                                      3:31
Torn Between Two Lovers    Mary MacGregor                                         3:44
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                          TIME
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown     Jim Croce                                                         3:00
Don’t Pull Your Love     Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds                          2:41
Love Will Keep Us Together  Captain and Tennille with Neil Sedaka        3:24
Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song  B.J. Thomas             3:22
She’s A Lady                 Tom Jones                                                           2:51
How Do You Do?       Mouth & MacNeal                                                   4:07
Black and White        Three Dog Night                                                      3:51
Escape                      Rupert Holmes                                                        3:54
Drift Away                 Dobie Gray                                                              3:56
It’s a Love Beat     The DeFranco Family                                                 3:09
I’m in You               Peter Frampton                                                          4:11
The Candy Man     Sammy Davis, Jr.                                                      3:10
Spiders & Snakes   Jim Stafford                                                              3:05
Billy, Don’t Be A Hero  Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods                       3:40
The Morning After     Maureen McGovern                                                2:20
SONG TITLE                                   ARTIST                                          TIME
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves          Cher                                               2:36
Maggie May                                Rod Stewart                                         5:15
Baby Come Back                            Player                                              2:16
I Just Wanna Stop                   Gino Vannelli                                           3:37
Jackie Blue                 Ozark Mountain Daredevils                                  3:37
Higher And Higher               Rita Coolidge                                              4:01
I’m Not in Love                           10 CC                                                   6:07
Y.M.C.A.                               Village People                                            3:45
Will It Go Round in Circles     Billy Preston                                              3:46
I Just Want to Be Your Everything   Andy Gibb                                        3:44
Do You Wanna Make Love        Peter McCann                                        4:01
Signs                            Five Man Electrical Band                                    4:02
Disco Duck                              Rick Dees                                                3:14
Montego Bay                       Bobby Bloom                                               2:55
If I Can’t Have You            Yvonne Elliman                                              3:00
SONG TITLE                         ARTIST                                                     TIME
Play That Funky Music      Wild Cherry                                                    3:16
One Toke Over the Line    Brewer & Shipley                                            3:21
Afternoon Delight          Starland Vocal Band                                           3:14
Life is a Rock                      Reunion                                                        3:31
I Can Help                         Billy Swan                                                       2:57
My Maria                       B.W. Stevenson                                                  2:31
Magnet and Steel            Walter Egan                                                     3:25
Beach Baby                    First Class                                                         2:42
The Rapper                   The Jaggerz                                                        2:45
Brother Louie                  Stories                                                               3:57
Precious and Few            Climax                                                              2:46
O-o-h Child               The 5 Stairsteps                                                      3:15
Playground in My Mind    Clint Holmes                                                     2:57
Put Your Hand In The Hand   Ocean                                                        2:53
Please Come to Boston    David Loggins                                                  4:09
SONG TITLE                      ARTIST                                                         TIME
Turn The Beat Around    Vicki Sue Robinson                                            3:24
Ring My Bell                     Anita Ward                                                        3:31
Sometimes When We Touch   Dan Hill                                                      2:22
Rose Garden               Lynn Anderson                                                      2:49
In The Summertime      Mungo Jerry                                                         3:37
Seasons in the Sun      Terry Jacks                                                           3:30
The Night Chicago Died   Paper Lace                                                       3:32
Rock The Boat            Hues Corporation                                                  3:09
Don’t Give Up on Us        David Soul                                                        3:39
Kung Fu Fighting         Carl Douglas                                                         3:17
Love Grows                Edison Lighthouse                                                  2:51
Sweet Mary              Wadsworth Mansion                                                 2:42
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia   Vicki Lawrence                     3:36
TSOP             MFSB featuring the Three Degrees                                   3:35
Feelings                    Morris Albert                                                            3:45
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stockwellarchives · 4 years
The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945)...Angel courier/extra (uncredited) The Valley of Decision (1945)…Paulie Anchors Aweigh (1945)…Donald Martin Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in Hollywood (1945)…(cameo) The Green Years (1946)…Robert Shannon as a child Home, Sweet Homicide (1946)…Archie Carstairs The Mighty McGurk (1947)…Nipper The Arnelo Affair (1947)…Ricky Parkson The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947)…Andrew MacBean Song of the Thin Man (1947)…Nick Charles, Jr.   Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)…Tommy Green Deep Waters (1948)…Donny Mitchell The Boy with Green Hair (1948)…Peter Fry Down to the Sea in Ships (1949)…Jed Joy The Secret Garden (1949)…Colin Craven Stars in My Crown (1950)…John Kenyon The Happy Years (1950)…John Humperdink “Dink” Stover Kim (1950)…Kimball “Kim” O’Hara, Jr. Cattle Drive (1951)…Chester Graham, Jr. Gun for a Coward (1957)…Harry “Hade” Keough The Careless Years (1957)…Jerry Vernon Compulsion (1959)…Judd Steiner Sons and Lovers (1960)…Paul Morel Long Day’s Journey Into Night (1962)…Edmund Tyrone Rapture (1965)…Joseph Psych-Out (1968)…Dave The Dunwich Horror (1970)…Wilbur Whateley The Last Movie (1971)…Billy the Kid/Dean The Loners (1972)…Stein The Werewolf of Washington (1973)…Jack Whittier The Pacific Connection (1974)…Miguel Win, Place or Steal (1974)…Billy Citizen Soldier (1975)…Dannes Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976)…Paul Lavell Tracks (1976)…Mark One Away (1976)…Pete Bass She Came to the Valley (1979)…Pat Westall Wrong is Right (1982)…Hacker Human Highway (1982)…Otto Quartz/Old Otto Alsino and the Condor (1982)…Frank To Kill a Stranger (1983)…John Carver Paris, Texas (1984)…Walt Henderson Dune (1984)…Dr. Wellington Yueh The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)…Muldaur To Live and Die in L. A. (1985)…Bob Grimes Papa Was a Preacher (1986)…John White Blue Velvet (1986)…Ben Gardens of Stone (1987)…Captain Homer Thomas Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)…Chip Cain The Time Guardian (1987)…Boss Banzai Runner (1987)…Billy Baxter The Blue Iguana (1988)…Detective Carl Strick Married to the Mob (1988)…Tony “The Tiger” Russo Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)…Howard Hughes Smokescreen (1988)…Michael Dattalico Jorge um Brasiliero (1988)…Mario (also known as The Long Haul) Buying Time (1989)…Detective Novak Limit Up (1989)…Peter Oak Catchfire (1990)…John Luponi Sandino (1991)…Captain Hatfield The Player (1992)…Andy Civella Friends and Enemies (1992)…Freddie Chasers (1994)…Salesman Stig Mr. Wrong (1996)…Jack Tramonte Naked Souls (1996)…Duncan Last Resort (1996)…Gray Wolf Living in Peril (1997)…William McHale’s Navy (1997)…Captain Wallace B. Binghampton Midnight Blue (1997)…Katz-Feeney Air Force One (1997)…Defense Secretary Walter Dean The Shadow Men (1997)…Stan Mills The Rainmaker (1997)…Judge Harvey Hale Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998)…Bophisto Restraining Order (1999)…Charlie Mason Water Damage (1999)…Detective Frank Skoufaris The Venice Project (1999)…Senator Campbell Rites of Passage (1999)…Del Farraday In Pursuit (2000)…Charles Weitz The Flunky (2000)…Micky Italian Ties (2001)…Jimmy (also known as Face to Face) CQ (2001)…Dr. Ballard The Quickie (2001)…Michael Buffalo Soldiers (2001)…General Lancaster Inferno (2002)…Mayor Bill Klinger The Manchurian Candidate (2004)…Mark Whiting The Deal (2007)…Agent Tremayne C. O. G. (2013)…Hobbs Max Rose (2013)…Ben Tracey Deep in the Darkness (2014)…Phil Deighton Persecuted (2014)…Dave Wilson Rusty Steel (2014)…Hunts Entertainment (2015)…The Celebrity’s Henchman
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, March 30
Cover: Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt beach wedding and adoption only months away 
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Page 1: NBA legend Charles Barkley is planning to sell his basketball bling to help build affordable housing in his hometown of Leeds, Alabama 
Page 2: Contents, Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy 
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Page 3: LOL! -- Halle Berry is a distant connection of Sarah Palin, Rant of the Week -- The Bachelor Peter Weber’s mom Barbara on Peter choosing Madison Prewett, Gone Viral -- Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez doing the Flip the Switch challenge on TikTok, Melissa McCarthy and husband Ben Falcone bought a $2.4 million home, New Hire -- Matt Lucas replaces Sandi Toksvig on The Great British Bake-Off 
Page 8: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s tearful goodbye -- as the embattled couple step back from royal duties an insider shares their emotional reaction to a cruel family 
Page 10: Martha Stewart is on the prowl for a mate, Harvey Weinstein’s ex Georgina Chapman has agreed to pen a tell-all about the disgraced movie mogul, Star Spots the Stars -- Rebel Wilson, Seal, Goldie Hawn, Stephen Curry and Storm Reid, Jenni Farley, Taraji P. Henson 
Page 12: Star Shots -- Ethan Hawke at the New Group’s 25th anniversary gala, Kristin Cavallari at the Uncommon James launch, Sofia Vergara heading to the studio to tape America’s Got Talent, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski at the premiere of The Quiet Place Part II 
Page 14: Camila Cabello at the Global Awards, Jennifer Lopez in Miami 
Page 16: Colson Baker a.k.a.Machine Gun Kelly and Pete Davidson, Rosamund Pike at the London premiere of Radioactive, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt at the #AerieReal Summit 
Page 18: Heidi Klum en route to tape America’s Got Talent, Zendaya and boyfriend Jacob Elordi at a flea market in LA, Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy at the opening of Broadway’s Girl From the North Country
Page 19: Michael Douglas accepted the India Catalina Award in Colombia, Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton Rothschild 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Grace VanderWaal en route to Jimmy Kimmel Live, Helena Christensen snapping photos in NYC, Howie Mandel showed up to a taping of America’s Got Talent in a hazmat suit 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- romantic frocks -- Logan Browning, Selena Gomez
Page 23: Angela Sarafyan, Jourdan Dunn 
Page 26: Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey’s marriage secret -- shower sex 
Page 27: Brandi Glanville dished about some of her famous hookups including David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc and Gerard Butler and Ben Stiller, Kit Harington was spotted looking cozy with Lily Collins at an event and wife Rose Leslie is none too pleased 
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Page 30: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s secret beach wedding -- nearly 20 years after they first tied the knot Brad and Jennifer are gearing up to say I Do again 
Page 34: Ben Affleck’s hot new romance with costar Ana de Armas 
Page 36: Tom Cruise’s lonely life -- he’s one of the world’s biggest celebrities but life is far from charmed for the solitary star 
Page 38: Getting Cheeky -- cheek enhancements are all the rage among Hollywood celebs who want to look forever young -- Kris Jenner 
Page 39: Halle Berry, Renee Zellweger 
Page 42: Drugstore Beauty Awards -- Lili Reinhart 
Page 43: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 
Page 44: Keke Palmer, Olivia Culpo 
Page 45: Hilary Duff 
Page 48: Entertainment 
Page 50: Q&A with Michele Weaver of Council of Dads 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Celine Dion uses the streets of New York City as her catwalk during her Courage World Tour
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daresplaining · 5 years
Solicitations for December 2019
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CHIP ZDARSKY (W) MARCO CHECCHETTO (A) Cover by JULIAN  TOTINO  TEDESCO THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMEY IS MY FRIEND… COLE NORTH goes for a drink with the one person he never expected to… Meanwhile, WILSON FISK learns that in New York, some people are more powerful than even the mayor. This, while Hell’s Kitchen and IZZY LIBRIS are targeted by the Owl, with no Man Without Fear to stand in his way!
CHIP ZDARSKY (W) MARCO CHECCHETTO (A) Cover by JULIAN  TOTINO  TEDESCO As Mayor Fisk suffers an existential crisis, his city descends into chaos. Matt Murdock, on the other hand, has more conviction than ever – and stands poised to reprise his role as Hell’s Kitchen’s protector.
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AL EWING. DAN SLOTT, CHIP ZDARSKY, KELLY THOMPSON, GREG PAK, EVE L. EWING, MATT ROSENBERG, ED BRISSON, SALADIN AHMED, TINI HOWARD, JONATHAN HICKMAN, GREG PAK, DONNY CATES & JASON AARON (W) HUMBERTO RAMOS, JIM CHEUNG AND MORE! (A) Cover by Patrick Gleason ONE WILL UNITE THEM! A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant? The closing chapter to MARVEL’s 80th year, which will connect the dots of everything that happened in 2019 and propel the narrative into the year that is to come! Featuring the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, Spider-Man, the Champions, the Agents of Atlas, Valkyrie, the Immortal Hulk, Jessica Jones, Venom, Ghost Rider, the Masked Raider, and more!
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Written by STEVE GERBER, MARK GRUENWALD, RALPH MACCHIO & DANNY FINGEROTH Penciled by DON HECK, JIM STARLIN, JOHN BYRNE & MIKE MANLEY Cover by INHYUK LEE  Three of the major players in Marvel’s next cosmic epic star in classic adventures, as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the House of Ideas with the era-spanning MARVEL TALES! This anthology series shines a spotlight on fan-favorite characters, features timeless stories and highlights some of our most impressive talent from the past eight decades. First, former villain and future Guardian of the Galaxy Heather Douglas first takes on the name of Moondragon — and is rudely interrupted by the Man Without Fear in DAREDEVIL (1964) #105! Then Quasar, newest head of security at Project PEGASUS, is the victim of mistaken identity when the Thing comes a-calling — and a-clobberin’ — in the John Byrne-illustrated MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #53! And in DARKHAWK (1991) #6, the fledgling hero with a space-faring destiny joins Daredevil and Captain America in battle with the U-Foes!
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weirdsciencecomics · 5 years
Here are the February 2020 Marvel Comics Solicitations for all Spider-Man related comics!
They say there’s no rest for the wicked, and few creatures in the Marvel Universe are as wicked as CARNAGE. Face front, readers — the seeds of next year’s VENOM event are already beginning to grow…
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Ravencroft is open for business! But with the secrets revealed in RUINS OF RAVENCROFT in the open, the Institute is more dangerous than ever. Can John Jameson right the ship before it’s too late?
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
After reliving one of the most horrible moments of his life, Peter Parker turns to one of his oldest allies for a magical helping hand. Don’t miss the next history-shaking adventure of Peter David and Greg Land’s landmark SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN Series!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
There’s a new game in town, and the ante is QUITE HIGH! Welcome to The Palace, a super-villain casino run by the classic (and under-utilized) Spidey-villain CHANCE! It’s got everything a villain could want, including betting on whether your arch-enemy is going to make it through his or her latest super-battle! Not only will this not sit well with Spidey, but it may just CRUSH him.
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Jonah Jameson’s new gig has proven to be nothing but trouble for Spidey. As you are well aware, JJJ doesn’t take “no” for an answer, so even if Spidey is knee-deep in a world-saving situation, JJJ will always be there to “help” him. But while Spidey is dealing with JJJ and Chance, something is brewing with Kindred and it can’t bode well for Peter.
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
What’s a Ham Warp? We don’t know, but this third issue of SPIDER-HAM is an interdimensional delight! Spider-Ham just can’t catch a break! First SPIDER-MAN crashes his solo adventure…and now they’re trapped in the past! Somebody’s gotta bring home the bacon!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Spider-Man and Venom must finally work together to fix their situation…one that Venom TOTALLY didn’t get them into in the first place. YOU CAN’T PROVE IT WAS HIM!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Leah Williams • Carlos Gómez (A) • Cover by Humberto Ramos
All that stands between MJ and Mysterio’s ragtag crew and filming their climactic battle scene is…well, VULTURE, STEGRON, TARANTULA, KING COBRA, RHINO, and SCORPION! If this is Mary Jane’s last chance to realize her dreams, you can bet she’s going to fight like a tiger–or a spider! Will filming ever wrap? Will Mary Jane ever go home to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN? And can Peter forgive her for her Hollywood team up?
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Cover by PAUL POPE
Gwen has it all! Two worlds, two lives, living in harmony…nothing bad could happen! …something bad is definitely about to happen. Be there when Gwen’s worlds begin to collide!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Professors missing from Empire State University: Abductees or recruits? Skeins of Spider-Man’s web drape Lower Manhattan: Charming local color, or Department of Sanitation headache? Does anything happen in Kingpin’s city without his knowledge? The reporters of the Daily Bugle are beating pavement to answer YOUR questions.
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Miles’ journal has gone missing–you know, the one where he wrote his private thoughts about BEING SPIDER-MAN!!! And it’s fallen into enemy hands! Does that have something to do with Miles’ high school under siege by the most monstrous goons he’s faced since CARNAGE? You’re about to see more of Brooklyn Visions than ever–but is it for the last time?
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Miles continues his journey to save the web of life and comes face to face with Spider-Man Noir! But, wait…isn’t he dead?!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Felicia has gotten into some trouble in New York. Some may call it “inciting a war” but we aren’t here to mince words. What’s a girl to do? GO TO MADRIPOOR! That’s right, the Black Cat and her crew go to Madripoor to steal the next object on their list. No problem, just another artifact that is in the private collection of someone named… where’d I put that note… oh, here. Someone named “Patch.” Uh-oh. Patch is Wolverine. BLACK CAT IS STEALING FROM WOLVERINE?! All this and guest-artist KRIS ANKA (UNCANNY X-MEN, RUNAWAYS) is joining the book for two issues!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
Michael Morbius has always been a man of science. But he’s also a man of pride, and when those two traits combine, the results have been catastrophic. This time is no different! Whatever Morbius has wrought havoc on his genetics – with his humanity inching closer to memory with every passing moment! This while a figure from his past returns, with Morbius dead in her sights.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
SCREAM faces an ancient evil from the depths of the sea! Watch as the VENOM lore builds the history of the symbiotes into a twisted tale of horror and menace! You’ll never want to go back in the water again, True Believers!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Variant Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA
The BLACK CAT continues her mysterious crime spree in New York…but will her reappearance catch SPIDER-MAN in a tangled web between MARY JANE and his former flame?! An all-new look into Peter and Felicia’s fiery passion and the deadly consequences of a Super Hero romance. ME-OW!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
The First of Gwen Stacy’s AMAZING Adventures!
Gwen and Peter may not have met until AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #31, but that doesn’t mean Gwen’s life began on that page. Learn the never-before told origin of Gwen Stacy, top of her class, daughter of the Police Captain and, as her friend Harry Osborn calls her, “The Beauty Queen of Standard High.”  But she’s way more that you even know! Gwen’s got a science brain, a nose for trouble and a no-quit attitude that always gets her in trouble. In the early Marvel Universe, that’s a recipe for disaster. Don’t miss Gwen, Captain Stacy, Harry and Norman Osborn, Crimemaster, Wilson Fisk, Jean DeWolff, Yuri Wantanabe and even Spider-Man!
40 PGS./Rated T …$4.99
      Spider-Man February 2020 Marvel Comics Solicits Here are the February 2020 Marvel Comics Solicitations for all Spider-Man related comics! VENOM #23 DONNY CATES • MARK BAGLEY (A/C)
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Oct. 2, 2019: Obituaries
Retha Johnson 75
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Mrs. Retha Ann Johnson age 75 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, September 28, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
Funeral services were October 1,   at Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Hays with Rev. Jamie McGuire officiating. Burial was   in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Johnson was born August 28, 1944 in Wilkes County to Robert (Bob) Judson Johnson and Vallie Ester Blevins Johnson. She was a lifelong member of Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Hays.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a sister; Sue Johnson Pruitt, a sister in law; Grace Johnson and a brother in law; Bill Blevins.
She is survived by two daughters; Sherry Hall Wallace and husband George of Franklinton and Sandra Hall McGuire and husband Jamie of Millers Creek, five grandchildren; Cassandra McGuire, Tori Wallace Cortez and husband Johnny, Alix Wallace, Colin Wallace and Nikki Wallace, a sister; Mary Ellen Blevins of North Wilkesboro, two brothers; Rev. Cheslie Johnson of Hays, Perry Johnson and wife Sue of North Wilkesboro, and a brother in law; Ervin Pruitt of Hays.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Walnut Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 4650 Cabin Creek Road Hays, NC 28635.
 Mary Sheppard, 71
Mary Lou Lunsford Sheppard, age 71, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, September 27, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. She was born June 21, 1948 in Wilkes County to Grover and Maie Hendren Lunsford. Mrs. Sheppard was a member of Cub Creek Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Bower Sheppard; granddaughter, Kayla Dubuque; grandson, Anthony Sheppard; brother, Coy Lunsford; and sister, Pauline Jarvis.
Surviving are her children, Beth Wood and spouse Jeff of North Wilkesboro, Mary Sales and spouse Donald of Ronda, Billy Sheppard and Kim Young both of Wilkesboro, Shane Sheppard and spouse Shelia of Purlear; grandchildren, Alicia Wood, Curtis Wood, Nicole Gwyn, Bill Hairston, Donavan Sheppard, Catlin Foster, Mason Foster; sisters, Irene Johnson and spouse Commie of Moravian Falls, Juanita Greene of Mulberry; brothers, Clyde Lunsford and spouse Debra of Moravian Falls, Billy Lunsford and spouse Vicie of North Wilkesboro; seven great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Memorial service was, October 1,   at Cub Creek Baptist Church with Rev. Brian Sampson officiating.   Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  John Robinson, 47
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John Paul (J.P.) Robinson, age 47, of Ferguson, passed away Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Mr. Robinson was born May 16, 1972 in Wilkes County to Johnny Wake and Ettie Sue Watts Robinson. J.P. loved fishing, cooking, old cars and shooting guns. Most of all he loved his family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Linda Faith Robinson; his mother; sister, Sandra Wyatt; and a brother, Ronald Robinson.
Surviving are his sons, Jessie Lee Robinson and spouse Haleigh and Darrell Lee Knight all of Millers Creek; his father, Johnny Wake Robinson of Millers Creek; sister, Linda Robinson of Millers Creek; brother, Fred Allen Robinson and spouse Vallerie of Millers Creek; several nieces and nephews; and his fur baby, Tink.
Funeral service was  September 30, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Stanley Wyatt officiating.  
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Hallie Church, 82
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Mrs. Hallie Christine Bullis Church, age 82 of Boomer, passed away Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing.
Funeral services were September 29,  at New Light #2 Baptist Church on Vannoy Road with Rev. Jim Belcher officiating. Burial was in the Church family cemetery.  
Mrs. Church was born December 8, 1936 in Wilkes County to Mamie Lee Adams Bullis. She was retired from Charmette Beauty Salon where she worked as a Hairdresser. Mrs. Church was a member of New Light #2 Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her mother, her first husband; Walter Church, and a son; Kimberly Dale Church.
She is survived by her husband; Buford Nichols of the home, three sons; Kevin Church and wife Geneva of Millers Creek, Lang Derwin Church and wife Linda of Millers Creek and Scott Dowell Church and wife Patsy of Millers Creek, six grandchildren; Shannon Church, Tasha Wdowiak and husband Andrew, Walter Church and wife Jessica, Nathan Church, Matthew Church and Daniel Church, three great grandchildren; Westson Wdowiak, Aubrey Wdowiak and Kyle Church, a sister; Crystal Roberts and husband Doug of North Wilkesboro  and two brothers; Harvey Bullis and wife Brenda of Hickory and Ricky Bullis of Millers Creek.
Flowers will be accepted.
Mary Wyatt  74
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Mrs. Mary Frances Jenkins Wyatt age 74 of Purlear, passed away Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at her home.
Funeral services were September 27,  at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Timothy Wayne Moose, Jr., Rev. Tommy Brown and Rev. Onnie Langley officiating. Burial was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
Mrs. Wyatt was born May 4, 1945 in Ashe County to Conley and Effie Darnell Jenkins. Mary was a devoted pastor's wife for 40 years, was a loving mother, grandmother and a friend to all. She was a member of Church of God of Prophecy.
She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers and one sister.
Mrs. Wyatt is survived by her husband; Rev. Roy Hampton Wyatt whom she was a faithful wife to for 58 years, three daughters; Lisa Wyatt Smith and husband, Dexter of Ash, Anita Wyatt Caldwell and husband Timothy of North Wilkesboro and Valerie Wyatt Key and husband Matthew of Millers Creek, twelve grandchildren; Timothy Wayne Moose, Jr., Daniel Lee Moose, Laura Michelle Smith, Matthew Forrest Prevette, Jennifer Ashley Key, Andrea Nicole Moose, Emilee Faith Prevette, Joshua Garrett Mosteller, Madison Lynn Caldwell, Brianna Hope Key, Landon Michael Caldwell and Carrie Ann Alyssa Key, six great grandchildren; Jordan Alan Miller, Philip Matthew Moose, Hunter Lee Moose, Liam Matthew Prevette, Samuel Ryan Moose and Jeremiah Wayne Moose, a sister; Midge Allen and husband Jim of Millers Creek and a brother; Roger Jenkins and wife Lola of Hiddenite.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Alma Wiles, 94
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Alma Elledge Wiles, age 94, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. Alma was born May 24, 1925 in Wilkes County to James Spencer and Lura Harrold Elledge. She was a member of Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Moravian Falls and was previously employed with Martin Marietta Aviation and Missile Builders as a secretary. Mrs. Wiles was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, James Franklin Wiles, Jr.; siblings, Cecil Elledge, Lexie Fraiser, Ruth Ledbetter and Faye Elledge; and nephew, Dennis Fraiser.
She is survived by her nieces, Deborah Fuller and Kellie McLaughlin; and nephew, James S. Elledge.
Graveside service was September 27,   at Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Jackie Rogers, Jr, 34
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Mr. Jackie Leonard Rogers, Jr. better known as Little Jack, age 34 of Purlear passed away September 23, 2109 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Funeral services  were September 28,  at Purlear Baptist Church with Pastor Jamie McGuire officiating.  
Mr. Rogers was born February 6, 1985 in Concord North Carolina. He was a Brick Mason by trade. Mr. Rogers was a member of Purlear Baptist Church.
He is survived by his parents; Jackie Rogers, Sr. and wife Debbie Reed Rogers, three sisters; Deanna Carpenter of Purlear, Elizabeth Belush and husband Matthew of Kannapolis and Kayla Smith and husband Jon of Boone and three brothers; Scott Richards and wife Carla of Hays, Mark Rogers of Wilkesboro and Daniel Rogers and wife Diana of Massachusetts.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice.
Geraldine Rhodes, 73
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Mrs. Geraldine Brooks Rhodes, age 73 of Hays passed away Monday, September 23, 2019 at her home surrounded by her loving family.
Funeral services were September 26,  at Bethel Baptist Church with Pastor Donnie Shumate officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. Rhodes was born May 11, 1946 in Wilkes County to Amos Brooks and Lettie Billings Brooks. She was a Homemaker and Poultry Farmer and a faithful member of Bethel Baptist Church. Geraldine was a loving Wife, Mother and Grandmother.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three sisters; Gladys Wood and husband Eli, Hazel Brooks, Edna West and husband Royal, two brothers; Arvie Brooks and Garness Brooks and a brother in law; Daniel Brown.
She is survived by her husband of fifty five years Otto Lonnie Rhodes, Jr. of the home, two daughters; Lisa Rhodes Hall and husband James of Ferguson, Denise Rhodes Wilson and husband Rick of Hays, five grandchildren; Joshua Hall, Nathan Hall, Elizabeth McCann and husband Brigg Adams, Rebekah Wilson and Reece Wilson, a sister; Arlene Brown of Salisbury and three brothers; Harlis Brooks and wife Darsie of Winston Salem, Jerry Brooks of Roaring River, Roger Brooks and wife Barbara of Roaring River and two sister in laws;  Annie Ruth Brooks and Shirley Brooks.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mount Airy, NC 27030.
 Susan Holland, 65
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Mrs. Susan Love Holland, age 65, of Conover went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, August 23, 2019 at Joan & Howard Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson. Susan was born on December 24, 1953 in Statesville. Her father, Larry Edward Love (L.E.) preceded her in death.
Susan was a graduate of Wilkes Community College and worked for several years in North Wilkesboro in banking and data processing. Until her illness became too advanced, Susan worked at Connections, a psychosocial, rehabilitation clubhouse of Catawba Valley Behavioral Health Care, an ongoing community support program in Hickory. Susan contributed much to the Clubhouse and designed, edited and produced a monthly newsletter for the community. Known for her generous heart, Susan was a loving daughter, devoted mother, caring sister and kind spirit.
She is survived by her mother, Geraldine Love of North Wilkesboro; her son, Eric Holland of Greenville; three brothers, Steve Love of North Wilkesboro, Roger Love of Salisbury, and Randy Love of Rockingham; a sister, Dr. Sandra Swaringen of Wilkesboro; two nieces, Dr. Shanna Swaringen of Chapel Hill, Dr. Megan Swaringen of North Wilkesboro; and four nephews, Bradford Love of Knightdale, Wesley Love of Salisbury, Andrew Love of Raleigh and Brian Love of Rockingham.
A private graveside service was held on August 26, 2019 at Arbor Grove Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro with Pastor and Friend Michelle Staley officiating. Memorials may be made to Arbor Grove Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro or to Joan & Howard Woltz Hospice Home. Miller Funeral Service kindly served the family with compassion, comfort and support.
 Mary Lovette, 78
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Mary Jo Lowe Lovette, 78, of Moravian Falls, died peacefully in her sleep on Sept. 23, 2019.
She was born Aug. 25, 1941, in Wilkes County to Perry Roosevelt Lowe Sr. and Mary Revis Lowe. She graduated from Pembroke State University with a degree in home economics and taught school in Wilkes County for 20 years. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star for more than 40 years and Daughters of the American Revolution for 27 years. She was lover of genealogy and was often called the Lowe family historian.
She was a long-time member of the Moravian Falls Methodist Church until its closure and spent her final days as a member of the Reformation Lutheran Church in Taylorsville.
She was preceded in death by three older brothers: Clyde R. Lowe, Perry R. Lowe Jr. and Caney Lowe.
She is survived by a daughter, Revis (Ann) Lovette Felts and husband Todd of Wilkesboro; son, David E. Lovette Jr. and wife Kim of Hope Mills, N.C.; and five grandchildren: David E. (Ty) Lovette III, Ben Lovette, William Lovette, Meredith Felts and Olivia Felts.
Memorial service was Sunday, Sept. 29 at Miller Funeral Home Chapel in North Wilkesboro.
In lieu of flowers, please consider sending a memorial to the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter #42, C/O Tana Myers, 510 6th Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659; or to the Daughters of the American Revolution-Rendezvous Mountain Chapter, C/O Barbara Pendry, 756 Welcome Home Church  Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Timothy Teague, 60
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Mr.  Timothy Odell Teague, age 60 of North Wilkesboro, died Friday, September 20, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were September 25, at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor Lane Roark officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Gardens.  
Mr. Teague was born July 24, 1959 in Wilkes County to Clint Isaac and Dessie Marie Handy Teague.  
He was preceded in death by his father, Clint Isaac Teague.  
He is survived by his mother, Dessie Marie Handy of Hays; his son, Gary Teague and wife, Christina, of North Wilkesboro; his grandchild, Kendall Teague; his three sisters, Diana Kilby and husband, Larry, of Roaring River, Nina Bozeman and husband, Billy, of Wilkesboro, and Darlene Patrick of Virginia; and his three brothers, Denny Teague and wife, Debbie, of North Wilkesboro, David Teague of Hays, and Curtis Teague and wife, Myra, also of Hays.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Window World Cares St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 118 Shaver Street, North Wilkesboro NC 28659.
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Thor #21 Marvel Comics Written by Donny Cates Art by Nic Klein Colors by Matt Wilson Letters by Joe Sabino The Rundown: Thor faces off against a deadly enemy and discovers its connection to something even darker from his past. As a dark presence begins to emerge from the sun, Thor finds himself facing the physical personification of his hammer Mjolnir who is intent on killing the god of…
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