#( glitch in the matrix. — ooc. )
penelopeloveshere · 1 month
a belated piece of advice for steve blackman:
what was good for 'dark' is not good for the 'umbrella academy'
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gctchell · 5 months
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 6 months
Epic Rap (Binary Code) Battles of Star Rail
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magicveiled · 7 months
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...gale scratch is not a horse you are going to crush the poor pup
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arvend · 2 years
part of the professor. is still down there
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mshroom1e · 2 years
Hiiiii!!! Could I request something for Jamil? This one's probably considered crack and fluff but I'm not too sure.
So, reader (who's a female unless you only gender neutral s/o's) is the opposite of our boy Jamil; goofy, dorky, silly, snarky, lazy, and an overall bumbling idiot. Jamil is sure that someone like her can't be successful in life because she's so incompetent and playful (basically if Leona and Kalim had a kid, lol), there's absolutely no way she will ever surpass him-or anyone really- in anything. Or so he thought.
One day, Crewel asks her a rather difficult question that not even Jamil knows. So, imagine his shock when reader answers correctly. But, that's just dumb luck. Right?Nope! Kalim was throwing one of his parties and Jamil offers to cook the food only for the precious sunshine boy to reveal that reader's already got it covered. Cue reader and some other Scarabia students walking out of the kitchen with plates of delicious food. From then on, Jamil would get upstaged by reader everytime which made him jealous. Until, something happened that changed everything.
It was Jamil's birthday and he wasn't expecting much. Only to get a letter from reader asking him to come to Scarabia at night. He's confused but complies. When he gets there, all the lights are off. Now he's more confused and irritated, believing it to be some prank.
That's when the lights turn on and everyone including reader yells "Surprise!". On the table, laid all his favorite dishes made by reader herself. She also gives him a present, a pair of headphones she teamed up with the Shroud brothers to make for him.
Needless to say, Jamil is touched and has to stop himself from crying.
Heya! Thank you so much for the request!! Apologies in advance for any ooc Jamil moments since I'm still getting used to writing him into fics. I also made reader/Yuu a second year for story purposes. Thanks for bearing with me!
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5 to 1 | Jamil x GN! Reader
type: fanfic
Summary: Jamil is constantly being one upped by none other than Yuu themselves. One day, he finds a little box sitting at his desk, and his curiously gets the better of him
3.5k words
Warning(s): none
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Angry? No way. How could he possibly be angry? Jamil Viper, someone who was known for his levelheadedness and cool temper, there was no way he could ever be losing his head over anything. Nothing at all! Even thinking he was capable of blowing up in a fit of rage was preposterous.
If that was true, then why was he sitting in his room at 4 in the morning seething, clenching his fists, and staring at his homework? The bags under his bloodshot eyes were large enough to carry all of- no, double of Kalim's luggage when going on an overnight trip.
Well, it was all because of you.
Ever since you enrolled at NRC, through what Jamil at first assumed was some sort of loophole in the system, or as they say, a glitch in the matrix, he believed you were an absolute airhead. From your first year, you were in almost all of the same classes, and you were so- incapable. For example, there was one time when you were partnered up with Jamil for an alchemy lesson, and you accidentally turned half of the class into dogs for a week. Professor Crewel usually referred to his students as rambunctious puppies, but he never actually wished that they would turn into that.
Your path in that school was always followed by chaos, explosions, and magical mayhem.
Jamil loved you. Don't get him wrong. If he didn't, why else would he be dating you? It was just that your prescence always found a way to tickle his brain in the wrong way, and he got even angrier at himself each time for how deeper and deeper he fell in love with you. It was beyond him how he ended up dating you with your goofy, dorky, silly, snarky, lazy, idiot personality. Maybe it was your brutal honesty or the fact that Jamil was able to be his natural blunt self around you, and you never seemed to get offended or hurt by it. He was never like that to anyone except Kalim, of course, but that's different.
So, back to what Jamil was currently doing. As an end of topic assignment, Professor Trein asked for a 15-page essay on all the topics that your class had done on the history of magic. You were given 2 months to complete it. So, it was reasonable when Jamil, the professor and the entire of the class were absolutely diabolically flabbergasted after you turned in a 30 page essay a week after the assessment was given, like it was no trouble at all.
Jamil, personally, wasn't having it. There was no way he would let you surpass him like that in all your idiotic glory.
The next morning, Jamil arrived in alchemy class looking like he had just been through it all. His hair looked rough and dishevelled, the hoodie he wore under his blazer was inside out, and he wore the wrong shoes on each foot. The ten minutes of free time before class started was mainly you poking fun at Jamil, half teasing and half genuinely worried.
You shrugged when he told you everything was fine while he grumbled under his breath, deciding not to pry any further. You'd just have to pester him after class was over.
Today's lesson was one on theory. Crewel would teach the class some new alchemy related material while everyone took notes, well except you. You spent most of class time almost falling asleep, yawning, and nudging Jamil with your elbow. Normally, he would've made a snarky comment at you that would make you return it with an even snarkier reply, but he didn't have enough energy for your shenanigans at the moment.
You nearly jumped out of your own skeleton once the professor called you out and asked you to complete the chemical equation on the board. It was one of the most difficult to answer, as the names of the missing reactants were practically impossible to memorise.
"Oh, It's Ornithogalum adseptentrionesvergentulum and Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides," you answered without missing a beat.
"Colour me impressed," Crewel was pleasantly surprised, "But make sure you pay attention. I have no need for any unfocused pups in my classroom."
Jamil's eyes practically bulged out of his head. He had to blink twice before rendering what you said into his mind. He couldn't believe it even for a second. He was sure you weren't even paying attention the entire lecture, talkless of even memorising something that Crewel mentioned over half an hour ago. Even he had no idea what the answer was, so how on earth did you manage to answer it so easily? Surely it was just an odd stroke of luck, right?
"Rodger that, sir," you said smoothly. Crewel gave you a stern glance and continued on with the lesson.
Little did Jamil know, that was only the beginning of your win streak against him.
Recess was upon you at last, and you went to doing one of your favourite activities. Annoying Jamil. He was off 'babysitting Kalim' duty, as you liked to call it, since he was busy with club activities and Jamil could finally have some downtime. Well, if you don't count, you bugging him every other second.
"Your hair looks kinda messy. Didn't get enough sleep?" You suddenly said, making Jamil glance at you from the side.
He hummed.
Little did you know, you were the primary reason for him losing so much sleep.
"Want me to do it for you?" You asked, "You know, I'm nothing short of a pro hair stylist myself," You were definitely lying.
Surprisingly, he didn't take much convincing to eventually agree. Usually, he never let you lay even a finger on his hair, but today, he really couldn't be bothered.
You stood up from the bench, moving to stand behind him so you could do your magic on his hair.
To be completely honest, you had no idea what you were actually doing. You had seen Jamil do his hair about one time, so you decided to just go from what you saw then. First you parted the left side of his hair into three, then you begain braiding the three different parts in cornrows, added the three gold accessories you may or may not have stolen from his room, and boom, you were done.
Well, that was quick.
You summoned a mirror for Jamil to look at the final product of your work. Needless to say he was flabbergasted.
There was no way you just did his signature hairstyle a million times better than he did. The braids were even in swirly patterns for fs sake. Jamil wasn't going to lie to himself and say he wasn't jealous of your effortless skill.
For the rest of the day, Jamil unconsciously got slightly ticked off when seeing his reflection in the mirror.
You: 2
Jamil: 0
A few days later, you followed Jamil to club practice because, why not?
The basketball club was in the middle of a practice game, and you just spent most of the time admiring how cool Jamil looked.
A club member tossed a basketball at you and asked if you wanted to join. You didn't mind playing in uniform since it was already the end of the day anyway, so you agreed.
You lazily tossed the ball from where you sat in the bleachers at one of the nets and it went straight in with a satisfying swoop. Impressed, but more shocked, Jamil turned to you, eyebrows raised with shock, and you gave him a lazy smirk.
You: 3
Jamil: 0
Here came Coach Vargas' gym class. The worst nightmare of the Ignihyde dorm and the bane of most students' existence.
It was quite early in the year, so the coach decided on strength tests to see where everyone was currently at. He planned several activities for the whole class to do, most of them having little rules except the obvious 'NO MAGIC'.
First up was a simple ball toss. All you had to do was simply throw the ball as far as you could. Piece of cake.
When it was your turn, you picked up a ball and stood in the circle where you were to throw it from. You simply did a light stretch of your arm muscles and rolled your shoulders.
Without much effort, you drew your arm back and away the ball went. Jamil felt a gust of wind blow his hair back as the ball left your hand. It was less than a second before the poor ball was sent into the clouds and never to be seen again. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball did go really far.
Vargas laughed heartily in amusement once your score came up on the tablet in his hands. A neon-coloured "87 metres" flashed on the screen, reminding Jamil that you really did throw the ball that far.
You: 4
Jamil: 0
The rest of the gym lesson was just you beating poor Jamil at everything under the sun. In the short distance race, you practically bolted to the finish line, leaving Jamil in your dust, lifted almost 3 times as much as he could in the weight training, and cleared the sandpit in a single long jump test.
Needless to say, he was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Jamil couldn't help but make everything with you into a one-sided competition, which always resulted in him getting defeated by a landslide. But to be honest, he didn't mind losing because, when he entered his little contests with you, he was always trying his best.
"Jamil! We're having a party!"
Begrudgingly, Jamil followed Kalim into the common room of the Scarabia dorm. He mentally groaned, complaining to himself about never being able to catch a break. His lovely dorm leader usually threw his celebrations on a whim, unintentionally inconveniencing Jamil as he would be forced to make food for the guests to eat.
He had already started making a list of his chores to prepare the party in his head, not really paying attention to where the white-haired ball of sunshine was leading him to.
Eventually, the duo reached the kitchen, and Jamil's nose picked up a delicious scent coming from beyond the door. He wasn't sure what it was, but he was sure its scent alone rivalled his very own cooking.
Kalim pushed the door open with a smile on his face, revealing you, placing the final touches on a plate.
"Yuu offered to make the snacks so you didn't have to!" Kalim piped in.
"Oh, and, don't worry about the food being poisoned. I tasted everything in front of Kalim, so it's all safe," You added, "No need to thank me."
You glanced at Jamil and returned his stunned expression with a lazy smirk. Even in his own job he'd been assigned to from childhood, you still managed to one up him.
"Oh..." was all be could say.
"Wanna try some?" You picked up a piece of food and held it up to Jamil's mouth, "It tastes really good."
By this time, Kalim had already waddled off to wonder somewhere else in the dorm, leaving just you and Jamil in the kitchen.
It didn't take more than two seconds for Jamil to comply and open his mouth, allowing you to place the food inside it. You watched him expectantly as he slowly chewed, carefully savouring the flavour.
He was right. It definitely tasted better than his cooking. The flavours felt like they were dancing over and around his taste buds, exploding little delicious fireworks in his mouth. But he was too petty to admit that.
"Tastes good," He said with a relatively straight face compared to the thoughts swimming around in his head, screaming at him to compliment the taste more. He was definitely too petty for that.
You and your stupidly good cooking.
You: 5
Jamil: 0
Over the next few days, school continued as normal, well, as normal as it could be in a school like NRC.
Class was just about wrapped up for the day, students standing around, chatting, and not doing much else. Jamil entered the classroom after stepping out for a few minutes.
Someone had come to get him, claiming someone else wanted to talk to him about something. For a matter with a lot of 'someones' and 'somethings', there really was nothing. The person eventually never showed up, and Jamil shrugged and returned to his class to collect his belongings and retire for the day.
At his desk was a light orange gift box tied shut with a muted red bow. Jamil raised an eyebrow, glaning to the student in the desk next to his, wordlessly asking if they knew anything about it. They shrugged as if saying 'no', making Jamil even more perplexed.
He lifted the box, hoping it wasn't just some elaborate prank. He then shook it.
It was... empty?
Or so he thought.
Jamil opened the box, wary, half expecting something to pop out or explode in his face. His confusion grew as a letter sat at the bottom of the hollow cube, with the name 'Jamil' written in cursive. As far as he knew, he hadn't seen anyone with this type of writing before, so he couldn't narrow down the mystery gift giver.
He hastily opened the envelope to reveal a short letter written with what looked like a riddle.
'I see you have found my surprise, friend.
I hope you see this hunt to its end,
Your first prize lies at a location known well,
A place with goods, magic to sell,
Find this place, and then there will lie your next clue.'
He blinked.
He read the note again to make sure he wasn't dreaming. At first, he planned to leave the note where it was and continue with his day, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. Pocketing the letter, he set off to complete the silly mission.
Jamil arrived at the school store, a place fitting that description. On a bench in front of the store sat yet another light orange box that stuck out like a sore thumb. This time, with a matching orange bow.
Noticing the box right away, Jamil untied the ribbon and opened it, revealing another letter. He repeated his previous actions with the box and read the letter.
'I see you have discovered my second clue.
Worry not. This search will be brief.
You have one more clue after this one.
A castle made out of glass
Accompanied by plants few of them grass
Flowers and magical floras galore
But tending to them is kind of a chore'
It didn't take long for this clue to click in Jamil's head. The only place fitting that description was the botanical gardens, so off he went.
A few students lingered around the garden, some taking care of their plants whole others rested on benches and chattered.
There was a light tap on Jamil's shoulder, causing him to glance behind him. A cloaked figure held out another orange box to him, which was accompanied by a yellow ribbon. As soon as he picked the box from the mystery person's hands, they wordlessly walked away. Jamil spotted a lock of lavender hair peeking out of the hood and raised his eyebrow.
He shook his head with an airy laugh and opened the new box.
A letter, like usual.
'Your search will soon be over,
Go to a dorm where you reside,
You will find a surprise waiting inside.'
The clue was a little confusing but nothing that Jamil couldn't eventually figure out. The only place on campus that fitted the description was, of course, his dorm, Scarabia.
Jamil ventured to the mirror chamber and eventually to the given location, arms full of orange boxes that he decided to take with him for some reason. A string of glowing green lights illuminated the usual path to the entrance of the dorm in a long line, as if forging a path.
Eventually, he was led to the dorm's common room. The room was dark and as silent as a desert. 'That's it?' he thought, confused and slightly irritated at the time he spent on the hunt.
Jamil heared a quiet chuckle from somewhere close before he was bombarded with a sudden:
His eyes widened, and he physically jumped back, ears attacked by the noise, and eyes suddenly ambushed with a flush of light. Poppers exploding with confetti ereupted all around him, a large banner saying "Happy Birthday, Jamil!!" above his head. His nerves only relaxed once he noticed you standing in front of him with a lazy grin on your face, surrounded by your classmates and some students from other years.
"Happy Birthday," You said in your usual calm, yet snarky voice.
The common room was decorated like it would be during one of Kalim's parties, however the banner had his name written on it in bold, sparkly letters, reminding him that he was the one who was being celebrated. His favourite dishes were all laid out on the table, cooked by none other than yourself.
He felt his eyes become wet but quickly blinked away whatever was forming in them before he could lose his composure.
Kalim practically hopped over to him with a huge smile on his face, "It was Yuu's idea to put this all together for you!"
Jamil turned to you, stunned, again. You returned his look with a genuine smile this time, though, instead of your default snarky smirk.
"Happy Birthday, Sea Snake," Floyd lazily strung his arm around Jamil's shoulder.
You invited almost everyone you and Jamil knew, and even a few third years. Jamil even saw a few members from the Diasomnia (hence the green fireflies) and Ignihyde dorms, surprised that you even managed to convince them to come.
After all greeting Jamil with birthday wishes and a few gifts here and there, you wisked him to a balcony, wanting to give him your gift in a quieter setting.
Gentle gusts of wind playfully tousled Jamil's long locks of hair as they glistened in the moonlight. He was still speechless.
"You- You did all this?" Jamil asked in a low voice, staring directly into your eyes.
"Well, I got a lot of help from everyone, but it was mainly my idea," You rubbed the back of your neck and stared at the ground, your face growing warm in an unusual flush of nervousness.
"I..." Jamil tried to say something, anything, but he wasn't sure what to say. Should he thank you? Should he just hug you? He wasn't sure. The only thing he could utter for now was, "Why? Why all this for me?"
Your eyes darted back at him, surprised. You knew he wasn't the most self-assured person ever, but it was still a little shocking to see him being so self-critical.
"Jamil-" You started, "You don't understand how much you need to be celebrated? Do you?"
You tried to play it off with your snarky demeanor but this time, you just couldn't.
"But I'm nothing special," He retorted.
"Oh, come on," you sighed, "You're literally the most special person to me, like ever."
You placed your gift on a nearby table and put both of your hands on his shoulders, holding him in place as you said what you wanted to say.
"You're smart, talented, a great cook, beautiful-"
"But you surpass me in almost everything," He cut you off, stepping back.
"That's because I- I'm always trying extra hard to impress you!" You blurted out, immediately slapping your hands over your mouth.
"You what...?"
"You're so good at everything yet you don't try to stand out, and I thought if I tried hard to impress you, you'd want to show off your talents more since I know you're so competitive."
You seriously read him like an open book.
Jamil looked at you with a teasing smirk. Usually, it was you that had the snarky attitude. Oh, how the tables have turned.
"Dang it." You turned your head to the side and furrowed your brows.
"What about what you wanted to give me?" Jamil folded his arms with a light smile.
"Oh, yeah."
You picked up the box and pushed it in front of you, towards Jamil, sheepishly avoiding his eyes as he opened it. He pulled out a smaller box that was covered with a familiar neon blue.
"They're a pair of headphones I made for you myself, well with the help of the Shroud brothers, but I came up with the design myself, and the patterns reminded me of you so-"
A spark went off in Jamil's charcoal grey eyes as he cut you off with a swift kiss, his hands placing the box down on the outdoor table and reaching to hold yours. Murmurs from the party at the other side of the wall were reduced to background noise as your senses were suddenly occupied. His rich, floral scent filled your nose as he gently leaned into the kiss, causing you to fluster.
This time, he was the one who caught you off guard.
You: 5
Jamil: 1
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local-alolan-trainer · 4 months
[purely ooc: ok I need to explain this because I know I can never make this a reality cuz Tumblr's blog layout system is DUMB but I will tell you what this blog would look like if I could make it happen.
It would look like the normal blog aesthetic, even before [entity_green] but every two-ish minutes it would glitch into a full meta/hacker/matrix green color palate and the words would change to what it says now just for a few seconds before it would go back to normal. Also the follow button would be 'Start_game?'
So when you interact with my blog, imagine it looks like that :>]
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team-glitch · 1 year
OOC post about Team Glitch: basic info that can be found out
Basic information that any character could find:
Team Glitch is an online group of conspiracy theorists that think the world is a simulation.
Information that a character can find from digging deeper:
The group has no official leaders, but there are members that are more influential than others. One of which is someone who goes by Edison. He has a track record of blowing stuff up w/ his Voltorbs, and is generally unstable. There's another influential member who goes by Tesla. They basically believe that the world is like the Matrix, and that if people manged to get out of the simulation, they'll get into the real world.
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darckcarnival · 2 years
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thelotusthief · 3 years
((Will try to expand on this, but Ren's DDLC verse basically goes that people in the real world had become aware of the existence of another sentient AI within the "game" and having dealt with EMMA Ren ends up using Sophia's help to enter and check it out. Unfortunately, he loses contact with Sophia and the transition to a character in the game wiped a lot of his memory.))
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aeterna---amantes · 5 years
You ok???
//I know. Y'all would say it's okay. But I am. Like.
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vintcgedrops-a-blog · 5 years
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 6 months
My brain just conjured up the most funny crack thing where b.lack s.wan would appear to you like from the state farm commercials if you sang the jingle
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Ok I have no idea what the hell this is about but my tumblr keeps showing that I am not following people?? Like I hit follow, and they show up on my dash, but then I click their profile and it has the follow button! THE FUQ Tumblr?!
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riddl3r · 5 years
(my plans got cancelled today, so I will probably here and read my book. As always, inbox is open even though it takes me ages to reply to stuff, so is discord and IM! Hope you are all having a wonderful friday!)
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thelotusthief · 3 years
((Going with the theme of character files in DDLC having things hidden in them, if one were to investigate Ren's, they'd find just a mass of numbers. ROT13, which translated into letters still doesn't make sense until you realize each letter is five letters ahead in the English alphabet.
And decrypting it just gives the reader "Take Your Heart."))
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