etcnnante ยท 2 years
@kudakenai | STARTER !
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FINGERS CURLED onto the handle of metallic gun , clutching firmly against cold metallic grip. an AGONIZING headache permeated his frontal lobe - GREAT . another migraine was upcoming. it was perhaps due to the excruciatingly long day that had come to pass - but most likely because of the immortal teen that sat before the male that didn't seem to believe a word that fell from his lips. though , for a good cause. after all the false promises that chris had instilled in her , it was going to take much more than just saying 'you're free' when they finally made it to the helicopter. to her - this did just seem like a start to another mission. ' look , I GET IT. you still don't trust me. but - i didn't risk everything - my job, my reputation , my LIFE , just for a silly little prank , kid. ' AN EXATERBATED sigh left his mouth , hanging head in disbelief briefly before he gazed back up at the woman. this time , with a noticeable distraught look on rugged featured. ' i - WE , certainly didn't risk everything for you to still not believe us , yukako. but , i ... i understand why you would have every reason to not believe a word we say , but ... i'm being sincere when i say you're finally free and safe from the hands of the BSAA. as long as i'm by your side , i'm not letting them take you. '
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