#( re verse tbt. )
spookyagentfmulder · 10 months
continued for @manufactoredxbyxdesign
"Wait wait wait, now hold on-" For someone so level headed and no nonsense, the way that Albert Wesker is casually talking about aliens like they're just a natural occurrence... Feels a little too surreal. But to be fair, everything about this place since he arrived - after chasing Scully through the Fog - had felt a little surreal.
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"You're telling me-" Fox continues, holding his hand up as he speaks, "That the alien... From Alien... Is here. In this place." Perhaps it was a little Fourth Wall breaking, but from what he could tell the two of them - Mulder and Scully - had ended up in a place between places. A pocket dimension comprised of horror franchises and nightmares beyond their understanding. Perhaps a bit of their own Twilight Zone. Did this mean his life was a horror show?
In a way, it's kind of nice to have it cosmically confirmed.
"And I can just go... See it."
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magiclcss · 1 year
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I have obey me brainrot once again, and while I’m thinking about it: Despite her friendly demeanor, Kaede did not forgive the threats and harmful actions towards her so easily during her first trip to the Devildom.
While she genuinely enjoys being around the demon brothers now, it did take a while for Kaede to forgive everyone. I haven’t officially pinpoint what her two primary sins would be, but wrath; mainly pettiness and spite is definitely one of them. Kaede can be petty, spiteful, and can hold grudges for a long time. On top of that; she is very much an ‘actions speak louder than words’ type of girl. So while the brothers could apologize to her until their blue in the face, she isn’t incline to accept them unless their actions match up with the words they were speaking.
While the majority of her bad feelings towards the brothers fizzled out by the end of the exchange program, they specifically had a hard time with forgiving Belphegor. After lesson 16, just being in the same general area as Belphegor would trigger Kaede into a fight or flight type situation. She also loathed the way he was acting towards her once the truth of her being a distant relative/descendent of Lilith’s reincarnation came to light. If it weren’t for the good vibes at that time, she would’ve shoved him away from her as fast as she possible could. 
One of the biggest things Kaede’s value’s the most is trust. If you break her trust in anyway, then she has a difficult time looking at one like she did before. Prior to the events of lesson 16, Kaede wholeheartedly would have said that she trust him if asked. While originally the sole reason she agreed to make pacts with the other brother was so that Beel could reunite with his twin, she did begin to trust him -- until that trust was ultimately shattered once the seventh born was freed from the attic. For the longest time, Kaede would avoid him ( and Beel as well if they were with each other ), like the plague. She was cordial towards him for the sake of the brothers and to keep peace in the house, otherwise, she avoid him whenever she could. The less she interacted with Belphegor the better it was for her.
It wasn’t until towards the end of her second stay in the Devildom that she decided to sit down and have an actual conversation about what happened in the attic and how they both feel about it.  They're on good enough terms now, however -- the petty side of her can’t help but bring up the fact that he killed her whenever he’s annoying her.
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etcnnante · 2 years
@kudakenai | STARTER !
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FINGERS CURLED onto the handle of metallic gun , clutching firmly against cold metallic grip. an AGONIZING headache permeated his frontal lobe - GREAT . another migraine was upcoming. it was perhaps due to the excruciatingly long day that had come to pass - but most likely because of the immortal teen that sat before the male that didn't seem to believe a word that fell from his lips. though , for a good cause. after all the false promises that chris had instilled in her , it was going to take much more than just saying 'you're free' when they finally made it to the helicopter. to her - this did just seem like a start to another mission. ' look , I GET IT. you still don't trust me. but - i didn't risk everything - my job, my reputation , my LIFE , just for a silly little prank , kid. ' AN EXATERBATED sigh left his mouth , hanging head in disbelief briefly before he gazed back up at the woman. this time , with a noticeable distraught look on rugged featured. ' i - WE , certainly didn't risk everything for you to still not believe us , yukako. but , i ... i understand why you would have every reason to not believe a word we say , but ... i'm being sincere when i say you're finally free and safe from the hands of the BSAA. as long as i'm by your side , i'm not letting them take you. '
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
demon verse basics. for inuyasha and kny.
demon. cat-like. 7ft. major differences: long cat ears at the top of her head. a long white tail. naked aside from a loose-fitting kimono. fangs, cat-like red eyes. a Soul stealer, thrives in destruction. Mostly Feral. will have references later.
mafia verse basics.
modern science-fantasy. Call her Mother. killed her previous Boss to take over the Family. Killed everyone who turned against her. 5'8. wolf hybrid Basker and raven Poe. highly wanted. tirelessly searching for knowledge. alchemist. non-immortal, simply learning. Homunculus to Belladonna Clan.
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failmilias · 1 year
“There’s nothing I won’t understand,” the smaller boy encourages, taking one of @peculiaires ‘ hands in both of his own and squeezing. Will smiles up at Wolfgang. “I won’t let go of your hand. I promise.” // starter call!
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
“   looks  like  we’re  stuck  here .   ”
" aren't you lucky then? " even in situations like these, milou would not back down with a playful wink. " i‘d say i‘m good company, better than those fuckers outside at least. "
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wrathfl · 2 years
[ ooc. ] I started a small re-fresh of the blog to welcome 2023. Tags/icons/ pinpost etc will be updated. (´ω`*)
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  meme & prompts .       ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  mailbox .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  dash games .      ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  edits .     ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  doodles / myart .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  threads .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  starter call !      ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  promo tag .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  pinned post !  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  tbt/ooc  .
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 01 : hear my voice and thunder of bullets ┊》fc5 .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 02 : new home sweet home ... right ? ┊》fc5 pre-game .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 03 : We will rise again ┊》fc5 new dawn .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : never meet your idols┊》the boys .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : it’s either paying or dying┊》cyberpunk2077 .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : stay put and don’t make a sound┊》twd.  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : are you lost cupcake ? ┊》borderlands .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : run till you can┊》dead by daylight .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : you got a heart kid where you are from┊》mcu / 616 marvel .
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 01 :  character study .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 02 :  visage .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 03 :   faceclaim/art .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 04 :   aesthetics  .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 05 :   isms & mindset .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 06 :   world - building . 
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herbounty · 4 years
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@ofubcs​:  “but where do all the dead come from?”
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                    ❛    you`re not seriously asking me a question you should already have the answer to , are you ?    ❜
side - eyeing the man , sarah had doubts that this man was really trustworthy through all the hell they`ve endured . these creatures are new to her and she hasn`t the slightest clue of where they`re coming from or how they got here . all she knew is that she needed to kill to survive and she`s been doing that perfectly fine . her reaching out to this man is for her to try and obtain some information about what these things are , but if she`s being asked the questions about them then maybe she should take her leave .
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emcads · 2 years
IN SUCH A PLACE SHE LONGED FOR THE WARMTH OF FAMILIAR SHORES;   the heaps of white snow in this corner of Romania did not compare to the bliss of white sands,  like to freeze your heart and sever  TOES  in the cold.   but that made the profits all the richer.   the only reason the crew of the Venganza bothered  with turning their talents towards smuggling INLAND ;  The Duke  was as generous with his rates as he was  ENIGMATIC WITH HIMSELF,  licking up stolen,  foreign  treasures  with nary so much as a question as to their origin  or  just how exactly  Miss Esmeralda had come by them.  which suited her just fine.   the West Indies were far too messy.  signing off on tariffs,  and duties,  and  GOD KNOWS  what else.  the villagers here didn’t care where it came from.  so long as they could eat,  the goods could be bought in  BLOOD.  ( and often,  were. )
LATELY, THOUGH, SHE’D FOUND A NEW LIKELY MARKET,  one for finer things  than guns and munitions and crystal.   the village dollmaker,  it was said,  was always in search  of new delicate material for her wares ;  lace,  and silk,  and filigree,  FINE PORCELAIN   and  more,  all of which proved difficult  –– and costly  –––  to obtain in such a distant region.  and with all the elegant swagger  of one who KNEW  her stolen  things were worth the price she asked for them,  the Spanish liaison. 
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❝      Lady Beneviento.    ❞    she nodded,  in due respect.  she’d been warned,  of course,  she ought to be prepared for  Donna Beneviento  and her various eccentricity,  but so long as she had the coin  DUE TO HER  as a reigning lord  of the region,  what did it matter to HER  whether or not she was strange ?   she knew the dollmaker prided herself  more than ordinary artisans on her wares,  with a far deeper attachment ;  in fact,  she was counting on it.  who else would  purchase  point d’Alençon   for mere PLAYTHINGS ?    ❝     I’ve just returned from France.  I thought perhaps you might be interested  to take a look at my wares before I offer them to the Duke.   ❞    which went, of course,  against their agreement  ––  to sell DIRECTLY to the consumer –– but what the man didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
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traavelers · 3 years
a second chance.  ( canon-divergent verse. ) critical role campaign 2 spoilers below past episode 26 -- read at your own risk.
it’s a few days until mollymauk wakes again.  this he discovers after the fact that he’s dug through dirt once again.  everything is in-tact when he comes back -- physically, that is.  to his surprise, the recovery period after waking up is...shorter than last time, lasting two days as he wanders the Glory Run Road where he’s once met his end.  perhaps the person who’d had his body before him didn’t have time to take it back.  not like he cared that much.  wrapped in a cloak, with few words on his tongue, a note, and a card with a moon, he stumbles back to the Evening Nip and waits for his friends.
this is a verse where, essentially, mollymauk is waiting for the mighty nein when they return to zedash.  i think caduceus would continue traveling with the group for some time, and would leave when he felt was the right time.
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etcnnante · 2 years
@kudakenai asked ! : no, you don’t get to die. (for chris) send  “no, you don’t get to die”  for my injured muse to react to yours saying this while they’re bleeding.  / accepting !
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PIERCING SENSATION burned furiously throughout aching body , vision struggling to correct itself as he felt unknown hands press against chest. every inhale was met with the same piercing feeling - hearing a wheeze with every breath. adrelaline started to finally wear off , the pain becoming UNBEARABLE as a familiar figure came into focus. yukako ... HE TRIED to collect himself , trying to sit up before being met with immediate sharp pain - gagging on the thick liquid that pooled within his throat , spitting it out to clear airways. get up - get up , dammit ...! played over and over in his mind , fighting off the urge to collapse from exhaustion.
' i - i'm not dying ... just ... just help me up - and f - find me the suture kit. maybe some tablets or - AGH - sprays if possible. check my medical b - bag. ' CHRIS SEETHED through gritted teeth , trying to conceal how the pain affected his entire existence. it was OVERPOWERING - feeling his nails dig deep into the ground below and how the dirt got into every and all crevices within his fingers.
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innosaints · 3 years
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   @conviktions​ asked . . .
                                                    “ you’re playing with fire here. ”
   || misc. sentence starters. || accepting!
     “  relax, commander. i got eyes on ‘im.  ”
     james’ stance is casual, perhaps overly so - despite the absolute hellscape around them. you see enough of this sort of bullshit, eventually it stops fazing you. ( though he will admit, the nine foot tall vampire lady and her little squad of insect daughters does make him just the slightest bit queasy. not that anyone else needs to know. ) left eye is closed, head tilted so the right can peer through the scope of his rifle. m24, semi-automatic, equipped with a telescopic sight accurate to about 500 meters, for your average trained sniper. ( which he’s not. ) complete top of the line.
                   and, for now, technically stolen.
     the barrel tracks the vârcolac as it prowls the village; the twisted, elongated jaws shoving their way into various piles of debris on the ground, hunting for something but coming up with diddly fuckin squat. teeth gnash and claws scratch with agitation, and with the wind as it is, it’s only a matter of time before it picks up their scent. but still, the sniper hesitates. a shot this loud could pull a whole pack of lycans down on them.
                       “  you want me to take the shot?
                                      or should we let our buddy ethan get him?                                       you ask me, guy’s a little powerhouse.  ”
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fazfright-archive · 3 years
*     AND  DON’T  COME  BACK     /     @dashingdad​  ,  ✕  .
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      ❝     S-S-SORRY-Y  ,  F-F-FOLKS  ,  looks  like  i-it’s  c-cl-clo-o-si’n  t-t-time !     ❞     the  machine’s  gait  faltered  with  each  lumbering  step  ,  servos  and  support  beams  straining  under  their  own  weight  ,  one  leg  drags  as  if  it  were  broken   :   but  the  springtrap  doesn’t  topple  over  on  itself  ,  nor  does  it’s  grip  on  the  back  of  the  man’s  shirt  loosen  .     ❝     now  why  d-don’tc-ch-cha  hop  along  an’-ȧ̸̹̂ǹ̸̤͑’̴͈͖̏̀-̶̮́an’ g-gę̶̌͝t̴̳͠-̸̟̌͝ͅget  OUT  .     ❞
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deloresisout · 4 years
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Don't sell yourself to fall in love With those things you do...
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zukunftsvision · 4 years
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@prophezeiung​ / kavinsky: “no one can ever figure out what you want, and you won’t tell them.”
what    prokopenko    wants    is    simple.    he    wears    it    like    a    second    skin,    it    saturates    every    movement    and    pours    out    through    every    breath.    if    kavinsky    was    looking,    he’d    see    it:    tell    me    i’m    real.    tell    me    you    want    me.    tell    me    i’m    enough.    if    he    has    to    ask    to    be    loved,    then    there    is    no    love    to    be    given.    he’d    rather    pretend    that    there    is    until    he    can’t    anymore.    mostly,    though,    he    doesn’t    tell    anyone    what    he    wants    because    no    one    asks.    (    not    that    it    matters    if    anyone    but    kavinsky    asks.    )
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proko’s    eyes    are    alight    all    the    same,    apprehensive    and    alarmed,    but    hopeful,    because    this    sort    of    sounds    like    k    is    asking.    an    indirect    answer    in    return    for    an    indirect    question:    “    if    i    did,    would    you    listen?    ”     
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phantomarchive · 3 years
RE verse for F.iona B.elli
Fiona’s father, Ugo, and his twin brother, Ricardo, were clones created by Lorenzo using a new and untested method inside an Umbrella laboratory in Europe. Where Ugo was a lot more stable in nature, Ricardo was far more volatile and erratic. After years of experimentation, Ugo broke out of the facility and went into hiding, trying to piece together what he could of a normal life. Eventually, he went to university and got his teaching license, and went on to become a professor in secondary school.
While there, he met and married a woman named Ayla, and together they had a daughter, Fiona. Her life was relatively normal until she was eighteen years old when, on their car drive home from picking her up at university, they were in an accident and Fiona was captured. She wakes up in an ancient looking castle that she has to fight her way out of, hiding from a group of people - including her father’s twin and their creator - and taking them out until she got free of the grounds.
Unbeknownst to her, she was held in an Umbrella facility, watched while they collected information about her. They had every intent to keeping her contained so they could continue to experiment on her and see how she, as the offspring of one of their clones, fared. But she managed to give them the slip and escaped.
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