#( int: nick )
yardiganbear · 9 months
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baby girl
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psychedelicsunflwr · 1 year
starter: closed for @ivrykeys location: the mint
While Phoenix had always been rather spontaneous and unpredictable, her Saturday nights were anything but. If she wasn't waiting on tables at Ruby's, then you were guaranteed to find her occupying a bar stool at The Mint or rocking out to one of the local bands who often performed there. In the entire town of Stillwater, there was truly no place she felt more at home. And yet, most of the time, she showed up alone.
Surrounded by others, the air felt hot and muggy – the entire venue clouded in a haze of stage lights and cigarette smoke. It certainly wasn't the Ritz, but it the kind of environment a woman like Phoenix thrived in. Even if it meant dealing with some often unwanted company.
As the woman sipped away on her second drink of the evening, she couldn't help but take notice of the man beside her. From the moment he'd first sat down, it was clear he'd had too much to drink. But as of recently, that had resulted in him taking a face-first dive into his plate of hot wings.
"Uh, Mr. Bartender dude. Should we do something about your friend over here?"
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kyngsnake · 2 years
im sorry? Hancock has 14 intelligence??? mama murphy ain’t the only one with the sight. my god
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oddlyharold · 1 year
Carrying his typewriter, Harold made his way to Nick, knowing the other man would be welcoming to him. Probably. All points proved a positive outcome. AS he walked, he rehearsed what he might say, trying to be cool and consider what might make him be someone memorable. Someone worthwhile. There were ink stains on his shirt and face when he finally came face to face with Nick and he gestured to the machine in his hands. “It broke,” he said out loud, then pulled it close and signed “Broken. Can I fix it here?” He knew how and he had the tools, he just wanted some company. 
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asundered · 2 years
do you want to have sex? / nick.
Wives say this to their husbands.
Realistically, I know that this line is not the beginning of the horror movie reveal sequence that it feels like it is, but there's something about the way that Amy sits there so primly and properly on the edge of the bed with her hands folded and looks up at me with her hair still pulled tight in that immaculate ponytail that really makes me feel like my stomach is going to drop out of my asshole.
( Maybe it has nothing to do with the way that she is sitting, or the way that she is looking. Maybe it has something to do with the way I've only just stepped out of the shower after washing the Andie off my body. The way I came home and slunk up the staircase and like a coward avoided the kiss Amy tried to give me with one of those unbearably awkward side - hug - head - kiss movements because I knew, I feared, that she would somehow still taste Andie's cunt on my tongue, even though I'd haphazardly scrubbed my teeth with her own toothbrush before I'd left. Maybe it has something to do with that. )
I stand there for a moment in the doorway of the bathroom, barefoot and buck ass naked because I didn't bring in a change of clothes in my haste. Because I thought she'd have put herself to bed the way she sometimes does, quiet and oppressive and malicious in the meekness of the action, like she's daring me to ask What's Wrong? As if I would.
Like I said. Coward.
"You're not tired?"
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highintlowwispod · 2 months
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Hi-Lo everyone, Lorelei here filling in for our Faithful Social Media Lackey! 🐇
Lackey rolled a three on the encounter chart and got waylaid by an elderly magicat on their way to Creekside. Now both of their hands are occupied giving the kitty head pats and tummy scritchiez and all of their mortal possessions. Hopefully they figure out how to break the curse before they waste away!
Anyways, we're back at it again with the Krispy Episode 13. Hop on over to your favorite podcasting platform to listen to your favorite dipshits crush Nick's encounter chart.
Speaking of extremely very good encounter charts! If you need a good excuse to call out of work, roll 2d6 and drop your result in the comments for an encounter of your very own!
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perfectioncursed · 1 year
@perfidiouswonderers gets a starter for Nick
❝okay, so we have the classics, duh. Nighmare on Elm Street, the original Evil Dead, the Exorcist. but then there's the new stuff like the Conjuring &...actually I don't have anything else that deserves to be in that category.❞ Betty was making herself comfortable, curling up under a heavy blanket & moving the snacks so that they were in reach before she tugged Nick down next to her. ❝you know my opinions already, but it's your pick this time.❞
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 15 days
Davbid Tennant at Florida Supercon 13.7.2024 talking about what is his most favourite and least favourite Crowley's outfit. Also mentions what he might have nicked from the set :D.
Fan: My question is: what's your most favourite and least favourite outfit to wear as Crowley?
David: Whoa. Most favourite? Least favourite's the armour. Not because it wasn't brilliant, but have you ever worn an entire suit of armour?
Int: I was gonna say it's probably just heavy.
David: It's horrible, I don't know how you fight a war in that. It's just a lot. It takes a long time to get into, and it's very uncomfortable. I mean - I love that we got to do it, but I was very glad it was one scene. What's my favorite? I'm not sure. Probably... yeah, probably one of the sort of standard outf- no! I know what it is. It's the sort of very chintzy kind of shell suit. When he goes up to Heaven and he turns into this kind of... I don't know what... I don't know where it I'm even... I don't even know how I'm describing it... It's a kind of awful 90s leisure suit in gold and white. That was my favourite, for sure.
Fan: It was your own hairband or was that from costuming?
David: It was not my own hairband. No. But I may have nicked it.
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FINALS - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
I love him. Man who has no faith in himself or humanity or god with so much blood on his hands, fighting for something he knows he can never see come to fruition in person. He carries his own literal cross and grave marker on his back. Just… he’s so iconic to me.
I'm sure I'm not the first to submit him. But I did it anyway. I hope he wins and I'll do anything in my power to make sure he does
Dude is literally a priest who carries around a giant cross. Yes he uses the cross to murder people but that is besides the point. Also he has a mini church he carries around for on-the-go confession services.
hes literally a priest(hes not a priest in the reboot but he is in the original and thats what matters to Me). he carries around a cross that is actually secretly a gun with guns inside that gun. he runs a church/orphanage. he carries around a portable confession booth and charges people money for it because he is broke as fuck. he dies bleeding out over an alter begging to god for forgiveness he doesnt think he deserves. he is everything to me.
look at this man he's a priest with a cross shaped gun that (spoilers) dies against the side of a church while waxing poetic about life and redemption (/spoilers), this is the Catholic ever.
Wolfwood is liiiiiterally Judas coded in the text. AND his weapon is a massive cross that turns into a machine gun and a LASER. Not to mention his religious trauma. Oh baby. The religious trauma.
Homeboy literally walks around with a giantass 300lb machine gun shaped like a cross called the Punisher. Hes a priest/undertaker depending on what version of trigun you reference. Grew up in a church orphanage. Also literally walks around with a portable confessional box for people to pay to confess to him. Need i say more.
HE IS LITERALLY JUDAS. he is literally leading the jesus allegory to his doom. hes also in love with the jesus allegory (vash). he is also carrying arouns a giant cross rhat is also a gun. hes literally catholic and judas and his tits are perfect. in one piece of official art he's wearing a cross choker. also the catholicism on gunsmoke is about making vash submit. wolfwood looking at that pathetic wet mess of a man oh i can make him submit easily.
He literally carries around a giant cross and is referred to as a priest by multiple characters. also he offers people confessionals
He carries a huge machine gun that is in the shape of a cross that is really heavy (he is strong) and his boobs are huge. So you know hes serving cunt in a god honoring way. Also in trigun 1998 he brings around a small chapel that he uses as a portable confessional and in trigun stampede he holds funeral services as an undertaker which are way overly priced. Also he dies very gayly (basicly confessing his love to his best boy friend forever)
Nick's funny bc he's probably the least Christian acting guy but is literally a preacher. There's a running gag with Vash asking some variation of "what the hell kinda churchman are you?" His gun is a gigantic cross. He rides a shitty motorcycle in the middle of the desert.
ok so thematically the main conflict in trigun is about peace vs violence and its represented by the characters vash and knives respectively. the two aren't /technically/ angels but thematically and through imagery they are and are comparable to michael and lucifer specifically. ANYWAYS. vash and knives are the characters who are constantly pushing and pulling at wolfwood's morality, sort of like a "the devil and god are raging inside of me" kinda deal. his grappling with his morality and faith is a big factor in his character. also he has a giant fucking gun shaped like a cross. and he dies in a church while praying.
Bros an orphan who grew up at a Catholic orphanage and taken away to be trained and genetically changed into a supercharged assassin for interworldly beings that have lots of angel imagery attached. Guy thought he was just going to be taken to become a missonary...instead he got 6 years of religious trauma. He still wears a cross necklace and holds it often. His gun is a literal cross "full of mercy" (its a missile launcher). He never really believed fully in the faith or anything, but the way he interacts with it is FASCINATING. He's jaded by the planet he lives on and his upbringing, and makes him say his most iconic quote: "We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself." He prays to a God he doesn't know if he actually believes in, asking for another day— for hope for the human race. The organization hes part of (The Eye of Michael) works for an interdimensional otherworldly being that has an incredible amount of angelic metaphor and imagery attached who intends to purge the planet of humans... and ends up siding with that guy's twin brother who is so Jesus coded it's insane. They are best friends even as Wolfwood is acting under instructions to babysit and watch him for his twin brother. He dies after facing down against his old mentor (named Chapel) and his pseudo brother from the orphanage who was taken into the Eye as well and his Jesus bestie buries him and sticks his cross-gun in the ground after losing his shit crazy style and using his pseudo alien angel Jesus powers to lash out at his brother for being the cause of Wolfwood's death. Rest in peace king
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via @monvment
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
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freshxsturniolo · 1 month
THATS FRESH LOVE FOR THE FIT - chris sturniolo x femreader!
request : Can you write a fic about how all the triplets are at a fresh love merch photoshoot. Y/N is the model but then Chris starts to check y/n out and starts to get hard but doesn’t want his brothers to notice and tries to play it off but y/n does notice and does something about it….
warnings : smut, oral, self masturbation
chris could not take his eyes off of you. not that he ever usually could anyway, but seeing you standing so effortlessly gorgeous, a complete natural, in front of the camera for his OWN brand made him feel giddy.
you had wore fresh love around him a hundred times before, you had your own stash of clothes but you equally would always steal his too, but there was something about this that was different.
he had never wanted to ask you to model before, only for the fact he felt protective of you. for the most part, his fanbase was incredible, but there was no hiding some of the more hateful comments you received. he admired the way you didn't let it bother you, but there was a difference between the odd instagram post and an entire photoshoot.
but gods, he couldn't resist anymore. it started with the most previous lets trip merch drop, and the way the internet went wild for the new baby tees. they had been your idea, knowing the fanbase would love them, and they kicked themselves immediately for not asking you to model when they announced the merch drop on instagram and saw the way the comments went wild.
just me who thinks @/yourusername should have modelled that baby tee?
nah more baby tees next drop and get @/yourusername to model please
excuse me? baby tees? @/yourusername we neeeeeed some pics of you in this
so when it came down to picking models for his next fresh love drop, he had bounced on you immediately.
"are you sure?" you had said with an excited smile when he asked you, thinking he was going to simply ask you to come along. he knew you had a creative eye and would help him direct the shoots.
"of course, baby. if you feel comfortable to?" he had asked, and you had wrapped your arms around his neck.
"i would love to"
but chris underestimated just how much he would find if difficult to watch you, for the pure and simple fact you were the most beautiful girl he had seen in his whole entire life. you were stood now behind the camera, a fan was placed strategically at the side of you to blow your hair across to the side. you were bare faced, chris' favourite look on you, with some lipgloss on your lips to make them shine throughout the camera, and a sultry look upon your face. you damn well knew how to work the camera.
"gods, she looks incredible" nick said at the side of chris as he watched you, taking his phone out and snapping some photos for you on his phone. you had asked nick kindly to take some behind the scenes photos for you to look back on, and help promote the drop for chris when it was finally released.
"yeah" chris mumbled, swallowing deeply as the photographer asked you to turn more the side. you were modelling a new t-shirt and sweatpants, and the photographer had asked you to move so the side of the pants where visible, fresh love running down the side of the leg. you knew exactly what you were doing, placing your hands in the pockets and arching your back, your ass sticking out ever so slightly to create the perfect curve. he could not stop looking at you. he couldn't.
you were in your own zone, feeling more comfortable than you even thought you would. you'd done shots with the other models first to get you in the zone, having never modelled before, yet somehow when you were alone it had come so naturally to you. you knew your better angles, knew the vision chris had had for this particular launch.
so when you finally let your eyes wonder to him, you can't help the smirk that overcomes you. he's standing next to nick, who you notice is taking photos on his phone of you, with his arms crossed. his eyes dark but intensely wide as he looks over you. you wander your eyes back to the camera for just another second but you can't seem to stop yourself from looking back towards him. nicks saying something to him now, and chris all but nods, before his eyes wander to yours. you stare at each other in a moment of knowing. you were doing perfectly.
he gulps, walking forward slightly, when the photographer calls cut for a second. you snap your head straight to him, giving him a smile.
"are they okay?" you ask, putting yourself in a more relaxed position. and the photographer smiles.
"perfect, do you wanna come look?" and then he turns to chris. "chris, man, do you wanna come and look?"
you look over at your boyfriend and watch as his eyes finally divert away from you, and he gives a smile to the photographer before walking over. you smile, stepping forward towards the laptop with all your photos already automatically transferred over. when you see the first few, you let out a giggle, happy with the way in which they come out, before you feel firm hands on your hips.
you smile, turning your head to catch your boyfriends eye for just a second before he diverts back to the laptop, pulling you closer into him. a small gasp leaves your lips when you feel him, his erection hard against your back. chris gives your hips a squeeze, signalling for you to be quiet, and you let out a smirk as you look back at the photos.
“she’s a natural, chris. i can’t believe you’ve never asked her to model before”
you smile up at the photographer as chris speaks. “yeah, me either. is she done?”
you quick whip your head to chris, giving him an eye, but he ignores you as his eyes bore into the photographer.
“unless you wanted photos together,” you press your back against chris now, the top of your ass rubbing against his cock, and he lets out a small whimper. “to show the clothes are unisex? i think it would be a great selling point”
you spin around now fully in chris’ grasps, pressing your chest against his, the dark sultry look in his eyes tells you everything you need to know.
“shall we, baby?” you smile up at him, and he looks at you for a second, putting his arm around your back and pulling you closer to him, his erection now hard against your stomach, before looking towards nick.
“can’t nick do it?” he says, his throat husky.
you smirk but whip your head to nick, who looks up from his phone.
“me?! i think he meant it would sell well as a mr and mrs type situation” nick barked back, and you let out a chuckle as you look back up at chris, just in time to see him gulp. he looks to the photographer before back to you, and you tilt your head to the side.
“what’s wrong, babe?” you say, pressing yourself further into him, and he lets out a small groan before looking back to the photographer.
“can we take 5? i need to change” chris almost crocked out, and you let out a satisfied giggle as you go to step away from him. but his grip on you becomes tighter, and you only have to look down for a short second to see his current pants are doing nothing to hide his growing member. you smirk, embracing in his touch and feeling giddy at the thought of his reaction to you.
the photographer smiles and nods before looking toward you. “do you wanna take a few more single shots whilst we wait?”
but you don’t get time to answer. “no.” chris says for you. “i need to talk to her a second”
the photographer throws up his hands, before turning back to his computer. chris bends down to speak in your ear.
“start walking, and stay firmly in front of me” he whispers, and you give him a sultry smile. “and stop fucking looking at me like that, unless you’re going to do something about this little problem.”
you smirk. “little?” you say, looking down at him.
he groans, twisting your body around and pushing you forward slightly, and you can’t help but laugh as you start to walk forward. but you don’t get far before nick is on your side, his phone thrown in your direction.
“look at these” he beams, and you take the phone from him as you flick through the photos he had taken.
“oh my god” you smile, genuinely happy with what you can see, but hands are in front of you and the phone is whipped from your hand.
“chris” you squeal, turning around to look at him, but he grabs your hips and pulls you against him as he tosses the phone back in nicks direction.
“not now, nick” he says, and nick throws him a questioning glance, his eyes diverting down to chris’ hands firmly on your hips. his eyes widen slightly, but chris is pushing you forward again, aiming towards the back room where the changing rooms for the models is.
“chris” you whisper, and when you’re finally out of the clearly of others eyes, he steps to the side of you.
“i’m not having my brothers see what you do to me” he says, grabbing your hand.
you’re silent for a second as he walks into the changing rooms, pushing you inside and checking you’re alone, before he shuts the door behind you. he leans his head against the door, taking a deep breathe before he spins around to look at you.
“sorry, baby. you just - fuck - you look so good. i need a minute.”
but with your eyes firmly on the outline of his cock through his sweatpants, you pounce. your hands are on his waistband immediately, and you start to pull them down.
“what are you-“
“let me help, baby” you say, pushing him against the door and getting down on your knees.
“you don’t need to - oh fuck”
it’s too late, his sweatpants are down and your hands are palming him through his boxers, one hand hooked around the waist band as you pull those down too. his cock springs against his stomach, pre cum already covering his tip as you take him into your hands again.
“don’t need to, huh? you was just going to let this go down by itself” you say, and he looks down at you with a look you’d seen so many times before. he couldn’t resist you, he needed you. “i’ll make it quick” you joke, and you move forward as you take him whole. your soft plump lips working him immediately.
“fuck” he groans, his hands coming to your hair, taking a firm grip as you bob your head up and down. it’s been seconds and he’s already shaking, his back hitting the door as he arches his hips forward so you’re forced to take him even deeper.
“look at me” he whispers, grabbing your hair and tugging so you automatically look up at him. you can’t help but let out a chuckle, the vibrations it sends across his cock making him almost whimper. but he keeps his eyes on you, even when you twist your head to take him deeper, your tongue working across his tip every other second, something which you knew sent him crazy.
“my fucking girl” he whispers. “my beautiful fucking girl.”
and you can’t help but moan, your thighs clenching as his words sends shivers through you, right to your core. but he notices, he sees the way your eyes change and your legs get tight together and he doesn’t even think before he lets out his next words.
“touch yourself” he says, and you stop what you’re doing immediately, removing your mouth from him. his eyes widen. “fuck, sorry. you don’t have to, i don’t know what-“
but you don’t let him finish before you slid your hands down your sweatpants, feeling your own wet folds. his eyes widen again, and he’s about to say something before your mouth is on him again, taking him deep, whilst your rub your own clit.
this was the hottest thing you’d ever done.
“oh my god” he whispers, his eyes diverting from your eyes to your hand, not knowing where to look.
you can feel yourself close to the edge within seconds, the feel of his cock withering in your mouth, your fingers moving vigorously as you touch yourself, and the both of you give up looking at one other. his hands slams backwards whilst your eyes clothes, the pleasure almost unbearable for you both.
“i’m going to cum, babe” he shakes out, and you use it as a sign to take him faster, your own hand working in unison with your hand. “look at me” he says again, and so you do.
you climax before him, a whimper escaping you whilst he’s still in your mouth, but it’s that that sends him over the edge as his load enters your mouth.
you move your tongue across him just a few more times, the same way in which you move your fingers just to get the last of your high, before you slowly lick your tongue up his whole length, pulling him out of your mouth, and then you let out a smile as you swallow his cum whole.
“fuck, babe, fuck” he shakes, as you finally remove your hand from your sweatpants. you’re covered in your own juices, but as you stand up chris grabs your hand immediately, taking one look at your fingers before he puts them in his mouth, licking you clean. when he removes them, he twists your hands around and kisses the back of your hand.
“chris” you say, and he looks at you. “that was-“
“i love you” he says, not even letting you finish, and you can’t help but let out a laugh as you lean forward, pressing your lips against his.
“i love you too, goof. now get changed.” you mutter against his lips before you take a step to the side.
he chuckles before he steps forward, reaching down and pulling up boxers. you watch him as he steps towards the pile of clothes towards the back of the room, picking out the same outfit as your own and getting himself changed. when he turns around to look at you, he smiles.
“you’re insane, did you know that?” he says, and you roll your eyes jokingly as you finally turn around and open up the door.
but it’s the same time as matt was just about to open the door to come in, and you both let out a small squeal as you make each other jump.
“jesus, matt” you laugh, holding your hand to your heart.
“i thought you were having your photos taken, what are you-“
but he stops short as chris comes up behind you. there’s a silence between the three of you before matt turns on his heel.
“ew my fucking god. ew ew ew”
and you can’t help but let out a laugh.
“bro” chris begins, but matt holds up his hands and continues to walk off, his back turned on you both.
chris lets out a grumble before he holds onto your hips again, whispering in your ear.
“this is your fault.” he says, and you let out a smile as you turn your head to look at him.
“just doing my job” you say, before you skip off back in the direction of the photographer.
a few weeks later when the launch finally drops, you post a photo to your instagram of a behind the scenes photo nick took of you both. chris’ around your waist as you stand just off to the side of him, your hip pressed against his back so you can see the new t-shirts clearly, but your hand is entwined with his.
@/yourusername : proud of you always @/christophersturniolo. new fresh love out now!
comments :
do i fancy chris or you more?
cutest fucking couple ever.
mattsturniolo : scared for life.
tarayummy : my king and queen.
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yardiganbear · 1 year
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incrediblyonline: what I be on
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
on the phone (c.s)
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master list
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: nothing! just a little angst.
preview: you knew with Chris being famous there would be constant obstacles in the way of your guys relationship. recently, you’ve been having doubts with your relationship since Chris and his brothers left for tour. you wouldn’t be able to see him for almost two months. you couldn’t handle the distance but Chris reassures you everything will be okay.
a/n: big time rush + chris sturniolo. my two favorites at once. masterpiece.
you stand there as you watch the boys load the bus with their luggage. they were leaving for their first tour ever. it was a bitter sweet moment. as happy as you were for the boys, you couldn't help but feel sad at the same time. you and Chris haven't been separated for so long. now he's going to be gone for almost two whole months. Chris asked if you wanted to come along, but you were so busy with college. you and Chris have been dating since high school. so him gaining so much popularity to the point people are paying to see him, has you feeling proud and worried.
you snap out of your thoughts when you hear Nick speak, "well, that was the last bag." you pout slightly as he embraces you in a hug. "I hope you have fun Nick." you say rubbing his back. it was also bitter sweet for you to see Nick and Matt gain so much attention as well. Nick and Matt were like the siblings you never had. you basically grew up with them. "thank you y/n. we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." he says with a smile, pulling away. you were always there by their side no matter what, supporting them. you gave them ideas for videos and you helped film them. when they were doubting themselves, you were there to encourage them to keep pushing. now look, they finally got the recognition they deserve.
Matt embraces you in a hug as he speaks, "we'll update you okay?" you nod and smile. now, the moment you've been dreading. you pull away from Matt when you meet eyes with Chris. you cover your mouth slightly as you try to hold in your tears with a smile. he walks up to you and pulls you in for a big hug, holding you. "hey, don't cry okay? I'll be back soon." he says with his face in the crook of your neck. you sniffle with a soft laugh before speaking, "I know. i’m just so proud of you three." he pulls away a bit still holding onto you. he looks into your eyes as he wipes your tears away. "i'll be fine!" you say with a weak smile. "I'll text and call you every day okay?" he says reassuringly. you nod as he holds your face, bringing you both into a soft passionate kiss. "I love you y/n." he whispers after pulling away. "I love you too Chris." you say wiping your left over tears. you hug one last time before he turns around and gets on the bus.
you stand there as you see the three of them look out the window towards you. you laugh softly as you wave good bye, with them doing the same. when they leave, you walk to your car and sit in there bawling your eyes out right away. you really hoped Chris would keep his words.
the next day, you wake up to seeing a text from Chris.
hey baby! we're preparing for our show today. can't stop thinking about you already!
you smile before texting back.
hi handsome! I hope you have a good show. I know you'll do amazing!
thank you! you're my motivation.
you let out a small laugh as you get up and start off your day. day 1 without him starts now. you do your morning routine and head to your kitchen. you made yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down scrolling on your phone. when on Twitter, you were seeing fans of the triplets talk about how excited they were to see them. you saw some fans talk about how attractive Chris was and how even more attractive he would look in person. your heart tightens a bit at the comments. you knew you were all his but, sometimes you couldn't help but imagine all these girls all over him. you just shrug off the thoughts that popped up into your head.
as it got later in the day, you continued to scroll through Twitter again as you see the meet and greet pics fans posted. it was weird seeing Chris have his hands on some other girl. but what did you expect? you sigh as a call comes through. it was Chris. you pick it up and answer, "hey Chris" "hey baby. we just got finished with the first show! as nervous as I was, it actually went great. everyone was so nice!" he says happily. "that's awesome Chris. i've seen many meet and greet pics already." you say. "what's wrong y/n?" he asks. your eyes widen a bit as you respond, "what? nothing. why do you think something is wrong?" you say lying through your teeth.
he lets out a small chuckle before responding, "i'm pretty sure I know you. we've been together for how long now? I think I know the way you act." you stay quiet for a bit. he wasn’t wrong. "okay fine, i'm just being a little jealous. you look so cute posing with the fans. a little too cute." you respond. "you? jealous?" he questions with a soft laugh, "well i’ll have you know, you’re all i’m thinking about the whole time." he says. you smile a bit before responding, "okay well still! they get to be in your arms while I have to sit here and suffer." "well like I said, we'll be together after and you'll have me all to yourself when all of this is over okay?" he reassures you. "okay i'm sorry. I know this is your big moment. i don’t want to spoil it by being like this." you say letting out a small nervous laugh. "yeah but your feelings are valid baby." he says.
you both talk for the rest of the night before falling asleep on the phone. as time goes by, it's already the 7th show of the tour. Chris has been progressively getting busier and you had to focus on school. so, your conversations were kept short recently. it was late in the night already as you laid there sniffling. you were left on delivered for a while. yeah you knew he was busy but, this is what you were afraid of. your biggest fear was Chris getting caught up in the limelight that he just has no time for you. you shut your eyes and cry yourself to sleep.
hey baby! I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I was so tired out.
all you did was look at it and not respond. you didn't want him to think he had to text you or call you. he should just focus on himself you thought. you didn't want him to think you wanted to be his number 1 priority. you just shut your phone and start off your daily routine.
hey what are you up to? show is about to start. the weather is nice here in St Louis. I miss you.
you read the text but don't respond again. you were too caught up in your studying to send back a text anyways. you just needed to be distracted.
later in the night, you laid in bed as you see another text.
is everything okay? are you mad at me?
again, you shut off your phone and drifted off to sleep. after about a hour, your phone buzzes. you groan and pick it up to read the contact name. it was Chris again. you answer and talk tiredly, "hello Chris?" you hear him sniffle before talking, "hey y/n. did I wake you up?" his voice sound raspy. was he crying? "yes but it's okay. what's wrong?" you say sitting up in your bed. "I just missed your voice that's all. I'm sorry I can't be able to talk as much and when shows are over, I just get so tired out." he says. "that's alright." you say feeling terrible. you were so caught up in your feelings that you didn't realize Chris felt the same way. "I know this is all hard right now. just know i'm thinking about you everywhere I go. when I go from city to city, you're always on my mind and there's nothing more that I want but to have you here with me." he says making a tear drop slide down your face.
"I just didn't realize it would be this hard." you say wiping your tear away, letting out a soft laugh. "trust me, I know. we just have to be strong okay?" he says. "soon we'll be together." he adds on. you smile at his words as you whisper, "I love you" "I love you too beautiful." he says. but you still couldn’t shake off the thought. he’s only getting more famous. next thing you know, he’ll just be even busier. it had you doubting everything.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
a few days later, you came home from work bawling your eyes out. you were feeling overwhelmed by everything. you have a terrible boss and he would use his power against everybody. you laid down on your bed with your dirty clothes as you pick up your phone to call Chris. there was no answer. you threw your phone across the bed as you pressed your face against your mattress crying some more. is this how it'll be from now on? when you need him, he's too busy? you felt selfish thinking that. Chris worked hard for where he's at now. but what about you?
you just shut your eyes and drifted off to sleep. you felt like everyday was just a constant replay. nothing was new. you were either at home doing school, actually going to school to take exams, or at work being treated terribly. while Chris was having the time of his life.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
even though Chris reassured you everything will be fine, you couldn't help but feel disappointed still. when you called, he wouldn't answer. when you texted, he texted hours later. it was making you more upset. you only asked for one thing. it was for him to communicate, but he didn't. you always felt like he was leaving you hanging. you scroll on your phone as you see posts from the tour and sigh.
Chris I don't know if I could do this.
what are you talking about baby?
this. I can't stand this. I know this is your first tour but, now I can't even imagine more in the future.
again, you felt guilty for feeling this way. you see him type but eventually it stops. you suddenly get an incoming call from him. you pick up about to speak but he cuts you off, "y/n please. listen to me." "this tour will be over soon. once it's over, we'll pick up right where we left off. I know it's hard but, you're not alone. do you think i just let you slip off my mind?" he says. "Chris, I understand you feel the same and trust me I feel terrible even feeling this way but, you're only getting more noticed. who knows how many more tours you'll be on. what am I supposed to do? because even when you are here, you're so caught up with You tube and I just don't want to get in between that." you say. "and when I needed you? you didn't answer me. then you didn't even apologize the next day for it."
Chris stays quiet as he gulps. "I don't know Chris. how will this all work out if this is what you do? this is your job, and I just don't fit in." you finish. "well i'm not the only one whose said this, my brothers also agree that I wouldn't even be here with these opportunities if it weren't for you. all I ask is for you to support me no matter where I am. just because we aren't near each other, doesn't mean this won't work. you do fit in my life. just because I have all this recognition, doesn't mean i'm just going to give up on us. you're the only one who truly knows. you knew me from the start. you do fit in." he says as you let out a sigh, "I can't do this i'm sorry." you say before hanging up.
Chris was left standing there slowly pulling his phone away from his ear. you shut off your phone while hugging one of the stuffed animals Chris got you back in high school. you look at it as you thought to yourself. you missed how simple things use to be.
Chris POV
it's been a while ever since I last heard from y/n. every show has been a struggle for me. we were slowly getting towards the end, but was it worth it? was this all worth it without y/n? our Boston show is our last stop. that was coming up in a few days.
we can work this out.
i've been texting her and all she does is read them. why couldn't she realize this was hard for me too? "Chris?" I hear Nick call out for me. all I do is look up at him. "we have to set up for today." he says. "yeah i'll be there." I respond looking back at my phone. "Chris, everything will be okay. she'll come around." he says putting a hand on my shoulder. I sigh before responding, "I understand where she comes from. this is all so new. but even when we aren't touring, we let filming get in the way too." "well, don't think about it too hard. I know she'll come around." Nick says before walking away. I really hope so. my heart aches every time i think about her.
End of Chris POV
time passes by as it's now the last show. the triplets finally arrive back to Boston and the first thing Chris wants to do is see you.
y/n we just got to Boston. please let me see you.
please i’m back. this is what we’ve been waiting for.
Chris puts his face into his hands as he groans. "come on Chris. lets go stop by the house and say hi to mom and dad." Matt says patting his back. Chris sits up, “have you heard from y/n?” he asks. Matt just looks at him and shakes his head, “nope.” Chris just sighs and nods, “well if she texts, tell her to answer me.” he says.
later during the day, after visiting their parents, the triplets finally arrive at the venue. Chris was washing his face real quick before putting on his outfit. he looks in the mirror shaking his head, "here we go." he whispers out. the time comes and the crowd can be heard chanting. the triplets come out running onto stage as the crowd cheers louder. their show then starts. the show was hilarious. it was obvious the triplets were meant to be up on stage. the fans were really loving them.
after a bit, something catches Chris' eyes. it was a big sign that read 'I love Chris!". "that's a pretty big sign." Chris says into the mic. "is that even allowed?" he continues with a small laugh. "you’re right. nobody else has signs." Matt says joining with a laugh.
"show yourself!" Nick shouts out into the mic. the sign moves revealing a face. "i'm sorry! I didn't get the memo!" you shout out. Chris locks eyes with you as his mouth is left agape in shock. you smile at him as you hear the crowd cheer. the fans obviously knew about you from the start. they adored your guys' relationship.
"hello y/n!" Nick shouts out with a smile. "surprise!" Matt says shaking Chris. Chris then gets off the stage as he pushes through the crowd to get to you. you drop the sign onto the ground as he embraces you in a hug, nearly lifting you up.
"you scared me y/n." he says hiding his face in the crook of your neck. the crowd was going crazy. Marylou and Jimmy were standing there next to you guys, clapping and smiling. you pull away from him as you look into his eyes, "I'm sorry for ever doubting us." you say. he shakes his head before responding, "don't even apologize y/n. i'm just happy you're here." you let out a small laugh as you push him away softly, "okay we'll talk after the show! get back up there." he nods as he kisses you on the cheek, running back up onto stage.
when the show ends, you meet Chris backstage and he embraces you in the same big hug from earlier. "I can't handle another goodbye." Chris whispers. "next time, you're coming with me you understand?" he says. you let out a giggle and kiss his cheek, "okay I will.” you say. “we have lots to talk about.” he says pulling away, planting a soft kiss on your lips. you smile and nod as you both sit down with him talking about the whole experience. even though you doubted this whole thing, you don't regret being in this moment right now. you'll go through what you went through over again if it means you'll be in his arms in the end. no matter what, world wide.
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a/n: if you know the iconic sign scene from the show, you know what’s up. LIKES AND REBLOGS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED! THANK YOU!
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almondamaretto · 4 months
matt sturniolo x reader
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summary: a rainy sunday afternoon is perfect for two things: getting high, and making out with hot people.
warnings: weed, kissing
a/n: i lowk hate this but idc!
not proof read.
she stirred as the familiar vibration of a phone call interrupted her deep slumber, slinging her arm around in search of the agitating device. without lifting her head, her fingertips fell upon the cool, glossy screen of her phone. 
she opened her eyes just to squint them closed at the bright phone screen, the caller id reading off "matty b." 
pressing the bright green button, she pulled the phone up to her ear and slung her arm over her eyes, blocking any light from seeping in. 
"hey matt." she answered in a groggy voice that nearly resembled that of a whine. he always loved the way she sounded in the morning. or all the time really. 
she could hear the distant sounds of wheels driving on wet pavement and cars passing. that along with the poor bluetooth connection through is car told her he was driving. 
"hey doll, i'm on my way to your house right now, that ok? nick and chris are being annoying." 
slightly more awake now, she could hear the sleepiness in his voice, as if he too had just woken up. she pulled the phone from her ear to check the time. 12:32pm 
"say, it’s a bit early for you, isn't it?" she asked in a teasing manner, suppressing a yawn. she could now hear the faint sound of rain against her window. 
matt snorted in amusement, "yeah, the two idiots woke me up screaming at each other." 
"that's alright, I'll go unlock my door. see ya soon?" 
"i'm 5 minutes away." 
"be safe, bye matt." 
"bye, doll." 
matt had used the nickname throughout their entire relationship. 
still, it never failed to bring heat to her face, her neck--all over. 
she remained in bed for a few moments, letting herself fully wake up before tossing her heavy comforter off. 
she shivered at the chilly air suddenly caressing her exposed skin, standing up and stretching her arms high into the air, inhaling deeply. 
she slipped a pair of socks on as a barrier between her feet and the cold floor, slipping out of her cozy room into the main section of her apartment. 
the cool, metallic texture of her lock was a stark contrast to her warm hands as she turned it, peeking out from behind her curtain to see what was happening outside. 
she waltzed over to her turntable, flicking it on and letting the record already on the platter play.  
as she walked over to her kitchen, the familiar crackling sounded throughout the apartment, followed by the reggae notes of bob marley's "three little birds." 
the sound of lucky charms cereal clinking against a ceramic bowl masked the noise of her door opening and shutting. so, when a slightly damp matt saw her swaying slightly to the music, he couldn't help himself. 
he snuck up behind her, wrapped his hands around her front, just under her loose baby tee, and lifted her up. "boo!" 
she yelled out in fear, until she recognized the voice of the man he startled her. "matthew!" she scolded in an angry tone. 
matt sat her back down gently, and dropped his head in fake guilt, failing to mask his sly smirk. "sorry, i couldn't pass up an opportunity like that." 
"first of all, fuck you. second of all, 'boo' is crazy." she responded through her laugh and turned to finish her much-needed bowl of sugary cereal. 
matt reached up beside her for a bowl--one from a different set--as a way to ask her for cereal. she filled both up with cereal and milk without a word. 
"i'm too cold for this shit." she mumbled under her breath and padded back into her welcoming bedroom. 
the sky outside was dark, so she turned on her array of string lights and lit a cinnamon scented candle, joining matt who had already climbed into her warm, plush bed. 
"i fucking love this bed." matt groaned out int pleasure, sprawling his limbs out as much as he could without risking spilling milk. 
she took a spoonful of cereal into her mouth and grabbed her tv remote, powering it on. "what do you wanna watch?" 
"gravity falls." he spoke from behind a mouth full of food. 
then, the two just sat in comfortable silence. bob marley playing lowly in the background, the television turned up just loud enough to hear it, wrapped in the comfort of her sheets. 
cereal bowls placed on her nightstand with care, the two cuddled into each other, legs tangled as she hugged his torso, head laying on his chest. 
they both recognized the palpable tension that followed them everywhere. they both knew there was something there. something unspoken. 
but that it what it remained--unspoken. neither took any action, too afraid of the outcome. 
matt glanced down at her, watching her eyelashes bat as she blinked, focused intently on the screen. however, as if she could tell, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. 
panicking, he looked back at the tv screen, urging himself to breathe normally. 
she stood up, a faint smirk painted on her beautiful face. "i have a great idea!" she said proudly, spinning to unlock one of her many windows to open it slightly. 
matt watched her intently as she bent over to look in the drawers of her nightstand, pulling out the essentials for a joint. "there's a reason we get along so well." he responded happily. 
she took mock offense. "what, its not my winning personality?"
"i guess that too."
"i'm gonna go flip the record, will you please roll it?" she asked with big pleading eyes, grinning widely when he nodded his head. 
upon her return, she saw him focused intently on creating the perfectly rolled joint. chewing on her lower lip, she watched as he rolled it tightly between his fingers, stinging his tongue out of his mouth to seal it shut. 
once finished, he held up the small object with a proud smile on his face. she giddily climbed back into the bed, placing the filter end between her lips, and lighting the end. 
she inhaled deeply, ignoring the burning in her throat, and passed it over to matt. 
exhaling, she once again snuggled into his side, craving his warmth. 
they passed the drug back and forth, enjoying the intoxicating feeling swarming their brains. her eyes had dropped down and turned red, and her need to be close to matt grew even stronger. 
at this point she had tuned gravity falls out, instead taking interest in the way the smoke lifted and swirled throughout her room, taking on the color of the few and far between sun rays that filtered through the rainclouds.
the sound of the rain falling against her balcony outside was comforting, nearly as much as matt pressed up against her, his heart beating steadily against her head.
passing it back once more to matt, she looked deeply into his eyes, refusing to look away, other than a quick few glances at his pink lips. she took her own in between her teeth. 
matt took a large hit, thankful for the drug's confidence boost, and brought his free hand up to her face. 
warily, he inched closer to her, pulling her closer with his hand. 
their lips were inches apart when he used his thumb to part them gently, tilting his head and blowing the vapor into her willing lungs. 
her hand snaked up to the back of his neck where she gripped the short hairs, and she exhaled the smoke. 
they paused for a moment, and in a quick decision she grabbed the thoroughly smoked roach, turned to snuff it out in her bedside ash tray, and turned back around to smash her lips against matt's. 
she was filled with the warmth she so desperately craved and needed. she straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, shuttering as he traced up and down her sides and back with his. 
the music playing from the other room was forgotten about along with the cartoon show on the tv. all of their thoughts were consumed by each other. 
slipping his tongue into her mouth, he tilted his head and brought a slender hand up to push her even closer to him, if it was possible. 
they fought over dominance of the kiss, exploring each other's mouths with need, short, breathless whines falling from their throats. 
without hesitation, matt flipped them over completely, so he was laying his weight on top of her.  
Small hands caressed his face and gently tugged on his hair, wet noises making both faces heat up in embarrassment. 
finally, they pulled away to catch their breath, chests heaving and pressing against one another with each intake of breath. both were left speechless, gazing into each other's eyes with starstruck looks of awe and affection. 
it wasn't long before matt leaned back in, this time acting with double the desire, twice the passion as before. 
they made out for what seemed like hours--it probably was--rolling around in her warm bed, impossibly tangling themselves in her cream-colored bedsheets. 
the only breaks they took were to breathe and for short, affectionate conversations which always led back to them shoving their tongues down each other's throats. 
they pulled apart again, still breathing heavily. 
"matt, y'know... i've-i've never liked someone the way i like you.” 
he smiled against her lips, placing a few more longing kisses on them. 
tucking hair behind her ear and holding both sides of her face, he stared intensely into her eyes. 
“i am in love with you, doll.” he confessed truthfully. 
she beamed with joy, her sheepish reaction telling him she felt exactly the same way. 
“even when you have really messy hair and a little bit of dribble on your chin.” he teased and wiped her pointy chin with his slender thumb.
she rolled her droopy eyes and shook her head, her giddy smile never leaving her red, swollen lips “just shut up and kiss me, idiot.” 
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kamotecue · 1 year
the secret wife ➳ k. gorry
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pairing: katrina gorry x reader
summary: it was a match between two secret lovers, australia and sweden were to face off for the bronze medal shattering the dreams of one. swedish!reader
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
you were nervous, how can you not be? it was the bronze match against australia, the team your wife plays for. no one knew you were a couple except harper, gorry’s little bundle of joy.
you saw asllani giving you a look, as you sighed. you hardly got nervous, the only time you did was during the wedding, everything went smoothly thankfully.
“nervös, y/n? [nervous, y/n?]” asllani asked, as you gave her a timid smile.
“det är inte som du [it’s not like you].” madga chuckled as you gave her a soft push. they were right, but you knew how important this match was to katrina. she wished to win the world cup as they are one of the co-hosts of this tournament, and deep down you wanted her to win as well.
“det är bara nerverna [it’s just the nerves].” you said, chuckling at the end. you watched as the substitute players made their way to the bench, while you joined the rest in the tunnel.
you saw her give you a soft smile, as you returned it before heading to your spot, behind asllani as you had the number 10.
the next thing you knew it was time to walk out the tunnel, you grabbed your mascot’s hand as you simply swung it from time to time. as you took the starting XI picture, you glanced at the other team and softly smile before heading to your position.
“focus, y/n.” madga said, as you gave her a nod.
so far there has been no goals, until the 30th minute were frido scored the penalty after she went down under the pressure of polkinghorne. you watched as the celebrated, a soft smile on your face.
in the first minute of extra time, you watched as katrina was given a yellow card after she tried to nick the ball from asllani but ended up leaving on the floor. you sighed, you knew it would be a physical game, especially when both teams were desperate to get the medal.
but what you didn’t expect was for asllani to go for the ball, which ended for your wife to fall on the floor and asllani standing above her, making your wife unable to move.
you knew this wouldn’t end well, as katrina got up she shoved your captain. you saw asllani had pushed her, which made you step in. you were in front for katrina, everyone expected you to push her away from asllani but you did the most unexpected thing by pushing asllani back.
you however didn’t expect to get pushed by polkinghorne, causing gorry to push her away.
“vi behöver inte att du får en gul. [we don’t need you to get a yellow.]” you said, as asllani sighed before taking a deep breath.
as the ref signaled for half time, you went ahead of the team and reached the locker room first, taking a seat as you fidgeted with your hands.
you listened to the tactics of your coach, as you’d softly drum the water bottle against your thigh to keep you busy. the game is almost over, australia has a chance to change this whole game around.
then half time was over, you watched as asllani passed the armband to madga who wore it. you took your spot on the midfield, as the game continued.
in the 58th minute, you watched as steph catley sent a cross from the back line. mary fowler made a tap on the ball, sending it past your goal keeper making it 1-1. the australian fans had cheered loudly, there is a chance that they can win it. but their hopes were shattered as asllani made a goal in the 62nd minute.
she drove through the middle, where she slides it for blackstenius who is forced wide by hunt, however she keeps her cool to shake off the australian defender and pick out asllani. she hits the shot from the first time from just outside the box, and australia’s goal keeper mackenzie arnold can’t get enough on it to keep it out. 2-1 to sweden!
you didn’t know how long the game would continue, it was the additional time, but your answers were heard as the whistle had been blown signaling the end of the match. you watched as the matildas crumbled to their feet.
you saw your team ran on the field, joining the huddle as you gave katrina a small smile who returned it, yet it didn’t reach her eyes.
you shook hands with every player, leaving the love of your life last. she wrapped her arms around your waist as she buried her face into the crook of your neck.
“i’m sorry, love. i knew how much it meant to you.” you said, as katrina chuckled. she gave you a tap on your back, as she shook her head.
“don’t apologize love, you were the better team after all.” katrina said, as you gave her a tight hug.
“go and get your medal.” katrina said, as you nodded before joining your team. once the pictures were over, you jogged back to katrina who gave you a soft smile.
“here, love. you also deserve this medal.” you said, as you reached over your neck and put the medal around hers, as she gently shoved you before pulling you into a kiss that caught the attention of both of your teams, the fans and it was a shock.
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oddlyharold · 2 years
Harold: Thanks again for taking me out today.
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asundered · 2 years
 i see beauty in everything,  but especially in you. / nick.
I know that this fact is what keeps me alive.
It should be daunting, I know. I should be terrified, absolutely shaken to the bone by this realization, I should be panting on the floor because of it.
Let me assure you: I am, I am, and I have, already.
There is something incredibly honest and disarming about Amy. In this moment it is impossible to believe that she could be lying to me, because I can see the truth shining there, settled all the way at the back of her eyes. Which are beautiful, I am inclined to add. Amy is a very beautiful, disarming woman. When she slides her hands over my sides and links her fingers behind my back, her head angling to look at me as her chest presses to mine, looking for all the world as if she might just let her legs go out and force me to hold her upright, I am very, very cognizant of this fact. My arms settle around her just in case she decides to sag for the dramatics, expecting me to follow her down like Rhett would Scarlett.
I would. I will.
The unsettling, gruesome, Go - Repellent truth is that I would do anything for Amy. I have cooked more in the months that she has been back with me than I ever have throughout our entire marriage. I run baths for her. I stroke the back of her head when we lie in bed and I think to myself over and over, How can I please her? How can I comfort her? How can I ease the burden she must feel of having to be this creature, every hour of every day?
I strike that thought, I commit to myself never to think it again. I lower my face to bring it very close to hers, my thumbs press into the small of her back and rub in slow, languid motions, and I find that I like the feel of her. How her shirt feels, how she rests her chin at the center of my chest. My lips brush the tip of her nose, and I smile, and I smile.
"You put it there."
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