#( int: ryder )
canncnball · 26 days
a closed starter for my beautiful fiancée, @blushdrunks.
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steps carried him around the entire house and he had no plans to stop until he found alex. he knew she was pissed and he knew it because he knew her, but also because he was pissed, too. they were always connected in that way. if she felt it, he felt it. at some point, he saw gio standing off in the corner of the living room, talking to a few people, and alexandria wasn't there with him. that made it so ryder kept looking until he tapped his knuckles against a door that he soon opened and he saw alex seated on the edge of the bed. "you shouldn't have done that," he said while stepping into the room with the door shit behind him. "he was gonna hit me one way or another. he was just trying to push your buttons by saying anything and you let him do it."
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delusionenjoyerr · 2 months
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they hate to see you serve black hair and a nose piercing ☠️
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brckensocietyarch · 10 months
{ @carp3diems sent a SPOTIFY WRAPPED MEME }
🎁 shuffle - tattoos by renee rapp
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"if i'm being honest, when you look at me it's like kissin' a million angels, and every tattoo's so intoxicating from your neck and right down to your ankles," stevie spoke out in a soft tone, her hand gently running across his skin. "i think what scares me the most is knowing that you could just let me go."
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silkchvffon · 11 months
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THE EVENING IS BITING COLD WHEN esma exits the hotel, heels clicking rhythmically and fast against the marble steps. ryder moves like a ghostly figure ahead of her into the crowded new york streets, but it feels like they're completely alone. her hand has been in lucas' all night, but her eyes have been on ryder — it's easy to abandon her own engagement party, her fiancé, when her soul still yearns for him. « ryder, » his name falls softly from esma's lips as catches up to him and extends him his coat that he's either forgotten or deliberately left behind. once their eyes lock it's like all the air is punched right out of her chest, but she invited him and she can't just let him leave in the state he's in. and she certainly is incapable of letting him go. « are you getting home safe ? i can call my driver, or i could have a room ready, just ... maybe you shouldn't be out right now. » her fault. his broken expression, her own shattered heart — her fault.
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saintedbythestorm · 1 year
Började tänka på Kalles kaviar (long story...) och nu hör jag en Mall Maniacs låt på repeat i huvudet hela tiden...
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
20 - Simple Life Gone Wrong
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Part 21
Battle of Mind and Heart
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
It was a stormy and rainy morning and the kids were still asleep since I wasn't making them do homeschooling on the weekends. Lying asleep in the bed Erik was sound asleep like normal when I sharply woke up feeling the urge to empty my stomach. Tossing the covers off of me I crossed the wooden floor like it was on lava until I got myself bent over the toilet. “Addi?”
“Ugh…where are they? Ah yes.” I heard Erik’s voice from the bed but I just kept throwing up until I felt that I was better. Remaining on my knees I opened the cabinet rummaging around until I found one of the pregnancy tests that I had bought from the store.
Footsteps creaked against the floorboards till he finally could see my current state. “Addison, here. I…I am here now.” He moved around grabbing a hold of my hair gently right as I went to puke a second time.
“Ugh…so gross.” I wiped my mouth with one of the towels shifting my body around so I could sit on the floor holding the pregnancy test I just took in my hands.
Erik shifted to sit down across from me pulling his legs up to his chest so I could have more room for my legs. “So what does it say, Addison?”
“We're…We're gonna have another baby.” I began crying a little at the thought picturing the excitement on the twins faces when we got around to telling them the good news.
Erik paused like he had the first time I told him I was pregnant with the twins but this time his pause was much shorter. “I love you.” He whispered, connecting our lips in for a kiss and I smiled into it.
“I love you too.” I whispered laying my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
Erik just held me for a little while until he thought it had been long enough. “Let’s get you back to bed, Addi.” He lifted me up into his arms carrying me back to bed and he laid back down with me.
“So what do you want this time. Boy or girl?” I asked him looping my fingers with his while we were laying down and just staring at one another longingly. This wasn’t a rare thing for us to just lay in silence and watch the other too afraid they might disappear in an instant after the time we were forced to be separated by the Pentagon.
Erik kept his focus on my eyes. “It doesn’t matter to me. We already have one of each. So I'd say girl to make it even for both of us.”
“Oh are you and Ryder feeling like you need another woman in your lives?” I teased him imagining another baby girl hanging off his shoulders during piggyback, playing hide and seek during thunderstorms or him just listening to the random rambles from the child’s mouth.
Erik shakes his head leaning forward, capturing his lips with mine. “I just want you to be happy because for a long time I didn't think I could ever be, until I met you.”
“And nobody is going to tear us apart ever again.” I declared laying my head back down in the crook of his neck.
By the time I had ended my conscious conversation with Charles I entered our bedroom seeing my husband shoving different drawers and grabbing whatever he thought we would need. Which could only mean one thing, he was preparing to run again. Stepping into the room I touched his forearm the second he spun around facing me. “Erik, woah hang on. We don't have to run now.”
“Yes we do, Addi.” He attempted to move past me but I pushed a hand on his chest.
“Tell me what happened.” I urged him.
He moved his gaze down to mine showing my other hand was intertwined with his larger one. “If I'm exposed we're all exposed, Addison. I…part of a machine nearly killed a man today. But I stopped it. I heard some of the other workers talking and I know that can't mean good things. Most people already know my name on the news.”
“Hey, look at me. You did a good thing saving his life.” Moving my other hand off his chest and up to his face, he leans into my palm. “We don't have to run. We…this is our kids now, our future baby's home.”
Erik cradled my face in his hands. “We are their home. We will be this little ones home.” His gaze shifted down to my now somewhat visible stomach but we hadn't told the kids about it yet.
Leaning forward I kissed him quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He leans down into the kiss, moving one hand around my waist tugging me closer. “Where’s the kid” I asked him breaking the kiss with us both trying to catch our breaths.
“I told them to pack. They should be done by now though.” He answered my question with fear written over his face. We bolted up the stairs only to find their room empty with bags packed but neither twin was there.
Running to the backdoor the backyard was found to be the same. “They must be down by the creek. Astraea! Ryder!” I hollered and he did the same trucking through the thick forest of woods until we found a clearing and were met with a handful of policeman.
“Mommy, daddy. They won't let Ryder go.” Astraea came running forward out from behind one of the trees near us.
The words slipped my mouth when she locked her arms around the middle of my stomach in fear. “Are you alright?”
“She's fine as is your boy.” One of the officers said.
I snapped at the officer. “Then let him go!”
“We will. We just wanted to have a word.” The lead officer answered, still holding Ryder's shoulder firmly underneath his hand.
Erik tilted his head noticing something that I hadn't until he said the words. “You're not wearing your badges.”
“No metal. Some guys at the factory said they saw something today. Something that didn't add up.” Another policeman answered.
I begged the men in uniform. “Put your weapon away.”
“You've been a good citizen, Henryk...A good neighbor... a good worker. I want to believe that's who you are.” The lead officer focused his attention on my husband.
“It is.” I bared my teeth looking down at my daughter in my arms. Her fingers were gripping my hand while she now stood at my side, my other hand was resting on my stomach.
The fourth officer scoffed. “But nobody in this town really knows you.”
“Yes you do. I am Henryk Gurzsky. Jakob, I've had dinner in your home…” Erik attempted to remain calm seeing one of his workers who reported him in standing there too.
“And you were lying the whole time. I brought a killer into my house.” The man growled.
Ryder tried to move from the top policeman’s grasp when he drew out a printed picture of Erik the day he tried to kill the president until Raven stopped him. “Is this you? Are you the one they call Magneto?”
“Take me in. Please...Just let my son go.” Erik paused sparing me a glance silent as an apology. Ryder bolted forward when the officer let him run straight to his father where they embraced in a quick hug. “Go with your mother and sister.”
Walking forward I grasped my son's hand separating the two with two officers holding Erik causing our son to begin wining. “Please...Don't leave me. I'm not going to let them take you.”
“What's going on?” Lifting my head I felt the ground under my feet shaking and everything felt like it was beginning to slow down.
“She's one of them?” A policeman pointed his finger back at Astraea who had her hand raised forward causing some of the men to hold their heads in pain.
Ryder squeezed my hand and I saw his fingers glow before he shot a blast towards them and the other two ducked in fear. “Tell them to stop!”
“They can't control it! He's scared of you!” Erik responded with the last two still holding him in place.
“We're not going to let them take you!” The twins decided to meet up to stand right beside each other about to blast them a second time until I heard an officer draw an arrow and he accidentally fired it from his bow.
I bolted picking up my boots tackling the pair into the dirt. “Astraea! Ryder! - ah!” I screamed in pain feeling the arrow hit me in my lower stomach.
“Addison!” Erik cried out bolting in my direction with the other officers trying to run but they couldn't because our daughter was keeping them blocked in. He caught my body when I had yanked the arrow out where my legs collapsed to the harsh ground. “No…no please Addi.”
Gripping the fabric of his flannel jacket I gasped feeling some blood slowly coming from my stomach. “Erik…Kids.”
“Mommy.” Astraea hollered coming over to us.
Ryder pressed his hand on my stomach where I winced seeing some more blood coming out. “Ryder, what are you doing?” He sent me a simple smile before our eyes the wound on my belly disappeared and there was just a simple scar.
“He can heal.” Astraea gasped in shock.
Erik held me against his chest glancing between the three of us. “Kids, go back to the house and wait there until we get there. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” The twins answered before running off together in the direction of the house.
Peaking over my husband’s shoulder I winced trying to get to my feet until I felt something falling between my legs. Looking down I gasped seeing blood even though the wound was healed. “Erik…the baby.”
“Addi…but he healed you.” Erik placed a hand on my forearm seeing the tears forming in my eyes.
The head officer takes a step forward to apologize. “Mrs. Gurzsky, I'm sorry.”
“Erik, I….do it. Do it!” I started crying, more tears reaching inside my shirt. Drawing the metal coin necklace that I wore shoving it down into his open palm. “Make them pay.”
He didn't need to be told anything more. He closed his eyes, opening the palm launching the coin slicing the necks of the throats of the policemans with their bodies dropping. “There's one more thing we need to do before we get out of here. Let's get you better first.” He scooped me up in his arms making our way back to the house.
“Mommy, Daddy, There something I need to tell you.” Ryder came running around the corner when we had made our way back into the small cabin.
Erik sat me down on my feet so I could lower myself to be his level I asked concerned. “What is it you need to tell us, Ryder?”
“The baby…they would have been a mutant like me and sissy.” The young Lehnsherr boy reply.
Glancing over to his father Erik’s features switched over to a much darker look. He helped me to my feet pulling me closer when he whispered under his breath. “Let’s go make those men at the factory pay too. Then we will take the kids to Charles place.” I nodded in agreement grasping his hands in mine. Knowing we deserved revenge.
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He doesn’t talk about Charlie here but I found what Finn said about Winona just so funny: https://www.gq.com/story/gq-hype-finn-wolfhard
Girl had lived such a rich life, she just wants to rest now and stay in her bubble (but not too much hopefully, I still want to see her in other things after ST).
I also wonder why he suggests that David and Winona know what happens in S5 and he doesn’t.
Winona is just epitome of cool and love how much she is there for the rest of the cast and shares stories and mentors them; but yes, I wish she wouldn’t hide so much lol, but most importantly she better be in things after ST. She’s Winona freaking Ryder 👑
Anyway, yeah it seems like he doesn’t know much about s5 so int he guesses they do and also raises how much does the rest of the cast know (like Noah, who is talking like he knows).
Very sweet part on the panic attacks on set and Gaten and Caleb being there for him <3
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oliviainjapann · 4 months
May 22- Kyoto Imperial Palace and Kyoto National Museum
Today was a long and exhausting day but still fun! Loryn and I started off by exploring for a breakfast place as I can no longer consume anymore Japanese breakfasts/bentos. We found a really good place that has delicious croissant sandwiches and we took some to go to have during our morning lecture. Loryn got a black iced coffee to look cool. She succeeded. The Kyoto Imperial Palace was very beautiful, and I especially liked the gardens part of it. Our tour guide even pointed out the perfect picture spot of the bridge. It was so hot though and I was in jeans which was not smart but we lived. We then walked/train rode to the Kyoto National Museum. I actually thoroughly enjoyed this museum despite me being not a very museum person. I kind of explored on my own and tried to read as much as I could about each section of the Sesshua special exhibit that was going on for this month. The tapestries and scrolls were so perfect and I was amazed with how many there were on display. Then, we got some yummy ramen at a place near by that was honestly close to Ichiran Ramen level. Loryn, Ryder, Maddie, and I then strutted over to the Kyoto Train Station super excited to go to Hiroshima for the rest of our day. I was ecstatic. We loaded up our suicas with quite a lot of yen, and then just did not go. IYKYK. We will get there eventually. We then went to the Kyoto Aquarium to lift our spirits, but low key that made us even more sad because the animals looked so lonely and unwell. We then grabbed Starbucks and listened to a Spotify jam session during the journey home where we all get to listen to the same songs. We are now relaxing at the hotel and getting ready for the night ahead.
Academic Reflection
In terms of today’s reading, I was very intrigued with how much thought went into the planning of the grounds of the palace. It was clear there was so much intention into every section of the palace, including the buildings as well as the gardens. One thing that stuck with me from the reading today was how originally they wanted the palace to be centered within the capital of Kyoto. However, due to many earthquakes and other destruction, they were forced to build it int he north-west part of the capital. Also, the actual imperial palace is not symmetrical in itself, although there is still so much intention within the entire ground. It was also very interesting to learn about the various social classes within their society as well as how it is represented within the palace itself, with certain buildings being restricted to certain classes.
In terms of my art piece from the Kyoto National Museum, what really stood out to me was Sesshu’s scroll of the Four Seasons. I especially liked the depiction of the Japanese men in robes and hakatas as they were almost cartoon like but still had so much detail within them. I was so intrigued with how Sesshu was known as the “saint of painting” and 6 of his works are considered National Treasures. Although some of the works at the museum were not his, it is so evident that he was the inspiration for themes and brushworks later on. Also, the fact that the tapestry of the waterfall was destroyed in an earthquake and another painter perfectly replicated it shows how dedicated some were to helping Sesshu’s legacy live on. I got masking tape that has Sesshu’s artworks depicted on it, and I’m so excited to use it in my scrapbook!
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swldx · 7 months
RNZ Pacific 1344 25 Feb 2024
7390Khz 1259 25 FEB 2024 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55445. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Peter McIlwaine. The government's move to outlaw gang patches in public places will only put more pressure on stretched frontline police officers, Labour says. Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Police Minister Mark Mitchell announced the policy, part of the coalition agreement between National and ACT, on Sunday in Auckland. Eugene Ryder, a social worker who was once a patched Black Power member, said the law would just drive gang activity "underground and behind closed doors". Ryder said Māori would be disproportionately affected given they made up about 80 percent of the country's two biggest gangs. The chief executive of Te Aitanga a Māhaki says he, and his iwi, have cut off all future engagement with Gisborne Mayor Rehette Stoltz. Willie Te Aho outlined his reasons in a mass email to council and media on Thursday. The reluctance to work with the mayor was effective immediately as Te Aho withdrew the iwi presence from the "Tairāwhiti Tomorrow Together" summit yesterday. "We will work with the council, just not the mayor," Te Aho told The Gisborne Herald. Invercargill Mayor who suffered heart attack will be back to work in a month. Donald Trump easily defeated Nikki Haley in South Carolina's Republican contest on Saturday, Edison Research projected, extending his winning streak as he marches toward a third consecutive presidential nomination and a rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden. A defiant Haley, who served as UN ambassador under Trump, insisted this week that she would sustain her campaign through at least "Super Tuesday" on 5 March, when Republicans in 15 states and one US territory will cast ballots. Zong Qinghou, a prominent Chinese business magnate with a rags-to-riches story, died on Sunday at 79 after "treatment for an illness proved ineffective," his company said. Sports. @1303z trailer for RNZ "Morning Report" . @1304z Weather Forecast: Rain, some heavy falls, easing later today. @1305z "All Night Programme" anchored by Peter McIlwaine. Backyard gutter antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0659.
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taurustwister · 1 year
ke huy quan - finding o’hana, eeato, abc, loki
jane fonda- moving on, 8b, book club, g&f
dan levy- happiest season
sarah kendall- radio interviews, the other one, taskmaster/coc3, game shows (guessable, rohouse of games, weakest link, wity, spicks & specs, question team), things you should have done, motherland, big zuu's big eats, frayed + bloopers + interviews, comedy shows, beehive (2008)?
ava capri- embattled, blast beat, fletcher's mv, do revenge, love victor, reply, the experience, interviews?
james lance- ted lasso, winx
oona chaplin- interviews, made to love, molotov jukebox's "neon lights" vid, treason, lullaby, anchor and hope
lauren graham- gg, mighty ducks, evan almighty, dinner takes it all, merry friggin christmas, zoey's ep, parenthood
alexis bledel- gg, handmaid's tale
melissa mccarthy- gg, mike & molly
jessica gunning- the outlaws, baby reindeer, interviews, pride, ps: tennison,
lisa ann walter - bitter trailer, the ladies, greys, 911, doubt, psycho st, the more things change clips, jersey, parent trap, ae s2, glow
jenna fischer- mean girls + int, the office, splitting up together
zoe perry- young sheldon
liza weil- the cleaning lady, htgawm, gg + revival, the passenger
natalia tena- i love you stupid, interviews, john wick4, hp, anchor and hope, wolfe, wisdom of the crowd, molotov jukebox vids, 10.000km
kathryn hahn- I love d*ck, happyish, I know this must is true, transparent, tiny beautiful things, mrs fletcher, private life, bad words, the shrink next door, flower, parks and rec
lily rabe- ahs, tell me your secrets, shrinking, fractured, downtown owl, the veil, letters from the big man, redemption trail, golden exits, presumed innocent, the great lillian hall, the tender bar, pawn sacrifice, a midsummer night's dream, the wizard of lies
hamish linklater- tell me your secrets, redemption trail, downtown owl, a midsummer night's dream
vera farmiga- hawkeye, at middleton, higher ground, boundaries,
neve campbell- hot air, pof5, lincoln lawyer
lance barber- young sheldon
charlotte ritchie- ghosts, taskmaster, the other one, wonka, feel good, you
catherine tate - doctor who 2023
david tennant- doctor who 2023
rosie jones- taskmaster
lucia keskin- things you should have done, mandy
diane morgan- frayed, cunk on earth,
sean astin- st
scott patterson- sullivan's crossing, gg, saw
elaine hendrix - parent trap, dynasty
poorna jaganathan- nsie, i'll show you mine, the out-laws
jovan bridges/yvie oddly- interviews
abby elliott- the bear
matty matheson- the bear
sarah paulson- the bears2
angela kinsey- the office, tall girl 1 & 2
amy ryan- the office, omitb, beau is afraid, beautiful boy
gaby hoffmann - finish cmon cmon and transparent
nick offerman- parks & rec
rashida jones- the office, parks & rec, angie tribeca
ellie kemper- the office, bridesmaids, kimmy s, happiness for beginners
kristen bell- the good place, the woman in the house across the street
winona ryder- gone in the night
lily tomlin- grandma, 80b, moving on, g&f
katee sackhoff- christmas sail
rainn wilson- the office, mom, jerry and marge go large
dolly parton- g&f
rakhee thakrar- rules of the game 
craig robinson- the office, killing it
andie mcdowell- maid
rita moreno- 8b, west side story, x fast and furious
sally field- 8b, spoiler alert
janelle james- ae s1 & s2
william stanford davis-  ae s1 & s2
sheryl lee ralph-  ae s1 & s2
tyler james williams-  ae s2
quinta brunson-  ae s2
courteney cox- shining vale
kelly mccormack - sugar daddy, aloto, ginny and georgia
keiko agena- gg, prodigal son
martin short- omitb
steve martin- omitb
mae martin- feel good
meryl streep- omitbs3
cristo fernandez- interviews
nick mohammed- ted lasso, taskmaster
michaela mcmanus- the village*
toni collette- mafia mama, knives out, hereditary*
elizabeth mitchell- sc films*
jodi balfour- ted lasso*
smg- do revenge*
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brckensocietyarch · 1 year
{ @gccdbyelovc | continued from here w/beta. }
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"why? why should i walk away from you, ryder? after what you did..." her words trailed off, tears brimming in her eyes as she tried her best not to crumble in front of him. "what is there to work out? i loved you, i gave you everything. and what did i get in return? i got you fucking someone else when you were meant to be committed to me." it was clear from her expression that she was still hurt. "so, tell me, what exactly are you wanting here? for me to take you back like you didn't rip out my heart?"
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silkchvffon · 1 year
❛ ✖︎  —  closed  starter  —  @invcntions. °
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     THINGS  HADN’T  ENDED  AMICABLY  LAST  TIME,  though  when  did  they  ever  ?  esma’s  fuelled  herself  with  the  anger  she  reserves  only  for  ryder,  hoping  adrenaline  alone  will  carry  her  through  the  conversation  they’re  about  to  have.  she’s  rehearsed  it  a  million  times  in  her  mind  already:  how  they  simply  will  never  work,  how  every  attempt  they’ve  ever  made  has  ultimately  led  to  nowhere,  how  they  both  deserve  a  chance  at  something  better.  even  in  her  head  it  sounds  like  excuses  and  lies.  the  truth  is,  better  or  not;  esma’s  soul  is  intertwined  with  ryder’s.  the  decision’s  already  made,  but  she’s  scared  it  won’t  change  anything  after  all.
     just  a  few  seconds  after  ringing  his  doorbell  esma  contemplates  leaving.  it’s  cruel,  and  most  of  all  selfish,  but  ryder  will  find  out  sooner  or  later  and  she’s  not  sure  she  can  stomach  being  there  when  he  does,  much  less  be  the  one  to  deliver  the  news.  they’ve  called  it  quits  a  hundred  times  before,  but  the  diamond  ring  on  her  finger  carries  the  weight  of  esma’s  entire  world  and�� it  is  crumbling.  anger,  she  tries  to  remind  herself,  but  with  every  second  passing  all  her  mind  can  conjure  up  are  memories  of  ryder’s  touch,  his  smile,  his  words.  her  chest  tightens  and  she  decides  she  can’t  do  this,  can’t  put  herself  through  it,  not  even  for  lucas  who’s  been  nothing  but  kind  to  her.  not  even  for  ryder.  what  on  earth  is  she  doing  ? 
      esma  turns  on  her  heel  just  as  the  door  slides  open.  she  closes  her  eyes  and  takes  a  deep  breath  as  she  feels  ryder’s  presence,  heart  running  wild  in  her  ribcage.  she  turns  back,  and  upon  looking  into  familiar  blue  hues  every  carefully  practiced  word  is  thrown  to  the  wind.  «  please.  we  have  to  talk.  »  her  voice  comes  out  as  a  plea,  thin  and  shaky  and  hurt.  the  little  confidence  she’s  been  building  there  on  his  doorstep  vanishes  and  she  knows  he  can  tell  something  is  wrong  —  he  always  can.
     everything  is  horribly  wrong.
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saintedbythestorm · 1 year
"Hej skärp dig nu, du är fan mer full än jag och du är tom" - jag när jag nästan hade ikull den tomma energi dryck burken.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Wish I had Loreen's good heart and understanding to not get annoyed with things like this... UK media are sore losers and think Mae Muller deserved a better result. UK haven't bothered with Eurovision until Sam Ryder did so good last year. Did they expect a guaranteed success follow up story because they made an effort this year? No country is ever guaranteed to win Eurovision! A journo wrote that Mae Muller was robbed. If she was it sure as hell wasn't by Loreen! UK media istg
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{ closed starter | @gccdbyelovc​ }
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“So, you’re that football guy that Billy has been hanging out with, right?” Stu queried, although it was somewhat rhetorical, she knew full well who he was, in fact she used Billys’ phone to get him to show up here. “You’re a lot cuter than I expected.” She chuckled, as she stepped closer to him, holding he right hand out to shake his as her left hid the knife that was behind her back, “I’m Stu.”
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noahfynn · 4 years
Closed Starter | | Noah + Ryder
Whilst Noah had been able to count on Rebekah to have his back whilst Ryder was studying abroad, this was a situation where he really didn’t want to involve the redhead; not wanting to put her in an awkward position where she had to choose between Katherine and Noah. For that reason alone, he was more grateful than ever that Ryder was back and that his best friend was willing to drop everything to come and take care of him. Already half-drunk, he slowed down his alcohol intake as he waited for Ryder’s arrival; knowing that he needed to be comprehensible so that he could explain exactly what was going on to Ryder. That didn’t stop him from ordering his best friend a drink, though; figuring it was a nice touch to have a drink ready and waiting for him.
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