#( lovethirsty )
antiigliitch-blog · 7 years
lovethirsty replied to your post:                 ❝ 1…..2…..3….4….. ❞
Get out of my house.
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                  ❝ S͟ơ ŕude̡-͢ ̶C̀h͜i͡l̶d͠r̵en̨ ̴n͘e͏eḑ t̛o lear̢n͟ wh͘e̢n͢ to ̴şh́u͘t ţh͘e f̢u̧cḱ u̴p.  ❞
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aemularegina · 7 years
( C= )
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"Hah, like I haven't heard that one before!"
Not about her eyes, actually — but mostly about her beauty. The very cause that led to her own death over and over again. There probably wasn't a single being people hadn't compared her to before; which filled her with both pride and disgust. In any case, this ‘child’ seemed amused with her answer, and so was she.
Tomie inched a bit closer to look at their exposed eyes, mouth slightly open in awe. If only they appeared older, she might have felt intimidated.
"Those are very nice and unique. You could look really pretty."
No matter how much she had been through, she still kept the personality of a naive teenager for the most part.
"I'm sure you take advantage of your looks. I would. What's your name, kid?" It was unusual for her to be open like this, but then again they weren't usual at all.
( @lovethirsty )
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justsomeguycore · 3 years
i’m so lovethirsty this week every woman i see in passing i’m like i could make a life with her
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devilglow · 7 years
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♛ It’s perfectly strange... YOU RUN IN MY VEINS
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fellis-world · 4 years
May I ontroduce you to my newest family member? This is Lanissiel but he prefers the short Lan. Lan is basically a ranger but he grew up in the wild. So he behave a lot different than normal sylvari. He can't speak. He isnt muted he just never learned how to talk. So he will make most likely sounds like his adoptive family, the fernhounds. But with a bit trainin he is able to say names. Neitherless he is also able to understand others. He is a pretty one but dont let him fool you, he doesnt hesitate to kill if he feel himself in danger. But beside of that he is a lovethirsty little tree and loyal to the ones he want to protect
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lazzyoh · 5 years
Act; HL!Joker x Reader
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Request; Heya! Could you maybe do a one- or two-shot about how the Heath Ledger Joker of TDK and the Reader meet? Like Maybe him blowing up a Party her parents held or smth and the Reader having a Special quirk… like Illusion or something? Thank you!
Warnings: Actually no important one, might contain a Little swearing and strong language... cursing even... OH! and threatening yk ;)
Side note: no genderfriendly pronouns! Female!Reader; she/her; I decided to give her the skill/quirk of faking and copying others emotions (only their facial expressions and behavoir)… I think it’s a pretty cool thing and abolutely makeable without the Risk of being only fictional or overpowered
Everything clear? Fine. Then let’s go get it started!
                      -------------Part One-------------
The party did go on well, my parents seemed to be pleased by my act while the young man in front of me seemed to be more interested in my father and my bare skin instead of being interested in starting an active and meaningful conversation with me. Layin' my cards all on the table - this idiot sucked and I really wanted to slap that idiotic grin out of his dumb face. But as my parents warned me, that, if I dared bringing shame over the Family, they'd abandon me and never talk a single word to and about me again, I agreed with playing the toy to get them their long wanted partnership with the rival Enterprise. 
I mean, it's not like I actually cared, they wanted to use me and threatened with kicking me out if I'd make a wrong move, so actually I should be the first to run upstairs, slam my door shut loudly and yell at them, that I never want to see them again. But I was no one to complain, to say it with my fathers words „You can be glad to have a house and a bed you can stay and sleep in, you get everything you want, every kind of food, every doll and still you dare being ungrateful towards the one people feeding and loving you? I am really disappointed." I did sure get everything I wanted - but not love uh-uh. Never got the only thing I wanted the most, instead I was, since the day of my birth, only used by my parents for their luck... an' I mean com'on usually it's the other way'round. - The children use their parents to get what they want. But this is how normal families are, not mine, I suppose. 
For sure my parents spoiled me rotten badly with material things since I was little, so I shouldn't complain about a bit missing love, should I? Still, in my teens I've tried to convince myself a little too often of how their ' ”spoil me with things” would be the only way they could express their love to me' but we all know that’s only the desperate hope of a lovethirsty little Teenie. But times have changed me and the world around, I turned 18, grew pretty much up the last years... paired with the typical changes ya know - Breats grew, body formed womanly, butt and hips became a lot bigger an curvier. My friends say I've got me one delicious body, but they're a little broken in their pretty heads, a body doesn't become like this by only sleeping ( - even through in my case it did.)
Speaking of body - a special somebody still stared at my chest as if the material hiding it away would slip down magically to reveal to him everything he wanted to see. I let out a small annoyed sigh before putting my facade up again, sweetly smiling at him, I excused myself because I'd need to use the restroom. When in reality I'd actually just leave him stand alone like a fool and call my best friend to complain about my fucked up life... But as Destiny hated me pretty much, I never came that far to my bedroom, because just the same moment I started to walk away, our big brown Mansion door was noisily blown open - only to reveal a tall man wearing a Purple and green suit who snickered wildly while shooking his head, making his dyed hair move around his head like a crazy curtain of greens and browns. The party people weren't amused now anymore, no one was as Everyone almost in an instant recognized who this madman was. 
„Ähem... sorry to interrupt that pretty little Party of yours.... but ya know... got some business to do and.... stuff." He paused to lick his lips, watching the audience closely until bringing and holding his gaze at my form and eyes, his eyes scanning my face only resulted in creating one hell of a vicious grin on his lips. „My, my... where d'yo wanna go to sweets? Wanna leave now where the fun is about to blow up the place? Keep your pretty little ass right here honey... I wouldn't want to shoot a little silver bullet in that pretty head of yours, would I?~"
I nearly laughed at him, not because of him but because about his bad timing, couldn't he have waited until I was upstairs? Like seriously gosh…?  But even if I wanted to tell him how he could shot me a bullet in tha head and I wouldn't care less, I quickly decided it would be the best to keep that breath in, as challenging the Clown Prince of Gotham was never a good plan, and the breath I'd take for saying this words into his face would most likely be the last for me to ever take again. So I kept it silent, argued with myself before looking around and copying the fear of anyone else around. A special talent of mine I'm highly proud of - it helped me to get out of a lot unfriendly situations - I mean who can copy emotions of others that easily and realistic? No one I suppose. 
The green haired now walked around, his henchmen following and making sure no one's trying to play the hero of today. I watched his moves, every single Motion of his muscles couldn't left to be unseen by me, counted the times he licked his red lips, only to come up with a result of 5 in an interval of two minutes, until he stopped right infront of me, starring me down as if trying to read my mind - or killing me with only his eyes. I played the scared one, looking into his, actually hella mesmerizing, eyes, which held a soft brown color with light green and icy blue Highlights to themselves. He kept starring me down while I thought about what I would be doing now, if I would've left a little earlier. Disappointed to not be able to call my best friend and complain about my stupid Family, and their plan of selling my virginity and future to a bastard just so they could get a partnership with their latest frenenemies, I wanted to sigh but got ripped out of my daydreams by the Jokers fingers that he was rapidly and wildly snapping infront of my eyes.
I blinked mutual times before being able to really realize and focus on the situation. „Whatcha dreamin'bout sweets? Seems to be interesting, tell me!" I really needed to resist the urge to rise a brow, but instead of telling him that I'd like to leave that shitty place and drown myself in self-pity, I stayed silent and just looked at him with a faked scaredy-cat expression on my face. His chin seemed to... like pretty hard hit the floor at that, but just for a little second, faster than quick his face was back to normal and he started to grin maniacally, patting my head as if I was a little crying child, „You're playing me a fool, don't you little one? Acting as if you're scared but laugh at me on the inside, Ain't I righty?~" 
I was stunned and confused at the same time, how and why and when did he notice that? I went on with acting as if I did not now what he was about, but the clever man saw through it as if looking through a glass wall. „Okay now, now, little girlie.... - drop that pretty little act of yours, I'm not believing a second of it." The Joker looked at me intensely, his eyes almost cutting open my neck or strangling me with a single look of his, spinechilling. That's what he was. One of those few man able to make anyone shut up with only a single look, I sighed. ,,Never knew someone would be able to look through my act… but as it seems, I ain't the only one with special quirks, Ain't I?" His lips widened into a  wide and almost painful looking smirk, ,,No you ain't dollie, you surely ain't."
           ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦
Word Count: 1.386
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afterbxrner · 7 years
“After the fight some dude catcalled me on the way home so I turned around and spat a bunch of blood at his feet. Never seen someone regret doing something so fast.”
Chara can’t help it. They laugh at that, shaking their head slightly.
“Normally, am no one tae enable yer homicidal tendencies, but honestly? Someone who catcalls a kid yer age’s got it coming. I ken yer jes tellin me ye spat blood at him, but.” They eye their young alt with a “don’t bullshit me” face.
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mortyslaughter-blog · 7 years
politely yet brutally bodyslams
     Not really expecting them to come up behind him and body slam him, he let a loud shout, and started laughing.
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                 ❝ Chara! W-What are you doing here? Didn’t I-I tell you I had stuff to do with Rick today? ❞
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ariarivivi · 8 years
pls fall in love with me
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aemularegina · 7 years
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"Oh, you think? Just about the usual." The snarky, exasperated response came out of her almost instantly; still being in pain and bleeding all over her, Tomie wasn't expecting to find anyone in this dark alley after fleeing away from that studio. Incidents happen, she was used to them. But still, finding a familiar face in this state wasn't pleasant. All 'tarnished', gaping wounds on her face — that were healing way too slowly to her liking — and her brand new dress all dirty. "Hey...you. Please help me." There were no tears or a sad tone; she sounded more like a demanding friend. "Do you have anything to stop the bleeding? This dress was really expensive and cleaning it is going to be a pain." To emphasise, she put one bloody hand to her cheek and extended her other hand towards Chara, in her usual bratty manner.
( @lovethirsty )
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selfulfilling · 7 years
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             “JESUS,    kid.    Calm    the    fuck    down.    You    ever    hear    of    moderation?    Damn.”
                   @lovethirsty     sc. 
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evilkakyoin · 7 years
i should really make a separate blog for all my love sick personals. but i dont know if ill get around to it! so pplease deal with my lovethirsty ass!
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aemularegina · 7 years
❝why are you staring at me?❞
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Only very few things managed to catch Tomie’s attention. Not in the disposable way normal people did; that just lasted for as long as she was entertained. Which usually meant about a few days and some repetitive, overly sugary pampering, and ended up in a bloody mess - a cycle she couldn’t get rid off, and her very own personal curse.
No, this was pure curiosity, and barely a few things managed to get that out off the captious girl after so many years of roaming the earth.
There was something off about the apparent kid; the aura around them was new and interesting. And of course, as ill-mannered and self entitled as she was, she couldn’t help but blalantly stare at them. Or, unfaced by blunt the question, respond without a trace of embarassment.
“Well, because you are weird.” She says with an interested tone.
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