#( luke. / && connection. )
vocallywritten · 1 month
Don't mind me, just thinking about Colin's hero complex and how Marina WANTED a hero, but when he couldn't fulfill that role for her, she moves on, and the next time he sees her, she tells him she no longer needs saving, no longer needs him. Compared to Penelope telling Colin she doesn't need him to save her, and that all she wants is his love because she loves him exactly as he is.
Like the parallel of the two women he's pursued romantically telling him they don't need saving is so good and also very telling of how they view him. Pen has always seen Colin, and understood him better than anyone, so unlike Marina who seems to view Colin's hero complex as immaturity or naivety, Pen is able to see it for what it is. She was able to know exactly what to say to him to help him understand and to reassure him of the genuineness of her feelings.
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antianakin · 3 months
I hope this doesn't come off as a knock on the Jedi - because that's sure as hell not my intention - but I do sometimes wonder what could convince a parent to hand their young child over to them. Like, I get that the number of Jedi is miniscule compared to the expected population of the galaxy, and this whole ask is likely just the result of my modern, western, nuclear family-based upbringing. But there are times when I can barely see such a thing happening at all. I mean, if you're a Jedi Seeker, what the hell are you supposed to say to get a mother to willingly give you her infant child?
Again, I do hope this doesn't come off as a knock on the Jedi and their methods.
Maybe consider that the Jedi never seem to be actively going out there trying to convince people into giving up their children. They primarily seem to discover children on their own or who are in bad situations, or the parents call THEM of their own volition and the Jedi simply respond to the call.
You can also look at TPM and the way Qui-Gon handles it with Shmi. Now obviously Shmi and Anakin are in a somewhat different situation than most, given that they're both slaves, which would probably make Shmi's reaction to the offer different than those of regular parents, but Qui-Gon treats her as an equal to himself and as an authority regarding Anakin. He respects that authority by speaking to SHMI before he speaks to Anakin, by asking Shmi different questions about Anakin's past and his powers. And it's Shmi who picks up on what Qui-Gon is carefully NOT saying and asks if Anakin could become a Jedi. And that question lets Qui-Gon know that Shmi isn't against the offer being made to Anakin, so when he makes it official, he speaks to ANAKIN directly. But even after that, he still seems to respect Shmi's authority and her place in Anakin's life when Anakin turns to her more than once.
Shmi seems to primarily just want a better life for Anakin. Even without the slavery situation, she seems to recognize that Anakin's abilities mean that he has the opportunity for a specific career path if he wants it and she chooses to give him that opportunity because she never wants to hold him back. She recognizes that it would be cruel to deny him the opportunity simply to keep him with her.
So it's possible some parents probably view it the same way, that they're giving their child the opportunity for a better life than the one they can offer themselves.
Other parents, like Ahsoka's, seem to view being a Jedi as something of an honor. Even though they CAN give Ahsoka a good life, they recognize that Ahsoka has perhaps a greater destiny that they shouldn't stand in the way of and are HAPPY when Ahsoka shows signs of Force sensitivity. It's not just an honor for Ahsoka, it's an honor for her family and the entire village that she has the opportunity to become a Jedi. The other thing to take into account with this scenario is that the Jedi are sort-of seen as following a call to destiny of sorts, and there appear to be communities who understand that better than most, which means they're likely more inclined to let their child follow that call if the signs make themselves apparent. Groups with their own Force sects (like Lasat, Kel Dor, Chalacatans, etc) might be some of the ones more likely to understand this, which is why we see some of them with multiple family members in the Order at the same time.
These seem to be the most likely options for why a parent might give their child to the Jedi even if they love the child and would otherwise want to keep and raise them. There are also likely some parents who simply don't WANT a Force sensitive child for whatever reason, or parents who just take the first opportunity to offload an unwanted child when it presents itself. Not every parent is a good one, obviously.
I've seen some people argue that Force sensitivity might be something very difficult for a non-Force sensitive parent to deal with, and so they give the child away because they ultimately decide that they cannot appropriately raise a child with powers they cannot control. I don't really buy into this one because neither Luke nor Leia are raised by Force sensitive parents and there doesn't seem to be any issues with control there that we ever see or hear about. But it's POSSIBLE a parent might believe that they couldn't manage a child with Jedi powers and give them up on that assumption, even if it isn't true.
So, yeah, there could be any number of reasons a parent might choose to give their child to the Jedi, even if they love the child and would otherwise want to raise them. It isn't a choice that's going to be for everyone, obviously, and the Jedi have an entire list of people who have either said no or maybe/not yet that they keep in the Temple as a record. So some parents DO say no and choose to raise their children on their own even if the opportunity to give their child to the Jedi is made available to them. Or they simply need time to make the decision or want a little extra time WITH the child before giving them to the Jedi even if they know that that's ultimately what they're going to do.
I don't think the Jedi ever say anything to "get" a parent to give up a child they love. That's never their goal. Qui-Gon talks to Shmi about what Anakin's powers are and how they work, he tells her what her options are, and then leaves the rest of it up to her. All he does is give her more information to work with and an opportunity to act on it if she so desires. That's it. I can't imagine any other Jedi doing any more than that unless the situation between the parent and the child was particularly dangerous somehow and even then, I imagine there are lines they'd try not to cross. The whole episode where we see Cad Bane pretending to be a Jedi in order to convince the parents to give up their children shows us that the parents really DON'T expect the Jedi to do this kind of thing and feel perfectly entitled to say no when it happens.
It's not a choice every parent is going to make, and that's fine. It's not a choice that everyone even needs to UNDERSTAND, necessarily. Different people are going to have different ideas of what's best for their child and how to go about providing that. One parent might feel like giving their child away IS the best thing they can do for their child, even if they could give that child a wonderful life. Another parent might feel like that's the worst thing they could do to their child, even if their situation isn't ideal. These parents are likely to never understand the decision the other one made, but they're making decisions out of the same desire to protect and care for their child. Both are entirely valid choices and there isn't necessarily a right or wrong choice in this situation and that's what the Jedi would understand. All they're there to do is offer information and the opportunity to both parent and child, nothing more, nothing less. What the parent (and the child if they're old enough) does with that is entirely up to them.
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tobytost · 1 year
old shitpost animatic I did with the space twins HAN IS SO DONE BTW
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jonasiegenthaler · 5 months
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17.04.24 | Exit Interviews
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queenbeekb13 · 6 months
Rewatching jatp for the [redacted] time and thinking about how Rose was the last person to talk to the boys before they died which led me to think about the fact that she must have bedazzled the Sunset Curve shirt afterwards.
She would’ve been there when the show got canceled since they didn’t come back and then found out what happened. But she bedazzled in anyways. Not only did she keep that shirt for 25 years but she personalized it, poured love into it. Rose saw the boys perform at a rehearsal once and talked to them once and still saw something worth not only remembering and preserving in a representation of their music but something worth making her own in order to showcase that brief but vital connection they all had.
I’m still so unwell about this show
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dollypopup · 4 months
just realized how much sense it makes that the man who could undo Cressida's necklace in S2 with just one hand in the middle of a dance gave Pen a V for Victory and an O for You Know in that carriage
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mydairpercabeth · 8 months
My favorite change the writers made to the show was completely removing romantic feelings between Luke and Annabeth. It makes everything so much more intriguing. Luke isnt just the older boy she had a crush on since he rescued her. He isnt just the object of Percy's jealousy. He’s her chosen brother. He took her in when every adult in her life failed her. He essentially raised her. He was the stability she needed. And he equally feels responsible for Annabeth. He has seen how the gods treat a seven year old and it is part of his resentment to them. He says that hes always going to pick her side. When we get to the finale (and future seasons) it's absolutely going to break my heart ten times harder than the books.
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starvinginbelair · 1 year
"Luke's mom was my math teacher, which is crazy. I met her when I was 14, and she goes, 'No, you can keep drumming on tables in math class, that's fine. I understand how it is, my son's a musician.' Little did I know that was Luke. Which is pretty crazy, like the syncronicity that was already happening, the alignment between just us as people, in the band, was already happening long before we even met."
— ashton irwin on the band's upbringing on artist friendly
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500mlinjection · 5 months
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I know you’re in a world of darkness and dissatisfaction, I also know the way out
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sincerelymarner · 7 months
i love u hockey nepotism <3
i just think hockey connections are neat and the hughes have a lot. so here's a noncomphrehensive review of their connections (as it relates to their teams) through their dad jim. and this also kinda doubles as a background about him.
so jim hughes grew up on long island and has many ties to the area, hence the “comin home” comment from luke during jack’s draft and jack’s walk up song being “i’m coming home”. 
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currently jim is a director of player development at CAA hockey (2016-) and previously was the director of player development for the leafs (2009-15). he also has 20 years of coaching experience which has brought him to new jersey, orlando, boston, new hampshire, and toronto. but before all this, he played hockey at providence college (1985-89) which is where he overlapped with tom fitzgerald, current president of hockey operations and gm of the devils, for two years. if you were ever curious why jim and ellen were seated next to the gm of jack and luke’s team at brady tkachuk’s wedding, now you know.
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jim hughes 1985
in fact, jim was a huge factor in why fitzgerald attended providence as jim hosted him for his recruiting trip. during jim’s time at providence, he was represented by ray shero who was the gm for the devils from 2015-20.
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devils GM ray shero meeting with the hughes family at the 2019 nhl draft
while jim was an assistant coach with the orlando sun bears (1999-2001), he became acquainted with head coach peter horachek who was a scout for the devils in 2019 and is currently an assistant coach for them.
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jim hughes (left) is in this photo, idk if peter horachek is but this from when the solar bears won the turner cup and that's how the photo of jack in a cup came about
after orlando jim had been named as an assistant coach for the bruins (2001-03) and that’s where he met, then head coach, robbie ftorek, who became a close family friend. following his tenure with boston he went to new hampshire where he was assistant coach for the manchester monarchs (2003-05) under previous canucks’ head coach bruce boudreau. when jim became head coach (2005-06), his assistant coach was derek clancy who is currently an assistant gm for the leafs and previously was one for the canucks.
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pretend that derek clancy is here with him (well he is, just off screen)
then settled in toronto as an assistant coach for the marlies, then as director of player development for the leafs. here jim and the boys got to know leafs legend willy nylander.
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not at all connected to the boys’ teams i just wanted to include this photo, sue me
again, this is a noncomprehensive review and there is probably so much i missed, but i wanted to put this together for reference.
↳ info taken mostly from this the athletic article and this sportsnet article + some supplementary sources such as elite prospects
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rubixcuby · 6 months
Luke likes holding hands during sex
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edge-oftheworld · 23 days
do you ever just stop and think about how each band member is so incredibly talented in their own way and we get to watch not only that but the magic that happens when they work together?
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pensbridgrton · 3 months
that's that on colin bridgerton.
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antianakin · 3 months
"Rey should've been Luke's Padawan!"
"Rey should've been Leia's Padawan!"
Rey should've been EZRA BRIDGER'S Padawan.
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jessythebunny · 1 month
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🚂Luke the Irish engine🍀
💚Luke is the final, youngest member of the group, and also he's the newest member
💚Luke is the smallest engine compared to the others, they don't know why, neither is he. The others think it's because of his young age
💚Luke has a baby deer that he calls Balwie or Deerie to pet him
💚Luke uses an Irish accent more than English, but unfortunately some engines like Diesel laugh at him because he thinks that Luke doesn't know how to talk perfectly
💚he never dares to swear
💚Luke is the engine most protected by others, and he is loved and spoiled by them. Sometimes Luke is a little naive and hasty, but he is very diligent in his work, and he has a caring heart for his friends because he loves them more than anything
💚Luke loves watching cartoons with Peter Sam, and they both love Disney movies
💚He has a tender heart towards Millie, they are known as the youngest couple on the island
💚He always has nightmares about the sea, and has a phobia of the depths of the ocean
💚he's addicted to candy very much, This resulted from his teeth becoming decayed
💚he treats Skarloey as a father, Peter Sam and Sir Handel like his big brothers, and Millie is his future wife
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pensbridge · 3 months
A lil rant about cast shipping
The commentary about actor personal relationships has actually made me scared to come on here. When any related hashtags trend, I'm like "WHY?"
This happens in every fandom, but I honestly give props to the Bridgerton actors for keeping composure and not leading with resentment towards the life changing dream that feeds them or the stupid quote-unquote fans that need to focus on the show, because I could never! Also, that 99% of their actors successfully remain private, which I completely understand why when people act the way they do.
And why they try to protect some of their private lives..maybe clearly exhibited in the fact that some of you did this the last time! -that people were so intrusive, (coming from someone who's not even that in the know and very out of the loop until large amounts of attention are brought to it) that his last gf seemed visibly overwhelmed by some of the total lack of boundaries. And that the threats over "rejecting" a fictional character & "he should be w/her" apparently went too far that Nicola had to willingly step in. And if you think, "it's harmless, I of course would never do that"... these parasocial relationships foster a following to people that will absolutely do that and join your hive mentality.
But, seriously..thinking that anything was done wrong here by the cast...Let me break down these arguments, because I've actually been biting my tongue on this:
"Finding out he had a gf ruined the show for me because of the premiere." I think it's time for therapy, and learning to separate fiction from reality.
Perhaps this is where some of the pre-conceived notions & outrage for the show came from (idk).
"If he would have waited, it would have been better and we could accept it." You liar! NEXT.
"But he lied. I feel cheated. They both led us on to believe what they wanted us to." This is laughable. They told 98 billion times that they were friends, they flat out said they weren't dating before Part 1 even hit the screens, and you were like "they're lying! hehehe. They don't know themselves.." including interviewers in the final stretch, which is so so pathetic of them
People were flat out telling you that they weren't dating & about personal relationships (fyi I think Nicola has had a long-term bf as well; so sad 4 u~honestly not positive on this but i think), and fans were very much NOT discreet about these significant others on every platform.
"I hate that it's PR." Again, I don't think they lied to you about being friends. I don't even think they played up aspects of their relationship. There's a great read somewhere on why they fall back on handholding and being affectionate. I honestly feel sorry for some of you that there's such a harsh line between what's platonic and what's romantic/that every affectionate interaction for you=romantic love and 'we should date.' If you're stupid and see what you want, that's on you.
If you're one of these people, know that I hate you. The press reaction is honestly the worst part of every single one of these shows.
The entitlement of this fandom knows no bounds (thank God some of you are sane).
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