#( muse: jing yuan )
reallyrandomtj · 1 month
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"What a fascinating thing to read."
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minban · 2 months
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jing yuan you have been met with exhaustion —
you have tried to be Atlas for far too long. your legs tremble and shoulders creak beneath the weight of the world you carry. every step forward is a battle, yet you soldier on... for what? when will you learn that you are allowed to lower your heavy burdens?
tagged by: @sortilegii thank you blu ❤️ tagging: @cryroh (sampo), @raytm, @nihilara, @halovien, and you!
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selfnss · 1 year
he hadn't expected visitors during his recuperation, much less the familiar silhouette of the very same man who managed to both save and doom the general in their stand off with the anti-matter legion. golden eyes are soft as jing yuan pushes himself into a more upright position - ignoring the ache that spreads throughout his frame and the bandages pulled taut 'round his chest making it hard to breathe. despite himself, it's a lopsided smile that meets dan heng from amongst the sheets and haphazardly fitted bed clothes.
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"and to what do i owe this pleasure? have you come to check on an old man's recovery? i've been in worse battles, old friend, i am sure all will be well with enough rest. sleep does wonders for the body, you know." if he's talking too much, jing yuan doesn't notice it as a bandaged hand lifts to flick his hair out of his face in an absent movement. "but i doubt you've come here just to listen to my wittering on, hm?" // @timeveiled liked for a jing yuan
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smol-sirens-garden · 1 year
Jing Yuan Tag Dump
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tragedy-of-commons · 8 days
“Someone get the medic. Get the medic!” + jing yuan + platonic/familial with teen!reader
"Someone get the medic. Get the medic!"
Your vision is spotty, and the frantic voice of your instructor (you think it's a Lieutenant this time around) keeps getting quieter and quieter as you fight to keep your eyes open, like they're yelling into a feathered pillow. The cold ground kisses your back, just as unpleasant as the weeping gash in your side.
Well shit, this sucks. Like, astronomically so. Cloud Knight training is extremely standard, but just like always, you made a stupid mistake that could've been prevented if you were just a little more attentive. You're getting real tired of messing up - or maybe that's just the blood loss. A few blurry faces hover above your own, the shapes and colors familiar and comforting.
You can't fight it anymore. Aeons, Yanqing isn't going to be happy that you won't be able to spar with him later. You'll have to make it up to him somehow... you have some ideas. All the kid talks about is swordplay. Maybe you'll gift him a new whetstone or something - he should like that.
After that thought passes you by, your eyes close, a pleasant reprieve from barked orders and a plethora of unknown forces jostling your body - you feel pressure being applied to the wound, and then you're out cold.
Your dreams are filled with shrieks and howls, juxtaposed by the muted whispers from earlier on the training grounds. Disembodied voices that just seem so... angry. There's only black, and you can feel that this is a nightmare, that you're laying in bed somewhere, but you just can't bid yourself to wake up. Disappointingly, trying to move yields no results.
Ceremoniously, with your heart pounding about a mile a minute, you shoot up in a bed. The tips of your fingers feel numb. The second sensation that washes over you before you can even get your bearings is pain. Lots of it - pain throbbing up and down the expanse of your torso, a wounded heartbeat right in the ribs. You scramble to catch your breath, chest heaving.
The third sensation to wash over you is relief. Awake and alive, away from the screaming, you bring a shaky hand to your face to wipe the sweat beading on your brow. Before you can feel the relief too well, though, a pleasant sound cuts through your disoriented stupor.
"Ah, I see you've come to," a voice you place as Jing Yuan observes. You whip your head around fast, the room surrounding your injured form becoming apparent. This is the Alchemy Commission, your sleep-addled brain reasons, and you're inclined to trust your judgment there.
The smell of herbs and chemicals invades your senses. "Careful, you don't want to irritate your dressings. The Dragon Lady herself cleared the better part of her packed afternoon schedule making sure you didn't die on me. Do you know how piteous it is for an old man like me to play chess all on his lonesome?"
"I... what?" you blink, studying him lingering in the doorway. He looks unruffled as usual, a slight curl to his lip. What's he doing here? By the looks of it, this is a private room - a nice one. The typical bustle of this part of the building is absent, left clear of healers and medics tending to the marastruck and other greater emergencies than your little accident.
Wait, that's right--
How long has it been? What day is it? If it's been longer than eight hours, you'll definitely get rusty and lose some of your steam before the upcoming dueling competition. If it's been longer than ten hours, Spices Supreme is likely closed and you won't have time to grab dinner there before going home. And If it's been longer than a day, Yanqing is going to throttle you!
Jing Yuan, who you forgot was staring at you, laughs. It's not as airy as usual, cut short as he clears the phlegm from his throat. "I can practically see your thoughts spelt out in the air, little bird. Do your constitution a favor and don't wear yourself out... again."
He strides over purposefully, even now towering over your form. He practically dwarfs everything in the room. There's a neglected chair sitting a foot or two away from the side of your bedside that you hadn't paid much mind to prior. Jing Yuan takes his seat, lounging on the uncomfortable wood like it's second nature while you scrub a sluggish hand over your face.
"General," you swallow, lucid, "how long was I out? My sincerest apologies, I didn't mean to inconvenience you or Madam Bailu in any capacity. The last thing I remember, I hadn't parried in time and..."
You trail off, your recollection fuzzy. Jing Yuan tilts his head lazily; if the situation wasn't so serious, you'd probably tell him that he sometimes resembles Mimi to a scary degree.
He shakes his head. "No need to call me that - and you should save your apologies for Madam Bailu, considering she was scolding you all throughout your treatment," he drawls, a careful measure to his voice. It's unlike him. "And to answer your question, you've been out for..."
You stiffen. "For...?"
"Two days, just about," Jing Yuan states calmly.
"What?!" you squawk, unable to control your visceral reaction. This cannot be happening - you refuse to acknowledge such a thing. No way, not in any universe! He has to be messing with you like he always does, the old man! How much have you missed? Has the Luofu devolved into utter chaos without you yet? Are the masses rioting in the streets, campaigning for your release from mandated bedrest?
"You're taking this well."
There are all sorts of bells and gongs ringing in your head as you process the absolutely devastating news. You pull yourself together, remembering that Jing Yuan is watching you a little too carefully.
Shakily, you sigh. "...I see. Um, is there anything I should know? What's been going on?"
He opens his mouth to reply, but something worrisome gnaws at you, so you swiftly tune out his words in favor of confirming a gut feeling.
You squint out of the window on the adjacent wall. It was around noon whenever you fell injured (two days ago...) and the sun is high in the sky right now, beating down on the day's workers milling about near the docks.
"Shouldn't you be at the Seat of Divine Foresight?" you ask, another cruel wave of dread washing over you. No, he didn't... he wouldn't, surely.
"I took yesterday and today off to look after you," Jing Yuan captures your attention by placing a large, warm hand on your shoulder, tentatively squeezing. It's comforting, even if he just dropped a massive bombshell with massive implications on you. Him and his goddamn ambushes. Can he not give up his tactics for a day?
In retrospect, you think the nebulous white and yellow menagerie of shapes you saw before passing out could've been the General himself. "I was worried, believe it or not. Yanqing and Diviner Fu have been asking about you almost every hour."
Your eyes kinda sting... embarrassing. Swiveling your head around to face him, you study his kind expression - your next words are hard to get out. "You didn't have to take off any work. I know how busy you are! If it weren't for Qingzu, you'd be drowning in paperwork all the time. It's my fault, I shouldn't have lost sight of myself."
He removes his hand from your shoulder, letting it fall to his side before reclining into the groove of the chair's backrest, pensive. "I believe you've learned the natural consequences of your actions, so there's no need to look so grave. You hardly need a stern lecture about the importance of self-preservation right now."
"I shouldn't have fucked up like that in the first place," you mumble dejectedly, taking an acute interest in the bed linens.
Jing Yuan says your name, a bit firmer this time. Uh oh.
"As your Arbiter General, I formally command you to stop being so hard on yourself." To drive his statement home, he tilts your chin up so you have to meet his expression, brow pinched together in something like worry. "Come now - it's okay to cry, we've been over this. I've shed a tear or two myself over mundanities such as the monthly budget reports from the Sky-Faring Commission."
You're able to laugh finally, tears running freely down your cheeks, "I remember that, actually... you were so tired you started hallucinating and talking nonsense. You kept calling me 'Yingxing' or something. That's what happens when you skip your naps, you old man..." you whisper, him wiping the evidence of your distress away with the calloused pads of his thumbs.
"Hm? Old man? What happened to General?" he chuckles, palpable relief tinging the tail end of the sound. Jing Yuan releases your face, seemingly satisfied with his damage control.
"Sorry," you sniffle, a little smile finding its way onto your visage as you wipe your nose. You glance down at the gauzy bandages that are wound about your side snugly, feeling a leagues better. With Jing Yuan as your, uh, mentor - because he is definitely not your dad or anything - things have always been easier.
When you fall, he's supposed to be there to catch you. You'll try to stop feeling so bad about making him come running; all he wants is to make sure you don't come crashing to the ground.
"Again with the apologies," he tuts slowly. "Just focus on recovering. I'll be here for the rest of the day if my schedule allows it. Tomorrow we'll play it by ear. If Madam Bailu is feeling forgiving, maybe you'll be out of here sooner than projected."
Heeding his advice, you leisurely sink back down into the cushion of the cot, feeling your muscles strain as you do so. You glance at Jing Yuan again, him waiting patiently at your beck and call. Warmth blooms in your chest.
Drowsy, you slip into a half-asleep state in no time. There are no booming screams or wisps of anxiety. You think about treating Bailu to an apology meal and going gift shopping in Exalting Sanctum for Yanqing. Maybe you'll try to catch Fu Xuan after hours, hopefully convincing her to tag along. You'll make a day of it.
Jing Yuan interrupts your sweet dreams for a moment, voice soft.
"Rest well, little bird."
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: ignore how it's 1.7k words. i got carried away. live, laugh, dad yuan. thank u anon i loved this request <3
event post here
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! ─ Hello Qi! I hope I am able to get this letter in before the cutoff 😖 May I send a love letter to yan!Jing Yuan, and have him address a Foxian!reader w gn nicknames?
To my dearest Scoundrel,
You are quite the terrible influence my dear general, are you aware of this? How am I supposed to resolve this trade agreement with our fellow Xianzhou flagships in a timely manner, when you have more or less conditioned me to take naps during most hours of the day?
Truly despicable of you really. And on top of that, your "parting gifts" you left on me are still very tender; very distracting from my work. Efficiency and diligence, I fear will be strangers to me during this trip.
Regardless, I hope you are doing well and are not causing to much trouble for the commission during my absence. (Please try to not stress Fu Xian too much, I don't need further distractions from her blowing up my phone because of your shenanigans.) Maybe if you are on your best behavior, I might even give you a reward. Perhaps even something of your choosing if you are especially well behaved~.
Before I sign off and leave you to return to my work, I have sealed a gift for you. Consider it...my own unique "parting gift" to you until I return to you. Which I know in our vast lifespans will be over before you know it my beloved.
-Sincerely, your sleepy vixen
(Enclosed in a small red and gold box, is a simple blue collar with golden accents and filigree with a note that says "wear it until I come back ;)" )
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Jing Yuan, no gendered terms for reader, Jing Yuan calls you "my tranquility", unhealthy obsessive relationship from Jing Yuan, lightly implied drugging, mentions of reader topping and edging Jing Yuan, quick mention of biting and blood, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: You have quite the roster of guards at the door of your hotel room huh? Looks like nothing's going to slip past them if they were chosen by Jing Yuan himself! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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As you return to your temporary quarters after sitting through a particularly arduous trade meeting, you’re alerted by your guards assigned to you (by none other than Jing Yuan) about a suspicious delivery left for you while you were away.
Inspecting the box, a laugh escapes you when you catch the ink paw prints of a lion stamped haphazardly on both sides of it. After explaining that this was a personal delivery from the Xianzhou Luofu’s Dozing General, it seemed to dissolve any remaining apprehension your guards had and they handed the box over to you. Thanking them for dutifully carrying out their work, you step into your room.
Your room is spacious, ridiculously so. Why would one person need such a massive room for themselves? It’s the kind that only a general could manage to procure. The open sliding window leads to a balcony that showcases the bustling lively environment of the streets below and a cool evening breeze fills the room. Settling down on the edge of the bed, you set the box in your lap.
Upon opening up your delivery, it seems that Jing Yuan had prepared a pair of gifts in return for you. The first of two is an intricate small glass spray bottle set within a satin-lined box. The small tag tied around it says, “Some of the fragrance that I often use. For you to spray on your pillows when you sleep. :3”
Spritzing a fine mist onto your wrist, the scent of your lover wafts from the area; not too strong such that it’s unpleasant for your keen sense of smell, nor too faint that it’s hard for you to pick up. The fragrance is soothing and familiar, a thoughtful gift that will no doubt improve the quality of your sleep, as evident from the yawn it draws out from you.
The second gift you retrieve from the box is a soft sleep mask in your favourite colour. Sliding it over your eyes, you find that the fabric is smooth against your skin and the mask manages to completely block out all light, fully blacking out everything. The elastic strap isn’t overly tight but secure enough that it ensures that the mask doesn’t slip off too easily. Perfect for tossing and turning. 
Finally, laid at the bottom of the box, is the reply from Jing Yuan, concealed in an elegant envelope. The quality is top-notch and flawless, and it’s sealed securely. Running your hand over the envelope, you feel the crest of the Cloud Knights embossed lightly on the surface. You break the seal and remove the letter contained within. 
His handwriting is steady and dignified, each and every brushstroke on the page graceful. At the end of his letter, is his own name seal, stamped in red ink. Jing Yuan’s reply reads:
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“For my dreamlike haven,
My apologies, it seems that Mimi got its paws on the box while I was out of my office and left a couple of paw prints on the sides. Sigh, you should’ve seen how much ink I had to clean off the surfaces, truly troublesome. Perhaps it knew that the box was meant for you and wished to leave something for you as well, haha!
I have to admit, Mimi is not the only one missing you, my tranquility. I find myself looking over to my side to ask for your wise input on things, only to realise that you’re away. Fu Xuan laughs at me whenever I do this. :( 
It's just not the same to take afternoon naps without you by my side. Nothing is as comforting as your warmth in my arms, or for me to jokingly complain about the tips of your furry ears tickling my nose when we cuddle together. My slumbers are no longer restful when I can’t spend them with you, my tranquility.
The things I would do to have you next to me again. Are the marks and scratches I left on you still visible, my tranquility? Judging by how the ones you left on me are fading, I assume my parting gifts left on you are doing the same. Would you let me mark you up again, and won’t you extend the same generosity to me too? I yearn for your searing touch, my tranquility, for your fangs to pierce my skin and bring forth the vivid red beneath. Whenever I close my eyes, the only thing I can see is you, as if you linger in my every thought and dream.
Speaking of dreams, it seems that lately, my dreams have taken quite a raunchy turn. The starring role for all of them is obviously, you, my tranquility. You’d have me pliant and satisfying your every whim. In one, you had me bent over my office desk, fucking me hard as I rocked back against you. In another, you were edging me mercilessly, over and over again, until I could do nothing but beg helplessly for my release. That look you had in your eyes still sends a shiver down my spine. I’m hoping that soon, you can help turn these dreams of mine into reality.
Additionally, thank you for the collar, my tranquility. I’ve taken the liberty of adding a charming little bell at the front of it, I think you’d find it quite endearing. (And perhaps deserving of a reward? :3)
Do take care of yourself, or else I might just have to come and do it myself, haha. I’ll try to be on my best behaviour but no promises! I miss you dearly, my tranquility, come back to me soon.
Your rascal of a general,
- Jing Yuan -
P.S. Remember to use the fragrance on your pillows and the sleep mask!”
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Rising from your seat on the bed, you pack everything back into the box before stepping into the shower to… cool off after reading Jing Yuan’s letter. In the bathroom, you find yourself relaxing as the water patters on your skin. Your ears flicker slightly whenever they pick up noise from beyond the locked door. A shout from the busy streets below, a soft sigh and the tinkle of a bell, the water splashing onto the floor around you.
Whilst clothing yourself, you lift your wrist to your nose and sigh when the scent of Jing Yuan has expectedly, (begrudgingly), been washed off. However, when you return to your bed, the scent of him still lingers, one that wasn’t here before. 
Your heightened foxian senses can just about make out where it’s concentrated the most, and it points towards your pillow. It’s saturated with the smell of him, to a disconcerting degree. Lifting it up, you’re greeted with the sight of the usual red ribbon he has tied around his hair.
The world falls silent around you.
He was in your room.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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berryblooo · 1 year
We’re about to get the 1.2 update and finally learn some more about the tumultuous past between Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, and Jingliu but god if I’m not more than a little happy for the first three that they’ve found a new community and family after their previous one was lost.
Dan Heng has the Express crew.
My hope for him in the story is that he has a moment where he realizes how much they’ve come to mean to him. He’s been so focused on running from his past that maybe he forgets to cherish the present.
Jing Yuan is the general for the Luofu. The whole ship looks to him for leadership.
He’s no longer that little boy looking to his master for guidance. He has Yanqing, Fu Xuan, Yukong, Tingyun—the whole Luofu.
Blade has the Stellaron Hunters.
It can be seen as purely transactional. Blade is a useful weapon and they’ll give him what he desires: death. But the little details the story sprinkles in—Kafka calling him Bladie, him accompanying Silver Wolf to arcades—shows that there’s fondness too.
I highlighted these three specifically because I don’t know if or think that Jingliu has found something else since the quintet.
Her appearance in Yanqing’s quest leads me to believe otherwise. She and Blade are very similar—struck with Mara and having certain ways to control it, yet all the more disconnected from reality and dangerous for it.
But the crucial difference is Blade has people he can rely on. It’s clear the Stellaron Hunters take care of each other in their own unorthodox way, even if it’s just following Elio’s script.
Jingliu doesn’t.
TL;DR found family matters. Those four were once family and their most important connections, then it fell apart.
Three of them have managed to find other people in their grief and it makes all the difference.
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lightning-etc-lord · 26 days
Mr. Jing in the night.
When he walks up to the stage, a sudden expectant silence follows. Jing Yuan is dressed pretty well— with a black sleeveless turtleneck that displays his biceps and forearms, cropped just under his chest to allow a good view of his abdominal muscles. He wears pants, too. Red ones that hug his thighs perfectly, the leather of it displaying the curves at each flex of muscle. And he knows he’s going to give a show, knows he’ll be the center of these people’s eyes. It only makes him more mischievous.
The pole is a friend, one that he knows well. Jing Yuan greets the pole first by spinning around it, then turns towards his audience with a sheepish grin— and grips the bar with both hands before launching his body up, hooking a leg around the pole as his muscles flex to hold his weight. He’s upside down, giving a spin, until his hands leave the pole as well and all holding him two meters above the ground are the muscles of his thighs. The clothes, although covering well, can’t hide how strong his legs are. Jing Yuan rolls his hips to the rhythm of the music, then trade his position to stand upright, both feet on the ground once more. As the music becomes more energetic, he climbs the pole again, this time holding himself with both arms and letting his legs dangle a little. Every movement is slow, even though the music is beginning to go too fast. Until he hooks another leg around the pole, bending his waist backwards to the middle, following the rhythm of the music with his arms and neck instead.
After a show of pure strength, the man hoops off the center of the platform to mingle with the customers. He dances while walking, coming up to y/m/n with a grin that is both devious and innocent at the same time. Naughty. Yuan climbs on y/m/n’s lap, bringing one hand to their neck while the other traces their lips. He tightens his grip on their neck slightly, and licks his own lips, clearly full of ill thoughts. All the while, his hips keep rolling to the rhythm of the music, never actually leaning all of his weight over the customer. He links their hands eventually, allowing touch. Once both hands are on his abdomen, Yuan raises his arms to motion accordingly to the music once more, flexing his muscles to let the customer feel just how hard he works out.
Once the exploration is over, he winks to y/m/n, smirk on his pretty lips. And then he’s gone, sliding his body one last time against his customer’s before he’s climbing back to the pole. Yuan holds it with both hands above his head, skin glistening with sweat and glitter as he keeps dancing, turning and tossing his own body to give all kinds of views. By the end of it he’s breathless, cheeks pinkish, but his mischievous smile doesn’t die. He knows very well what he’s looking like and isn’t apologetic at all. "Interested in a VIP session? Just ask for it at the entrance."
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pinkrose05 · 10 months
Shoutout to Jing Yuan for appearing every single patch for six (6) patches in a row now.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
welt - who has held himself back from how much he wants you because of the age gap, because he feels like a dirty old man when he wraps his hand around his cock and imagines it’s you - watching you shamelessly flirt with a greatly amused general jing yuan, who has centuries on him, and getting so guiltily jealous over it <3
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reallyrandomtj · 17 days
Pspspspsp ~ Like this post or comment for multi muses! As permission for me to YEET my Jing Yuan muse into your inbox. Pspspspsp ~
Please note: responses will not be turned into threads but Jing Yuan will simply continue with follow up asks!
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minban · 3 months
' if I have disturbed the peace of your people by any means or, if by using the power entrusted to me by the Abundance, I have violated your laws, I will accept any form of judgement cast upon me. I will not resist any sentence you deem necessary to uphold your rules, to soothe everyone's minds. but, please! this Knight is in unspeakable pain. let me tend to his wounds and, afterwards, I will agree to have this matter settled! ' ( for JY because I have been meaning to have HSR Ariel interact with him since ever and I am shamelessly taking my chances. I hope you know she'd even hold her hands up to be chained if needed be, if she'd be considered some sort of monster 😭 )
jing yuan does not show the dumbfoundment he feels as he looks at this woman who seems so ready to abide by laws she might as very well know little to nothing about. here she is after a nasty battle, healing one of the knights under his command with nothing but goodwill, and yet she dares to phantom that she would be regarded with disdain for a power she might have not had a say in receiving. the aeons are fickle, unpredictable in their actions, and he would find himself unable to shame someone for a path bestowed upon them without their say so. he would be hypocritical even, as he is one who follows the path of the hunt and yet he threads the stride of erudition, gazed upon by the aeon nous. no, one should not be judged by the gaze received by the aeons.
"continue as you are," jing yuan says, agreeing with a nod that his knight requires immediate attention. he will not deprive the knight of what the woman gladly offers. "it appears that the xianzhou luofu has built a rather concerning reputation if you believe that we will punish you for using powers under the gaze of the abundance. true as it may be that the luofu is on the path to eradicate the abundance, it is also important to know what our ire stems from. many of us here on the luofu are long life species, and we loathe the immortality that the abundance seeks to spread. it has caused us grief beyond the limits of what a human lifespan should contain, a war that has spanned hundreds of years just to rid the abominations. still, to this day, are we subject to being struck with mara."
jing yuan cannot help but wonder how much this woman knows of the luofu, of their vast history and their many plights. today, the luofu is one of peace and prosperity, and the many visitors who step afoot the ship all come from many differing paths. "despite that all, we do not persecute those who have been gazed upon by yaoshi. take lady bailu for example, the young elder of the vidyadhara, who also threads the path of abundance while being revered and well sheltered by her people. she is a trustworthy medic upon the luofu, and many of my knights owe a debt of gratitude towards her. there are many others as well on the luofu who have been gazed at by yaoshi and continue to serve as a healer on this vast ship."
he crouches before her and shows her a gentle smile as he takes in the knight who is being tended to with great care, already showing great signs of recovery. she beholds a skill that many would envy, seeking to garner for themselves. even as the knight's commander, general of the cloud knights, he would have merely sent this lone knight to be healed elsewhere. "you need not worry, as you are a kind person merely ridding someone of their pain. to heal is not a crime. i, nor would anyone on this ship, seek to wrap chains around you. should you seek the path of immortality, however, then that would be a different matter."
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selfnss · 1 year
you still need time to heal. // dan heng @ jing yuan :)
the smile that works across tired features would convince even the most stern healer or most concerned co worker, jing yuan is confident of that much - centuries of practice and rehearsing his polite misdirection and misleading smiles would attest to that much, anyway. still, the soft bandages pulled taut 'round his middle make the feat of sitting upright far more difficult than the general had expected. smile soon falling away to a grimace, jing yuan locks the other with golden gaze that gives away naught but a carefully crafted and maintained distance.
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"nonsense. the finest healers on the luofu have tended to my wounds!" propping himself up against the table between them, jing yuan's voice drops an octave or two as his head tilts towards his companion. "or are you perhaps suggesting their years of mastery at their craft have taught them nothing?"
the lower tone lasts no more than a moment before the general leans back and allows a huff of a laugh to pass his lips. "while i appreciate your concern... i am quite capable of minding my own recovery, dan heng. perhaps it is you who should be sparing a thought for yourself, hm?"
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lorelune · 2 months
I loved your calibrator reader fic so much. Legitimately made me tear up more than once i felt the emotions so strongly. But also one sided beef with dan heng is funny. My brain is so geared for polyship though that i'm like "nnooo shh don't be mad at him, meet him and kiss them both" (not trying to push you in that direction to clarify! That's just where my brain goes)
AH thank you 🥺 honestly i am honored producing tears is the highest praise!! thank YOU for reading and enjoying!! 🩷
the one-sided beef is VERY funny. calibrator is so deeply ... damaged and insecure at this point meanwhile dan heng is healing his relationship with the xianzhou (and jing yuan). i do LOVE a polyship and would love to kiss both jing yuan and dan heng on the mouth but tragically cicatrix is not the piece for the poly jingheng musing (cat biting cord emote)
HOWEVER. i am cooking a scene where there will be some Explicit Flirting by feixiao to beloved calibrator :3c
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tragedy-of-commons · 4 months
as an apology for my absence, here is some stray brainrot. stellaronhvnters may recognize. dental hygiene hcs ft. my favs from hsr (the creatures)
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electric toothbrush haver. defends her choice fervently but honestly she just bought the most expensive option and it's yet to break
whitens her teeth on occasion with one of those scary glowing mechanisms. one time she whitens them in the dark and you think there's a fucking fragmentum monster in your house and you scream
struggles to string floss in between her teeth so for herself she uses floss picks
jing yuan
languid brusher. good god he really takes his time to wash all of the toothpaste out and stuff
because he's sleepy sometimes he accidentally swallows mouthwash
gargles obnoxiously loud
makes brushing teeth a group activity with you because he likes the domesticity of it. though he can be distracting
aggressive brusher. her toothbrush bristles are so frayed it looks like she scrubbed a bunch of spikes with them. when she replaces it every few weeks or months it doesn't take long for it to revert to the same state
had braces for a stint when she was growing up and has never been the same since. i know this trust. the food restrictions were torture for her so she didn't even follow them
snores LOUD and open-mouth at night so brushing is a requirement
has a fancy waterflosser but a standard toothbrush
not aggressive but not languid??? my average king in that regard. good for him
cannot handle toothpastes that are too minty. even if it's embarrassing my princess will find an alternative
FIRST THING IN THE MORNING BRUSHER!!!!! especially before he gets dressed too because he'd rather stain his silk pajamas than his normal get-up
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frostretainer · 2 months
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psst, like for a little bird in your inbox~
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