#( musings. | WOBIN )
c0loratura · 5 years
Headcanon: Robin sabe cuantas pecas tiene Kaiser en todo el cuerpo(?)
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   -- .. ¿Qué? -- no lo negaba, headcanon aceptado. (??)
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nervionsailor · 3 years
✒️ idk if this is the right emoji but. wobin—
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send me a "✎" and ill draw your muse
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— which one is Robin's best outfit and why is it anything from Wano-Onigashima
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himikadabra-blog · 7 years
Is something wrong with you, @rosepasseri, or...?
      It’s not her first time around robots... One of her classmates was one, after all, so she should know one when she sees one! That’s what she wants to assume, however. Not every day she sees a beautiful woman who isn’t breathing.
      Maybe she’s nervous? Himiko’s not one to get people out of their shell (nor does she want to be tasked with something that difficult), but she doesn’t feel like walking all the way back to her condo either.
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      “... Do you not need to breathe to live?” That’s overly blunt, but she can’t think of any other better way to word her question. As far as Himiko can tell, it’s another way of asking if she’s human or not.
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convxction · 4 years
// thinking about the last musing post. what if chrom did meet robin, but they were with their mother at that time?? that time they don’t remember thanks to grima giving them amnesia when they tried to posses them. maybe they met briefly which is the reason they, well, chrom does not remember meeting them. but yeah. maybe mama robin was dodging grimleals and decided to go into ylisstol where it was probably ‘safest’ for them until they can go somewhere safer. kid chrom probably walking out with frederick or emmeryn. mom robin in a situation, emmeryn pitch in to help. kids meet. but mom robin knows emmy is the exalt had to fricking escape somewhere else because MY CHILD IS IN DANGER!!!!!!!!!!! kid chrom: look i made a new frie---oh....they are gone. sad emoji. mayb that is why he is unconsciously bear hugs them too much. do not escape again, wobin. ok. thats the post. sponsored by none. just my dumb thoughts. maybe that quote. yep.
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savepnt · 5 years
@chaldealast asked: ✵ but for wobin... love that angsty archer
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.   // selectively accepting
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Their first impression of your muse: "Of course I’ve heard Robin Hood stories, so I can’t help but think the chance to meet the -- or, a-- real Robin Hood is really cool. It’ll be an adventure, no doubt.” Current impression: “I cherish this archer man with my entire soul. I’m happy he showed back up! Even if just for a second here.” Are they attracted to your muse?: “I am Loving Robin Central every minute of every day.” Something they find frightening about your muse: “He’s the type where one day I’m worried he’d leave just because he worries about being too close to somebody.” Something they find adorable about your muse: “He’s really sweet! Don’t let his disclaimers fool ya.” Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: “I will fistfight a golem with my bare hands for Robin’s honour.” Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: “Take me on a date, Robin!” One word my muse would use to describe yours: “CHERISHED. And he’s a real folk hero!” Would my muse slap yours if they could?: “Only if it was a fair fight. But probably not.” Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: “I am hugging Robin right this instant, as we speak. I am kissing him now. There is nothing you can do to hold me back.”
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89xhshb · 6 years
☎ - for Woobin
NAME: Wobin
RINGTONE: I actually haven’t customize your ringtone so it’s the same as my standard phone ringtone which is The Hills from The Weekend. I am waiting for a more personalized suggestion tbh
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Man we haven’t talked in ages?? I think last time you told me about your baking skills??LAST TEXT SENT:  Probs me asking to help me with baking or let me meet Mia 👀
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sshoujo-ais · 4 years
mudamaid blessed me with wobin... uwu
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c0loratura · 5 years
🥛🍯⌛ ( para wowin :3c )
* talk about your muse!
send🥛for a drink headcanon
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     Si se trata de bebidas no alcohólicas, Robin prefiere el jugo de naranja por sobre todo lo demás (incluso del agua). Pero si se trata de bebidas alcohólicas, podría decirse que Robin gusta de beber vino tinto. Sin embargo, al no estar acostumbrado a tener alcohol en su sangre, se embriaga muy rápido, podríamos decir que solo basta una copa de vino para que ya se sienta mareado y más extrovertido.
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
Robin come lo que sea. Desde carne de cualquier tipo (vamos, si hasta le gusta la carne de oso) hasta vegetales. Pero es más un carnívoro que un herbívoro, siendo el pescado su carne favorita. 
send ⌛for a sleep headcanon
Padece de insomnio debido a que se desvela planeando estrategias y al estrés de estar en una guerra constante, además de tener que cargar con la responsabilidad de mantener vivos a sus compañeros. Sin embargo, a pesar de que duerme poco, suele despertar muy temprano y tomar siestas durante el día.
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convxction · 4 years
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Send 🍸+ a question and my muse will answer while drunk. | accepting | @stratesia​
"How much did you drink anyway? Come on, this engouh for you my prince"
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“Thiiiis much, *hic*” he raised one finger but Gaius behind him, shaking his head and raising five fingers (and perhaps one of these was a Feroxian blend which could easily take him down any time.) “Nooooo....but we’re paarrtteeeying...loook....everyon--en hnn...is *hic* drinkin’ and *hic* loook...even marth is drinking..” is he now seeing people? “gimmie a huuug wooobin...*hic* ....hehe wobin...pfft....wabbit.....listen. i promise. to never ever...ask for more ink in my food if you gave me a hug.” and now saying gibberish things. “pleaahse?”
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