#( now a modern fc is what I'm having the most trouble with )
westerosiqueens · 2 months
Mun ask 1-26
mun ask
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what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it? I write queens that are primarily from westeros, it is logical XD
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? I don't have an aesthetic or motif bc I'm laaaaazy
what fandom do you primarily favour? Right now HOTD is the big one, but I have separate blogs for each of my fandoms
what genre do you primarily favour? shippy stuff, unapologetically. also stuff with heavy emotions and smut.
what are your top five fandoms to RP within? HOTD/GOT, Sailor Moon, Star Wars, DBZ, Pirates of the Caribbean
what are you top five universes to RP within? Leashiverse ( @gentledoemuses ), general canon, Dany goes Green verses, modern verse, Rhaenyra/Daemon eloped and none of this happened verses
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why? any verse that considers s2 of hotd or s6-8 of got to be canon
if you are an independent blog, have you every roleplayed in a closed group? Yes
if you are in a closed group, have you ever roleplayed on an independent blog? n/a
what year did you join the tumblr roleplaying community? 2017
what other platforms have you used to roleplay? Twitter, AIM (etc.), Discord (still active), Facebook
what was the first fandom that you roleplayed witin? lmao Cats the Musical
have you written original characters? Yup!
have you been a roleplay admin? if you have, did you enjoy it? if you no longer do, why did you stop? I have; most of the groups I was in died out. There are things that are enjoyable, but honestly it almost always ended up being more trouble than it was worth
what is your favourite part about using this platform to roleplay on? Flexibility
how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? Most of my characters are canon. Allyria has gone through a few different faces but that's more because of age uncertainty than anything else
who was the first faceclaim that was 'ruined' for you in the rpc? why was that? I... am capable of separating character from FC so like. none? I think this is silly? sorry if you are serious about it
how did you come across the roleplay community? I had already been on tumblr and decided to try it out
who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)? Anne Hathaway for Meg @notaprincessaqueen
what age range do you most enjoy playing? Late teens to late 30s
what gender identity do you most enjoy playing? Females
what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? I cannot even begin to list everything. I look up EVERYTHING. I want to be RIGHT.
what skills have you gained by roleplaying? Research skills. Google fu. The art of ignoring people and blocking for my own health. Not taking things so seriously
what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim do you wish you could play, and why haven't you used them/yet? I don't have anyone bouncing around rn. I usually have the character concept and then find a FC that fits rather than the other way around
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
hi. if i wanted to get into a xeno series which one do you recommend i should start with? i've also been thinking of starting a trails/kiseki series but which one of those fellas should i start with too?
RE: Xeno: there are three different 'arcs' in this series, each related to the other moreso in theming than continuous story\plots. But within each subset there is a definite play order.
There's Xenogears, a single ps1 game from 1998 with troubled development that was supposed to be (iirc) part five of six and spans 2 discs, with the second one famously consisting mostly of text dumps with very brief gameplay breaks. It's easily the most complex work in the series plot-wise, with much of its lore literally hidden away in an artbook. I can't say I regret trying to get into it, but it was very intimidating, and I have no idea why I even bothered to try and do it when I was, like, 16.
There's Xenosaga, a trilogy of games on the ps2. These games are my personal weak point (the only ones I haven't watched\played), which I do plan to eventually fix in the future, but for now, I guess I'll just mention that they exist. This series was also planned to have six episodes rather than three, but from what I was told, it managed to have an ending stretch far less abrupt than Gears.
And then there's Xenoblade, which is easily the most accessible both in the literal sense with the games available on the Switch and in the 'having a digestible plot' sense. It's also, naturally, the most popular part of the franchise and the easiest jumping in point. Technically you can play 1 and 2 in either order, but playing in the exact order (1 then 2) tends to have more impact when it comes to certain story beats. I believe you have to play both before touching 3, though, but I can't vouch for this, because I still haven't played 3 yet (haha, I'm a fraud /j)
Xenogears and the first Xenosaga game had soundtracks composed by Yasunori Mitsuda (of Chrono Trigger\Cross fame), and he also contributed to some extent to Xenoblade 1\2. I'm mentioning this because Mitsuda is my favorite video game composer because this might help spark your interest!
RE: Trails\Kiseki: thankfully, this is much more straightforward. Play in release order, and don't skip anything! (Trails in the Sky FC-SC-3rd, Trails from Zero-to Azure, Trails of Cold Steel I-IV, Trails into Reverie).
Some people tend to suggest you start with Cold Steel instead, because it has a stronger start than Sky FC and also has more modern conveniences, but doing that will make things more complex down the line, since Cold Steel III and onward assume you know what happened in all previous games, including Zero and Azure. Therefore, you would have to have a sudden change in style\look just two games in! I don't see the merit of doing this, unless you really can't stomach the slow burn that Sky offers.
There's also a spinoff called Nayuta: Endless Trails that's scheduled to have an official English release next year. It is (or at least, appears to be) related to the series in nothing but name, but it is a very fun game in its own right with a banger soundtrack to boot, though it plays nothing like the rest of the series, being an action RPG with sectioned-off stages rather than a turnbased RPG set in a hub town\continent. I still can't believe such a niche title is finally getting what it deserves! <3
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uroborosymphony · 2 years
Discussing verses.
I'm beyond satisfied with my the verses on this blog. As in, with four verses I get four universes that are so different and each one feels incredible complete. Especially thanks to the amazing plots with amazing roleplayers, all the verses feel so alive and I can't wait to keep on writing them, keep on developing them and plotting more and more! I've completed their bios by adding connection pages and aesthetics boards for each.
Ilana, verse 1, the songstress.
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I'm happy I brought ilana back and revamped her, focusing her bar singing and her motherhood makes so much sense to this muse. She is unstable for sure but is very loved and her plots mainly revolve around getting in troubles yet sticking together with muses that are equally struggling, I like that and her relationship with her daughter is so dear to me. I used to write ilana as a very Lana Del Rey universe woman, very dependent on her love and passion for Men and being loved by them. I got utterly disappointed by the ships that came with this verse so I dropped them and re routed the muse. Now I'm satisfied she found the real love of her life : her daughter. What I want to write more with her :
More of her music / More threads with her daughter / Going deeper into what she did to have a criminal record and why she's hand tied with the bad side of the city - I want to dig into her secrets.
Quinn, verse 2, the vigilante.
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Quinn's universe is THE crime universe of my dreams to me. There is this obsessive amazing layered love she shares with her partner in crime Taiyang, and I'm amazed by how they have an entire universe built with their gang, the underground life, their dream as vigilantes. This verse feels bottomless in terms of possibilities and connections. I'm also getting to know her, she's a toough girl with her walls up but with a good heart until she's not fully corrupted. Intimidating yet caring. Severe but tender. It's truly the muse I can connect with everyone else's because she's very versatile. With Quinn I soon want to write more of :
A game she would play with the police by taking the take identity of a fake junior detective to protect her gang / The evolution of her undiagnosed schizophrenia / Her relationship with her mother (who's in psych) / To develop friendships! I want Ara to have friends / To develop allies and enemies on the underground scene / To develop how her morals will twist from wanting justice to wanting to punish / Whispers Taiquinn's crime wedding yall invited
Calista, verse 3, the immortal.
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Calista's universe is the most mind bending to me. It's supernatural meets modern times, with this possibility to write the epic past, the adventures of the present, and the apocalyptic future she's going to cause. Yes, she's powerful, she's maniac and insane, she's That malefic bitch however suicidal and obsessed with her own end to the point I get to go really deep with her, it gets philosophical. Grand questions about life and death, immortality. What I want to write more with her :
The past with all the cool plots I have for her involving the Witch War it's fucking amazing / Different sides of her softer sides of her as yes she's a warrior and a ruthless one but there are people she cares about even tho she's the opposite of an empath / Fights! I want to write epic fights with her she's a warrior after all and a swordfighter / The future verse in a an apocalyptic setting after she casts powers from the God it would be mind blowing
- I'm realizing the Witch War was quite something. Calista exterminating witches for centuries. I'm wanting to write a witch on my multimuse blog, from a powerful bloodline Calista had great battles with, using Kiko Mizuhara as fc. It can take life if anybody is interested / has witche muses!
Ruby, verse 4, the nine tailed fox.
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I'm finally using my Gumiho/Kitsune verse more and I'm loving how with other muses we're writing in this yokai/anime like/folklorish world, it's very gentle and summerlike. I think Ruby is my softest verse so far, I usualluy write Bad Girls, Ruby can be one too but she does have a lot of empathy for humans, she wants to be human yet has to absorb their vital energy to survive, it's conflictual. What I want to write more with her :
I want her to understand her origins better as she has been casted out by other Gumihos she's unaware of everything she can do and her place in this world / More adventures with other yokai and supernatural entities / Her less pretty side, her appetite, her using humans to sustain herself even though she said she would not / Her losing her shit too due to this hunger she cannot control
More verses? Verse 5?
I had a verse 5, the Lady of Tjelra, that I deleted due to the inactivity of the attached plots. I think starting now if I do create new verses it will with other muns so we can truly build something for the verses. I also use different hair color for each verse of some noticed, it's a little amusing and somehow helps make a real difference between each. If I were to add another verse and have a verse 5 again, it would be the pink haired one. I for now have enough on my plate but just a thought. She's giving me dark fairy, she's giving me siren, she's giving me nymph, she's giving me priestess. She's giving me ancient magic, she's giving me dystopic feelings. As her name, Sybille or Pandora.
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wishedwell · 7 years
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Poison;; hey y’all i’m needing some help because finding fcs is hard™.  heres what I got so far. 
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Adelaide Kane as like historical snow white / movie based but just live action , was thinking she could also work for modern ? but I’m not sure. 
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Lilly Collins in mirror mirror as an alternative live action fc. 
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Isabelle Fuhrman as a younger fc.
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Erica Dasher as a modern fc. this is the one I’m a little iffy on.
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