#( old art from abandoned artblog )
rinoomi · 2 years
tw vent?
okay so. i was at my peak when I posted those suna fanarts. like that's when my acc grew the most? i truly appreciate all of the support!
now, I haven't drawn him in a very long time (not just him but I haven't really drawn for the hq fandom in a while) this isn't me falling out of love w hq or the chars or anythING like that! I have noticed that I grow more as an artist when I indulge in and draw for other fandoms. this way I get to draw chars with unique character design? I also get insanely burnt out when I draw the same character over again and again. there are many artblogs that are dedicated to one fandom alone or like drawing for one specific character but that's something I can never get myself to do. I once did exactly that and it costed me a huge art account that was once my pride and joy (I abandoned it 2 years ago btw,, drew for a specific fandom for 3 years until one day I just couldn't?) I don't want to repeat that mistake ever again because I didn't just lose the acc but it also made me fall out of love w the fandom?
ever since that incident I've never been hard on myself or forced myself into drawing for one specific fandom, if I start feeling even a little iffy or get that whole "awhh shi wait am I drawing to satisfy the ppl who follow me on here?" feeling, I just stop. and go draw for other fandoms, indulge in other things etc. also noticed that I get into artblocks a lot when I'm continously focused on drawing for one fandom?
lmao drink water when you read the word 'fandom' 💀
I don't know where I was going w this but anyway- all i want to say is! its okay. its okay to draw for other fandoms. don't ever feel pressurised to keep producing content for one specific fandom just because you want to please your followers/friends or want to grow your acc. because hun we both know thats not gonna help you grow. acc? maybe yeah but that's not the growth I'm talking of rn. and you know exactly what i mean. AND it's okay when the current fandom you're making content for doesn't get you the attention, appreciation, love your old works used to get. don't get discouraged. (I'm speaking to my inner child here shhhhh)
just wanted to get this out because I feel like- nono not just feel I'm speaking from experience here hdjdjdjdj that many artists feel extremely pressurised to keep serving for one fandom. (like I said earlier there are MANY artblogs that draw for one specific fandom and theyve done it for years and grown which is amazing honestly!! this whole thing isn't targeted towards them. I'm only referring to the ones who feel like they're restricted or bound to produce content for a specific fandom)
okay what is this even 🥲 hdjdjsjs this is just how I talk inside my head I'm soo sorry if you had to read this 😭
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silverwingwashere · 2 years
Do you still watch any mlp? I fell off a while ago and now I wouldn't know how to catch-up on what I've missed, even if I was sure I wanted to dedicate all the time to it. I've also kinda feel like reviving my old pony artblog but I'm probably quite irrelevant at this point : p
You're really cool! Found you thru drnuk twilight and I'm excited everytime I see a new post! <3!!
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Been watching the show, and have been part of the fandom, since 2013 and I probably won't stop watching MLP, whether it be G4 or G5.
But hey now, don't worry about it! I understand where you're coming from. I slightly fell off from the show around 2017 to 2018 and I shamefully admit that it resulted in some of my older art blogs being abandoned. Although I still watched the show from time to time during that period, life and other stuff got in the way so much that I couldn't give as much dedication watching it like before.
I guess that's the hard part isn't it? After missing a couple of episodes, or maybe a season, it feels so daunting to suddenly go back after missing so much. I ultimately came back at around 2019 and during that time I wasn't sure how to catch up.
So what I did was rewatch my favorite season (Ehem Season 5 hehe) and allowed myself to get back to the pony rhythm before catching up on the seasons I missed.
But no need to pressure yourself to start watching now. Take your time :)
Also, don't worry about not being relevant. The fandom, although not as big as it was before, is still alive and kicking. There's always more room for pony art! But once again, take your time and don't pressure yourself. But if you ever do restart your art blog, don't be afraid to give me a message, because I would love to follow it!
Lastly, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog and I hope to live up to your standards!
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nekrops-no-more · 4 years
I have moved accounts!
Check out my new shiny main account at @ravenekrops and my new (other) shiny ART EXCLUSIVE blog at @nekropsdraws!
This might sound a bit sudden but it's not, in fact i had been thinking about this since October 2020. The problem was that my main blog @do-you-believe-in-magik-no-more is TF2 centered (unfortunately i don't feel as connected to it as i was at the time), therefore i was forced to use this sideblog as main blog which also gave me trouble because that's not how it's supposed to be! Tumblr doesn't like that! You can't interact from a sideblog and it sucks ass
So i finally decided to create a new account, and until now i never knew exactly how to do it, because moving accounts meant facing a new problem... what happens with all the art i have posted during all these years? I don't want to leave it abandoned in these blogs... fortunately Mr. Pizza Boy had the answer! (and i stole it hdjdh)
The new artblog has all (and i mean ALL) my art posts from both DYBIM and this blog! You can now point an laugh at my old art without having to scroll all the way through all my shitpost! Isn't that awfully convenient?
Thank you all so much for being here and I hope to see you over my new place! Or not! Whichever you decide!
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superbatbigbang · 5 years
The Superbat Big Bang 2019 Masterlist
We’ve officially come to the end of the 2019 edition of the bang. What a fantastic turnout we had: 27 teams posted, and all of our teams that went into art claims made it across the finish line. Our participants put in an amazing effort this year–I hope you’ll join us in giving everyone a hardy round of congratulations.
Click through and/or scroll down to see all of the work posted during the 2019 bang.
Week One
June 29th Detachment bonehandledknife, Sdiosb, SDeeyS (NSFW profile) Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 29k, Explicit (DCU) Bruce is politely poked in the cheek by a flying dick one night. Hijinks, and more worldbuilding than you can shake a dick at, ensue. fic on Ao3 | art by sdiosb | art by SDeeyS (NSFW) | masterpost — June 30th Again I Go Unnoticed Sam4265, TKodami Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor/Bruce Wayne, 42k, Explicit (Smallville) Bruce Wayne moved to Smallville when he was eight years old, beginning a friendship with Clark Kent that would come to define the world. But for now they’re just teenagers in love with all the wrong people, running in circles until they finally find their way to each other. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 2nd The Incandescent Rose truc, lesbidar Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis/Dana Tan, 9k, Teen and Up (Batman Beyond) Terry McGinnis (the new Batman) impulsively asks marriage proposal advice from his mentor and grumpy father figure Bruce Wayne. When the older man describes a proposal in which he had been yelled at and abandoned, Terry can’t help investigate the matter by seeing some of Bruce’s most knowledgeable friends and family members. This search prompts someone else into action. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 4th Flowers in the Dustbin G.G. Kinko (Cheese_kun), magpiebee, SDeeyS Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 9.6k, Explicit (No Specific Continuity) Bruce, now in his early sixties and married for nearly twenty years, was caught off guard by a sudden thought that he suddenly hated the sight of Clark. In an attempt to salvage a marriage that was threatening to fall apart due to Bruce’s sudden indifference, he booked a vacation to remake the bond…from one landmark to the next. fic on Ao3 | art by magpiebee | art by SDeeyS | masterpost — July 5th Mercy for a dreamer Dino_Cattivo, Jayjayverse Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 25k, Not Rated (No Specific Continuity) Clark is happily married to Bruce. But his husband starts acting strange and Clark gets suspicious. At first Clark suspect Bruce of cheating but there is something bigger at work here affecting everyone around him. And Clark is set on finding out what it is. And with every piece of the puzzle he finds the situation just gets more confusing. Clark just wish he could wake up from all of this and go back to the times before everything fell apart. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost —
Week Two
July 7th The Game of Love Kaizokuhime, lovelastart Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 12k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) In WayneTech VR Augmented Gaming, a guild of superheroes has arisen who volunteer to help police that reality. One of these superheroes, Superman, has had a crush on his fellow member, Batman, for many years, but thus far has had little success on asking him out, even as fellow guildmembers. How will their relationship progress? And how intimate can they truly become without knowing the other’s identity offline? fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 12th Recontre Icedlemon, Ms. 3, Santheum Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 13k, Teen and Up (DCU, Alternate Universe) Life has a way of bringing people together, even if they’re from different planets. fic on Ao3 | art by Ms. 3 | art by Santheum masterpost — July 13th The Opposite of Love Butterflyslinky, mirybdraws Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, 10k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) Twenty years ago, Batman and Superman formed a bond to stop an alien threat. Now that Bruce wants to get married for real, he and Clark will have to travel to an alien planet to break that bond. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost —
Week Three
July 14th Clark Kent, of Krypton TerresDeBrume, stuvyx Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 98k, Mature (DCU, Alternate Universe) Batman crashes on Krypton a few days before the Turn of the Year celebrations and Kal-El’s life takes a sharp turn to the left, on a path that will ultimately lead him to becoming Clark Kent. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 15th Through a Glass Darkly susiecarter, lesbidar, Santheum Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 111k, Explicit (DCEU) Post-BvS AU: Batman killed Superman—and then Metropolis was wrecked by Doomsday, not long before Steppenwolf arrived and conquered the world with innumerable swarms of parademons. Bruce’s nightmare has come true, in every way but one: what’s left of humanity is fighting to survive in a hostile wasteland as Steppenwolf manipulates the power of a pair of mother boxes to gradually reshape the planet to serve his needs. But rumors of a threat that could be greater still are finally forcing Bruce to consider taking truly drastic steps. Like bringing Superman back from the dead. fic on Ao3 | art by lesbidar | art by santheum | masterpost — July 16th Bodyguard missigma, Ischa Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne/Female OC, 12k, Explicit (pre-New52 Comics) Today, it is not Batman who is under attack, but Bruce Wayne. Mired in a court battle, he fights to keep his company out of bankruptcy and himself out of jail. But that fight is quickly forgotten as he barely survives an assassination attempt. Clark rushes to his side in Gotham City. With the help of Dick Grayson, he comes to the terrifying conclusion that not only is someone trying to ruin Bruce Wayne, but that person must know his true identity. To protect Bruce, Clark appoints himself as his bodyguard. Despite Bruce’s protests, he accompanies him as Bruce attempts to rebuild his tattered reputation with a new business deal. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 18th Alternative Beginnings Ischa and Icalynn, with-your-poncho-on Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 25k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) In which Clark’s parents sell the farm and join the circus to keep Clark safe and Dick and Clark grow up as brothers. When Clark is sixteen he falls in love with the very handsome Thomas Kane–but as suddenly as Kane joins the circus he disappears, leaving Clark without a word and brokenhearted. Five years later they meet again in Gotham on the day Dick’s parents die. Clark, feeling guilty about letting the Graysons die and determined to not fail Dick, leaves the circus to get Dick back–and get some answers from Bruce Wayne. But of course Bruce Wayne isn’t the only one with secrets. Meanwhile Dick is out for revenge. He wants the man who killed his parents: Tony Zucco. Dick’s and the Batman’s paths are about to cross. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 19th I Would Go In Chains (Just To Set You Free) BatsAreFluffy, adumbtree-draws Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 23k, Teen and Up (No Specific Continuity) After an offworld mission goes horribly awry, Clark begins to wonder if the past is really behind him and Bruce. And what better way to deal with the issues than with planetary peace talks, forced transformations, and a psychic bond that doesn’t allow for lying? fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 19th I’ve Seen Your Flag On The Marble Arch minT (justiceleague), mirybdraws, Dino_Cattivo Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince/Lois Lane, Past Clark Kent/Diana Prince, 18k, Mature (Animated Movie Verse) He draws Clark to sitting position and pulls him close, hands on either side of his head. He feels the rise and fall of Clark’s chest against his body, and he doesn’t let go because he needs to feel it, to be sure. There’s a crackle over their comms, and Barry’s voice cuts through the noise around them, jarring. “Holy shit, are Batman and Superman hugging?” A reimagining of the events of - and preceding - the Death of Superman, if Clark had fallen for Bruce instead of Lois. fic on Ao3 | art by mirybdraws | art by Dino_Cattivo | masterpost —
July 20th Faal Dovahkiinro Wund dippkip, liodain Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 19k, Teen and Up (Alternate Universe) Ever since that fateful day in Helgen, it seemed Clark’s life in Skyrim was doomed to be anything but simple. Dubbed “Dragonborn” but offered little guidance, Clark must muddle his way across the unpleasantly cold countryside with only his reticent friend Bruce for company. Together they will hunt down a serial killer, save a young boy’s life, and kill a few dragons along the way - all in a day’s work for the Dovahkiin. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost —
Week Four
July 22nd A Knight’s Heart LilisBooks, carry-on-my-wayward-artblog, boomdeyadah Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne; Lex Luthor/Clark Kent (one sided), 15k, Mature (Alternate Universe) King Bruce is fighting a war he has no desire to be in whatsoever, especially since the war cost him more than he could’ve ever thought, just before it all began. Clark is just a knight fighting for what he has lead to believe is right, unsure of the reasons behind the war King Luthor has against all kingdoms. Is when these two men met that their beliefs are shaken to their core and the connection they share is more than it first leads the eye. This is a tale of knights and Kings, of war within kingdoms and a search for truth and justice with a tad of love along the way. fic on Ao3 | art by carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | art by boomdeyadah | masterpost — July 23rd A Beautiful Lie Killer_Rabbit_of_Caerbannog, JolBalrok Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, minor Clark Kent/Diana, minor Clark Kent/Lois Lane 16k, Explicit (DCEU with nods to Injustice) ‘Pet Sematary’ Barry had said, and Clark wonders if he’d somehow been right about that and he’d come back to life… wrong. False memories tangle with whispers in his head, a future Darkseid promises him, and through it all Clark tries to remember that in this world, his world, he doesn’t know what Bruce Wayne’s kisses taste like. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 24th Supplicant Holdt & spacewolfcub, Ms. 3 Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Pamela Isley/Bruce WayneBruce Wayne/Other(s)Clark Kent/Other(s), 51k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) The training and scars of Nanda Parbat run deep— Bruce has always fought the demons that make him want to stalk the night and rend pain unto the deserving. After a decade of trying to stay afloat, using BDSM as both punishment and moral compass, he turns to The Agency. Through them, he finds Mistress Ivy, whose Services help him keep ahead of the encroaching darkness… until he finds his lifeline gone without warning when Ivy’s extreme methods and poison play are revealed and she is exiled. The Agency has a reputation to uphold, secretive as they are. For years, they’ve offered him a chance at salvation—for a price. It is no different now and Bruce grasps desperately at their offer. Can the Service Provider known as Mr. S, the so-called “SuperDom,” help him rein in the Bat? fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 25th The Words We Never Said Mechformers, susscx Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 13k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is done pining. It is time to move on, time to heal and live out the rest of his life away from the man of steel. But what is two lovesick puppies to do, when they both need each other, as they need air to live? Misunderstandings are bound to happen, feelings trampled and cast aside as the two greatest men alive try to figure out the ancient wonders of confessions. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 26th The Shape of my Heart Brenda, Selofain, carry-on-my-wayward-artblog (CrocInCros) Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 27k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is impossible, stubborn, willfully self-destructive, and so self-sacrificing it's a wonder he hasn't suffocated under the weight of it. And Clark is stupidly, dizzyingly, crazy about him. Or, post-Justice League, five things Clark learns about Bruce that make him go all heart-eyes, and the time he finally does something about it. fic on Ao3 | art by Selofain | art by carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | masterpost — July 30th The Greatest Way lesbidar, haljords (barrybinary), androbeaurepaire Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 17k, Teen an Up It’s Diana that ascertains their problem. She has an uncanny way of discovering truths that are best kept buried. After a year together, Bruce and Clark are having troubles. To save their relationship, they agree to answer a series of questions designed to foster emotional intimacy. It goes about as well as you’d expect. fic on Ao3 | art by haljords | art by androbeaurepaire | masterpost —
July 31st No More Heroes (In a World so Cold) ComposerofDiscord, SDeeyS Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Pre Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 27k, Teen and Up (DCAU/Justice League: Gods & Monsters) Clark and Bruce are visited by an Amanda Waller from another world. She asks for their help with her Superman, Hernan Guerra, who has gone rogue. Clark accepts, and Bruce goes with him When they arrive, Clark wishes to see who Hernan is and what he has done, while Bruce investigates the day Hernan went berserk. With what Bruce has gathered from his investigation and what Clark has seen of Hernan, they must decide who they can trust in the GnM universe: Waller or Hernan, or is there something much larger at play? fic & art on Ao3 | masterpost — August 1st A Golden Bell Hung in My Heart cattyk8 Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 9k, Explicit (DCAU and DCEU Mashup) After finding themselves transported to Faerie, Superman and Batman must navigate an enchanted forest in order to get themselves back to their own plane of existence. Which would be easy enough—they’re not the World’s Finest for no reason, after all—if not for the fact that they’ve been cornered by a unicorn attracted by Superman’s virginity. Of course, who better to pop the Man of Steel’s cherry than Gotham’s Dark Knight? fic & banner on Ao3 masterpost — August 3rd that dwell in dust flirtygaybrit, g.g. kinko, TKodami Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 53k, Mature (DCEU) Things are different after Clark Kent returns to the world: tainted things are made beautiful once more, a long-dormant seed begins to grow, and eventually, nature reclaims its own. Or: Clark plants a garden, Victor keeps a terrible secret, and Bruce faces the consequences of bringing someone back from the dead. fic on Ao3 | art by TKodami | art by G.G. Kinko | masterpost — August 4th Extra Art for The Game (of Love) lovelastart Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, art only art of game characters | flying dance — August 4th Catch a Falling Star architeuthis, G.G. Kinko, mashimero Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 22k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is in the middle of a stakeout when Clark returns from an offworld mission, full of ideas. fic on Ao3 | art by G.G Kinko | art by mashimero | masterpost — August 4th On The Cusp vesper_house, milki3way Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince/Lois Lane, 47k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) Clark’s life isn’t what he imagined it would be. Instead of having a flourishing journalism career, he makes coffe at the Typewriter - coffee shop owned by Lois, his old crush who’s currently dating Diana. He’s lonely, he’s broke, and the only thing that makes him happy is his charity work. However, it takes just one day to turn everything round. Internet fame, investigations, billionaires with secret identities and homeless cats follow through. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — August 5th Rewrite the Stars crypt_mirror, albilibertea Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, ~20k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) Clark Kent the Superman, Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight, their soul marks fated them to be together. But fate and destiny seem to have other plans. Even as they play their part, they pay the price. Could they ever rewrite the stars? fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost —
Inktober & Art Prompt Challenge
alienswearglasses (ComposerofDiscord) | When All I Wanted Was You: Day 12, Restraint ariesnohope | Week Six: Snow Day carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | morning kiss, kryptonian styled batsuit, Couch Cuddle, Kidnapped!, Day Four: Rescue, Day Eight: Rainbows, Disco! dino_cattivo | Day One: Capes, Day Four: Rescue, Day Five: Space, Day Eight: Rainbows, Day Nine: Sun, Day Ten: Watchtower, Day 11: Feat of Strength, Day 13: New Costume, Day 15: Interrupted, Day 16: Bat Gadgets, Day 17: Kryptonite, Day 18: Blindfolds, Day 20: Last Son of Krypton, Day 22: Tentacles, Day 23: Flying Together, Day 25: On a Farm, Day 26: Tender Embrace, Day 29: Inopportune Robin, Day 30: Low Effort Joke, Day 31: Soft Vore kaizokunohime | Day One: Capes, Day Two: Masks, Day Four: Rescue lovelastart | stabbed, Day Two: Masks ms. three | superbat practice, Day One: Capes, Day Two: Masks, Day Three: Costume Switch, Day 12: Restraint sdeeys | Good Morning Kiss+Manly beard, Day Six: Teamwork, Suit Porn + Swing Dance, Day Three: Costume Swap, Day 12: Restraint, Day 31: Soft Vore steals-thyme | Week One: beards (manly), Week Two: Kidnapped! sunaddicted | Day One: Capes, Day Three: Costume Switch, Day Five: Space, Day Six: Teamwork, Day Seven: Alleyway, Day Nine: Sun, Day 12: Restraints, Day 13: New Costumes, Day 14: Notebook Doodle, Day 15: Interrupted, Day 16: Bat Gadgets, Day 17: Kryptonite, Day 18: Blindfolds, Day 19: Bad Disguises, Day 20: Last Son of Krypton, Day 21: The Dark Knight, Day 22: Tentacles, Day 23: Flying Together, Day 24: A Stately Manor, Day 25: On a Farm, Day 26: Tender Embrace, Day 27: :peach emoji:, Day 28: NSFW Bars in unlikely places, Day 29: Inopportune Robin, Day 30: Low Effort Joke, Day 31: Light Vore
And that is it for the 2019 Superbat Big Bang! Please be sure to drop our authors and artists kudos, likes, and reblogs and let them know how much you enjoyed their hard work!
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salavante · 7 years
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From the Godslaughter campaign. Two clerics on the Wild Hunt, who joined the trans-dimensional bloodsport under very different auspices, and yet, have both defected to the native population’s cause in the end. (expansion under the cut) 
artblog / commissions 
Iona Howell is from a decadent victorian-analagous society, and a former anthropologist/historian/adventurer who traveled the world in her youth to revive the art of Arcane Illumination, lost to time, crusades, and modernity. Though long thought an eccentric fool on a wild goose chase by her academic peers, when it was found that her research had merit and genuine magical power, her fellows turned on her, stole her life’s work to claim as their own and had her thrown away into a sanitorium. Destitute but not broken, she was approached by Apocrypha, Goddess of Illumination, who promised her revenge and great power should she take up the mantle of being her cleric. When the Hunt came to their world, it was not a difficult decision to abandon the planet that had forgotten and spurned them. No one has ever met Apocrypha in person, with Iona acting as her sole envoy, but many have seen Iona speaking out loud to the grimoire she keeps at her hip, though it does not audibly respond. Iona is dedicated and skilled in her craft, and has even created an ink-construct artifice to replace an arm lost on a previous hunt, but is reclusive, irritable and physically frail, with a sense of humor that is typically at others’ expense. Though fiercely intelligent, her thoughts seemed scattered and she often rambles, following topics down various rabbit holes unless someone shakes her out of it. For whatever reason, her and August en Zaeid have had repeated sexual dalliances, which she claims are inconsequential. But her actions say otherwise. The Witherwound is - or was, anyway - a god of arcana and magic from a very out-of-the-way planar system of such substantial magical power that every single member of the Witherwound’s pantheon gave the Wild Hunt a run for their money. Once upon a time, the Witherwound was a mentally sound, dignified goddess and an extremely powerful and learned magus; unfortunately the destruction of the Witherwound’s home pantheon caused a calamity: every plane in the cluster except for the mortal coil was obliterated as their patron gods fell one by one, leaving Matrivale irrevocably ruined. The strain of every magical source compressed into a single plane shattered the Witherwound’s mind, and now it’s little more than a seething monster, as chaotic as pure energy, corrupt and mad (in both senses of the word). With no way to control the influx of magical energy it absorbed, the Witherwound became an ever-growing energy sink that threatened to explode the second it overloaded. The Witherwound resides now in a tattoo on the back and torso of one of the clerics it once had under its employ, Drell Hartford; he is bound to it, and is the only one who can keep it ‘under control’. He was young when the Witherwound was pressed into his skin by ritual, and despite being maybe 23 has learned very quickly to harness the Witherwound to keep it from running wild on every new planet they arrive on. It was either participate in the Wild Hunt and let the Witherwound burn off excess energy to keep it calm... or become a magical ‘dirty nuke’ that effectively ruins anywhere unfortunate enough to house the pair when the Witherwound’s power becomes too much for him to handle.
Thankfully, that problem has been fixed – as has the Witherwound, leading to Drell’s prompt defection from the Hunt to join the side of the folks responsible for healing his god. Before the Witherwound was healed, Drell was a sorry sort, afflicted by a constant sickness and fatigue due to the constant exposure to the divine magicks of the Witherwound that suffuse his body. He did not undertake this burden willingly per se, but recognized that it was either take on the Witherwound or lose everything. Although he is somewhat reserved and used to chronic pain, Drell is otherwise a fairly sprightly young man with an affection for learning and a devout faith. He listens very well and is always willing to lend an ear, and only gives advice when asked. Despite his troubled relationship with her, he loves The Witherwound as his patron deity and now that he has bonded with her would never give her up; he is old enough to remember the teachings she conferred upon him before she lost her name and became what she is now, and often recites relevant idioms or morals accrued from her teachings. He would be more inclined to take opportunities to proselytize about her and begin to regrow her base of Clerics were she not... well, a crazed animal. He can be a bit preachy at times, but is overall good-natured and open-minded, and considers himself to be a polytheist at heart - Matrivale’s preferred stance on gods was that they should all be worshipped if possible, and that favoritism was unwise. Drell tries his best to record information on gods from every planet he visits, hoping to keep the religions lost to the Wild Hunt alive in some way shape or form. (Drell & The Witherwound are @saltineofswing‘s characters) 
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pankoffi · 6 years
Tagged by @majicienne, the platonic love of my life
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): Mon, Mosn, Mom, Moncham Monmon.
Gender: Female
Sign:  Aquarius
Height: 1,73 cm (5′7)
Time: 21:25
Fav band(s): All Time Low, The XX, Bring Me The Horizon, old school Fall Out Boy.
Fav solo artist(s): Lady Gaga, Brendon Urie (he is the only member of P!ATD so he is solo, let’s be honest.), Dua Lipa, Halsey.
Song stuck in my head: One Kiss by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa
Last movie I saw: What We Do In The Shadows.
Last show I watched: Sense8 and cried because it’s over.
When did I create my blog: 2012 were dark times.
What do I post: tv shows, movies, bad jokes/puns, art, videogames, my blog has o order, like my life.
Last thing I Googled: “is pink chicken dangerous”
Do I have any other blogs:  I have an abandoned artblog from 2016
Do I get asks: Never in my whole 6 ass years on Tumblr
Why did I chose my URL: because it was 2012 and i wanted to be “omg RAndom XD !!!1!!”
Following: 879 blogs
Followed by: 373 and half are porn bots 
Average hours of Sleep: 6
Lucky number: ??? how does one find one?
Instruments: piano
What I am wearing: Black pants, black tank and a hoodie
Dream job: I don’t think that far ahead, my dudes
Dream trip: Japan, beech.
Fav food: Curry
Nationality: Mexicana
Fav song:  i’m Still Here from Treasure Planet  
Last Book I Read:  So Much I Want To Tell You by Anna Akana 
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: The Arcana universe, Sense8 Universe, Mass Effect Universe/treasure Planet (I love Space ok)
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come-to-the-day · 6 years
Some artists I like (round 2)
FloHere we go for a new round of the artists I like!
First, one artist a bit “out of category” here: Iwano. I think most people know this name, but if not, I’ll gladly make a post on it! (It’s mainly a Pixiv artist). I read most of their doujinshi online, and I found them quite good. Well, they’re NSFW, but the weight gain is really well done. I bought three of them recently. Two of them were disappointing, and I’m waiting for the third. 
And while we are in doujinshis, I just love this Hetalia doujinshi about America gaining weight. it is called “Love Handle” and was the first doujinshi I ever read, a long time before I knew what a “doujinshi” was. It is somewhere on Tumblr, hidden. Maybe I could post some of it, if you like? I mean, it makes what, ten years now since it was released, or more? 
Now, to get back on our “usual” categories.
On DeviantArt we have:
Nyanlolita. Cute little drawings.
FatBoiWG. There was a character I loved on it, Connor, but given the recent drawings I think the artist has abandonned him (or maybe just decided to try something else).
On the “BrownieBits” account, there’s a beautiful weight gain sequence “Commission-53″. It is the illustration of a cute little story. A must go if you like naked SFW boys gaining weight. 
And now the Tumblr artists:
I liked some old things from @chubberbaria. Also some old art from @kadaverini but apparently these old pieces are not here anymore. 
There used to be a blog, chilidogs7442-artblog, which had pieces I just loved, but it was destroyed (don’t know why). The artist has moved on to @beyondthedullskies but the pieces I liked were lost in the process. 
And finally, I liked another account that disappeared. It was “masterofchub”. Now I can’t find this account anymore: the only one corresponding to this name is a spam account. 
Wow. Now that I’m doing a list of the artists I like, I realized a lot of them disappeared, or at least their art disappeared. A bit sad. But I guess, that’s an evolution towards a new era... 
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Not decided on this yet, but i’m considering either deleting or archiving my side artblog @bellarts and starting from scratch.
Starting this month, it turned 6 years old, the people following that blog have long since either abandoned tumblr, deleted, or changed fandoms. Quite honestly my style has changed so much over the years that I don’t consider that blog a good blog anymore? And it being so old is preventing me from organizing things properly the way I would have liked to.
Almost two years ago I started this new blog on a new account and brought my artblog over with me but me, I should’ve started it from the beginning to.
Anyway, I’m still unsure whether or not I’m gonna go through with it, it’s just an idea. And I don’t think I’ll delete it actually, just archive and leave a link to my new url.
If I go through with this, I will start posting my art on that blog instead and reblogging it here (which is what I used to do 2 years ago but changed because idk why tbh lol), but I’ll keep this blog more personal and the artblog, well, art focused lol
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