#( oop this got long as fuck but i thought what if like.... eons after everything
stolememory · 1 year
❛   you stain the pages with yourself.  ❜  
`BOOKS WERE NOT SIMPLY THE PHYSICAL-- - THAT OF LEATHER AND PAPER, INK AND SCRY. Flesh pulsated with vermillion solvent, writ with stories crammed between folds of the LOGICAL MUSCLE. Dirt solidified around footsteps cast, marking presence and entombing the deceased ever more. The universe, every speck upon it a word // EVERY CONGLOMERATION OF GREATER FORCES MERE PARAGRAPHS WITHIN THE TOME (AND THEN THERE WAS THE SCRYER, THE GREATEST SPILL UPON THE STORY OF REALITY). To claim observation and collection, PURE AND TRUE // BUT REALITY LAUGHS AT SUCH A CLAIM. A book keeper does not erase the sentences deemed uninteresting and unfit-- - does not unwind stories deemed of NO IMPORTANCE (YOUR LIBRARY IS BUT A COLLECTION OF PERFECTION, AND WHAT DEEMED FIT THE CLAIM, KNOWLEDGE TYRANT).
`THE STAIN HAS BECOME RESTLESS AND HUNGRY, DEVOURING UNMARRED PAGES AND REDACTING WORDS EVER MORE. Ink melds with abyss, the obstruction knows what it has inside it (BUT A PAGE OR TWO IS NOT ENOUGH // THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN TIRESOME AND BORING). Its only inevitability that the distortions would be noted-- - which pages to claim his presence MARRED upon though, Fate? (WAS IT THE SANCTITY OF MEMORY // OF THAT WHICH SHOULD HAVE PASSED AND NEVER DID // OR THE GRAND TAPESTRY). Hermaeus Mora grand optic seems to tilt within the folds of lids, questioning // AH, BUT HE IS THE ONE THAT KNOWS, DOES NOT REQUEST (BUT ARE YOU ESCAPING YOURSELF?). “&– - Are you claiming me unbefitting my Sphere, simply because my shadow will always have a presence upon that which I loom over? Hands tend to leave a signature, whether its the author or the adapter-- - you seem to covet mortal aspects such is that. I'd think you'd find some appreciation in this.”
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`IT JEERS, IT MOCKS AND WEARS THE SENSE OF A PRESENTED MAW OF TEETH LIKE A SMILE WITHIN VOICE. The Old Antecedent becomes restless, the WATERS BECOME UNSTABLE. (EYES BORE INTO THE GREAT LENSE // THEY KNOW THE WEAPON SHE HAS AND YET THE CONDITIONS OF SHEATH IT IS KEPT IN). Eons the tides have been uneasy-- - awaiting with mouth full of claims of lies and falsity // 'how would erasure of all benefit the Prince of Knowledge'? // BUT ALAS FATE DECIDED NOT TO ACT (THE BEAST WEARINESS HAS RECEEDED // IN ITS PLACE BURNS DISINTEREST). “&– - Or perhaps you've seen a certain possibility. For eons. A fate string, a possibility tied to so many individuals- with a singular ink blotch connecting them all. And yet you've spoken not a word in the way of abating it.” Amusement chokes the strands of words // ENERGY UNCOMMON FROM THE LANGUID STATE THE PRINCE HAD BECOME SUBMERGED IN. “&– - Are you holding on to the moral of one should not be punished for actions uncommitted? That a different fate might become determined by me? Perhaps it would-- - you've stated, I've seen; I am not bound to the tapestry. But it festers within me-- - time has no sway, and yet I feel it collapsing jaws of disinterest and boredom. Perhaps it grows in you too, if only in slight; you have some degree of the sight I do. Or perhaps you see a conclusion that... evades me, rectifying for possibilities. Theorizing, speculation and guessing-- - such alien things to me, so mildly refreshing as they are irritating. But like all, this answer will come to me in time, won't it sister? For that's my job-- - but change does come, what it might be, even I do not know. For reality, for you, for myself...... interesting, isn't it?” // @stolefate
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lovemesomerobobois · 4 years
Ik you got a lot of mtmte op just now, but can we have him protecting his s/o or something? Post war would be interesting, maybe some rouge con snuck into their room or something?? Idk. Lovely writing btw!!
Sorry this took so long!! A week passed and I was like, oops I missed the asks! 
Optimus x Gender Neutral bot, rated T for language, minor violence and uhhhhh very very little possible mpreg? yeah, sorry
this kept getting longer and longer xD ENJOY!
Peace is frail in the best of times. After eons of systemic formism and violently manifested unrest and rage, no one expected anything but conflict. No matter how hard anyone tried, hatred and division persisted. 
Optimus battled with the shame of being glad that he and his conjunx avoided the worst of the danger this new Cybertron had to offer. During council meetings, when reports focused on cross faction violence and the murders of innocents, he longed to serve as an officer, to command justice in the law, but what law was there left to uphold? Even before the war, justice was a fever dream.That he ever believed in it seemed foolish now.
Standing in the hall outside his apartment, Optimus thought of this as he stared at the crumbled latch dangling from the door. He listened for some reason to enter. His conjunx was covering a double shift at the nursery downtown, so he took comfort in knowing nobody was home when the break-in took place. There was nothing particularly valuable in the apartment, but Optimus grimaced when glass shattered somewhere within. 
Fuck, he was exhausted. Worn to his wits’ end, he debated turning around and going to visit his partner while they worked. He would call Prowl to come take a look, but the situation didn’t merit much energy. 
He was halfway down the hall when a piercing cry spilled from the apartment. Going rigid, he whipped around, quickly equipping his blaster, and retraced his steps. Without hesitation, Optimus kicked the door and it swung on its creaky hinge and banged against the wall. The living room was trashed, flipped furniture, broken vases, but Optimus wasn’t expecting the glowing crystals or the blue energon flower petals scattered among the debris. He was taken aback only for a second before he spotted blotts of fresh energon on the floor. He followed a trail to the bedroom, all the while muffled cries and words swarmed him. 
He heard pleaded stops, and snarled fuck yous and then a sickening thud, a fist connecting with something solid. Optimus shouldered passed the door and burst in, overcoming the first stranger and knocking him into the wall. A second mech turned on him, knife in hand, and he ducked a swing and swiped the attacker’s legs out from under him. A cursory glance was sent towards the berth, where his conjunx was sprawled, invents coming and going with a rasping sound, but they were alive. 
The first stranger lunged for Optimus and clawed at the back of his neck as if trying to rip out his spinal cord. Optimus reared back and landed heavy on the ground, the mech pinned between his bulk and the floor. The other was struggling to his pedes, so Optimus shot out his kneecaps and rolled off the other, now wheezing, mech. He grabbed the mech’s shoulder pauldron and flipped him over, swiftly cuffing him. As unnecessary as Starscream said it was, Optimus always kept a pair in his subspace. 
He left the first stranger to restrain the second, who was groaning and cursing, clutching his bleeding knee but doing no good. 
Optimus glowered down at him, pressed the muzzle of his blaster against his helm and barked, “What did you do to them?”
The mech snorted. “Your skank would be fine if they’d listened to us.”
“Who are you,” Optimus growled. His trigger finger ached and he could care less about this piece of trash, but if he killed someone, even in defense, it could seriously hamper political delegations with the remaining Decepticon loyalists and the rogues taking refuge in the city. He tried again, “You have two minutes to explain before I blow your brain module all over the floor!”
“Fuck you, Autobot scum. You think you own the planet? You think you have any right to make decisions for the rest of us?” He spat on Optimus’ pedes. “No, you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, and we’re here to remind you that we all die. We all bleed.”
Prowl shook his helm when Optimus recounted the conversation. Jazz and a few other officers already dragged the rogues off, and a medic was checking on his conjunx. The two mechs stood in the hall to avoid the mess of the apartment as they spoke. 
“I’ve seen better assassination attempts from blind mechs,” Prowl grumbled. “Regardless, we’re going to have to relocate you two. There are a handful of flats West from here, should work.”
Optimus wrung his servos together, glancing inside. “Thank you.”
For a moment, there was silence. It raked over Optimus’ nerves and left him jittery and unstable. The medic still hadn’t come out. Prowl patted him on the shoulder and headed out, and Optimus continued to fret while he waited for the all-clear. 
Finally, he was allowed inside. His conjunx was propped up against the headboard, their wounds bandaged and their gaze lazy. Optimus thanked the medic and closed the door before hurrying over to the berth. His partner blinked slow as their optics brightened and they gave him a listless smile. 
“Optimus. . . Are you alright?”
Optimus climbed onto the berth and curled into them. “Yes, yes I’m fine,” he muttered. A servo on his chin forced him to look up. 
They smiled again and kissed the top of his helm. “I wanted to surprise you.”
He looked at them, confused, until they whispered two words that made him feel like he was dreaming, like all this was surreal. 
“I’m carrying, sweetspark,” they said. “The sparkling is safe, and so am I. I love you, Optimus. I could never do anything but love you, my darling.”
Optimus buried his face in their side and wept. Tears of joy, exhaustion, fear, everything poured out of him but he felt no shame in his tears. Here, in his conjunx’s arms, he was safe and appreciated and happy. He trembled with his sobs while they pet his helm and soothed his fears and his anxiety. They hushed him and chased away the dark clouds that fogged his mind. 
Optimus would die for his conjunx, and they would do the same in an instant. Perhaps that made their relationship volatile, but peace was never an option.
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
3.9.4 - Monty de la Cruz x Reader
Request - “Maybe a monty fan fic where monty and y/n have been besties since birth and he loves her but she's dating jeff, since both of them play baseball.”            
A/N: I worked on the premise that they are 16/17. I’m pretty sure this is definitely not what you envisioned and it’s not what i did either, i kinda hate it. lol. I left the ending unclear in case i decide it needs serious editing.
3rd September 2004
A small freckled boy and a lonely shy girl make eye contact at their first day of school.
“Mommy says if someone looks nice I should talk to them” He said as he tapped her on the shoulder rather aggressively.
“My mommy says that too! Will you be my best friend? Mommy said I might meet one of those today!”
“For ever and ever and ever!”
6th January 2006
“Montgomery look at my snowman!”
The boy sulked noticing hers was far superior.
“I’ll help you with yours Montgomery.” She placed her mitten clad hands into his. “That’s what friends are for.”
9th September 2014
“Happy Birthday to my favourite person in the whole entire world.” She ran up from behind him holding a small home-made cake, which read; ‘Happy 15th Montgomery’
“Now, you know how much I appreciate the gesture, and how much i love cake, and you, but what have I said about continuously calling me my full name now that we’re in high school?” He took the cake.
“Don’t be such a teenager, Mont. Just because you’re now older than me.”
“Exactly. It means I get to boss you around.”
“We both know that’s never going to happen.”
22nd June 2016
“MONTGOmERY!! MONTGOMErYYYY!!” She yelled as she ran through the corridors, pushing people who were in her way.
“Monty!” She panted, flying into the boy with force.
“Guess what?”
He rolled his eyes. “What?”
“NO. You have to guess.” She jumped up and down.
“Fine. You got an A?”
“Hell no, who do you think i am? Try again.”
“They finally made Pluto a planet again?”
“Monty! Keep up.” She pushed him.
“Well you haven’t given me any clues whatso-”
“Fine. FINE. I can’t wait any longer I’ll have to tell you. JEFF ATKINS ASKED ME ON A DATE!!”
Monty often thought this was one of the worst days of his life, the knife cut deep and sharp.
“Oh.” He pretended to put something away in his locker in order to hide his expression.
“Mont you’re my best friend, I expected you to be a bit more...animated.” Her face fell.
“I am really happy for you, it’s just, I just remembered that I have a chemistry exam next. Oops.”
Monty wasn’t sure how he could bear to see the girl he loved with the boy who had everything.
June 2017(now)
Montgomery and Y/N. Y/N and Montgomery. However you said it, it just sounded right. The two were inseparable, and when Monty threw a fit, which, really,  was a lot, the only person he would even consider looking at was Y/N. She was his rock, and he was stupidly in love with her.
The problem was, she was dating his friend, Jeff. A guy she’d crushed on since freshman year. He had the hearts of everyone in school, he could pick anyone, but he’d decided to choose the one girl Monty even glanced at. Of course, he didn’t blame him, Jeff had no idea how his friend felt about Y/N, and well, she was perfect, but it still stung. What was worse was that being the best friend, he was constantly hearing about how fantastic Jeff was, and how different they were.
He often wished to be more like Jeff, but his temper decided to show its ugly horns and take him right back to thinking it was never possible.
"Does my anger scare you?" He asked her as they sat on the school field making history notes.
"What?" The question seemed to catch her off guard and she lost herself for a second. "Of course not Mont. You know I'm not scared of you."
"You hesitated. You're scared." He clenched his jaw and turned his head to the grass.
"No, I'm not, you just surprised me because I wasn't expecting it. I promise you." She placed her hand over his own, smiling gently. He shook his head in the direction of the school.
"Jeff's coming." Her expression when he mentioned his name did a complete 180. She was grinning so much he thought maybe her cheeks ached.
"Jeff!" She waved at him, standing to greet him. He pulled her in for a kiss. Monty averted his eyes.
"Oh, sorry for the PDA man." Jeff chuckled, coming to sit next to him, Y/N returning to her spot.
"Yeah keep it in private." He nodded. Y/N glanced at Jeff with an amused expression. Montgomery decided he would ignore the exchanged glances at his expense.
"You look pissed. I mean you always do, but more so than usual." She stated. They were sat on her bed watching a movie. "You know I'm always here..."
"Oh look, she's an observer now." He mocked. He began to realise how bothered he was getting at her presence. It was a struggle having her around nowadays knowing how un-reciprocated his feelings were, and how he could never confess. Her compassionate and caring nature was making everything worse.
"Don't be a dick Monty. I just wanted to know what was wrong so I could help you. But whatever."
So he decided to push her away in the only way Monty knew.
"Don't bother trying. You never could help and you'll never be able to." Monty could see that this was hurting her, but for some reason he kept going. "I don't know how you haven't realised yet that I'm broken beyond repair and you're just another fucking pile of salt adding to my wound."
"Monty stop?! Where is this coming from? You don't really mean this." Tears were brimming at her eyes. Why was he being like this? Where had this come from?
"Yes I fucking do." He spat, staring off into the TV screen.
"Right. Fine. If I'm such a fucking hindrance to you then I'm leaving." She stood up and collected her things. "Don't expect me to be back. Ever." The door slammed with force.
Once she was out the door he realised what a mistake he'd made.
"Fuck. Y/N WAIT!!" He ran to the door, but all he saw was her car driving away.
47 texts. 30 missed calls. Those were the stats on Y/N's phone under Montgomery's contact. She knew he snapped. He had always had anger issues, but this hurt her and she didn't need to be made to feel like that by her best friend.
"He'll come around, babe." Jeff rubbed her back.
"He's already tried. Twice in the past week. My mum is worried something's happened between us." She rolled her eyes.
"I can try and talk to him again."
"No, Jeff. He needs to know I'm serious about this. He can’t just treat me like shit because I’ve dealt with him the longest."
"Okay, you know I'm always here. He always has been a little... tetchy."
"I know I'm angry at him, but he's still my best friend."
Truthfully, she already missed him.
Knock, knock.
Not a-fucking-gain. She internally groaned.
This time she would open the door and tell him to fuck off. He'd made his bed, now he should lay in it. She was the only one home, so she ran down to open the door.
"Y/N!" He was haggard. His eyes told her that he hadn't slept a wink since their disagreement, and his hair was limp and greasy. It was evident that he was surprised that she'd opened the door.
"Fuck. Off." She began to pull the door up but Monty held it open.
"Wait! Please. Just hear me out." He pleaded.
"Why should I?"
"You shouldn't, really. But you will because you're kind, and caring, and you think everyone deserves a second chance."
"You know me too well, shoot."
"Okay, so, there is NO excuse for what I said to you, I know. This isn't a justification, it's an explanation. You know I have anger problems, and that is part of it, but most of it is something I've tried to hide for so long now."
She looked concerned, pulling her arms into herself.
"I'm hoping after I tell you this we can go back to normal, just ignore it ever happened. Don't worry though, I'm not counting on it. Okay... so...." he breathed heavily. He was finally going to tell his best friend of 13 years that he was pathetically in love with her.
"I am majorly, stupidly, pathetically, in love with you Y/N L/N. In love, not just 'I love you as my best friend'. I don't expect you to say anything, I just couldn't deceive you any longer." He stood twiddling his thumbs while she watched in shock. It felt like eons went by.
"Okay. That's all. Thanks for hearing me out." He turned and made his way down her road, his head spinning, but feeling a weight off his shoulder. He'd done something he'd never expected of himself. Maybe he'd ruined the best thing he'd ever had in his life, but it was too late now.
Something tugged his arm and turned him. It was Y/N. Her eyes were speckled with tears as they looked up at his.
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