#🕮┆“ANSWERS”╞ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ ᵐᵒᵘᵗʰ ᶦᵗ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷⁿ
stolememory · 1 year
i'm sure dragon has been sent already for the drawing meme but u know i gotta just in caes
❛[ CREATURE DRAWING MEME ≻ accepting NOTES: Dragon
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No one else sent this and I'm so glad you did cause I wanted to do this one so bad. Of course I could just say this is a dragon corrupted / possessed by Mora, but I had some additional fun ideas for this as a creature within Apocrypha
They are aquatic creatures, using powerful 'wing' fins to float through the Ichor Seas. Rarely if ever seen by mortals due to this.
May use their tail to lure mortals and immortals upon the beaches to believe it is the Great Eye demanding a task of them. Their essence, thoughts, and memories are then consumed
The similarities to true dragons may be coincidence, or due to Moras suspected ties with Akatosh by some. There is no conclusive information found determining this one way or another
Fully intelligent and capable of speech but without a reason to commune beyond the means of trapping
Not any like lore fact but they are inspired by Gulper Eels- all the bioluminescent dots are eyes.
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stolememory · 1 year
Twirls her hair -- ' ' hey you come here often?-- ' '
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“&– - .....This is literally my realm- what the hell do you mean 'do you come here often'?.....”
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stolememory · 1 year
i want to kiss the octopus
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“&– - Fantasy and dreams are not my spheres to fulfil. Come to me with a tempting trade and maybe I'll honor your desires-- - though perhaps it's from some kindness that I suggest not taking that for your own sake. The insanity or death possibly suffered through perusing Apocrypha would be a much kinder conclusion.”
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stolememory · 1 year
I want to know what is Herma Moras weakness
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“&– - I'll let you in on a little secret- it happens to be too much knowledge. Yes, too much knowledge, secrets, and memories. Such a shame that I was given the weakness that what I crave would also be my downfall if I overindulge- a true shame. I'm certain you all won't use this against me and supply me with endless nourishment. I would truly despise that.”
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stolememory · 1 year
❛   you stain the pages with yourself.  ❜  
`BOOKS WERE NOT SIMPLY THE PHYSICAL-- - THAT OF LEATHER AND PAPER, INK AND SCRY. Flesh pulsated with vermillion solvent, writ with stories crammed between folds of the LOGICAL MUSCLE. Dirt solidified around footsteps cast, marking presence and entombing the deceased ever more. The universe, every speck upon it a word // EVERY CONGLOMERATION OF GREATER FORCES MERE PARAGRAPHS WITHIN THE TOME (AND THEN THERE WAS THE SCRYER, THE GREATEST SPILL UPON THE STORY OF REALITY). To claim observation and collection, PURE AND TRUE // BUT REALITY LAUGHS AT SUCH A CLAIM. A book keeper does not erase the sentences deemed uninteresting and unfit-- - does not unwind stories deemed of NO IMPORTANCE (YOUR LIBRARY IS BUT A COLLECTION OF PERFECTION, AND WHAT DEEMED FIT THE CLAIM, KNOWLEDGE TYRANT).
`THE STAIN HAS BECOME RESTLESS AND HUNGRY, DEVOURING UNMARRED PAGES AND REDACTING WORDS EVER MORE. Ink melds with abyss, the obstruction knows what it has inside it (BUT A PAGE OR TWO IS NOT ENOUGH // THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN TIRESOME AND BORING). Its only inevitability that the distortions would be noted-- - which pages to claim his presence MARRED upon though, Fate? (WAS IT THE SANCTITY OF MEMORY // OF THAT WHICH SHOULD HAVE PASSED AND NEVER DID // OR THE GRAND TAPESTRY). Hermaeus Mora grand optic seems to tilt within the folds of lids, questioning // AH, BUT HE IS THE ONE THAT KNOWS, DOES NOT REQUEST (BUT ARE YOU ESCAPING YOURSELF?). “&– - Are you claiming me unbefitting my Sphere, simply because my shadow will always have a presence upon that which I loom over? Hands tend to leave a signature, whether its the author or the adapter-- - you seem to covet mortal aspects such is that. I'd think you'd find some appreciation in this.”
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`IT JEERS, IT MOCKS AND WEARS THE SENSE OF A PRESENTED MAW OF TEETH LIKE A SMILE WITHIN VOICE. The Old Antecedent becomes restless, the WATERS BECOME UNSTABLE. (EYES BORE INTO THE GREAT LENSE // THEY KNOW THE WEAPON SHE HAS AND YET THE CONDITIONS OF SHEATH IT IS KEPT IN). Eons the tides have been uneasy-- - awaiting with mouth full of claims of lies and falsity // 'how would erasure of all benefit the Prince of Knowledge'? // BUT ALAS FATE DECIDED NOT TO ACT (THE BEAST WEARINESS HAS RECEEDED // IN ITS PLACE BURNS DISINTEREST). “&– - Or perhaps you've seen a certain possibility. For eons. A fate string, a possibility tied to so many individuals- with a singular ink blotch connecting them all. And yet you've spoken not a word in the way of abating it.” Amusement chokes the strands of words // ENERGY UNCOMMON FROM THE LANGUID STATE THE PRINCE HAD BECOME SUBMERGED IN. “&– - Are you holding on to the moral of one should not be punished for actions uncommitted? That a different fate might become determined by me? Perhaps it would-- - you've stated, I've seen; I am not bound to the tapestry. But it festers within me-- - time has no sway, and yet I feel it collapsing jaws of disinterest and boredom. Perhaps it grows in you too, if only in slight; you have some degree of the sight I do. Or perhaps you see a conclusion that... evades me, rectifying for possibilities. Theorizing, speculation and guessing-- - such alien things to me, so mildly refreshing as they are irritating. But like all, this answer will come to me in time, won't it sister? For that's my job-- - but change does come, what it might be, even I do not know. For reality, for you, for myself...... interesting, isn't it?” // @stolefate
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stolememory · 1 year
🏠  for a moodboard about my muse’s home aesthetics
Answered Here !
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stolememory · 1 year
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The Water Hears and Understands. The Ice does not Forgive.
@antigodeus sent 🏠 for a moodboard about my muse’s home aesthetics
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stolememory · 1 year
Hermaeus Mora: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Estrid: Only if you also don't ask why Estrid: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick. Hermaeus Mora: Estrid: Hermaeus Mora: This one is fine
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stolememory · 1 year
5. What's makes your muse respect someone? Are they capable of respecting others without reason?
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5. What's makes your muse respect someone? Are they capable of respecting others without reason?
Mora is actually capable of holding some sort of respect to others, with or without reason. The other Princes he does host respect for, though its different depending on the Prince of course. He recognizes their spheres and purposes, and to a degree his attitude shifts ever so slightly when communicating with them- more akin to having actual conversations than ones laced in a power dynamic that Mora typically has with others. Not to say he doesn't have a level of pride and 'holier-than-thou' attitude with other Princes though- especially if it comes to topics of intelligence or knowledge.
Those outside that group though, yes Mora can foster respect towards them. Though given his whole schtick he usually comes into a situation knowing whether or not he's going to have some respect towards an individual- and respect often comes tied with the level of use someone will prove to be towards the Prince. Usually it comes down to power, information, or what they can offer, when it comes to Moras respect of a person. It's more akin to Mora respecting the design of a device than the individual itself....
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stolememory · 1 year
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
I'm going to be playing with hypotheticals for this one, IF Mora got punished. The issue is, most of what he does isn't outside the realm of the norms for the Princes. The only things I would consider pushing it is using another Prince(s) to test the waters for personal gain and information regarding limits (if the theory of Mora having a hand in Dagons Oblivion Crisis, if indirectly), Mora erasing another Prince from existence (which to be fair, sounds like most Princes agreed with Mora doing it- but at the same time I believe Mora omitted the truth or even straight up lied and if that was found it could result in consequence), or the hc idea he's getting bored with the current universe and wants to possibly rewrite it to foster new info and fates to observe.
Rambling aside, if punished could Mora be given a second chance? Yes. They are cunning and they learn, and would know what not to do and potentially stay quiet and good for a long while. Would they regret decision? Very likely not. What they would regret is getting to a point of punishment- I don't think Moras tolerance for personal pain and torment that he can ACTUALLY feel is very high.... I mean he never really receives it, and he gave in fairly easily when both Vaermina and Peryite were attacking him and Apocrypha. (a lil Scruut quote to add to this).
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So it's less a 'he deserves it' and more he is a rather important figure in the grand scheme of things and would learn to keep head down at least until he figures out something new.
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stolememory · 1 year
7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons? 12. Does your muse have a reason for their misdeeds or is it all for pleasure?
 7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons?
Some of Moras reasonings can be... difficult to really determine as good or bad. Out of the good can come the bad, out of the bad can come the good. Mora can take a criminal out of their execution for the sake of some twisted observation experiment they want to make, or erase something that would prove problematic to the greater whole of reality. Everything they do is for selfish reasons though, so his reasonings can be little equated beyond that. However, I can understand the point of view in a way- when you are the one who sees more than the present and knows more than most other things in existence, you would become bored and constantly need something new. They also are, despite all their intelligence, a beast of nature. Collector of Knowledge, the feaster of memories- they hoard and collect cause that's what it was born to do.
12. Does your muse have a reason for their misdeeds or is it all for pleasure?
Again this is kind of both. Sometimes there truly is a greater reason for what they do- a murder for knowledge, souls collected to reinstate the natural order of things. But often these things come purely of the nature of them and the pleasure that comes with being who they are; the enjoyment, the need for amusement, the bottomless hunger for knowledge, shelves that will never truly be full. Mora is an abyss, a bottomless pit that will not know true satisfaction ever I personally believe; and thus they continue doing both things with much grander reasons and those that can only truly be answered as 'just because' in a greater field of view. When you remove the layers of reasonings, when you get down to the bare bones.
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stolememory · 1 year
 ⛅️  friends of circumstance - but like weird and complicated. and i'm not going to front there's probably other .. weird things going on with these two. like ah if being friends was the only thing swirling around there. it's not. idk. ati often feels a way about mora - and there's layers to that feeling knowing that his presence is one they've been passing or encountering for ages.
❛[ RELATIONSHIP PROMPTS ≻ accepting NOTES:  ⛅️  friends of circumstance
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Oh I do agree with this for them- I think Mora is aware of Atis complicated feelings towards him, and there is good chance they will... work with such things if for own benefit. Cause Moras a rat bastard where everything is about personal gain. // @the27percent
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stolememory · 1 year
⛅️ ! i don't get to do enough with the simulacra being the eldritch digital being that she is.
❛[ RELATIONSHIP PROMPTS ≻ accepting NOTES:  ⛅️  friends of circumstance
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Omg yes please? I feel like these two could vibe really well together and have quite a number of similarities to them that work ! Mora would of course be trying to gain from the friendship, but that's nothing surprising from him. Also there's the additional fact in more modern times I think Mora also does interact through technology and not just books too and that could be toyed with hehe // @gateway31
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stolememory · 1 year
Are you generally organized or messy?Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
❛[ 100 QUESTIONS PROMPTS ≻ accepting
Are you generally organized or messy?
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  “&– - The disorder claimed apparent upon observation of my realm is only within the mortal view of organization. I need not place things into neat little rows with labels and guides-- - every piece I am acutely aware of. There are distinct patterns in the whole to those keen enough to perceive them, and there are more details where only I may ever be so perceptive of. That is a design of intention, not a flaw. Those that think intelligence rides on the back of the pristine are little above a child that still needs a guiding hand.”
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
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  “&– - A limiting question for the one whose very sphere is Knowledge and Memories. I am the one that constantly learns and adapts, there are few skills that elude me completely. And my abilities are sought constantly by those that strive for improvement- I am acumen, I am acuity, and I am adaptation. That which I do not have evident skills in are due to lack of interest, or because it is not my spheres to govern. Oft the two go hand in hand, because I can still nudge what I want in my direction even if its not under my direct control; I cannot manifest plagues, but I can point out a tick that harbors a disease. I cannot craft nightmares, but I can know ones greatest fears and whisper it into their head until their minds craft what is desired. I cannot start the process of rot, but I can write down the methods it works and pass them along. A question like this is not one you can truly gain an answer desired for.”
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stolememory · 1 year
What is your greatest fear? :O
❛[ 100 QUESTIONS PROMPTS ≻ accepting
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  “&– - Aspects that can be considered 'fears' in the mortal scope of the term are but minor... irritants for The Great Eye. Memories or Knowledge that slip past my grasp are but a temporary loss-- - as all will find its place within Apocrypha in due time. For only I can completely erase either, others may temporarily... misplace them, break apart them but I can reconstruct the pieces. Blindness has been momentarily cast upon me by haughty Princes wishing to undo what I determined with purpose, but again temporary. It is not something I wish to repeat, however.”
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stolememory · 1 year
i've never lied, not even once.
`ABSOLUTION HAD CRAWLED, SURMOUNTED, AND PASSED LIKE A WAVE ALONG THE TIDES. Tides the Lord had no means of containing-- - and the waters had settled uncomfortably around the Cephaliarch (THEY GNASHED AND GNAWED THE GREAT SHADOW SETTLED AMONG THEM). And they were boiling again-- - chitin allowed to crack and seep in allowance for the One Who Knows to ponder and question // AN ALIEN THING FROM KNOWLEDGES TONGUE. To show that The Great Eye recognized the other as Fate-Born, despite... efforts taken and passed to correct the universes mistake in his eyes.   “&– - Trust is not as simple as currency-- - I have no reason to trust yours, as you have... little reason to give to me.” A voice that pops at its edges, the beast that was Hermaeus Mora showing itself ever in slight.
`BUT HE REMAINS EVER AS APPLICABLE AS HE CAN BEFORE THE FORGOTTEN REGAINED. But the weight of TRUTHS POTENTIAL was submerging them, and tendrils curled and writhed in ample reaction (LID OF CENTRAL ORB WIDENING AS IF A CREATURE DISPLAYING ITS MAW READY TO CONSUME).  “&– - That or you're blind, unbefitting of your 'sphere'. Such a problem I tried to alleviate but alas here we are upon the crux of this time. Regardless of your molding of fate and paths I am still the scryer, the observer and the knower. The concept that I am untethered, a mere... hole upon the fabrics is as ludicrous as it is insulting- and I had some level of faith we were perhaps above such things.... I care little for fantasy and untruths.” How unfortunate it was that they were wise enough to see the pieces // CONNECT THE PUZZLE (BUT IGNORE THE FINAL IMAGE PRESENTED).
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`A NOISE THREATENS TO PEAK THE EDGE OF THE THROATLESS. Something primordial and ancient, wet and grotesque // SOMETHING BELONGING TO DEEPEST ABYSS UNHEARD AND UNREACHED (THE OLD ANTECENDENT WAS SLIPPING). Pupils edges expanding-- - like the void itself calling. Darkness outstretching in the form of WRITHING LIMBS AND DOTTED EYES UNBLINKING AND UNRETREATING pulsating with bygone greens. It was not a display-- - nor threat. Something much more BASER // IT WAS REACTION IN PUREST FORM (UNHINDERED BY FACADES AND THE WHAT SHOULD BES).
`HERMAEUS MORA RECLAIMS SELF BEFORE THE EYES OF SPHERE-SIBLING. It retracts upon itself-- - normality resituating as it should be (AS IT SHOULD BE // YES). Eyeballs came and went like twinkling stars, the ooze flowing with the ease of the ocean. The lids fall to a degree // then a degree lower-- - and The Golden Eye looks away (MERE SECONDS // NOT EVEN GRAIN IN HOURGLASS) As if truth would be spotted slipping on by. Gaze returning, the emerald disc impassive // AS IF THE CONVERSATION HADN'T STEMMED FROM ITSELF.   “&– - I will retrieve the truth, as all comes to me in the end. Whatever it may prove to be.” // @stolefate
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