#( opp ) floyd barnett jr
@mctionsick​ said | [ GAZE ] : your muse watches my muse from across a crowded room. / fella, wolves verse. 
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the holidays were always an insane time in the barnett home - whether it was a full moon or not. now that they had their own child added to the mix, it hadn’t taken much to convince floyd that they had to go all out. the tree scraped the ceiling of the living room, the presents for their little one who wouldn’t even remember it on top of the rest of the pack overtook half the room, and even though she knew it was probably dangerous, so close to a full moon and with a pack who didn’t know how to keep quiet, she’d invited her mother and brother from boston to come and stay with them, to see what their lives were like.
the christmas party was a labor of love - they didn’t need to throw one, really, but stella wanted to celebrate with everyone, to show nora off, and while she sat on stella’s hip as she roved around, greeting guests ( the entire town, it seemed like, had shown up, all curious about what it was like on the farm that floyd rarely left ) she babbled, always looking for her father. 
floyd was listening while her brother talked at him incessantly - probably about the garage he was opening up back home in worcester - but his eyes never left stella. she could feel them, whether she was talking to the history teacher she’d invited from the school she worked at, or handing nora off to elyse who volunteered to change her so stella could make sure the caterers were ready to bring out more food. it filled her with a warmth that she’d never felt before she had floyd - he was hers, in a way no one else could truly call someone theirs. 
“hey you,” she whispered when she snuck up on him, nora now on her own mothers lap, aline talking to abram’s mother about who knew what, her arms wrapping around floyd’s waist as she kissed the crook of his neck, standing on her toes to do so. “i hope al wasn’t boring you too much over here. if you want an escape, i know a certain girl who’s happy to steal your attention.” 
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naturally, @mctionsick​ liked this post for a starter : stella/floyd. 
being a new mom was exhausting. there was the doctor appointments, the constant feedings, the constant changings, the making sure their little girl didn’t dive off her changing table headfirst, the constant worry. stella hadn’t slept in almost eight months - not really, not for more than a few hours at a time. she was only grateful she had floyd there, helping out every step of the way. 
it had been a relief, really, to know that he was the one she’d be having a child with. she’d never been with anyone so dependable, anyone she could trust intrinsically. when she did sleep, it was only because floyd forced her into bed, told her to rest her eyes, holding their daughter and whispered sweet murmurs in her ear. 
still, her eyes flipped open like clockwork after only three hours, wandering around the house in search of the two of them until she found them in the kitchen, baby nora in her highchair watching her father prepare dinner, his eyes never straying too far from their child. 
“good morning, baby girl,” stella cooed, lifting her up and carrying her out to where floyd was, “did i miss anything while i napped?”
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closed starter for @mctionsick / based on THIS plot for georgie & floyd !
the proposal wasn’t exactly a surprise. 
it had been set up years and years before, really - arranged marriages between packs were more commonplace than she would have liked, and as the natural heir to her own pack, it made sense that she’d be destined for the heir of another. dean was...fine, really. she could stand to live her life with him. they would join together two packs in neighboring areas, creating a stronger bond against anyone that tried to go against them. 
they had spent their entire lives knowing that this was what was expected of them. even as they dated others as teens and young adults, this was always where they were going to end up. 
what was surprising were the specifics; him getting down on one knee with her grandmothers ring, in the middle of a fourth of july barbecue with both packs in attendance. what was surprising was that even as she said ‘yes’, even as the group around them cheered, her eyes fell on him instead - 
the wildcard she’d never expected. the one her heart truly wanted. and while they’d never discussed it before - it made no sense to dabble in ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ when they both knew it would never happen - she could see his face fall, even slightly, even as he clapped and celebrated with the rest. 
it made her heart ache. 
it took awhile for her to finally make her way over to him, a little off to the side while their friends and families were mingling about, talking excitedly about what this meant for everyone. she held out a drink, a small smile on her lips as she sat down next to him. “you didn’t come congratulate me yet,” she said quietly, knocking her knee into his. “trying to figure out a way to do it in private instead?” 
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