#( private starter : dakota fanning. )
sydneysxx · 4 months
i have a request for you and pattinson. i want—no, i need—a picture where i'm standing between the two of you. why, you ask? young me would absolutely freak out and go kiss my edward cullen poster for living the dream. so, is it possible? / @hannahdakota
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tartareus · 6 years
mobile navigation: file
033. brianna
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here’s brianna’s file. unlike most of my characters, brianna is semi-private ( meaning that only a few selected people will rp with her ) and  selective. she’s a side muse in a small fandom, therefore do expect her to show up less than the others.
fandom:  grace and frankie
preferences: unplotted threads ; starters ; memes
shipping: semi selective
full name: brianna hanson
nickname:   bree
age:  38  \ verse dependent
date of birth: january 20th 1980
date of death:  n/a
place of birth:  in an ambulance, on the way to the hospital
zodiac: aquarius
gender: female
nationality:  american
religion:  agnostic ( formerly catholic )
orientation: heterosexual
relationship status: single ; it’s complicated  \ verse dependent
face claim: june diane raphael ; dakota fanning   \ verse dependent
height: 5'9
hair color:  blonde
eye color: blue
tattoos: a red pepper on her right hip
distinguishing marks:   sarcastic smile ; wide eyes
clothing style: practical but chic ; modern suits and dresses
spoken languages: english ; a bit of french
financial status: middle to upper class
education level: business major
occupation: say grace’s CEO
mother:  grace hanson
father:  robert hanson
siblings: mallory hanson
children:  spit, her dog 
her mother always said Brianna didn’t know how to wait for things. Bree was born on the way to the hospital, in an ambulance almost a month earlier than she should’ve. it was a rather complicated birth, for both mother and child, and the paramedics were worried one of them might not make it. robert’s prayers were heard, however, and both Grace and Brianna were fine by the time they reached the hospital. 
Mallory came along when Brianna was still young, and jealously came along as soon as that happened. after a short lived therapy and countless pets and toys, the situation improved slightly. shes always been more close to her father, of that no one could argue. as she got older, Brianna’s personality revealed itself too much like her mother’s for them to get along all that well. where Grace wanted control, Brianna created anarchy, and thus the chaos fell on the Hanson residence. 
the only breaks the two had was when the Bergstein visited them or they went to their house. Frankie was everything she wanted to find in her own mother but couldn’t. still, growing up with Bud and Coyote was  like being part of one big family.
it took her a long time to decide what she wanted to do in life ---- law, although her father’s job, wasn’t much of her deal and after college she found herself lost, to her mother’s dismay. Robert gave her time enough to decide, but it was Grace’s nudge that helped Brianna realise her true talent: commanding.
once she started to work at Say Grace, first as her mother’s assistant, she bloomed. it did not take her mother long to realise that the time to give her a chance had come. and after a sucessful phone call, Brianna became the CEO of her mother’s business.
as most characters found here, BRIANNA is multiverse & multiship ; crossovers & ocs are more than welcomed !!
( VERSE 1 ) ---------- stuck in the middle with you ; canon compliant from the series.
( VERSE 2 ) ----------   throw on your dress and put on your doll faces ; pre-armagayddon verse, where the Hansons keep up their facade of marriage.
( VERSE 3 ) ----------  tba ; tba
( VERSE 4 ) ----------  how did it end up like this ?  ; iZombie!AU, after a night with a guy she met at a party, Brianna wakes up with a mysterious  scratch and strange craving: for brains.
( VERSE 5 ) ----------  tba  ; tba
( VERSE 6 ) ----------  tba  ; tba
as i write her, i’ll dump here some infos \ hcs that are important to know before approaching her.
Brianna has a history with struggles with her weight ---- she is an emotional eater and, therefore, whenever she’s sad, anxious or feeling down, she will eat whatever appears in front of her. she manages it better nowadays and, with the help of medication and theraphy, she’s getting better.
although her relationship with her sister started bad, she loves Mallory more than everything in the world and will protect her little sister from everyone.
she doesn’t like game of thrones, and hates it when Bud calls her ‘Brianna of Tarth’  ; her favourite tv-show is House MD.
she loves her parents and, even though she used to live in chaos with her mother, she understands them more now that she’s older
this character is selective. her views \ actions are not the same as the mun. do expect cursing, drug use  and bad behaviour to be mentioned \ played here. as usual, everything will be tagged accordingly so you can blacklist. i will simply delete anon hate.
this character belongs to the grace and frankie  universe and i claim no ownership or affiliation with the character and the faceclaims here listed above. however, i do claim ownership of my personal headcanons written here as well my interpretation of the character. all rights go the actual owners
*BRIANNA icon credit: they were made by me ; psd by kingsleigh ( same psd used for all characters in this blog )
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