#( scholar of the sword ) // vasi.
butane-muses · 11 months
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[ // ] Vasi's usual manner of speaking revolves around a few different things: the vernacular of Eorzea, slang she picked up from its locals ("Seven hells!" is a particular favorite of hers), formal phrasing from her time as an Immortal Flames officer, and her first language, that of the Au Ra Xaela.
[ // ] The first two parts of that list are of a rather special case, as well. Shortly after her arrival in Ul'dah, a rather charitable Elezen woman found Vasi aimlessly wandering its myriad streets, and decided to take her into her home out of fear for her safety. Between being left to the mercy of cutpurses and having nowhere to stay, the Au Ra agreed to stay with her new guardian. As it turned out, this was the same person who would later provide her with her second surname: a certain Floremence La'dair.
[ // ] For a time, it was by Floremence's teachings that Vasi came to know the essentials of Eorzean common. She also became the woman's errand girl, of a sort, which allowed her to mingle with Ul'dahn citizens and better express herself over time. Before long, her characteristic enthusiasm and shining attitude became well-known, which earned her the attention of First Sword Mylla of the Gladiator's Guild, and later on, the one and only Raubahn Aldynn.
[ // ] Nowadays, as a fully-fledged adventurer and an elite amongst Ul'dah's military, Vasi still finds some time on occasion to thank her dear 'Auntie Flora' for her services and kindness, and to send her gifts she finds on her travels. After all, language is one of many paths of discovery, and it's thanks to such generosity that she has come so far.
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butane-muses · 1 year
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