#( thread ‣ aria. )
reginrokkr · 1 year
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Footprints are left in their wake one by one on the blanket of snow, step by step as Dáinsleif treads the grounds of unknown lands. No sight of humankind nor of any shape or form of any civilization left behind or human activity whatsoever. Only monsters he hasn't seen before, while they are reminiscent of Abyss-affiliated fiends judging by the powers they draw and sometimes the anthropomorphic form they have. As star beasts in Teyvat, these are no laughing matter nor deserve to let one's guard down no matter how skilled one may be.
The sheer cold and snow that never seems to melt begets curiosity within the seraph's mind, ever wondering about the ecosystem of this world and if that is the reason why there is no human life here— or perhaps there may be none at all to be had if humans don't exist in this place. Dáinsleif is cognizant of the fact that inhospitable lands can be incompatible with other forms of life, too.
Not long before he decides to rest does he see from afar metallic fences and machinery that he opts for walking some more and have a look, albeit never intruding into territory he doesn't know. Whoever or whatever created this, he cannot be sure whether they will act kindly within his presence. Where creations lay so must loom nearby their creators and ere long does Dáinsleif find out that said creators are humans. Good, so long as mankind exists in this star, so his possibilities to learn about this vast universe will increase.
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Rubescent lips part to heave a content sigh for such pleasant discovery and so Dáinsleif turns on his heels to leave. His aching muscles beg for rest, so does his mind after an undetermined amount of time walking and seeing little more than a vast albor ocean of snow. Somewhere discreet where he cannot be found yet not too far from the settlement is the chosen location to rest until a fox's cry causes his guard to be up once more, trained eyes in search of any presence that must've caused the tundra animal to be in distress.
Against his aching muscle's will, he rouses on his feet and searches for any living being activity within his vicinities. The source of the cry is found with immediacy as soon as a man's figure —judging by his muscular-looking back and broad shoulders— crouching catches his attention. With one hand he holds the poor fox in place while it struggles to thrash about in order to break free from his grasp and with the other snow is grabbed and brought to his lips. Despite the oddity of eating or drinking snow, stellar pupils take notice of a patch of blood making itself evident through the fabric of his top-wear on his arm.
❝You are hurt.❞ Only after these words abandon his lips does the seraph berate himself mentally at the prospect that the man may not understand the language. Even so, his voice stands low and gentle, tone does wonders to communicate feelings when language cannot establish a bridge of understanding. Dáinsleif ignores if what little fauna that lives in these snowy plains may be drawn to blood and thus put the man in danger, or if his life is endangered depending on the amount of blood that was spilled. His index finger points towards his own arm, pointing to the location of the other's injury to make himself clearer through signals. ❝Blood loss is detrimental in a place like this and I happen to have some medical knowledge.❞ One step brings him closer to the man, slow and measured to not generate hostility. His hand stretches towards him, an invitation. ❝Do you need help?❞
@longzhua ✦
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is me again hehe <3
lately, i've been thinking about how Jesse and how his strong devotion and loyalty translates into a relationship. so i was thinkingggggg, a scenario where Jesse needs to be walked of the edge of a heated situation and needs reassurance that he's it for reader. that he's the man reader wants to be with and will stand be his side.
can be either SFW or NSFW (with agender reader with female parts??? that would make me so happy) what ever is sparking your lovely imagination.
so appreciate and love and am grateful i found your beautiful writing and met such an amazing person <3
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Mythos, my dear! Thank you so much for the ask!! I saw your second ask too and I hope I’ve done your beautiful request justice. Jesse is so passionate but that’s exactly what we love about him and the idea of being able to show him that when he was feeling insecure is exactly what he deserves! I completely got carried away with this and ended up writing over 2.5k words (although it’s never enough for Jesse!). I hope you like it! Thank you for celebrating with me, love!
Pairing: Jesse x GN!/Anatomically Female Reader
Warnings: General Creepiness, Threats of Violence, Canon-Typical content, Self-Doubt, Explicit Sexual Content *MINORS DNI*
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You finally made it to the bar on a particularly busy night at 79’s. It was way more work than it should have been for a glass of water, but the dance floor that Jesse had kept you glued to all night was hot, and you were parched.
You could still see him through the crowd. His cog tattoo and shaved head helped him stand out among his identical brothers. That and you’d be able to spot his grin anywhere. He was in his civies tonight, a black t-shirt and his lone pair of jeans. Jesse always looked good, but you enjoyed your current vantage point and took a moment to check out the handsome man. You had only been on dating for a few months. Your friend had been hot and heavy with Fives since the moment she met the goateed clone. It had taken her a few tries to convince you to join them on a double date with one of his brothers who Fives insisted you’d like. You hadn’t been expecting much, not because you didn’t like Fives, but simply because you didn’t imagine someone like him could be your type. Jesse had swept you off your feet, though. You hadn’t admitted it to him yet, but you were falling fast. His endearing charm, constant sarcasm, lighthearted take on life, the passion that burned bright through him, and the kindness and understanding he always showed you made it easy to fall. You watched him move under the neon lights, and you felt a wide smile creep across your face. Jesse always seemed to put that smile there.
So it was Jesse and the lights and the music’s fault that you didn’t notice a crowd of people behind you until one of them stumbled into your back. You spun around, ready to apologize for taking up precious bar space before you realized it was a group of nat-borns. Instantly, your defense went up.
It wasn’t often that other civilians wandered into 79’s, and the ones that did were usually there to cause problems. So as you eyed up the stumbling rough and rowdy group, you didn’t have to go looking to know that they were likely trouble. Unfortunately, as Jesse often liked to remind you, with a deep laugh and elbow to your ribs, trouble usually came looking for you.
“Hey,“ The tallest one slurred as he looked you up and down. “Come here often?”
“Yup.” Your reply was curt, and you hoped they would take the hint when you turned back to face the bar.
Instead, a hand came to your shoulder.
“Hey, I was talking to you.” He was suddenly close, his breath rank and hot on your face as he yanked you towards. “You think you’re too good for us.”
“Don’t touch me.” You took a full step away as you warned him.
“Slummin’ it here with all these test tube freaks.” He closed in on you again. “Let me show you what a real man can do.”
You raised your hands, about to shove him backward, when a familiar arm slid over your shoulder. Despite your guard being up, you instantly knew who was next to you.
“Problem here?”
Your eyes didn’t move from the creep, but you could hear the eternal grin on Jesse’s face. You didn’t mistake the grin for carelessness. Instead, you knew it was just Jesse. He was always calm until he wasn’t.
“Ahh, I see. No problem.” The man stumbled back into his friends before muttering under his breath. “Freak fucker.”
“What did you call them?”
Your head snapped up at the sudden change in tone in Jesse’s voice. He wasn’t grinning anymore. His hand left your shoulder as he began to stiffen at your side. The man didn’t realize his mistake as he kept hurling insults your way.
“They’re just another slut for you meat droids. The Republic needs to end the war so they can take you all out with the trash.”
In split seconds, Jesse lept past you. He swung, his fist connecting with the creep’s jaw, sending him reeling backwards. He threw another jab, catching the man with a blow to the nose before he stumbled out of Jesse’s reach.
Your stomach dropped as one of the friends lunged for Jesse, whose gaze was still on the instigator. But never one to be caught off guard, Jesse side-stepped the second man in the same moment he spun, landing a uppercut into the man’s stomach.
You balled your fists, ready to follow Jesse when another hand came to your shoulder. You cocked a fist back but Kix’s voice found you before you could swing.
“You jump in, you just make it worse for him.”
You huffed in response. Kix wasn’t wrong. You knew Jesse could handle a few nat-borns by himself and he would only be distracted if you started to fight. Still, your fist stayed balled by your side.
In the next moment, a flash of red by the door caught your eye. The Courscant Guard was here. They were always close by on busy nights, keeping the peace however they had to. The three clones positioned themselves by the door. You recognized Thorn by his helmet. He posted himself in the corner, a shiny on either on side of him. You knew he wouldn’t intervene unless he had to, but if Jesse kept at it, Thorn wouldn’t have a choice.
Kix saw Thorn too. He set his jaw and dove into the fray. He emerged with an arm wrapped around Jesse’s waist, tugging the scowling man out of the scuffle. Kix turned, tossing his brother away from the seething nat-borns before he spun around to face them again.
“Get out.” Kix pointed to the door. “Or you’re going to have a lot more meat droids to deal with.”
The instigator snarled through a bloody nose and spit at Kix’s feet. Jesse yelled out and charged for the man again. You turned to face him, stepping into his path and putting your hands on his chest. Jesse looked down at you, his face instantly softening just a bit.
“Jesse - we’re leaving now.” The words were an order but your tone was gentle, hoping you could reach the part of him that had just relaxed under your palms.
He frowned, his eyes quickly back on his target. The men were rapidly retreating out the door, with side-glances thrown at the Guards in red. You felt Jesse twitch, like he wanted to chase after them.
“It’s okay, Jess.” Kix’s voice came from behind you now, calm and quiet. “Just let go it.”
“They’re not worth it.” You lifted one palm to Jesse’s face, laying it on his cheek with just enough pressure to coax him into looking at you. “Please, Jesse.”
His hand came up to your forearm, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“Okay,” The words were breathy as they left his mouth. “Okay, okay. You’re right.”
You lifted to meet his lips, capturing him in a quick, grateful kiss.
He exhaled as you pulled away, breaking the brief kiss. You ran your thumb along his cheekbone, tracing the lower rim of his tattoo. Then your hand fell to find his hand at his side.
“Let’s go home.”
You tugged him towards the exit. As you pulled Jesse out of the club, you threw on glance back to search over his shoulder, quickly finding the familiar eyes of Kix. He tilted his head in question, and you nodded in reassurance. He smiled back and raised his glass in a grateful salute before he turned back to the dancefloor. Jesse followed you to the door in a daze. The adrenaline of the fight had worn off, and he hung almost limp as he drifted behind you.
By the time you got back to your apartment, Jesse was almost catatonic. His lids hung heavy over his eyes as he sank onto the edge of your bed. He hadn’t said a word since you left 79’s. You were starting to get worried. Rather than press him to talk, you went to the kitchen and got a wet washcloth. Returning to find him unmoved in the bedroom, you knelt before him. Coaxing him to take off his shoes, you placed them next to yours at the end of the bed. Then you turned your attention to his bruised knuckles. Taking his calloused hand in yours, you started to dab at the scrapped skin.
“You… you don’t have to do that.” Jesse stuttered as he finally spoke.
“I’m happy to, Jesse.” You tried to smile up at him but his sleepy gaze had turned into a wide eyed stare and it caught you off guard.
“No, I mean you shouldn’t have to do that.” He yanked his hand out of yours.
You barely had time to wonder at his sudden movement before he was up on his feet, pacing across your small bedroom.
“Jesse, talk to me.” You kept your voice gentle, not out of fear but out of caring. You wanted him to know you were there for him.
“You deserve better, you know.”
You frowned but before you could protest, Jesse spoke again, never breaking his relentless stride.
“I’m sorry. I’m just a hothead. All I know is how to fight.” Jesse ran his fingers over his broken knuckles. “You deserve more than that.”
He finally stopped his pacing as he caught his form in the full length mirror that hung on your wall. His frown grew as he studied himself.
“Look at me.” His shoulders slumped and his eyes fell to the floor. “I was bred for this. Bred to be a soldier and that’s all I’ll ever be.”
You quickly clambered to your feet. He didn’t move from his position in front of the mirror. You stood behind him, savoring his closeness for a moment. You wrapped your arms around him at his waist and pulled him in tight to you.
“I love your fire, Jesse. I love that you’re a fighter.”
He let out a single dry laugh. It was so soulless, so unlike Jesse. You held him a little closer.
“Look at you, Jesse.” You settled your head on his shoulder, stretching to peer at your combined reflections. “You want to know what I see?”
He finally raised his head, hesitantly meeting your eyes.
“I see how passionately you care, how you love so strongly that you would go to war for those you care about. Your brothers know that. They love and respect you for that. But that fire isn’t all you are.”
“You can make me smile on the hardest of days. You keep calm in far more situations than you give yourself credit for. You like to pretend you don’t care but I can see how deeply you do.” You dug your fingers into his shirt, gripping his ribs, trying to convey how much you wanted him. “Don’t ever say you’re just a soldier. You’re so much more than that, Jesse.”
Jesse’s eyes were shining as his reflection stared back at you. He took your arm from his waist and tugged you in front of him, his eyes never leaving yours in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders folding you into his warmth. You reached up and held onto his arms like he was the only liferaft in the sea. He started to grin again. You leaned your head back into him with a sigh and a smile.
“I’m so lucky to have met you.” Jesse murmured as he kissed the top of your head.
“We’re both lucky.”
You turned your head to lay a gentle kiss on his bicep. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the smirk on his face widen just a little. He pressed a kiss to your neck. And then another. You tilted your head, giving him more access to your sensitive flesh. One of hands that laid across your chest searched out your pert nipple and began to tease it gently through the rough fabric of your shirt. You leaned back into him with a soft moan, grinding your hips against him, feeling him harden behind you. Jesse’s lips found your ear.
“Oh, cyare,” Jesse’s words were dark and husky. “You don’t know what you do to me.”
His other hand snaked its way down your front, finding the waistline of your pants. Jesse pushed the fabric aside, sinking one knuckle into your already wet center.
“See what you do to me.” You breathlessly muttered. “Jesse, I need you.”
His hands jumped to your waist to find the hem of your shirt. Gentle fingers traced a line up your side, gathering your shirt as he went. Jesse paused at your mid-waist and looked at you. You nodded, giving him permission to proceed. He whipped the top off of you in the next moment. You spun to face him, needy for the feeling of his skin on yours. You tugged at the ends of his shirt, and he quickly obliged. You ran your hands over his chest, savoring the warmth of his skin and the sturdy build of his muscles.
Jesse bent to meet you and quickly captured your lips in his, kissing you deeply. He still tasted like a hint of whiskey. His tongue swirled with yours in a bruising fury and you felt yourself craving more of him. You broke apart for a moment, both turning your attention to your pants. The last bits of clothing was quickly removed and kicked aside.
Jesse spun you around to face the mirror and then pressed his wide palm on the small of your back, coaxing you into bending over. You gave into his directions, bringing a hand to the wall on either side of the mirror. You felt him run his length along your aching slit. You let out a breathy moan as he brushed along your clitoris, your head falling and eyes closing at the glorious friction.
“Oh no, cyare,” Jesse’s back was suddenly pressed against you, and his hand was on your jaw. He guided your head back up so you were staring into his deep brown eyes.
“That’s it,” he nipped at your neck as he stood again, lining himself up. “Let me see those eyes.”
You stared up at him, meeting his dark look in the mirror. His pupils were blown. Jesse stood again, towering over you. You bit your lip as you studied the breathtaking man for the briefest moment.
Then he entered you. His member filled you, reaching your furthest depths at this angle. The ache of being so full was quickly replaced by a overwhelming pleasure as Jesse’s hand snaked its way around you, deftly finding your already sensitive nub again. He teased small circles as he slowly began to move, dragging his cock from you before swiftly entering you again. Soon, his hips pistoned into you and you pushed back off of the wall, meeting him with every stroke. His other hand held your hip on a strong grip. You cried out his name as a wave of orgasm overtook you. Jesse followed behind, filling you as he finished.
You stood up and swayed on weak legs. Jesse quickly gathered you into his chest, showering your shoulders with kisses.
“Thank you.” He whispered against your skin.
“Always.” You sighed, leaning back into him. The next words left your mouth before you even considered them. “I love you, Jesse.”
Your stomach dropped for a moment. You knew you meant it but maybe it was too soon, too early. Before you could take it back, you looked to him in the mirror. His dark brown eyes found your suddenly wide ones and they were bright, all lust replaced with a vast joy. He quickly spun you to face him. Cupping your face in his hands, he tilted you up towards him.
“I love you too.”
His lips captured yours and his hands fell to wrap around your waist. Your heart soared as he squeezed you tighter to him.
“Now come on,” Jesse smirked before he stepped backwards, tuggiing you towards the bed. “I’m not done with you yet.”
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grcveyacd · 3 months
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“ give me five minutes to finish this paper, and then i promise we can go. “ her eyes stay glued to the notepad in front of her, scribbling down a few final thoughts for her thesis. she may have toured with rockstars on her downtime but, she was still a student that really needed to pass her classes. “ okay, i lied… maybe ten minutes and then we can go. “  // @angclnumber
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thatonebirdwrites · 4 months
It is finally done! This chapter turned out way longer than I planned. But they all have a lot to discuss.
Lena looks at her hand and murmurs the spell she’d learned in her dreams. The gold light shimmers in her hand like a flame almost. She tilts her hand back and forth then upside down. The gold flame sticks to her hand and only dissipates when she clenches her fist. 
Lena scrambles to her feet. She didn’t need to repeat the chant. 
She murmurs the chant once and holds her palm up toward the ceiling. Sure enough, the light reappears, but it doesn’t go away or grow bigger when she falls silent. It stays in her hand, flickering almost like torchlight. Holy shit.
Before the unbinding, she had to keep the chant going for the energy to stay in formation. After that moment, any magic she did was intuitive, she didn’t think, just did it. So had the chants allowed her to push through the cracks in her binding? It’s the best hypothesis she has.
“Hey you,” Kara’s voice startles her. The gold flame briefly flares before Lena quickly shuts her fist to stifle it. 
“Hey.” She sits down and grasps Kara’s hand. The blonde’s pallor is definitely better, more golden than pale now. “How are you feeling?” 
“Tired and achy, but no more pain!” Kara grins as if that’s the best news in the world. Maybe for a Super it is. Her hand squeezes Lena’s. “And you? I saw that magic flame. You weren’t chanting for it! Did you learn a new trick?”
“You could say so.” Lena gives a one-shoulder shrug. Now seems as good as any to address their prior battle. “I would like to inform you that I’m mildly angry at you.” 
She prides herself on her precise control over her behaviors, thoughts, and words. And yet, when Kara was injured, she’d lost all three in a melding of the sword’s aliveness with her fury. She shudders to think of what might have happened if Kara and her friends hadn’t found a way to pull her back.
“Only mildly?” Kara’s smile is cocky almost. “Gosh, must be losing my touch.” 
Lena sighs and clenches Kara’s hand tighter. “You could have died, Kara.”
The levity in Kara’s expression fades. “I — I had to do something. I felt you fading. And he hurt you.”
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fragmcntedsouls · 3 months
Nicolette Cadieux ✦ to 2/3 of the Cadieux clan ( @beavtifvltragedies & @ofxlycanxmagica )
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Aside from Lucas, Nicolette knew that her kids were avoiding her and honestly, she couldn't fault them for it. It wasn't every day your dead mom comes back and ends up outed to be a vampire at an event designed to cull the supernatural. The last thing that she wanted though was for them to fear her. Their anger she could accept, but being feared felt like a fate worse than death.
Now as she arrived at her sister's home, mere minutes after exiting the car, the front door had already started to open as Nic called out "I thought maybe we could -- talk?"
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dirtwatchman · 5 months
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PARTIES: @dirtwatchman and @ariadnewhitlock TIME: Mid-September WHERE: Slumberland SUMMARY:  Caleb and Aria go apple picking at Slumberland. Aria gives him some news that is very upsetting but the two talk it out. WARNINGS: Talks of Aria's kidnapping but it's mostly just soft.
There was one thing that Caleb always looked forward to during the fall season and that was his annual visit to the apple orchard in Gatlin Fields. He’d made it a tradition in the years since he’d found the place. Sure, Slumberland wasn’t perfect with the random sleeping bodies littering the orchards on occasion and the lack of seasoning as simple as salt but it was one place where he could always enjoy the smell of fresh apples. With his dulled senses he’d never dreamed that he’d be able to enjoy that smell again but the minute he stepped onto the farm the sweet scent always filled him with a happiness he didn’t get very often. It was a nostalgic thing, the longing for normalcy after becoming anything but always satisfied while walking through the rows of trees ripe for the picking. The only thing that could make it better was company and he had the best person joining him this year. 
Aria had been in his life since she was born, her father having been a very important person to him, and he often made it a point to spend time with her when he could. Especially after what they’d thought was her death almost a year ago. When she’d agreed and had even been excited to head to the orchard with Caleb, the zombie had been elated. He hadn’t seen her outside of the hardware store in a month at least and his enthusiasm for the trip was definitely showing, a rare sight for anyone when it concerned him.
“How many apples are we picking today?” They were walking through a row of the trees, a basket in his hands while they searched for the best place to start. “Do you want to make anything with them or is this trip all for my benefit?” Questioning eyes cut over to the blonde, accompanied by a gentle smile. Caleb was joking with her but in the back of his mind he did wonder whether she truly wanted to be here. It never went away, that nagging voice, and always made him question even the simplest of things. 
She’d known Caleb from the time that she was born, because he’d known her parents since they were kids, or at least since they were teenagers, and given that Ariadne had been born when her parents were only just about twenty, Caleb had been in their lives then, and remained there to this day. She supposed that it made sense – her parents weren’t the sort to have superficial friendships, which was a trait she’d liked to think they’d passed on to her (though they’d both had far more friends in school than she had).
“As many as I can get, I think.” Ariadne nodded. “Can we get more than one bag? And oh, I want to make stuff – cookies or crumble or any sort of thing. With you, maybe? Or with my partner. I’m still not too much of a good cook. Baker. Whatever.” She offered him a small smile, too, hoping he’d know that she meant what she said. That she really loved hanging out with him whenever she could, however much she could. “Also, we have go get cider donuts, right? Lots of them. They smell the best and taste the best.”
Her excitement made him smile, Caleb truly happy to hear that she wanted to be there. He worried about Aria a lot these days and just wanted to be there in case she needed him. He'd had his person to rely on while growing up and even though her parents were nothing like his foster parents had been he knew that sometimes it was easier to talk to someone who wasn't...well, a guardian. ”We can do as many bags as you want. I'd be happy to get twenty if that's where you'd like to land.“ Humor laced his tone, only because he didn't think she'd really want that much, but he was willing to go that far if she did. 
The suggestion for them to cook together had his smile slipping a little. Caleb had loved to cook and bake when he was alive but it was a little hard to do when he couldn't actually taste much to be able to get a feel for how the dish was going. It was possible, of course, but harder. She didn't need to know that though. ”Yea, we could definitely work on something. I think my specialty is pie, though. Maybe your partner knows the crumble better? They're really good at baking, right?” He hadn't actually met Aria's partner but he'd heard a little about them from the blonde. “Or am I making that up?”
Stopping under one of the apple trees, Caleb looked up at the low hanging fruit, taking one in his hand but leaving it on the branch. “ Think this tree looks pretty good, what about you? Think the apples are ripe enough?” He plucked the one in his hand from the tree to hold out to her before he answered her question. “Oh, no contest. Can't leave here without the donuts. Maybe we can get a few boxes and they can last a little bit without getting stale on us.”
“I do dance, not weightlifting, Caleb,” Ariadne giggled. It was easy to be her happier self around people like Caleb and Oliver, people who’d known her from the time she was absolutely tiny. So even if some other things felt especially heavy right now, going apple picking with Caleb felt light and good. “So I don’t think I could even hope to carry twenty bags. Plus, that might mean less for others, and I don’t want to take away from what others want or need.” She never did.
Ariadne looked over to him, watching him carefully. “Pie’s good, and yeah – they’re really good at literally everything. They’re actually the best.” She glanced down at the ground, smile quickly spreading across her features. “You’re not making that up. They can cook and bake and – yeah. You should meet them sometime. I think you���d like them a lot. If you like me, which I think you do, they’re like, the literal best ever, better than I could ever be, so…” she neglected to point out that part of what made Wynne so much better than her was the fact that they weren’t undead and hadn’t killed somebody. 
Caleb didn’t need to know that, though.
“I think those look perfect! I am always tempted to eat some of the apples on the way, even though I guess you’re technically not supposed to.” Ariadne grabbed an apple of her own, carefully placing it into a bag. “Good. Yes, I am in support of that. Mom and dad said I should bring some home to them, so we’ve gotta get boxes!”
”Oh, excuse me, how could I forget?“ Laughing along with her, Caleb brought a hand up to playfully tap his forehead. ”Twenty is out of the question, gotcha. You just let me know when you're ready to stop then.“ Again, he had to smile at Aria's words. She had always been such a caring person which was something he very much admired about the girl. Not everyone got to have that in their lives so he considered anyone who knew her to be lucky. Of course, with who her parents were, he shouldn't have been surprised. ”The orchards look pretty bountiful this year. But I can see your point.“
Watching her talk about her partner like that, it warmed him. Caleb was so glad that Aria had someone to feel so passionate about, someone she cared for unconditionally. From the way she talked about them he could tell that they cared for Aria just as much. ”Everything, huh? And they haven't made you apple cider donuts yet? I'm gonna have to get onto them.“ Trying his best to look stern, he almost turned his head when a smile pulled at his lips. He never was good at pretending, usually wearing his heart on his sleeve which got him in trouble often. As he reached up to pick another apple, he raised an eyebrow at her words. ”Wait, you only think I like you? You know you're like family to me, right? I love you, don't forget that.“ Another apple was added to the bag before he looked over at her. ”So I'm sure I'll love them too. They sound just as amazing as you are.“ 
He made note of her parents wanting some of the donuts, keeping it in the back of his mind so he didn't forget on their way out. ”Consider it done. And you should eat one, if you want, I don't think they're going to complain about one apple.“ Caleb reached for a higher branch, trying to keep the lower ones for her to get, before he looked over at her again. The zombie grew a little more somber before he asked his next question. ”How have you been lately? I know you have Wynne and all but everything else is good, right?“
“Yes, I know that when I look like how I look, it’s very confusing about whether or not I’m a dancer or a weight lifter.” Ariadne grinned. “I’ll let you know so long as you also let me know if you’re all done and ready to stop.” Because she certainly didn’t want him to overdo anything on her account. She might have been a monster now, but that didn’t make her a spoiled brat. “Then we’ll just have to come back!” She looked out at the other trees, labeled with different species of apple, most all of which she wanted to try and get.
She offered Caleb a shrug. “In fairness, we haven’t been together during the fall yet, since we’ve only been dating since July, and I just like to see all the sorts of things that they come up with, and everything they do is good, so…” Ariadne knew Caleb was joking around, but she couldn’t help but defend Wynne at any possible sight of them not appearing to be totally wonderful. Again, she was fully aware of the joking nature of Caleb’s reply, but she also maybe wanted more excuses to talk about just how wonderful Wynne was. “You’re like family to me too. Super cool uncle status or something, I figure. Which is a very good role to have. At least I say so. They are more amazing than I am, and I can’t wait for you to meet them.” Wynne deserved to know as many good people as possible.
“Okay, okay.” She grabbed another apple off one of the trees – Macoun – and took a bite into it. “Yeah, that’s worth it. I’m still giving them an extra dollar when we get back to the store, though, probably.” His next question made Ariadne’s stomach turn, briefly. “Uh.” She began. “Well… how much have my parents told you about what happened to me recently? Because I was, well, uh, kidnapped kind of for a time but then I’m all better now.”
”Just can't help the confusion, look at those arms. Arms of steel. In fact, why aren't you holding this?” Caleb indicated the bag in hand holding all of the apples they'd picked so far before moving it out of her reach so she didn't get the idea to try and take it from him. He was joking but he knew her well enough that she'd most likely feel bad for letting him hold onto it. “I promise, if I'm ready I'll let you know.” Not likely. He could be out here all night for all he cared, it wasn't like he slept. “Two trips to Slumberland this year? You won't hear me saying no, this is one of my favorite places. You know I fell asleep out here once? Woke up very confused but I guess I just tired myself out.”
Caleb shot Aria a knowing look, aware of what she was doing. He didn't blame her one bit, it was always nice to be able to gush about a person that was cared for and she could go on as much as she pleased. He only cared that Aria was happy. “Alright, alright, I'll give you that. But you have to bring me one of these crumbles if they make them, yea? If only to prove how good they are at baking.” He wouldn't admit it but hearing Aria call him an uncle type was very uplifting. Sure, he's always considered her and her family like his own but he'd never really believed they reciprocated that thought. Confirmation was nice even if he’d continue to question it. “I don't know about more amazing, Aria, but I'll maybe consider an equal amount.”
'Kidnapped.' As soon as he'd heard the word the bag of apples slipped from his hand and he turned to fully face her. Her parents hadn't said anything to him but he'd been really busy lately and hadn't had much time to stop and chat. “I'm sorry, what? What do you mean you were kidnapped? What happened?” And who did it? Who would want to harm someone as sweet as Aria? It was like hearing about her death all over again, the worry sprouting in Caleb’s chest and spreading to overtake anything else. 
“I don’t think —” she twisted her lips around briefly, wanting to apologize before Caleb moved the bags out of her reach and she realized, more fully, that he was joking. Which, of course he was, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t still want to help him. Ariadne looked over to him, “okay, deal, but you have to actually really let me know, if you do want me to carry them. Maybe I can see if I can go on pointe in boots in the middle of an apple orchard. I won’t, obviously, that’s not proper form, but I wonder if I could…” Her face brightened again at his question. “I mean, maaaybe. We’ll have to see. Also no, I didn’t know that you’d fallen asleep here. That sounds like a good place to nap, though.” Not that she could do that anymore. Which she wasn’t going to focus on. Or was, at least, going to try to not focus on.
Ariadne nodded enthusiastically at his comment. “Yeah, yeah, for sure. You should meet them sometime, though. They’re super awesome, which I said, and … yeah. I know I also said already that you have to meet them, but I can’t have them not knowing my favorite people in town.” Especially given how Wynne had wound up meeting her parents. She’d prefer that they met other people under nicer circumstances. “I’ll let you try some of the crumble, I promise I won’t eat it all. And fine, equal amount, but you only get to say that ‘cause you’re you.”
Her expression dropped at his next comments. “I – yeah. I –” she still hated talking about it. Never wouldn’t hate that, she supposed. “I was out walking at night and a guy with a beard grabbed me and locked me in his van and tried to uh, starve me to death. ‘Cause of how I don’t eat normal food always anymore. So he kept me in the van and then I got rescued but he wanted me to die again, I guess, and he was really really mean and also bad at science.” Ariadne looked down at the ground. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“As impressive as that would be, let's not break an ankle today. It still hurts even if it heals pretty quickly. Don’t worry though, I’ve got this.” He said it matter of factly, not wanting Aria to think she needed to lift a finger to help because she didn’t. Even if they got multiple bags, Caleb would insist on carrying it all himself anyway. “The nap was so good that I ended up with smushed apple all over me. I guess I rolled over a few times in my sleep but never realized I was crushing the ones I’d already picked. It was a sight to see, that’s for sure.” The looks he had gotten while heading to the bathroom to clean up were humiliating at the time but he could look back and laugh at them without wanting to completely bury his head in the sand now.
“Just let me know when you’d like to do a meet up and I’ll be there…if I’m not working. You know I work odd hours sometimes. You like them, I’m sure I will like them as well.” Again, a warmth bloomed in his chest at her words and Caleb gave her a faint smile. “I’m holding you to that promise. If you eat it all you’re gonna owe me big time.” 
Starve her to death…because she had to feed on nightmares or because she was technically already dead. It wasn’t like Aria hurt anybody, not intentionally anyway. She was so sweet to everyone she came across, too soft for the world, and the situation only reminded him of his childhood. A bully picking on their prey didn’t deserve to be breathing and yet the two of them were the ones no longer requiring air in their lungs. “You don’t have to apologize, Ariadne.” Something he liked to remind her of. He never required an apology from her, one had never actually been warranted. Caleb ran a hand through his messy curls, rage starting to build to join his concern. “Did you happen to catch his name? The guy with the beard? And do your parents know about this?”
“Fine, fine, no broken ankles, I swear.” Ariadne held her hand up. “Only because I love you.” Like an uncle of sorts, or some cool older brother. Though maybe it was more fair to say uncle, given that he was friends with her parents, and even if they were on the younger end of parent-age, uncle was better. He was her Caleb. That was that. It was simple, and he’d known her when she was a toddler, and she felt safe around him, and that was what mattered most, ultimately.
“Yes! I will, absolutely! I know you work odd hours, but that’s fine, we’ll make sure that it works. That much I certainly have faith in us for. Or in. Or whatever – point is, I trust you and me to make stuff work, because you’re important to me.” She offered a small smile, similar to the one’s she’d given him when he’d come over to her house and she was still shy about talking to people. Not that she wasn’t shy now, but she wasn’t shy with him. “You should hold me to that promise! I like keeping promises, and I wouldn’t lie to you! I mean, I wouldn’t lie at all, or I’d try not to, but especially not to you.”
She wanted to cry. “Okay, okay, if you say so.” Her gaze focused on one of the further apple trees. “I – my parents know I disappeared, yeah, but not all the specifics because they’re still hazy on… what I do, how I do it. I – he never told me his name.” Inge had told her, after, but her head was spinning right now. She didn’t want Caleb to get hurt. To be responsible for his death. “He’s – he’s the meanest man I’ve ever met, ever.”
“I love you too, kiddo.” The urge to reach out and ruffle her hair like he had done when she was younger was strong but Caleb resisted. She wasn’t a little girl anymore and he was sure that Aria wouldn’t appreciate being treated like one. Nevermind calling her ‘kiddo'. He’d never stop with the affectionate nickname unless she really started to have issues with it. It wasn’t meant to be derogatory in any way, in fact he only started calling her that because he had always been awkward around children and it had stuck. 
Even through his anger at what she was telling him with the kidnapping, he couldn’t help the adoration that joined the emotion at her little rambling. She certainly did have a way of making him feel like he was worth having around. “Trust me, I will make it work. I can’t wait to meet the person that puts that smile on your face.” 
It seemed that challenges like this would start popping up for the rest of their lives. The two of them were stuck at the age they were when they died but her parents were still aging forward and Caleb was more than willing to keep an eye on her for as long as he lived. He did hate lying to them about things like this but it was choice whether she told them or not, he wouldn’t betray that trust. But it did make him want to take on their role in her life, be a protector, even if the danger was long gone. “Aria, if you ever see him again let me know, okay?” What he would do, he didn’t know, but he wanted to do something. Anyone willing to hurt her deserved a fate worse than death. After all, you could live when you weren’t breathing and that wasn’t enough for whoever had done this to her. 
But Caleb could also see that this was upsetting her and he didn’t want to taint their outing together even more. He was willing to drop this for the sake of having a good time. “Which apples did you want to go to next? I think we have enough of this kind.”
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ariana-cruz · 7 months
location: aria's home tag: @lincoln-riley
"Feeling better?" Smiling against his chest, she presses a lingering kiss to his sternum before settling back enough to look at him. "We can talk about it if you want." The event, that was. They hadn't really said much in that regard and Aria just wanted to know if it was something that was weighing heavily or not. "Positively speaking, nobody died, so that's something, right?" At least she thought so. Sure, Katy Perry might have left with a little trauma but hey, no blood was spilled. "It's just this town lately, something really nasty is brewing to a boil. Pretty sure everyone can sense it now. I don't think the ADA has been located, he's probably very dead. Negatively speaking now... Sorry." She hummed, not meaning to ramble on with her thoughts, she was only trying to encourage him to do the same.
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taliwrites · 1 year
for: @xanwritesx who: aria + elias au: the court of requiem
saints, did elias dislike the winter weather.
not that he ever felt truly cold, already so icy to the touch. but the way the sharp winds caught his cheeks and found its way under his coat made him grumpy, and once again brought him to wonder how he’d managed to live in the wilds of iceland for as long as he had. he reminds himself that there, he’d been surrounded by magic, a dome of comfort and solitude that enabled him to recover himself and plan for a future he hadn’t been entirely sure he’d be able to have.
stepping into the castle entrance, the giant room with stairs leading up and corridors leading this way and that, elias ruffles the light touch of snow from his hair. “i eagerly await you, ostara,” he mumbles to himself, stamping his feet on the large mat by the doors. “i think i will be the first to celebrate this year.”
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felteverywhere · 11 months
continued from here on legacy for @caeruleums​
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aria scoffed, arms crossing defensively over her chest. “that’s not what i was trying to talk to you about, lilith... christ, he’s a friend. an overprotective one, albeit, but that’s... werewolf nature, or whatever.” the witch crossed the room, finding the book she’d been scouring over. “i told you i needed your help, i meant that. you’ve been around a long time, correct?” 
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m3chanical-rhythm · 2 years
@kyabetsunomuses​ ______________________________________________
It had been about a week since the Shadowman she’d repaired had taken up a residence in her home. Although she had been in and out as usual, Aria hadn’t seen him once--she’d even leaving out a fresh E-Tank for him in her living room, but not a one had been so much as moved from its spot. She had no real way to tell he was even around still--she would get soft alerts if any of the doors opened, but that could be worked around easily by any shadow-stepping abilities, as seen with ‘her’ Shadow.
Today had been perhaps, a lucky coincidence. As Aria was walking by the door, her hyper-sensitive audials caught a voice from inside the room in which Shadowman was staying. She slowed to a stop just outside, listening closely in case she’d misheard--but then, she heard him again. She didn’t eavesdrop so much as to understand what he was saying, but it was clear enough that she could tell that he was talking to...someone. Was somebody else in there with him? There couldn’t be...unless he brought them in, himself. Maybe it was a communication line via comm-link? It would be difficult to figure out from outside the door without being rude and listening in...
Curiosity and concern winning over once again (and honestly, just wanting to see him again), Aria knocked on the door.
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“Shadowman?” She called out. “Do you mind if I come in for a minute...?”
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faithdevotion · 1 year
@amcntgomery​ continued [aria/dante]
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“No loyalty...” He quoted her in a mumble, lips pressing into a thin line. It was a struggle to confess how he felt for her, beyond seeing himself as weak. Feelings have been pushed away ever since he ended his past relationship. So how would the wording without giving away how he felt turn out? Dante’s inked hand ran through her chocolate strands of hair, tips reaching the scalp to lightly caress it. His free hand slid up her frame to grasp her jaw gently, forcing her to meet his dark gaze.
“Don’t you dare to say there is no loyalty here.” He’d stain his hands in blood for her if he had to, but confession frightened him deep within. “I don’t keep women around me, Aria. If I wanted you only for a good fuck, I’d not have you here. I’d call you like I used to call whores before. But this is not the case.” Their sex was intense, filled with passion and heat they both exchanged, but he knew she was worth more than ending up on someone’s bed. “We fight because you don’t learn to fucking listen when I want you to for your own good. But I lose my patience very quickly. Do I fucking need to explain myself when you have seen what I am?” He quizzed in a dry mutter, his head cocking to a side as his gaze narrowed while it felt to the sight of her luscious lips. 
Her questions made his jaw tighten, grabbing a handful of her strands of hair. The thoughts alone made him feel the anger in his stomach and his blood boil. Claiming ownership of a woman was nothing but senseless in his mind, but Dante hated the minimal thoughts of someone approaching Aria. “Don’t provoke me, because if you give me names or describe their faces to me, I’d have their heads on a platter before you for touching you.”
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Onyx heavens augur tempests of sins only to be washed away should one bend to unjust and divine Heavenly Principles. Iron scent accompanies crimson deluge, the celestial law warns of promises of death if anyone dares trespass the limits betwixt humane and divine unprompted. Before this fallen heavenly envoy lies the end a beginning of a life branded as sinful since the commencement of its very existence. Nigh deaf ears ring with spiritual cries of struggling Ley Lines to reject that which threatens to permeate the earth of this star with its malady.
A new set of voices chant in the back of the seraph's head: a requiem for the fallen by the hands of the gods, a hymn to let this land rot as the destroyed kingdom did and a siren's call to end that life with his bare hands. Temptation for vengeance is high, alas regret and fervent wish to not see one more human soul witness this Calamity on repeat once more are even higher.
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Nonetheless, here stands Dáinsleif as others mourn the loss of a goddess, unable to move nor to speak. Tempestuous astrals fixed on Sumeru's Grand Conservator holding the tiny new life in his strong arms before sapphire and dichromatic emerald-scarlets meet fleetingly. All sentiments this luminary may harbor for that man numbed and buried underneath millions of other emotions born from the befallen catastrophe in the reign of Khaenri'ah, still too recent even if it's been years since the incident.
「You whom barely hesitated to jump to the assistance of others in time of dire necessity, what makes you so paralyzed now that the event is essentially the same? Is it the sight of a fallen god and birth of a new one in this new samsara? Do you still hold at heart the wishes of the masses you hoped to change their minds from even after you slew countless of them en route to the Land of Wisdom?」
@samyavastha ✦
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I'm sorry if this is a repeat! It said something went wrong with my ask when I tried to send it!
Congratulations on 150 followers! That is quite a feat to accomplish and deserves celebrating. Have some confetti!
I have a request for Rex. SFW or NSFW is up to your discretion and if you want to ignore altogether, you can. No worries!
How about a fic with an introverted reader who's more reserved with Rex in terms of affections in public, and not only because of GAR regulations? She might snuggle into his side, hold his hand, hug and kiss when no one's looking, but that's it. Maybe she starts feeling a little insecure over how Rex might feel about it (probably because she sees other girls hanging all over his men at 79's/maybe someone tried to flirt with Rex because it's not obvious that they're together) and they have a heart-to-heart.
Like I said, you can ignore this if you want. It's just that I've read quite a few fics with readers who are much more extroverted and forward with Rex in the PDA department. Haven't read many with us more introverted type girls. Just because we're a little stiff in public doesn't mean we don't get wild for our special someone behind closed doors.
Hi Nonnie!! Thank you so much for asking this, and thank you for celebrating with me! Honestly, I loved this ask, and I completely got carried away. I accidentally wrote 1500 words and I probably could have easily written another 1000 more if I had time. I also haven't written for Rex in ages (a crime!), and I missed it! This was very personal, so thank you for trusting me with this request. I hope I did it justice!
Pairing: Rex x F!Reader
Warnings: Feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, Jealousy, Sexual themes/implied sex
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You and Rex have been dating for a few months now, and it’s been - well - a dream. He was everything you had ever hoped for and more in a partner. Rex was kind, he was caring, he was unbelievably handsome, and he was charming in his own sweet and occasionally awkward way. Even with your busy schedules, he always made time for you with date nights out on Coruscant and surprise flowers while he was away. You thought that the GAR would be more concerned about one of their high-ranking clone officers having a relationship with a civilian mechanic, but you quickly learned that there weren’t any rules against it. If anything, Anakin and Ahsoka had been almost helpful - almost. Rex told you later that the Jedi had teased him so badly about his obvious crush that Obi-wan finally begged him to ask you out so it would stop distracting “those two impossible children”.
The only thing that worried you about your relationship had almost nothing to do with Rex. If anything, it was your problem. You were more introverted. You always have been.  You had your close friends and didn’t mind getting to know new people if the situation was right, but you rarely put yourself out there, except for that one time that Fives forced you to do karaoke with him, and you swore that your cheeks burned red with embarrassment for a week. Up until now, you’d never considered it a fault. Being introverted made you careful, thoughtful, and caring, all traits you loved about yourself. And, of course, Rex had never made you feel anything less than special, but you were starting to worry if you made him feel special enough. Your reserved nature meant you had trouble expressing your feelings for him, especially in public. When you were on duty, the two of you hovered near each other but always kept it professional. Even when you were able to relax, like out at 79’s with the other members of the 501st or on brunch dates to Dex’s, you would steal a kiss in a quiet moment, lean against him in the booth, or hold his hand under the table, but that was the extent. Sometimes, you would watch him laughing along with his brothers, whose partners sat on their laps and hung around their necks, and you wondered if it was enough - if you were enough.
Tonight was one of those nights. Despite the loud music of 79’s, Rex’s hand occasionally grazing your knee, and the antics of Torrent Company, you couldn’t shake this feeling of being too shy. And now, as if you weren’t already feeling insecure, you had a front-row seat to the cute waitress flirting with Rex. You couldn’t fault her. How could Rex not catch her eye? With his close-cropped blonde curls, the tight compression shirt that covered his top half, his cool smile, and his kind manners, Rex stood out, even in a bar full of clones. She had spotted him the moment she came to wait on your table. And the beautiful young woman had made her intentions clear, been dropping hints all night about being single while her lingering eye contact progressed to gentle touches of his shoulder. Now your stomach twisted as she ran her hand along his arm, asking if he needed another drink. You wished you were bold enough to kiss him right in front of her, but even as badly as you wanted to, you knew you couldn’t. Instead, you looked away.
“I’m all set.” Rex gave a nod to the beautiful woman before he leaned back away from her. 
Under the table, his hand found yours and gave you a small squeeze. He nodded to Jesse, who quickly jumped in and began chatting with the waitress.
Later that night, you couldn’t shake the image. Even as Rex wrapped himself around you in bed, his breath hot on your neck and his hands on your hips, you couldn’t close your eyes without seeing how her hand grazed him. 
“Rex,” You whispered his name into the darkness.
“Hmm.” The groggy syllable was quickly followed by a kiss to the back of your neck as if he had been drifting and just remembered where he was. 
“Rex, can I ask you a question?”
“Course.” The reply came quickly. Rex was awake now.
“Does it bother you I’m not…I’m not more extroverted?”
The question came out in a tumbling exhale. As you took another breath, you held it and chewed on your lip while you waited for a response. Behind you, the mattress shifted and Rex coughed as he began to stutter.
“I’m… uh… you’re going to have to give me more than that, mesh’la.” 
You could hear him running his hand along the back of his head, and your heart panged at the nervous tic. You loved him, truly and deeply.
“It’s just… that waitress at 79’s was really flirty tonight, and I’m not mad. I don’t blame her. Like, look at you. You deserve to be flirted with and doted on and all that PDA. I wish I could do that, but it’s just not me, and you… you deserve more.” You stumbled over the words. They felt heavy and tilted as you tried to form them, but you knew you had to get them out. Rex deserved more, and he should understand that.
“Is that what you think, mesh’la?” Rex’s arms found you as he sank in close behind you once again, wrapping around your waist and pulling you tight against him. “That you’re not enough for me?”
“You deserve more.” The floodgates were open, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. “You’re incredible, Rex. You deserve someone who shows you in all the ways, someone who’s brave enough for public displays of affection, and that’s not me. I wish I could, but I’m never going to be the girl that’s sitting on your lap at 79’s or making out with you in a dark corner.”
“Thank the Maker.” Rex snorted into your shoulder. “Far too much risk of running into Fives or Jesse there.” 
“I’m serious, Rex.”
“I am too.”
You sighed. He didn’t get it. 
“Hey,” Rex reached and turned on your bedside light. “Look at me, mesh’la.”
You turned to face the man you loved. He laid his arm out so you could tuck your head in his elbow. The dim light caught his deep brown eyes, and the marbled flecks twinkled as Rex stared at you. His look was serious, but a soft smile settled across his face as he studied your features.
“I… I know what I deserve.” Rex chose his words carefully. “And I know what I want. And I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you. I love our moments. I love that we can check in with each other over a glance and that when you squeeze my hand, you’re saying I love you. I don’t want big displays. I want you. Don’t I deserve what I want?”
“Yes,” You glanced down at the crumpled covers between you. 
It was true. You also loved how your eyes always found his, even in a crowded room. You loved your own special language of unspoken words and connections. The doubt that had gnawed at you from the inside out began to abate. You’d never met anyone more clear-headed than Rex, and no one deserved what they wanted more than Rex. Time and time again, he always made it clear that what he wanted was you.
“Well then,” He placed the knuckle of his index finger under your chin and slowly tilted your head back up towards him. “What’s the problem then?”
“I guess there’s none.” You gently shrugged. 
“That’s what I thought.”
His hand moved from below your chin and unfurled itself as he clasped your cheek. You leaned into his palm, savoring its heat. Gently, he guided your face up to meet his.
Rex’s lips found yours softly at first, meeting your kiss at the same time you were washed over with a grateful feeling for his love. You had found someone who understood you and saw you for all that you were. Someone as incredible as Rex. The kiss deepened as his hands fell to your hips. You met him as that grateful feeling turned into a breathless need.
“You have to know how much I want you.” He rasped as he dug his fingers into your skin.
“I do, Rex.” You pecked his lips one more time before you pulled away. 
With a hand on his shoulder, you gently pushed on Rex’s broad chest until he rolled onto his back. You sat up and swung your leg over to straddle him, grinding against him as you moved. You could feel him start to harden against you. Rex’s eyes flashed as his hands found your hips again, pulling you even tighter as he instinctively searched for friction. You leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“Now, let me show you how much I want you.”
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grcveyacd · 18 days
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“ what’s wrong with it? “ brows furrow as she snatches the paper out of the other’s hand, dark hues scanning the lyrics she had come up with the night before. “ it doesn’t sound whiny does it? aria promised that it didn’t. “ // @angelsdvsts gets another starter
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sailingtheimaginarysea · 10 months
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[Hey, if I'm gonna be around here more often anyway, I can probably start properly clearing my inbox and drafts now, huh?]
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vcritaservm · 1 year
setting,  winter  lights  festival,  mini  menagerie.   open,  for  anyone  in  aurelius !  ♡  
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“ i  would  be  careful,  if  i  were  you, ”  aria  warns  when  she  notices  someone  making  their  way  up  to  the  baby  hippogriff  in  the  mini  menagerie,  having  already  seen  the  sweet  little  thing  get  feisty  with  someone  else  who’d  decided  to  get  a  little  too  close  too  quickly. aria  herself  is  sitting  off  to  the  side  a  few  feet  away  with  a  kneazle  curled  up  in  her  lap,  its  tail  flicking  slowly  from  side  to  side  as  she  scratches  gently  down  its  back,  a  soft  purr  emanating  from  the  creature  even  as  its  eyes  track  its  surroundings  with  a  piercing  stare.  “ might  lose  an  appendage  if  you  move  too  quickly. ”
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