#( tysm for the starter!!! )
lucidrims · 3 months
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . bomi coming thru for @lovesruined !
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            " w-what . . . what happened to you ! " an animated gasp escapes past her lips, " you look like you've just gone through hell and back. do you need a hug ??? "
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mad-hunts · 24 days
/ slides doodle.
“ this is for you.”
a sigh slipped through barton's lips as he took a break from typing on his laptop. what was on the screen across from him was an email from one of his clients — and one that just couldn't seem to agree on a date, as well as a time for them to meet, as well. so it was naturally frustrating. but at least regulus was here that afternoon, barton thought. and as a result... he didn't feel quite as alone as he normally did. the pancakes that were piled high on the plate next to him were suddenly being cut into once more, then. barton wasn't the only one who had them, however, as he'd made brunch for the both of them.
regulus and him had been working on different things as they sat together at the table though. i mean, as far as barton could tell, the cervid had grabbed some art supplies from his office and was drawing. it was endearing how unapologetically himself regulus seemed to be. for, although barton liked to sketch with pencil and charcoal himself, it'd been a while since he'd done it in front of anyone. dark eyes then trailed away from the screen he hadn't typed on in a while before regulus passed barton the drawing he'd made. a smile almost instinctively spread across his lips afterwards.
he carefully straightened the paper so that he could see it as it was meant to be and squinted at the doodle, trying to wrap his head around what it was of, ❝ ahh... look at you, being all artistic. i love this drawing you made. now, excuse me for asking, but could you tell me what you were thinking about when you drew this? ❞ this was basically barton's way of covertly asking reg about who or what was in his art. because despite the fact that the doctor thought he had a general idea of it, he wanted to give regulus the chance to talk about it (he always did find it attractive when people or beings talk about things they're passionate about).
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shadowedresolve · 4 months
God, Toshiro can't remember the last time he hasn't felt exhausted.
It makes sense. The pressure of the elections, the evidence he stole, the fear of discovery and the guilt of not having the strength to take action... it's all been weighing down on him so much that sometimes he feels like he's drowning. And to make matters worse, the stress has developed into giving him physical symptoms, too - headaches that sometimes border on migraines, physical exhaustion with no obvious cause... he's been sleeping like a rock at night, but that doesn't seem to help at all.
But it's strange. He spent so long unable to gather up the courage needed to expose his father. Despite knowing it was the right thing, he was scared - not just of what it would mean for him, but for everyone else, too - or maybe that was just an excuse. ...No, it was obviously an excuse. But when he'd seen the Phantom Thieves show their final calling card to the world... he thought he'd finally found the strength to do what he needed to do.
...And then that strength had been sucked out of him like it was never there at all. It's difficult to explain, and it's no excuse, but it was like his fear itself was rebelling against him, trying to stop him acting out. Sometimes, he's close to confessing everything, but he feels like he can't take that final step, all his worries rushing to the forefront at once. Other times- and more and more often, now - he's struck with a strange apathy, like he doesn't care about anything at all. What's the point? It's not like it'll make any difference, and it'll only get people hurt, so... maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe nothing does.
That's what scares him the most. He really must be losing his mind - or else he's just the world's most pathetic man out there. ...Self-deprecating thoughts won't help him, but it's far too easy to indulge... at least he has this place. Leblanc isn't somewhere he can go nearly as often as he likes, but it's nice to be able to relax and - well, to not think for a while.
...And then, all of a sudden, Toshiro's yelping out in pain as he feels a scorching heat out of nowhere, causing him to almost fall off his chair. What on earth was that? But when he looks down, seeing the coffee now splattered all over his suit, he realizes what must've happened.
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"Arrrrgh.... and here I thought my day couldn't get any worse..."
@silver-strings-of-fate ( starter for ren! )
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strayslost · 4 months
In another life, perhaps Ryunosuke would've looked at Kyusaku and seen someone who could understand. After all... if anyone should know the sting of Dazai's rejection, it would be them. As far as Ryunosuke knows, Kyusaku's fate of being shut away from the world and imprisoned was all thanks to Dazai - and even putting Dazai aside... he's sure that, just like Ryunosuke, their life has been full of pain from the very start.
As it is, though, right now - Ryunosuke feels very little. Perhaps it's a sign of his selfishness, his true nature as a heartless beast unable to feel a thing for someone else. All he wants has always been the same thing - to find a reason to live - and Kyusaku can't provide him that. In fact, sometimes seeing them stings, when he thinks of how they've been rejected even in spite of the power they hold... if they don't stand a chance of gaining Dazai's respect, what chance does Ryunosuke stand, as weak as he is now? What awaits him at the end of the road he's dedicated his life to following?
Thoughts like that aren't ones he wants to face, so he pushes them away. But something is strange about his feelings today. Because while that blank, apathetic smog of nothingness he feels should have him turning away and leaving, there's something that stops him... driving him to speak to Kyusaku for reasons even he doesn't understand.
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"And?" he responds to the child's question with an almost-empty gaze, something unidentifiable smoldering underneath. "Tell me... why would you come to me of all people for a reason like that?"
@theircurse ( starter for yumeno! )
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shadowgamed · 3 months
For a moment, another name had been on the tip of his tongue. He can't quite place it, but regardless, that ridiculous sensation causes Seto's mood to sour even further than it already has - and the scowl on his face darkens with a look that to most would be intimidating.
Somehow, he doubts it is to her. And that thought irritates him enough to speak first.
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"I was hoping you'd had enough of those nonsense tales of yours." There's no greeting, no further acknowledgement he gives her - instead, Seto speaks as rudely as ever, insulting Ishizu without a care in the world for how she might react. This is familiar territory to him - the struggle for power is a game he's played all his life, and he knows that it's always best to make the first move. But if she's waiting for him to slip up and show weakness... she's going to find herself sorely disappointed.
"Do you actually need something from me, or are you just trying to waste my time? For both our sakes, I'd rather we make it quick."
@universestreasures ( starter for ishizu! )
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downs1de · 2 months
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@aelleyon: "You’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this."
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Sam doesn't know them enough to trust them, and much like a dog with a hurt paw, he wants them nowhere near his wounds and growls, threatening to bite.
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But the truth is, his makeshift tourniquet hasn't stopped the bleeding, and he can't reach the wound to disinfect, bandage, or even stitch it himself. If he wants to survive, he'll have to trust that they have good intentions.
Sam concedes through gritted teeth, face contorted into a scowl.
"Just… be careful, okay?"
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phereshift · 3 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: Share the last line you wrote or drew and tag other people to do the same
Tagged by @cozy-fish-crow <3 I've put everything under a read more so that this post isn't terribly bothersome but it's all star wars nonsense atm.
Open tag again from me... I'd love to see what some of you are up to if you wanna share! I'm just too scared to @ mention people haha.
Anywayyy I'm so glad I've been tagged because I have had this drawing of Cody in the works for the whole month! I want it done SO badly, I wish I had more time to work on it than just a few minutes every day. I'm hoping that posting a preview will alleviate my suffering a little bit. The last line was somewhere in this mess since I was fixing up the armour and working on his vambraces. Still so much work to go on this though :c Little spoiler that I AM using this drawing to fuel my 'stained glass windows in star wars' agenda but... you'll have to wait and see what I mean >:3
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Writing wise... I haven't really been actively working on anything but I did write a little bit of ghost!Jango the other day to give myself a break from drawing. Just having some fun with concepts and exploring the extensive resources on Mando'a that people have put together. The start was spooky but it very quickly devolved into nonsense lol so that's what you all get to see.
Still. Survivors. Obi-wan lets out a breath, relived. “Our ghost,” he says, after a pause, “He’s not on Galidraan.”               “No,” Satine says. “Maybe he used to live here. Maybe he followed his soldiers home.” She shrugs. “Shouldn’t that be your area of expertise?”               “Me?” He laughs, shooting her an incredulous look. “What do I know about Mandalorian ghosts?”               “You’re a Jedi!”               “Yeah,” he says, “From Coruscant. I don’t know if you forgot, but we don’t have ghosts—”               “Oh, shut up.”  
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danhang · 8 months
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she detected his presence well before the gaze of amethyst - colored eyes fell upon his visage. the aura surrounding him bore no trace of malevolence; instead, it exuded an essence infused with kindness and a tapestry woven from the threads of unfortunate incidents. a wondrous being, the guuji concluded, allowing her gaze to finally rest on his countenance as she turned. a single fingertip delicately caressed her cheek, and a perpetual half - smile adorned her lips as neat as the placement of petals upon a flower. “ you are not from these lands, ” yae miko began, choosing it as her initial greeting. a singular arm crossed beneath her chest, permitting her elbow to find a resting place. “ what brings you to this sacred shrine? ”
starter call / @charmsol
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goddessrisen · 3 months
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         though   the   divine   phoenix   could   never   wholly   forget   the   celestial   palace,   forever   homesick   for   a   place   she'd   never   return   to,   the   night   court   offered   a   much-needed   reprieve.   more   specifically,   the   court   of   dreams.   velaris   was   so   similar   to   her   abandoned   palace   that   she'd   oft   spend   hours   exploring   the   sprawling   city   hidden   from   the   world.   even   now,   some   millennia   later,   the   quiet   awe   it   first   inspired   when   first   created   never   fully   left.   this   little   piece   of   home,   a   gift,   softened   the   ancient   fae's   heart,   forever   aligning   her   with   the   court. 
         hyeon's   gaze   turned   from   the   sky,   slowly   blinking   as   she   came   back   to   herself.   the   soft   glow   of   ever-faithful   moon   cast   her   ethereal   visage   in   divine   light,   softening   harsh   edges.   a   gentle   reminder   that   though   she'd   fallen     &&     been   made   again,   she   was   never   truly   alone.   a   quiet,   self-deprecating   scoff   fell   past   parted   lips   at   her   own   melancholy.   a   slender   hand   swiped   over   her   face,   fingers   massaging   the   bridge   of   her   nose.
         slippered   feet   whispered   against   marble   stone,   delicately   side-stepping   any   who   crossed   into   her   path.   though   brilliant   wings   lay   flat   against   her   slender   body,   they   were   still   a   beacon   of   who   she   was.   molten   amber   casually   roamed   over   passing   faces,   silken   flesh   quirked   into   a   soft   smile   as   she   greeted   known   fae,   though   her   pace   never   faltered.   a   self-appointed   task   she   would   not   stray   from. 
         subtle,   muffled   music   alerted   hyeon   that   she'd   arrived   far   sooner   than   she'd   expected.   a   small,   genuine   smile   pulled   at   lush   flesh,   the   faint   glow   of   cassiopeia's   sign   a   sight   for   sore   eyes.   the   celestial   being   slipped   through   the   front   door,   long   legs   automatically   headed   toward   the   bar.   it   had   been   far   too   long   since   she'd   been   allowed   to   relax     &&     indulge.
             ❝     &&       how   fares   thee,   darling     ??       ‘tis   been   a   while   since   i’ve   the   chance   to   visit.       ❞     hyeon's   predatory,   ever-watchful   gaze   turned   toward   the   other,   lips   quirked   into   a   teasing   smile   as   her   head   tilted   to   the   side.
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@casiopiea / x
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mute-call · 10 months
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moonrecalled · 8 months
Ryoji still has so much he wants to learn.
What does it mean, to live? Why do people carry on? From the moment he was born as 'Mochizuki Ryoji', he had always been bursting with curiosity about every aspect of the world. The desire to experience life had overflowed from within him in everything he did...
Maybe he was naive, back then. Now, he understands more things - the pain of death, and the fear of losing what one has. But SEES... and especially him... they'd all managed to face those things, and move forward anyway. And he can't help but wonder - how do they do it? Jealousy was once an alien emotion to him, and he can't say it's exactly what he's feeling now, but maybe it's something close.
Ryoji shouldn't be alive to begin with, unlike them. The sole meaning of his existence is to bring death to this world, to everyone without distinction, whether they want it or not. And... many do seek death. Nyx wouldn't be drawn to this world to begin with if they didn't. When so many people suffer - how do some have the strength to deal with that suffering, and to face the things that hurt them even when their time in this world is limited?
He wants to understand. But he doesn't even know how or why he's alive - and that terrifies him.
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"Oh... I'm sorry for staring." Ryoji suddenly smiles as he realizes he's caught someone's attention. He doesn't go around asking every pretty girl he sees on a date, nowadays, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to... regardless, after a moment, his brows furrow as if he's deep in thought.
"I just feel like I've seen you somewhere before... on TV, maybe?"
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lucidrims · 1 month
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . suho coming thru for @gcholdtrops !
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            "  we  really  haven't  spoken  in  god  knows  forever.  how  are  you  these  days,  hm  ?  "
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sandcrafted · 3 months
Whenever Levi looks at Pieck, he sees the face of the Titan that slaughtered so many of his men at the battle in Shiganshima, so many years ago. He remembers how she was the one who snatched Zeke away from him just when he'd been on the brink of finally killing him, leaving him unable to fulfill Erwin's last request, creating a desperation in him so strong that he hasn't known anything like it since.
It's only human nature to think about those things. And despite what some might think, Levi is no less human than anyone else. But... when he looks at Pieck, he sees a victim, too. A victim of the war - of the hatred, loss and cruelty that had existed long before any of them were even born, just the same as him. What choice did she have in the end, in a shitty world like this one? He's sure that when she looks at him... she must see the face of the one who killed those important to her, too.
It's fucked up, is the point. He doesn't hate her, not really. Not when hatred is the very thing that got the world into this mess, and stole away everything important to him he's ever lost. But whenever he spends time with them - any of the Warriors of Marley... he still can't help but feel a lingering bitterness deep inside him - and worse still, the feeling that he's betraying the comrades who lost their lives fighting for his sake.
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"Pieck." He greets her bluntly, with a gaze that holds a hint of weariness. In spite of that, though... it's not an empty gaze, either. "It seems like things went just like you thought they would. Everyone's pleased... those kids should really learn to reign it in a bit, though. What's a guy gotta do to get some peace around here?"
@plostrum ( starter! )
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wisheswagered · 15 days
Evelyn's gaze is as sharp as a hawk's as she observes the suspicious man before her. But as sharp as it is, it's also equally as subtle - to the point where an ordinary person might not be able to tell she was studying them at all. Of course, Evelyn gets the impression that this man is far from ordinary...
"Don't you think that outfit you're wearing is taking things a little too far?" She greets him with a somewhat-sarcastic question - the bandages aren't exactly subtle. Still, there's a tension in the room that she's sure both parties are aware of... which is to be expected, when Evelyn still doesn't remember how she ended up in this manor at all.
Is he the culprit, or is he another victim? That's the first thing this "Faro Lady" needs to figure out.
"...Hmm, I suppose that was rather rude of me. Please accept my apologies... and let me ask another question instead. Who might you be?"
@kllsworn ( starter! )
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atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @kiillmeromantically​
continued from the post in the SOURCE LINK ( 1 / 1 )
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                           “YOU WOULDN’T be imposing at all, esme,” he assured her quickly, throwing her a reassuring smile. “i think offering you to stay the night is the least i can offer.” she worked so many extra hours due to his crazy schedule. “besides, i have a guest room that you can use, and i can give you some clothes to change into so you’re more comfortable,” he added. he can’t admit that he had ulterior motives to having her stay the night. his daughter was fast asleep upstairs, and his wife won’t be coming back till next week. this was the perfect opportunity to make his move on the gorgeous young woman who had been the subject of his fantasies. 
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downs1de · 3 months
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@ofarkhxm liked for a canon line starter
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"What kind of house doesn't have salt?!"
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"Low sodium freaks!"
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