#( xoxo stay safe stay groovy )
skoolbully-a · 3 years
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emo-rat-b0y · 2 years
Hey everyone! I want my page to be a safe place where people feel comfortable, if you want me to start using specific tags to avoid triggers please let me know.
I want us to be a community where we all feel safe and heard! I appreciate all the love you guys have given me and i want you guys to feel comfortable looking through my blog.
If you don’t want to ask publicly you can message me or privately ask, I will always keep it private as to not expose anyones triggers. I will also try to provide proof that it’s private for both our piece of minds!
Stay safe and groovy my guys
Xoxo ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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nancypullen · 2 years
Welp, I lied.  I didn’t find anything interesting to talk about today.  I cooked, I cleaned, I made more earrings. The end.  Oh, there was a delightful moment while I was at my desk rolling out clay for earrings.  It started to snow big, fat flakes and three sweet deer hopped Farmer Layne’s fence and had a snack in our yard.
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That’s something that’ll make you stop what you’re doing and just soak in the loveliness of it all.   I do love snow, it’s magical. It makes everything quiet and sparkly. This little dusting won’t stick around, but I won’t complain. We’ve had a couple of good snows this winter.  The first delivered almost 6inches, the second about 2.  Best of all, we’ve been cold enough for it to stay for several days each time.  I miss the days of  kids and sleds and snowballs, but it still thrills me. During the first big snow our porch was still a sunny spot for birds, squirrels, and of course, Sidney from next door.  The spinster sisters get excited when he comes calling.
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He soaked up some rays and enjoyed some treats before his mom called him home.  A few days later this bozo wouldn’t leave.
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His name is Lincoln and he lives a couple streets over.  He stared in our door and whined for half an hour.  He finally gave up and hopped into a chair on the porch.  He was just chillin’ there but I was worried because temps were dropping and he’s a short-haired dude.  I posted his pic on our neighborhood Facebook page and his family drove over in a van and had to coax him in.  Word has gotten out that our porch is the happening spot.  We’re the Studio 54 of the animal world. I’m really dating myself with that reference.  Does anyone else remember Studio 54?  I’m just saying that I think it’s time for a disco ball on the front porch. We’ve had raccoons, skunks, possums, and even a peacock staring in that door. Might as well make it a party.
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The more I think about it, the more I’m into it.  Okay, I’m getting weird. Time to go soak in the tub and read for a bit. Tomorrow we’ll talk books.  Meet me back here. Stay safe, stay well, stay groovy. XOXO, Nancy  
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simply-shakera · 3 years
2020 In Review
We made it to a new year. I do not take this lightly at all. The last few months have been extremely tough in so many different ways and has affected every area of our lives.  But here's the thing - we didn't give up and for that I celebrate us.
Many didn't live to see 2021. Before I proceed with my 2020 review I would like to take a moment to honour the lives of people in my life that I lost this year:
The beautiful and precious Anaya Anderson; sleep peacefully baby girl.
Two men with hearts of gold Justin Warner and Kareem "B.K" Wade
Two women who were pillars in the Black Canadian community Kike Lola Odusanya & Denise Jones
My cousins  Tash (TO), Marie (JA), Marlene & Don (US)
and three of the most jolly elders that lived long beautiful lives Papa Chunny, Mama Wilson, and Papa Henry
and ya'll I am adding Kobe Bryant and Chadwick Boseman to this list. I know I don't know these men personally but their passing really affected me. Something about losing such giants at such young ages was hard to understand knowing that they had so much fire left in them. Their work has left such an impact on their industries and hearts of many.
While navigating a global pandemic and one of the biggest civil rights movements in history - I was and still am dealing with a personal matter that has been pretty difficult. Still I give God thanks for his grace, love and endless blessings that have come in many forms. One of which is through friendship. I have had to lean on my friends A LOT - they were the MVPs of my 2020 - for real for real!... Alisha, Rena, Jeff, Sarah, Sid, Lily, Michelle (just to name a few) I am looking at YOU!
What was beautiful though is that throughout all the chaos, confusion and grief, I found the opportunity for discovery, healing and reconnection. 
Now for a fun recap!!!!!!! Let's laugh and relive some fave moments from the year and Simply Shakera highlights.
Moments I am proud of:
On a personal level there were many triumphs that were achieved from big to small. Professionally I went into 2020 with these priorities: to book more speaking events, to have Carnival Spice work directly with different school boards and to take Carnival Spice fitness programming online (the irony!!!!!!!!)
From the moment the year started I hit the ground running and achieved those goals . The path to get there didn't look ANYTHING like what I imagined but it is only the beginning. Here are some awesome highlights from along the way.
Received the People's Choice award for Best Dancer of 2019 via byblacks.com
Was selected as one of the Top 100 women in Canada to watch in 2020.
Was invited to hear former president Barack Obama speak live in Toronto.
Finally introduced VISION my goal setting and vision board workshop to the world.
Secured brand collaborations and speaking opportunities with some cool clients from TVO Kids to Nike Toronto.
Meanwhile in the land of spice, before the lockdown, Carnival Spice hosted our biggest in person event to date - that night still gives me goosebumps. We hosted an instagram live interview and dance class with Real Housewives of Atlanta star Tanya Sam that had an audience of over 3, 000. We've continually trended on Tik Tok since July and was even featured on the app’s explore page. The team performed at a few virtual and in-person events including the most dynamic Black History Month school assembly with over 500 people the day before lockdowns. Spice also celebrated a 7th birthday via a virtual event and was voted Best Dance Company for a second year in a row by byblacks.com. I’m proud of the #SpiceFam - we truly persevered against all odds.
Top 3 Internet Moments
Shout out to Timbaland and Swiss Beatz for developing this concept - it was the gift that kept on giving. Top music artists from different genres and eras had healthy battles on instagram using their respective music catalogues. These instagram live streams were mini concerts that provided some of the best internet moments of the year. Teddy Riley's technical difficulties (and the memes to follow) were hilarious. Brandy and Monica facing off was so uncomfortable to watch; but still, it was beautiful to have these young legends come together and be celebrated. However, nothing and I MEAN NOTHING was more monumental then BEENIE AND BOUNTY CLASH! Listen, the way that night revived my soul - WHEW! ...I'm sure many of my fellow Caribbean peeps can agree. The laughter, the music catalogues, the camaraderie between the artists, the memes, the entertainment quality that was similar to a past time. SO GOOD!
Tik Tok Dance Challenges.
Say what you want about Tik Tok but it is, BY A LANDSLIDE, my favourite app. I wish I joined earlier. I enjoy how it's a mix of fun, education and entertainment. Plus from a business perspective it positions your product or service directly in front of your audience. Although I never want to hear the songs Savage by Meg The Stallion, Savage Love by Jason Derulo, or WAP by Cardi B ever again, I must acknowledge how Tik Tok dances have changed the way music is heard and marketed. Even soca had success on Tik Tok! The #PutYuhBackOnItChallenge by Denise Belfon & Dj Flex was trending for months. The Carnival Spice take on the challenge achieved over one million views!!!
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion
This television moment was something the world never knew it needed. The HBO special was wholesome from beginning to end. As a huge fan of The Smiths and this show, it was beautiful for me to see all the characters come together to reflect and reminisce with us watching. I cried, I laughed, I learned and I was inspired.
My Top Music Picks:
Top Reggae: “Lockdown” by Koffee
Top Soca: “By Any Means” by Voice (groovy) & “Yuh Bad” by Preedy (Power)
Top R&B: “Hit Different” by SZA
Top Hip Hop: “Dior” by Pop Smoke (Rest in peace to this young artist)
Top Gospel: “Something Has To Break” - Kierra Sheard with Tasha Cobbs Leonard
Top Dancehall: “Call Me If”, Dexta Daps
Top Pop: “Savage Love” by Jason Derulo
Top Afro (and arguably the biggest song of the year): “Jerusalema” by Master KG
Top 3 Words of 2020
Speaking of The Smiths - Jada Pinket Smith gave us one of the most meme-worthy words of all time as she revisited a personal matter on an episode of her hit show the Red Table Talk.
Pivot & Zoom (It's a tie)
Lockdowns and safety protocols have been tough personally but especially professionally. Business owners like myself know these these two words far too well at this point. To stay afloat we constantly had to adjust our business models to ensure our business could some how operate with whatever safety protocols were in place. For many, pivoting meant taking our services virtual. Dancing in front of a phone screen has been taxing to say the least but I am grateful for the ability to have a way in which I can connect with my community and clients.
What once was a word you only heard on medical shows and sci-fi movies became how most of us lived our lives at some point in 2020.  Solitude was common; even if you were quarantining with other people. Drive-By Birthday parties & curb side deliveries were a thing. Stay in your bubble they said. If you have to leave home where a mask they said. Many introverts were excited to stay home until they realized it's MUCH different when you don't have a choice.
Top Media Moments
Even with a lockdown, your girl didn't lose her stride entirely. I remained 100% committed to my mission despite the world wind of changes going on in the back end. I enjoy being on camera and it was an honour to continue sharing my story and my work  with the masses. Here are a few videos interviews that you can click and check out:
Interview With One Caribbean:
Carnival Spice Fitness demo on Breakfast Television (1 of 2)
Carnival Spice Dance Workshop at the How She Hustles - 10 Year Virtual Celebration
Carnival Spice in Barrie for Cultures Day
Carnival Spice Dance Workshop with Kiss 925:
We Are Carnival Spice - The Documentary:
Breakfast Television 2/2 - featuring my nephew Matteo
Interview with the Toronto Carnival Festival Committee
What a year! We will never be the same. I do really want to say thank you again to every person this year that was intentional about pouring into me with love, advice, support and encouragement. It was needed and it was felt tremendously.
I pray for the safe keeping of you all; for your continued success and growth.
and now, I shall embark on what’s next, put my learnings from 2020 into action & continue to lead with passion & positive vibes.
Xoxo and Happy New Year.
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nancypullen · 3 years
Holy cow, how did I get here?  I’m happy to be here, but I may have slept through part of the trip.  Fifty-eight feels a lot like fifty-seven with lighter baggage.  Isn’t that the very best part of aging, the release of things and feelings that don’t serve you?  The things that chew you up inside become less important with each decade. When you figure out that time can be spent being happy instead it’s a very satisfying and liberating process.  I love this season of my life.  Know what else I love? The people in my life!  My tribe is the best.  Calls, messages, cards, so many surprises...and just when I thought it couldn’t get any better - Matt flew in!  Mickey kept making noise about needing to run an errand at 5pm on Friday.  It seemed odd that he kept reminding me of his 5 o’clock task, so of course I started rolling it around in my brain.  I’d already picked up a cake.  I thought perhaps he was getting me a big pumpkin, but that doesn’t seem like a scheduled event.  Maybe he had to wait for someone to get off work so he could pick something up, which made me worry that he was bringing home another cat.  Yikes! Side note: we have another time share cat.  He’s no Willie, but he’s got potential.  He belongs next door but they don’t allow him inside at all (and that’s sad).  We let the wrong cat in one night, now our nights look like this.
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Anyway, I convinced myself that he wasn’t out picking up a cat and then I realized that airlines have schedules.  So I called the one person I know who might drop everything and hop on a plane. Matt: Hello? Me:  Where are you??? Matt: Uhhhhh....why? Me:  Are you in Nashville??? Matt:  (P.A. announcement in background)  Um, nooo? Me: OHMYGAWD, YOU ARE!! (lots of whooping and hollering)
Matt:  Crap.  I’m waiting on the curb for Dad to pick me up. Both of us:  hahahahahahahahahahaha! Suffice it to say that my already delightful birthday week was made a thousand times better having Matt home to share it.  We spent a few days laughing and enjoying his visit and I had to take him to the airport on Thursday.  That’s the part I hate. Another source of joy was a package I received just from the grandgirl.  There was a precious tea towel covered in pressings she did of fall leaves and her handprint. Oh, my heart!
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She also painted a picture for me.
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That long body and all of that business at the top.  You know I was praying it was a tree.  Nope, she had them title it for her.
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This is the same three year old who sleeps with a giant stuffed snake that she named Filthy.  I have to get up there and intercept this behavior.  My heart can’t take a lifetime of snake paintings and big blue eyes asking,”Grancy, can we go to the reptile house?”  I shudder just thinking about it.  Still, you know darn well that the cobra picture is hanging in a place of honor.  I’m pretending it’s a tulip. As usual, my family spoiled me rotten and the midwestern Lutheran that lives in my DNA feels unworthy of the fuss.  The rest of me is so humbled and grateful for the wonderful people in my life that make me feel special.
That’s it, my birthday has come and gone and now we’re in OCTOBER!  Yes, yes yes!!  I’ve been bustling around putting out pumpkins and witches and starting my celebration.  I’m pretending that the weather is cooler because I believe that if I build fall, it will come.  Add to those happy activities storytime with the grandgirl (and oh, she is grand!) and a trip to my doctor to get a cortisone shot in the ol’ stanky ankle in preparation for our trip in a couple of weeks.  September always ends in a flurry of fun and it spills right over into October.  Pinch me! Okay, I’m finished with the gushing.  Can’t help it, I’m a happy camper. Meet me back here tomorrow and I’ll share a yummy recipe and a cute Halloween craft.  What more could you want?  Gee, maybe interesting content and better pictures? Don’t answer that. Sending out lots of love.  Stay safe, stay groovy.  XOXO, Nancy
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nancypullen · 3 years
Last Lap
Today is our last day here in Damariscotta.  Tomorrow morning we’ll throw our bags in the car and drive up to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.  I’m not sure Mickey will sleep tonight, he’s like a kid on Christmas Eve.  He loves Acadia.  I’m a big fan of Bar Harbor, it’s captivating little town.  I will not be tromping through the woods before dawn to see the sunrise over the pines.  I will, however, happily tromp around town and peruse art galleries, book stores, and the occasional chocolate shop.  I am who I am.  I love nature and beautiful vistas, I just don’t need to see ten thousand pine trees per day. The mister will be in paradise and I will not take one minute of that away from him.  I’ll do a bit of hiking with him, but I’ll let him do the sunrises and late night Milky Way shots solo.  Isn’t that generous of me?  I’m a giver. Because today is our final day in this area we used it as a chance for Mickey to revisit places and get shots in better light, weather, etc.  We ended up at one of my favorite spots - Marshall Point Light.  It makes me want to don Victorian garb and drink tea on the porch.
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Recognize that lighthouse?  Forrest Gump ran up that cat walk on his long run in the movie.  They couldn’t have found a prettier spot.  Built in 1832,  it’s been updated - that light is “new” from1858.  Then the keeper’s house was struck by lightning and burned in 1895 and rebuilt the same year.  It sits in Port Clyde Harbor and given the chance I’d move right in and live happily ever after.  Looks like a good place for cats to nap in the sun. So we ran around, he snapped away and I sketched and pushed some paint around on paper.  We masked up and popped into another favorite site.
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The Port Clyde General Store is fun and has a wonderful lunch counter.  I had a killer lobster roll there once upon a time.  We arrived mid-afternoon and not really hungry so we picked up a couple of snacks for the road. I grabbed a bag of pretzels and Mickey chose a freshly baked whoopie pie as big as his head.  My teeth hurt just looking at it.  We poked around and saw this souvenir tee.  It made me laugh. Any Lionel Ritchie fans in the house?
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We made it back to our little apartment around dinner time and had a weird meal trying to finish off the food in the frig.  We’ve got a full kitchen and I insisted that we take advantage of it - mostly because of COVID, but also because I’m cheap  frugal.  It’s also healthier.  Restaurant food is delicious but, geez, even their salads are high in calories.  I liked being able to have a frig full of fruits and veggies.  Packing lunches is a breeze, and a quick dinner of rotisserie chicken and roasted broccoli is no trouble. I feel better when we eat right.  That said, and you knew I was going somewhere with this, now my vacation starts.  I’ve been washing dang dishes since we got here and if I wanted to do that I could have stayed home.  Again, I was the one who insisted we dine in while we have this apartment.  I’m still glad that we did, but mama is ready for maid service and takeout. We’ll depart Damariscotta around 8am and wind our way to Bar Harbor, no doubt stopping for every photo op and scenic overlook along the way.  Any way you slice it I won’t be ending my day with my hands in dishwater.  Can I get an amen? I’ll check in from the hotel tomorrow night. Ta-ta for now! Stay safe, stay well, stay groovy. XOXO, Nancy
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