#(  chat.  ) || matty chavez
owen-jackson · 4 years
Hell on Earth || Jackson & Matty
Jackson had been on the island long enough to know it’s tricks, but that didn’t mean he could predict them. Of course, things had been far too quiet lately, and he should have known. The morning started out fairly normal, especially since Jackson had been making a habit of avoiding everyone at all costs. But when the visions hit, they hit hard. 
The first one had been of Elliot, gasping and choking on his own blood in the hallway Jackson was walking down, and the next thing he knew he was kneeling over his friend, his hand curled around the knife that was plunged deep into the incubus’s chest. 
The visions kept coming, his friends and family dying by his own hands and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Over and over he kept having to watch them die--but he’d been through this before, or at least something like it. When he stood over Noah’s body, his skin pale and grey with bruises on his throat where Jackson had to pry his fingers away from the other’s neck, that’s when he was able to snap enough reality back into his head that this wasn’t real. Noah was dead already. He didn’t need to breath. Jackson couldn’t have just strangled him to death. 
This wasn’t real. 
In a strange way, Jackson was lucky that he was so prone to getting his ass kicked, because of course he’d managed to run into the wrong guard, but was pleasantly surprised when the visions dulled as the other was punching him in the face. 
There was always a catch to these events. 
He was on his way back to his cell, face fresh with bruises that he barely noticed, when he came across Matty. Curled up in Jackson’s bed was the small figured. “What the--” Jackson cuts himself off and his heart plunges into his stomach when he sees the heroin he’d had hidden under his mattress. Shaking his head, Jackson told himself this was just another one of the islands tricks, but instead of suddenly being the one holding the needle, it stayed where it was.  
“Fuck... Matty?” 
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jonah-wright · 4 years
Lights on the Ceiling || Jonah & Matty
The last four days had been some of the best, and most normal days on the island that Jonah had had since last year, when Cara had rented him for spring break. This time around, Matty was there with them, and while it wasn’t spring break and he still had to go to his classes, there was something about having a safe place to return to that made it feel like a vacation. Even though he was a little overwhelming, Matty had become one of Jonah’s closest friends, and there was just something so good and bright about Matty and a way that he was just so unapologetically himself that left Jonah wishing he could be a little more like him. The only awkward part of the rental was the shared room between the boys, not really from Matty’s end, but Jonah who couldn’t help but hear his father's voice every time he felt Matty’s leg or hand brush against him accidentally in his sleep. 
It was the last night of their rental, and Jonah felt a little sad about that fact, because he liked being in this comfortable little safe space where he could just ignore the crap that happened on the island and just breathe for a while. The gift he’d gotten for Matty on his birthday sat on the dresser in their room, and Jonah moves to turn the constellation projector on, the lights spreading over walls and the ceiling as Matty came in and Jonah turns to give him a smile. “Hey, sorry, I just really love these things.” He says with a little glance to the device. “I’m really glad you like it.” 
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thomas-feldman · 4 years
Late Nights || Thomas & Matty
Thomas had met Matty a few times, and was already fond of the young man. He was thankful that he’d been in the right place at the right time during the island’s last event, and was able to help Matty out of a situation that could have ended up really horrible. That night Thomas was up late grading papers, probably one of his least favourite things about his job because he just wanted to cut all of his students a break and give them A’s. Their lives were hard enough here, but to add class work on top of that? He just couldn’t imagine. Matty’s texts came as a welcome break, though it was late, and the other clearly seemed like he’d been drinking, and was trying to find him. Thomas couldn’t help but smile a little fondly at the accidentally recorded audio message, though he was worried about the young human, because he knew it was well after curfew and Matty didn’t sound like he was with anyone else. 
After telling Matty to wait where he was, Thomas set out from his office, listening to the audio recording listening to the numbers Matty was mumbling, assuming those were the offices he was by. Luckily, the other wasn’t too far off, and it wasn’t long before Thomas spotted the familiar mop of dark hair. “Matty, hey buddy, what’s going on, why’re you out here so late?” 
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gio-vitale · 5 years
Blood Bag Rental || Gio & Matty
Things seemed to be going extra well for Gio since the holidays, what with his favourite plaything back in the cells, free for the using. While he couldn’t claim Elliot, something he likely would have done right away given the chance, but for now, rentals would have to do. And speaking of rentals, Gio had decided to treat himself even more, renting a slave at random to serve his needs and act as his personal bloodbag for the next five days. The only thing he’d required was someone obedient and well behaved, and he hoped that the island could deliver. 
He’d had the slave cleaned up by his staff, bathed and scrubbed, because lord knew what sort of grim they collected down in the cells. Once the slave was clean, he had his staff bring him, wearing only small black boxer briefs, setting him up in a white, rather sterile looking room, told to sit in a chair off to the side to wait for Gio. When Gio did come to find the boy, he gives the slave a nod, moving forward to give him a good look over. “Stand.” He says, eyes looking at him critically. “Tell me your name, age - you’re human, correct?” He says, looking the other over. He could smell the humanity on him, but his emotions were wild, all over the place, and that had Gio intrigued. 
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jordan-parker · 5 years
A Couple of Sirens || Jordan & Matty
This would be Jordan’s first event on the island, and honestly, even if she knew of the island’s past events, she probably still would have gone anyways. She was a curious person, never really able to stay away from trouble, and she never really wanted to. Plus, she had a hot date with her, which just made this event all that much more exciting. Jordan, with Matty in tow, made her way to the refreshments table, grabbing some Laffy Taffy for herself, and handing some to Matty too. She felt different the moment she took a bite, and it had her closing her eyes for a moment, before opening them, glancing at Matty. A small smirk forms on her lips looking at him, as he chewed on the candy himself, though there was something about him that was absolutely radiant. “You know, you’re looking awful good tonight, baby.” She hums in his ear with a grin. 
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jonah-wright · 4 years
Slumber Party || Jonah, Cara & Matty
Jonah honestly was so happy when Cara showed up back on the island. Jonah didn’t have many people that he really considered close friends, and there was something about Cara that made him click instantly with her, something familiar about her in the way she reminded him of his sister, but a version of his sister that he’d always wished he’d had. And by this point Matty and Jonah had spent so much time studying in the library together, Jonah knew there weren’t really any other people he knew that well. So when Cara had rented the two of them, Jonah felt a sense of relief, knowing that he’d be somewhere safe, and his friend would also be safe too. Sitting on the couch in her cute cabin home, Jonah smiles genuinely, the scent of Cara’s home cooking filling the room. “Thanks again, for this.” Jonah says, probably for the millionth time, always trying to be the best houseguest he could be. 
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@sea-witchcara​ @mattychavez​
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jonah-wright · 5 years
Something’s Different || Jonah & Matty
Jonah was nervous when he heard there was going to be a Halloween event, seeing as how the previous event had left him sore and bruised. But, Rowan had insisted that he dress up, so, wearing the Star Trek uniform he’d worn a few years ago for halloween (and honestly had felt a little stupid at first for bringing it with him), he found himself at the party, feeling a little awkward, half considering leaving all together. He figured he should try to stay a little while, so Jonah made his way to the candy table, pulling out some smarties, and wandering back to the side of the room as he popped a few in his mouth. Chewing, he peeked around, seeing if he could see Rowan, or anyone else he knew when he started to feel different. It felt as though suddenly everything was clearer, sharper, like he could smell and hear everything, almost like he could even taste the world around him. Jonah blinks, feeling overwhelmed, he moves through the crowd figuring he just needed some water. Though, with a ducked chin, and feeling rather disoriented, he ended up running right into someone else, jumping back slightly from the impact. “Sorry, I’m sorry!” He starts, lifting his head. “I just um--Matty?” Jonah stops, recognizing his friend, but something about him seemed different, enough for Jonah’s words to catch and his neck to warm. “Hey, hi, sorry, I um, I just was grabbing some water, I don’t uh, I don’t feel good.” He says, both distracted by Matty, and the intense sounds and smells around him. 
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owen-jackson · 5 years
Jackson sits on a bench outside, the sun beating down on him, sweat prickling on the back of his neck, his phone pressed up against his ear. “No, no, I know it’s been a long time, I couldn’t call, my uh, my plan, it wasn’t set up right.” He speaks, voice on edge with a strange softness to it that could rarely be found from Jackson. “I know, I know I’m sorry. I will make sure to write more, yes.” He swallows, the rules on the island when it came to contact with the outside world doing it’s own damage to drive a rift between him and his mother. There’s a pause, Jackson leans forward against his knees, free hand running over the back of his head as he nods, silently, even though his mother on the other end couldn’t see that. “Yeah, alright I know. No, I’m okay. I promise, yeah, I’m fine.” He says these words quietly, another pause, longer this time, as if Jackson were holding his breath. So much had happened since he’d gotten here, and this past weekend... he just needed something familiar, something that was good. 
“Can I talk to them?” The question seems to linger and Jackson remains quiet for a few moments, his expression soft, almost hopeful. “Please?” This time the words come out as a plea, but clearly the answer on the other side isn’t a good one, his face shifting, head dropping slightly, a small sigh escaping his lips. “Just for a few minutes, please? I’m fine. I promise. I just want to talk to them.” He can feel himself get more desperate, but his expression doesn’t change. “Fine well, I’ve gotta go. No. I’m fine. It’s fine. I’ll give you a call soon. Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. Goodbye. Yeah. Bye mom.” Jackson hangs up the phone, his demeanour stoney and still for a moment, the phone gripped between fingers perhaps a bit too tight. Then, quickly, he stands, chucking the phone a few feet away from him, not giving a shit if it breaks or not. “Fuck!” He yells out, the anger swelling, rising, and bubbling over as he rakes his hands over his hair.
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jonah-wright · 5 years
Tutor || Jonah & Matty
So sure, it was summer, but when one of Jonah’s professors, one that he actually liked, had asked if he would be willing to tutor a new student over the summer to better prep them for the upcoming school year, he’d agreed. He’d never really done tutoring before, but he was planning to keep up with his own studying over the break to make sure he was ahead of the game come fall, so helping another student would probably just help get him ahead too right? Plus he couldn’t say no when teachers asked things of him, and he wanted to make a good impression. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous, because he’d never really thought of himself as much of a teacher, but maybe this would be good for him too. 
Making his way into the library, feeling a little weird about being just in swim trunks, he tried to not think about it too much. Bag slung over his shoulder, he looked around the room, far more empty now that summer was here. Tucked off to one side, he spotted a dark haired boy sitting at a table, and Jonah chewed on his lip for a moment, not sure if this was a good idea or not. What if he was a terrible tutor and just made a fool of himself? But he couldn’t just back out now. So instead he takes a small breath, moving forward towards the table. 
“Hey, are you Matty?” 
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owen-jackson · 5 years
After Noah had put in the rental request, Jackson spent most of the next day and a half sleeping, curled up tight in Noah’s bed, not really sure how much time had passed. His phone had been charged though, and Jackson hastily flipped through texts that he’d missed while he’d been on the rental with Colton. His throat had gone dry when he forced himself to look at the ones from Matty, and maybe that, and the need to get the rest of his stash was what brought Jackson back to the cells. He moved quickly, lifting the side of his mattress to stick his hand under, pulling out the baggy and shoved it into his pocket. With that out of the way, his eyes move to the small wrapped up gift that the younger male had texted him about. He wasn’t sure if it would still be there, but somehow it was, not touched by any of his roommates, guards or any other slaves. Jackson picks it up gently, turning it over in his hands, his back facing away from Matty’s cell, because he wasn’t ready to face it just yet, because as much as he wanted to believe Matty was alive, his mind kept insisting otherwise. 
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jordan-parker · 5 years
Eyes squinted slightly against the bright sun as Jordan looked around where she stood. The island was beautiful, but beautiful didn’t always mean good. She was sceptical, to say the least, but skeptical optimistic. Sure, leaving her previous job wasn’t exactly ideal, especially since it had basically been her life for the last ten years, but staying wasn’t an option. With her tongue running over her top teeth for a moment, she glances around, the bustle of people, the sight of collars that made her stomach twist in some kind of way that she very quickly pushed aside.
Running a hand through long hair, she reaches down to pick up her bag, slinging it over one shoulder with ease. She hadn’t taken much with her, not that she really owned much to begin with. Who was she to judge the aspects of the island, she’d made a hell of a lot of questionable decisions in her life, though it didn’t mean she’d have to agree with it. But the world was fucked, that’s just the way that it was, and even if the grant students didn’t have collars around their neck, the world would find other ways to make sure that the downtrodden knew their place.
“The island of misfits and lost toys.” She hums to herself, feeling it was an all too fitting title to a place that she was supposed to call home for the next, well, who knows how long. She takes a step forward, only to realize that she hadn’t been told exactly where the suites were that she’d been staying in. Finger pointing out at the next person she saw, she made a little gesture for them to come forward. “Hey you! Yeah, you, dark curly hair! You know how to get to the suites or whatever?”
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jonah-wright · 4 years
Forget Me Not || Jonah & Matty
Jonah couldn’t help but feel a little flushed as he stood at the halloween party, the music thudding against the walls. The air felt cool on his bare arms, and he couldn’t help himself from glancing over at a shirtless Matty, quietly wondering if he was cold, flushing a little when his friend caught him looking. Things had been a little weird between them since the kiss, then the second kiss, and Jonah was doing what he did best: pretend it didn’t happen because thinking about it made him dizzy. It was just easier this way, or at least that’s what he told himself. 
Regardless of what happened between them, Matty was still Jonah’s best friend, and when Matty had asked if they could do a costume together, Jonah agreed. He’d always been a quiet fan of halloween, enjoying dressing up far more than he’d ever admit. 
Jonah was about to ask Matty if he wanted to go to the drink table when there was a scream, and Jonah instinctively found himself grabbing Matty’s hand. The next thing he knew his head felt foggy and he closed his eyes. 
When he opened them, Jonah no longer remembered anything. Blinking and looking around, his heart started to speed up, the panic already settling in. “What’s going on?” the words came out of his mouth but even something about them felt foreign as he looked down to see his hand holding someone else’s. Following the hand up the arm, Jonah’s eyes land on a costumed Matty, though there is zero recognition in his eyes. “Who are you?” 
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thomas-feldman · 5 years
Here to Help || Thomas & Matty
Bouncing through the quad, Matty was looking for the perfect sunny spot, ready with a blanket and picnic lunch and yes, okay, weed. He’d just spotted a clear spot in the grass, was about to head for it, when a voice caught his attention, brought him to a stop.
“Hi!” he said, cheery and enthusiastic as ever, shuffling his things to balance both his picnic basket and his blanket in one arm so he could take the offered brochure with the other, though he didn’t bother looking at it. “Yes, sir, of course! What do you want to chat about? I’m not very smart, so if it’s something smart, I’ll try my best to keep up, and maybe if I don’t, I’ll be entertaining! People say I’m entertaining.”
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When the boy approached, even with his pendant, Thomas felt a little like he was being bulldozed by such a sudden intensity of energy, he needed a second to re-ground himself, though the smile on his face never faltered. “Oh please, no, Thomas is just fine.” He laughs, the other’s positive emotions invading and mixing with his own. But there was something else there that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, though Thomas didn’t bother prodding any deeper, that would have been rude. 
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that, I’m sure you’re plenty smart. No, I’m actually trying to raise awareness to students about the counselling and therapy services that the school offers, it seems like there aren’t very many people who know about it. I want to make sure students here are getting the help that they need and deserve.” 
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jordan-parker · 5 years
Stay the Night || Jordan & Matty
Date: June 
Location: Jordan’s suite
Summary: After hanging out in the lounge for a while, Jordan takes Matty back to her place. Just a little bit of some fluffy smut. 
Jordan: Somehow Jordan had managed to behave in the lounge, which was a task that seemed to get more and more difficult as the night went on, especially with the way that Matty was squirming and blushing beside her so pretty. When he'd been bold enough to ask to go home with her, even before she had a chance to make the suggestion herself, she was all too happy to agree. As other's left the lounge, Jordan's hand slipped into Matty, tugging him up off the couch, and out towards the suites. "C'mon, honey." she smirks as she drags him along, laughing as they make their way to the suites. Pressing the button on the elevator, she tugs Matty inside once it opens, pressing him up against the wall, her body flush with his, looking at him with a playful gleam in her eyes. "You doing okay there, tiger?"
Matty: Matty did not need any convincing to go with Jordan when she stood, hurriedly closing the bottle of mead he'd been given and tucking it under his arm. He was exceedingly grateful as he rose to his feet that his shorts were on the looser side today, because it meant it wasn't terribly obvious that he was already a little bit hard, he so eager to go home with her. Perhaps it was that eagerness that had made him brave enough to ask for it in the first place--that and the fact that Jordan was so nice to him, he did not think she'd be angry about the request. He was grinning as he followed her, about to thank her for letting him come with her as they stepped into the elevator--but then she pushed him against the wall and he momentarily forgot the entire english language. "I'm good," he said after a moment, looking at her with wide-eyes. "You're so beautiful, Miss Jo," he added, because she was, and then, hands fluttering nervously: "Can I--am I allowed to touch you?"
Jordan: Jordan held herself tight to Matty's body, smirking lightly at the flustered look, taking a moment to just marvel at just how adorable the other was. "God you're cute." She breathes, her lips hovering dangerously close to his. "And sweet too." She hums pressing a little closed for a moment, hands wrapping around to grope his ass, giving a little squeeze just as the elevator binged for their level. "Hold that thought, baby." She says, peeling herself away, tugging him by one hand into the hall and down towards her suite. Pulling her key out of her pocket, she unlocks the door and tugs Matty back into her suite, closing the door behind them,  pressing him up against it this time. "What were we talking about?" She teases pressing a thigh up between his legs gently. "Oh yeah, you wanna touch me, hey honey?" She hums, her lips hovering over his lips once again almost daring him to kiss her. "How bad you wanna touch me?"
Matty: Oh--thank you," he said breathlessly, lips curling into a pleased little smile before her hands found their way to his ass and he had to press his lips together to try to contain the embarrassing noise her touch drew from him. Had the elevator not opened just then, he might have repeated his question, was a little bit desperate to know if he was allowed--but it did open, and he could only follow her to her suite obediently, the air cool on his very hot skin without Jordan pressed against him. He groaned when he was pressed up against the door, relieved to have her close again. The bottle of mead slipped from under his arm and thunked to the floor, but the glass didn't break and so Matty paid it no mind, too focused on Jordan. He rocked forward against her leg instinctively, a little whine slipping out before he caught himself and forced his hips still. "I do," he told her quietly, eyes trained on her lips--she was so so close, and he could practically still feel the kiss she'd given him in the lounge, but he had to be good, he'd told her he'd be good. "Please, Miss Jo, I really want it, I--I wanna touch you so much. You're so pretty, I want to kiss you, and--and I want you to touch me and--please?"
Jordan: Every little breath, every little noise that Matty would make when she touched him or pushed up against him were working her up even more, leaning into him a little more. She barely registered the bottle slipping from his arm, hitting the ground beside him, too caught up just looking at him, teasing him. "You look so delicious." She hums her tongue flicks out and over his lips before her lips settle into a smirk. His begging was too sweet, the way he was clearly struggling to keep himself still. "Yeah honey, you can touch me." She says, her own fingers dipping under the hem of his shirt, splaying up over his abdomen slowly, her lips finally moving forward enough to close the space between them. She kisses him slowly, teasingly, her leg rubbing up against his groin, enjoying just how hard he was already.
Matty: "I do?" came his answer, quiet and a little bit distracted--admittedly, his eyes were tracking the movement of her tongue over her lips, and he was not thinking too much about what he was saying. That changed the moment he was given permission to touch her, his gaze lifting to meet hers with a very eager, "Thank you, Miss Jo," before his hands jumped from where they'd been hanging anxiously at his sides, pressed against her hips. His touch was timid at first, fingers cautiously exploring, barely dipping beneath the hem of her shirt. It was only when she kissed him that he grew a little more daring, hands slipping beneath her shirt properly to touch every inch of skin he could reach, like he couldn't get enough of her. His hips rocked forward against her leg again shamelessly when she rubbed against his quickly hardening cock, a little moan escaping against her lips. If all she wanted to give him was this, he would happily rub himself off against her leg without even losing his shorts.
Jordan: "Mhm, real yummy." She hums, enjoying the effect of her teasing on the young man. Her kiss deepens slightly when his fingers found her skin, roaming up under her shirt, making her breathe out a soft breath as her own hands explored him. She had to take a moment to keep herself from losing her own control when his hips roll up against her leg, his cock hard against her thigh in such an adorable and needy way. As much as she was working him up, the truth was, she'd been working herself up all night, her own body desperately wanting to carry him off to her bed and make him moan, she also wanted to tease him. She wanted to work him up and make him squirm a little before she totally had her way with him. But god, he was so damn cute, keeping herself moving at the slow pace was becoming more difficult. "I'm gonna need you to lose the shirt, honey." She says, lips pulling back just enough for words to slip out as she kisses him again for a moment, her fingers curling into his shirt and tugging upwards, braking apart their lips to pull it over his head. Eyes flicker down, taking in the other for a moment, fingers spreading and grazing over his chest greedily. "Gorgeous" she says, before her lips find his jaw, kissing up and along down to his neck, peppering in a playful bite or two.
Matty: No one had ever called Matty 'yummy' before, and he was strangely proud, found himself smiling against Jordan's lips. He was glad she thought he was yummy--he wanted her to think all kinds of nice things about him. His hands slid up her sides, fingers coming to a halt when they met the edge of her bra, because she hadn't said how much he was allowed to touch her, and he didn't want to do more than he was allowed. His hands slid around to her back, instead, soft skin and strong muscles beneath his palms enough to make him happy, keep him rolling his hips helplessly against her. It took him a moment to process what she said when she broke away to speak, but he nodded eagerly once he did, reluctantly tore his hands away from her to let her get rid of his t-shirt. His hands lifted towards her again only to stop when he realized she was looking at him, and though he could feel heat creeping down his neck under her gaze, he leaned back against the door to let her look her fill. "Thank you," he said softly, eyes falling closed at the compliment, and then, "Oh, wow," when her lips found his jaw. He was breathing hard, little whimpers slipping out with each kiss and bite, and his hands found her again, though now he seemed to just be holding onto her to keep himself steady. "Miss Jo, that's so--that feels so good."
Jordan: "You're being real good for me, aren't you?" She says against his neck, noting just how his hands would roam, but never quite too much. "You can keep going, honey." She says, giving permission to touch her further, enjoying just how obedient and sweet he was. It made her want to ravage him in the sweetest way possible. "Does it?" She says, as if she didn't know what she doing to him right now, teeth tugging gently at the sensitive skin of his neck. One hand had sunk in to the back of his dark hair, keeping his head tilted so that she could trace her lips up along his neck, the other hand trailing down his chest, fingers dancing along his skin playfully. Fingertips brush along his lower abdomen, teasing along the hem of his shorts, dipping in just enough to tease. Her lips trail up his neck till she's right next to his ear, nibbling on it lightly. "You okay with this honey? You tell me to stop if you're not okay, yeah baby?"
Matty: He nodded quickly, eyes fluttering open to look at her as he caught his bottom lip between his teeth to hide a smile. "Yes, Miss Jo," he said quietly, "I wanna be good for you," and he did, very badly, was so pleased that she thought he was. One hand slid beneath her shirt again when she gave him permission to touch her more, but the progress of her lips, her hand, which danced so near to places he wanted it--well, he was momentarily distracted and a needy whine slipped past his lips when she nibbled at his ear. "I'm okay," he assured her, and he was--more than okay, really, his head tipped into the hand in his hair as he rubbed himself desperately against her thigh. "I'll tell you if I'm not, I promise, Miss Jo, but I--please don't stop!" He seemed to remember he'd been doing something then, and his hand slipped up her side again, hesitated only briefly at the edge of her bra this time before shifting to cup her breast through it, the touch clearly a little uncertain. He didn't know what he was doing and it showed, but he wanted very badly to be touching her.
Jordan: "So sweet." She murmurs, a little lost for a moment with the way that he was rubbing up against her, so needy and desperate, and it stirred such a craving inside her, she had to take a moment just to enjoy it. She also knew that she could get a bit carried away, and Matty, well, he was sweet, and she didn't want to do anything that he didn't want. But the little assurance that fell from his lips had her smiling against his ear, rolling her own hips forward, grinding her leg against him. Her kisses trail back up his jaw, seeking out his lips once again, and she claims his when his hesitant fingers caress her. Her body arches into him ever so slightly, a way to show him that he was doing good, and that she enjoyed his touch. Her kiss this time is deep, passionate, almost an attempt to devour him whole, pressing herself up against him, feeling an ache of need herself. She stays there for a moment, kissing him till she pulls away to breathe, fingers falling from his hair, pulling her entire body away again with a mischievous grin on her face.The only thing still touching him was her fingers, dipped into the hem of his shorts, tugging him forward and away from the door. "C'mon honey, we're gonna need to get you other of the rest of those clothes, but lets go somewhere a little more comfortable first." She says, walking backwards, tugging him gently by the hem of his shorts, her free hand curling a finger, beckoning him to follow. Making her way to the bedroom, Matty in tow, her fingers snake around to his hips, both hands guiding him towards the bed, pushing gently onto it. She takes a moment just to peel off her own shirt, leaving her in a lace black bralette. "Loose the shorts, tiger, and anything else you got on underneath." She smirks devilishly, her fingers finding the button on her own jeans, wriggling out of them and kicking them aside.
Matty: The way she kissed him was enough to leave Matty a little bit dizzy with desire, the hand that wasn't beneath her shirt curling in the fabric instead, holding on as he tried to keep up. He looked a little bit crestfallen when she broke away from him, hands hanging on for a second as he opened his mouth the protest--and then caught himself at the last moment and bit the words back, let her go. He was glad he had when she tugged him forward by his shorts, the idea that she wasn't leaving him but merely moving them finally making it into his foggy head. He grinned then, nodded eagerly, clumsily toed off his sneakers as he followed her. The little push towards the bed met with no resistance--he'd have let her put him anywhere she wanted, in truth. He fell back onto the soft bed, immediately propped himself up on his elbows to look at her. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if she was going to take her clothes off, too, but her shirt came off before he could get the words out, and--"Wow," he breathed, fingers curling in blankets to keep himself from reaching for her. Matty could have just kept right on looking at her, but his eyes flicked up to meet hers when she spoke again, and he nodded, eager to obey. He wiggled out of his shorts in a hurry, movements not nearly as smooth as Jordan's. The colorful briefs he wore came next, a little patch of wetness obvious on the fabric for a moment before he tossed them aside. His cock bounced up against his belly, embarrassingly hard, and a blush crept down his chest, his hands moving as if he might cover himself--but he stopped at the last second instead, curled his fingers in the blankets once more. "You look so pretty, Miss Jo," he said. "I--I--please touch me again?"
Jordan: That little look on his face when she pulled away made her decide that would be the last time she'd pull her body away from his, the momentary fall in his face enough to tell her just how badly he wanted this. And she wanted it too, her tall frame hovering above him as he lay on the bed, wriggling out of his shorts. The bright boxers cause the corner of her lips to curl up, pleased by that little wet spot. She can't help from licking her lips hungrily, ready to get her hands on him, but also just enjoying the view for a moment. Her brow cocks slightly almost as if to say 'don't you dare' when his fingers move, an abandoned attempt to cover himself. Her chest rose and fell, her breath picking up with excitement as she looks down at Matty. Teeth sink down into her lower lip as she finally moves forward, crawling up on the bed over him, urging him to scoop up a bit so the two of them were properly on the bed now. She kept her underwear on for now, though she had a feeling it wouldn't be long before it was peeled off too, wanting to get as close to the boy as she could. "Thanks honey, you're real pretty yourself. And since you asked so nicely..." She says, brushing her long hair over to one side, hovering above him for a moment, grinning at him teasingly. She leans on one hand, the other finding his chest again, running over his skin in a greedy way, wanting to touch him all over all at once. Her hand makes it's way lower as she kisses him again, teeth tugging at his lower lip. Fingers move slowly, but finally make their way to wrap around his cock gently,  her thumb running over the head, a little groan leaving her lips at just how hard he was. "God, Matty, you're driving me wild, you know that?"  
Matty: Matty's lips curled into a sheepish smile at the look she gave him, fingers twisting in the blankets beneath him but no longer moving to cover himself. If she wanted to look at him, then he wanted it, too--and God, but that brief moment where she was just looking at him was a beautiful sort of torture, between how much he wanted her to touch him again and how pleased he was to have her looking at him like something worth seeing. He scooted up the bed further obligingly at her nudge, said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," when she came in close again, one hand uncurling from the blankets to trail sort of reverently over the lace of her bra. He squirmed beneath her hand, eyes locked on her face and his lip caught between his teeth again, desperate for more at the same time that he wanted only what she was willing to give him. When she caught his lips again, he surged up eagerly to kiss her back, only to end up gasping against her lips when her fingers finally wrapped round his cock. He squeezed his eyes shut, head tipping back against the bed, said, "Oh, oh, Miss Jo. I am? Is that--oh--is that good?"
Jordan: She was enjoying the way his fingers curled into the blankets a little too much, knowing just how much she was working him up. There was something in her that wanted to run her tongue over every inch of his skin, taste very part of him, but she was a little caught up enjoying the soft neediness of his lips. In the back of her mind, she was reminding herself to breathe, to keep her cool, because she knew that with strength like hers, things could get out of hand if she wasn't careful, and Matty was far more delicate than he probably realized. "Yeah you are, honey, it's very, very good." She breathes, watching his head fall back, his eyes screwed shut, that look of pleasure on his face. It was delicious, and she watches with a cheshire smile on her lips. With his head tilted back, his neck was exposed again,  Jordan couldn't stop herself this time from running her tongue up over the length of his throat as her thumb still rubs over his tip teasingly. "Think you can help me with my bra?" She says, peppering kisses over his jaw. "Think you can manage that, baby? I'll have to let you go, just for a sec though."
Matty: Matty whimpered when Jordan's mouth found his throat, said, "Oh, wow," breathlessly. She'd done so little, and yet he was as flustered as if they'd been at it for ages, hips twitching with the aborted desire to rock into her hand. It was just that he liked her so much and she seemed to know exactly what to say and how to touch him. He blinked his eyes open at her request, took a deep, shaky breath. The idea of her letting go of him, even for a second, was not one that he liked, but the thought of getting her bra off, well--that was one he was in favor of, so he nodded, released his vice grip on the blankets to push himself up a little. "I can do that, Miss Jo," he said, chewing his lip as he turned his gaze to the lacy fabric. Looking so closely made his cheeks blush anew, and his hands were just a little bit shaky as he lifted them to touch her. It didn't look like the sort of bra with hooks and things to do undo, so he slipped his fingers beneath the hem of it instead to help her remove it, unable to look away from her as he pulled it up. Impulsively, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the soft skin between her breasts, bit his lip when he pulled back. "Is that--is this--is that okay? I should have asked first, I just--I really like touching you."
Jordan: Jordan bites gently at spot on the boy's neck before sucking a little mark, leaving him a little something to remember her by before she smiled against his skin for a moment, his reactions just so yummy. "Easy there tiger." She says, pressing a leg against his thigh, slowing the little twitching of his hips. She knew what he wanted, but she wasn't quite ready to give it to him, not just yet anyways. She pulls back watching him, and the way his face seems so unsure, but so eager to please her. She'd tried to  shrug off the whole 'Miss' business when she'd first arrived, but now she was glad she'd let Matty call her that. The way her title fell from his lips almost like a little whine, it was getting harder to keep her own hips still. She stills, waiting to see if he would need help at all, but Matty seemed to manage just fine, slipping his fingers under her bra to coax it up. She waited till the last moment to let go of his length, letting the bralette be pulled over her head, quickly tossing it to the side. She blinks down at him and that soft little kiss that was placed to her chest, the boldness of the young man. "You're okay, honey." She purrs, looking down at him. "How's about I tell you if I don't want you to do something, yeah? Cause baby I like it when you touch me." She says, the little kiss had been so sweet, so nice, she wouldn't have minded more. As promised, her hand finds it's way back to his cock, this time giving it a slow stroke. "I think that might have been a little longer than a second, but I think I can make it up to you." she says, kissing one side of his collarbone, then lifting her head, flipping her hair over to the other side to kiss the other. Her kisses start to trail down, playfully licking up along his sternum before moving lower, her eyes looking up all the while to see his reaction.
Matty: The sound he made when she stilled his hips was a little bit whiny, but that didn't stop him from nodding, forcing his own hips flat. If she wanted him to be still, then he would. His needy expression cleared for a moment, lips stretching into a broad, beaming grin when she suggested she'd tell him if she didn't want him to do something. "Yes, please," he said, nodding enthusiastically. "I'd like that. I won't do anything again if you tell me it's bad," he promised, breathing out a soft, pleased sound when she kissed his collar. A little bolder now that he knew she'd just tell him if he did something wrong, wouldn't be angry, he lifted a hand to touch her hair when she flipped it, fingers running gently through the long strands. His other hand slid up her side, fingertips dancing near her breast and then nervously away. His exploring came to an end when she began to move downward, his eyes going wide, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Matty's breath came in shallow little gasps and he had to drop the hand from her hair to hang onto the blankets again, pushing himself up a little on his elbow so he could watch her. "Miss Jo?" he said, voice a little bit squeaky. "Where--where are you going?"
Jordan: She loved how hard he worked to keep his hips still, and at this moment she had no doubt that he would do anything asked of her, though there was also a part of her that realized there was a great amount of responsibility in that. But she knew she wasn't someone that would test that sort of obedience in ways that Matty wouldn't enjoy, though she had the fleeting worry that there were probably others on the island that would. That though, however, flew from her mind when she caught that broad smile of his, and just how excited he got with full permission to touch her as he pleased, because well, she had a feeling he wasn't about to start doing anything to drastic, and she also knew just how easy he would be to distract if things went in a direction she didn't want. "Of course, baby." She hums, her lips trailing over his chest, almost as if attempting to kiss every inch of him, but she was also starting to grow impatient with her own teasing. She looks up at the way Matty looks down at her, a playful grin on her lips. "I'm just kissing you," She says innocently, her hand that's wrapped around his length, stroking so slowly it was sure to drive him wild. "But I kinda wanna taste you... that okay honey?" She says, her lips moving over his stomach, down towards his hipbone, giving him a playful little bite. Her tongue dips out, flicking over where hip and his pelvis met, watching him carefully. She moves herself closer to his length, noticing just how sweetly it was dribbling with pre cum that she just couldn't help herself when her tongue darts over his tip for a taste.
Matty: Matty squirmed a little each time she called him 'baby' or 'honey', warmth blossoming in his chest at the terms of endearment. He hadn't been with anyone who called him sweet things before--it was nice, and especially nice from Jordan. He couldn't help but return her smile when she looked up at him with that playful grin, even if she was in the middle of teasing him, her hand moving so slow and sweet on his cock. It felt so good, was so hard to keep himself from thrusting up into her grip to get more, but he was determined to keep still for her. "You wanna--oh," he said. The thought alone made him a little dizzy, but he nodded quickly--couldn't quite say the words, but of course it was okay, so much more than okay. He said, "Please," the word fading into a little moan when she bit his hip. Propping himself up more on his elbows so he could better watch her, Matty's eyes tracked each little movement of her tongue, her lips. He was watching as she got closer and closer to his aching, needy length, but that little dart of her tongue over the head still seemed to catch him by surprise. He moaned, loud and shameless, fell back into the bed and covered his flushed face with both hands. "Oh my god," he said into his hands, and then, uncovering his face just enough to speak without being muffled: "Wait, just--can I--Miss Jo, can I ask for something before you--you can say no, I've been greedy, and you're being so nice to me, just--would you, um, give me another--like you did, on my neck." He touched the spot she'd marked with two fingers, shifted a little to spread his legs more for her, baring his thighs. "I just want--" but he couldn't quite bring himself to say that he just wanted to be marked by her somewhere private, so he finished, "I really, really want it."
Jordan: Jordan's free hand splays over Matty's hip, a gentle attempt to keep him from wiggling too much, though she had to admit just how damn cute it was when he did. She liked that he was watching her, that he wasn't too shy to keep himself from looking down, because being able to see those pretty little reactions sent little waves of pleasure through her. She smiles, watching the way he falls back into the bed from just the smallest flick of her tongue, and she breathes warmly onto his length, holding her hand still just to enjoy that entire reaction. Eyes flicker down, about to give him what he wanted when he speaks, stopping her. Her head tilts curiously, a little grin curling at the corner of her mouth at his request that he couldn't even seem to get out completely. She was once again surprised by his quiet boldness, and it sure made her feel some kinda way that had her own hips rocking slightly against the bed before she caught herself. She gives him a moment to finish speaking smiling softly at him. "You want me to give you some more little things to remember me by?" She says, looking up at him and the way his hands still covered most of his face. "Yeah, I think I can manage to give you that. I like it when you're greedy, baby." She hums, though before she moves to his right thigh, she flicks her tongue over the underside of his length ever so lightly. She settles herself down near his thigh, her one hand still stroking him gently, wanting to keep giving him some sort of attention while her lips kiss gently on the skin of his inner thigh. She starts off gently, sucking lightly, though she very quickly loses herself in giving him something that wouldn't go away all too quick, rolling the skin between her teeth, just enough to mark him up. She can't help but move on to the other thigh, figuring they might as well be even, leaving him an equally dark mark by the time she was done there. She ran her tongue over one of the marks gently, fingers of her one hand biting into his hip as she admired her own art work. "You sure are looking real pretty." She says, eyes flickering back up to him, her fingers uncurling from around his cock, because at this point she had very little restraint left, and she found herself shifting, whole body moving as she rolls forward, the flat of her tongue running up along the underside of his length in one long broad stroke before flicking over the tip. "Think you can handle more?"
Matty: Matty nodded gratefully when she understood, said what he'd so inarticulately been trying to get out. "Yes," he said fervently, and then gave a little jolt when her tongue flicked over his length once more, a shameless, needy sound escaping him. For a moment he didn't know what he'd been thinking, delaying her putting her mouth on him for even a second--but then she turned her attentions to the inside of his thigh, and no, god, it was worth it. If he'd been a needy mess already, well, it only got worse while she was marking him up. "Thank you, Miss Jo, thank you," he murmured between soft noises, his cock drooling precome in her hand. He couldn't see the marks she was leaving, hands still pressed over his face, but he could imagine--how they would look, how they would stay there long after he'd gone back to his cell, reminders of where she'd been, proof that he'd pleased her, because she'd given him a reward, hadn't she? It was only when he tongue ran soothingly over his thigh that he managed to uncover his face and push himself up to look at her, biting his lip shyly when she called him pretty. "I like looking pretty for you," he told her, a little bit breathless. His fingers curled in the blankets again as he watched her shift back towards his cock, bracing himself for it this time, because he wanted to see. "Oh god," he said, the words more moan than anything else. Watching her tongue sweep over him like that sent a shiver down his spine that was almost as good as how it felt. His hair, damp with sweat, was falling into his eyes, and he flipped it away hastily, nodded at her. "Yes, yes, please," he begged, utterly shameless about it. "I can handle it, please, I'll keep still, I'll be good."
Jordan: So he liked to be marked up. Jordan made a mental note of that one for later, already starting to grow a list of things she'd want to do with the other, if he'd let her. She was pretty satisfied with the marks she'd left, but she knew that one day she wanted to leave far more on him, make it so that everyone knew just how good a time he'd had. She could only imagine how adorable he would look. She smiles as she looks up at Matty, so fond of him already, with just how bright and colourful he was, and how shamelessly himself he was. She adored the way his fingers curled in the sheets, as if he needed to brace himself or he might fall into a mess. His moan went straight down between her thighs, knowing just how good she was making him feel was getting her all worked up. The begging is what did her in, dipping forward again to run her tongue along the side of his length this time, before slowing at the tip, her lips wrapping around him. She swirls her tongue a few times over his tip, her gaze still directed upwards, wanting to see him dissolve. Her hands find his hips, giving him a little help to keep them still, pressing against him with a firm grip. God, she wanted to tell him how good he looked up there, if here mouth hadn't been otherwise preoccupied.
Matty: True to his word, he held himself still even when Jordan's tongue slid over his length again, tantalizingly slow and impossibly good. He didn't seem particularly in control of the little sounds slipping past his lips now, nor was he completely aware of the way his hands had begun to pull at the blankets he was holding onto--later, when he noticed, he would probably offer to remake her bed, but right now he was not worrying about making a mess, only about being as good as he'd said he would be. That task became much harder when she took him into her mouth. His gaze shifted helplessly between her lips and her eyes, which were still fixed on him, and the fact that she was watching him so intently made him a little bit dizzy with pleasure. He wanted to touch her, to stroke her pretty hair or hold her hand, but he was afraid if he released his grip on the blankets beneath him he'd start wiggling again, and he didn't want to do that. He was having a hard enough time keeping himself still as it was, his hips moving in tiny, aborted little shifts, each of them followed by an apologetic whimper. His brow was starting to knit together, concerned that he wasn't going to be able to stay still, when Jordan's hands settled on his hips and pressed them down and--"Oh god, thank you, Miss Jo," he practically sobbed, the simple fact of her strong grip enough to make his hips relax into the bed, no longer even trying to move now that they'd been restrained. With the distraction of trying to hold himself still gone, though, all he could think about was how good her mouth felt, wet and hot around him, and the little noises he was letting out got a little louder, a little needier. "Please, please," he murmured quietly, not entirely sure what he was asking her for himself.
Jordan: She felt her lips curling up as best they could while they wrapped around him at the way he thanked her, so completely and totally relieved that he wouldn't have to focus on keeping his hips still, and all it did was drive her forward, wanting to make him come completely undone. His little moans and whimpers have her slowly sliding downwards, taking more of him into her mouth at an achingly slow rate, just taking him all of him in first. Slowly pulling back, she savors the reaction, her own hips tilting, feeling so worked up herself. She continues this pace with another bob of her head before popping off, moving one of her hands to stroke him gently, her thumb running over the tip. "You're doing so good baby." She hums, wanting to make sure she knew just how much she was enjoying being with him, that he was making her feel good too. "Let me here all those pretty little noises of yours, don't hold them back, kay honey?" With that her lips were suddenly replacing her hand wrapping around him once more, bobbing more quickly this time, setting a steady pace, not too fast, not too slow, watching closely to his reactions, watching to make sure she knew when he was getting close.
Jordan: Oh he was being so good for her, and she wanted to  make sure that he was well rewarded for that. But some of the reward came with the teasing, right? And oh did she love to tease. It was lovely, watching him try to hold back his reactions, but failing, each one slipping out past his lips into the room. He probably didn't have any idea the effect he was having on her. She'd always been a person that could hold back her reactions, often just focusing on watching her partners melt in front of her, but the noises and the way that Matty was looking at her was leaving her feeling all too aroused. She shifts her hands, using one arm across his pelvis and hips to keep him securely restrained, her other, now free hand dipped lower, trailing down along her body, slipping in under her black panties, touching herself slowly. The touch of her own fingers caused a hum to rise in her chest, and the way that Matty finally let go, his noises filling the room around them, she couldn't help but groan in unison; he just sounded so damn good. As much as she wanted to force him over the edge, to taste him properly, she also knew it was late, and she probably shouldn't keep the poor boy up all night. Plus she could always give him a parting gift come morning, because she fully intended for him to stay the night. So with the look that he might finish a little too soon, she slows, pulling away from his length, leaving a few last licks up the underside as she lets it fall back against his stomach, grinning up at him. "Too good?" She hums, placing kisses over his abdomen, working her way back up, letting go of his hips, crawling her way back up slowly, still touching herself all the while. "Maybe we should stop then, honey?" She teases devilishly, her kisses making their way up his neck, her hand that continued to rub soft circles over her clit under her panties hovering over his length, just out of reach from touching him. Her cheeks are rosy, pupils blown wide with lust and excitement as she moves to hover over his face, just looking at him for a moment. Pulling her hand away from her core, she brings it up, two fingers glistening with just how wet she was, all thanks to him. Running those two fingers over his bottom lip, leaving them wet as well with the taste of her, she looks at him with a slight tilt of her head. "What do you say, Matty? Should we stop?"
Matty: The vibrations of Jordan groaning around him, coupled with the realization of where her other hand had gone had a particularly desperate moan rumbling past Matty's lips. His mouth hung open, lips moving a little as if there was something he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the words. He had the fleeting thought that he wanted to watch her touch herself, learn exactly what she liked, just in case she ever wanted him to help, and that thought brought fresh warmth to already flushed cheeks, forced him to close his eyes for a moment to steady himself. Of course, they flew open again almost immediately when she pulled away, a loud, needy whine escaping him at the loss, because he was so close, wanted very badly to come, but--well, but he only wanted to come when she wanted him to. He took a deep breath, nodded at her as she began kissing her way back up his chest. She was teasing him, he knew, and he couldn't help smiling back at her when she grinned at him, even as his chest was heaving a little as he caught his breath, came back from the edge she'd been working him up to. He shook his head at the suggestion that they should stop, said, "No, no," and then whimpered helplessly, fighting the urge to buck his hips up against her. Matty went very still when she pulled away to look at him, swallowed hard as he took in the sight of her. He breathed out a very quiet sound when her fingers ran over his lips, tongue darting out to lick the taste of her from them. A second's pause and then he pushed up to follow her fingers, his eyes falling closed as he wrapped his fingers round her wrist, moaned helplessly as he gently sucked the wetness from her fingers. "Please," he whispered when he pulled back, though he had not opened his eyes, was pressing his lips against her fingers in between words, leaving little kisses. "I don't wanna stop, Miss Jo. I can keep being good."
Jordan: Oh she liked the way he watched her, and she had a thought that maybe, one day, she let him watch, though, letting someone in, in that sense, was difficult for Jordan. She kept things under control, even in times like these when her own body was desperate and needy. Mind over matter, right? Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she watches his face, how flushed and needy he looked, the moans falling past his parted lips. God, she could look at that forever. "No?" She breathes, her voice losing some of it's edge as she watched the way his tongue licked over his lips almost immediately, like he couldn't wait to taste her. When his hand caught hers, her brow raised slightly in surprised. But it was when his lips wrapped around her fingers, sucking on them slightly, her hips rolled forward against his length, damp material brushing against his sensitive skin. "Oh honey." she says with a breathy moan when he begs again, her will breaking quickly, because he didn't even realize just how damn good he was. Her lips curl up when he asks to keep going, and she's all too happy to oblige, having worked herself up enough to the point where she was pretty sure she couldn't handle too much more of this teasing. "Okay baby, we'll keep going." she says, settling a soft kiss to the corner of his lips, watching him as he kissed her fingers in such a delicate and desperate way. She forced herself to sit up just enough to dip her thumbs into the sides of her underwear, shifting to shimmy them off, moving quickly so he wouldn't have to go without her touch too long, though she couldn't help but keep her eyes glued on the wriggling boy beneath her. She lets out sigh of relief now that the two of them were completely naked, looking down at the other with a hunger that at this moment, only he could sate. Straddling him, she wastes no time lowering herself down, teasing her wet core over his length, maybe teasing him a little bit still, but god, it felt nice. She rolls her hips, rubbing up against him as she leans down, lips breathing next to his ear. "You feel how wet I am, honey? That's cause of you, you did that." She presses a kiss to his cheek before working her way back to his lips, kissing him hard, and hungrily, her tongue darting out to meet his.
Matty: He sucked in a little gasp at that first brush of her panties against him, opened his eyes to look at her again. He looked visibly relieved when she agreed they'd keep going, as if he'd been genuinely worried she might stop--and he might have been, in truth. The kiss she placed at the corner of his lips drew a soft sound out of him and he released her wrist to turn his head, looking for her lips, though he only managed to gently nose at her before she was sitting up and away from him. "No, wait, please," he breathed out, hands reaching for her, because she'd said they'd keep going. His distress turned to excitement when he realized she'd only pulled away to remove her underwear, the last barrier tossed away, and then he was licking his lips again as his gaze moved hungrily over her. He said, "Oh," softly, reverently, and then, louder, his head tipping back into the bed when she straddled him, wet and hot and teasing, "Oh! Oh god, oh my god." He lifted his hips a little to press back against her, just once before he caught himself and held still. His right hand was still clutching desperately at the blankets, but his left came up to touch her hip, fingertips sliding down the curve of her ass boldly before she spoke and they came back up. He screwed his eyes shut tight at her words, squeaked out, "Me?" like he couldn't quite believe it before he was silenced with an all too welcome kiss. His answering kiss was a little bit frantic, and he kept whimpering into her mouth, because he could still taste her on his tongue and she tasted like him and he wanted everything so desperately he couldn't think straight.
Jordan: When his face went into a mini panic as she sat up, Jordan made a mental note not to leave the poor boy hanging too much ever, because sure, she likes to tease, and sometimes she even likes to get people worked up and leave them high and dry, but she wasn’t gonna do that to Matty. No, with him, she was going to have to make sure that he knew what she was doing so that he knew she wasn’t leaving him. “Sorry honey.” She breathes against him, feeling bad, only for a moment because she was quickly distracted by the way she was rubbing up along his length, moaning gently into his ear. “Yeah, you.” She nods with a little grin before she kisses him, his own lips moving against hers so worked up and needy.  Another roll of her hips, and she knew that she needed more, and she had a feeling so did he, after teasing him so mercilessly. One hand sinks into his hair, leaning against her elbow as the other moves down between them. She continues to kiss him, not wanting to give him any reason to think she was leaving him again, lifting her hips enough to wrap her fingers around his cock. She strokes it once, relishing how wet it was from her before she lines his tip up with her aching core. She waits there for a few seconds, feeling him press against her, tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth. Finally, she sinks down onto him, a broken moan escaping her lips as she felt him fill her slowly as she lowered herself onto him. “Fuck, baby.” She breathes against his lips, as her hips met his, sitting there just for a moment to make sure he was okay.
Matty: "No, no, it's okay," he said hurriedly, murmuring the words against her lips, his brief panic almost entirely forgotten already. The hand still clutching at the blankets finally let go and he reached up, settled it on her shoulder instead--he didn't need to hang onto the blankets when he could hold onto her, and she'd said he was allowed to touch her. It was sort of hard for him to believe that he, of all people, had had such an effect on her, but he didn't think she'd lie to him, especially when he could feel the evidence in how wet she was. The thought only worked him up more, made him whimper a little louder into her kiss. This time when she pulled back, he didn't panic, the hand in his hair and way she kept kissing him enough to reassure him that she wasn't really going anywhere. It took a little bit of effort to keep himself from lifting his hips, searching for her warmth, but he managed--distracted himself by letting his hand slip up to run gently through her hair, trail his fingertips over the back of her neck. He didn't have to worry about keeping still for long, anyway, because then she was touching him again, lining him up and biting at his bottom lip and--"Miss Jo," slipped past his lips in unison with her moan, her name and title moaned out reverently. The hand on her hip squeezed, holding on desperately tightly. "You feel--you feel so--" He couldn't help squirming a little, hips twitching up to press firmly against her, groaned against her lips. "Oh, god. I'm sorry, you just feel so good and I like it when you call me baby and I need--I need--" But he didn't know what he needed, except to stop talking, so he let out a little whine, turned his head a little to kiss her cheek clumsily.
Jordan: She liked the way he held onto her, clinging gently, feeling the warmth of his touch, slightly timid against her skin. When’d she’d gone to the lounge that night, she probably wouldn’t have expected her night to end up like this, but this was better than she’d thought it would go. She was no stranger to spending night alone, but it was pretty nice to have such fun company. And Matty was proving to be extremely fun to be around. She grins against him as the words come out of his mouth, all overwhelmed and desperate for her. When his hips push upward into hers, her hand grips onto his hip, holding him close, maybe a little tighter than intended. “What’s that honey?” She says, nosing as his cheek a little, savouring each of his cut off words, his moans driving her to roll her hips gently against him. “It’s okay baby, you wanna move, huh? You’ve been real good, keeping still, I think maybe I should let you move, hey honey? What do you think?” She says, rolling her hips again, setting an extremely slow pace. She wanted to kiss him, to taste his sweet lips again, but she also wanted to listen to all those pretty noises he kept making. So instead she settled on kissing his cheek, making her way down to nibble on his ear. “What do you need baby?” She teases, running her tongue over a spot on his neck, her breath hot and quickened. “God, honey, you don’t even know how good you feel.”
Matty: Her grip on his hips wasn't quite tight enough to hurt, but it was tighter than he expected, had him wriggling against it, not out of discomfort but a confusing urge to get her to do it again. "I don't know," he said when she asked if he wanted to move, shaking his head. He didn't know, wanted everything all at once, and the way she was rolling her hips so slow and sweet wasn't helping him clear his head to figure it out. Not that he was about to complain, because god, it was so good. He pressed his palm against her back, his hand moving up and down absently, like he was hardly aware of it, just wanted to be touching her. "I don't know, I don't know, I just--yeah? I want you to feel good Miss Jo, you're so--you've been so good to me, I want you to decide what I need." The words came out in a rush, breathless and a little bit whiny. He felt so good, desperate and hot all over, and yet there was something very earnest about his request--he had no idea what he needed, but he trusted her to give it to him.
Jordan: Jordan kept her grip tight on the other, curious as his hips wiggled. She wanted to explore, to figure out everything that would drive him wild, but she also knew she needed to be patient. The little 'I don't know' had her placing soft kisses along his neck, her hips still rolling against him, riding him slowly, her breath shallow. His little ramblings confirmed what she already knew, he was inexperienced. For her, there was something exciting about that, but she also knew to take things slow, making sure he was okay. "Yeah?" She says, lifting her head to look at him, flipping her hair to the other side. She leans forward kissing him softly. "I can do that for you, baby." Her fingers curl into his hip, holding him tight, helping to continue to keep him still. What she wanted to was to draw it out, drive him a little more wild than she already had, so given the permission to decide what he needed she went with it. "I'm gonna need you to stay still just a little longer, kay, honey?" She says, grinning at him, pressing kisses to his lips between words. "God, I wanna just look at you." she says, her hand sliding from his hair to his chest, pushing herself up to sit, her hips grinding against him still in a slow and teasing manner. She splays her one hand over his chest, pinning him down, though she left his hands free, allowing them to roam as he wished. Her other hand shifts up just a bit, but still holds him tight, keeping his hips from moving too much while she looked down, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders.
Matty: Matty's gaze had gone a little unfocused, but he blinked rapidly when Jordan pulled back to look at him, focused on her face like he was trying to memorize it. The flip of her hair brought the tiniest hint of a smile to his lips, and the hand on her back came up again to touch it again, fingers sliding over long locks gently. Those same fingers tangled in her hair briefly when she kissed him, fingertips pressing lightly against her scalp as if he might try to keep her there--though of course he didn't, let his hand fall to the bed the moment she told him to stay still. "I can do that, Miss Jo," he panted out, breathless as if he'd been running, despite having been so focused on not moving. He couldn't help the way his smile grew a little when she grinned down at him. It made him feel pleasantly warm, her looking at him like that when he could only imagine how he looked, flushed and desperate and struggling not to move, needy little moans falling freely from his lips with every little move of her hips. The noise that escaped him when she sat up was louder, a broken moan that turned into a breathy, "Oh, god," because now he could see her, and she was so impossibly gorgeous and moving so slowly, building up pleasure in him and driving him wild. A bright flush spread down his chest under her gaze, his head turning as if he might try to hide his face--but then he'd have had to look way from her, so he groaned and caught himself, reached out to hold onto her thigh with one hand. His other hand rose up hesitantly, hovered in the air for a moment before he licked his lips and let it settle on her waist, fingers dancing up over her breast, uncertain but still wanting. "You're so--you're so--" he whined, the hand on her thigh squeezing briefly, his gaze flickering down to the hand on his chest. "Thank you for helping me be good," he breathed out, genuinely grateful. "Miss Jo, you look--you look so--" But he didn't have the words for how good she looked, could only shake his head as another moan escaped him.
Jordan: Jordan watches the other with lust and hunger, enjoying the way the younger man looked at her. His gaze was so soft, and if she was being honest with herself, it had been a long while since anyone had looked at her with such softness. The fingers in her hair draw out a happy little hum against his lips, eyes closing for a moment enjoying the way that he touches her, so hesitant and needy. "Good boy." She says gently to him, wanting to make sure he knew just how good he was being to her. Her smile only grew when his moans echoed around them as she sat up, looking down at him. She had to stay there for a moment, just looking at him, marveling at just how good he looked underneath her. The timid hand on her breast had her leaning in towards his touch, wanting him to touch her a little more. "Yeah baby?" She hums, enjoying the way that his words were swallowed up by shameless moans that were driving her to move her hips a little quicker. "I've got you, honey." She breathes, using her hand on his chest as an anchor to continue to roll her hips up and down, sinking onto him with a little more neediness herself at this point. "I'm gonna need to know if you're getting close, Matty." She breathes, her own breath hitching slightly as she enjoys just how good he feels inside of her.
Matty: The words 'good boy' had him closing his eyes for a moment, sent a sharp spike of pleasure straight his cock. Without her hand on his chest and the desperate need to keep being a good boy, he'd have been squirming, but as it was he just whimpered a little, squeezed her thigh. Matty's gaze lifted to Jordan's face when she leaned into his nervous touch, flickered back down to his own fingers. His lip caught between his teeth, eyes glued to his own hand as he pressed it a little more confidently against her, tentatively rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger before looking back up at her face, trying to gauge whether or not it was okay. The assurance that she had him made his lips curl a little, warmth blossoming in his chest--she had him and in that moment he felt so safe, warm and cared for, which--was that weird, feeling that, when he was also feeling... so much of everything else? He didn't know, had certainly never felt it before, but he wasn't going to complain. He was struck by the desire to kiss her, but he couldn't reach, certainly didn't want her to stop anything she was doing, so he just breathed out another, "Thank you," and then, "Yes, Miss Jo, I--okay." In truth, he was probably close enough to warrant saying something, but as badly as he wanted to come, well--he wanted this moment with her to last more. "I--I--I feel--Do you feel good, too? I want you to feel good, Miss Jo, but I don't know what to--should I--should I do something? To help you feel good?"
Jordan: In truth, Jordan wanted to keep him here, edging him along all night just to prolong this, because she was enjoying herself. The way he held onto her made her feel good, in control, like he needed her in that moment, and there was always something special about bringing someone to that place. Her eyes flutter, lids a little more heavy when he gets a little more bold, playing with her nipple, watching her so closely to see what she'd do. While she had her limits, she did like to be touched, and when Matty did it, it just seemed that much sweeter, especially in the way that he looked at her, wanting so desperately to please her. She lets out a breathy moan as she gives him a little look, letting him know that he's doing good, that he's making her feel good. When his attention did turn on asking how he could make her feel good, she practically melted, the sweet boy so focused on her even in the midst of her teasing. She couldn't help from leaning down, pressing herself harder against the other's hand, kissing him in a hungry way for a moment before she pulls back to answer. "Oh honey, you are making me feel good." She says placing another kiss to his lips. "Keep touching me like you are, baby, that feels really nice." She says, her whole body rolling against his gently, lifting her hips a little to pause before sinking back down again quickly, her speed picking up again. "You can even kiss me there too, if you'd like," She hums against his lips, before pulling up slightly, allowing him access to her chest if he'd decide to take it.
Matty: For a moment, when she leaned down to kiss him, Matty found himself wondering if she'd read his mind. He'd just been thinking he wanted it, after all, and he knew it was possible here, and it would explain how she was so good at taking him apart. The thought was lost quickly though, his distracted brain unable to hold onto that thread when she was kissing him and assuring him that he was making her feel good, and that was all he wanted. He kissed her back eagerly, let out a loud, shocked sort of noise when she started moving faster. "Oh god," he said, "please," though even he wasn't sure what he was asking for maybe--to kiss her, maybe, like she'd said he could, because he was already dropping his hand from her breast to hold onto her waist as she pushed himself up, curling himself in to reach. His eyes fell closed as he dragged his nose lightly over breastbone, pressed open-mouthed kisses to salty skin. It was only a moment before his lips found her nipple, wrapped round it, the tip of his tongue circling it. A loud moan slipped out at the action, muffled against her, as if he was getting just as much pleasure as he was trying to give. For the moment, it seemed, he'd forgotten to be nervous about whether or not what he was doing was okay. She'd said she'd tell him if it wasn't, so he didn't stop to check, just whispered her name against her skin, kissed his way to her other breast, caught her nipple very gently between his teeth. His hips gave a little jolt that he couldn't quite hold back, and he finally had to admit, "I--I'm close, Miss Jo, but I want--I can keep going."
Jordan: Jordan licks her lips as she looks down at him, as if trying to continue tasting his kiss. Small groans fell from her lips as she moved against him, her breath heavy, but the pleased smile continued to ghost on her lips. Jordan's hand that holds his chest shifts, sliding up around behind his neck, tangling gently in the back of his hair. Her eyes flutter shut, a content grin on her lips as she tilts her head back slightly, arching towards him. For someone that could be so timid, he seemed to do things that drove her wild, though he likely had no idea just how much of an effect he had on her. A noises rises in her chest, soft at first when his lips find her nipple, his tongue teasing her. The noise only grew when he moaned against her, the small vibrations reverberating against her skin driving her crazy. Her fingers curl into his hair, giving a light tug of encouragement when he tugs at the other with his teeth, sending a little jolt of pleasure through her. The little jolt of his hips caught her off guard, making a small noise out of surprise. "Yeah baby?" She hums, a little distracted feeling his lips against her skin. "You can keep going?" She hums, almost excitedly, because if he wasn't ready to be done, she sure as hell could keep going. "Okay, honey." She hums, slowing her hips, not abruptly but gradually. Jordan gives them both a moment of just her rocking her hips ever so slightly, before she shifts, sitting up and tugging Matty along with her, guiding his head with the hand that still tangled in his hair to meet her lips her other arm snaking around his back. "You wanna try something else?" She says pulling back, a little playful gleam in her eye as she stayed close, her nose brushing against his.
Matty: Matty clung to her, pleasure mounting with the sounds he was drawing out of her. He wanted her to feel as good as he did so badly, and the sounds she made, the way her voice sounded calling him 'baby' as she rode him--it was all so, so good. Of course, all too soon she was slowing the movements of her hips, and a voice in the back of his head cursed him for stopping her again, when he'd been so close--but even as he whined against her chest as his approaching orgasm receded a second time, he was relieved, too, greedy and eager for more of her, more of this. His lips kept moving on her chest, kissing everywhere he could reach until the last second when she pulled him away--and then he went easily, already stretching to kiss her before he even realized that's where she'd been guiding him. For a moment when she pulled away, his gaze was a little bit foggy, unfocused with lust. He blinked for a moment, dragged his eyes away from her lips to meet her eyes--and smiling a little at the gleam there. He nodded eagerly at her question, nosed at her cheek. "Yes. Anything. I really like kissing you, Miss Jo." He turned his head then to press his lips against hers once more, like he couldn't help himself, breathed out a little sigh. "Sorry. I wanna try everything with you. What, um--what were you thinking?"
Jordan: She was starting to get the feeling that Matty was pretty into having these things prolonged, bringing him right up to the edge and backing off again. She makes a mental note, thinking just how pretty he would look all tied up and squirming as she edged him for hours. The list of things she wanted to do with the boy was growing, though, of course, she'd have to make sure that he'd want to continue on with such things after this experience. She really did want to let him keep lavishing her chest, enjoying it far too much, but she wanted to kiss him, to hold him for a moment. Her arms wrap around him, the one still tangled in his hair, the other around his back, kissing him gently, bringing him down from the edge. She smiles gently against the kiss that he placed on her lips. "I really like kissing you too baby, we should do it more often." She hums playfully, planning on kissing him far more often. Her fingers brush through his hair, giving him a moment of softness while he came down, wanting to give him what he wanted, the ability to prolong this, so she wasn't going to rush. "Don't be sorry." She murmurs, looking at him with a little grin. "Well, what I was thinking might be a little more difficult for you to be good like you wanna be, but don't worry honey, I'll help you." She reassures him, before slowly lifting herself up and off of him, though she keeps herself close, kissing his lips every so often so he knew she wasn't leaving. She shifts, moving herself and pulling him with her so she was laying back on the bed, tugging him down over her. "You're gonna have to be real good for me baby." She says, her fingers wrapping around the back of his neck to tug him down into a kiss that trails along over his jaw. Her other hand reaches down between them, fingers stroking over his length slowly, keeping him just inches from sinking down into her again. She draws up on of her legs, wrapping it around his waist to pull him a little closer to her, his tip now brushing against her again. She teases him there for a moment, just kissing him, letting him hover over her, brushing against. Finally she uses her leg to guide his hips lower, moving her hand to let him sink down into her again, painfully slow. Her hand snakes back up, fingers biting into his hip as she guides him in to the hilt, holding him there for a moment. "We're gonna go nice and slow, okay baby?" She says against his neck where her lips had settled, wanting to hear his noises.
Matty: His lips curled into a grin at that, head tipping into the hand in his hair. She wanted to kiss him more often. It was a nice thought, sent warm tingles down his spine. He hoped she meant it, liked her so much already, which was probably evident in the way he melted into her embrace, eyes closing and his previously vice-like grip on her going soft, because she had him. His eyes blinked open again when she said what she had in mind might be harder for him, and he was already nodding stubbornly when she promised she'd help him, murmuring, "I can be good, Miss Jo." A wounded little noise escaped him when she sat back, his cock slipping free, but he knew she wasn't leaving him this time--she wanted to keep going, too, he thought, not just him. He was being good. Matty went willingly where she pulled him, his movements a little bit clumsier. Distantly, he hoped she'd let him sleep here, too, wasn't sure he'd be able to get himself back to his cell, but for once most of his worries were at the back of his mind, the thought only the barest flicker of a thing, there and then gone, his mind far more interested in occupying itself with memorizing how Jordan looked lying back on the bed. "I'll be good," he said again, the words murmured almost absently as he steadied himself over her. His eyes fell closed again at the press of her lips, and he had to bury his face in her shoulder when her hand found his cock again, muffle his needy little moans by pressing kisses there. His kisses grew a little clumsier as she teased him, holding him so close, the tip of his cock brushing against her. His hips wiggled just a little, but he didn't try to push forward, just whined, "Please," with his lips still pressed against her--and she gave it to him, achingly slow but still so sweet, so good that he shuddered, sagged a little with relief. "Slow," he agreed, echoing the word back at her. His brain had gone a little foggy, between her firm, strong grip on his hip and her lips at his neck and how good everything felt, how good he felt to be pleasing her. Even the noises he was making had gone sort of soft, distant, but he was still there with her, lips moving absently against her shoulder. He tipped his head for her, baring his neck in case she wanted to leave him any new marks, his hips grinding forward into her real slow, just once, before he caught himself and stilled, waiting for permission.
Jordan: Everything about Matty was so endearing and intoxicating, from his little noises, to the way that he so desperately tried to be good, to the clumsy little movements as she tugged him up on top of her. "I know you will be." She says as she watches him, enjoying this new angle. Her fingers that rest on the back of his neck, play with the hair at the nape of his neck absently as he settles. She smiles gently as he buries himself in her shoulder, and a part of her could have held him there for a while, teasing him mercilessly, but she also wanted to feel him inside of her again, so her own impatience won out when she pulls him in close. She lets out a content noise as he sinks into her, holding him tight against her, their bodies flush. She kept the hand on his hip firm, helping him like she'd said she would, keeping his hips from having a mind of their own. Her lips trail kisses over his neck, and when he tilts his head, giving her better access, she grins, wasting no time in dragging her teeth along the skin, sinking down to leave him another, rather large, mark, one that would surely be visible to all for quite some time. The small roll of his hips had her letting out a muffled hum against his neck as she marked him up, her own hips rolling up to meet his. "Yeah baby, just like that." She says, her hand guiding him to allow him to ease up slowly, her leg used to guide him back down in a sweet, slow thrust. "Nice and slow, that feels so good, Matty." She says, teeth finding and nibbling on his ear again as she helps him set an unbearably slow pace and she knew wouldn't last too long due to her own patience.
Matty: He whimpered his pleasure when Jordan's teeth sank into sensitive skin, hard enough he knew she'd leave another mark--one that everyone would be able to see, which made him squirm in a different way than the ones she'd left on his thighs. Everyone would be able to see the evidence of where he'd been, and as shy as Matty could be, that thought still sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. He followed her guidance, hips pulling back and slowly, slowly thrusting back, his flushed face still hidden in her shoulder. Each achingly slow thrust had him whimpering out soft little noises against her skin, but he made no attempt to move any faster. It was easy to resist with her hand on his hip, guiding him so sweetly, the weight of her leg wrapped around him--easy because it felt so good to let her decide what was good for him. "You feel so good, Miss Jo," he whispered, lifting his head enough to bump his nose against her cheek, press his lips against her jaw with a little moan. He shifted his weight, balancing on his elbows so that he could hold onto her, fingers curling gently around her shoulder. His head fell back to her shoulder then, too heavy to hold up, forehead against his own fingers, his eyes squeezed shut, breathing hot against her skin.
Jordan: Jordan could feel her heart hammering in her chest as she guided Matty along, keeping him moving with slow, deep thrusts. Her hips roll against him with each motion, her body arching against his. A moan catches in her throat, her eyes closed as she leaves a few more small marks on his neck. She was losing her self in this now, her grip on his hip guiding Matty to move a little faster, raising her hips to snap against his sharply, fingers tangling in his hair as she did so, tugging lightly. “Fuck, yes.” She breathes against his skin, as he holds her closer. She smiles, this one less coy, more lost in the bliss of the sweet boy that was coming undone, and it was her that had brought him to that point. “Hmmm.” She hums when he whispers against her skin, her fingers scratch affectionately against his scalp. “You say such pretty things.” She murmurs, loose kisses pressed wherever she could. “You have no idea how good you feel honey.” She says, wanting him to know just how much he was doing for her. They were just a tangle of sweaty bodies, guiding his thrusts to be a little quicker even still. “I want you to go a little harder.” She says, a groan rising in her chest. “Gimme a little more, baby.”
Matty: The sounds Jordan made had him biting his lip and digging his finger into her shoulder, trying to keep himself just a little bit quieter, afraid to drown any of them out, because--god, she sounded so beautiful, each little groan proof that he was making her feel good, too. Of course, he wasn't very good at being quiet, and even if he had been, she'd said she wanted to hear him. He was helpless against the little sounds that her touch pulled out of him, but it was clear he was trying to make them a little bit quieter. "Miss Jo," he whispered breathlessly, his hips moving faster under her guidance. "More," he echoed, "I can do that." But first--"Oh, god," he moaned, finally losing the battle to keep himself quieter. He lifted his head, turned, searching for her lips, kissed her sloppy and urgent like he was trying to devour the sweet sounds she'd been making. Still holding tight to her, he put a little more power into his next thrust, still following the pace she was setting but trying to do as he was told, give her more. It made him break away from her lips to groan, loud and broken, but he still caught his breath to ask, "Was that--was that good?" even as he did it again.
Jordan: With every roll of her hips and his meeting hers, it drew louder noises from her throat, moaning between kisses against his salty skin. Her control was still there, but she was slipping into just enjoying herself, the way that Matty felt moving in and out of her, how he so carefully following the rhythm that she set him at, her fingers curling into his hip, firm and sturdy, starting to grip hard enough the boy might have a few bruises to show for it. The way he would breathe her name, a title she didn’t know she would enjoy so much, sent shivers of pleasure down her spine, arching up against him for a moment so she was completely flush with him. His louder moan was met with a soft grin against his cheek, a kiss pressed to it before Matty pulls back, his lips finding hers, surprising her for a moment. But she kisses him back, enjoying his urgency, his hunger for her. When he pushed into her, harder this time, it pulls a noise from her throat, a little rougher this time, falling louder than expected as he pulls his lips back. Her fingers stroke over the back of his neck, looking up at him through heavy lidded eyes, trailing her hand downwards to scratch down his back, rolling her hips up to meet his with another harder thrust. “Yeah baby, just like that, that feels—“ She swallows, eyes fluttering for a moment. “That feels real good honey.” She hums once she’s found her voice again. “You’re doing so good, being so good for me, Matty. How’re you doing honey, does that feel good? Can you go a little harder for me baby? Lemme hear how good it feels.” She breathes, words rattling off as her lips find his jaw, nipping and kissing the skin she could reach.  
Matty: Matty inhaled sharply when she scratched her nails down his back, whispered, "I like that," though it wasn't terribly clear whether he meant her nails on his skin, her vice-like grip on his hip, the way she stroked the nape of his neck or even the way she kept bringing her hips up to meet him. He liked all of it, really, so maybe it didn't matter. His lips traced a path along her cheek, her jaw, teeth catching on her ear before he made the same journey back, like he couldn't help kissing her, didn't want to stop even for a moment. His clumsy kisses were punctuated by helpless whines though--he couldn't help that, either, not when she was telling him he was being good, and she sounded like it was true, sounded like she felt good, too. "Yeah, yes, I can--I can go harder, Miss Jo," he panted out, and then murmured a rare, "oh, fuck," at the first harder snap of his hips. He was breathing hard, his face flushed and sweaty, lips pressed clumsily to whatever he could reach. "It feels so good," he told her, and if he could have blushed brighter than he already was, he would have have as he added, "You feel so--so good and--and hot and--" He shook his head, too embarrassed with his own attempt at telling her to keep going when he was no good with words, so he settled for letting her hear the groans he couldn't hold back. The rhythm of his hips grew a little more erratic, little jolts that he couldn't control throwing him off before he bit his lips and forced himself back to the rhythm she'd set. "I'm sorry," he breathed, nosing at her cheek. "I'm trying, it just feels so--God, Miss Jo."
Jordan: Jordan had a feeling that Matty had very little idea of what all he really liked, with his honest and innocent reactions, almost surprised when she would try a new thing and it would make him moan. She was making a mental list, things she noted he liked right now to keep trying later, and things she watched to still try out, though she wasn't going to go too crazy this time around. Her eyes close and she just lets herself feel Matty moving inside her, his lips against her chin, her cheek, her lips. She kisses back slowly, trying to take in all those sweet little moans that filled the room, her own lighter ones mixing in. Her grip tightens slightly when he says he can go harder, and that first quick snap of his hips against hers had her head tilting back slightly, groaning quietly, relishing the little curse that falls from his lips, sounding so foreign from the other, and it made her pleased that she was able to pull that from him. "Yeah baby." She hums in agreement, because it did feel good, damn good. She can't help but grin fondly against his cheek when his words ramble off, falling into helpless groans that were driving her wild. She could feel his hips stutter, needing more, trying to gain more to climb up to the edge. "You're okay baby." She hums, making sure he knew she wasn't upset. Instead, however, she rolls her hips up slowly to meet his, and once more she slows him, using her leg around his waist and the fingers digging into his hip to slowly ease him to as stop, her lips hovering by his ear, breath hot, breathing against him. "Baby, I want you to show me how badly you want it, I want you to do what your body wants you to honey, when I tell you, you show me just how desperate and needy you are. But you can't come yet baby, you gotta ask me if you can come, okay?" She breathes heavily into his ear, nibbling on it once against, slowly easing her grip away, letting her leg hang lazily around him, her fingers moving from his hip, digging them into his back this time, tilting her hips up for the most contact she could get. "Go ahead baby, show me how bad you need it."
Matty: Matty practically sobbed when Jordan stilled his hips, had to squeeze his eyes shut tight when she breathed against his ear, sent shivers down his spine. It was on the tip of his tongue to beg her to let him move again, but he pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth instead, whimpered a little, pressed his hip into the dig of her fingers to ground himself. "Oh god," he whispered, when she began to speak, fingers holding tight to her shoulder. The words 'desperate and needy' sent a shiver of embarrassment through him, a rush that made him want to hide his face at the same time it made him want it more. He was desperate and needy, clinging to her like a lifeline, a muscle in his stomach jumping with the effort it took to keep himself from squirming. "Oh, I have to--oh, yes, god, Miss Jo." He liked that desperately, was sort of shocked by how much. The moment her grip on him eased and she gave him permission, Matty was groaning, hips rolling desperately. It was just that, at first, slow rolls, pulling back just a little to grind back into her with little moans. "Oh god, oh god," kept tripping past his lips, as he began thrusting into her faster, harder, as desperate and needy as she'd said. Do what his body wanted, she'd said, so he propped himself on one arm, pushed himself up just enough to slide his other hand over her belly, her breast, moaned as he teased her nipple with his fingers. "So good, you feel so good, Miss Jo." Another breathy "fuck" slipped out, Matty's cheeks burning hot and red. "Please," he said, forcing himself to lift his head to meet her eyes as he thrust into her desperately. "Oh god, please, can I--I wanna come, Miss Jo, please, please, can--can I come? It's so good, you feel so good, please."
Jordan: A part of Jordan wondered if Matty could take much more of this, and when she slowed his hips to a halt, the way that he reacted, she knew she was pushing it. That didn't mean she'd love to test the limits of how long she could edge him another time. She could tell he was coming apart as he hovered over her, buried deep and not allowed to move, not willing to move without her permission. She enjoyed the control, and she love how obediently Matty was with obeying her. When her fingers released, her nails dug into his back lightly, a content hum rising in her chest as the other starts to roll his hips slowly, building himself back up. It didn't take long before Matty was thrusting into her, pulling lose moans from her lips as he rocked into her in such a desperate way, like his body had taken over and he was just following pure instinct. She'd done this to him, she'd worked him up to the point where he was a mess, almost like a horny teenager, so desperate for relief. She let him move freely, doing what his instincts told him to, her hands roaming over his back, his arms, anything they could touch at this point. She looked up at him, watching, not wanting to miss a moment of the pleasure and the neediness that washed over his face as he moved his hand over her breast. Her body arches lightly to the touch, one hand scratching over his shoulder as he plays with her nipple. "Yeah baby." She murmurs, watching him lift his head, soaking in the look on his face, the way he looks so goddamn desperate for what only she could allow him. The begging pulls a little curse from her own lips as she looks at him, and she just has to admire for a moment. Her fingers run up along the back of his neck, stroking adoringly, holding that moment, making him wait just a second longer so she could admire. A smile twitches on her lips as she looks up at him, and before she says anything, she tugs him down, kissing him heatedly, just for a moment before pulling back. "Yeah baby, I wanna see you come."  
Matty: Matty whined plaintively when she pulled him down, hips stuttering in their rhythm as he kissed her back hungrily. He was so, so close, didn't know how long he could hold off, but--God, but he had to, because he had to be good, and she hadn't said he could come yet. "Please, please, please," stumbled out against her lips the moment she broke the kiss, real quiet and a little bit absent, like he wasn't quite aware he was pleading as he pressed his forehead against hers. And then--"Oh, oh God, thank you, Miss Jo, thank you," and then he said nothing else, could only groan, pant ragged breaths as he let go. A few more desperate thrusts and then he was burying himself in her as he came hard--harder than he could remember ever coming before, if he was honest, but he'd never been able to wait so long. He cried out, wordless and loud, the sound a little bit broken, his hips giving a couple weak jolts. Trembling from the force of it and not totally present yet, he nosed at her cheek, clumsily looking for her lips.
Jordan: The way Matty was coming apart in her arms was beautiful, her teasing causing him to lose control in a way that she was drinking in with each moan and whimper that fell from his lips. The begging had her smirking against his lips, enjoying the small amount of torture in making him wait even those few extra seconds. Her breath is heavy when his forehead presses against hers and she refuses to close her eyes, taking in just how beautiful he looked, moving so desperately inside her, hair and skin damp from sweat, trying so hard to hold off what he wanted so badly until she gave him permission, it was almost euphoric. When she finally gave that permission to  him, she rocks her hips up to meet his for his final few thrusts, soft groans settling in her chest, but never taking her eyes off the incredible view she had. When he pushed into her one last time, her leg wraps around him a little more secure, holding him close, but leaving his hips so they could continue to stutter through his orgasm. Her arms wrap around him, one finding the back of his hair and tangling in it again. Her lips parted and her gaze heavy, she watches him ride it out, marveling at just how particularly beautiful he looked finally getting what he so desperately wanted, all trembling and weak. "Yeah honey, just like that." She breathes against his cheek, holding him close. "You did so good for me baby, so damn good." She turns her head lightly, helping him find her lips, kissing him affectionately, fingers rubbing over his scalp, keeping her grip on him firm so he knew she wanted to hold him tight just for a moment. Her hips rock ever so gently against him as he climaxes, wanting to give him every bit of pleasure that she could.  
Matty: If he'd been aware of how closely she was watching him, Matty might have been embarrassed--which, thanks to Jordan, he'd learned he didn't mind so much anyway--but as it was, he was a little to far gone to be aware of much of anything except her voice, all the ways she was touching him. His head tipped into her hand with a soft, pleased sound that turned into a quiet little moan when she said once more how good he'd been, his hips giving one last little twitch at the praise. He breathed a little sigh against her lips when she helped him find them, kissed her warm and lazy as he came down, melting into the warmth of her embrace, the soothing drag of her fingers through his hair. He let out a breathy little "oh," at the rocking of her hips, shivering with pleasure that was quickly turning to overstimulation that he couldn't bring himself to mind--he was greedy, after all, wanted every ounce of it, everything she wanted to give him. For a moment, he said nothing, just kept pressing his lips to hers distractedly and rolling his hips against her even though it made him whine a little, his mind gone pleasantly blank, everything warm and good there in Jordan's arms. Of course though, such things could never last, and his brain eventually came back to him enough that his worries could surface, and then his brow furrowed a little. "I--I was good?" he said, just a little bit unsure, eyes closed as he spoke with a voice still a little bit slurred from pleasure. "You haven't--you didn't--" He paused, nosed against her cheek. "I could--if you wanted me to--to touch you, Miss Jo. If you wanted. I don't wanna not be good."
Jordan: Jordan watched, soaking in all of his reactions, his mindless murmuring, his helpless little moans that began to taper off into something softer. She wasn’t sure what she preferred more: watching him climb, or watching him fall. But she particularly enjoyed this part, the full surrender, the way his body shuddered against her, holding him close in a steady embrace. “I’ve got you.” She hums gently, repeating the sentiment from before, just so he knew. She was there, she wasn’t going to leave him. Her kisses drew softer, pressing absently against his lip, no longer trying to devour him whole. She smirks gently at the small reaction to her slow moving hips, and she keeps it up, just for the time being, easing everything she could out of him, relishing in those final few little whines and whimpers of overstimulation. She wasn’t in any rush at all, so even when her hips steadied, she held him close, fingers brushing through his hair, over his skin. “You were so good baby.” She says, soft kisses pressed to his temple, his cheek, his shoulder. And it probably shouldn’t have surprised her when he pulled himself out of that daze, focusing his attention on her needs. No, she shouldn’t have been surprised, because from everything she’d learnt about the other so far, he so desperately wanted to please, though she didn’t totally expect it. Her fingers run through damp curls, and she hums a small little laugh. “You’re so sweet honey.” Because even though she’d wound him up so tight and had him reduced to not much more than a shaking puddle of pleasure, he still worried about her needs. “Don’t you worry about it baby, you’ve been real good for me today, you made me feel real nice, okay? I promise.” She says, a few more kisses left on his cheek, her fingers of one hand now tracing up and down his spine gently. “You deserve to rest now honey, you did real good today.” She continues to hum the little praises as she holds him. She wouldn’t rush him now, she’d let him move when he was ready. “You’re gonna stay the night here, that sound okay, honey?”  
Matty: His worry eased with each little assurance, each comforting kiss and gentle touch. If Jordan said he'd been good, promised she'd enjoyed herself, well, then Matty believed her, let the fact of it settle warm in his chest. He visibly relaxed a little, the wrinkle between his eyebrows smoothing out as he nodded, let himself sink back into that hazy post-orgasm space that his fretting had pulled him out of. His lips curled into a smile when she said he could stay, and he nodded, gave a little sigh as he made himself pull away enough that he could collapse into the bed without dropping all of his weight onto her. "Sounds really good," he said, already snuggling up against her, unwilling to leave the comfort of her arms.  He rubbed his cheek absently against her shoulder where he'd rested his head, pressed a clumsy kiss there. "Thank you, Miss Jo," he breathed out, a content little smile on his face. "That was..." He trailed off, kissed her shoulder again. "Will you keep talking to me a little longer? I like your voice."
Jordan: Jordan's hold on the other eases, less gripping onto him tight enough to leave marks behind, and more softened. She was glad he didn't press the matter, though she had a feeling he wouldn't. She gives him a little smile when she can tell he accepts her answer, relaxing back into the exhaustion. Jordan helps ease him off of her completely, but as he snuggles in beside her, she snakes an arm around him, pulling him close so that his head could rest on her shoulder. The hand that's wrapped around him draws idle patters on his bare side, the other moves to push some of the hair back off his forehead. "You're welcome honey. Thank you." she says, making sure to let him know again just how pleased he'd made her. "...real good." She hums, finishing his sentence for him as she leans forward to press a kiss to his forehead before pulling back and looking at him fondly. Her fingers run along the side of his cheek, before she quickly reaches over, snagging one of the sheets to drape over them a bit, keeping the other from catching too much of a chill. "Of course, is there anything specific you want me to talk about?" She says, her fingers tracing down along his shoulder, over his arm. "I could tell you a little more about me, if you'd like?"
Matty: Matty's lips curled into a warm, happy smile when she smoothed his hair, kissed the top of his head. "You're so nice to me," he said softly, sounding a little bit amazed by it. He practically melted against her when she covered him with a sheet, the gesture warming him in a way that had nothing to do with temperature and everything to do with how safe and cared for he felt. Wrapping an arm loosely around her waist, he stroked her skin affectionately with his thumb, tipped his head up to give her a sunny, sleepy smile. "Yes, please. I'd really like that." A pause to yawn and then he admitted: "You might have to tell me again tomorrow. But I wanna know everything about you." He tangled his legs with hers, nuzzled absently at her shoulder, eyes closing. "I'm listening, Miss Jo."
Jordan: He was too cute. Jordan wasn't always this affectionate with everyone, but she had it in her, and it seemed that Matty was managing to pull it out of her pretty easily, not that she minded much. She liked the way his thumb rubbed absently against her skin, and she looked down and returned his smile with one of her own. "I can do that." She says with a little nod, fingers still running, tracing along the design of his tattoos. She breathes in a little breath, because while he wanted to know everything about her, she knew there would be only portions of her life that she shared. And even those she might sugar coat a bit, for someone like Matty. The soft smile continues to rest on her lips as she thinks for a moment. "Well, I'm pretty sure I was born in Seattle. I lived there in a home with a bunch of other kids, and it was actually pretty nice, but I had to move when I was little. I moved a lot when I was growing up, which wasn't too bad, because I got to see all sorts of places." She says, her tone light. "I went to a bunch of different schools, so I got to make all sorts of friends all over, and it wasn't too bad, since i've always been real good at making friends." She chuckles lightly.
Matty: The way her fingers traced the lines on his tattoos was so soothing. Admittedly, he was barely aware of anything else in the quiet moments before she began to speak again, his mind drifting hazily, tired and sated and utterly content. He'd been told before that he trusted too easily, and yes, that thought crossed his mind now, but--well, he didn't think he was wrong to feel safe here with her. In any case, it was rare that Matty's mind was this quiet, and he wasn't inclined to ruin it with worries, so he let himself drift with his head on her shoulder, eyes blinking open slowly when she spoke. The slightest hint of a concerned crease appeared between his brows when she said she was only pretty sure of where she'd been born. He turned his head to press another little kiss to her shoulder but didn't interrupt. She was laughing, her tone easy and airy, and while Matty was grateful for the silver linings, he was not quite blind enough to miss the hardship behind them. "It must have been hard to leave your friends so much," he said softly, closing his eyes again. "But I bet you had lots of 'em, all over. You're so nice and pretty and wonderful. I bet everyone wants to be your friend. I think it would be fun to meet so many people. And Seattle's nice. I went there once with my family. I'm from--" a pause, a yawn, a sleepy nuzzle against her shoulder--"California."
Jordan: She could see the sleep in his eyes as he nuzzled up against her closely, and all it did was ensure her arm that wrapped around him held tight. She notes the little bit of tension on his brow, and she can't help but move her fingers to  sooth over it lightly, a quiet reassurance that it was fine. "Sometimes it was, sometimes it was really nice to move." She says with a little nod. Getting out of the bad homes was always good, and there were sometimes that she made that decision for herself, running away, often crossing a few states before child services caught up with her. "Oh yeah, lots of friends. You're real sweet baby." She leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips that she can't help, because the way that he complimented her made her feel so warm towards him in a way that didn't have to do with vanity. "Yeah? Seattle is nice. California huh? I lived there for a little bit once, it's all bright and sunny and nice. You must really like the weather here then, the sun agrees with you." She says as she traces a finger over the bridge of his nose, fingers mapping over his skin like she was trying to commit the moment to memory. "You must like surfing then, hey honey? You'd sure look good doing it." She hums, the small conversation light, not really relying on the sleepy boy to contribute too much as she watches the sleep start to try to take its hold on him.
Matty: Matty hummed out a little happy noise at her fingers on his brow, wiggled a little like he was trying to get even closer to her. With his eyes closed, the kiss she pressed to his lips surprised him, but he returned it eagerly if a little bit clumsily, head tipping up to chase her lips for another little peck before he sagged against her shoulder once more. He liked kissing her, was all, and he was too content to worry about whether or not he was annoying her or to care that his sleepy kisses were a little bit graceless. "I love the sun," he agreed with a little smile, tilting his nose into her finger languidly, just enjoying her touch, the sound of her voice. He nodded at the mention of surfing, huffed out a little laugh at the compliment--which still brought a bit of pink to his cheeks even now. "I didn't live that close to the beach," he murmured. "But I still went whenever I could. I like surfing a lot." It crossed his mind that he'd like to go to the beach with her, maybe even go surfing, but the thought didn't quite make it to his lips, lost to drowsiness. His thumb, which had been stroking her skin gently, came to a stop, even that little movement too much effort, but he stubbornly shook himself awake enough to ask, "What do you like doing, Miss Jo?" in a voice thick with sleep. Exhausted he might have been, but he seemed almost afraid to give into it, trying to get one more moment of lying peacefully in her arms and learning about her.
Jordan: Jordan can't help but smile against his lips as he kisses her, his movements clumsy and tired. Her fingers brush against his skin, holding him close,  both of them as much physical closeness as possible. She keeps close, giving him another peck when his lips search up for hers again. "So sweet." She hums to herself more than anything.   The way that he moved towards her touch so easily and honestly was endearing, so her fingers continued to roam, tracing over his cheekbone, over his neck, brushing through his hair for a moment. There never remained idle, finding new areas for her to explore with her finger tips, as if trying to take every part of him in. "I'd like to see you surf." She hums. "Maybe we should go together sometime, you could give me some pointers." She grins down at him as sleep clearly was trying creep up on him. As his thumb slowed, she only pulled him closer. Jordan lets out a soft laugh as he continues to try to stay away, and that causes her to press a kiss to his hair gently. "Well, I like boxing." She says, her fingers having found his lips, tracing over the bottom one slowly. "And training, so I like to spar with others. You ever boxed before, honey?" She says, having a feeling that he hadn't, and honestly, she wasn't sure if he was even awake enough to really answer.
Matty: His lips curled up a little at the suggestion that they should surf together one day. It was a very nice idea--his sleepy brain conjured up the image, faint and dreamlike, of spending a day on the beach with Jordan. It was a nice thought, made him snuggle up closer. "Boxing," he repeated sleepily, and then kissed the finger that traced his lips, rubbed his cheek against her absently. "Hmm," came his reply as he attempted to fight through the fog of sleep to answer, but his brain did not quite cooperate. "Warm sand," he murmured nonsensically, words conjured up from the hazy dream he'd slipped half into. "I mean--no. No boxing."
Jordan: Jordan smiles fondly as Matty's movements become even clumsier, and sleepier, marveling at just how adorable he looked all snuggled up against her, thoroughly exhausted because of her. Her fingers continue to graze his skin, watching him closely, soaking in all the sweet little movements and kisses he pressed against her fingers. At his murmurs of warm sand she knew he was slipping, and she was find with letting him. He'd been so good for her, and she was quite content to let him sleep here for the night all curled against her. Her lips press against his head again, unable to stop herself. "Maybe I'll have to show you some time." She murmurs against his skin, though she's sure most of what she's saying probably wasn't making it past his sleep at this point. Her lips move down, pressing a feather light kiss to his lips as he drifted, smiling lightly. "You rest now, baby." She hums. "You were real sweet to me, now get some rest."
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