#(​just like chanee does w his gays)
eunseo · 3 years
best tbz stans as ranked by me bc im right
sunwoo stans who dont have a second bias
jacob girls<3
hyunjae femcels i am just like u
chanhee but ONLY the lesbians bc the gay chanhee guys are bottom of the barrel misogynists boo tomato
thats about it
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daisugababy · 4 years
Grey's writers rly didn't understand the concept of normalizing gay relationships (in my opinion). Yeah you brought the gay couple but made their relationship consist of basically making out and having problems. I mean if they didn't have issues it wouldn't be interesting to watch but still I wish they had the same issues as straight couples and not issues about coming out and shame spiral etc. Not all gay people had those issues. The entire writing was so awkward and contradictory in general
that’s what’s bothering me the most. most of their issues (90%) were being gay related. sure those are some serious issues that affect a lot of couples, but grey’s you had the chane of going the unique way of just normalizing a gay couple and treating it like every other couple. and yet you did what every show ever does and had T W O storylines about not being out. And one was about the one we thought was already out. 
and yes yes you can say nico *was* out, just not to his parents and that could’ve been valid, but htere are enough plotholes proving that the writers don’t even know what they wrote one season ago.
it’s all very sloppy and i’m :(
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