#(つω`。) !!! )
abowlofsourcream · 8 months
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🕰✨The Power of Friendship!✨🕰
+some Siffrin's
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mustardspot · 8 months
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jiwachi · 1 year
sleepy cozy kitty ;w;
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
I saw your recent post and you hinted that Atsushi is actually kinda twisted and that yoh don't agree with his morals?
If its alr with you, do you mind elaborating? ❤️
Alright, to be fair, I *am* self aware enough to realize a lot of what I say about Atsushi is probably fairly detached from canon. When push comes to shove, he's just a guy trying to get through. A polite dude. I like to stretch on how a lot of his well-mannered behaviour and his desperate attempt to prove himself good are moved by deeply selfish reasons of validating his own right to live, but that said, that doesn't make him inherently evil, either.
Atsushi's double morality is something that comes up a lot, so please check out these posts!! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8). But overall... Is a good action that is done for deeply selfish reasons, still good? I'm not sure. But when I watched the anime for the first time, and in episode 8 it turned out that Atsushi was not helping the train passengers out of spontaneous inclination to help people in need, but rather just due to a self-interested aim to validate his own right to live... Idk, it didn't positively impress me? I was even less positively impacted by the later line “people can't live unless someone tells them ‘it's okay to go on’! ” The thing is, both scenes feel like more of the author's underlying worldviews that end up being conveyed through the series' protagonist, and that's a consideration to be made by its own– it's not an issue I have with Atsushi specifically, as much as me fundamentally disagreeing with most of bsd's perspectives on the world, as I've already said before.
But that doesn't change the fact that Atsushi is fundamentally selfish¹, does it? The difference is - I think - that for the author, more or less all people are, while to me no one is born selfish. But that still makes Atsushi not really morally virtuous, and I think that's narratively interesting to explore by its own!!! What if there was a character who only did good because (he thinks) that's the only way he has the right to live? What if there was someone who believed the right to live had to be owned in the first place? After having overcome the admittedly jarring sentiment I felt when first engaged with the character, I must admit those are some compelling concepts to explore, even despite disagreeing with the underlying morals.
At the end of the day, it's just a complex nature of the character? I like to emphasize on Atsushi's uncommendable selfishness especially as opposite to Akutagawa's hidden selflessness; but all said, a man who tries to do good despite it not being his first nature is a better man than any of us, isn't he?
¹ And Atsushi is profoundly selfish. I think that Beast in particular proves that he's ready to commit evil just as much as in canon he is to do good, if it's to pursue the goal of his own survival. The first thing we see him do, at the very start of the series, is, symbolically, contemplating robbing other people for his own survival (though in real life I would never judge someone's morality in life and death situations... But maybe since this is fiction, that can still hold narrative value). He will stop acting good as long as it's no longer required of him (each of his interactions with Akutagawa). Maybe it's a little pessimist way to interpret the manga, but perhaps still a consistent one?
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You make me get heart attack:'D
You deserve it!
Not the heart attack tho-
   ∧ __ ∧
(`•ω• )づ__∧
(つ  / ( •ω•。)
  しーJ  (nnノ) pat pat
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goodspeedalways · 4 months
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lilas · 27 days
wip wednesday: origins
tagging @myreia @greyyourwarden @thevikingwoman @lavampira @hythlodaes @nebbishkeit @birues and @ anyone else! tag me! i want to see your things!
have some (๑•́ ω •̀๑) spoiler free aville cuddles
Lamplight illuminates the puckered scar that stretches over Avi’li’s heart. Silvery lines and burn marks radiate out from it, curve around the slope of his chest and stretch down towards his abdomen. Erenville has seen it before, during brief moments when Avi’li was changing into cleaner clothes and Erenville never indulged himself by lingering on the sight of his bare chest.
It’s different now, curled up together in their tent deep in [REDACTED]. Together, and discovering what that means for them.
“You can’t feel this?” Erenville’s index finger skims the skin parallel above the scar.
Avi’li shakes his head. The movement is small, barely noticable if Erenville wasn’t so close. Avi’li lies stretched out beside him, arms resting above his head and watching Erenville through half-lidded eyes.
“A bit.” Avi’li pauses, considering the right word. “I can feel the pressure mostly, not your finger.” To test that, Erenville presses down harder into the skin which draws an amused scoff from Avi’li.
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teddydeer · 2 years
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/(=・ x ・=)\ .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 bnuuy sakura miku ☆ ko-fi ☆
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lyloneliness · 1 year
Okay, I'm frustrated that bones changed some details in the anime since it suppressed the proofs that Dazai is alive and I'm also tired of seeing this chaos... So I'm gonna share the complete explanation of how it is he survived and no one will be crying anymore!!!
So first of all, look closely at the bullet impacts on the wall.. ..... There are only three even though chuuya shot four times. There no impact behind dazai's head, when the bullet would normally go through dazai's head.
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At this point of the reflexion, some think that it's a point blank bullet, which makes sound and all but doesn't kill. But I don't think it is cause :
When did chuuya put it in his gun? If it was really one, asagiri would show chuuya recharging
It would hurt dazai much more than that since the gun is literally ON his forehead, the impact itself greater than what we've seen
There is no shot sound for this shot if you look closely
BUT, there are three shot sound on the next panel, which means chuuya hurt dazai on the forehead with his ability somehow (I think since dazai isn't touching him directly he can still augment the mass of his gun and direct it forward in order to leave a round mark on his forehead), and THEN shot three times to fool Fyodor into thinking that the wound on dazai's forehead was made at that time and that he shot him in the head, shoulder and hip.
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But then, where did the 'headshot' go? If you remember what dazai said just before the 'we're destined to-' speech, he screamed at chuuya saying "where the fuck are you aiming at, you lousy shooter ?! ". And we've seen when chuuya arrived that he can respond to dazai's provocation... Now, look at the first shot impact on the wall :
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It's two times bigger than the others. And the first shot sound on this panel is different from the two that follow, meaning it hit something other than flesh. So I think chuuya made a Pinpoint shot in the first hole as an answer to dazai's provocation and to make Fyodor associate it with the head wound, and then shot two times to enforce the feeling of violence and comfort Fyodor into thinking he won.
Note that this theory is plausible because we've seen on the screens Fyodor is looking at that the camera is in chuuya's back, and that chuuya knows it since he was in the control room with Fyodor before coming here. Which means Fyodor cant see the moment of the impact on dazai's forehead, but only the three shots after and the wound on dazai's head.
Also note that none of dazai's injuries are dangerous for his life, none of them are situated on vital points or nerves and all. And since dazai is bleeding much more from the first wound than the two last, I think at that time chuuya hit his artery and that's why he complained... And chuuya ajusted after that.
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Aaaand that's what everyone is saying so you probably already know it but, he COULDN'T speak if he were really shot in the head (which they suppressed in the anime to make it more realistic and leave the suspense) .
Also his 'last words' could be talking about how he waited for the proof chuuya was still on his side, and not about how he waited for death as a suicide maniac.
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Let me also remind you that a vampire can chose to ignore the order to kill when it's someone important to them, like we've seen with aku. That doesn't keep them from hurting them (shots, atsushi's leg... AGAIN) but at least, they can chose not to kill them. Or even to sacrifice themselves, like akutagawa when he didn't activated his armor, willing to take atsushi's punch..
I'm sure most of you know that the 'goodbye' in chap 101 isn't just a farewell to chuuya but also the title of the last book of irl dazai. And we know from several fights that the tactics soukoku uses are named after the irl authors' book, meaning dazai said this code to tell chuuya that he wants to use that plan.
Also dazai's rambling about how many time he imagined this scene could also refer to that, but since he says he imagined it the other way around, the original 'goodbye plan' was probably more about chuuya playing dead and dazai saving the day, unlike how it happens here.
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Alright! Hope you feel better after reading that and thanks for getting to the end! ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
And if you like it and/or don't want ppl crying anymore please reblog this, we need the truth to come out!!! And I made it with all my heart (❀╹◡╹) ❀~
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ano-kya · 4 months
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80s-noelle · 7 months
freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs (only if you want to) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful 💚
Got this sent to me and thought of you. Noelle eu TE AMOOO 🗣💗
i bought the book "la sociedad de la nieve" by pablo vierci and it has pictures of agustin in the behind scenes and i almost drooled over the whole book
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abowlofsourcream · 7 months
⏳💫Switch a Loop: It’s not your Fault…💫⏳
Context: “Memory of Sailing” post!
* Everyone is at the Clock Tower.
*Siffrin seemingly went straight into bed after dinner, Bonnie followed shortly after him.
*However, the other’s stayed behind.
*They were right, Siffrin and the King are from that same island.
*They are one step closer to solving what is going on… But at what cost?
*Him choking on their own blood, being cradled by Odlie, reaching at the ceiling.
*For stars he couldn’t even see.
*Mirabelle is the first to speak…
Mirabelle: I… I shouldn’t have pushed him so much-
Isabeau: Mira, don’t even start.
*Isabeau holds both of her hands in his.
Isabeau: You couldn’t have known… None of us could…
*Odile taps the table, keeping her distance.
Odile: Yes, Mira… There is nothing you could have done.
Mirabelle: No! I should’ve have known! I should’ve known that Siffrin would have pushed themselves that hard! That even if it was killing them, he would do it!
*Tears welling up in her eyes.
Mirabelle: I… I… Just wanted to be able to helped them, like they… helped me…
*Mirabelle quietly begins to cry, Isabeau slowly pulling her into a hug.
*Odile frowns and looks away. She sighs.
Odile: I… I understand how you feel Mira… I really do.
* The two of them look at her, she continues.
Odile: You know… When Isabeau suggested having Siffrin help us with any “Unfinished Business” and how the two of us went on a “secret quest”. Do you know what we were looking for.
*The two of them looked confused, but later spooked their heads.
Odile: We were looking for a Familytale.
Isabeau: Oh yeah, you tried looking for one at the secret library… But, why are you saying this now?
*Odile nodded.
Odile: Well, It was when I figured out that he may have something to do with that disappeared island.
Mirabelle: O-Oh? How?
*Odile took a deep breath… In. And. Out.
Odile: W-well… We were talking about our upbringings… Well, I was at least- And he brought it up to comfort me.
Isabeau: Ha… Yeah, that’s Sif a’lright…
Mirabelle: Comfort you about what? I-If you don’t mind, Madame…
*Odile smiles at her.
Odile: Well, I’m actually Half-Vaugardian… Part of the reason why I’m here is to try to connect with that part of myself.
Odile: Asking you about your culture, your practices, even your food! Mirabelle, the way you were so passionate about your beliefs in the Change god… Isabeau, all of your wonderful insights of the town’s we’ve visited… Bonnie made food that I was interested in trying.
Odile: And Siffrin, knowing nothing about both Vaugarde or their own country, still comforted me.
*The two of them looked at her, quietly listening. She continued.
Odile: Ha! It’s funny… How even an old lady like me can still feel lost, hm? At least I still have Ka Bue I could returned to… A place, while not perfect, I could call home. They had nothing…
Odile: I guess part of the reason why I wanted to help him find more about the island was to repay him for his help… Or maybe the guilt, who knows.
Mirabelle: Madame… I- I never knew! You seemed so wise and sure of yourself. If anything, I thought you would have scolded me…
*Odile rest her hand on her shoulder, still smiling.
Odile: Like Isabeau says, you couldn’t have known. And… You are far more capable than you think you are and I am more than sure that you proved your worth…
*Odile awkwardly looks away.
Odile: Um… I not really good at communicating these kind of things…
*Mirabelle laughs, returning her smile.
Mirabelle: Your fine… Thank you, Odile.
Isabeau: Aww~! Group hug?
Odile: Don’t push it.
*They all laughed together.
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mustardspot · 8 months
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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Darren and Mia Criss at Brian Holden & Meredith Stepien's wedding | August 10, 2019 | 📸 via Traci, Charlene & Meredith
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butterflybubble · 2 months
STARRRR 🗣️🗣️ will you help me dye my hair? pleaseeee please please please?
— @itadorid
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yuukimiyas · 11 months
a few low quality pics of a high quality girl ( ୨୧⁰̷̴͈ ᵕ ˘͈) ♡˚₊✩
catch ya on the flip side!! (๑ơ ω<) ♡
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