#('aberration' is the word i'm using instead of 'ring' since that term always kinda bothered me in canon)
journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
3rd anni req 1: lucifer / night dagger scene
ao3 link
note: what better way to kick things off than to make lucifer so very sad! this is based on lesson 38 of the original game, during the whole three-realms-imbalance-lucifer-amnesia arc. requested by anonymous - thank you!
little bit of context: in our version, the source of the imbalance is an 'aberration', which ik is the 'host' of - owing to the weird time stuff + exposure to extremely potent foreign magic, meaning she has the exact specific constitution that allows the aberration to form
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“I’ve told you everything I know. Do what you think is right - I trust you.”
Solomon tells me this, presses a cold blade into my hand, and leaves. Lucifer stands in his wake and stares at me in blank silence.
Do what you think is right.
For the first time since he woke up without his memories, I’m grateful that he doesn’t remember anything. I don’t think I could have looked him in the eye if they’d held even a shred more clarity.
“How much did you hear?” I ask.
Ten frozen seconds tick by without a word. Lucifer steps forward - cautiously, as if approaching a stray dog - and slips the dagger from my hand.
I watch as he balances the blade between two fingers. It looks so fragile that it might shatter at a touch. A single ray of light glances from the sharp edge, into the red of his eyes.
He doesn’t flinch. “So this is the solution.”
He’s holding the blade just out of reach - just high enough that I can’t snatch it back. I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose.
“It’s only a last resort,” I say, without really processing it. “Solomon’s clever. He’ll come up with something else. He will, he— he has to.”
Lucifer’s eyes flash down to me. Slowly, he crouches down.
“...it’s strange. There are certain things that still haven’t disappeared, even if I’ve forgotten everything else." He smiles a little. "This house - I don’t remember how we came to be here. But I know it is where we've all been together, and I know it is where I want to stay.”
He reaches up, cradling my cheek in a gloveless hand. His skin is ice-cold - but I can only lean closer, grasping for comfort where it lingers, in the way that his thumb still moves in exactly the same soothing motion.
“I don’t remember who I must have been,” He says softly. “But the feeling remains. If this is what it takes to keep you safe, so be it. If we don’t fix this quickly, you’ll all suffer for it. I cannot allow that.”
I hate that he can make it sound so easy. When he presses the dagger back into my hand, I can’t fight it.
“Just close your eyes.” He cups his hand around mine, closing my numb fingers around the handle. “It’ll be over before you know it.”
And he points the tip into his heart.
My hand trembles. He holds it steady. He won’t look me in the eye, won’t raise his head - he keeps it bowed in supplication, waiting silently for the blow.
I can’t do this.
Lucifer doesn’t know how to die. I don’t want to be the one to teach him.
Do what’s right. Do what you think is right.
Do what’s right.
Do what you think is right.
I don’t understand. This is all to restore balance - but why? Why does it have to be like this?
The dagger needs power if the aberration is to be cut out with precision. It has to be done with precision if I don’t want it to tear me apart on the way out. Once torn from its only host, it’ll disappear.
...I should’ve put two and two together. It’s not that I’m special enough to need this whole fancy scheme. This is all a work-around for just how mundane I am.
Solomon hasn’t been telling me everything. Either he’s tricked me, or he’s tricked himself - into thinking that the only solutions for this end with me alive. He watches over humanity, and that includes me - so of course he wouldn't tell me. Of course he's decided that this is the best course of action, because he thinks he knows best.
The dagger could drain the life from my weak human body in an instant - no extra fuss. With that, everything would be fixed. But he's chosen something else. And for this version of the plan, Lucifer has to die instead.
I suppose Solomon doesn’t know me as well as I thought he did. Surely he’d realise that this is worse than anything else he could have asked me to do.
Do what’s right.
Or maybe that’s why he asked me to do it. He knows what would happen if I realised I had any other choice, and it goes against his very purpose to let me do it.
In fact, he's known for a while now. He's just pretended not to, and I haven't questioned it because it's so obvious. If it did work, he'd have brought it up, right?
And that's exactly what he was banking on. Too bad I've outsmarted him at this turn.
Do what you think is right.
I’ve made up my mind.
“No.” Before Lucifer can pull away, I reach up and seize the knife with my other hand as well. “I’m not doing this.”
His expression stutters. “What—”
“This is stupid.” I try to wrest it from him, but he holds fast. “Why are we doing this? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if I just—”
His eyes widen, and he interrupts sharply, “That is not an option.”
“If I'm gone, it all ends." I can't fool him. All I can do is try to reason with him. "I can fix this. I can give you your memories back.”
“And what do you expect me to do after that?!” His voice cracks. It feels as if the sound might break him apart. “You’ll give me my memories - and what will happen when I remember who I am mourning?!”
“You’ll carry on. You always do.” I try to look him in the eyes. He refuses to look back. “If I let you die— that’s thousands of years gone, and thousands more that you won’t have anymore. I know you - you'd want those memories back."
"Your family matters more to you than anything - you'd never want to forget them." I try to offer him a smile - just as he did as he prepared to tell me to kill him. "I'm not important enough to make you give that up."
He stops struggling. His expression is hollow. “...you are lying to me.”
"I know."
Stalemate. Neither of us will back down. Neither of us will let go.
My sleeve has slipped up. There’s a pin-prick of dark blue light winking up at me - a pact he once made to protect me.
I won’t make him do it. But I have to make sure he won’t stop me.
“Lucifer. Give me the dagger.” My head is clearer than ever before. “That’s an order.”
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