#(( *Points at Tobais* THIS JERK HOWEVER ))
bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in numbers #2
{ oho we got some spicy fighting in this chapter~ } " That brat's gotta be hiding around here somewhere! keep looking!" The intruders inside the main hall were practically tearing the place apart as they searched for the girl they were chasing earlier. It was always such a pain whenever she was involved in their bosses business, and even more annoying when she got away. But it's best not to complain about it less they receive their boss's wrath instead of her... ugh. Hopefully they'll be able to find her quickly and return to the base without much hassle. Unfortunately for them, A certain maestro wasn't going to be letting that happen anytime soon. Balan had been watching them for a few minutes as they made quite the mess of his theater. it was obvious he didn't particularly care for the sort of negative aura they were giving off as a look of distaste found it's way onto his face.. Especially when they referred to the child as 'That Brat'. It was probably about time for him to make himself known to these 'unexpected visitors' as he revealed himself in his usual showy manner, practically spooking them immediately as he loomed over them. " Loose something gentlemen?"
" WHAT THE HECK-!? ITS A GHOST!!" ~ the first goon screeched as he and 3 more men clumped together and backed up from the tall dapper maestro. Yo nobody said this was some sorta haunted mansion!
The fourth man however wasn't too deterred by the sudden appearance of Balan. " it's not a ghost, just the dumb mascot of the theatre! And if he know's what good for him, he'll mind his own darn business and run along before he gets himself hurt." The man gruffly said as he pulled a switchblade from his pocket. the other men were quick to catch onto their other's plan and pulled out a few poles from their backpacks. " Ah, You might say that. But what happens in my theater does happen to be my business~"
Balan hummed however as he didn't look to intimated by them. infact- a glint of mischievousness flashed in his golden yellow eyes. Ah. so they're Those kind of men, eh? well simply wont do. "Now I'm going to have to politely ask you to put away those weapons, as they're against theatre policy. We Wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves after all~" ~ He smiled as there was another flash in his eyes, but it wasn't one of his usual playful manner.. but more of a warning glance. It would be ill advised of them to attempt such a dangerous stunt- since they obviously aren't trained professionals like Balan is after all.
Sadly some people just can't take a hint. "oh, So we're dealing with a smart alec eh? Common boys, Lets teach this bogus Actor some manners!" The man commanded as he charged Balan and got ready to slash at the tall figure. Balan just simply shrugged with a quiet huff as he flipped over the man with ease, letting him crash into the boxes behind him. The other quick to follow after the first's lead as they swung their poles at the maestro. Balan hummed in amusement as he dodged their attacks in a playful and flamboyant manner. With every swing that missed him the men began to grow hot with this fancy man's antics. How could he move so quickly and fluidly!? Just what was this guy!? As Soon as they weren't paying attention to what they were doing, Balan took hold of their poles and spun them around, until the force of the momentum made them let go and sent them flying into a strategically placed couch; The mere force of them lading into it caused the whole couch to topple over onto it's side. The last man still standing tried to catch Balan off guard with a sneak attack- only to end up being caught off guard himself when Balan slipped into his hat form and swirled around him- knocking the weapon out of the man's hand before popping out once again to his full height. With his usual grin and eyes full of mischief, he leaned in close to the now wide eyed intruder. "Boo~" The man let out a shriek as he and the rest of the goons scrambled to get away from Balan. Surprisingly enough they found their way out of the theatre Quickly without much problems... Almost as if they knew they weren't welcomed there. As they caught their breath, one of the goons looked up and saw someone silently approaching them. He gasped and dropped to his knees as the figure of a man stood in front of him. The man's hand gently fingered his own crimson Red locks that lazily laid before his orange eyes. Removing his other hand from the pocket of his brown trench-coat, He gently picked up the chin of the goon with a dull gaze in his eyes. " Did you find her?" "Y..Yes sir. She's inside that theatre-! we tried to get her back! h-honest- But uh- that theatre is as haunted as the stories say! we even saw the creature that lives inside it!! It's Tough as nails- We barely made it out ALIVE!" the goon stuttered under the mans grip.. before he was released finally as the man slowly approached the opening of the theatre. A small yet Sickening smirk was laced on his face as he pulled a little purple capsule from out of his pocket. "...So the Local Cryptic Creatures wish to play? Alright then. Let's see how well they fair in a Game against me. Winner takes all~" ------- Rosie Felt a Shivver trickle down her spine.. something deep down told her things were only going to get worse on from here out.. Welp. At least wherever she is now there's plenty of places to hide. She walked down the sunny pathways gently holding onto those four mindcores orbs in her hoodie pocket- completely unaware of the other inhabitants in this place... and how a certain Dark Cryptic creature had just laid his eyes upon her..
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gradianalastair · 4 years
And So It Began || Evistair
Who: Evie Clarington & Alastair Wilde (guest appearance by Gabriel Hummel and mention of Tobias Wilde) Where: The Red Lion Pub When: 04/16, 7PM Triggers: Mentions of sex and violence 
Alastair stretched his arms up above his head as he came down the stairs from his brother's place. He'd been spending a bit of quality time with the kids while their dad was doing his little interview or whatever it was. He hadn't really been paying much attention when Tobias explained. All he knew was that it was due to be over soon and he was hoping to convince his brother to finally stay down at the bar and drink with him for once. He had not expected the meeting to be with such a beautiful woman. He recognized her even; she was the one who'd been punched by a tourist. And, more interestingly, the one he'd seen threatening Levi for flirting with her. That was a woman he'd like to know a little better. He could convince his brother to drink with him some other time. He waited around out of sight for a few minutes, just long enough for them to wrap things up and part ways. Then, before she could head out, he came up by her side. "Hope my brother didn't bore you to much."
Evie thanked Tobais as she stood up from the booth and started to head towards the door as she placed her backpack strap across her chest. She slightly jumped when she heard Alastair's voice, turned around and gave him a smile before she shook her head. "Not really, no." She replied as she placed her hands onto the strap as she looked at him. "It was quite interesting, actually."
"Tobias? Interesting? You must have been speaking with an imposter." He leaned back against the booth she'd just been occupying and smirked at her. "See, I'm the interesting one," he teased before reaching out a hand in greeting. "Alastair Wilde. I've seen you around, would love to put a name to the face."
"Then I guess I need to get a hold of your brother, to make sure that one is your actual brother." Evie teased with a soft smile as she turned her body towards him, listened to him and rose an eyebrow. "Are you?" She reached out and shook his hand. "Evelyn Clarington, I can say the same goes for you. I was wondering who the other guy was, running around here."
Alastair shrugged with the same playful smirk. "Oh, I don't know. Imposter running around; could be fun." He took a seat at the booth and gestured next to him. "I'll tell you all about the other guy if you let him buy you a drink."
Evie slowly nodded, knowing that he had a point and sat down next to him after she took off her backpack. "Sure, I'd like that." She replied as she gave him a smile. "So, tell me about this other guy."
Alastair chuckled and leaned back in the booth. "Well, he's the much more talented brother, for starters. Does all the heavy lifting for his big brained counterpart." He looked over at the bar and caught Gabriel's eye, waving him over. The man rolled his own eyes before submitting to the nonverbal request. "You know I'm a bartender, not a waiter, Alastair." Alastair just gave him a cheeky grin. "But you love me. I'll have a John Collins and she'll have," he turned to her to finish.
Evie nodded as he spoke, rested against the booth as he spoke and glanced over to look at Gabriel. "I'll have whiskey on the rocks, thank you." She replied before she looked back over at Alastair. "What does the heavy lifting involve? Barrels? Cases of alcohol?"
Alastair laughed as Gabriel rolled his eyes again and left to make their drinks. "Yes, exactly," he joked. "That and other things. What about you though?" he changed the subject. "What are you into other than conducting interviews and getting punched by tourists?"
Evie let out a soft laugh as she shook her head. "That, actually never happened. That was actually a cover, since my mum's been in town and I know she would go nuts if she knew I've been fighting in an underground fighting ring."
Alastair's ears immediately perked up at that. "Fighting ring? That is... so much more interesting than a crazed tourist." He grinned and leaned forward. "And where is this fighting ring?" he asked. "And how is it that you ended up fighting there?"
"Its underground in London." Evie replied in a hush tone as she looked over at him with a smile and let out a sigh. "I’m actually doing an cover story about underground fighting clubs and figured I would go undercover for it."
"So it's just for a story then," he said with a teasing smile. He looked her up and down and then nodded knowingly. "But I bet you liked it. Maybe even got hooked on it."
Evie let out a soft laugh when she heard him and slowly nodded. "I am hooked on it for sure and I’m also great at it, too. However, I don't know if I’m going to continue after it."
"And why not?" He asked with clear disappointment in his voice. Gabriel took that moment to come over with their drinks, rolling his eyes once again as he dropped them off. "Love you too," Alastair called out to the man before turning back to Evie. "If you're great at something, why give it up?"
"I feel like my body can handle the beating for so long and I know my mum's going to be pissed when she finds out that I’m fighting." Evie said after she thanked Gabriel for the drinks and took a drink of hers. "Besides, I’m sure once I do the story, they're going to throw me out."
Alastair shrugged. "Sounds like it'd be their loss, not yours." He took a swig of his drink.
Evie crossed her legs as he spoke and nodded slightly, knowing that he had a point. "That's true," She said before she took another drink. "Maybe you can come out and see me in action."
Alastair put his drink up to his glass to keep himself from licking them in anticipation. After a moment he took another swig and set the glass back down on the table. "Yeah, think that might be something I'd like to see."
"Okay, cool. I'll let you know when the next match is." Evie said before she finished her drink and licked off the rest of the alcohol off of her lips.
Alastair's eyes followed the path of her tongue. "Hopefully I won't have to wait that long to see you again," he said with a questioning tone.
Evie couldn't help watch him watch her tongue, feeling brave, thanks to the whiskey and slid closer to him. She dipped her head by his ear and rested her hand on his shoulder. "If you play your cards right, I'll be yours for the weekend." She whispered into his ear and smirked as she scooted where she was sitting at.
Evie's voice ignited a fire within Alastair. He imagined her standing over him, whispering just like that, but in an entirely different situation. His eyes burned into her, his desire obvious, as she backed away. "And what hand were you hoping I play?" he asked, sticking with the metaphor.
Evie turned her body towards him, her cleavage visible now and smirked as she made eye contact with him.  "A great one, at that." She said innocently as she twirled her ice around before she pulled out her card that had her number on it. "Oh let's say, you, fucking me so hard until I see the stars and us, rolling around in your sheets in pure ecstasy, me, not able to walk and you, leaving marks all over my body like I'm your property. Then us fucking in your shower, not getting enough of each other that you keep me Monday and maybe let me go on a Tuesday. That kind of hand." She paused for a minute. "Or, you take me out for dinner."
Alastair would vehemently deny that he made any sort of whining noise in response to her bold words. He did, however, clear his throat and take a moment to compose himself. "Both... very good options," he agreed while taking the offered card.
Evie nodded, reached over and took a sip of his drink. "Mhm," She placed it on the table and gave him an innocent smile.
Alastair just blinked at her in a daze. "Yeah, that's- Dinner, I could text you... uh, details." He honestly didn't even know what he was saying. All he really knew was how much he wanted her on top of him and how embarrassing it was going to be when the entire pub could see that.
Evie couldn't help but smiled as she looked down and met his eyes. "Good, also. Glad to know my words have affected you and I'll be wearing dark red lingerie underneath my clothes once we have dinner." She leaned over and gotten close to his ear. "Want me to help you, or are you going to imagine me giving you a blow job? While you're jerking off in the loo?"
"Fuck," he breathed out before closing his eyes and clearing his throat again. "I'm a little more civilized than that," he countered, shifting slightly in his seat. "Think I'll make it back to my room at the inn and jerk off in the bed instead."
"Well in that case, imagine me riding you." Evie said with a wink. "It was nice meeting you, Alastair. " She kissed his cheek, gave his thigh a squeeze as she scooted out of the booth and grabbed her backpack as she pulled out her wallet to pay for her drink.
Alastair stared after the woman as she left. He'd known upon approach that she was going to be interesting. But he'd had no idea she was going to turn him upside down like she did. One thing was for certain, he needed to get back to his room, asap.
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