#{ evil like none other; tobais }
bots-basket · 1 year
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"Knock knock ~♥ "
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bots-basket · 1 year
Safety in numbers #9
It was as if the ocean itself was decaying before their very eyes. There were many sharp and plastic items floating amongst the murky water. Many of the ocean creatures had vanished from view, and the few that remained were twisted and mutated into horrible creatures. But that wasn’t the worst of it. A Black and oily substance dripped from the pillars and into the sea, draining the colors and life from anything it touches. And it was steadily growing closer to them, threatening the safety of their platform.
“I don’t like the looks of that stuff.”
Bass let out a hiss as his tail instinctively wrapped around Rosie. Despite never seeing something like this before, he was feeling an odd sense of familiarity about the sludge in the water and the vibe of the corrupted Mindscape.
“I..think we should probably go somewhere else..”
Rosie whispered as she gripped onto Bass’s tail. She was trying so hard to remain calm- but it didn’t seem to be working as she could feel the shakiness in her legs and arms.
Balan And Lance exchanged glances with each other. It was Obvious that this Mindscape has grown to be too dangerous for Rosie to be here. But the thought of Fiona still being trapped inside somewhere made the maestro and Negati master linger. A Solution had popped into Lance's mind, but he felt reluctant to share it. With a Quiet sigh he made his suggestion.
“Balan, Since I am unable to Leave these two By themselves, I’ll take them somewhere safer, The next stage. You should be free to find Fiona Quickly and meet us there with just you.”
“Are You sure about this?”
Balan said as he was rather hesitant to leave Lance alone with Rosie and Bass again. A cold feeling slipped through his spine as he recalled in his mind what happened the last time they were separated. He didn’t want to place the child in any more unnecessary danger and he wasn’t positive Lance could protect her from this threat.
“It’s a much better plan than waiting for that sludge to get to us.”
Bass interjected into the conversation and motioned with his head at the ever approaching slime heading their way. Balan let out a nervous sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck.
“Alright, but try to be careful as well.”
Balan gave a defeat sigh as he agreed to go and search for Fiona. Lance gave a court nod before using his tendrils to place Rosie onto Bass’s Back. He didn’t want to leave the fate of The Mindscaper to Balan; But now wasn’t the time to be possessive.
Deep down Lance felt solely responsible for the states of one's Mindscape inside Wonderworld. Balan was good with assisting with figuring out how to deal with their problems, while he was good in giving a sense of comfort amongst the storms of life.
Personally, if it were up to him he would let them stay inside the Wonderworld forever.. but that’s not his place. He may not always get along with Balan, but he knew that it was both of their purposes to help people get on a better path in life. He knew he could at least trust Balan with getting Fiona To safety.
Just as Balan was about to head off, A Sudden Loud B-A-N-G stopped him in his tracks. His golden iris slitted as he looked down to a smoldering bullet hole was inches away from his heels.
"Oh, don't go just yet! You haven't seen the best part."
A sinister sounding voice said to the group. Immediately Everyone's attention shifted to the direction of the voice. Standing on a platform above them stood the Man with the Long brown trenchcoat and rusty red hair.
The sight of This man alone caused Bass's Fur to stand up and a bitter snarl to escape from his throat. His tail coiled tighter around Rosie as the child buried her face into his side shaking, not even daring to look in Tobias's direction.
Balan and Lance got into a Defensive position in front of Their guests, eyeing the man suspiciously.
"So you're that 'Tobias' Character I've heard so much about."
Balan said with a not so nice glint in his eyes. Usually he isn't the type to judge based upon first impressions- but the fact he causes so much fear in young Rosie alone didn't help. Not to mention the fact this unscrupulous Character just tried to shoot him.
Tobias gave a small smirk before brushing the hair out of his eyes.
" Why yes~ that's me."
" So you're also responsible for this Childs Terror."
Lance said with a sharp tongue. He didn't like Tobias. He didn't like how he came into wonderworld without his or Balan’s knowledge. He didn’t like the eerie negative aura about him. And he especially didn't like the look in his eyes..
Tobias gave a small laugh before raising his eyebrow to the maestros, seemingly amused by how irritated he's made them by barely doing anything.
" Well, it is said one should play with the toys given to them."
Balan was flabbergasted by this man's words. The way he spoke and acted had already rubbed him the wrong way- but that phrase alone made an unusual fury bubble up inside him. No living being should be treated as an object- to be toyed with for one's own entertainment!
"Ohh~ Don't be upset! I am always willing to share my things with whoever wishes to join in our little game."
Tobias cooed as he saw How fired up Balan was getting. Lovely! He's certainly going to make this game all the more entertaining. With a snap of his fingers, two Being stepped forward beside Tobias.
The Masked wolf being from the last stage, and a new Beast. It was a warped and twisted version of the missing residents of this stage. This being also had on a mask, but it resembled the face of a dolphin. Its single visible iris locked onto Lance and balan as it seemingly judged them internally.
" In doing so, I've made many new friends. 'The little diver' and 'resilient farmer' were all too glad to join the game. Why, they were absolutely ecstatic to hear you will also be playing with us."
Tobias mused as he gestured to both the beings standing beside him. He looked even more pleased as He saw the Absolute looks of horror and shock find their way onto the maestros' faces.
Balan was completely choked up as he nearly stumbled backwards. How could anyone.. why would anyone… Do something like this.. something so Horrible!? He couldn't even begin to wrap his head around this new development. He clutched his mouth and felt sick to his stomach from this disturbing revelation.
"You Wretched Soul..!"
Lance, on the other hand, was downright livid. He spat at Tobias as his Tendrils flared violently. He was not only upset at the abominations before him, but at himself for once again being too late to save those he held dear. This.. Cruel human had crossed a line that he should've never even known of. And he was fixing to pay dearly for this treasonous act towards humanity AND wonderworld.
"Oh my~"
Tobias whistled as he saw how the Negati maestro was practically ready to kill him right then and there. Quite the temper on that one. He should probably deal with this now rather than later.
"Well then, I think the boys are ready to play. Drown em for me, love."
He tapped on the shoulder of the dolphin creature before it nodded to him, before Turning its attention to the group.
It gave a Loud roar before leaping off the platform and changing its shape. Soon, it had changed into its original negati boss form; Anjellica.
But just as before with Barktholomew, Anjellica was acting completely out of control and feral, being sure to destroy any and all forms of escape to keep the group trapped on the platform before her. Tobias smirked as he watched the scene from a safe distance. It was now time for The fearless heroes to face the wrath of the sea.
"Now then, let's get things started."
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bots-basket · 3 years
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“ You’ve really Pissed me off Little Human.”
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bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in numbers #2
{ oho we got some spicy fighting in this chapter~ } " That brat's gotta be hiding around here somewhere! keep looking!" The intruders inside the main hall were practically tearing the place apart as they searched for the girl they were chasing earlier. It was always such a pain whenever she was involved in their bosses business, and even more annoying when she got away. But it's best not to complain about it less they receive their boss's wrath instead of her... ugh. Hopefully they'll be able to find her quickly and return to the base without much hassle. Unfortunately for them, A certain maestro wasn't going to be letting that happen anytime soon. Balan had been watching them for a few minutes as they made quite the mess of his theater. it was obvious he didn't particularly care for the sort of negative aura they were giving off as a look of distaste found it's way onto his face.. Especially when they referred to the child as 'That Brat'. It was probably about time for him to make himself known to these 'unexpected visitors' as he revealed himself in his usual showy manner, practically spooking them immediately as he loomed over them. " Loose something gentlemen?"
" WHAT THE HECK-!? ITS A GHOST!!" ~ the first goon screeched as he and 3 more men clumped together and backed up from the tall dapper maestro. Yo nobody said this was some sorta haunted mansion!
The fourth man however wasn't too deterred by the sudden appearance of Balan. " it's not a ghost, just the dumb mascot of the theatre! And if he know's what good for him, he'll mind his own darn business and run along before he gets himself hurt." The man gruffly said as he pulled a switchblade from his pocket. the other men were quick to catch onto their other's plan and pulled out a few poles from their backpacks. " Ah, You might say that. But what happens in my theater does happen to be my business~"
Balan hummed however as he didn't look to intimated by them. infact- a glint of mischievousness flashed in his golden yellow eyes. Ah. so they're Those kind of men, eh? well simply wont do. "Now I'm going to have to politely ask you to put away those weapons, as they're against theatre policy. We Wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves after all~" ~ He smiled as there was another flash in his eyes, but it wasn't one of his usual playful manner.. but more of a warning glance. It would be ill advised of them to attempt such a dangerous stunt- since they obviously aren't trained professionals like Balan is after all.
Sadly some people just can't take a hint. "oh, So we're dealing with a smart alec eh? Common boys, Lets teach this bogus Actor some manners!" The man commanded as he charged Balan and got ready to slash at the tall figure. Balan just simply shrugged with a quiet huff as he flipped over the man with ease, letting him crash into the boxes behind him. The other quick to follow after the first's lead as they swung their poles at the maestro. Balan hummed in amusement as he dodged their attacks in a playful and flamboyant manner. With every swing that missed him the men began to grow hot with this fancy man's antics. How could he move so quickly and fluidly!? Just what was this guy!? As Soon as they weren't paying attention to what they were doing, Balan took hold of their poles and spun them around, until the force of the momentum made them let go and sent them flying into a strategically placed couch; The mere force of them lading into it caused the whole couch to topple over onto it's side. The last man still standing tried to catch Balan off guard with a sneak attack- only to end up being caught off guard himself when Balan slipped into his hat form and swirled around him- knocking the weapon out of the man's hand before popping out once again to his full height. With his usual grin and eyes full of mischief, he leaned in close to the now wide eyed intruder. "Boo~" The man let out a shriek as he and the rest of the goons scrambled to get away from Balan. Surprisingly enough they found their way out of the theatre Quickly without much problems... Almost as if they knew they weren't welcomed there. As they caught their breath, one of the goons looked up and saw someone silently approaching them. He gasped and dropped to his knees as the figure of a man stood in front of him. The man's hand gently fingered his own crimson Red locks that lazily laid before his orange eyes. Removing his other hand from the pocket of his brown trench-coat, He gently picked up the chin of the goon with a dull gaze in his eyes. " Did you find her?" "Y..Yes sir. She's inside that theatre-! we tried to get her back! h-honest- But uh- that theatre is as haunted as the stories say! we even saw the creature that lives inside it!! It's Tough as nails- We barely made it out ALIVE!" the goon stuttered under the mans grip.. before he was released finally as the man slowly approached the opening of the theatre. A small yet Sickening smirk was laced on his face as he pulled a little purple capsule from out of his pocket. "...So the Local Cryptic Creatures wish to play? Alright then. Let's see how well they fair in a Game against me. Winner takes all~" ------- Rosie Felt a Shivver trickle down her spine.. something deep down told her things were only going to get worse on from here out.. Welp. At least wherever she is now there's plenty of places to hide. She walked down the sunny pathways gently holding onto those four mindcores orbs in her hoodie pocket- completely unaware of the other inhabitants in this place... and how a certain Dark Cryptic creature had just laid his eyes upon her..
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bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in Numbers #1
Rosie was rushing through the crowded streets as she scrambled to get away from her pursuers. She felt a rush of panic surge through her body as she heard the voices calling after her get closer and closer as she ran down an alleyway. She glanced down to the little round glowing mindcore orbs of her loved ones in her arms..  If only she could somehow wake them up... then she’d be safe. but unfortunately that wasn’t going to be able to happen anytime soon. As She wasn’t paying attention to where she was headed, she ran smack dab into a street sign nearly the size of her laying down in front of a very peculiar building. “ Ow...” She groaned as she glanced up to look at the sign she just ran into. tilting her head she read out the words spelled out. “Balan.. Wonderworld..?” 
After picking up the little mindcores that were scattered from her fall, She stood up and glanced over to the building behind the sign.. a theater..? it doesn’t seem to be open right now.. Perhaps she could use this to her advantage as there’s plenty of places to hide inside one of those things.  With the sounds of others footsteps rapidly approaching to break the child out of her thoughts, Rosie didn’t hesitate to rush into the majestic building and slam the doors shut behind her. Not wanting to stick around close to the exit just incase the goons chasing her would try to investigate, Rosie darted off deeper and deeper into the theater in search of a good hiding place for her and her mindcores.  Meanwhile, the local maestro was alerted that someone knew had entered the theatre.  Balan was always set in a good mood whenever someone new wandered their way into the wonderworld, so naturally he was going to greet the visitor as he always would; With a Smile and flair!  But when he opened the door to greet the lost child, she whirled right past him in a pink blurr and dove into a box of props- nearly knocking him and the box over in the process. Blinking slightly, he closed the doors to his dressing room and walked over to the box curiously.  “Little one?”  Rosie flinched as she heard a voice she didn’t recognize.. oh no- THIS PLACE ISN’T CLOSED!? she could feel her heart racing as she held the mindcores close to her chest as she trembled- shaking the prop box she was hiding inside. It didn’t help that when she looked up she saw a tall ominous being looking back at her. oh heCk- THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!! IS IT GONNA EAT HER!? Balan took notice of the way the visitor was shaking and it didn’t take him long to figure out she was practically horrified. His expression softened as he held out his hands in attempt to calm her down, being careful to give her space and not scare her even more... well.. at least to the best of his abilities.    “ Woah. hey..hey. it’s alright, calm down.. nothing bad is gonna happen to you..” He spoke softly in a calm tone as he looked down to her, making no attempts to overstep her boundaries.  “...w-who.. w..what .. are..you..”  Rosie managed to stutter out as she pulled her pink hoodie over her as she was still feeling uneasy and scared around this utter stranger.. whatever he was.
“ My name’s Balan, I’m the Maestro of this theatre.”  He said quite plainly. Theatrics wouldn’t be too good for the situation.. “Balan..? You.. your the guy from the sign..”  She recalled.  “indeed~ that is me.” He Hummed and gave her a little wink. 
Rosie seemed to loose abit of her tension in her shoulders as she figured this man was probably just a performer in the show.. perhaps she just caught him during a dress rehearsal and that’s why he looks like that. Still, she felt abit guilty about disturbing him.. Climbing out of the box,  She fussed with her glasses with one hand and gently rubbed the mindcores in her hoodie’s pocket with the other as she whispered out an apology.  “ um.. I’m sorry for bothering you Mr. Balan..”  “ Oh no, Your not bothering me at all my ma petite chérie, A theatre never opposed to guests, and i am always happy to have an audience.” Balan stated cheerfully as he gave a little twirl and held out his hand to the girl, , before a fluffy pink kitty tim appeared and landed in her arms- perfectly matching her pink kitty hoodie in aesthetic.  Rosie blinked slightly as she looked down to the little pink puffball in her arms looking right back up at her with it’s big ol’ blue eyes... so Kawaii.. seeing the tim defiantly helped with her anxiety. A small smile made it’s way onto her face as the tim chirped cutely. Balan felt a sense relief himself as the visitor seemed no longer frightened by him.  He leaned over her with his big old goofy grin and tilted his head slightly, thinking now would be a good time to ask her the question that had popped into his mind once she first showed up.  “ Now then little one, what could’ve possibly frightened you so much to want to hide so badly?”  She glanced up to him with uncertainty in her eyes, unsure of how to exactly say. But before the girl could answer, the two heard the sound of crashes and a group of men’s voices in the distance. Almost immediately the girl started hyperventilating as Terror once more made its way onto her face, Much to Balan’s dismay and concern. Rosie could feel her heart racing as her body trembled tremendously. And before Balan could do anything to stop her, She Let go of the tim and Booked it, letting the tears stream down her face as she burst through the back door and ran deeper into the theatre without much warning, unaware of the dangers she could face inside the wonderworld.  Balan wasn’t too happy with how that interaction turned out.. and now the visitor was once again lost and terrified inside his theater. But with another crash and angry voices apparent, it was obvious that whoever these intruders were, they were the cause of that child’s fear.. and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. 
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bots-basket · 3 years
Screenplay & Scriptwriter Doodle Dump
{ Sticking it under read more for Story spoilers for My Sainu fic }
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Tagging @chalcedear & @princeofpaintsworld because they’re beans are here too }
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bots-basket · 3 years
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{ My Hot Take: }
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bots-basket · 3 years
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“He Has been Vanquished.”
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bots-basket · 3 years
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No ❤️
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bots-basket · 3 years
No, not our son Percy!
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“ But of Course! I should only Twist and Deform the disgustingly ‘cute’ one into something truly terrifying~”
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bots-basket · 3 years
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“ Come Now Child.. it Won’t Hurt~” 🧪
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“ But You plainly said You’d Do your Best to help, Did you not? The most helpful thing for you to do for me is stay still~ I promise it’ll be quick~”
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bots-basket · 3 years
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“ It’s Very annoying when the residents Fight Back. It seems as if my time is almost up. Ah well. I suppose I’ll have to settle with physically harming merely a few peers since I’m on such a tight schedule. A pity really.”
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bots-basket · 3 years
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{ Rest Well~ }
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bots-basket · 3 years
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“ With Your life hmmm? I wonder what I would have to do to the little Peach Train to test that theory~”
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bots-basket · 3 years
Hypothetically speaking; What would you do if the Tobots Actually finally broke and gave into you?
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“ Color me Suspicious at first- But if it was genuine... I’d Be Absolutely Over the Moon! Of course I’d run a few tests to see how much they’ve improved since the last testing faze, But afterwards nothing but fun~ Leveling my Hometown would be spectacularly funny- And then moving onto More industrial areas to take over would be most challenging- But also intriguing.
And Let’s not forget the little kitties Galaxy Abilities- I could explore New Galaxies! New worlds or dimensions! All full of wonderful flora and fauna to study and Play with! And Maybe even one day we’ll come across a place where I can make an elixir to expand my lifespan or even eternally!  My fun could last forever~!
Ohhhh anon you’ve made me giddy just thinking about it ❤️”
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bots-basket · 3 years
Genuinely want to send over Galloway but I know Tobias is a stinker and will hurt him >:[
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“ Who, Me~?”
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