#(( HOPE IT'S OK ))
bidisastersanji · 10 months
Let's twist it around for once and make Zoro the one who gets his gay awakening by meeting Sanji: 1950s america Zoro x Sanji AU where heavily repressed Zoro lives in the suburbs in a marriage of convenience with his best friend Nami- they're both content with this situation and they both think this is the closest thing to love and attraction they can feel for someone of the opposite gender so it makes sense.
But then some new neighbours move into the house right next to theirs-a brother and sister (how odd to live together- but then again they're foreigners, so maybe that's why?) and Nami drags Zoro to the window to watch a lithe, beautiful, blonde man and his elegant blue-haired sister (who's wearing pants- the neighbourhood gossips will have a field day) move their boxes into their new house.
Zoro is transfixed by the man's fluid movements and rippling thigh muscles as he leverages his legs to haul heavy things around. His mouth dries as he unbuttons his shirt and now he can see his sweaty tanktop clinging to his form and how his high-waisted pants accentuate his slim waist. He must do some kind of sport or calesthenics- Zoro has always been a great sports and sportsman admirer- that's why he pays such close attention to the male form. He should ask him what it is, maybe he could join- Nami clears her throat and snaps him out of his thoughts, and he notices a faint flush on her cheeks and how her eyes flit back to the blue-haired woman's form as she reveals what the very little information that' been going around concerning the new owners of the block's most luxurious house.
Sanji and Vivi are bisexual cousins from France/France-occupied Maghreb but claim they are siblings to help smooth over their odd living situation. They moved to the states as young adults looking for emancipation and freedom, and have been enjoying, partying and making lots of friends in queer spaces here, but now that they're in the latter part of their 20s want to have a proper house (with a pool) to be able to host their friends and relax a bit more.
The next day Nami makes a welcome dish (totally not an excuse to see that gorgeous woman again) and drags him along to introduce themselves and welcome the 'siblings' to the neighbourhood. Once again Zoro feels his attention completely captured by the blonde man's...aura- he's never met a man like this before, he has a way of swaying his hips as he walks, an elegance in the way he holds his cigarillo, and his suit is more colorful (maroon) , and better tailoured than any business man's. His laugh makes Zoro's belly feel funny- but it also makes him a bit angry for some reason. He can feel something tight and confused in his chest and Nami ends up apologising for his rude behaviour once he and the man accidentally start not-so-politely bickering. (Zoro's compliment of the maroon suit comes off as a sarcastic insult that Sanji doesn't let slide, and there's just something about him that gets on his nerves).
Vivi invites them to their housewarming party the next weekend.
During the week, Zoro gets the opportunity to exchange a few more words and banter with the blonde- Sanji, he'd learned, while he gardens after work and works on his car. Sanji calls him a mosshead (he has some trimmings stuck in his hair), and he makes fun of the giant Duck-shaped topiary the blonde is trimming.
Nami discloses all the gossip she gathered to Zoro, and it sounds like most of their neighbourhood will be staying clear of this rather..queer pair.
He and Nami attend the party anyways, too curious and eager to interact with them again
The party is full of very colourful, artsy, cool people- many of whom Zoro feels he wouldn't know what pronouns to use for- but the booze is good, and the music is good, and he'd promised Nami he'd be on his best behaviour. He sulks in a corner and at first watches her talk excitedly with some oddly dressed women, some with extremely short hair, but his attention gets snagged by Sanji dancing with his friends by the pool. The reflected light shines on his body and make him glow
a drag queen called Iva (close friend of Sanji's) sits down next to him and teases him and tells him to go for it but Zoro is so deeply repressed and unfamiliar with even the concept of queerness that he doesn't even catch what Iva is hinting at.
It's only later, when he's lost and looking for the bathroom, when he opens a wrong door and stumbles on Sanji kissing another man, that he finally understands that this is a thing. He'd only vaguely heard about people liking the same gender, but it's not something he'd ever thought about at all. He's a confused, swirling mess of emotions, red in the face with embarrassment and anger (and jealousy) as he storms away, telling Nami they need to leave.
additional thoughts:
Sanji was kissing Pedro because he needed to get it out of his system after thirsting over his 'straight and married' hot neighbour all week- why did the mosshead have to work in such a tight white t shirt in his yard
Lots of scenes with Iva where Sanji bemoans his curse of falling for straight married men
Lots of misunderstandings between Sanji and Zoro- definitely lots of bickering when they keep getting forced to hang out because of the girls
Sanjis annoyance about Zoro stems from the impression that Zoro isn't treating Nami 'right', like a lady, and of the love and devotion he feels she should have from her husband- also he'd promised he wouldn't fall for another straight man so he keeps trying to tell himself he's just angry on behalf of Vivi who he can tell is head over heels for the ginger
Zoro is annoyed at Sanji for fawning over women and being prissy and cocky when he knows that he saw him kiss a man so what is up with him (he's actually just really jealous and angry and repressed and doesn't know bisexuality is a thing yet)
There should be a pool scene where Zoro gets insanely distracted and confused and turned on by Sanji in a speedo
Jobs: for Zoro- maybe car dealership owner/mechanic, Sanji is definitely something creative- maybe a fashion designer, a photographer, stylist, or straight up the classic restaurant head chef. Nami is a housewife but she would definitely have something on the side going on. Vivi could be a magazine editor or a big shot writer? a diplomat?
obligatory scene where they both drink too much and reveal things- Zoro reveals he and Nami have never slept together or done more than kiss at their wedding and Sanji is so confused but also so hot for his incredibly built neighbour he's been doing his best to keep his hands off of, so he kind of flirts and asks if he'd like to know what a real kiss is like
Zoro is stunned into silence but his body leans forward despite himself and Sanji kisses him silly
They pretend it never happened and both think the other forgot
Zoro breaks one day and admits all the naughty thoughts he's been having about his neighbour to Nami- she cry laughs and says she's been having the same about Vivi (except they already figured their shit out) and she was waiting for the right time to tell him but this makes it all so much easier if it's the same for Zoro
Zoro understands that he's super duper gay for Sanji and likes him romantically so he immediately runs up to his house to tell him how he feels
Zoro and Nami both live happily ever after as each other's beards, each with their own bisexual foreigner to call their own.
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morenotles · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Fluff, Craigslist, Kissing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Snow Day, Snowed In, Snow Summary:
With a record-breaking snowstorm on the horizon, threatening a city shutdown for a few days, Stiles gets the bright idea to put an ad up on craigslist for someone to spend his snow days with that would be filled with cuddling, movies, alcohol, and potential makeouts or more.
It's a joke until someone responds.
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noxian-scarsong · 21 days
A Plea for Mercy
The path leading up to the manor felt impossibly long, every step weighed down by Anastasia's nervousness. The gravel crunched beneath her boots, but even that familiar sound did nothing to calm her nerves. Lysandra walked beside her, holding her hand, her tiny fingers squeezing tightly. The child sensed her mother’s unease but said nothing, content with the reassurance that her mother was there, her constant, unshakeable protector.
Anastasia glanced at Lysandra. The seven year old hummed quietly to herself, lost in her own world, blissfully unaware of the gravity of their visit. Anastasia wished she could shield her daughter from everything—the tension, the shame—but there had been no sitter available. Besides, Lysandra's presence somehow made this terrible task feel a little less daunting. She would have preferred to be alone for this, but fate, it seemed, had other plans.
The looming structure of the manor finally appeared through the mist, its grandiose windows staring down like judgmental eyes. Anastasia's heart raced, and she took a deep breath, forcing herself to keep moving. Her son needed her. She could already feel the heaviness of their inevitable conversation.
"Mama?" Lysandra tugged at her hand, her innocent voice pulling Anastasia from her thoughts. "Why are we here?" Anastasia knelt down, brushing a stray lock of hair from Lysandra's face. "Mama has to talk to someone important, sweetheart. It’ll be okay." She smiled, but the tension in her eyes betrayed her.
Lysandra seemed satisfied with that answer, though her gaze lingered on her mother’s face, as if trying to understand something deeper. She didn’t ask any more questions and instead held her mother’s hand a little tighter. The manor gates stood before them now, tall and unyielding. Anastasia hesitated for just a moment, her fingers trembling ever so slightly as she reached out to push them open. She hadn’t been to Morrin in years. A city in North Noxus she had only been to a few countable times.
Her son, Orion, the boy who had always been so full of fire, who had made terrible choices and was now running from the law, was depending on her. This was her only chance to ask for forgiveness on his behalf, but the weight of it crushed her chest. She had no idea if they would listen to her. If they would help him. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her emotions in check. Not for herself, but for Lysandra.
Together, they crossed through the gates, the heavy iron creaking behind them. The long staircase up to the front doors felt like an eternity away, but Anastasia kept moving. Step after step. The closer she got, the more her breath caught in her throat. "Stay close, Lys, don't touch anything" Anastasia murmured. Her daughter nodded, looking up at the manor with wide, curious eyes. As they reached the top of the stairs, Anastasia’s hand paused in front of the door. She could feel her pulse in her fingertips. This was it. Her son’s fate hung in the balance of whatever would happen inside these walls. All she had was the hope that her plea would be enough. She stepped inside the manor the footsteps of her and Lysandra made their prescence clearly known. Anastasia waited patiently in the main entrance with Lysandra tugging at her hand trying to explore the surrounding with wide eyes. "We will wait patiently Lysandra."
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seo-chwa · 10 months
@tony-baxter Club Capricorn
Seo had been growing hungry since coming here a few days ago, unsure where was safe to hunt or who it was okay to devour. There was little sense in her when she thought of feeding, but there was enough to know that it wouldn't be okay to drain someone before she got what she needed and after being able to leave quickly. She had learned in the past years while acquainting herself with the world she had found herself in that loud places, nightclubs were easy pickings, the humans intoxicated and oblivious. Walking from her hotel to the loudest place in the city, her head almost felt as if it could explode with the colors jumping everyone around her, figures drawn around each body in reds and blues. A sparkling yellow pulled her attention. She didn't even try to fit it tonight, she hadn't eaten in days and if she didn't do so tonight she might lose it. it was hard to influence humans when there were so many distractions around them, her own mind also moving around so it was down to charms.
Seo put a hand on a man's shoulder from behind with a smile on her lips. "Would you care to share a drink with me?" she asked, lips close to his ear, traces of accents in her words but doubtful to be heard in this chaos.
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the-abe · 1 year
❝I have eaten my own legs. I have cut my own stitches.
When: A bit over a year ago With: @wolfontheloose
Ibrahim had arrived at Greywood two moons ago. Or was it three? The glowing curse in the sky seemed to mock him each day as it grew to a full circle. It seemed to want to remind him that because of him she was turning a few hours before him and he would soon step into the night to follow into the pain of it all. He couldn't say that for the past years the breaking of bones and the shedding of skin and the falling out of other parts of him that were pushed out by the wolf. He knew that he made it worse for himself, having always been in a pack before coming to America, even trying to join a small group in Phoneix before he had been chased off to here. The feeling of going through this with other was better. Especially if someone was nice enough to help you clean your fur afterwards.
And he knew that there were others here. His nose told him they were a lot, even. He had also heard them howling these past two months, digging his nails in the earth and bite his tongue until in bled, retaining what humanity he could, refusing to answer the calls.
There were other other creatures that he had started recognizing and learning about... but he hadn't sought out the pack yet. Not yet, squatting in the apartment he rented at the moment, living off of the money in his bank accounts, savings done with shady dealings. But it was that time of the year. When all he wanted was to escape into the moon and he needed to either be far away from the city or around others who can tame the aggression.
And so he had walked towards the place that reeked of wolf like no other in the city. The dingy bar was empty at the middle of the day and he wasn't sure how to approach asking for the pack alpha... so what he did instead was ask for the manager, considering the person behind the bar smelled of human and nothing more. And he hoped that whoever came along would be who he needed to speak to otherwise he would need to go into the woods. And he wasn't sure how friendly they would be if he showed up unannounced.
"Hello..." he turned as the man walked towards to where he had leaned, away from the bar. He had come to understand that everyone here seemed to know of the supernatural, but he couldn't say the idea still didn't bother him. "Uh... hope it's ok..." he started, unsure of how to proceed. Friendly talk wasn't his strongest suit. Not in the casual conversations. "I'm new to town. I figured this would be the place to go to and see if you guys take strays."
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parvum-draconis-a · 6 months
-adam @f1rst-man
How did one respond to hearing their name called like that? He couldn't be sure if his father was more angry or upset...and he wasn't sure what hurt worse. Disgusted? The volume drowned out the meaning.
He'd never meant to hurt him...he'd never meant...it was an accident. It was all rushing back like a tidal wave. All he could think to say, all that left his lips was a single hushed word, uttered like a vapor in the wind.
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morni6 · 2 years
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Divination for Skeptics by @olivieblake​ (AO3)
The latest in magical advancements is an enchantment that reveals the bearer’s romantic compatibility with another person. Effectively eliminating uncertainty from dating, the charm can tell you whether or not you’ve found The One with a precise, Hermione Granger-approved calculation of traits and preferences. It’s a foolproof method of predicting relationship happiness. It’s also, for Hermione, positively dreadful news. Dramione, post-war, soulmate AU. COMPLETE.
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
Having My Meal of Sludge
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adsagsona · 2 years
@inechoingsilence gets a closed starter from Finan:
Finan looked at the map in the tube for a moment longer and then decided that he was indeed at the right stop. This was one of those old warehouse district thingies where now all the hip people lived. He did not like it, if he was honest, but to each their own. He had a small roller case with him with his materials and a backpack with some clothes. He’d only be staying for a day or two.
Finding the right block he went upstairs and then rang the bell. “Hey, it’s Finan fer the photos!” He almost yelled in the receiver before being let up. Taking the stairs two at a time he arrived at Sophia’s door with a big smile on his face. “Nice ta see ye again, Sophia. How’ve ye been?” He asked as he set his bags to the floor.
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the-katherine · 1 year
I love waking and feeling in my soul like a river flows through my being
Where: The park With: @werewolf-xiomara
The day had been productive, at least in Karter's view. He had woken up in the comfortable bed in his uncomfortable cabin, walking sleepily the distance to the backyard and getting inside unannounced in shorts to get a coffee and munched on whatever he could find in the fridge in peace, the kitchen quiet as most of his family was either asleep or somewhere outside, considering the late hour he had gotten up. Taking his plate back, thinking he may need to get an electric scooter for these walks back and forth, he had already finished the cereal by the time he walked through the door again. He had sat down on his phone for a bit but what may have been close to an hour and then went to the back "yard" (funny description considering everything was in the back yard of the family home) to try and work on shaping the wooden block he had left yesterday at the work bench.
It didn't take long before his mind wandered to the book he had been reading in the night when he couldn't sleep and then he started humming a song and then he needed to go and put music on, and then he felt the urge to take another walk and so he grabbed his backpack and threw a shirt on. It was supposed to be to go check on his mother, maybe lounge in the house for a bit, but his legs had taken him a lot further, buying ice-cream at Main Street and stopping by to chat with a few people he knew from high school, jumping from topics about universities, life and work. At the latter he said his goodbyes and instead of going home to continue practicing he though it would be a good idea to sit down at the park and enjoy some sunshine and that was how he had ended up on a bench.
He was going through the pages of "Le Spleen de Paris", a bag of sweets by him, his blue eyes mostly flying through the verses and then looking up to observe the people and thinking over the translation of words and fingers playing with the wrapper of the last candy he had eaten. A small figure ran behind him with laughter and making him jump from the proximity, pushing the bag and colorful candy flew all around his bench which made him also laugh. "Would you like some?" he asked as he bent down to gather a few and smiled at the boy that had startled him, not considering that his parents would be somewhere and would likely not be happy at this interaction. But then, he often did things because that was what he wanted to at that specific moment.
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morenotles · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Original Female Character, Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Sheriff Stilinski, Allison Argent, Cora Hale Additional Tags: Mates, Mates reveal, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Jealous Stiles, Alpha Derek, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Except it's the opposite, because they're pretending to Not be together, Established Relationship Summary:
"It has to look like you and Derek haven't fucked on every flat surface of this house this week alone so that Tessa sees Derek as a strong, totally available alpha that she can possibly make several babies with one day."
Or the one where Stiles and Derek pretend they aren't completely in love with each other for the sake of a possible pack alliance.
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modernmusesindierp · 2 years
Closed starter: @scinglives
Norma & Ben retreated to a beautiful lake house in Idaho to have a break from the chaos of the city. It was a simple yet spacious wooden one-story lake house with an open design, a living area with an open kitchen and a fireplace. They arrived in the evening and left their luggage in the living room, eager to just relax, have dinner and sit by the fire. Norma could smell the damped wood and rain although it wasn't raining anymore, the whole house was so cozy yet was like being at a very old library. Something about it made her even more relaxed and comfortable here. It was the perfect place to forget about their worries, the fact that Ben will undergo a difficult procedure. She shook her head even thinking about it for a second as she looked at him starting a fire. "I've never done that" She told him, as she sat on the comfortable couch. "Do you need help?" She asked him.
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shambledsurgeon · 2 years
multixminds asked: “Well, that’s just maddeningly unhelpful.“ / Drake to Law!
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“Oh I’m sorry. Did you expect me to just leave a bunch of bastards wanting me dead in one piece?” He’d held back some. It could have been a nightmare he performed, instead the most of them had their lives. They would just be stuck uncomfortable and mismatched for a while. 
“You forget I’m not a good guy. I’m captain of a pirate crew. We don’t really do nice.” 
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ireallymisscoffee · 2 years
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@neverlearned : the last time sarah saw her dad, she was 14. they’d been separated and sarah had gotten lost. now, she was twenty-five and in boston. she can barely believe her eyes when she lays eyes on him. “d-dad?” she’s able to stammer out, hands shaking.
it was a long shot, by far. joel had seen many girls reminding him of sarah over the years & had always reminded himself that it was impossible because his daughter, his world - his everything, had died in the night of the outbreak. there was no way she could've survived, no way he could've saved her, no matter how hard he tried. yet he saw her in the crowd sometimes, at least .. kind of. he saw an older version, he saw everything he knew sarah could've been if she'd had the chance she deserved. when he realized that it would never happen, the pain usually came back tenfold.
but never before did his imagination speak with him. his initial reaction, silence. all it took was that one little word to crumble that wall within him. she looked so different now, but he could see his little baby girl in her regardless. "sarah? how's that possible? you're s'pposed to be dead.." he could feel his body tremble& his heart rejoice. he was hugging her to his chest before she could respond, so happy, so relieved, so... confused.
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Post inspired by @fleshdyk3
Me: Man I hope my blueberries are ok, I left them in my hot car for a bit
The avaricious mold spore:
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virtualplushy · 6 months
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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