#(( I swear I’ll explain what happened with The Overgrowth but I’m ready for some Slightly Healthier Titus ))
theovergrowth · 1 year
It was humid. He hadn’t gotten used to Missouri’s summer climate, but that didn’t really matter now; fall had started, and they wouldn’t be here long.
Titus (just Titus, for now) sat up in the dim bedroom he had lived in over the last few months. It was mostly empty now, everything aside from a backpack of essentials already loaded into the van from the day before.
He grabbed his watch, the one Drew quite literally demanded he own, off of his mattress. 6:12 am. Nobody else would be awake yet, but that wasn’t too unusual. If anything, it was preferable.
Quietly, an old instinct, he crept down the hall to the bathroom. He took a hot shower, put on some clean clothes, and took a moment as he was brushing his teeth to really look at himself in the mirror.
His hair was mostly gone, now a grown-out buzzcut that still sprouted small flowers. His face had filled out more, his complexion had a healthier glow, but most alien of all to him: he no longer had those same dark circles under his eyes. Yes, they hadn’t disappeared entirely, but he felt more… rested?
After spitting out his toothpaste and shoving the toothbrush into his backpack, he went out to the kitchenette and started on breakfast. Everyone would need to eat well today; the four of them were headed out on a “paranormal expedition”, as Pete and Drew had taken to calling it, west towards California, then up the 101 towards Oregon, stopping often along the way with Titus driving his van, Ricky driving his car, and Pete and Drew riding with Ricky.
Titus had been the first one to suggest he could ride alone for the first stretch to Oklahoma, saying he was less likely to need to switch off with someone while driving.
It was true, but really he was just terrified. Things had been good here; he was comfortable, he felt in control of himself, he had a group of friends that he… really cared about, and really didn’t want to see get hurt.
But… he also knew he had to trust them. He had to trust they would take care of themselves with the knowledge they had. Titus had already done all he should; actually trying to open up and tell them his side of a story they already knew, giving them all the information he had about The Sons, The Overgrowth, his father… all of it.
And they all took it in stride, telling him it didn’t change how they felt. If anything, they all seemed even more adamant about sticking together, Drew practically ripping his head off when he floated the idea of just splitting up for safety. “Splitting up is the opposite of safe,” he had chastised, forcing Titus to sit through a night-long horror movie marathon to prove the point. Titus hadn’t minded; he enjoyed falling asleep on the couch with his friend’s laughter as white noise.
Still, he was terrified. He swallowed it as he heard the distant sounds of each of his friends alarms going off, instead focusing on plating breakfast. Blueberry pancakes, biscuits and gravy, vegetarian sausage and bacon, and 4 mason jars of overnight oats he had prepped for each of them a couple of days ago.
They all ate quickly (though Titus noted they were a bit skeptical towards their jars), chattering about their plans with the pleasant side-tangent of Pete’s dream the previous night, which she claimed was a “mega-good omen” for their journey.
He hoped she was right.
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nerdcentral · 6 years
The Hotel Room Part 1
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Summary: Klaus, Elijah, and Damon argue about who gets to share a bed with you on a road trip
Warnings: swearing I think; Long! (I tend to let me stories take on a life of their own so this will probably be insanely long)
"Get out of my way Damon. I'm going, and you can't stop me." Damon was stood in between me and the door of my own house.
"I'm not just going to let you go off with the two original psycho's and get yourself killed!" He took a possessive step forward, getting a little too far into your personal bubble. His piercing blue eyes barring straight into your y/e/c ones.
"I'm going because they asked for my help, and when you have the opportunity to get a no questions asked favor from The Original Hybrid and The Original Gentlemen, you take it." I pushed passed Damon and walked out toward the black SUV that both men were waiting by.
Damon caught up to me and grabbed my arm, "Fine, then I'm completely by with you."
From the corner of my eye I could see Klaus roll his eyes and Elijah raise an eyebrow, and had to hold back a laugh. "I'm not sure they would appreciate the intrusion." I speculated while failing to hold back a smirk.
"Well I don't care what they think, I refuse to leave you alone with either of them, let alone both of them," he let go of my arm and turn toward the SUV, "so I guess this little excursion has another participant."
Klaus immediately snapped back, "And what if we refuse to let you come along?"
"Then there's no way in hell that Y/n is going with you."
"Give it a rest brother, we both know the stubbornness of a Salvatore with a cause, why waste time here when we have other matters to attend to?" Elijah interjected.
Still in a stare down with Damon, Klaus answered, "I suppose you're right, we are on a tight schedule, and may as well move on." His gaze shifted to me, "Are you ready to go then Love?" His eyes seemed softer, but his body language still radiated intimidation.
"Yep, I'll throw my bag in the back and we can go."
Klaus nodded and Elijah went to assist while Damon shot him a last defiant glare before getting in the car. Klaus took his place at the steering wheel, Elijah in the passenger seat, with me and Damon in the back. Damon made sure to sit behind Klaus, so I would be as far away from him as possible.
After three hours of silent driving we came to a stop. I stepped out of the car to hurry to the relief of my muscles, stretching my arms and legs as far as they will go.
"So where are we exactly?" Damon asked as he closed his door, squinting at the setting sun, and taking in the surrounding woods.
"We are three towns away from out Mystic Falls, at a long forgotten cemetery." Elijah patiently explained.
"And why do you need Y/n's help?"
"There is a mausoleum inside, and in which is something very precise to us, and only a human can enter."
"Then why not compel some poor guy to go in for you?"
"The barrier spell only allows human to enter if they do so of their own free will."
"Ok, so why Y/n specifically? I'm sure you could threaten someone to get it for you."
"Because, mate, I need someone I can trust to retrieve this particular object and Y/n just so happens to be the only human I trust." Klaus answered while his eyes moved from Damons to mine, taking every one by surprise.
He moved his eyes back to Damon, "Now I've grown rather tired of your inquiries, so if you don't mind, shut your mouth before I'm forced to do something rash."
Damon opened his mouth to say some sarcastic remark, but I cut him off, "That's enough, your only prolonging what would've been done already if you would've stayed in Mystic Falls."
All three men looked at me stunned, each for a different reason. Damon was slightly hurt, Klaus was seeing a new side of me, and Elijah was admiring my logical mind.
Klaus was the first one to snap out of the daze they were in, "Right then, this way."
After a short walk through the abandoned cemetery the mausoleum stood before us. The structure was slightly brown and covered in overgrowth, but it had a forgotten cryptic beauty surrounding it.
"So I go in, find the object and just come back out? It's as simple as that?"
"Yes, you should run into no complications. As far as I can tell the only obstacle is the barrier." Elijah informed me.
"No need to overwhelm me with confidence pal." I replied playfully, earning a smirk from the ever so serious Original is n a suit.
"Don't worry Love, you'll do just fine." Klaus offered, by he wasn't the one that had to test that theory.
I took a deep breath, "Well, here goes." Then stepped through the entrance of the tomb.
"What's taking so long?" Klaus asked no one in particular. All three men were getting antsy after fifty minutes of waiting.
"I'm not sure, but I don't think it's good." Elijah replied solemnly, having no encouraging words to offer his brother.
"I knew this was a bad idea, but you just had to drag her in to this." Damon challenged while looking straight at Klaus, only earning a hateful glare from the hybrid.
Then suddenly a cry of pain echoed through the tomb. The creatures all jumped to attention, exchanging a concerned glance.
A few seconds crawl by while they wait. "Son of a bitch!" Y/n's voice is heard again, but it's much louder.
Finally a figure emerges from the blackness inside, stumbling toward them. Klaus and Elijah share an unsure look, after this long who knows what else could've been in the tomb.
But as soon as the light shines off of Y/n's y/c/h all three men are at the entrance waiting to catch her. She's dragging herself along the wall and the closer she gets the stronger the scent of blood becomes.
As she crosses the threshold, she merely falls in to the nearest arms. Elijah gently hold her to him while check her for injuries.
There's a rather large and messy bite on her left shoulder, a small gash on her forehead, and a circle of blood forming on her right knee.
"No other obstacles, huh?" She breathlessly laughs. Elijah immediately bit into his wrist and brought it to her lips, "Drink." She nods and gulps down the lifesaving liquid while cringing.
"What happened?" Both Damon and Klaus demand as soon as she pulls away. She holds up one finger and catches her breathe.
"I found the damn thing easy enough, but there was some kind of vampire guardian. He said I couldn't take it, I said otherwise, he lost." She explained with a triumphant smirk.
All their eyes widen, and Elijah's mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. Y/n laughs then brings her finger up and pushes on his chin to close it.
"Did you really think that I would live in a town full of vampires and originals and not learn how to kick some ass?"
She stands up out of Elijah's arms and hands him an ancient looking box. "Now let's put some distance between us and this cemetery, shall we?" With that she walks away while all three me. Watch after her with curious eyes.
Once all four are back in the car, I lean as far back into the seat as I can. Taking out the super old, super blood deprived vampire took a lot of energy and even with the vampire blood my eyes are still fighting to close.
"Brother, why don't we stop at a hotel for the night so Y/n can rest properly?" I barely hear Elijah suggest, Klaus agree to, and Damon groan about.
We stopped at the nearest hotel and we're now waiting for Elijah to come tell us what room numbers were ours so we could all get some sleep. Unfortunately he came back with a sour look on his face.
"It would seem they only have one room available for the night."
A wave of awkwardness sweeps out small group.
"What about another establishment?" Klaus offers.
"I'm afraid this is the only hotel for miles."
I release a yawn I can't hold back, then say, "Whatever we're all adults, right? We'll be fine. Which room are we occupying for the night?"
"Then let's get going, I could use a long shower." I grab my bag then walk toward the dreading the night , but loving the idea of running water. As I'm walking I notice that none of the guys are following me. "You coming or what?" I call back to them.
They share an uncomfortable look before Klaus answers, "Of course Love."
Once they catch up I continue walking inside. We quickly find the room. Inside there's two queens and a couch, and I knew that I would have to sleep next to one of the vampires in the room.
I yawn again then go into the bathroom, leaving the guys to figure out their sleeping arrangements. As I let the water wash away the lingering blood and dirt, I think about who I'd rather sleep next to.
Damon would insist it be him just to keep me away from the other two options, but that would mean that one of them would have to sleep on the couch and I very much doubt that either of them would allow Tay to happen.
I don't have to worry about Klaus, he's not going to try anything weir with his older brother and Damon in the room, not that I think he would try anyway, but I can already hear the tantrum Damon would throw.
Elijah would obviously be the perfect gentleman the whole night, but I'm still certain Damon would throw a fit if we got into the same bed.
Finally clean and in the back up outfit I'd bee smart enough to bring I leave the bathroom. As I suspected Damon was setting up on the couch, making everything much more complicated.
Elijah was looking over the box next to the bed closest to me, while Klaus way laying down on top of the bed on the other side of the room. I can only guess that was to get as far away from Damon as possible.
"So where am I tonight?" I ask the room. They each look up and instantly a new layer of tension swept over the group.
"With me, obviously Love." Klaus answered with his signature smirk, but it took all of two seconds before Damon intervened.
"Oh, I don't think so." Damon and Klaus stared at each other again while I just rolled my eyes.
"And why not?"
"Who know where your hands will wonder in the middle of the night."
"What are you insinuating? I'd never do anything of the sort," he paused to look at me, "unless you wanted me to." He added with a wink and I could feel more than my cheeks heat up.
"Uh yeah, no way she is sleeping next to you." Damon announced as he moved between me and Klaus.
"And why is it up to you who she sleeps next to?" Klaus sent back with fake amusement.
Even I looked to Damon for an rebuke, we all knew that he has a valid point. Damon opened his mouth, but closed it like his own thoughts cut him off.
"Exactly, so Y/n, who do you choose to sleep next to tonight?"
I stood there frozen as each vampire looked to me, but being true to my little trickster nature I decided to go I a direction that would surprise all of them.
"Elijah." I don't think a gun to my head could've whipped the smile smile from my face when I saw each jaw drop.
I set my bad down on the corner of the bed I front of me and sat down next to it. A full minute went by and they were all still silent, Damon sat down with his beck to me, Klaus was sending me uncertain glances, and Elijah was shifting uncomfortablly next to me.
I rolled my eyes before crawling to the head of the bed and throwing a pillow at each of them, which of course they call caught.
"Lighten up you guys, it's one night, not a blood oath. Let's get some shut eye so we can get back to Mystic Falls tomorrow fully rested."
I grabbed the one pillow I had left then settle in for the night. The air was a little lighter and they followed my lead, within twenty minutes each of them had also settled for the night.
I woke up at 5:30, like I do for work, though the mattress didn't help my muscles any. Since they were all still asleep I decided to go get some breakfast for everyone. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed a key and slipped out the door as quiet as possible.
When I got in the elevator and the doors started to close a hand slip between them. As the door opened I saw a straight out of bed Klaus. His hair was thrown about at all different angles, and his eyes still had a touch of sleep.
"Morning." I greeted with a light laugh.
"Good morning Love. Sleep alright? I trust my brother was a gentlemen as usual."
"Yes he was, but you can only do so much to sleep well on these mattresses."
He looked at me with concern, but didn't say anything. The doors opened and we both walked ove the the buffet area, but it was still closed.
"Damn, maybe 5:30 is earlier than I thought." I look to Klaus who was smiling at me.
"Since we can't eat why don't we go for a walk?" The uncertainty from last night returned to his eyes.
I smiled and nodded, and he led the way outside. As we walked through the morning air we didn't say anything. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable, and I was regretting not sleeping next to his warmth last night. While Elijah was becoming someone I consider a friend, Klaus was different. He was unpredictable, yet comfortable. Soft when he wanted to be, but cold when he needed to be and I couldn't figure him out.
And apparently he trusts me, and I trust him enough to venture into a mausoleum with only ideas about what would be inside. Although that didn't change the fact that he is feared by basically the entire vampire race for a reason.
A cold breeze swept through the air sending a shiver down my spine. "Cold?" I nod, before I could decline he had take off his zip up sweatshirt and placed it around my shoulders. Underneath Klaus had on a tight white shirt that showed off his muscles exceptionally well. I felt my cheeks heat up as I look away and brought the jacket tighter around me. "Thanks."
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