#(( but thats because of. yaknow. some pretty important reasons.
royalreef · 2 years
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(( Meanwhile, if you’re close to Miranda, you can fully assume Bellanda knows everything about you. Just in general, really. Miranda keeps very little hidden from her older sister, and talking to her about what she’s feeling and thinking is a necessary part of how she processes things.
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akisata-moved · 3 years
pmd au ramblings under the cut becos i am annoying
i was toying with the idea of ryo espeon instead of ryo glaceon for a total of five minutes the other day bc i know theres that whole thing about him being like 'haha maybe i have psychic powers!' and also people think his 'event prediction' was like, actual psychic ability which im pretty sure isnt ttrue but thats not what im here to talk about but then i remembered two things the first of which being
ryo is tech shiny and shiny espeon.... shiny espeon looks like this
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so thats a hard no. my original thought was like 'aw pink ryo is cute' and then i remembered he wouldnt be pink anyways. so glaceon is fine i quite like that one (plus its a funny haha callback to how he was incased in ice bcos ice type :-] )
the SECOND thing i remembered is that the pmd2 hero literally. already kind of has "psychic" abilities. the dimensional scream is kind of a psychic power...? i mean its like, visions. ryo is the bearer of the curse ig
very much enjoying the idea of making random town npcs/guild members characters from the 72 anime. just because i think its fucking hilarious if 72 devilman existed here for some reason. i think him and lala should be the equivalent to loudred and sunflora. chaco is obvs chimecho and himura can be... someone... he can exist somewhere in there. might as well throw in dorango too why tf not
not sure about wigglytuff and chatot?
the guild + town npcs is kind of a case of like... just keeping the ideas there but mostly changing pkmn species to fit the character ig... like i like the idea of miko as like, diglett's role too (like a sentry type pkmn) but i dont want her to be a diglett lmfao
darkrai, being the big bad of eos (i THINK? tf...) can... maybe fit into some kind of role of, like, devilman god? i dont know. i might try to twist the story around too so that the situation with ryo and darkrai is like.... more interconnected so like satan + god. so maybe darkrai created ryo? i dont know if he can do that though. but this is my au. so. ok its 11 am i havent slept and that doesnt make sense but whatever
i talked about psycho jenny on my old account but i really like the idea of musharna psycho jenny taking the role of grovyle. i think it makes sense bc jenny always seems to be like, satan's #1 Demon Pal so it would make sense for her to take the role as ryo's pokemon partner before he met akira. sadly psycho jenny must die. but not really bc special episode 5 happens
i have NO idea who can take the celebi/dusknoir roles. celebi kind of has to stay the same considering its celebi and her existence as a celebi is sort of important. dusknoir might be changeable
sachiko azurill (: pleasant i think
OH HOW COULD I FORGET!!! Team skull is obvs dosu roku (koffing), masa (skuntank), and i actually decided on manjiro for zubat just because i can honestly make the design work out. theyre kind of based more on their characters from the ova than the manga...? but yaknow. team skull kinda has their own little redemption (sort of, even if they were dickheads the whole game) so it works out
ok i think this is all i got for now.... uhmmnhm UHM IVE GIVEN THIS WAY TOO MUCH THOUGHT OK
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ayyyez · 4 years
As a Tobirama stan, please tell me your thoughts about his actions and personality. You see, I hate him with a passion and I thought that he would’ve made such a great villain, so I just want to understand why some people stan him
I mean you don't have to like him and while its fine to hate a character I don't think I've ever hated a character that much before because idk I just always see potential. Probably the writer in me. I think I just am able to appreciate characters even if I don't like them 😊
I don't agree with all of Tobirama's actions but like he didn't make his choices do be a prick (even though he definitely can be lol) he did it because he genuinely thought it was for the greater good if the village. That motive right there makes him a pretty rounded character and I find it interesting to explore his reasons and drives. There's just so much open for interpretation in exploring all his sides not just the grumpy one lol. A flawed character is a good character. Also the idea of doing things for the greater good always leads to bad consequences 😂
I don't think its simple enough to say Tobirama hated the Uchiha (I know you didn't say that I just see it a lot lol). I mean he spent his whole life at war with them its understandable and he's right that the Uchiha are passionate and love deeply. So yeah he's weary but I feel like if anyone else from any other clan (including his own) threatened the village he would treat them the same way. And even his reasoning for giving them the police force and "elevated position" in his opinion wasn't malicious even if it did have devastating consequences - it was the wrong decision but he didn't even live to see that. I do think its fair to say that he didn't like Madara though.
I think a character making the wrong decisions with good intentions is just always interesting and intrigues me in general. And just quickly - all of the founders have their flaws I don't think it's fair to blame everything on him even though he does share part of the blame lol. He always pushed for peace even when he was a kid and commented about why doesn't his father just talk it out with the other clans.
I don't think he'd be able to be a villain because he isn't self serving enough to have that spice . He fights for peace and that's it. He's ready to just put himself on the line without thought. Maybe if his personality was different? Or he had something more personal to lose like someone he loved that would make him put aside those traits? Maybe if Hashirama was killed early on? Idk I feel like a good villain would be someone you can sort of relate to and have an important drive. 🤗 Again just my opinion.
Then there's my own interpretation of Tobirama. Lmao I just imagine him a certain way and love it. Its honestly just as simple as I write him as a grumpy man who goes soft for love and I am very into that aha. I like complex and flawed characters because it makes them feel more real. It also leaves room for growth in the story.
Idk I feel like naruto is full of flawed characters who made terrible decisions. I mean Itachi (and Obito) slaughtered his whole clan for the "right" reasons. Still a horrible thing. Obito started a war for his "right" reasons and in turn killed lots of people. Like I don't even like Hiruzen but I can still appreciate his character because he's complex. He did some good things and a lot of crappy things. Madara also did bad things because he had nothing left to lose - he ruined peace with the stone because they should bow down to the might of the leaf or whatever not to mention his involvement in the war? People love Orochimaru and Kabuto too. Even Neji tried to kill Hinata lol but yaknow thats just the Naruto universe 😂Still love all of them though right? Its much of a muchness. I think people are just drawn to different characters for different reasons and it doesn't mean others have to have the exact same opinions you know?
So long story short I like him just because my brain went oh he interesting to write and put my own twist on his character 🤗 you don't have to like him but I do 😂
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hlvrai ✨ 💕 🏳‍🌈
[takin asks]
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
HONESTLY i think its just the way the character dynamics work and the entire like. vibe of the series yknow? its got this absolute unhinged energy whilst also being grounded like. within goofs and jokes and shit which just has this pretty easy “go with the flow” tone that feels sorta fresh compared to my other way heavier interests. i just rlly like improv that gets serious, esp when its comedic! ppl draw comparisons to the sonic fandubs but honestly hlvrai feels more like a dnd podcast akin to like, taz or smth! id also be lying if knowing the backstory of the entire thing didnt help like the commentaries fully fucking launched me into hyperfocus/spin mode  DHVDSFVSDF i just like it when ppl talk abt their process or share like....inside jokes! and wayne nd everyone else involved have the funniest fucking experiences that they inserted into hlvrai its just cozy to listen 2 and learn abt! there are plenty more reasons but DFHJFDSHJG imstopping myself NOW
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
HONESTLY....EVERY CHARACTER IS REALLY FUCKING GOOD they all fill like a v specific niche of comedy i find funny so i can barely even pick a fav (and also a lot of it just WORKS because of the character dynamics/relationships and not necessarily the goofs themselves) but like....on god i just love tommy so fuckin much I LOVE HIS LINES and like. the way he speaks is so fucking funny to me i love the comparisons he makes (slower than molasses drips off a spoon :) and we’re like peach tea going through a silly straw will FOREVER be stuck in my mind i swear) and like....i feel thats super underappreciated dsfhgsdfjgfjg similarly though like. in terms of being a fucking comedic dark horse is bubby like i LOVE this fuckers attitude so much? just the amount of hubris and like. absolute cowardice that make up his character is on god some of the best fucking shit
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
I MEAN BESIDES NEURODIVERGENT TOMMY AND NONBINARY BENREY CAUSE OFC....i very much like gordons hand like. instead of just being ‘fixed’ at the end being replaced w a working prosthesis and i do just draw it like that whenever i aim 4 post final act stuff? like i just think its neat yaknow
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hey here’s a weird out of nowhere thought, but do you ever feel like when people deride art for like idk... trying to hard to be relatable or somethn similar its just? uncomfortable? Like making fun of owl turd comics for having too many jokes abt life punching him in the face, or like I saw someone claiming 21p is completely empty of any real substance/exploitative not to mention the derision that occurs when some teen makes something overdramatic abt their life and I guess it just makes me feel shitty?
Bc like I make art, and I make art about my personal issues/mental illness type shit, and that’s yaknow, tough, but it’s something I like to do and it’s cool to be able to express myself. But then I see that kind of derision and backlash and I guess the vibe I get is like, ‘everyone is tired of hearing about that, no one cares, your problems are stupid and fake draw something else’
and I know that’s my shit but I still just, like I can’t help get the vibe that you need to show your suffering credentials at the door or else you’re not allowed to explore that subject matter because if you miss the mark, or fail to express yourself quite right or do something cliche, fuck you you’re faking it to be relatable.
And it’s not like a huge fan of the things people make fun of but at the same time they’re not actually at all objectionable? And personally I feel like it’s kinda more important to me to create an environment that is safe for people to express themselves and explore those issues than it is to weed out people who are, what, faking it I guess?
so yeah w/e thats my thought for the day bc every time I want to make something relatin to my personal struggles theres a voice in my brain that whispers ‘god is that all you can talk about?’ and for some reason the people who feed that voice are the ones who are supposedly just like me and I find that pretty weird.
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