#(( its a baby fumus
Small Spoilers for KBASW (chapter 2).
In the previous chapter, I dissected the relationship between Kirby and the cappies. I wanted to highlight how much their affection for Kirby was on and off. They basically put all that pressure on a baby without a second thought!
Originally it was supposed to be King Dedede who did this (as a part of an elaborate scheme to get him kicked out of town). But that had to change once I decided to do a redemption arc for him. (Which is why it took so long to write.)
But then I remembered Tokkori... he was perfect for that role... to call out everyone's hypocrisy & treatment toward Kirby. Especially after I remembered the episode (51/49 Kirby takes the cake). He's supposed to be seen as antagonistic, but also in the right.
The next chapter will be the same... The next chapter will feature Meta Knight and Fumu/Tiff. And it will breaking-down their relationship at its core. Fumu/Tiff will be the whistleblower for MK's actions (same as. Tokkori), but she is not supposed to be seen as antagonistic.
I'm still in the process of writing, and I felt the need to explain it before I go further... I'm very afraid that people will think I'm villainizing her (or will see her as one) because she does say a lot of hurtful /hateful things... but they are true.
It's a really uncomfortable conversation, but it's needed... It highlights how much of a bystander Meta Knight was (in the anime)... and how much it was left up to Fumu/Tiff. Who, mind you, is just a child...
MK put all that pressure on a child to look after a baby (Kirby)... He is the adult in the situation. He knew everything about Kirby yet passed the responsibility on to Tiff/Fumu. Meta Knight does have a good reason (to be a double agent and all), but that does not excuse his actions
(There's another reason I put into the story along with that, but still to be revealed). Fumu/Tiff doesn't know the full situation of why MK did this thing... but she's not wrong.
I don't want to villainize MK, either... You understand why and where he's coming from. He does have a good reason why he must stay distant from everyone... and it breaks him.
It's a situation where you want to hug'em both... Look forward to crying a bucket of tears! (in 1 or 2 weeks)
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Kirby Kirby Kirby Stuff!! with Sirica! ^w^
(this is my Second time drawing her)
Goes Along with a Story!
Deoxys: *looks at the Stars*...I never saw this sky in a While..
Tuff(bun): What do u mean? u mean that the sky wasn't so pretty in your past?..*covers his mouth*
Deoxys: No its fine...u remind me..Maybe a Story will Tell u the Reason..
Tuff(bun): YAY!! STORY TIME STORY TIME STORY TIME!! *Runs to Tiff(fumu) to wake her up* TIFF ITS STORY TIME WAKE UP!!
Tiff(fumu): *getting Drowsy* Noooooo...I don't want toooo...
Tuff(bun):*starts grab Tiff buy her ponytail as Tiff hisses in Frustration as Both Siblings started fighting like Cats while Hissing at eachother*
Sirica(silica): HEY HEY!! QUIT IT BOTH OF YOU! *grabs Tiff(fumu) and Tuff(bun)s back*
Deoxys:Ahem!!...So what happend was..that That night sky reminds me of my Childhood as a Baby..but this Time there were a Flood of stars!
Tiff(fumu): OH! it must be the ones I saw on the Other Day!
Kirby: Poyo! ^0^
Deoxys: Cool! well that's it!
Tuff(bun): WHAT-*Starts stomping his foot* AAAAA-
Tiff(fumu): oh will u Shut up?
*galacta knight appears*
Galacta knight: hayo! I'm here to watch u sleep!
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mentedeus · 5 years
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✧     A silent child sits in a wispy, snow white realm. He hugs his legs, using a small and bony finger to pick at the ground. Solemnly wishing for a better day, he sighs as he sees a small ant with twitchy wings on the ground.
✂ — — — ❝ I should probably smash you.. but you didn’t do anything wrong, yeah? ❞
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escarlatafox · 4 years
Answer 17 Questions, Tag 17 People
Tagged by @dubsxfen
Nickname: Mort. Which is not a nickname I chose, it just sorta... Happened. I got labelled with it and it Stuck, but only among a specific set of fandom friends who aren’t even in the Madagascar fandom LOL. I don’t have a proper “internet name” outside of that, so when I get asked for an online-styled name I’m not sure what else to say, but at the same time, when people call me it outside of that specific friend group it’s always a little jarring ahaha. Maybe I just have to get accustomed to it being used in other contexts/by other people.
It’s also funny cause like.,. It’s not really a name that can be used in Madagascar fandom spaces because of how confusing that would get. Instead, in some Mada spaces I’ve been referred to as Milan instead because of my Discord name. Which is funny, ‘cause my Discord name is just a riff on Milan Kundera’s (the name of a famous author). I never intended to actually get called Milan. Assigned Milan Kundera kin LOL. Or should I say... Milan Kindera. Ayyyy!
Funny story: Being in a Madagascar fandom group voice chat and only half-listening... every single time the word “Mort” got used, because I was zoned out and would snap back to attention when it happened, it psyched me out and I thought they were referring to or addressing me even though I don’t get called that in that space. Due to context it’s obvious they’d be actually referring to the character and not me, but it seemed like I’d developed something of a Pavlovian response to it and I really do answer to it instinctively now after having others call me it so much. LOL
Zodiac: Pisces Fire Ox.
Height: I don’t know but I am very short!
Last thing I googled: emotion research lab
Song stuck in my head: OH lol.... Baby It’s Cold Outside.
Lucky number: 5, fourteen, 37............. Maybe 28 too. Eheh.
Dream job: Neuroscientist, but only in theory. Day-to-day life might not be all it’s cracked up to be as one, plus I realise now that like... Any research I’d contribute would probably be put towards nefarious purposes. Would love to become a translator, am eyeing that off somewhat. But who knows.
Wearing: black shirt, long pink skirt, socks.
Favourite author: In all sincerity.... It seems to be a toss-up between famed novelist Milan Kundera and..... a certain fanfiction author. Not naming names but if you know You Know. UM. Well they’re not just a fanfiction author they’ve published original fiction but! anyway!
Favourite instrument: I really like the sound of the violin. But also the Lisa Simpson worshipper in me thinks the saxophone is pretty damn neat as well.
Aesthetic: in terms of what? in terms of like online presence my aesthetic is clearly very heavy on fox imagery ahahah
Favourite song: can’t pick a favourite because there’s just too many, and I don’t really use Spotify but I do know what my “song of the year” for 2019 & 2020 would have been. 2019 would be Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and 2020 would be Madonna’s Crazy For You... lol. They aren’t FAVOURITE songs like I said, I like a lot of songs.
Favourite animal noise: maybe cats meowing probably.
Random: The new Animaniacs is amazing but I’m not actually really into its version of Pinky and the Brain. That’s probably because my exposure to Pinky & The Brain was first and foremost through their standalone series... I still may not have seen all their Animaniacs shorts, and certainly not all their Animaniacs appearances, because... I never really watched the original Animaniacs lol. Huge chunk of the appeal of Pinky and Brain’s show (and the characters) to me was things that really flourished with a larger episode runtime, which doesn’t have a chance to really rear its head when they’re confined to shorts within another series. When you have an entire episode you can really stretch the plot and subsequent plan for world domination to amusing and interesting lengths and include so much stuff with it. idk, I’m still mulling over why the new versions didn’t really Click with me like with the old show, because it’s certainly not the general consensus among fans. Will be interesting to see how season 2 goes. I really think it’s the shorter runtime that does it though... I’d want a new standalone Pinky and the Brain series so so bad. Also I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the non-PATB stuff since original Animaniacs never really grabbed my attention at all. So it’s this weird reverse situation where for the OG I care WAY more about Pinky and the Brain but for the new series I probably enjoy the Warner stuff a lot more! But yeah I probably feel like Pinky and Brain shine their brightest when going solo and heading their own series...
Bonus question to make 17 since I’m not dignifying the h*gwarts house question with a reply lol: What is your favourite fanfiction and/or fanfiction you read most recently and/or just a fanfiction you really enjoy? If you can’t answer this question you can just give the name of a book you really like instead or something <3
Edit: ok no I just counted and there’s definitely not 17 questions here??? lol what
Tagging (feel free to ignore!): @electricshoop @endless-abysses @vestron @marmitemausoleum @infini-tree @mashanevershutsup @edgeworth-s @gayasscyrus @schemingminor @vonlipvig @cassiathea @rumpleteazergrace @the-chloest @fumu @chuckletons @lovelylovelyartist @the-tao-of-fandom 
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Funamusea's Private Deep Sea Academy (part 1)
◆Ivlis He’s kinda dumb and a bit clumsy, but at his core he’s very serious and kind. His classmate Satanick is always following him around, he got pregnant, ended up giving birth, but it worked out in the end. Because he has Siralos as a firm foundation for his heart, he’s very mentally stable. “The bento that Siralos-sama made is so tasty...”
◆Igls・Unth Ivlis’s big sister. She’s very caring to her younger brother. Big boobs. An exceptional honors student and member of the kendo club.  She can’t stand cockroaches. If anything threatens her little brother she will draw out two swords and mince them on the spot. She is popular with girls. “Ivliiiiis, always eat balanced meals, okay?”
◆Siralos mama (papa) Ivlis and Igls’s mom (dad). A very active member of the Mother’s (father) Ballet group. Also working as a Sun idol, “Siralos-tan.” He is not an monster-overprotective parent, but a godly-overprotective parent. “Tonight we’re having beef stew, you’re thrilled, right?”
◆Satanick Ivlis’s classmate. Originally just frequently doing stalky stuff, eventually he was able to become Ivlis’s boyfriend (almost by force though). He’s the leader of some club, and is called “Maou/Devil lord” by its members. “B-B-Buri-chan’s recorder...... haaah haahh”
◆Licorice The crystallization of Ivlis and Satanick’s love. Because he wants to go to the same school as his mom, when school time comes he grows big. “Mother, there’s a grain of rice stuck to your cheek.” “Mama...”
◆Fumus Satanick’s older brother. They live in a cheap apartment together not far from school. He is the leader of a club separate from Satanick’s. He uses the club members (especially Taffy) as toys. “Oi Taffy, lick my shoe. Right now.”
◆Taffy Everyone’s sandbag. He’s the type to let you **** him if you beg. If you don’t wanna beg, you could also just punch him and he’d let you. “Uuu.... please go easy on me.... it hurts... auuuhh...”
◆Adauchi Created by Ivlis’s flames along with Poemi. Because he’s in the middle of his rebellious phase, he’s living in the dorms. Somehow or other he really likes his father. “....Dad is such a dumbass”
Poemi Adauchi’s little sister. She followed her brother so she’s also in the dorms. “I’m with big bro!”
◆Emalf He’s both Adauchi’s closest friend and childhood friend. Living the dorm life. Room right next to Adauchi’s. After stalking Yosafire, he got his picture exposed in the school newspaper and suffered extreme embarrassment. “Please, just not my sunglasses! Stop!”
◆Kcalb and Etihw A super lovey dovey couple (already engaged to be married) “I’m his wife♪”  “......” 
◆Wodahs Student Council President. Kcalb’s little brother.
◆Grora An A-cup. Her underwear is white. “Oi school president!!!”
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◆Wadanohara Samekichi’s childhood friend She adores Samekichi
◆Samekichi Wadanohara’s childhood friend He adores Wadanohara
◆that white thing Samekichi’s older twin brother. Although Samekichi makes all the blood drain from his face and rise to his face too, somehow or other he’s always caring about his younger brother.
◆Meikai papa Wadanohara’s papa. He’s good at cooking and the piano.
◆Old Samekichi and Syake’s papa. A salaryman. Meikai’s underling.
◆Tatsumiya Ms. office-lady-Miya. Old’s coworker since their early days.
◆Herika Head of the disciplinary committee. She’ll stab any rulebreakers with a drill. 
◆Pulmo Assistant to the head of the Disciplinary Committee. Floatyyy~ 
◆Met-chan Head of the Broadcast Committee. She can always be found plastering herself to the Newspaper Committee.
◆Yonaka Just your average schoolgirl. Occasionally becomes the God of Prosciutto. Library Committee.
◆Deviant Mogeko Yonaka’s lover. He looks like a baby.
◆Shinya He died a few years back in the middle of having sex. Sometimes he comes out as a ghost. 
◆Idate A gross nerd who stans Rocma. “Shirokuma-chann.... haah haaah”
◆Rock Also known as Eyebrows Penguin. Pissy all year round. Maybe he’s on his period?
◆Shirogane An Orca’s toy. Lost his rear virginity.
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◆Tarako Also known as “the octo of Seafloor High”
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Corner text: Funamusea Private Seafloor High School
Back text: Siralos-mama (papa)
Igls: Ivliiiiis? You can’t just ignore your vegetables
Ivlis: (nervous twitch)
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Yonaka ver: if you don’t return it on time I’ll kill you, ‘kay?
God of Prosciutto ver: IN THAT CASE THOU SHOULD PRESENT THY RECORD OF SINS (library card)
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one-starry-knight · 5 years
for real tho, Meta gets praised so much by fandom and treated like he's the most complex and interesting character in the anime when in reality he has a pinch of personality and a pinch of backstory and that pinch revolves entirely around other characters 9 times out of 10. he's seen as a mentor and father figure to Kirby (and hey, I'm guilty of that too) when he really does nothing to actually train Kirby beyond one episode where he gives a baby a sword, and in all honesty Fumu is the better pick to be a mentor and older sister figure. people simply opt for Meta because he's not* a "Mary Sue" like Fumu. he's seen as a cool and mysterious character, but he's only "mysterious" because he has no real character or backstory beyond "someone died in my vicinity and now I must brood on top of something"
he's such a flat fucking character and its really not as great as fans make it seem.
(*fandom interpretations often turn Meta into the definition of a Mary Sue, yet y'all treat Fumu like she's the biggets Mary Sue ever and treat it like its a problem just because she's the only fucking straightman in the show. hm! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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violetrosasumbra · 5 years
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after a very long time I have wrote up some major HC stuff for Nick! all of it is under the cut and I think its pretty long but it has to do with how he came to exist and powers! I have no idea if half of this will make much sense to anyone else besides myself and maybe a few others but! I am very happy with it!
long ago before even Vicers and Justim there was nothing, nothing besides one thing, the dark the dark is nothing yet everything always countless times has it seen the rise and fall of universes yet never had the chance to actually experience it all for itself, countless eons of knowledge resided within     then one day Vicers came to be, and soon his younger brother, and others, they began to create things, yet they needed a source for all of the worlds, for everything, they looked to the darkness, it was a small speck in the ever expanding space but it was perfect, eventually a child came to exist, Fumus though young he had a big role to play, and then much to Justims distaste, did Vicers say for every god there is a devil, neither of them expected what happened moments later, Fumus was off practicing making things when a loud noise came from the room he was in, and the two elders rushed to see and where surprised to find not only Fumus, but also a younger child, practically a baby stared up at the three with wide purple eyes, so pure, so innocent, so unknowing of the power he had within, the small speck they had was no more, or rather, it had taken form, at long last, the very darkness would experience what it is to live, the name they gave him? Satanick     Vicers more so decided that they should raise the young boy along with Fumus, they must clearly be a pair, yet it was still unclear as to who was a god, and who was a devil, begrudgingly Justim agreed, under one condition, they would keep his status as the source to just them, Photon, and The Reminiscences of Star, tho Vicers and Photon would dislike this fact, they agreed, it is unknown how TRoS felt on the matter
  although he does not know it, the reason Satanick calls himself ‘the very darkness itself’ is due to the fact, he really is, and tho this form we know is not the oldest thing, his very essence is, not only does he have shadow hands, and be able to manipulate most anything with shadows over all, he has the ability to make pocket spaces within them to hold things, and portals to move through to places      along with making it rain when he cries, he overall is able to make many types of weather, one of his jobs he does all the time in his world is decide how the weather is going to be, and other times of extreme emotions affect the weather too, in different ways, for example when he gets angry, it may rain yes, but it will also clash loudly of thunder, if he so wishes he could summon any type of natural disaster to wherever he is, or wishes it to happen if needed      again connected to his emotions are basically “tremors” that rip through the universe, they tend to happen without him knowing and beings of great power (other gods and devils) tend to feel them, they are like a punch to the gut, Photon, having been a universe themselves before feels them the most, and knows something is wrong with the nephew when it happens      something he rarely does but very much can, is create life out of nothing, an example of this would be when he made an… interesting crow and gave it to Kurotsuno     in the same vain, as it also came up with the pet he gave her, he is able to make manicure universes ones that can easily fit within the palm of your hand, as well as using this to make gifts at times he can make  the likes of a pendent that holds within it a galaxy, and can even spell out messages of a special meaning for the person he gave it to like ‘you are wonderful’ or the like     dark matter is another thing he is able to manipulate with ease, as it is a byproduct of whatever he was before     honestly most everything he is able to manipulate, including atoms, its part of why he was able to well combust and leave his suit just a bloody mess in one drawing (yes that is my reasoning for one time posting that icon with him just yelling physics)     as we all know he is able to grow roses from his blood, he is able to grow them with just magic as well, and he has a secret rose garden where he keeps and breeds new strains of his own personal roses, and while he is able to do that with ease, he has a harder time with any other plant to us humans it would look like he is a gifted gardener all the same however but he would have to grow most other plants the natural way
I feel like I slowly got off some of the topic but that’s the very basics of it all!
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bloodlily16 · 6 years
My Kirby Spielberg AU, aka ‘Kid Scifi Adventure in the Woods’ AU
Rambly Kirby (Right Back At Ya!) AU based off of me seeing a picture of human Fumu and Bun with an alien Kirby and immediately going nuts like the AU gremlin that I am in my heart of hearts.
Fumu and Bun live in Cappy Town, a town famous for being a place where basically nothing interesting happens. Imagine Mayberry except in the 21st century.
Fumu’s probably the smartest person in school, including her teachers, so she has a lot of hobbies and spends most of her time editing wikipedia articles and reading research papers and big books because learning is awesome! She does not have many friends, despite the fact that her dad is the mayor and is loaded. her parents try to connect with her, but Ebrum’s busy a lot of the time and Like is nice but isn’t sure how to connect with her daughter.
Bun, meanwhile, is a ragamuffin who kind of hates school and reading but he hangs out with Fumu because she lets him use his telescope and lends him books about really cool gross stuff. He still teases her for being a gigantic nerd, and is really pretty social and has a lot of friends who sometimes pester Fumu into playing with them because they’re bored.
One night Fumu and Bun are stargazing. Again, Fumu likes astronomy and has a telescope, and Bun just thinks seeing stars and planets and stuff is rad as heck. Bun wants to see some meteors, but Fumu tells him there aren’t any showers that night, so he might be out of luck.
Cue a giant shooting star that makes impact in the forest outside of town. Fumu and Bun momentarily freak out, but then decide to go and check it out. It takes them a while to get ready, but once they’re ready they’re gone.
They eventually find the place the meteor crashed, except the whole area’s been taped off, courtesy of Dedede.
Dedede is the richest man in town. He owns some tech company or whatever and provides about half the town’s budget and never lets Ebrum forget it. Bun’s dropped water balloons on his head multiple times. Fumu gives him tips on how to improve his aim. Dr. Escargon (nicknamed Escargoon by Fumu) is his loyal lackey.
They tell Fumu and Bun to leave and to go back home. Fumu and Bun agree… and then sneak in anyway because they neither like nor trust Dedede. They manage to sneak into the crash site, which is covered by a giant tent. When they look inside, they’re shocked to find a giant flying saucer shaped like a star! (Insert ‘Aliens’ meme here.)
They’re then found out by Jack Knight. RIP
Jack Knight’s this mysterious man who no-one knows anything about. He just moved in one day, made what’s basically a military compound ten miles out of town, and proceeded to keep to himself. Common consensus says that he’s probably ex spec ops or something like that and had probably toppled at least one (1) country’s government. He has neither confirmed or denied this statement. He also has a few people ho work for him, including people who’ve lived in town since forever, some people who live nearby, and strangers who moved in specifically to work at the base.
Blade and Sword are worth mentioning. They moved in at the exact same time as Jack Knight, and are extremely tight knit. It was a solid month before they actually started talking to people in town outside of just buying groceries and stuff like that. Since then, they’ve warmed up to the town, and are actually seen out and about a lot more. Getting them to talk about their past is still impossible.
So Jack gives them a dressing down and sends them home. Fumu and Bun proceed to head home, because honestly they’re freaked out about what might happen if they don’t listen to him and go back to the alien stuff. They’re 3/4 of the way home when they hear rustling in the bushes. They investigate, and are scared out of their wits when something round and pink springs out of the bushes.
Cue a tiny, cute baby alien with fangs looking up of them and exclaiming ‘Poyo!’
Fumu and Bun are equal parts scared and shocked, but they reason that this is probably whatever/whoever was in the spaceship. Since they don’t wanna leave the kid alone in the middle of the woods at night, and don’t wanna take him back to the crashsite, they take the kid home.
The next morning, after smuggling food to the alien and realizing that its stomach is a bag of holding, they overhear that some wild animal has been attacking pets and livestock. A lot of animals are going missing. This is weird enough, but Jack Knight and his people are also looking into this. Fumu and Bun worry about what might happen if they get their hands on the alien.
The alien then proceeds to sneak out that night. Fumu and Bun go after him, worried that he’s either eating animals, or that Jack Knight, Blade, and Sword will think he’s eating animals and then do something bad. They find the alien, but not before attracting the attention of Sword, so then they run and try to hide in a ranger station at the edge of the woods, hiding the alien under a bunch of hats and shirts and stuff.
Sword and Blade enter first, making smalltalk with Fumu and Bun, and then asking them what they’re doing out this late with the wild animal prowling around. Fumu and Bun try to deflect all questions, all while hiding a small, pink alien that doesn’t want to be hidden right now.
Enter jack Knight, who hears the ‘poyo’s and sees the moving pile of clothes. He wants to know what’s in said pile.
Fumu and Bun try to stop them, but Sword and Blade hold them back while jack uncovers the alien. The alien stares at Jack. Jack stares at the alien. The alien tilts his head up at Jack and asks him something with the same ‘Poyo poyo’ that he’s been repeating basically non-stop.
“It’s okay, Kirby,” says Jack. He reaches up to his wrist and presses a button on his watch. Suddenly, his human form is gone, and in its place is a squishy, blue alien who looks like the pink one (Did Jack call him Kirby?) except with yellow eyes and bat wings.
Fumu and Bun are understandably shocked by this. Kirby, however, brightens up and glomps Jack with a resounding ‘POYO!’, much to the surprise of everyone. Especially Jack.
Jack then explains that he and Kirby are the same species, and that they know each other. Aliens are, in fact, real, and a lot of them have camouflage technology that allows them to live among humans. A lot of them live in Cappy Town. Jack’s here with Blade and Sword because Dedede’s company’s tech looks a lot like alien tech, and Jack suspects he’s been getting it from out in space and wants to make sure he’s not going to end up dangerous.
Fumu wonders if the monster attacking animals was an alien too. Cue an UNHOLY SCREECH.
They all run outside to see a giant octopus monster eating a deer whole. Blade, Sword, and Jack (who calls himself Metaknight) attack it, but swords are useless against it. Then, Metaknight gets an idea. He gives Kirby some fire to eat. Kirby then proceeds to eat said fire, and transforms into Fire Kirby, and then he burns the monster to a crisp. The others are happy the monster’s dead.
Later, Dedede learns about the monster being dead, and worries about what ‘He’ will think about that.
I’m totally going to do some art and stuff for this later but TBH I like the story idea so much I just wanna get it out there. 
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