#(( just stating the facts 🖐️ ))
How does a Gallifreyan or a Time Lord experience humans? (or: how would you describe humanity from a Gallifreyan or Time Lord perspective while accounting for their fundamentally different sensory experiences?)
How do Time Lords see humans?
Gallifreyans/Time Lords have a wealth of senses they can use in their first impressions when meeting a human.
🌟 Immediate Sensory Impressions
👁️Visual: Time Lords naturally see more enhanced colours and details than humans can, so they can notice incredibly subtle details about a particular human. With a look, they can also read cues about a human’s health and emotional state - this might include seeing the flush of blood under the skin, the subtle muscle tension, and micro-expressions that might reveal a person's true feelings or intentions.
🦨 Scent: Humans stink. Time Lords can detect pheromonal changes that indicate stress, fear, or deceit if they concentrate. They can also detect the unique personal scent that every human carries. This can extend to a deeper picture of where the human has been recently and their lifestyle choices, like diet and hygiene.
🎧 Auditory: Time Lords can hear not just words but also the underlying frequencies of a human’s voice that could indicate mood and sincerity - if they try hard enough, they can hear the heartbeat, a quick inhalation of surprise or shock, or a sigh of relief.
🖐️ Touch: Even through a handshake, Time Lords feel the texture and temperature of human skin, the strength of a grip, and the pulse rate, all of which offer clues about a person's current physical and emotional state.
👄 Taste (if applicable): If you're hitting first base, Time Lords can discern a lot from this sense. Their enhanced taste buds can detect residual chemicals and substances on a person’s skin or breath, providing insights into the person's recent activities, health status, and even emotional state (as certain emotions can alter the body's chemistry).
🕰️ Chrono: Time Lords are 'time sensitive', meaning they can perceive time as a dimension - as easily as humans can see how much wine is left in the glass (not enough). This means when they meet someone, they sense not just who that person is now but the "echoes" of their past and potential futures. They might get a sense of important past events that have shaped the person, or their potential future significance. This probably doesn’t manifest as clear visions but more as a nuanced understanding of the person’s temporal significance. This could result in a particular 'draw' or 'revulsion' to them.
🔮 Psionic: Most Time Lords can't read minds medially or distally (i.e., most can't read minds without touching a person), but they can get a sense of mood or subtle emotional undercurrents from a distance. They pick up on psychic residues that humans unconsciously emit, which reflect their current emotional state and deeper, often unacknowledged, feelings.
🤔 Practical Interaction
In practical terms, when a Time Lord first encounters a human, they process all these details and form a complex, layered first impression. Time Lords tailor their social response based on this comprehensive sensory and temporal analysis, often leading to interactions that seem incredibly perceptive or mysteriously prescient to humans.
Of course, some Time Lords prefer to shut down or ignore many of these extras to be on a more human level for their own reasons.
Factoid: Can Gallifreyans taste memories?
What does time feel like to a Time Lord?: Theoretical ideas on how Time Lords perceive actual time through their senses.
Factoid: Do Gallifreyans have a super sense of smell?
Hope that helped! 😃
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fairycosmos · 2 years
"is 21 too old to-" AHT 🖐️ STOP RIGHT THERE & BE FR... twenty one years of age is not too old to do literally anything, on earth, by any definition whatsoever
And Furthermore (at the risk of the message sounding mean from this point forward, though i mean every bit with love in my heart); good god girl get a grip. yes its sad that the evil rotten culture we live in has gaslit you like this, anon, and yes i have sympathy for this nearly-inevitable pitfall! and yet. it is in everyone's best interests to reach out and choose some basic common sense for quality of life (frankly even survival) purposes. and what i mean by that is, like, anon, you have been a legal adult- a genuine grownup in the eyes of the state apparatus- for 3 years. do you see. you're a 21 year old human but you are only a THREE YEAR OLD Adult. do you understand. like, a minute ago you obtained the legal right to ingest alcohol. MOST of your life has yet to be lived- like, the VAST MAJORITY of it. you have only just begun, and Decades And Fucking Decades stretch out before you. the paths are either: decide on your agency and claw yourself up from this hole in the ground of learned helplessness that our society and its cult of youth-worship has been digging out from under your very feet all your life! Or: go ahead and give in (like some sort of sucker), start doing your share of the digging For them- feel free, they'll gleefully toss you a shovel. and, absolutely inevitably, spend the rest (again- Vast Majority) of your experience alive in aching distress- low-level, perhaps! but persistent, constant even, nonetheless- at the fact that the scant few years of development just past adolescence are in the rearview permanently. or, as the latter option is known in the industry, "winning stupid prizes." we all age babe! flounder in the face of that fact to the detriment of your + others' overall health and wellbeing or get living
@ college anon i believe U have just been given advice i would pay for. thank u sm for this <3 im like foaming at the mouth hoping they'll see it bc i think it could be sooo valuable for them to hear it rn. hell it was valuable to me even. wish u were like a sibling figure in my life that i could lean on from time to time! massive hugs. x
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tumblr keeps exposing me cuz every time i get a notification it says “your crush is at it again” “mind-blowing post from your crush. they’re a favorite of yours, we’ve noticed ❤️”
and i be like WHO tf IS MY CRUSH??? i don’t even have a crush, and i click and it’s you😐
is me drunk anon.
i’m not sure if you talked about this before. you may have, and i have a feeling you did. i just don’t remember, but what are your hcs/theories for Ada’s back story and how she became a merc? (maybe you might want to do them FAQ shit lmao, hehe just a suggestion because i understand it can quiet get a bit tiring answering repetitive questions)
let’s get very deep with this. let’s not glide the surface of the water. i do believe that she started at a very young age. maybe around 9 or 10. and for this whole mercenary thing to work? there is no way she went to public school. was Ada born in China then gained US citizenship, or born in the US? i hc Ada’s parents as immigrants FOR SURE. maybe her family came to the US to escape economic hardships in China? maybe her parents are US citizens but her grandparents are immigrants? i’m only saying this because i believe it’s canon information that Ada is Chinese-American (and honestly i don’t remember seeing where Vietnamese came from), so she can’t be Australian or Canadian lmao
i would go on but this question is for u and not for me lol
k bye (YOU DRINK WATER too FAWK 🫵😤 and eat a something. u need reminding too 🖐️😌)
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"they're a favourite of yours," YOU HAVE OTHER FAVOURITES????? >:((((((
im jks dfjkbfdjkssdjkfbskf
sdjkfjskfjksbfs honestly i have answered lots of things and i keep forgetting to link them to my masterlist and im also lazy
OKAYOKAOKAYOKAY so i think the "Ada is Chinese/American" has been a huge misinterpretation based on that one "Ada Wong facts" vid from ink ribbon? the video states that she's Chinese-American and for some reason I think people interpreted that as she's half Chinese / Half white. (i've always interpreted it as just she is Chinese AND lives in America and has grown up partially in America.
also for some reason it seems like Ada (to me) is the only fully asian character because jill has always supposed to be half japanese and they just COMPLETELY got rid of that imo. i refuse to acknowledge that she's half japanese considering they just don't do anything alluding to the fact that she is. she's always been modelled after white models too.
And also a lot of sites including capcom just state that's Ada's "of Chinese descent" and don't specify anything else.
ALSO capcom FUCKED UP REAL BAD IMO by modeling her with a WHITE PERSON'S FACE. ada, a chinese woman, should've NEVER been modelled after a white person. i know that for a bit of damnation? courtenay taylor stated that they modelled it a bit after her because of her face/voice???? but i don't know if it was confirmed, it was just from an interview and she wasn't even sure herself
i think because we have no idea for her backstory and there's no canon backstory there's so much to go on for DDDD: i just have so many thoughts about what kind of life she could've had.
god i just reread this and im rambling a lot just a lot of YAPPING
okay uh
i don't really think she was born in the states tbh. i do think her parents were immigrants or at least she had something that made her go to the states. i like the idea of her having to at least grow up a bit in the states (particularly in her teens) and that's also why i think she doesn't have an accent.
also YEAH i do know a lot of people who have come over from china or some part of asia and they RARELY lose their accent if they come over in their 20s. (most people have defined vocab at this point and unless they actively try to lose their accent or change their vocab, it tends to stay kinda the same. their english will get better, but i've also known people that lost a lot of their english after leaving uni for example) i've only see people lose their accent/never develop one if they have lived in america for 15+ years or grew up for a lot of their childhood/teen years
i know that's confirmation bias lol but considering ada's always had perfect american english, i (personally) can not headcanon that she moved into the states in her 20s. i think that she could've been in the states by the time she's like 7-11.
i'm not a huge headcanon-er of ada having siblings (particularly younger siblings.) also it being the 70s, (if her family complied with the law) she should not/would not have younger siblings (look up "one child law" if you're confused) i can see her having a younger friend that she "wanted as a sister"
i can maybe see ada having an older sibling, but i also hc that her family (similarly to leon and the rest of the re cast lol) have all lost their families in their entirety. (also i KNOW that the "leon lost his entire family" thing hasn't ever really been confirmed, it's just heavily headcanoned)
ada is not a chinese name. WONG is, but ada isn't. i've struggled with this and trying to find a reason for this lol other than it just being a fake name. iirc ada is a german name (from it's origins)
hehe i go eat something sweet hehe :3
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askjerrydandridge · 2 years
(( I am so proud of Johnny right now, hate all the fucking bullshit people are putting out there supporting Amber. She can stick her statement right up her ass ))
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Do you answer questions about time lord non biology such as the Celestis and the various other conceptual entities related to them?
If so what kind of process other than the standard need to be observed do the non conceptual entities of the Celestis go through. Do they have a conceptual equivalent to digestion?
Gallifreyan/Time Lord biology is primarily focused on here, simply because it has a good amount of information to start, so responses can be detailed and accurate. When it comes to the Celestis, any response would be almost entirely made up, however, I'll outline a few theories.
How might the Celestis digest?
Given that the nature of the Celesti is conceptual, any form of 'digestion' could be metaphorical/abstract rather than physical. They might 'consume' thoughts, ideas, or emotions. Maybe when someone thinks about them, or certain concepts or ideas align with their nature, they get sustenance or strength from those thoughts.
Some options:
💭 Thought Consumption: The Celesti thrive on being thought of - a collective idea - so maybe every time someone thinks about them or acknowledges their existence, they might be 'feeding' on them.
🖐️ Conceptual Assimilation: They might thrive on assimilating or understanding certain concepts. As those concepts evolve or spread, the Celesti could grow stronger.
🌌 Existential Symbiosis: On the edge of the ballpark, their existence could be intertwined with another being or concept, so as that being or concept thrives, so do the Celestis.
As stated, this is all completely theoretical and shouldn't be taken as fact - just a few thoughts.
What are the top ten Houses for weird biology?: How Houses affect biological traits in Gallifreyan society, ranked by weirdness.
What benefits/changes to biology would a Time Lord loomed into House Mirraflex get?: Details of specific physiological benefits those from House Mirraflex may get.
Can you tell me anything about Nechronomancers?: Who the Nechronomancers are and their potential biology.
Hope that helped! 😃
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