hurricanejane · 1 year
My new job requires long sleeves so maybe I'll start dressing like the Winchesters and see if anyone notices.
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radio-charlie · 2 years
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oacest · 2 months
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Do you have a little time to talk about our lord and savior Orochimaru sama?
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Hi, I just wanna share that I ship Ashley and Leon since the original RE, and I ship them even more now more than ever. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I saw your blog. You defend them from hate comments. I could never do that. All I do is hide the fact that I ship them because people online (and IRL) can really be mean when I say that they have a good potential together.
I just think that their relationship can be wholesome and built on trust. It is without ill intention and born out of care & adoration. Which I think are the some of the foundations of having a healthy relationship, that’s why I love the idea of them together. I know this may be cliche to say this, but I think they can complete each other in some ways.
Is it wrong to want a potentially healthy relationship for Leon? I don’t get why people hate on the idea of it so much. I mean people can not ship it, and that’s fine. I just don’t get it when others start attacking because I mention that I ship them. It’s like I feel like I’m about to get executed whenever I say that they have a chemistry together 😆
Also, I apologize for talking so much about them. I just have no one to talk to when it comes to them. I just wanna share it to someone.
Lastly, I wanna say that you make deep analysis on not just their relationship and dynamics, but also on other lores on the RE franchise which I enjoy reading. It really gives a lot of new perspectives & insights on a lot of things that I don’t notice when I play the game. Thank you for this, really!
aw, anon
I also went through a period of very many years where I wouldn't say out loud that I shipped Leon and Ashley, because there was a stretch of a very long time in fandom where you got tarred and feathered if you dared have a Leon ship that wasn't Cleon or Aeon. Even shipping him with Chris was considered taboo back in the day (and, wouldn't you know, I do that, too).
And I was scared that people wouldn't take my (completely unrelated, mind you!!) meta seriously if they knew I shipped Leon/Ashley, so I just kept quiet about it. I even tried to pass it off, for a while, that I had no RE ships at all. It was just easier to say that than be dodgy about it.
It was actually kind of funny. For a while, a not-insignificant portion of the fandom went to me, specifically, for all of their Leon things, and I just had to kind of laugh at how ridiculous it was that these same people would've just stopped agreeing with anything I said about him -- things that they agreed with and had been relying on for their own interpretations -- if they'd known I shipped him with Ashley. It's all very, very stupid.
But now I'm in my 30s and I don't give a fucking shit anymore. I don't care about being an authority on canon anymore. I'm happy to be a reference if someone needs it, but I don't care about being the central hub of information. I don't need to try to make people feel impartially about me anymore.
But, authority or not, I'm still a story analyst at heart before anything else. I look at Leon's character first and then think about any possible ships second. And, yeah. After analyzing him for so long, I've noticed that Ashley brings out a side of him that isn't shown at any other point -- and it's in a positive way that's absent when she's gone. So, naturally and logically, in my head, it stands to reason that there's something to that.
Some people seem to be under the impression that Leon's character arc lives and dies by Ada's involvement, and boy is that just not the case. There's a lot of different moving parts when it comes to Leon's character arc, but he's primarily defined by the striking lack of agency he has, despite being one of the main characters of the series. Ada perpetuates and exacerbates that helplessness, but it would still exist without her. In Leon's own words: "nothing ever changes" and THAT is what's at the center of his character arc.
But even beyond that, Leon is a character who needs to be needed; it's something that's shown over and over and over and over again. So, as much as people like the idea of a "partners" type ship (like Chris/Jill) and so they ship him with Claire -- or as much as people like the whole cat-and-mouse will-they-won't-they thing that Leon has going on with Ada -- neither Claire nor Ada need Leon, so it would never really work in the long-term.
And as much as Leon doesn't want Ashley to need him... he still needs her to. Because he doesn't realize that Ashley can both need him emotionally because that's what romance is you fucking stupid idiot, Leon -- and also be her own independent person living her life to the fullest at the same time.
And you know what? I like queen/knight ships, and that's exactly what Leon and Ashley are. So I just embrace it.
This isn't to discount other people's tastes or ship preferences. Ship whatever the hell yall want. But Leon/Ashley has always existed, will always exist, and it's just as valid as any other ship. Thankfully, the remake seems to have made it more "acceptable" -- which really just tells me that the only reason why we Leon/Ashley folks were blacklisted for so long is because the vast majority of the fandom was just bad at RE4 and took out their impotent gamer rage on Ashley, as though it was her fault they sucked at the game. (If you got annoyed at Ashley screaming for help in OG -- or in remake, even -- it's because you let her get grabbed. It's player error.)
Just sayin.
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desifugo · 11 months
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mymidwestheart · 1 year
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dragonballsitcom · 1 year
We're lost. Why did you let me chase a waterfall? You know what TLC says.
-Gohan at some point
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
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suck_oscars_grouch - Arm Wrestling Champ
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jesuscrab · 2 months
played house of the dead 4 at the arcade with my partner which reignited my weird unrealized love of light gun games
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nvrcmplt · 10 months
"Zayde," She calls softly to her beloved as she approaches, only to slump into his back and throw her arms around his torso so she can cling to him. Perhaps akin to a koala or a backpack. "What should we order for dinner tonight? I'm thinking burgers."
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"Y'ello babe." He hesitated in picking up the kettle when she came behind him, knowing that the moment he'd do so, she's hug him. So, when he felt her settle in, did he return to grabbing the prior boiled thing and moving to pour it into the four cups on the kitchen surface. At her question though he did hum in wonder himself, hunger wasn't on the mind at first, but the mention of burgers did sound delightful.
"Homemade or order in?" He'd help the best he can with one hand, but she'd have to do most of the work or they can fight Yasushi into helping out. He was a meat man after all, knew his meaty dishes hardcore. A good cook considering he was a slob in other areas. Perry was good with balancing vegetables and the likes but he was at work right now so that wasn't an ask they could go with.
"I like the sound of 'em though, Nin. Can get 'em waffle fries ya like with 'em, yeah? Oh, and that chicken wrap ya got last time was nice as shit, get me one, nah two of 'em. You need my card info?"
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fuckedliar · 1 year
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@incorporeil sent: Smash or smash bc we know it’s smash
fingers  brush  back  the  dark  curl  from  cordelia's  eyes.  pale  brows  arching  as  she  gives  her  a  full  and  wide  smile.  "  smash.  always  smash.  "  she  cant  help  but  throw  a  wink  in  her  direction,  "  after  all  you're  just  too  sweet  to  not  wanna  eat  up.  "
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Currently at that point in the winter where every morning I remind myself I should really buy a wearable blanket if I want to get out of bed at all.
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therichantsim · 10 months
Dear friends and family,
Stop asking me what I'm cooking for Thanksgiving! Y'all know we give thanks over here all day erryday! I'm not celebrating the g*n*c*de of Indigenous people who are native to the Americas. While at least three other g*n*c*des are taking place globally by the very same muhfukkas that lied about the true meaning behind Thanksgiving in the first place. 🍉🍉🍉
A temporary ceasefire on a long holiday/ football weekend. The multi-million dollar ramped-up propaganda campaign that's funded by Israel will be in full effect. Stay woke people.
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atomiqueen · 1 month
lucy maclean 🤝 eddie munson
having the most big wet sopping puppy eyes in any stressful situation
SO TRUE BESTIE they are both just 👁️👄👁️ all day erryday—
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